Page 1: The Science of Practice to whole life

The Science of Practice to whole life


Dr. Paul W Dyer Grandmaster

In attempting to explain consciousness I recommend that we should attempt to construct models of functioning brains rather than models of minds. I believe that brains through interactions with their surroundings can develop minds. I have accepted the existence of qualia and incorporate them into my practice of the brain based theory of energy development.

I believe that a biological theory of consciousness, which he explicitly considers to be an integral part of certain theories and theories of population dynamics. We can also say that the development of human consciousness and intelligence can be satisfactorily explained.  

The connectivity of the brain is incredibly complex.  Just the cortex of the brain, if unfolded, would be about the size of a table napkin.  It would have 30 billion nerve cells or neurons, and one million billion connections.  If you calculate the number of possible neural pathways, it amounts to approximately 10 to the 83rd power!  This level of complexity gives you considerable respect for what evolution can do. 

The theory of Neural Darwinism explains how diversity functions in your recognition or perception of the world.  It does it by having a huge number of repertoires of variance.  Those that match are reinforced in their synaptic connections, and those that don’t match are diminished.  This means that everybody’s brain is quite unique.  No two brains are alike, even identical twins. The one thing we can do that is the same is to train ourselves to be an in creditable energy source of the universe.

We are also going to introduce the complex process called reentry in which there are massively parallel reciprocal connections amongst brain areas.  A process of electrical stimulation across these various areas couples the maps of the brain together. This happens to self action toward complete health. This process of reentry according to the science is the origin of consciousness in that part of your

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brain that connects to the cortex called the thalamus.  The thalamus is the way station that connects all of the sensory elements except for smell, directly to the cortex.  This thalamocortical system has a huge connectivity and is considered to be essential and required for consciousness through this process of reentry and the connection with the body. 

This approach identifies the role of exchanges between anterior brain systems concerned with memory and the evaluation of experience, and posterior regions concerned with perceptual categorization. In our daily practice of whole life during the training in Mukan-Da we attack this brain through different techniques that are thousands of years old. The ultimate work of the dynamic core is to enable the infinity of discriminations summarized in our perceptual experience which constitute primary consciousness. I believe that selfhood and subjectivity two of the defining features of consciousness result naturally. The selfhood is a consequence of the grounding of all our later experiences in early perceptions of the internal environment and subjectivity results from the unique developmental of each and every human mind. The higher order of consciousness builds upon the theory of primary consciousness to provide for what is called higher order consciousness. This type of consciousness comprises an awareness of the past the future and the self that is aware of them. This type of consciousness closely and though not exclusively to our command of language and our associated semantic and or symbolic capabilities and, the neuronal complexity can best be understood in terms of the simultaneous compartmentalization and integration of brain function. The movement in the practice we shall later learn in

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the book I am currently working on. You will learn from simple to sophisticated forms and techniques.

The human brain has approximately 100,000,000,000 neurons And depending on which runs get stimulated Certain connections become stronger and more efficient well others me become weaker this is called neuroplasticity. Specific neurons and neurotransmitter such as norepibephrine trigger a defensive state when we feel that our thoughts have to be protected from the influence of others In this defense of state the more primitive part of the brain interferes with rational thinking limbic system can knock out most of our working memory physically causing narrow mind.

When we express ourselves in our views are appreciated these defense chemicals decrease in the brain and dopamine neurotransmission activate rewards neurons self-esteem and south believe is closely linked to the neurotransmitter serotonin when we grow up a moral and ethical compass is almost entirely develop by our environment but new developments in our sciences are giving us a better understanding of our identity the recent study of the sciences has confirmed existence of empathetic mirror neurons when we experienced in an emotion or perform in action specific neurons fired the when we observe someone else performing this action or when we imagine it many of the same.

Neurons will fire again with these mirror neurons we are in a constant duality between how we see ourselves and how others see us this resolved in confusion of identity and self esteem, but when we are self aware we can alter misplaced emotions. We control the thoughts that cause this is the result of the practice we should study and talk about more in this book. A memory can be restored to protein synthesis so observing profoundly changes the way our brain works.

The brain activates the self regulating neo cortical region which give us an incredible amount of control over our feelings when we are not in control brain resolve this by creating an explanation for our behavior with the physically action we do. You rewrite it into memories through reconstruction making us believe that you were in control all along. This is also call backwards rationalization this will leave most of our negative emotions un resolved in ready to be triggered it anytime each neuron has a voltage which can change. When Ions flow in and out of the cell once a neurons has reached its voltage it will fire out electrical signal to other cells

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which will repeat the process. This is the beginning of how we change our environment. Throughout all of our body, This process produces a wave that goes throughout our body and a frequency is produced bees frequencies get classified in then such as alpha theta and gamma each of these wings are associated with different task greenways allows brain cells to tune into the frequency the transfer of information between neurons becomes optimum when their activity is synchronized in the process of awakening our bodies we will activate all circuits in the brain. These are the begging action to the energy we create through our practice.

This is the science that most of the world will not explain to you. It is my intention for you to understand that complete health is achieved through the activation of what you create. Through the proper training and education you can have the life you want.

By: Dr. Paul W Dyer Grandmaster