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The Rural Maid

Presented by: Angelica Grace Galwardo

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1. Rural2. Maid3. Glance4. Fond5. Parted6. Fair7. Impart8. Pleading

a. relating to the country and the people who live there instead of the city.

b. a girl or woman who is not married.

c. pleasing to the eye or mind especially because of fresh, charming, or flawless quality.

d. to give, convey, or grant from.e. the act of asking for something in

a serious and emotional way.f. feeling or showing love or

friendship.g. to look at someone or something

very quickly.h. leave someone's company.

1. a2. b3. g4. f5. h 6. c7. d8. e

The Rural MaidBy Fernando M. Maramag

1.Thy glance, sweet maid, when first we met,Had left a heart that aches for thee,I feel the pain of fond regret—Thy heart, perchance, is not for me.

2.We parted: though we met no more,My dreams are dreams of thee, fair maid;I think of thee, my thoughts imploreThe hours my lips on thine are laid.

3.Forgive these words that love impart,And pleading, bare the poet’s breast;And if a rose with thorns thou art,Yet on my breast that rose may rest.

4.I know not what to name thy charms,Thou art half human, half divine;And if I could hold thee in my arms,I know both heaven and earth were mine.

Fernando M. Maramag was born on January 21, 1893 in Ilagan, Isabela. He was a Spanish mestiza. His parents were landowners Rafael Maramag and Victoria Mamuri. He studied at the University of the Philippines and was the editor-in-chief of the school newspaper meanwhile.

He was the principal of the Institute De Manila when he was 21 years old. He also taught English at UP and San Juan de Letran. Then, he worked in the government as chief of the publications division of the Department of Justice.

He was a great poet and journalist at the same time. He was very influential on the lives of the Filipinos by his writings in 1917. He was the editor of Rising Philippines too. He published many poems in his lifetime.

INTERPRETATION: A boy felt in love in a girl at a one glance, he always dream about that girl, but he know the heart of the girl was belong to someone else, he felt a pain inside him, he dream that one day he want to see again the girl, she is like a goddess from heaven that he didn't take his eyes on her.

Sometimes, no matter how addicting love can get, one must know when to stop dreaming and to start living in the world of reality. The words written are of the words of someone’s feelings: a small voice of unrequited love.

1.Thy glance, sweet maid, when first we met,Had left a heart that aches for thee,I feel the pain of fond regret—Thy heart, perchance, is not for me.

The first time that he saw the maiden he felt love at first sight, but it became a heartache when the persona didn’t saw the maiden the second time around, the persona felt sadness and pain, but he loved the maiden so much that he never regretted meeting her. The persona did not also have a chance to love the maiden since the love of the maiden is not for him, but towards to others.

2.We parted: though we met no more,My dreams are dreams of thee, fair maid;I think of thee, my thoughts imploreThe hours my lips on thine are laid.

Again for the second time the persona didn’t have the chance to meet the girl of his dreams, but this was a long time ago. Several years have past and he only saw the maiden that he loved so much in his dreams the fresh, charming, or flawless all the beautiful qualities the first time he saw the maiden is tainted through his mind and heart, to the point that his thoughts beg earnestly and eagerly about the maiden he will never forget. Hours refer to the years of his waiting, he dreamed that one day he may have the chance to kiss the lips of the fair maiden he saw several years ago.

3.Forgive these words that love impart,And pleading, bare the poet’s breast;And if a rose with thorns thou art,Yet on my breast that rose may rest.

The persona wants to seek forgiveness for loving the maiden without her knowing, the persona wishes that the maiden grant his wish to love her back. He act like the maiden was there seeing him asking to love him in a serious and emotional way, and the metaphor lies “bare the poet’s breast”, meaning that the persona means his pure feelings and intention to love to maiden. The persona describe the maiden as a rose that has thorns, the thorns in the rose in his heart that rest and strike his heart in pain.

4.I know not what to name thy charms,Thou art half human, half divine;And if I could hold thee in my arms,I know both heaven and earth were mine.

The persona says that the maiden beauty is beyond compare. “Thou art half human, half divine;” shows how much the persona in the poem appreciated the maid's beauty. The last two lines embodies the persona's sincerity for the maid and how true the persona's love was for the maid, that if he could her in his arms, then he ends it with hyperbole saying that heaven and earth will be his.

Generalization:Love is addicting. No questions asked – no strings attached. For me, there’s no other word to describe that sweet sensation that makes a smile appear on ones face; a grin accompanied with that contented trademark sigh. But let’s face it: not everyone has a ‘happily-ever-after’ ending. We end up having people are usually called ‘hopeless dreamers’; those that hold onto dreams that could never turn into reality.

Assignment I want you to create a letter about love, you can address it your parents, grandparents, to your special someone, friends and other people who matters to you.”

End of Presentation