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  • 7/25/2019 The Romances



    The Alliterative Revival

  • 7/25/2019 The Romances



    The very great number ! rman"e# "an

    be "la##i!ie$ a""r$ing t #ub%e"t&

    ' The Matter of England

    ' The Matter of Rome

    ' The Matter of France

    ' The Matter of Britain

  • 7/25/2019 The Romances


    The Matter ! Englan$

    King Horn()*th "entury+

    Havelok the Dane()*th "entury, -ith

    minr revi#in# at the beginning ! ).th+ Guy of Warwick(early ).th "entury+

    /0ealing -ith Engli#h hi#try1

  • 7/25/2019 The Romances


    The Matter ! Rme

    King Alisaunder(2&333 line#+& C& )*33,

    !un$ in a manu#"ri4t 3! )**3'.3&

    The Seege [Siege of Troye(5&333line#+

    /Cla##i"al theme#1

  • 7/25/2019 The Romances


    The Matter ! Fran"e

    Song of !oland()*th "entury+

    The "eru#$ras Grou%($ealing -ith

    in"i$ent# !un$ in Fren"h chansons degestean$ Charlemagne legen$#+

  • 7/25/2019 The Romances


    The Matter ! 6ritain

    Fa#"inatin -ith the i$ea ! 7ing Arthuran$ hi# 7night#&

    0evel4ment ! Arthurian legen$#&

    Fren"h )5th "entury #ur"e# (Marie $eFran"e an$ Chr8tien $e Trye#+&

    Chivalry an$ Curtly lve&

    Sir Gawain and the Green Knighti# the!ine#t e9am4le ! all Mi$$le Engli#hrman"e#&

  • 7/25/2019 The Romances


    S&! GAWA&' A'D TH( G!(('


    Alliterative Revival

    Rman"e ! the 5n$ hal! ! ).th "entury

    5&:*3 line# Annymu#; The authr i# et, 4rbably brn in the nrth'-e#t Mi$lan$#&

    Manu#"ri4t in the 6riti#h Library& Itin"lu$e# * 4em# by the #ame authr;)earl* )urityan$ )atience

  • 7/25/2019 The Romances


    Very gay was this great man guised all in green,

    and the hair of his head with his horses accorded:

    fair flapping locks enfolding his shoulders,

    a big beard like a bush over his breast hanging

    that with the handsome hair from his head falling

    Such a mount on middle-earth, or man to ride him,

    was never beheld in that hall with eyes ere that time;

    for there

    his glance was as lightning bright,

    so did all that saw him swear;

    no man would have the might,

    they thought, his blows to bear