Page 1: The Stockholm Accords Daniel Tisch APR, FCPRS Chair-elect, Global Alliance President, Argyle Communications (Canada) Twitter: @DanTisch Anne Gregory, FCIPR

The Stockholm Accords

Daniel Tisch APR, FCPRSChair-elect, Global AlliancePresident, Argyle Communications (Canada) Twitter: @DanTisch

Anne Gregory, FCIPRDirector, Global AllianceDirector, Centre for PR Studies,Leeds Metropolitan University (UK)

PRIA National Conference 2010

Page 2: The Stockholm Accords Daniel Tisch APR, FCPRS Chair-elect, Global Alliance President, Argyle Communications (Canada) Twitter: @DanTisch Anne Gregory, FCIPR

The Stockholm Accords, 2010

Engaging the global public relations communityto shape our profession’s future

Page 3: The Stockholm Accords Daniel Tisch APR, FCPRS Chair-elect, Global Alliance President, Argyle Communications (Canada) Twitter: @DanTisch Anne Gregory, FCIPR


The starting point

• from 2.4 to 4 million public relations practitioners today

• 10% belong to professional associations (at global, international, national and sectorial level)

• … with a growing and progressively interdisciplinary global body of knowledge

• … in an accelerating institutionalization & professionalization of the function

• with a Global Alliance for Public Relations and Communication Management (2000: 16 associations 2010: 67 associations)


Page 4: The Stockholm Accords Daniel Tisch APR, FCPRS Chair-elect, Global Alliance President, Argyle Communications (Canada) Twitter: @DanTisch Anne Gregory, FCIPR


The conceptual framework

• The Stakeholder Governance Model

• The Network Society

• From Value Chain to Value Network

• The Communicative Organization

• Sustainability as transformative opportunity

• … Integrated reporting… Monetary Value of a Brand… Communicative Equation…..

Page 5: The Stockholm Accords Daniel Tisch APR, FCPRS Chair-elect, Global Alliance President, Argyle Communications (Canada) Twitter: @DanTisch Anne Gregory, FCIPR


THE STOCKHOLM ACCORDS: A global 2-year brief to the PR community

to advocate the areas of major value that public relations brings to organizations and society


Page 6: The Stockholm Accords Daniel Tisch APR, FCPRS Chair-elect, Global Alliance President, Argyle Communications (Canada) Twitter: @DanTisch Anne Gregory, FCIPR


The process: Global & interactive• Idea concept & final approval by the GA Board (Dec 2009)

• Involvement of 100 global leaders (scholars & practitioners) from 20+ countries, Feb/March 2010 (1st) Synchronous Video-Conference (2 hrs / 45

participants) Six Working Groups (2 weeks) (2nd) Synchronous video conference fine tuning (2 hrs / 52


• First Draft & Publication on Stockholm Forum Website (April 2010)

• Discussion (much criticism).. Second Draft … Third Draft …(May 2010)

• Stockholm Forum presentation and final approval (June 2010)

• 1000 professionals and educators involved at different levels of intensity

Page 7: The Stockholm Accords Daniel Tisch APR, FCPRS Chair-elect, Global Alliance President, Argyle Communications (Canada) Twitter: @DanTisch Anne Gregory, FCIPR


The contents: 6 value areas of PR

societal & organizational

value areas

operational value areas

Sustainability Governance Management

External Communication Internal Communication Alignment External/Internal


Page 8: The Stockholm Accords Daniel Tisch APR, FCPRS Chair-elect, Global Alliance President, Argyle Communications (Canada) Twitter: @DanTisch Anne Gregory, FCIPR


Public relations and communication management professionals:

• Participate in defining organizational values, principles, strategies, policies and processes.

• Apply appropriate communication and research skills to interpretstakeholders’ and society’s expectations as a basis for decision making.

• Deliver timely analysis and recommendations for an effective governance of stakeholder relationships by enhancing transparency, trustworthy behaviour, authentic and verifiable representation, thus sustaining the organization’s “licence to operate”.

• Create an internal listening culture, an open system that allows the organization to anticipate, adapt and respond.


For each value area...GOVERNANCE (1 of 6)

• Organizations operating under the stakeholder governance model empower their board members, elected officials and non-profit organization leaders, to be directly responsible for deciding and implementing stakeholder relationship policies.

• The communicative organization requires timely information, knowledge and understanding of economic, social, environmental and legal developments, as well as of its stakeholders’ expectations. This to promptly identify and deal with the opportunities and risks that can impact the organization’s direction, action and communication.

What the scene looks like today from a global perspective

How a communicative organization operates

How PR professionals bring specific value to communicative organizations

Page 9: The Stockholm Accords Daniel Tisch APR, FCPRS Chair-elect, Global Alliance President, Argyle Communications (Canada) Twitter: @DanTisch Anne Gregory, FCIPR


The ongoing debate

Page 10: The Stockholm Accords Daniel Tisch APR, FCPRS Chair-elect, Global Alliance President, Argyle Communications (Canada) Twitter: @DanTisch Anne Gregory, FCIPR

SustainabilityIt means... Balancing today’s demands with ability to meet future

economic, social & environmental needs

The communicative organization leads by... Using “triple bottom line” reporting to benchmark & measure

policies and actions across these three dimensions

Page 11: The Stockholm Accords Daniel Tisch APR, FCPRS Chair-elect, Global Alliance President, Argyle Communications (Canada) Twitter: @DanTisch Anne Gregory, FCIPR

SustainabilityPR professionals... Involve & engage stakeholders in sustainability policies &

programs Interpret societal expectations of the organisation Ensure stakeholder participation to identify information that

should be reported -- regularly, transparently & authentically Promote & support efforts to integrated triple-bottom-line


Page 12: The Stockholm Accords Daniel Tisch APR, FCPRS Chair-elect, Global Alliance President, Argyle Communications (Canada) Twitter: @DanTisch Anne Gregory, FCIPR

GovernanceIt means... Empowering board members, elected officials & NGO leaders

to develop & implement stakeholder relationship policies Recognizing accountability not just to shareholders, but to all

stakeholdersThe communicative organization leads by... Obtaining timely information, knowledge & understanding of

its operating environment & its stakeholders’ expectations Identifying & addressing the opportunities & risks that may

affect the organization

Page 13: The Stockholm Accords Daniel Tisch APR, FCPRS Chair-elect, Global Alliance President, Argyle Communications (Canada) Twitter: @DanTisch Anne Gregory, FCIPR

GovernancePR professionals... Help define organizational values, principles, strategies,

policies & processes Use research & communication to interpret stakeholders’ &

society’s expectations -- & factor these into decisions Advise the organization on how to govern its stakeholder

relationships by enhancing transparency, trustworthiness & authenticity (“licence to operate”)

Create an internal listening culture, an open system that allows the organization to anticipate, adapt and respond

Page 14: The Stockholm Accords Daniel Tisch APR, FCPRS Chair-elect, Global Alliance President, Argyle Communications (Canada) Twitter: @DanTisch Anne Gregory, FCIPR

ManagementIt means... The quality and effectiveness of an organization’s decisions

are increasingly determined by the speed of and context within which they implement those decisions

The communicative organization leads by... Recognizes the organization’s interest in sensitivity to the

wider expectations of society & the legitimate claims of all its stakeholders

Conducting detailed research & listening before making strategic and operational decisions

Page 15: The Stockholm Accords Daniel Tisch APR, FCPRS Chair-elect, Global Alliance President, Argyle Communications (Canada) Twitter: @DanTisch Anne Gregory, FCIPR

ManagementPR professionals... Inform & shape the organization’s overall two-way

communication processes and capabilities Act as conduits & interpreters of intelligence about trends and

developments in society Identify & help solve issues generated by changes in society --

specifically those related to stakeholder relationships & organisational reputation

Communicate the value of the organisation’s products/services & relationships with stakeholders, thereby creating, consolidating & developing financial, legal, social & reputational capital

Page 16: The Stockholm Accords Daniel Tisch APR, FCPRS Chair-elect, Global Alliance President, Argyle Communications (Canada) Twitter: @DanTisch Anne Gregory, FCIPR

Internal communicationIt means... Enhancing recruitment & retention; developing common

interests & commitment to organizational goals by an increasingly diverse, extended and segmented set of “internal” publics

The communicative organization leads by... Fostering trust, commitment, purpose & shared goals among

all internal stakeholders -- including all employees, contractors, consultants, suppliers & volunteers

Page 17: The Stockholm Accords Daniel Tisch APR, FCPRS Chair-elect, Global Alliance President, Argyle Communications (Canada) Twitter: @DanTisch Anne Gregory, FCIPR

Internal communicationPR professionals... Seek constant feedback for mutual understanding of...

How the internal community comprehends, accepts, communicates & achieves the organization’s strategy.

How – and how well — organizational leaders & internal influencers collaborate & communicate with stakeholders

How knowledge and policy are being shared How processes and structures are identified, developed &

enhanced How the organization’s reputation depends largely on the

actions taken by internal stakeholders

Page 18: The Stockholm Accords Daniel Tisch APR, FCPRS Chair-elect, Global Alliance President, Argyle Communications (Canada) Twitter: @DanTisch Anne Gregory, FCIPR

External communicationIt means... Reviewing & adjusting policies, actions & behaviour to

improve relationships with increasingly influential stakeholders & with society at large

The communicative organization leads by... Developing skills to nurture relationships with customers,

investors, communities, governments, citizen groups, industry alliances, mainstream & digital media and other stakeholders

Page 19: The Stockholm Accords Daniel Tisch APR, FCPRS Chair-elect, Global Alliance President, Argyle Communications (Canada) Twitter: @DanTisch Anne Gregory, FCIPR

External communicationPR professionals... Bring the organization’s “voice” & interests into stakeholder

deliberations and decisions Assist all organizational functions in crafting & delivering

effective communication, fostering understanding, building & sustaining relationships

Contribute to the development and promotion of products, services or processes that strengthen brand loyalty & equity

Advocate for stakeholder groups within the organization, sustaining dialogue to maintain social & reputational capital

Page 20: The Stockholm Accords Daniel Tisch APR, FCPRS Chair-elect, Global Alliance President, Argyle Communications (Canada) Twitter: @DanTisch Anne Gregory, FCIPR

Aligning communicationIt means... Concurrent engagement across diverse internal & external

value networks – in a way that is consistent & alignedThe communicative organization leads by... Sharing a consistent global story, balancing transparency,

resources & time sensitive demands against rapid change Resolving potential conflicts through communication with all

stakeholders – in a way that’s coherent , coordinated & aligned with its mission, vision, values, actions and behaviours

Page 21: The Stockholm Accords Daniel Tisch APR, FCPRS Chair-elect, Global Alliance President, Argyle Communications (Canada) Twitter: @DanTisch Anne Gregory, FCIPR

Aligning communicationPR professionals... Oversee the development and implementation of internal and

external communications to assure open listening, consistency of content and accurate presentation of the organization’s identity

Research, develop, monitor and adjust the organization’s communicative behaviour

Create and nurture a knowledge base that includes social and psychological sciences

Manage and apply research to implement evaluation and measurement programs for continued improvement.

Page 22: The Stockholm Accords Daniel Tisch APR, FCPRS Chair-elect, Global Alliance President, Argyle Communications (Canada) Twitter: @DanTisch Anne Gregory, FCIPR


Your turn...

Page 23: The Stockholm Accords Daniel Tisch APR, FCPRS Chair-elect, Global Alliance President, Argyle Communications (Canada) Twitter: @DanTisch Anne Gregory, FCIPR

1. How can academics use the Stockholm Accords? In the way they stimulate discussions with students? In the way they pursue research opportunities? In the way they position PR within their institutions?

2. How can practitioners use the Accords to make a business case for PR? In the way they position and market their services –

internally or externally? In the way they educate their current “clients?” In the way they educate / train their employees?

3. How would you like to see PRIA take these discussions forward?

Page 24: The Stockholm Accords Daniel Tisch APR, FCPRS Chair-elect, Global Alliance President, Argyle Communications (Canada) Twitter: @DanTisch Anne Gregory, FCIPR


Improve our professional reputation by developing a self-critical mindset.

Think carefully about the consequences of our actions on others

-- before acting.


Page 25: The Stockholm Accords Daniel Tisch APR, FCPRS Chair-elect, Global Alliance President, Argyle Communications (Canada) Twitter: @DanTisch Anne Gregory, FCIPR



Page 26: The Stockholm Accords Daniel Tisch APR, FCPRS Chair-elect, Global Alliance President, Argyle Communications (Canada) Twitter: @DanTisch Anne Gregory, FCIPR

See you @ WPRF 2012!

