Page 1: The Sunday Good… · brought New Life to all. As we pre-pare for Christmas, let us be assured that our “Dreams

3rd Sunday of Advent, December 16th

“Through faith and baptism in Jesus Christ, each of us is called to grow in holiness and grace. Each of us is called to evangelize others with zeal and joy through the wit-ness of one’s life in word, worship and service that builds up the community.”


Holy Spirit come to us, as we prepare

to receive you in confirmation.

Fill us with your loving grace,

as we wait for the Baby Jesus.

Grace originally received

at the moment of our Baptism…

The original membership

in the Family of God.

Help us to prepare our hearts

with kindness and God’s power.

We are Christ in the world through

Word, Worship and Christian Service.

Making Room in our hearts

for God’s kindness and love…

As was once done for the Baby Jesus

lying in a manger.

Advent Wreath and Blessed Candles…

Awaiting the miracle of Christmas Joy.

Reaching out to all—

because all are welcome.

We are the future of the Church.

8th grade Confirmation Class—St. Paul’s Parish and Jeanne Evans, Northern

Regional Service Team

Monday, December 17th

“So many of you have profound hopes and dreams for the Church of Scranton. We are a people of hope precisely because we are not too proud to admit that we are wounded and broken and in need of a power bigger than ourselves to help us make sense of our lives. We believe that such a power is rooted in our relationship with the Lord Jesus.”

In our journey towards the Feast of

the Birth of the Christ child, today’s

Gospel reminds us of the generations,

Before Christ, who anticipated and

waited with Hope for His coming.

Included in these generations was the

Faithful Remnant who remained faith-

ful to the Covenant initiated and es-

tablished by Yahweh with them in the

Old Testament. As promised by Yah-

weh, faithful adherence to the Cove-

nant gave assurance to their Hope

that they would be “spiritually en-

riched” by Jesus’ Coming. And indeed

His Love, an Unconditional Love,

brought New Life to all. As we pre-

pare for Christmas, let us be assured

that our “Dreams and Hopes” have

been realized through the New Life

that we received at Baptism and en-

riched by the Sacraments especially

the Eucharist. And as Baptized Chris-

tians and People who celebrate Eucha-

rist and the other Sacraments, we are

called to share this New Life with oth-

ers. United with Christ in Love, we are

called to reach out by listening, caring,

The Sunday Good News Third Sunday of Advent St. John Bosco December 16, 2012

ADVENT REFLECTIONS 2012 Based on Wounded and Loved

Regathering the Scattered A Pastoral Vision for the Church of Scranton Most Reverend Joseph C. Bambera, Bishop


Youth Group Meeting…………….Sunday, December 16, 6—8:00PM Knights of Columbus……....Tuesday, December 18, 7:00PM

Adult Choir…………............Monday, December 17, 7:00—9:00 PM AA and AL-ANON……......Wednesday, December 19, 7:00PM

American Red Cross Bloodmobile Children’s Choir Rehearsal....Thursday, December 20, 6-8PM

………………....Monday, December 17,1:00—6:00PM

Advent Penance Service…………....Tuesday, December 18, 7:00PM

supporting, sacrificing, and more. We

are called to be followers of Jesus, do-

ing what He did, by Reaching Out and

Giving of Ourselves so that others may

live. The Birth of Jesus assures us of

God’s Love for Us and calls us to Love


Deacon Joe DeVizia, Southern Regional Service Team

Tuesday, December 18th

“God could have chosen to relate to His creation in any way he wanted. Yet he chose to relate to it – to us who are made in His very image and likeness – through His Son Jesus, who took on human flesh.”

In today’s gospel passage the prophecy

of Isaiah (7:14) is fulfilled; “The virgin

shall be with child and give birth to a

son, and they shall call him Em-

manuel.” (Mt 1:23) In Bishop Bam-

bera’s Pastoral Letter, we read these

words; “God could have chosen to

relate to his creation in any way he

wanted. Yet he chose to relate to it—

to us—through His Son Jesus, who

took on human flesh.” One word in

today’s scripture passage describes

how our Bishop‘s statement is real-

ized— Emmanuel—God is with us!

During the season of Advent we pre-

pare ourselves to celebrate the first

coming of Christ at Christmas and to

wait, in joyful hope, for his second

coming at the end of time. We often

overlook Jesus’ constant presence to us

every day, truly, God is with us. We

might easily think of his presence in a

loving word proclaimed in scripture or

perhaps in the Eucharist we share, but

(Continued on page 4)

Page 2: The Sunday Good… · brought New Life to all. As we pre-pare for Christmas, let us be assured that our “Dreams

HISTORY OF ST. JOHN BOSCO On December 15th of this year, we are exactly one year away from cele-brating the 50th anniversary of the dedication of our church. A series of

articles and information will appear from time to time during the year to honor, reminisce, and reflect on our parish history.

St. John Bosco Church was built in 1963 to serve the Catholic families of Conyngham Valley but it had been almost 20 years earlier in 1947 when the late Bishop William J. Hafey, acting with what turned out to be great fore-sight, purchased the land along Route 93 which now is the site of the church. Prior to 1963 when St. John Bosco Parish was established, the people of Conyngham Valley had no Catholic church in their community. The Byzan-tine Rite Franciscans had established Holy Dormition Monastery at Syberts-ville and the Good Shepherd Church was situated at Drums, but there was no parish for Conyngham Valley Catholics less than seven miles away. In the summer of 1959, two Catholic women who resided in the valley, Mrs. Benjamin Goodyear and Mrs. John Humenick, circulated a petition among the Catholic families of the area and made a survey as to the feasibility of building a church on the tract owned by the diocese. They then contacted the Bishop’s office at Scranton and asked for establishment of a Conyngham par-ish. A letter of approval and authorization for further discussion of the proposal was received from the Bishop on June 6, 1961. In the spring of 1962, the Rev. Vincent Langan, then an assistant at Holy Trinity Church (Laurel St.) in Hazleton, was directed to conduct a census of Catholic families in the Valley under the supervision of Monsignor Joseph Gavenda, Dean of LowerA Luzerne County. To the surprise of many, more than 100 Catholic families were listed, all of them traveling considerable distances to attend services at various churches in the Hazleton area. Following the census, the apparent need for a Conyngham parish was evident and the decision was made to es-tablish a church here. Construction of St. John Bosco Church was begun early in 1963 and on De-cember 15, 1963, the church was dedicated by the late Bishop Jerome D. Hannan, then Bishop of Scranton. In February of 1964, the Rev. Anthony Skurla, O.F.M., of Holy Dormition Monastery, with the permission of Bishop Hannan, erected the Stations of the Cross in the new church. For several months after the dedication the new parish lacked a pastor and various priests from area churches celebrated Mass until March 4, 1964 when Rev. Joseph T. Shaughnessy was assigned as first pastor of St. John Bosco Church. He celebrated his first Mass as pastor on March 8, 1964. The first choir was organized in January of 1964 with 18 members, directed by Father Langan. In January, 1965, the Holy Name Society was organized and the Altar and Rosary Society was formed in December, 1965.

to be continued...



December 22nd & December 23rd

4:00 PM Lectors………… Robert Ritz Edward Ecker

Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion Altar Servers

Ann Corazza Julia Tihansky Nadine Skawski Christian Deangelo Jason Seiwell JoAnn Brown

7:30 AM Lector…………. Frank Polidora

Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion Altar Servers

Don Bayzick Nina Zola Appey Palfey Cecilia Zielinski Jim Zielinski

9:00 AM Lector……………. Christina Davis Anthony Tier

Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion Altar Servers

Phil Guza Andrew Myers Annetta Williams Sarah Myers Jack Shamberger Andrea Fendrick

11:30 AM Lector……………. John Samoyedny Arlene Stagg

Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion Altar Servers

Jan Kelly Kelly Drumheller Jeffrey Fendrick Sabrina Zanolini Mary Beth Tedesco

Personal Home Care Ministry December 16 Appey Palfey December 23 Mary Ann Kline December 30 Donna Pesansky

The Sunday Good News



The American Red Cross Bloodmo-bile will be here on Monday, Decem-ber 17th from 1:00PM to 6:00 PM. Blood donations are in great need this time of year. Walk-ins are most welcome or you can call 1-800-RED-CROSS or visit to schedule an appointment. A great gift to give someone in need and greatly appreciated!!

VALLEY FOOD PANTRY During the Christmas season, items for baked goods would be most ap-preciated such as sugar, flour, cake mix, icing. Thank you for your contin-ued generosity for those in need.

CRS GIFT CATALOG Consider a gift that will give twice by purchasing a full, half or quarter share, in a project funded by Catho-lic Relief Services (CRS). You can choose from many projects in differ-ent countries that either feed the poor, encourage self-sufficiency, build a better society or promote health. When you make a donation in someone’s name, both can share in the joy of helping others in the spirit of Christmas. Check it out at:


PLAY Good Shepherd invites you to see the children in a Christmas play this Sunday, December 16th at 1:0PM.

Page 3: The Sunday Good… · brought New Life to all. As we pre-pare for Christmas, let us be assured that our “Dreams


Monday, December 17, 7:00PM……......…………………………….....Transfiguration

Tuesday, December 18, 7:00PM……………………….…………………..St. John Bosco

Sunday, December 23, 2:30PM………………………………………….……...St. Gabriel



The Tabernacle Candle burns this week in memory of Charles Sanko by Andy & Irene Sanko.

The Faith Formation staff would like to wish all students and their families a Merry Christmas and a Happy, Healthy 2013. There are no classes Sunday, December 23rd. Classes resume Sunday, January 6th at 10AM.

Mrs. Biever's 5th Level class is collecting donations for the local animal shelter. Donations can be left at the Faith Formation Office this weekend.

Thank you to all families who participated in the K and 1st Level Family Project. Please take the time to stop by the Parish Hall to view their work.

Change for a Change continues! Spare change is being collected by our Faith Formation students to aid in the Hurricane Sandy relief effort. Donations can be dropped off this Sunday in the bucket outside of the Faith Formation office.

The Sunday Good News

Please consider helping us meet our par-ish operating expenses for 2012-2013 by offering your gift each week that is:


Proportionate to your income,

and in Gratitude to God

for God’s many blessings!



Third Sunday of Advent


Zep 3:14-18a; Phil 4:4-7; Lk 3:10-18


Gn 49:2, 8-10; Mt 1:1-17


Jer 23:5-8; Mt 1:18-25


Jgs 13:2-7, 24-25a; Lk 1:5-25


Is 7:10-14; Lk 1:26-38


Sg 2:8-14 or Zep 3:14-18a; Lk 1:39-45


1 Sm 1:24-28; Lk 1:46-56


1270 families receive envelopes

December 8th 262 people attended the 4:00 PM Liturgy

95 families used their envelopes and offered $1,521.00

December 9th 203 people attended the 7:30 AM Liturgy

105 families used their envelopes and offered $1,718.00

423 people attended the 9:00 AM Liturgy

123 families used their envelopes and offered $1,855.00

312 people attended the 11:30 AM Liturgy 85 families used their envelopes

and offered $1,388.00

In recognition of our need to give, the many needs of our church and parish, and in gratitude for God’s gifts to us, we de-clare our willingness to return a portion

of our Treasure to our parish, as a part of our total Christian stewardship.

December 8th/9th’s Tithe from

416 families was $6,482.00 Our loose offering was $1,008.40

Weekly Operating Budget $12,019.08

Last week’s second collection for the Retired Religious was $1,750.00. Thank you for your generosity!

CONFIRMATION Confirmation class will be held on Tuesday, December 18th from 6:30 to 7:30 in the gym. Candi-dates should bring their portfo-lios to class. Also due this month are the $25.00 Confirmation fee, Saint paragraph, and Sponsor name with a card/letter from the sponsor's parish stating that they are a Catholic in good standing.

Saturday, 4:00 PM December 15 Ray Kowalski By Wife, Nancy & Family

Sunday, 7:30 AM December 16 Vera & Joseph Gallagher – By Mr. & Mrs. Terry Gallagher

Sunday, 9:00 AM December 16 Living & Deceased Members of St. John Bosco

Sunday, 11:30 AM December 16 Priest’s Intention

Monday, 8:00 AM December 17 John & Helen Yamulla By Daughter, Claudette Angelo

Tuesday, 8:00 AM December 18 Joseph Rebarchak By Mary, Peter, & Jimmy Frye

Wednesday, 8:00AM December 19 Catherine Lyman By Mr. & Mrs. Dominic Pino Family

Thursday, 8:00 AM December 20 Special Intention By Pat & Patty Raico

Friday, 8:00 AM December 21 Frank Liotta By Mr. & Mrs. Richard Stanek

Saturday, 4:00 PM December 22 Eleanor Sleboda By Barbara Bogdon Family

Sunday, 7:30 AM December 23 Walter Ganc By Thomas Gans Family

Sunday, 9:00 AM December 23 Living & Deceased Members of St. John Bosco

Sunday, 11:30 AM December 23 Priest’s Intention

YOUTH GROUP NEWS The Combined Youth Ministry of GS/SJB will meet on December 16th at GS from 6—8PM. All those in grades 6—12 are wel-come to come. For more informa-tion, call Scott Higgins at 570- 406-9953.

Page 4: The Sunday Good… · brought New Life to all. As we pre-pare for Christmas, let us be assured that our “Dreams

Saint Agnes Serving Students Studying for Confirmation to affirm our faith, Enjoying setting up for our school func-tions, Recycling each day for our school, Visiting our prayer pal, Inspiring others to serve, Nurturing the celebration of our faith, Guiding our Little Buddies on the cor-rect pathway. Sharing our talents by singing on our school choir, Taking good care of our school Understanding God on our faith journey Decorating our “Candle for Cancer”, Eagerly supporting missionary work, Noting that new ways to help people are key to service, Teaming up with others in all that we do, Serving our school, parish, and commu-nity with pride

St. Agnes School, Sixth Grade Classin col-laboration with their teacher and their

school principal, Kathleen Dewan, Western Regional Service


Saturday, December 22nd

“Strive to promote the conscious-ness that we are all part of a global community and our ac-tions often have broader implica-tions than just within our local community.”

Then Mary said: “My being proclaims the greatness ofthe Lord, my spirit finds joy in God my Savior.” Luke 1:46-47 As we make our way to the Feast of the Incarnation, the Church puts before us this wonderful reading from the Gospel of Luke. Mary, full of grace, proclaims her Magnificat: this beautiful song of praise. Mary says: “My spirit finds joy in God my Savior.” This Scripture invites us to reflect on our own lives. Where do we find joy these days? Do we find joy in our praying? In our giving? In our receiving? Do we find joy in our fami-lies? In our friends? Do we find joy in our God? As we live this Advent season, we ask God to bless us with joy in the birth of Jesus, the Son of God!

Sr. Jane Gaughan, IHM, Eastern Regional Service


desire and need to respond.” I’m sure that there are times in our lives when we do not understand and yet we are called to trust the Lord in all things in our lives.

Deacon Robert A. Roman, Eastern Regional Service Team

Thursday, December 20th

“We must search together for new opportunities to heal, console, lis-ten to, and help people in need. Evangelization seen in this light is not a program, but a way of life for each member of the Church.”

There are times in our life when we are confused like Mary or fearful like Ahaz and wonder how we will get through whatever predicament in which we find ourselves. We may even hesitate to trust in God and that He will be there for us in our time of need. In these situations we are called to cast our cares, troubles, and concerns on the Lord and have trust that He will be faithful to his promises and never abandon us. In the times that I have felt abandoned, worried, fright-ened, overwhelmed or discouraged, I would often take a deep breath and re-peat over and over the prayer attributed to St. Teresa of Avila, the 16th century mystic and Doctor of the Church, enti-tled: “St. Teresa’s Bookmark.” Let nothing disturb thee, Let nothing frighten thee, All things are passing; God only is changeless. Patience gains all things. Who has God wants nothing. God alone suffices. This prayer would help me to calm down, regain my perspective, and be more patient and understanding. It would deepen my trust in the Lord, knowing that “All things are possible with God” and that He would see me through this present situation and give me true peace. I hope that you experi-ence the same peace when day to day distractions, hardships and situations that threaten your peace of mind come your way.

Rev. Richard J. Polmounter, V.E., Northern Regional Service Team

Friday, December 21st

“I CALL us to be servant leaders who engage in SERVICE to our neighbors near and far and who work for justice and stewardship to hasten the Reign of God.”

he is profoundly present to us in every encounter with those who live out their Baptism in loving service to others. Je-sus walks in that company until the end of time!

Deacon Peter G. Smith, Southern Regional Service Team

Wednesday, December 19th

“How often in the course of our lives have we discovered our-selves confronted by change? How often have we found our-selves in a new and unfamiliar situation or circumstance? How often have we faced a challenging situation and felt lost, abandoned or hopeless? And yet, for those of us who have come to appreciate God’s love in the midst of the bro-kenness of our lives, there exists that ever present desire and need to respond.”

Today, our Scriptural reading focuses on the announcement of God, through an Angel to a Jewish couple, Zechariah and Elizabeth, that she will have a child. Luke introduces the couple who are portrayed as being faithful, righteous, prayerful, and holy people who follow the commandments. Both were “advanced in age” and childless. Eliza-beth was labeled as being barren. In our reflection, this passage tells us that God’s time is not our time. We often pray for something and it seems that God is ignoring our prayers. This couple wanted a child and prayed to God to bless the God did not immediately re-spond to their prayer request. But in God’s time, Elizabeth became pregnant and her son, whom we know as John the Baptist, would be the last prophet to prepare the way for the coming of the Messiah. In his Pastoral Letter his Excellency, Bishop Joseph Bambera said, “The image of regathering the scat-tered is poignant. How often in the course of our lives we discover ourselves in a new and unfamiliar situation. How often have we faced a challenging situa-tion and felt lost, abandoned, or hope-less? And yet, for those of us who have come to appreciate God’s love in the

midst of the bro-kenness of our lives, there exists that ever present

(Continued from page 1)

PAGE 4 The Sunday Good News
