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Page 1: The secret island

The Secret Island Written by

Enid Blyton

By Emily Carter

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What was this book about

Mike, Nora and Peggy have a miserable life with an unkind aunt and uncle after their parents vanished in an aircraft accident. Then their friend, Jack leads them to a secret island.

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How did I feel about the book

I enjoyed the book because it had action all the way through the book. It is better then it looked because it had some cheeky times in it as well.

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What was my favourite part and why?

My favourite was the ending part because it was a lovely, happy ending.

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What was the main idea

I think Enid Blyton wrote this story to say “ no matter the danger you will always have hope.”

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Give a recommendation

I would recommend this book to my cousin Sophie Maddox because she likes adventure books.

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Have I read anything similar

I have read three books that are written by the same author. These books are Mr Pink Whistle, Book of Brownies and five go off to camp.

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What did I think of the characters

My favourite character was Jack because he was kind and clever. Nora is the smallest and cries a lot. Peggy is second biggest and has yellow hair up to her shoulder. Mike is the second smallest and tries to be helpful. The captain of the crew Jack is the one who doesn’t mess around e.g. “come on lazy bones.”

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Describing the setting of the book

It happened on a little farm by a peaceful lake. In the middle of the lake was a secret island.

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Did the story have a good ending?

I loved the story’s ending, because it had a nice ending.

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Here is a picture of them in one of the islands caves.
