
The Scoop Volume XIV, Issue 11, December, 2001

This newsletter is published by The Connecticut Lighter Than Air Society for its members and interested parties. Portions of this publication may be reproduced if credit is given to the writer and to CLAS. The opinions expressed are not necessarily those of the organization or mem-bers of this organization (but if they were they’d be damn good ones).

For more information, contact Mick Murphy Editor PO Box 53, Southbury, CT 06488

Balloon adventurer inspires youngsters

Ananova: Thursday 8th November 2001 A British adventurer who left school at 16 with no qualifications has told of his record-breaking at-tempt to fly a balloon to the edge of space. Aeronautical engineer

Andy Elson, 48, will be joined by fellow Briton Colin Prescot, 51, as they attempt to shatter the altitude record for a hot-air balloon flight. He says he hopes the bid will be an inspiration to other school leavers. Mr Elson, from Wells, Som-erset, designed the balloon, which is taller than the Em-

pire State Building when inflated, from polythene thinner than a freezer bag. The men hope to ascend in the fragile balloon - which was built in Glas-tonbury - to 132,000 feet (25 miles) - more than twice the altitude Concorde's recent flight and 17,000ft higher than the ballooning re-

cord, set by two US Navy pilots in 1961. Mr Elson said at the launch in Lon-don: "I'd like to say to all those kids about to leave school with no

qualifications like me, you're not a write-off. There's still so much you can do."

The Balloon Flying Handbook 2001 Washington, DC – Need to obtain additional skills and knowledge about ballooning? Plan to purse a piloting certifi-cate or an advanced piloting certificate in hot air ballooning. Know the difference between “tethering” and “mooring”? The Superintendent of Documents announces the Balloon Flying Handbook, 2001 – A guide that introduces pilots to a broad spectrum of information needed for hot air balloon training.

The Balloon Flying Handbook, 2001 was created by the Federal Aviation Administration, and conforms to pilot train-ing and certification concepts established by the FAA. This practical manual is intended for student pilots learning to fly balloons, pilots preparing for additional balloon ratings or who desire to improve their flying proficiency and aero-nautical knowledge, and commercial balloon pilots teaching balloon students how to fly.

In addition, this manual introduces aspiring pilots to commonly used practices and principles, as well as various ex-planations in aerodynamic theories that are relevant to balloon flight. This guide also provides pilots with guidance and information in performing various procedures and maneuvers when operating a balloon. Areas covered in the handbook include the following:

• Preparing for Flight • In-flight Maneuvers • Regulations and Maintenance • Aeronautical Decision Making • Inflation, Launch, and Landing • Post-flight Procedures

The Balloon Flying Handbook, 2001 (stock number 050-007-01313-2, ISBN 0-16-050838-x) is available for $16.00 for U.S. orders and $20.00 for International Orders. All prices are free of tax and include regular shipping and handling charges.

2001 CLAS Officers

President: Tony Roswell Phone: 203-264-5066 E-mail: [email protected]

Vice Pres: Daryl Smith Phone: 860-742-3681 E-mail: [email protected]

Secretary: Ellen Dressel Phone: 860-272-6116 E-mail: [email protected]

Treasurer: Jack Perry Phone: 203-263-5962 E-mail: [email protected]

Historian for Life: Mike Bollea Phone: 860-677-0647

Webmaster: Jim O’Brien

Phone: 203– 891-8333 E-mail: [email protected]

Committee Chair Members

BFA Liaison: Santo Galatioto Phone: 203-397-0521 E-mail: [email protected]

Competition: Mike Bollea Phone: 860-677-0647

Education: Daryl Smith Phone: 860-429-9462 E-mail: [email protected]

FAA Liaison: Robert Zirpolo Phone: 203-250-8441 E-mail: [email protected]

Flight Manual: Penny Christy Phone: 860-638-3803 E-mail: [email protected]

Membership: Ellen Dressel Phone: 860-272-6116 E-mail: [email protected]

Nominating: Open

Products: Cindy Smith Phone: 860-429-9462 E-mail: [email protected]

Refreshments: Carlos Kebe Phone: 203-639-4883 E-mail: [email protected]

Sunshine: Terri Rollinson Phone: 203-264-5066 E-mail: [email protected]

Winter Dinner: Al Theodore Phone: 860-658-0228 E-mail: [email protected]

2001 CLAS Meeting Schedule December.20 Holiday Party

Windsor Locks Flight Standards District Office

Tele: (860)654-1000 or Fax: (860)654-1009

Kenneth D. Roach Manager Bob Martens, Safety Program Manager [email protected] (860)654-1002 Peter Lindberg, Safety Program Manager (860)654-1033 [email protected]

NEW! CLAS LANDOWNER CARDS Attention CLAS members Pilot and especially CREW—PLEASE remember to handout the CLAS Landowner Cards whenever and wherever you fly and land. Please, let’s not use the excuse that you landed and there was no landowner around or you always land at a local business or parking lots to avoid private property. You can always hand the card to the person or persons that help you pack up even though they do not own the landing site. Remember the pur-poses of the cards are to PROMOTE not only the Connecticut Lighter Than Air Society but also Hot Air Ballooning. We all can make 2002 the best year ever in promoting ballooning in Connecti-cut and what better way than thanking the Landowners that gra-ciously allow us the FREEDOM to use their property?

NEWS FLASH!! “Patty & Bill’s” holiday entertaining which has become legen-dary and very anticipated. So much that Randy & Diana Riley along with Bob Sommer made the long trek eagerly December 7th, notwithstanding the bad weather and passing up Dick Guistos Northhampton bash as well. But Bill and Patty were not home?? Did Sommer get a unique invitation or might the trio have jumped the gun and showed up a couple weeks early? Happy Holidays Mony

CLAS November 15th 2001,Business Meeting Meeting called to order at 7:42 p.m.

Members present: Charlie Perreault, Kevin Breilman, Erwin Dressel, Jack Perry, Al Theodore, Macarena Parra, Santo Galatioto, Jim O’Brien, Tony Roswell, Terry Rolinson, Pat Johannesen, Cindy and Daryl Smith, Penny Christy, Mick Murphy, Gloria Koczera, Jay Miller as guest, Carlos Kebe, and Mike Bollea

Minutes of the Sept meeting read. M.M.S.P. at accept the minutes with one correction “large airport” needs to be changed to read “all class ‘B’ air space”

Treasurer’s Report: $1611 in the checking account. There is $5,367 in the remaining CD’s. Question was raised as to the budget tracking to date. We are near to actual amounts on the budget. This lead to a discussion regarding the remembrance gifts that were sent by the Club sent in recent months.

Correspondence read from the following: University Village, Tampa, FL acknowledged with a ‘thank you’ for the contribution in memory of Polly’s Mother. Also a thank you from Polly was received. A notation of thanks from Erwin on the passing of his Mother was expressed.

Sunshine: Was busy this month, cards to the following: Diane Tomassetti on the loss of her Father; Hope Richerd-son, loss of her Son, (auto acc.), Mick Murphy’s Father following heart surgery, Erwin and Ellen on the loss of his Mother and Charlie Perreault on his knee surgery.

Products: $2422 on hand merchandise. $61 from sales was given to the treasurer. Page add in the Scoop for re-duced pricing to encourage sales for Christmas Gifts. Re-minder about the landowner pins, Kevin told how they were made for pilots to give out and not having the ex-pense of their own pins.

Membership: 82 is the current number. Latest is Dan Palen from Middletown, RI.

Flight Manual: Penny needed help changing format in the computer, which was given by Jim O’Brien.

Education: Penny was thanked for arranging the use of the Barns at Wesleyan Hill for the Oct meeting and class. Daryl was commended on the program he presented. Discussion followed about next years Safety Seminar and how to meet the balloonist needs. The Seminar is to be May 18th and we would use the following day, Sunday the 19th late morning with lunch to complete our requirements. Several ideas were presented to accomplish the requirement needs for balloonist.

Competition: November 17th fly out did not happen because of the weather and direction. Surface winds were also too fast for safety.

FAA & BFA: Remember the enhanced air space and low flying over large areas where people come together, sports arenas and shopping malls.

Winter Dinner: Al Theodore gave his report on the restaurants of choice and a vote was taken. The SILO in Farmington located on Route 10 was the preferred choice. The date: first pick was the 26th of January with Feb 2nd being the second choice. It is to be a buffet with fish, ham and chicken and a cash bar.

Landowner’s cards for the drawing were down and there will be a drawing on the percent of the total cards. Long jump and com-petition standings will be announced and awarded.

Christmas Get together will be at Plainville Meeting room on the 20th. Bring a dish to share and try to make it for 7p.m. if you can.

Kevin Brielman informed us about an organization: PILOTS HELPING PILOTS. This is a group that specifically works with pilots following and accident or incident. A motion was made and passed to send $100.00 to this fund following Sept. 11th.

Gloria Koczera invited everyone to Skylark for the party Dec 7th. Beginning at 7 p.m.

Caroll Tidesworth will be in the area and if we have enough interested we can have him come to CT. There seemed to be enough so we will try to have him come to CT. Date and place to be announced.

A mailing will go out for the election of secretary. Meeting Adjourned at 9:25 P.M. Page 3

Annual Mooney Time Christmas Bash

DECEMBER 15, 2001 3:00pm---Until Bill & Pat leave!!!!!

Bring your favorite dish!!!!

Chris & Cindy Mooney 72 Railtree Hill Road Woodbury, CT 06798 2 03-263-0167

The FAA has set Saturday May 18, 2002 as the date for Safety Fest. I have been coordinating with the education Committee as well as other club members to prepare for this year's event. Kathy Wadsworth and Robert Zirpolo are actively pursuing in-dustry leaders to see if they would come and speak to us. Daryl Smith has suggested that we employ a two-day format (4 hours with the FAA on the 18th and 4 hours at a club sponsored train-ing activity on Sunday the 19th). We will structure the training so it conforms to the BFA format. We could schedule the Sun-day training to occur during the middle of the day so it won't interfere with possible flying activities. We could also in-clude a social activity to coincide with the Sunday training event. I would like to hear from members as to what they would like in the way of training. Your quick response would be appreciated since these things take time to coor-dinate.


H i, remove the ad for the old teasel envelope please, I've sold it!! You might see it in the air in New Hampshire or Vermont I think. Take care, I've flown a couple of times here in Fairhaven, great to

see the coast line, a bit squirrely winds, great trees (was that a limb I heard?) and neat fields to land in, kids with cameras and friendly landowners. How about a few Santa Claus flights here? A CLAS flight perhaps? See you and a great big thank you to everyone for sending a sympa-thy card regarding my Dad. He was one heck of a great guy!

Thank you all. Diane

DECEMBER COMPETION FLIGHT The competition flight for December will be on the 15th and will be a hare & hound. We plan to fly from the Aqua Turf and will meet there 1/2 hour before sunrise. We need a volunteer for the hare, please call Mike Bol-lea if you’re interested. The safety parameters are: sur-face winds can not be over six knots and winds aloft at 3000 feet must be 20 knots or less. Don't forget to sign in at Mike's truck. Breakfast social to follow at Gene's Kitchen.

Long-jump news: Penny Christy is in 2nd place with a Cheshire to Columbia hop. Kevin Brielmann is in 1st place with a Cheshire to Putnam hop. Cut of date for the 2001 long jump will be the Freeze your Buns event in January.



You'll note there's no back up date for Dec. 15th due to Chris Mooney's Christmas party on that Saturday night. No one would show up for the Sun-day morning flight, not even Mike Bollea!

FREEZE YOUR BUN’S Aqua Turf Fly-out Saturday January 5, 2002. I'm sure there must be a CLAS event scheduled. Meeting time 6:15A.M. Rain or shine for breakfast. Need directions or moral or spiritual guidance?? Call RZ 203 250-8441. Remember the golden rule......DON'T DRIVE ON THE GRASS. And please don't show up toooooo early.



“To fly a balloon is to experience a great privilege. Nothing is quite like the same again. It is a

destiny without a destination. Its is pointlessness Which gives great purpose. It is enchanting. It is

funny. It is supreme. It cannot last and yet it endures,

Anthony Smith, The Story of a Balloon


6:59 4:24 1 7:19 4:33 7:00 4:23 2 7:19 4:34 7:01 4:23 3 7:19 4:35 7:02 4:23 4 7:19 4:36 7:03 4:23 5 7:19 4:36 7:04 4:23 6 7:19 4:37 7:05 4:23 7 7:19 4:38 7:06 4:23 8 7:19 4:39 7:07 4:23 9 7:19 4:40 7:07 4:23 10 7:19 4:41 7:08 4:23 11 7:19 4:43 7:09 4:23 12 7:18 4:44 7:10 4:23 13 7:18 4:45 7:11 4:23 14 7:17 4:46 7:11 4:24 15 7:17 4:47 7:12 4:24 16 7:17 4:48 7:13 4:24 17 7:16 4:49 7:13 4:25 18 7:16 4:50 7:14 4:25 19 7:15 4:51 7:15 4:26 20 7:15 4:53 7:15 4:26 21 7:14 4:54 7:16 4:27 22 7:14 4:55 7:16 4:27 23 7:13 4:56 7:17 4:28 24 7:12 4:58 7:17 4:28 25 7:12 4:59 7:18 4:29 26 7:11 5:00 7:18 4:30 27 7:10 5:01 7:18 4:30 28 7:09 5:02 7:19 4:31 29 7:08 5:04 7:19 4:32 30 7:07 5:05 7:19 4:33 31 7:07 5:06


Steve Fossett Hopes To Retry Balloon Bid Thursday November 22, 2001 11:30 PM PERTH, Australia (AP) - Millionaire adventurer Steve Fossett appar-ently believes that if at first you don't succeed, try, try, try, try, try, try, and try again. Steve Fosset hopes to launch an-

other solo round-the-world balloon attempt next year, his sixth crack at the feat. The U.S. investment tycoon has written to authorities in the west Australian town of Northam, officials there said Thursday. The letter said he will inflate his silvery balloon only if members of his support crew are once again willing to help in yet an-other record attempt.

Earlier this year, Steve Fossett made two attempts to fly solo round the world from Western Australia, the second from Northam. Leaving Australia on August 4, 2001 Fossett's balloon, Solo Spirit, remained airborne for 12 days, 13 hours - making it the longest solo balloon flight in terms of duration. He traveled 12,695 miles before be-ing forced to land in southern Brazil.

CLAS Holiday Merchandise Sale

CLAS Club Pins 5 for $20

CLAS Landowner Pins 15 for $15

CLAS Mugs 6 for $25

CLAS Decals 5 for $1

CLAS Short and Long Sleeve T-Shirts

Buy one get the 2nd at ½ price The higher price prevails.

Short Sleeve Long Sleeve

Medium $12 Large $16 Large $18

XLarge $16 XLarge $18 XXLarge $16 XXLarge $20

All items will be available for sale at the CLAS Pot Luck Supper Dec. 20

If you wish to place your order early you can call Cindy Smith at 860-742-3681 Or e-mail at [email protected]

Bill & Pats Annual Christmas Party will be held December 22nd 2001

Time 6pm --?

Place--120 Flax Rd. Fairfield, CT. 06430 Phone 203-255-1929 or cell # 203-257-4242


Bring your favorite dish and wear some red and green or a Christmas costume if you’re a fun person.

Bill & Pat


The Silo Restaurant 330 Main Street

Farmington, CT 06034 (860) 677-0149

(directions follow)

Saturday, January 26, 2002 6:00 - 11:00pm

Buffet dinner: Ham, Scrod, & Beef Tips $25.00 per person

Please send check made out to CLAS P. O. Box 53

Southbury, CT 06488-0053

RSVP: before January 12, 2002 to:

Ellen Dressel (203) 272-6116 or [email protected] Al Theodore (860) 658-0228 or [email protected]


From Hartford: Route 84 west to exit 38 (Bristol Rt. 6) Stay straight off exit. Travel app. 3 miles. At traffic light at Exxon gas station on left hand side take left to Rt. 10. Silo is located on left (app. 500 feet).

From Waterbury: Route 84 east to exit 34 (Crooked St. in Plainville). Take left at stop sign off exit. Go straight until end of street (app. 500 feet). Take left at traf-fic light onto New Britain Ave. Go straight app. 1 mile to traffic light. Texaco Gas/Store on right. Take right onto Cooke St. Stay straight on Cooke St. 1 ½ miles until merge with Rt. 10. Continue straight on Rt. 10, ½ mile. Silo is lo-cated on left hand side.

Proposed Logo Change

At the last meeting, I accepted the task of producing a modified club logo in the light of the events of 9-11 for everyone's consideration.

With the help of my technical assistant (Jim O'Brien), we have created the following logo for your review

This will be discussed at the next business meeting. The 5 stars in the corner represent the fact that Con-necticut was the 5th state to sign the Constitution. My suggestion is to transition to the proposed logo as we order new products so as to avoid any additional expenses. I hope everyone enjoys reviewing this as much as I did producing it.


Ed Note: The original Club Logo in the middle is a registered trademark of the Connecticut Lighter Than Air Society. The simple design was chosen to represent Connecticut and Ballooning proudly in our States color pattern.

KRAM Kristen Robert and Matt’s Big


THURSDAY, Day one or should I say, evening 5:30 or 22:30 GMT.Load up and hit the road, cooler and three pounds of the best pepper biscuits you have ever tasted. Well lets back track a little, Wednesday I had the TAHOE serviced for the trip to North Carolina for a balloon rally being put on by THE BALLOON WORKS in Statesville. The truck needed a front wheel brake job, along with a lube, oil and filter. Then Thursday morning of the long awaited trip, I wake to a flat tire, do I give up, of course not. Come to find out there was a piece of wood in the tire, which had to be replaced. So, now everything is packed and set to go. The three of us, being myself (Matthew), Robert and Kristen, hit the road 5:30pm not at Noon-time like I wanted to do because someone else had to make an ap-pointment on the day of this adventure. Just one more delay!!!! Be-lieve me when I say this, IF you plan a trip with RZ make sure he will be the driver for the day light hours only, do to the fact as the sun starts to set, RZ will start to do the bob and weave, (nocturnal) he is not, with him driving at night, will be enough for any pas-senger to say awake. After some hours (a lot) of hours of driving, all three of us arrive at a very good friend house at 3:00am (yes three) he did wait up for us to show up. That morning with a couple of hours of sleep, Awoke to a good Southern breakfast and shower, Robert and myself got to take turns driving Cap-tain Dave Waslukas BMW M3 road-ster, that’s right not a Z3. This little toy was just one of first highlights our trip. After burning up the back roads of Charlottesville, VR the three of us were back on the again. A few more hours of running down the pavement in the TAHOE (KRM) finally makes it

to Statesville on Friday evening. That evening in the hotel bar we talked a couple into getting their mile high pin, (7000) ft. So we were told by the PIC after that morning’s flight. Saturday morning I awoke to cool temperature of 35 degrees, almost like home. The “three sided basket people” arrived at a near by field to fly from. I myself (matt) dressed in the proper attire for only being a few miles away from Mooresville which the town that Dale Earnhart grew up in, I figure hay, when in Rome dress as the Romans do. A true FAN should be or will be welcomed to land on their property, (what the h*ll) it can’t hurt. Even Rob who works at the Balloon Works had made a commit that I had came pre-pared. So our chase crew or chase

person (ROBERT) that’s what I said; for him it had to one of the easiest chases one could ask for. Now, lets get on to Saturday afternoon’s flight was little breezy for the Southern Folks, But being from New England and with that open space, which a large plane can land and take off from, Robert got into my basket along with Kristen and they headed to parts unknown, (too me) at least for me. I was doing good keeping the balloon in sight until I had to turn around at school yard do to the fact that he was about to make a landing in a field near by. But guess what happen, that’s right I lost track of what was soon a (lost aircraft), for me anyhow. With much determination, and dark-ness falling a pond the flight crew and

me. I found myself driving in circles and talking to Robert on the radio, blowing the horn to see if the great white TAHOE was any where near by. NO LUCK, people said they had seen the balloon fly by this and that way, so I kept on looking. ALWAYS make sure that you as a chase crew ask what color the balloon happen to be that flew by, or you will be (I WAS) searching for the wrong one. Fear not, an hour later, a local farmer (who was more than happy) to help me out. Robert and Kristen had been help by one the mountain people (a real live hillbilly according to Kirsten) who just happen to been out at his hunting shack. As Robert looked into the truck and noticed the gun a lots of ammo, (what are we in for) fear not everyone

was and is happy to help out in the area. Af-ter arriving to the LZ, and loading up we shared some of the ice-cold beer and made some new friends Never wish for some-thing be-cause all the way to N.C. Kristen kept

saying how she would like to met a Hillbilly. So her wish came true. On the way back to the field, Kristen started to tell me about their experi-ence about how scared or nervous it was making them. At one point Kris-ten stated when she heard noise coming from the shack, she turn to Robert “LETS RUN”. With it being so dark and not even a flashlight, RZ yelled “hello” then they both heard the landowner answer back to them. As all you the readers can see, every-thing work well. This is the major rea-son why afternoon flights are not so much fun!!!!! OR ARE THEY. Tune in next month to read about the Sunday morning flight, this adventure or road trip as one would say is to good to read all at once. Thanks Matt

1987 Cameron DP-70 Airship.GBNXG, 22TT.Complete w/box trailer, 2/10-gal.alum.cyls.,2-cylce/4-cyl.Konig radial engine 570cc,banner areas 2 sides, all very good/excellent condition, one private owner.$25,000. Contact 860-678-7921 or [email protected]

1999 Firefly AX-8.N7053Z, 45TT.5.basket,dual Mirage,DT-21,turning vent,two master tanks 25,000. 1997 FireFly AX-9.N3085Z,140TT.5.5.basket dual T3s,DT-21,6 tanks, $27,000. Both can be viewed at

1992 Cameron V-77 Envelope with Single Mark lV Burner and 42x48 Basket with 3 ten gal. tanks, annual 9/10/01. $4500.00 or Best Over. Call Bill Colyer Tel-203-255-1929 or cell 203-257-4242.

Miscellaneous Items 30" wooden prop with the hub. Hub fits a one inch shaft. The prop and hub where used one season an are in very good condition. Contact Steve Goodyear 401-789-4062 or [email protected]


Collectibles: If you are looking to sell or just get rid of any LTA memorabilia or unique collectibles please contact Mick @ [email protected].

1990 Head AX-88, N45088, 325TT, spiral multi-color staircase design, current annual, new parachute top, Ball instruments, 4-10 gal recertified SS tanks, basket w/covers, box of fabric, inflator fan, 150' drop line, very good cond., $4500. Trailer $650 extra. Call 203-262-6493 or e-mail: [email protected]

ADVERTISING RATES FULL PAGE $20.00 8” X 10” 1/2 PAGE $15.00 5” X 8” 1/4 PAGE $10.00 4” X 5” 1/8 PAGE $ 5.00 (business card)

CLASSIFIED RATES Classified ads are $3.00 per line. Each line is approximately 50 spaces. “N” numbers and Total Time are required for all listings. Classified ads are free to CLAS members in good standing!!! If you have an article or advertisement for the “Scoop”, please submit it to the PO Box Address or send via E-Mail to: [email protected]. by Oct 9th for the October Newsletter.

A special thanks to all those that contributed to this months newsletter!

Bill & Pat Colyer / Anderson Erwin & Ellen Dressel Chris & Cindy Mooney

Dave Lasher Matt Dutkiewicz

Al Theodore Santo Galatioto Mony Sommers James O’Brien

Diane Tomassetti Jack Perry

Randy Riley Robert Zirpolo

Ed note: If I omitted anyone that contributed, I do apologize in advance for not mentioning your name individually. Thanks

Scoop Advertising Rates


CONNECTICUT LIGHTER THAN AIR SOCIETY MEMBERSHIP APPLICATION The Connecticut Lighter Than Air Society is a club for anyone interested in learning about, participating in and improving the sport of ballooning. Pilots, crew, and enthusiasts alike are welcome and ALL can contribute to the safety, enjoyment and education of the sport. Meetings are scheduled during the months of Jan, Feb, Mar, April, May, June, July, Aug, Sept, Oct, Nov and Dec on the third Thursday of the month at the Plainville Municipal building at 7:30 pm. For more information, contact any of the officers listed inside this newsletter.

CLAS 2001 dues are $20.00 for new and renewing members.

Newsletter Subscription $ 10 Pins $ 5. ($3 for members) Decals $ 2 ($1 for members) Landowner pins(members only) $ 21.90 (15 pins) CLAS T-Shirts $ 12. And up-Various Styles (Add $3.00 for shipping) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ NAME________________________________________________________________________________________ ADDRESS____________________________________________________________________________________ TELEPHONE Home__________________Work_____________________DATE OF BIRTH__________________ New member Renewing members Single $20____ Single $20____. Crew____ Student Pilot____ Private Pilot____. Commercial Pilot ____ BFA CAAP: Level __________ BFA PAAP Level__________ FAA WINGS Level______ Newsletter only___________ Pin _____Decal_____ Landowner pins _____T-Shirts. (S) ___(M) ___(L) ___ (XL) ___ BFA#_______________ Pilot Certificate # ____________________

Make checks payable to and Mail to: CLAS, PO Box 53, Southbury,CT 06488-0053

The Scoop / CLAS PO Box 53 Southbury, CT 06488-0053

