Page 1: The Skinny on Health & Nutrition- Part 1: Rules of Thumb
Page 2: The Skinny on Health & Nutrition- Part 1: Rules of Thumb


Boosts Energy Lowers Cholesterol Maintains Adequate Blood Sugar Levels Boosts Metabolism


“After you eat a meal, the food is broken down into sugar which provides you with energy. It takes about 3 hours for this process to be complete – for your blood sugar levels to go up and then to fall.

If you want to keep your blood sugar levels even – supplying you with the right amount of energy throughout the day- eat a small meal every 3 hours and you will prevent the falling blood sugar levels, and the sagging energy that comes from the fluctuations of blood sugar. If you eat small meals every 3 hours you keep your blood sugar levels steady. When your blood sugar levels are steady your energy and mood stay steady and more balanced throughout the day.

It is easy to upset the balance of blood sugar – and thus energy and mood – by skipping meals or waiting too long to eat. When blood sugar levels are normal, you feel good and energized. When blood sugar levels fall, your energy and your mood drop. Eating a healthy diet every 3 hours helps to positively alter your brain chemistry and stabilize your moods.

When you eat a large meal every 5-6 hours, you provide a lot of fuel all at once in your system – and set the stage for more dramatic blood sugar imbalances. The excess energy does not get used up and instead gets stored as fat. But more frequent, smaller meals delivers your body adequate, manageable amounts of fuel spread evenly over the course of a day.” (Copson)

Eat every 3-5hrs


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Drink WATER & Lots of it!Why?

Boosts Energy Boosts metabolism and prevents constipation, helping you lose


Flushes toxins from your body which helps you: Have healthy looking skin Prevent joint pains & Arthritis

Fight infections Reduce the risk of Cancer

AVOID:Sugary Drinks (Pop, fruit juices, ice tea, etc.)Alcohol

If you’re going out for a night on the town, always go CLEAR alcohol- vodka, gin, etc.

Limit wine intake to a couple glasses a weekCoffee

Try to substitute herbal tea to get that caffeine fix in the morning

If you absolutely NEED your coffee, drink it Black, no flavourings to avoid all of the extra sugar and fat content

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What’s In a Meal?PROTEIN

Eat 3-5oz. of in EVERY meal

Rule of thumb: Size of your closed fist is approx. 3-5oz.

What are the best protein sources?

Egg whites (Purest source of protein) Fish Chicken Beans Lentils Buffalo Almonds Whey or Isolate Protein Powder

What protein sources to limit:

Red meats Limit to 1 servings per week

Fish Limit to 2 servings per week

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What’s In a Meal?VEGGIES

Eat ½ CUP of in EVERY meal

Rule of thumb: your open palm is approx. ½ cup

What are the best veggie sources?

Rule of thumb: The greener the vegetable, the more nutrients it has in it, and thus the better it is for you.

Great Veggie Sources include: Spinach Broccoli Brussel Sprouts Kale Green Beans Cabbage Zucchini

What veggie sources to limit: Carrots

These orange suckers pack the greatest sugar content and should be limited if weight loss is your goal

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What’s In a Meal?CARBS

Eat up to 1 cup a day = 60g-90g

Rule of thumb: I slice of bread is approx. 15g. Trying to lose weight? Have ½ cup a day. Try to gain weight? Have 2 cups per day IMPORTANT:

Have your carb intake in the first 4 meals in the day or before 6pm to aid in better digestion

Always eat carbs in accompaniment with protein and veggie sources

Eat carbs directly AFTER a workout to help refuel your body If you are feeling dizzy or sluggish, you NEED to increase your carb intake. Try to

incorporate a carb serving around the times you typically feel this way.

What are the best carbs sources?

Whole grains Avoid white bread sources at ALL COSTS! They will lead to rapid weight gain,

and dramatically reduce your energy levels through increased insulin spikes- making you crave more carbs within a matter of 2hrs!

Ezekiel or Flax Sweet Potatoes

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What’s In a Meal?FATS

Have 2oz. of GOOD fat daily

Rule of thumb: add your fats into your first and last meal, not during the day to gain the most benefits from the nutrients and vitamins being absorbed.

What are the best fat sources?

Coconut Oil Excellent substitution of margarine or butter

Flax Seed Oil This fan favourite can be used to add flavour to popcorn, veggies, and smoothies

Almond Oil Olive Oil Fish Oil

You should have at LEAST one 1oz. of fish oil a day. You can grab fish oil capsules at most drug stores. One capsule= 1 oz. This will give you glowing skin and add in better nutrient absorption

What fat sources to limit: Animal Fat Trans fat

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What’s In a Meal?DIARY

Although dairy is loaded with calcium which aids in bone development and strength, it is also usually loaded with sugar, fat, hormones, and tons of chemicals and preservatives making it a sure way to weight gain and mood fluctuations

Limit your diary intake to once per day. I serving= ½ cup Gain your calcium from many vegetables sources such as cabbage, kale, and spinach as a

substitution Good diary choices include:

o Greek Yougrt This is a great substitution for protein in most meals as it is pack with up to 18g of

protein per servings- amazing!o Cottage Cheeseo Feta or Skim Cheeses

Look for organic or vegan cheese to limit the fat and hormone content.

FRUITS Eat 1 cup of fruit a day= I cup= 2 pieces of fruit

o Exception: 1 banana= 1 cup Limit berry intake as these fruits tend to pack the highest levels of sugar, although good sugars, can

prevent weight loss. Try to have a variety of fruit within the day Have your fruit servings within the first part of the day, and most importantly after I work out with

protein to help rebuild the glucose levels in your body.

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What’s in a MealSUGARS

Limit sugar intake to 7g per serving, not including sugar derived from natural sources such as fruit Staying below 7grams per meal servings helps regulate your insulin levels and prevent them from spiking which would lead to decreased energy and sugar craving 2-3hrs later- YIKES!

AVOID the BAD sugars- they have many names, so be sure to check labels

o Lactose, glucose, sucrose, maltose, dextrose, fructose, molasses, corn syrup, maple syrup, corn sweetener, juice concentrate, natural sweeteners

TO SUM IT UPA meal or snack is composed of some combination of the important food groups – protein, high fiber complex carbohydrates, healthy fats, vegetables, fruit, and whole grains.

The protein will help you stay alert and energized – plus help you feel full. The fiber will help you feel full. The complex carbohydrates and whole grains will digest slowly and deliver you a steady

supply of energy for the next 3 hour spurt. The fat – which digests slowly will deliver you a burst of energy long after you have

eaten it. The vegetables and fruit will help you feel energized and full of pep. (Copson)

DIARY Although dairy is loaded with calcium which aids in bone development and strength, it is also

usually loaded with sugar, fat, hormones, and tons of chemicals and preservatives making it a sure way to weight gain and mood fluctuations

Limit your diary intake to once per day. I serving= ½ cup Gain your calcium from many vegetables sources such as cabbage, kale, and spinach as a

substitution Good diary choices include:

o Greek Yougrt This is a great substitution for protein in most meals as it is pack with up to 18g of

protein per servings- amazing!o Cottage Cheeseo Feta or Skim Cheeses

Look for organic or vegan cheese to limit the fat and hormone content.

FRUITS Eat 1 cup of fruit a day= I cup= 2 pieces of fruit

o Exception: 1 banana= 1 cup Limit berry intake as these fruits tend to pack the highest levels of sugar, although good sugars, can

prevent weight loss. Try to have a variety of fruit within the day Have your fruit servings within the first part of the day, and most importantly after I work out with

protein to help rebuild the glucose levels in your body.

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What this looks likeSample Daily Meals:

Meal 1:

1/2 Cup Oat Bran ¼ banana slices 1 Tbsp Flaxseed 1/2oz Walnuts 1 Scoop Protein Powder ½ cup broccoli

Meal 2:

1 Cup 0% Greek Yogurt ¼ Cup Berries ½ slice Ezekiel bread 1 cup spinach w/ 1 tsp. balsamic


Meal 3:

1 Whole Wheat Pita 4oz Grilled Chicken Sliced Lettuce Sliced Tomato 1/2oz Almonds Grainy Mustard To Taste ½ brussel sprouts

Meal 4:

1 Can Tuna 1 Clove Garlic, Chopped 1 Egg, Beaten 2 Tbsp Grainy Mustard 1/2 Cup Cooked Quinoa 1/2 Orange

Meal 5:

2 Strips Turkey Bacon 1/2 Cup Black Beans 1/2 Cup Mushrooms 3oz Grilled Chicken Balsamic Vinegar With Italian Seasoning

Meal 6:

4 oz. egg Whites ½ cup spinach leaves w/ lemon juice 1 tbsp. Coconut oil

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Staying On TrackWrite it down

By writing down, it help you see where your weaknesses and

opportunities are. This also keeps you accountable to your


Commit to a schedule with a friend

Track your performance visually Monthly Photos

Vision & Progress Board

Reward yourself!Create milestones for yourself regularly and reward yourself

with things you want.