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The "Shoffice" Can Be the Next Trend in Incline Village Luxury Homes

Page 2: The "Shoffice" Can Be the Next Trend in Incline Village Luxury Homes

The “shoffice” - a cross between a storage shed and home office, is all the rage in London right now and it can possibly be the next trend for luxury homes for sale in Incline Village NV.

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Page 4: The "Shoffice" Can Be the Next Trend in Incline Village Luxury Homes

They say that necessity is the mother of invention. Since space is a luxury in London and homeowners who have already maximized the square footage in their attics and basements were becoming desperate for more space, they started eyeing their backyards. Their need for more space led to the creation of the shoffice.

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The long and skinny backyards behind London’s terraced homes were perfect for building an extra shed or room that could serve as an office, gym, media room, or play space. These small but high-end backyard fixtures have been called “shoffices.”

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Will American homeowners follow suit with the shoffice? It’s too early to tell, but the shoffice is actually a brilliant idea to save space and money. These cozy and quaint backyard shoffices would also look great with Incline Village lakefront real estate and blend with the natural settings, given the right design and architecture.

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Here are some other reasons why adding a shoffice to your backyard is a brilliant idea:

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1. You can use it as a home office. Those who work from home can tell you that it’s a challenge working inside the home with all kinds of distractions present (eg. kids, TV, chores, the bed). A shoffice allows a physical separation of your home and office life, while technically still allowing you to work from home. The quiet and tranquil setting of a shoffice eliminates the typical distractions found in a home and gives you a great setting to get your thoughts together and work in peace.

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2. You get more space and an extra room. Maybe you are expecting another child and need more space since you will be turning your home office into a nursery and are now worrying where to move your home office. Building a shoffice in your backyard would be a great solution! Or maybe you just need an extra room for your newfound hobby (painting, yoga, pottery, etc). A shoffice doesn’t necessarily need to be an office.

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It can be any room you need it to be - a fitness room, pottery studio, yoga/meditation room, dance studio, music studio, even a parking space/display room for your brand new sports car. The possibilities are endless! If you don’t need a home office, why not turn it into a room your kids can play in? Your kids will surely love turning it into a cave/ spaceship/ boys club/ etc. Let their imagination do the rest!

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3. It’s cheaper than moving to a larger house. A typical shoffice in London costs anywhere between $100,000 to $150,000 to build. The cost of such a small structure may sound too much, but if you compare it to moving to a larger house, it is actually cheaper. The average cost of trading a 2-bedroom to a 3-bedroom home is around $224,000. This means you pay that much just to get an extra room - add to that the costs and stress of relocating. But if you build a shoffice, you end up saving $100,000 or more for the extra room without going through the stress of moving.

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Page 13: The "Shoffice" Can Be the Next Trend in Incline Village Luxury Homes

4. Your backyard won’t look barren. If your backyard looks dull and barren due to lack of landscaping, adding a shoffice can be a great and more useful alternative than spending on landscaping or a fountain. You can choose from modern or cabin-type designs based on what would go well with your luxury home in Incline Village NV and its natural settings.

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5. The value of Incline Village NV luxury homes for sale will increase. Beyond adding extra space, building a shoffice in your backyard can significantly add to the value of your home since you are creating an extra living space where there was once none. Regardless of its original purpose, Incline Village real estate agents can showcase your shoffice as a functional extra room in the home (even if it is detached).

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Shoffices will definitely be the next big trend in real estate and we won’t be surprised if American homeowners start jumping into the bandwagon. Who knows, you might be the first among Incline Village real estate owners to have a shoffice built in their backyard?

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However, keep in mind that Tahoe Regional Planning Agency (TRPA) has building restrictions for all properties in the Lake Tahoe Basin so this won't be possible on every lot. Check with your Realtor for recommendations on a TRPA consultant.

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Check out the latest luxury homes for sale in Incline Village Nevada at

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If you are looking for the perfect luxury home or condo for sale in Incline Village NV, call me, Peg Augustus at 775-831-2846. With my personalized service and extensive knowledge of the Incline Village real estate market, I can help you find the perfect property that best suits your needs and high-end tastes.

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