

The Simself ApocalypseChapter OneA Hero to All Simkind

It's the super bowl and all across the region, people are watching. The whistle blows for half time and every Sim in the city goes to use the toilet. Every single toilet in the region is flushed at the same time. The resulting drop in water pressure causes the three nuclear power plants in the area to go critical and melt down, devastating the region. Thankfully, the founder is off at college when this happens, but when she returns to start her family, she finds a very different world she must survive in.

Welcome back to the Simself Apocalypse where I torture my simself and hope that she doesn't kill me for it.

Brains.... Jasmyn there is the resident zombie, plus my very first zombie ever. She's actually pretty cool.

Anyway, let's get to it, shall we?

The stuck me in the apocalypse.

Yeah, but look on the bright side--

Bright side?! What bright side?!

You'll get to be a hero to all Simkind!

Oh, don't give me that! I'm a Simself! I'm supposed to live in a nice, motherloded mansion and just watch over your stupid legacies! And now I'm stuck founding an apocalypse because you couldn't think of a better gimmick! *incoherent screeching*

While Cap blows off some steam, let's take a look at the house.

And this is it. Even with the depreciation of the safehouses, there's really only so much you can get starting out. So for now, she just has a bed, a mini-fridge, a counter, a chair, and a phone.

Also, for anyone wondering, I have all the expansions, but I don't use Pets. I'm running this on my laptop and Pets slows it down to the point where it's basically unplayable, so I don't use it. I also don't have any of the stuff packs. Just thought I'd get that out there before anyone starts asking me about breaking pet restrictions.

I don't even have a toilet.

Be patient.

I don't want to be patient. I want to pee.

Get a job.

Let me go get Humble's computer so you can delete it. Then we'd have enough for a toilet.

Good point, Cap.

Look at that, we were even able to get a sink. And there's still some left over...wonder what you could get with that...

Yeah, yeah, yeah, I know what you're getting at

There. Happy now?

Not. Even. A. Little. Bit.

You're smiling

Stupid Maxis code making me smile. *whispers* I do like restoring cars, though.

I heard that...Frak!

And the handwashing begins

Hello, little penguin. I'm very, very hungry and you're nice and plump...

You can't eat the penguin

Why not?

Because it's not even possible. Besides, it's your own fault that you're hungry. You decided to stuff your face instead of making a meal. So now you have to wait.

Well it looks like you get lucky this time, Mr. Penguin. But I'd be careful if I were you...

Any good jobs today?

Nothing related to my major other than Politics. The first listing is Science.

Well, you'll have to take Science, then. No point in doing Politics before Law.

Agreedfor once. I really should not have majored in Political Science...

Yeah, in hindsight, that was not the best decision on our part.

Cap gets home on Tuesday from her first day of work, and is delighted to finally be able to call her friends. She also got a chance card promotion, so that's nice. But it was before her lunch break and she came home starving, which was less nice.

Hey, Jas. Yeah, it's Tuesday so now I can talk to people other than walk-bys and that delicious looking penguin. You're still at La Fiesta Tech? I didn't think they'd manage to keep that place open after the meltdown.

There's no law here at all. I can't even build a decent house cause the mayor's so corrupt, and if a burglar shows up, I just have to wait to see what he takes and hope that I can replace it. It's terrible. You're so lucky to be a playable nowyes yes I remember that you're a zombie, but trust me, you are still way better off. At least now there's no way you'll get married into this.

I can't believe these frakking gamers. I mean, I like games as much as anyone else, but how selfish do you have to be to screw over an already devastated populace just to play an MMO? It had better be a good one. I can take it if it's something like WildStar, but if I'm getting screwed for WoW, I might have to hurt somebody.

Gorram ruttin sink breaking and flooding the house.

It might be easier if you fixed the sink first and then mopped up the puddles.

Rassafrackin sink...I'm tired and dirty and need to pee but I'm stuck fixing you because you wanted to break you awful awful demon spawn sink.

Got the sink fixed?


Found a better job?


Ugh...I don't really want Science to my first lift, but it's starting to look like I may not have a choice.

I finally got the car restored.

Does this mean I can actually see other people again?

Sure does.

Took long enough.

No respect at all.

Ow! Too hard, man!

Yeah, right. I know how many body points you have. You can't pretend to be hurt just to win, Cap.

Well then I guess I'll just have to use my ten body points then! *POW*




Captain! I haven't seen you since college! Does this mean we can get married now?

Not yet, sweetie. I still have to top Science and restore hope to the masses first. But you can visit now...on Tuesdays, anyway.

Please ignore the llama in the background. I clicked 'No' when Sheldon asked to bring a friend, but he came along anyway. I didn't let Cap interact with him, though.

Thank you to Rflong7, writer of My Sweet Apocalypse. If it weren't for you, I wouldn't have realized that primping gives Sims a bit of hygiene boost. Thank you so very much.

This is the current state of Cap's house. The gap on the right is a door. Having the open staircase was causing all kinds of problems with NPC behavior and kept Cap thinking that she was outside all the time. I also got her a computer to write novels on and a bookcase to store them when they come.

So what's your novel about?

It's about how a sadistic Player tricked me into the Apocalypse.

Are you still dwelling on that?

Well it's kind of hard not to.


This is disgusting.

Sorry, but there's no way to store food and you only get one meal a day. So you'll just have to deal with it.

If I die from food poisoning, I'm going to remember that you said that.

If you die from food poisoning, I'll just re-create you and you'll have to start all over again.

...I hate you.

Wait...15,000 aspiration points?? Does this mean....

Yep. I reached the top of the Science career and am now a Mad Scientist.

Do you realize what this means???

That I can get married in three days and switch over to Architecture for my LTW?


Captain Mills Simself has rediscovered the use of technology, and how to repair the power grid enough so that the technology may be used. She has also rediscovered the marvels of the thinking cap, making skilling easier for Sims everywhere.If the other necessary restrictions have been lifted, Sims may now purchase items out of the electronics tab, use personal electronics if they are available, purchase robots and activate Servos, go on Vacation, use non-compost fertilizer, use the Spray command, call the Exterminator, use the Non-Deadly Robot Crafting Station, have lights, take pictures, have the trash compactor, synthesizor, electric guitar and bass, use solar panels or windmill, install the Toasty Garden Lamp, cast the Beautifus Locus spell, use the Biotech Station, and use the computer has more than just a typewriter.


"Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic." -Arthur C. Clark

Without the flawless power grid and advanced electronics companies of modern day, the high tech gizmos that were once relied upon have slipped out of the populations reach again. Technology has taken a step backwards.

Reaching the top of the Science career and bringing technology, not to mention thinking caps, back to the region has given the populace a renewed sense of hope. People are now willing to leave their shelters, and are once again able to consider the future. We can now move-in/marry spouses for the founder and the future heirs. Family aspiration perks can now be redeemed.


"It is better to light a single candle than to curse the darkness."

The physical effects of the nuclear winter are clear, but it is only half of the devastation. The damage to the population's mindset and willpower has also been great. People are starting to give up hope and despair has begun to set in. People have no motivation to band together or leave the shelters they have made.

Confession:I didn't realize that Intelligence restricted Sims from chatting online. I only let her do it once and she didn't make friends with the person she talked to. I also didn't realize that Gamer says that the computer is only a typewriter even if Science has been lifted, so when she switched to Architecture, I let her use the computer to get the job. However, she was already permaplat from her aspiration meter and only worked for a couple of days before quitting.

I just want to be honest.

It looks like the universe has its own way of punishing such transgressions. Right after I accidentally broke the rules, Gordon King showed up to rob Cap.

At first, I thought he was just going to leave without taking anything. He went into the house and ran right back out, so I thought that I had managed to get extremely lucky. But, alas, I was wrong....

He took the car...of all the things to steal, it had to be the car. The restorable car that takes ages to fix up and is definitely the most frustrating thing to have to replace. What a jerk.

The poor Captain glitched, nearly froze, and tanked her hygiene trying to get the replacement car fixed up.

But she didn't stay miserable (or glitched) for long...

Soon enough, Tuesday had come around again and the server downtime meant that she could finally invite over her intended.

Oh sweetie, I'm so proud of you for rediscovering how to use and power technology. You restored hope to the people! If only it were safe for you to venture downtown. People practically worship you right now. I saw at least five houses with posters of you in their windows on my way here.

Posters of me? Hmm...weird, but awesome. Anyway, now that we know there's hope for the future, we can finally start planning for it and get married!

I've waited so long...I'm so happy that this day has finally come.

I, Captain Mills Simself, take you, Sheldon Kearney, to be my husband. I have loved you in good times and bad, and I will love you forevermore.

I, Sheldon Kearney, take you, Captain Mills Simself, to be my wife. I loved you before the apocalypse, and I still love you now during it. This is not the future that I dreamed of, but you are the wife that I have always dreamed of.

Welcome to the family, Sheldon Kearney-Simself.

Sheldon is a Leo, 4/9/4/4/3. He's a Popularity Sim with the LTW to become Captain Herowhich I will let him do after he lifts something that won't be suppressed by Law. His turn ons are glasses and brown hair, and his turn off is swimwear. He brought in $12,000, a lamp, and a grill. The grill isn't the cheapest one, so I've left it in his inventory for now because I'm not sure about what the rules are on items that NPC spouses bring with them.

They immediately begin working on generation two.

Let's give them some privacy.

Or not.

This is the first time I've ever actually had a Sim decide to sponge bathe. It's definitely a sight to see.

Holy frack I'm pregnant!

Yes. Yes, you are.

Awesome! The sooner I can get babies out, the sooner they can grow up and make this place a bit more bearable to live in.

Wow, Cap. I didn't expect you to be so optimistic about it.

Eh, you can only be angry for so long...especially when you have someone like Sheldon around.

Having Sheldon around has really mellowed Cap out. Even when her needs are really low, she still acts happy. I had been regretting not having her marry a dormie for the diploma, but seeing how happy Cap is lets me know that I made the right call.

It's finally baby time. Sheldon may have kept her mellow, but there was nothing to keep Cap's needs out of the red while she was pregnant. It was so bad that I was afraid she was going to either die or have twins. Pleaseonlyonebabypleaseonlyonebabypleaseonlyonebaby

Would you SHUT UP?! THIS HURTS!!

Don't worry, it will be over soon.


Oh thank god she only had one baby.

This little one is a girl with black hair and blue eyes. Her name is Chani.

In Dune, Chani was a Fremen woman who was the daughter of Liet-Kynes, the leader of all Fremen on Arrakis. She was among the band of Fremen that saved Paul Atreides and his mother, the Lady Jessica, from death in the deep desert. She later became Paul's concubine when he became the God Emperor of the Imperium and she gave birth to his heir, Leto Atreides II and his twin sister Ghanima. Let's see if this little one can live up to her namesake.

Well, that wraps up this installment of The Simself Apocalypse. Come back next time to find out what Sheldon will unlock, if I made an awful mistake in having Captain unlock Science first, and whether or not I'll accidentally break some more rules (I probably willthere are a lot of them).

Thanks for reading!