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The Strategic Skills PipelineInformation for Edinburgh Schools

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What is the Strategic Skills Pipeline?

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What are the stages and what do they mean?

The Pipeline stages move people from being “Not job ready” to “Job ready” to “In work”

Stage 1: Referral / EngagementStage 2: Barrier removalStage 3: Vocational activityStage 4: Employer engagement / Job matchingStage 5: In work support / Aftercare

Not job ready

Job ready

In work

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The role of schools

• Stages 1-3

• Stage 4 may be relevant, e.g. Career Academy

• Identifying needs to shape city services

• 16+ meetings

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Stage 1 – Referral / Engagement

Highlights a relevant service to individuals and encourages them to access it.

• Identification of needs, e.g., through discussion or observation

• Initial guidance and signposting (“Do you know about…? They might be able to help if you contact them.”)

• Early engagement activity, e.g., careers advisors in school

• Development of action plans

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Stage 1

• Careers guidance• PSE classes• Citizenship activity• Pastoral care• The Get On Gateway – a dedicated employability

helpline for Edinburgh 0131 529 6161

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Stage 2: Barrier removalBarriers to employment can include:• Literacy issues• Lack of IT skills• Difficulties with English• Lack of confidenceOther issues can include• Drug or alcohol issues – personal or parental• Caring responsibilities, including childcare• Housing issues • Money or debt problems• Health issues• Family or relationship circumstances

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Stage 2

• Careers guidance• PSE classes• Citizenship activity• Pastoral care• Literacy / numeracy skills• IT skills

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Stage 2 Outputs

• SCQF credit rated pre-employability / personal development / core skills provision of at least 18 SCQF credit points at level 3.

• Progression to a stage 3, a job, or other activity, like further learning or a Modern Apprenticeship

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Stage 3: Vocational ActivityFrom “not job ready” to “job ready”

• Labour market information• Employability and vocational training for core skills, links to

local labour market opportunities• Work experience for vocational training and employability

skills• Job searching, application and CV help, interview skills• Mentoring, confidence building

Employability:-A person’s ability to gain and sustain employment. A range of knowledge, skills, and attributes than can be applied to the labour market.

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Stage 3 Outputs

• SCQF credit rated employability / vocational provision of at least 18 credit points at level 4 or above.

• Progression to a stage 4, a job or other activity, like further learning or a Modern Apprenticeship

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JET programme• S4 and S5 High School students who may be at risk of a

negative destination• Year long work based learning programme• JET coordinator works closely with pupils and school

staff• Core skills• Work experience• National qualification• Pipeline Stages 1, 2, 3• Ongoing support for stages 4 and 5 from Skills

Development Scotland

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Darren was referred to the JET Programme by school Guidance staff when he was in 4th year.

Darren was supported both by the JET coordinator and his teacher to develop his skills and abilities. He was very clear at the start of the programme that he would like to work as a tiler, and his JET Co-ordinator set about the task of trying to find a suitable work experience placement for him. This was a difficult, as placements like these are very difficult to secure, but luckily for Darren he secured a work experience placement which took place every Friday for 32 weeks from September to April.

Darren showed himself to be a very hard working, motivated and reliable young person. As a result of his commitment and efforts he was offered an apprenticeship with the Trades Training School. He is studying for the SVQ Level 2 in Tiling and he is also learning plumbing.

Stage 1: Engagement

Stage 2: Barrier removal

Stage 3: Vocational activity

In work

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Stage 4: Employer Engagement & Job matchingDirectly enable individuals to access a job

• Industry specific courses with qualifications, for example:

Capital SkillsChildcare Academy

• Customised training for employment, for example:Cyrenians market led training for retail, hospitality

• Work experience• Skills Development Scotland

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Stage 4 Outputs

• Employer or industry specific certification, for example: CSCS (Construction Skills Certification Scheme) cardSVQ level 2 / 3 Children's Care Learning and Development

• Progression to a job, self employment or other activity, like further training or a Modern Apprenticeship

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Stage 5: In work support / Aftercare

• Ongoing support: help to manage the transition off benefits, deal with a new budget, manage time and activities outside of work etc.

• Training and support to address underemployment

Underemployment:-Underemployment occurs when people need more hours of work than they have, or when they are not able to use their skills and experience at an appropriate level. Once in work, people need to know they can progress and not be “trapped” in a low level, low skilled job, or one which does not use their full talents.

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The Pipeline in practiceJesse’s Through Care After Care worker in Social Work referred her for an Activity Agreement. Jesse had had a troubled life and was struggling with the feeling she had been written off simply because she had been in care. She was keen to turn her life around, and with the support of her Activity Agreement adviser, got help with her literacy skills, and looked at volunteering opportunities.

 Jesse loves outdoor activities - canoeing, kayaking, climbing; her ambition is to become an outdoor instructor. A referral to Venture Trust gave Jesse the opportunity to start to develop the skills she needs for this, and that in turn gave her the confidence to apply, successfully, for a place on an expedition to India.

In India, she worked hard as part of a team, building a school, houses, and toilets and with communities, and completing a challenging 3 week expedition involving mountain biking and white water rafting.

Since returning from India, Jesse has found full time employment in the retail industry. She is enjoying this new experience, learning lots from her colleagues and growing in confidence all the time. Jesse is also accessing youth literacy support to improve her literacy skills to help her work towards her ultimate goal.

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Stage 1 – Engagement

Jesse’s Through Care After Care worker in Social Work referred her for an Activity Agreement.

Stage 2 – Barrier removal

With the support of her Activity Agreement adviser, got help with her literacy skills, and looked at volunteering opportunities.

Stage 3 – Vocational activity

A referral to Venture Trust gave Jesse the opportunity to start to develop the skills she needs for this, and that in turn gave her the confidence to apply, successfully, for a place on an expedition to India.

Stage 4 – Employer Engagement / Job matching

Since returning from India, Jesse has found full time employment in the retail industry.

Stage 5 – In work support / Aftercare

Jesse is also accessing youth literacy support to improve her literacy skills to help her work towards her ultimate goal.

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Identification and recording

• New Senior Phase Benchmarking Tool (from Summer 2014)

• 16+ partnership meetings• Student support team• SDS, Activity Agreement advisers• 1-to-1 interviews, PSE

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Edinburgh School Leavers

• Positive destinations continue to improve

• The right services at the right time• Identifying need, to help shape services

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Your toolkit

• School Leavers’ toolkit PDF:

• Teachers’ Resource Pack

• School Leavers’ toolkit mobile

• Joined Up for Jobs directory:

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