
Comfort zones limit my potential. Although I appreciate predictable situations, my creativity is sparked when I am struck

by the unexpected. I make the effort to live outside of my comfort zone. Keeping myself surrounded by known circumstances prevents me from developing new skills.

In my workplace, I volunteer for projects that I am unfamiliar with. Being willing to

participate in something new pushes me to learn quickly. Each new thing that I learn makes me more marketable. When I accomplish what I am good at, I move on to what is foreign to me. Doing this expands my scope and increases my value to my employer. I take the same approach when working out at the gym. Each week I increase the weights that I lift because doing so creates a new challenge. By committing to increasing the challenge, I make my body stronger. I become more

physically fit when I push myself to do more difficult exercises. Lifting only what I

know I can gets in the way of discovering my true potential. Today, I am opposed to anything that limits my potential. I am committed to stepping out of my comfort zone in each aspect of my life. There is a certain freedom that comes with pushing myself to achieve more. I am encouraged by each challenge I encounter.

Self-Reflection Questions: 1. How do I encourage myself to push my limits? 2. How difficult or easy is it to identify when a current situation is limiting my potential? 3. In what other ways am I able to strengthen my abilities and talents?

I avoid allowing others to define me. My spirit is alive and well because I give it permission to live loudly. The foundation of

my being deserves to be embraced like everybody else’s. I stay away from hiding my

true colors, even if they are unpopular with others.

The personality and character I portray are true to me. My life is the one that I

choose. Although I lack some material possessions, I avoid using that to determine my worth. The realities portrayed by others have little bearing on how I feel about myself. Job descriptions try to put me in a box where professional abilities are concerned. But I constantly work outside of those boundaries. I take the time to show my employer that I am capable of more than what my job description dictates. I use each opportunity to showcase my other skills. Being a high achiever naturally sparks jealousy in others who wish for my abilities. I ignore the names they call me because I am proud of my drive.

I avoid allowing the negative utterances of others to dim my light. Today, my path in life is determined by my character and inner drive. I am happy to listen to my own heart and mind. They are the most loyal and honest sources of feedback about my journey and how I end up living it.

Self-Reflection Questions:

1. How do I differentiate between worthwhile advice and attempts to bring me down?

2. How do I respond when someone tries to discourage my conscious decision? 3. What examples do I willingly take from the lifestyles of others?

Moving against the crowd is liberating. Very few feelings are more encouraging than marching to the beat of my own drum.

When I move against the crowd, I feel free. It is empowering to know that I am

acknowledged respectfully for doing things my way despite opposition. I am careful with my decision-making. Each choice I make is given meaningful thought. Taking this approach ensures that I remain true to myself. It is sometimes difficult to ignore the popular opinion of the masses. Life seems so much easier when I take someone else’s path, but it is far less fulfilling that way.

Fulfillment comes by doing what I know feels right within my soul. It feels good to honor the morals that have taken me through life. I sleep peacefully at night when I am free from emotional turmoil. I choose to do what feels good to me, regardless of what others think. Taking a path of honest, hard work to success is sometimes slower, but is more liberating. In that scenario, I avoid being enslaved by dishonest decisions just to get to the top. Today, I am committed to taking steps that feel good to me. I am courageous in pursuing what I feel is right even if it is unpopular. My focus is on being true to myself at all times.

Self-Reflection Questions: 1. What are some of the reasons why I may choose to go with the crowd? 2. How much influence do my loved ones have in my decision-making? 3. How do I know when my decisions are less ideal than someone else’s?

Challenges teach me valuable lessons. When I encounter challenging situations, I avoid running away from them. Being able to face obstacles gives me a chance to overcome them.

There are valuable lessons to be learned from trying circumstances. My strength is

tested and renewed with each hurdle in front of me. I am a force to be reckoned with because I use experiences to strengthen my heart and soul. Emotional hurdles are difficult because they are personal. I recognize that there are times when it is best to put my feelings aside. Managing overwhelming feelings while going through life teaches me to balance. I avoid breaking down in the midst of situations that require my focus. Taking this approach helps me to keep control of my emotions.

Creativity is a valuable lesson that comes from challenges. When I am at a crossroads I am forced to think quickly and choose a path. Making decisions at work shows me that I am able to prioritize. I learn how to balance all sides of a tough situation before making a fair decision.

When I am faced with uncertainty, I avoid panicking. I realize that keeping my cool in

times of doubt sharpens my judgment. Today, I embrace the lessons that I learn from facing my difficulties. I know that I am poised to grow with each challenge I tackle head on. My focus is on learning something new about myself each day.

Self-Reflection Questions: 1. What process do I follow to search for the lessons in difficulty? 2. How do I determine which challenges I ought to walk away from? 3. How well am I able to apply previous lessons to new challenging situations?

Consistency develops will power and produces results. Each task or project I undertake receives my fullest effort. The results are positive when I put my all into whatever I do. Consistency produces favorable results.

My responsibilities at work vary from day to day but I approach them all the same. I am

thorough with each task to ensure successful execution. My focus on details plots a path for me to get the job done well. When I consistently go after goals, it builds my confidence. I am less intimidated by challenging exploits when I push myself to shoot for smaller targets.

Saving money is sometimes difficult, but I am committed to doing it. When I put aside

small amounts of money, I gradually develop a pattern for saving, which

strengthens my financial position. Exercising is important to me. I see positive results when I exercise on a daily basis. My body and mind are both more responsive. I am energized when I make time to take care of my physical needs. I also feel more confident because working out makes me physically fit. When my friends and family ask for my assistance, I am readily available. Being present to help them reinforces my commitment to their well-being. Today, I celebrate the value of doing all things with consistency. Life is more rewarding when I commit to doing things well. I am focused on acting in a way that produces desired results.

Self-Reflection Questions:

1. How much effort does it take to be consistent? 2. How do I determine the next steps when I fall short on achieving a goal? 3. How can I use my drive to influence others?

My attitude is positive. I have a sunny outlook. I encourage myself to look on the bright side of life. I remember

my favorite things. I recognize opportunities and look for solutions. I frame events in a

constructive way. When I run into challenges and obstacles, I remember that I control my reactions. If a client changes their order, I can be happy about satisfying their expectations instead of complaining about the additional work. If my flight is delayed, I can use the time to call a friend or read or a magazine. I move around. Physical activity refreshes my body and mind. I dissolve tension and let go of my worries. I practice generosity. The more I give, the richer I become. I experience a sense of abundance. I let a stranger who is carrying a load of packages have my seat on the train. I buy donuts for my coworkers.

I spend time with family and friends. I surround myself with inspiring role models. I think about the kindness that I have received from others. I focus on their good qualities.

I limit my exposure to negative media. When I hear about tragedies in the news, I also remember the uplifting stories about heroes who rescue animals or foil kidnappings. I meditate and pray. Connecting with the divine makes me feel stronger and more secure. I experience peace and contentment. Today, I imagine that the world is smiling along with me. I am a source of positive energy. I welcome more happiness into my life.

Self-Reflection Questions: 1. Why does a positive attitude increase my energy levels? 2. How does my vocabulary affect my attitude? 3. What can I do today to make someone smile?

The storms of life promise sunshine in their wake. I remain optimistic when I experience dark and cold storms surrounding me. Their presence is a reminder that after each storm is a bright and sunny day. Staying positive gives me motivation to remain strong and steadfast. Emotional difficulties create darkness in my life, but I avoid allowing the darkness to take hold of me. Each breath that I take is a reminder that the last dark moment no longer exists.

Instead of looking back into the past, I pay attention to the fact that I am on my

way to daylight ahead. Living through financial hardships rarely diminishes my positive spirit. Although I lack material possessions, I have life and hope. Making it through with limited resources relies on me being grateful for what I have. Loudly declaring my gratitude for small blessings fills the void that financial challenges bring.

Beautiful flowers bloom today without a care about tomorrow’s weather forecast. I use that example to concentrate on being the best version of myself while I have the chance.

Storms are upsetting, but they build a foundation of strength and perseverance. Today, the stormy days ahead of me are a source of inspiration. They keep me focused on the journey I am about to embark upon and conquer. I am ready to battle through those days because I know they are immediately followed by sunshine.

Self-Reflection Questions:

1. What techniques do I use to encourage myself and remain positive? 2. How easy is it for me to ask someone else for help when I face a difficult time? 3. What are some of the lessons that I take away from challenging times?
