


761 East 236th StreetBronx, New York 10466


Rectory4307 Barnes Avenue

Bronx, New York 10466Tel: (718) 324-5340 - Fax: (718) 324-5373

Email: [email protected]:


761 East 236th StreetBronx, New York 10466

Rectory: 4307 Barnes Avenue Bronx, New York 10466 Tel: (718) 324-5340 Fax: (718) 324-5373 Email: [email protected] Website: sfrbronx.orgMASS SCHEDULE Saturday Vigil: 5:00PM Sunday: 8:00 AM; 9:30 AM; 11:00 AM (Spanish): 12:30 PM Mass Center at Saint Francis of Assisi (SFA) School 4330 Baychester Avenue, Bronx, NY 10466 Sunday: 10 AM

Weekdays: 9:00 AM Monday-Saturday (St. Frances of Rome) 8:00 AM on Saturday (St. Francis of Assisi Mass Center)

Confessions: 4:15 to 4:45 PM in the St. Frances of Rome Upper Church

Parish Programs Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament Saturdays 9:30AM-12 Noon Religious Education Program 11:00AM-12:30PM (Ends with Mass) Choirs Practice Times: • Praise and Worship: Saturdays 12:30PM • Parish Main Choir: Saturdays 2:00PM • Spanish Choir: Saturdays in Lower Church 2:00PM

Regional Catholic Schools Within Our Parish

** Our Lady of Grace School ** St. Mary School 3981 Bronxwood Ave. 3956 Carpenter Ave. Bronx, NY 10466 Bronx, NY 10466 (718) 547-9918 (718) 547-0500

** St. Francis of Assisi School ** Catherine Corry Early Childhood Center 4300 Baychester Ave. 4321 Barnes Ave. Bronx, NY 10466 Bronx, NY 10466 (718) 994-4650 (718) 231-0858


The Parish of St. Frances of Rome was established in 1898 by the Archbishop of New York, Michael A. Corrigan. Several parishes now embrace the territory that belonged to St. Frances of Rome. The first church was actually a tent with a cross on top of it.

Fr. Francis P. Moore was the first pastor. By 1901 land had been purchased for the building of the first rectory and church of St. Frances of Rome. The wooden church was dedicated by Archbishop Corrigan on June 23rd of that same year. At this time the parish was located on Richardson Avenue. The parish continued to grow and a Mission Church was established in the Woodlawn area to serve the Catholics there. St. Barnabas Parish was later established for these parishioners. The boundaries of the parish were reduced as other parishes were established because of the growing population.

By the middle of the 1920’s, property had been acquired for the building of a more permanent church and rectory in the area of Barnes Avenue and 236th Street. The School of St. Frances of Rome was also begun during this decade. Fr. Moore was a man of vision and energy. The great responsibility of builder rested on his shoulders. Moore Plaza is named in his honor as the founding pastor.

The basement church was opened on Easter Sunday in 1926. The present rectory was also built about the same time. It was later expanded on the top floor to give more space to both living and office areas. Fr. Moore died in 1928 and the great cross on the dome of the church serves as a memorial to him. He was truly the founder and architect of the parish.

Patrick Cardinal Hayes appointed Fr. John T. Jordan as pastor of the parish in 1929. The parish was blessed with another builder and organizer as it was he who went ahead with plans for the construction of a permanent parish school as well as a convent for the Sisters of the Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary. These buildings were dedicated in 1930. The parish debt had grown and reached a total of $400,000. This was astronomical as the country was entering the Depression Era of the 1930’s. Fr. Jordan and his dedicated and faithful parishioners all pulled together and through various means hammered away at the debt which was finally paid in full in 1945. This hard-working man passed away one year later in 1946.

Francis Cardinal Spellman, the new Archbishop of New York, appointed Fr. James J. Hackett the pastor. He arrived in January of 1947 and he passed away in June of the same year. He never had a chance to leave his permanent mark on the parish. He was succeeded by Monsignor Joseph M. Egan in July 1947. He served as the pastor for 12 years, until 1959. During this time the rectory was expanded and various repairs were made to the parish buildings. At the time of his death, there was also a balance of about $160,000, which would serve as the foundation for the eventual construction of the upper church.

Monsignor Michael A. McGuire became the pastor in 1959, and he became another builder in the parish. Three structures rose under his auspices – our present upper church, an additional school building, as well as an expansion of the convent for the sisters. The

school population had expanded greatly at this time and these two latter buildings were sorely needed.

The upper church was finally becoming a reality and it was a tremendous project, which, at the time, cost about one million dollars. Ground for the new church was broken in May of 1965 and the building was dedicated by Cardinal Spellman in March of 1967. The church is both traditional and modern in its architecture and is very distinguished by the magnificence of its stained-glass windows. During this time the parish boundaries were reduced again and some areas went to existing parishes as well as the new neighboring parish of St. Francis of Assisi. Those who went to parochial school many years ago will also remember Monsignor McGuire as the author of the Baltimore Catechism which is used to learn the truths of the Catholic religion. The present church building stands as a tribute to him.

In 1971 Monsignor Patrick Raftery became our pastor. He still had the burden of paying off the debt connected with the new church and he succeeded in this without the use of any fundraising gimmicks. The parish also began to change in its ethnic make-up. Many different ethnic groups moved into the parish. Monsignor Raftery became ill and passed away in 1987.

In September of 1987 Fr. Karl Bauer was appointed pastor. He again brought new life and new blood into the parish. He also shouldered financial burdens in keeping up the physical plant of the parish. Fr. Bauer was successful in installing a much needed elevator for access to the upper church. He refreshed the parish with new insights into social action, an important role of the Church. Programs for the elderly and home bound, a food pantry for those in need, and a Spanish Mass revitalized the parishioners. The introduction of tithing gave added responsibility to the parishioners as the real custodians of the parish of St. Frances of Rome.

Fr. Francis Corry served as pastor of St. Frances of Rome from 1999-2014. During his time as pastor the neighborhood Catholic community began to dwindle. The Archdiocese of New York closed St. Frances of Rome School; St. Anthony Church and School clustered with St. Frances of Rome Church. Eventually, St. Anthony School was closed. With two schools closed Fr. Corry was successful in having the St. Frances of Rome School house the new Catherine Corry Academy. St. Frances of Rome merged with St. Francis of Assisi to form the Churches of Wakefield during his time as pastor.

July 15, 2014 Fr. Georginus Ejiofor Ugwu, MSP, a member of the Missionary Society of St. Paul with headquarters in Houston, Texas became the first MSP priest to be appointed pastor of the parish after Cardinal Dolan assigned the church to the Missionaries of St. Paul in July of 2014. His arrival coincided with the Archdiocesan parish-planning program (Making All Things New) that consolidated existing parishes in the archdiocese. Father E (as he is popularly known) has worked tirelessly with both the Archdiocese and the parishioners of the merged catholic churches of Wakefield to create a strong and close-knit faith community in the parish.

About the Catholic Faith

Our core beliefs are summed up in our Creed. We are the original Christian Church, which began when Jesus himself said to the Apostle Peter, “You are the rock on which I will build my church. The gates of hell will not prevail against it.” Every pope since then has been part of an unbroken line of succession since Peter, the first pope. Early in the history of the Church there was the belief that when Jesus said at the Last Supper, “Take this and eat – this is my body, take this and drink – this is my blood,” he was giving us the gift of his real presence in the form of bread and wine. We call this the Eucharist – a name that comes from the Greek word for thanksgiving. The Catholic Mass is a Eucharistic celebration and a celebration of God’s word in Scriptures. We believe that holy men and women who have come before us still pray for us and aid us. We call them saints, and many of our churches are named for them. First among the saints is Mary, a virgin who gave birth to the child Jesus, and who is honored as the Mother of God and the Mother of the Church. From the beginning of Christianity, the Catholic Church has handed on God’s word to each new generation – and defined what it meant to be a follower of Jesus Christ. Through the centuries, it is the Catholic Church that preserved the Bible, as well as many other written works, through its monasteries and libraries. It instituted the university system in order to educate. Today, the Church is the world’s largest charitable organization; we provide a significant portion of social service needs for Americans. There are nearly 250 Catholic universities and colleges in the United States alone, and we also operate this nation’s larg-est non-public school system. We are a billion people on every continent who profess and express a faith in Christ that spans over 2,000 years.1

The Apostles’ Creed

I believe in God, the Father Almighty, Creator of heaven and earth; and in Jesus Christ, His only Son, our Lord: Who was conceived by the Holy Spirit, born of the Virgin Mary, suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, died and was buried. He descended into hell; the third day He rose again from the dead; He ascended into heaven and is seated at the right hand of God the Father Almighty; from thence He shall come to judge the living and the dead. I believe in the Holy Spirit, the holy Catholic Church, the communion of saints, the forgiveness of sins, the resurrection of the body, and life everlasting. Amen.

“About Baptism for Children”, 2016, p 11.1

The Seven Sacraments of the Church

1.The Sacraments of Christian Initiation A. Baptism The sacrament of Baptism cleanses us of sin and initiates us as members of the Christian Community. It is the foundation for the sacramental life. Parents must pre-register by visiting the Rectory and providing the child’s Birth Certificate. Infant Baptism in English is celebrated at 2:00PM on the 4th Sunday of the month at St. Frances of Rome. Baptism in Spanish is celebrated at 2:00 PM on the 3rd Sunday of the month. B. Confirmation Confirmation renews and strengthens the baptismal commitment. During the reception of Confirmation, the bishop anoints each candidate with the oil called sacred chrism. Each candidate is sealed with the Holy Spirit. C. Eucharist The Holy Eucharist is at the center of sacramental life. At mass, during the Liturgy of the Eucharist, we are nourished by the Body and Blood of Christ, and we renew our commitment to Jesus.

2. The Sacraments of Healing

A. Reconciliation (Penance) Through reconciliation we seek forgiveness for our sins and celebrate God’s everlasting love for all. In the sacrament of reconciliation penitents receive absolution and God’s grace. B. Anointing of the Sick The sacrament of Anointing of the Sick gives strength, support, comfort and spiritual healing to anyone with an illness or in ill health.

3. Sacraments of service A. Matrimony The sacrament of Matrimony is a visible sign of God’s love for the church. When a man and a woman are married in the Church, they receive God’s grace and join in a covenant that binds them together for a lifetime. Couples who wish to marry should speak with one of the parish priests at least six months (preferably a year) in advance. Wedding date, time and venue should not be scheduled without first registering with the parish. B. Holy Orders The sacrament in which a bishop confers on a baptized man the grace of the Holy Spirit and sacred power for the service of the faithful. It can be administered in three forms: deacon, priest and bishop.




Priest: The Lord be with you.People: And with your spirit


A - I confess to almighty Godand to you, my brothers and sisters,that I have greatly sinned,in my thoughts and in my words,in what I have doneand in what I have failed to do,through my fault, through my fault,through my most grievous fault;therefore, I ask blessed Mary ever-Virgin,all the Angels and Saints,and to you, my brothers and sisters,to Pray for me to the Lord our God. ~ or ~B - Priest: Have mercy on us, O Lord.People: For we have sinned against you.Priest: Show us, O Lord, your mercy.People: And grants us your salvation. ~ or ~C - Lord/Christ have mercy.


Glory to God in the highest,And on earth peace to people of good will.We praise you, we bless you,we adore you, we glorify you,we give you thanks for your great glory,Lord God, heavenly King,O God, almighty Father.Lord Jesus Christ, Only Begotten Son,Lord God, Lamb of God,Son of the Father,You take away the sins of the world,Have mercy on us;you take away the sins of the world,

You are seated at the right handof the Father, have mercy on us.For you alone are the Holy One,you alone are the Lord,you alone are the Most High, Jesus Christ,with the Holy Spirit,in the glory of God the Father. Amen.


Deacon (or Priest): A reading from the HolyGospel according to….People: Glory to you, O Lord.


I believe in one God,The Father almighty,Maker of heaven and earth,Of all things visible and invisible.I believe in one Lord Jesus Christ,The Only Begotten Son of God,Born of the Father before all ages.God from God, Light from Light,true God from true God,begotten, not made,consubstantial with the Father;through him all things were made.For us men and for our salvationhe came down from heaven,and by the Holy Spiritwas incarnate of the Virgin Mary,and became man.For our sakeHe was crucified under Pontius Pilate,he suffered death and was buried,and rose again on the Third dayin accordance with the Scriptures.He ascended into heaven and is seatedat the right hand of the Father.

Receive our prayer;

He will come again in gloryto judge the living and the deadand his kingdom will have no end.I believe in the Holy Spirit, the Lord,the giver of life, who proceeds fromthe Father and the Son,who with the Father and the Sonis adored and glorified,who has spoken through the prophets.I believe in one, holy, catholicand apostolic Church.I confess one baptismfor the forgiveness of sinsand I look forward to the resurrection of the deadand the life of the world to come.Amen.


May the Lord accept the sacrifice at your handsfor the praise and glory of his name,for our goodand the good of all his holy Church.


Priest: The Lord be with you.People: And with your spirit.Priest: Lift up your hearts.People: We lift them up to the Lord.Priest: Let us give thanksto the Lord our God,People: It is right and just.


Holy, Holy, Holy Lord God of hosts.Heaven and earth are full of your glory.Hosanna in the highest.Blessed is he who comesin the name of the Lord.Hosanna in the highest.


Priest: The mystery of faith.

People:A – We proclaim your Death, O Lord,and profess your Resurrectionuntil you come again. ~ or ~B – When we eat this Breadand drink this Cup,we proclaim your Death,O Lord,until you come again. ~ or ~C – Save us, Savior of the world,for by your Cross and Resurrection,you have set us free.


Priest: The peace of the Lordbe with you always.People: And with your spirit.


Priest: Behold the Lamb of God,behold him who takes awaythe sins of the world.Blessed are those calledto the supper of the Lamb.All: Lord, I am not worthythat you should under my roof,but only say the wordand my soul shall be healed.


Priest: The Lord be with you.People: And with your spirit.

Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament

O Salutaris HostiaO salutaris Hostia,Quae caeli pandis ostiumBella premunt hostilia,Da robur, fer auxiliumUni trinoque DominoSit sempiternag Gloria,Qui vitam sine terminoNobis donet in patria. Amen(the Blessed Sacrament is incensed)

Anima ChristiSoul of Christ, sanctify me.Body of Christ, save meBlood of Christ, inebriate me.Water from the side of Christ, wash me.Passion of Christ, strengthen me.O good Jesus, hear me.Within your wounds conceal me.Do not permit me to be parted from you.From the evil foe protect me.At the hour of my death call me.And bid me come to you, to praise you with all your saintsForever and ever. Amen

Good and Gentle Jesus

Here, O good and gentle Jesus,I kneel before you,And with all the fervor of my soulI pray that you engrave within my heartLively sentiments of faith, hope, and love,True repentance for my sins,And a firm purpose of amendment.While I see and I ponder your five woundsWith great affection and sorrow in my soul,I have before my eyes those words of yours That David prophesied about you:“They have pierced my hands and feet;I can count all my bones.’ Amen.

Act of Adoration

We adore you Most Holy Lord, Jesus Christ, here and in all the churches of the whole world, and we bless you because by your Cross, you have redeemed the world. Have mercy on us.

Desire for Closer Union with Christ

Lord Jesus Christ, pierce my soul with your love so that I may always long for you alone, who are the bread of angels and the fulfillment of the soul’s deepest desires. May my heart always hunger and feed upon you so that my soul may be filled with the sweet-ness of your presence. May my soul thirst for you, who are the source of life, wisdom, knowledge, light and al the riches of God our Father. May I always seek and find you, think upon you, speak to you and do all things for honor and glory of your holy name. Be always my only hope, my peace, my refuge and my help in whom my heart is rooted so that I may never be separated from you. Amen

Act of Preparation to Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament

With that profound humility which the faith itself inspires in me, O my God and Savior Jesus Christ, true God and true man, I love you with all my heart, and I adore you who are hidden here, in reparation for all the irreverence, profanations and sacrileges which you receive in the most adorable Sacrament of the Altar. I adore you. O my God, if not so much as you are worthy to be adored nor so much as I am bound to do, yet as much as I am able; would that I could adore you with that perfect worship which the Angels in heaven are enabled to offer you. May you, O my Jesus, be known, adored, loved and thanked by all men and women at every moment in this most holy and divine Sacrament. Amen

Come Holy Spirit

V. Come O Holy Spirit; fill the hearts of the faithfulR. And enkindle in them the fire of your loveV. Send forth you spirit and they shall be createdR. And you shall renew the face of the earth.

Let us pray(ALL): O God, who by the light of the Holy Spirit, did instruct the hearts of the faithful, grant that in the same Spirit we may be truly wise, and ever rejoice in His consolation; through Christ our Lord. AmenV. You, O Lord, will open my lipsR. And my tongue shall announce your praiseV. Incline unto my aid, O GodR. O Lord makes haste to help me V. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy SpiritR. As it was in the beginning, is now and ever shall be world without end. Amen

Tantum ErgoTantum ergo SacramentumVeneremur cernui:Et antiquum documentumNovo cedat ritui:Praester fides supplementumSensuum defectui.

Genitiori, GenitoqueLaus et jubilation,Salus, honor, virtus quoqueSit et benedictionProcedenti ab utroqueCompar sit laudation. Amen

Priest/Deacon: You have given them Bread from heaven (Alleluia)All: Having within it all sweetness (Alleluia)Let us prayPriest/Deacon: Lord Jesus Christ, you gave us the Eucharist as the memorial of your suffering and death. May our worship of this sacrament of your body and blood help us to experience the salvation you won for us and the peace of the kingdom, where you live with the Father and the Holy Spirit, one God, forever and ever. Amen

The Divine Praises

Blessed be GodBlessed be His Holy Name.Blessed be Jesus Christ, true God and true man.Blessed be the Name of Jesus.Blessed be His most Sacred Heart.Blessed be His most Precious Blood.Blessed be the Holy Spirit, the Paraclete.Blessed be the great Mother of God, Mary, most holy.Blessed be her holy and Immaculate Conception.Blessed be her glorious Assumption.Blessed be the name of Mary, Virgin and Mother.Blessed be Saint Joseph, her most chaste Spouse.Blessed be God in His angels and in His saints.

Holy God We Praise Your Name

Holy God, We praise thy name;Lord of all, we bow before thee;All on earth they scepter claim;All in heaven above adore thee.Infinite thy vast domain,Everlasting is thy reign!

Hark, the loud celestial hymn;Angel choirs above are raising;Cherubim and Seraphim,In unceasing chorus praising,Fill the heavens with sweet accord;Holy, holy, holy, Lord!Fill the heavens with sweet accord:


The Lord’s PrayerOur Father, who art in Heaven, hallowed be Thy name; Thy Kingdom come, Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us; and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. Amen

The Hail MaryHail Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with thee, blessed are you among women and blessed is the fruit of your womb, Jesus. Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners now and at the hour of our death.Amen

The Glory BeGlory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, as it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be, world without end. Amen.

The Mysteries of the Holy Rosary The Joyful Mysteries (Mondays, Saturdays and Sundays of Advent) 1. The Annunciation 2. The Visitation 3. The Nativity 4. The Presentation in the Temple 5. The Finding in the Temple

The Sorrowful Mysteries (Tuesdays, Fridays and Sundays of Lent) 1. The Agony in the Garden 2. The Scourging at the Pillar 3. The Crowning with Thorns 4. The Carrying of the Cross 5. The Crucifixion and Death

The Glorious Mysteries (Wednesdays and Sundays Outside of Lent) 1. The Resurrection 2. The Ascension 3. The Descent of the Holy Spirit 4. The Assumption 5. The Coronation of Mary

The Luminous Mysteries (Thursday) 1. The Baptism of Christ in the Jordan 2. The Wedding Feast at Cana 3. Jesus’ Proclamation of the Coming of the Kingdom of God 4. The Transfiguration 5. The Institution of the Eucharist as a Sacrament

Stations of the Cross

1st Station: Jesus is condemned to death

2nd Station: Jesus carries His cross

3rd Station: Jesus falls the first time

4th Station: Jesus meets his mother

5th Station: Simon of Cyrene helps Jesus to carry his cross

6th Station: Veronica wipes the face of Jesus

7th Station: Jesus falls the second time

8th Station: Jesus meets the women of Jerusalem

9th Station: Jesus falls a third time

10th Station: Jesus’ clothes are taken away

11th Station: Jesus is nailed to the cross

12th Station: Jesus dies on the cross

13th Station: The body of Jesus is taken down from the cross

14th Station: Jesus is laid in the tomb

Parish Meetings

Adult Club: Tuesday at 12:00 Noon--Auditorium

Altagracia: 3rd Sunday after 11:00AM Mass in the Convent

Baptismal Instruction Class: Second Tuesday 7:00PM in the Convent

Bereavement Support: 4th Tuesday 7:00PM in the Convent

Charismatic Prayer Ministry: Every other Sunday 5:00 – 7:00PM Church

Circulo de Oracion: Monday 7PM – Lower Church

Coffee hour: Sundays after each Mass in the Auditorium

Faith Formation Committee- 3rd Tuesday—7:30 PM in the Convent

Finance Council Meeting: As announced

Food Pantry Ministry: Posted Schedule, bi-weekly on Fridays

Haitian Charismatic Prayer Group: Tuesday 6:30PM in the Convent

Hispanic Ministry Committee- First Sunday of Month after the 11:00AM Mass in Convent

Holy Name Society: 2nd Sunday after 9:30AM Mass in the Convent

Hospitality Committee- 2nd Tuesday of the Month in the Convent

Liturgy Committee Meeting: First Tuesday of the Month - 7:00PM in the Convent

Marriage Preparation Class by appointment

Men’s Club: 3rd Sunday at 2:00PM in the Convent

Pastoral Council Meeting: 2nd Wednesday of the Month - 7:00PM in the Auditorium

RCIA: Sunday 11:00 AM in the Convent

Sagrado Corazon: 2nd Sunday after 11:00AM Mass in the Convent

St. Martin de Porres: 1st Sunday after 9:30AM Mass in the Auditorium

St. Monica Society- 3rd Sunday of the month after the 9:30 AM Mass in the Convent

Women’s Club: 2nd Sunday at 2:00 PM in the Auditorium

Youth Ministries: 1st and 3rd Sundays at 2:00PM in Convent



The Faith-Formation Committee oversees Catholic education for the entire parish on a unified basis including regional schools, religious education, and youth and adult educa-tion. We work closely with parish personnel who are responsible for Youth Ministry and Faith-Formation to ensure that the educational and formational needs are met for all members of the Parish. The Committee helps to provide opportunities for parishioners of all ages to learn, live, love, and share their faith. From faith formation sessions for youth to Bible studies for adults, we strive to offer meaningful opportunities for everyone.

Mission: The Faith Formation Committee is concerned with Catholic education and spiri-tual enrichment of parishioners. Its activities are designed, in the words of the Second Vatican Council's Declaration on Christian Education, “to give clarity and vigor to faith; nourish a life lived according to the spirit of Christ; and lead to the proclamation of the Good News, to apostolic action and evangelization through words and deeds, and to knowing and actively participating in the liturgy.”

Meetings: Interested parishioners are invited to contact [email protected] or (718) 324-5340, regarding the dates and locations of committee meetings.

Faith Formation Activities:Bible Study Days of Recollection (Advent and Lent)Faith WorkshopsFaith-Sharing GroupsLecture Series Parish MissionSpecial LecturesRCIAReligious EducationMinistries and SocietiesBereavement Support

USHERS Our Ushers are ministers of hospitality. They welcome worshipers to our liturgical cel-ebrations and assist them in a warm and friendly way during the celebration. Ushers help parishioners and guests in finding seats, collect the offerings during each mass, and assist in the communion procession. ALTAR SERVERS Altar servers perform support tasks at the altar during the course of most liturgical cel-ebrations, including Sunday and weekday, wedding, and funeral masses. They also help the priest during Eucharistic adorations, Stations of the Cross, and various other liturgical ceremonies within the parish life. This ministry is open to both boys and girls who have received First Communion, and have received the required training. Interested boys/girls should contact one of the priests or deacons. MUSIC MINISTRY Our Music Ministry presently consists of choirs, organists, and cantors. The parish Adult Choir sings at the 9:30AM mass; the Spanish Choir sings at the 11:00AM mass; the Praise and Worship Choir sings at the 12:30PM mass; The Youth Choir sings on the Fourth Sunday of the month at the 12:30PM mass. St Augustine tells us that “he who sings prays twice”. If you are interested in glorifying the Lord with your voice, see the music director after mass.

READERS (LECTORS) These are liturgical ministers who proclaim the word of God to the congregation at every mass and other celebrations. Like the prophets of old, lectors serve as the mouth speak-ers of the Lord, delivering the message of salvation to the people of God. Lectors must be able to communicate with clarity and conviction. Interested persons should speak with the pastor.


Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion help the ordained ministers in serving the Body and Blood of Christ to their brothers and sisters at communion. When needed, they also help to bring Holy Communion to the sick and homebound members of the par-ish community. Interested persons should speak with the pastor.


The Hospitality Ministry helps in the planning and execution of all parish social events. The members oversee all logistics concerning the use of the St. Frances of Rome School auditorium and cafeteria by parishioners and various church groups during parish social gatherings. They also help the Fundraising Committee in organizing parish fundraising activities. Interested persons should call the rectory.


Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion are persons who bring Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament to sick and disabled people in their homes, hospitals and nursing homes. Parish Visitors alert the priests to a need for confession and the sacrament of the sick. Volunteers are welcome to this ministry and will be trained by the staff. For information contact Fr. Francis or Deacon John Maulucci


Grief is central to the human experience. Jesus came to heal the broken hearted, and here at St. Frances of Rome Bereavement Ministry, we take that mission seriously. This is a place where healing may begin. Our parish-based bereavement support group, facilitated by volunteer bereavement ministers, is lay people and deacons who have been trained in bereavement ministry and who are committed to their work with the bereaved. The support group typically meets in the parish and is open to people of all faiths. While the support group varies in format and meeting dates, our bereavement ministers’ goal is to provide a safe place where the bereaved can share their experiences with others, learn about the process of grief and be supported by their Church family during a difficult time. Expressing sorrow after experiencing a loss to others is the only way to begin integrating the often dangerous effects of sadness. Unresolved grief can manifest as anger, violence and sickness. Our group provides a kind, personal encounter with others who are commit-ted to creating a trusting, welcoming, non-judgmental environment. For more informa-tion, contact Deacon John Maulucci.


The Liturgy Committee, which meets on the first Tuesday of each month from September to June in the convent, plans and evaluates liturgical functions for the parish. Members are also responsible for decorations in the church at Christmas, Easter and other special liturgies. Interested parishioners should contact the parish office.


The Parish Council, which meets on the second Wednesday of each month from Septem-ber to June in the school auditorium, is a consultative/advisory group of parishioners who discuss matters which affect the parish and its policies. The council members, chosen by the pastor, are representatives of the whole parish community.

FINANCE COUNCILThe mission of the Finance Council is to monitor the health of the parish in financial transparency of matters concerning the fiscal operations of the parish. The members of the council meet monthly to review revenue and expenses compared to the budget plan for the year. Short and long term fiscal plans are discussed and recommendations are made to the pastor. All responsibilities of the council are consistent with both parish and archdiocesan guidelines.

FOOD PANTRYThe Food Pantry, located in our Convent, provides healthy and nutritious food for members of the community. Parishioners are encouraged to donate non-perishable food items. The volunteers in the pantry work closely with the Food Pantry of New York City and Catholic Charities. The pantry is open to the community twice a month on Fridays from 9:00AM-12 Noon. Everyone is welcome. Those interested in volunteering should contact the parish office.

THE MEN’S CLUB The mission of the Catholic Men's Club: a. To promote fellowship and spiritual welfare among men within the parish in accor-dance with the practices of the Catholic Church. This includes promotion of faithful attendance at Mass, communion and club meetings.b. To increase a sense of Christian stewardship exemplified through projects within the parish, with other parishes, and within the community such as promotion of active involvement in church activities and committee activitiesc. To assist our pastor with his parish and community responsibilitiesd. To provide opportunities for amiable social relations among the members of the club, their families, friends, and members of the parish.E. To financially help worthy causes and organizations in our church and community. THE WOMEN’S CLUB The St. Frances of Rome Women’s Club is a group of women of God united and commit-ted to work together with the priests, ministers and societies to foster fellowship, spiritual renewal and one church family through service.

ST FRANCES OF ROME YOUTH GROUPThe Youth Group’s goal is to inspire our youth to grow in their faith and be closer to God. We encourage our youth to join their peers in various group activities that include works of service, prayer, praise and fun engaging social activities. Interested youth, 13 years of age and over, should contact the rectory.


The Young Adult Group of St Frances of Rome Church is a group of young adults ages 18-35 who strive to strengthen their relationship with God. The group discusses issues of the day, challenges to the daily lives of young adults and how all this affects their faith.


The SFR Adult Club provides a congenial, safe environment where adult parishioners can meet for spiritual growth and social activities. In addition to weekly Bingo, card games and refreshments, the president arranges member-paid bookings for trips, dinner-theater and seasonal luncheon parties. The club meets on Tuesday afternoons in the school auditorium. Membership is open to men and women over age 55.


CATHOLIC CHARISMATIC PRAYER GROUP A group of men and women meet to invoke the Holy Spirit and to praise the Lord in prayer, song and scripture reading. The meetings always include some intercessory prayer. This group meets from 5:00PM-7:00PM in the Upper Church every other Sun-day. Everyone is invited to attend and experience the Spirit of the Lord. HAITIAN CHARISMATIC PRAYER GROUP

The purpose of this prayer group is to evangelize the community through prayers, songs, and worship. The group strives to continue to practice their Catholic faith in their daily lives. This group helps as an outreach by visiting and bringing Holy Communion to the sick and home bound. The members seek to build unity by supporting the parish in all parish events. This group meets from 6:30-9:00PM every Tuesday in the Convent.


The goal of the prayer group is to bring parishioners who are staying away from the church back to it. The meetings consist of Bible Study and the recitation of the rosary. Prayer group members are encouraged to get involved in all church activities. The Span-ish Circle of Prayer meets on Mondays at 7:00PM in the church.

SAGRADO CORAZON de JESUSThe main goal of this society is to serve the sick and to help our brothers and sisters in Christ with the same love as the one we receive from our Father. The society meets the second Sunday of each month after the 11:00AM Mass.


Virgin de la Altagracia is the patroness of the Dominican Republic; her feast day is January 21st. The mission of the society is to pray the Rosary and plan activities for the benefit of our church. Members work at bringing new parishioners to our church and visit the sick and needy of our parish. This group meets every third Sunday of the month after the 11:00AM Mass.


The purpose of the Hispanic Committee is to foster a sense of belonging to our community of faith among all the Latin American parishioners in our church. We do this through celebrations in the church where we share our faith, food, music, and customs in an environment open to all parishioners, both Hispanics and non-Hispanics. Some of the activities include retreats, bible study classes, concerts, Mother’s Day, Father’s Day and Three King’s Day celebrations, seminars, and trips. Members hold fundraisers for the benefit of the church and are very active in helping and supporting other committees /ministries in their activities and efforts. Contact the rectory for more information.


The Holy Name Society aims “to teach men and nourish their souls through reverence to Jesus and His Holy Name” and to engage in good works. The society is open to all men in the parish. The group meets on the 2nd Sunday of the month after 9:30AM Mass.

THE SOCIETY OF SAINT MARTIN de PORRES The mission of this society of men and women is to pray for the sick and elderly, and to perform charitable deeds. Meetings are held on the first Sunday of the Month after the 9:30AM mass in school auditorium.


The purpose of this society is to pray for the return of fallen away Catholics to the prac-tice of their faith. Members also visit the homebound, sick and those in nursing homes. The members of this society attend the 9:30AM Mass on the Third Sunday of every month and meet immediately afterward in the school auditorium.


The Prayer Shawl Group gathers together in the parish and at home to use their gifts and talents to crotchet, knit and make crafts while praying for healing in mind, soul and body for our parish community. Their goal is to present a physical manifestation - a Prayer Shawl – which represents prayer and love that we, as a parish, extend to the sick, suffering and homebound members of our parish community and their loved ones. This group also teaches others to crochet, knit and make crafts which are sold to support the Prayer Shawl Ministry. Everyone is invited to join and pray with them and to learn, but most importantly, to minister to our sick. The group meets on the 2nd and 4th Sunday after the 8:00AM mass in the school auditorium. Interested parishioners should contact the rectory.

CALENDAR 2017-2018

1File name: 2016-2018 calendar – Word Revised 1/9/2017 lej

New Year’s Day January 1, 2017 SFR: 8:00 AM 9:30 AM, 11:00 AM, 12:30PMSFA 10:00 AM

Liturgy Committee January 3, 2017 SFR: Convent 7:00 PMFood Pantry January 6, 2017 SFR: Convent 9:00 AM-12:00 NoonFeast of Three Kings January 8, 2017 SFR: Celebration School Auditorium 1:30PMCharismatic Prayer Group January 8, 2017 SFR: Upper Church 5:00 PMParish Council Meeting January 11, 2017 SFR: School Auditorium 7:00 PMLay Back Saturday January 14, 2017 SFR: Auditorium 7:00 PMMartin Luther King Celebration January 15, 2017 SFR: Mass 12:30PM: Reception 1:30PMFood Pantry January 20, 2017 SFR: Convent 9:00 AM-12:00 NoonFeast of Altagracia January 22, 2017 SFR; Celebration School Auditorium 1:30PMCharismatic Prayer Group January 22, 2017 SFR: Upper Church 5:00 PM

Food Pantry February 3, 2017 SFR: Convent 9:00 AM-12:00 NoonCharismatic Prayer Group February 5, 2017 SFR: Upper Church 5:00 PMLiturgy Committee February 7, 2017 SFR: Convent 7:00 PMParish Council Meeting February 8, 2017 SFR: School Auditorium 7:00 PMValentine’s Day Celebration February 11, 2017 SFR: School AuditoriumFood Pantry February 17, 2017 SFR: Convent 9:00 AM-12:00 NoonCharismatic Prayer Group February 19, 2017 SFR: Upper Church 5:00 PMBlack History Celebration February 26, 2017 SFR: Mass 12:30 PM

Ash Wednesday March 1, 2017 SFR: Mass 9:00 AM, 7:00 PMFriday Fish Fry March 3, 2017 SFR: Convent 5:30 PMStations of the Cross; English March 3, 2017 SFR: 6:30PM followed by MassCharismatic Prayer Group March 5, 2017 SFR: Upper Church 5:00 PMStations of the Cross; Spanish March 6, 2017 SFR: Lower Church 7:00 PMLiturgy Committee March 7, 2017 SFR: Convent 7:00 PMParish Council Meeting March 8, 2017 SFR: School Auditorium 7:00 PMFood Pantry March 10, 2017 SFR: Convent 9:00 AM-12:00 NoonStations of the Cross; English March 10, 2017 SFR: 6:30 PM followed by MassFriday Fish Fry March 10, 2017 SFR: Convent 5:30 PMStations of the Cross; Spanish March 13, 2017 SFR: Lower Church 7:00 PMFriday Fish Fry March 17, 2017 SFR: Convent 5:30 PMStations of the Cross; English March 17, 2017 SFR: 6:30 PM followed by MassSpanish Retreat March 17, 2017 SFR: Lower Church 7:00 PMCharismatic Prayer Group March 19, 2017 SFR: Upper Church 5:00 PMStations of the Cross; Spanish March 20, 2017 SFR: Lower Church 7:00 PMFood Pantry March 24, 2017 SFR: Convent 9:00 AM-12:00 NoonFriday Fish Fry March 24, 2017 SFR: Convent 5:30 PMStations of the Cross; English March 24, 2017 SFR: 6:30PM followed by MassParish Retreat English March 25, 2017 SFR: Lower Church 1:00-4:00 PMStations of the Cross; Spanish March 27, 2017 SFR: Lower Church 7:00 PMFriday Fish Fry March 31, 2017 SFR: Convent 5:30 PMStations of the Cross; English March 31, 2017 SFR: 6:30 PM followed by Mass

Charismatic Prayer Group April 2, 2017 SFR: Upper Church 5:00 PMStations of the Cross; Spanish April 3, 2017 SFR: Lower Church 7:00 PMLiturgy Committee April 4, 2017 SFR: Convent 7:00 PMFood Pantry April 7, 2017 SFR: Convent 9:00 AM-12:00 NoonFriday Fish Fry April 7, 2017 SFR: Convent 5:30 PMStations of the Cross; English April 7, 2017 SFR: 6:30PM followed by MassPalm Sunday April 9, 2017 SFR/SFA Regular Mass Schedule

CALENDAR 2017-2018

2File name: 2016-2018 calendar – Word Revised 1/9/2017 lej

Parish Council Meeting April 12, 2017 SFR: School Auditorium 7:00 PMHoly Thursday April 13, 2017 SFR: Mass 7:00 PMGood Friday April 14, 2017 SFR: 6:00 Procession followed by

Good Friday ServiceEaster Vigil April 15, 2017 SFR: Mass 7:30 PMEaster Sunday April 16, 2017 SFR/SFA Regular Mass scheduleFood Pantry April 21, 2017 SFR: Convent 9:00 AM-12:00 NoonDivine Mercy Sunday April 23, 2017 SFR: Church 3:00 PMSpanish Gospel Concert April 23, 2017 SFR: Auditorium 2:00 PMNew York Catholic Youth Day April 29, 2017 TBA

Liturgy Committee May 2, 2017 SFR: Convent 7:00 PMFood Pantry May 5, 2017 SFR: Convent 9:00 AM-12:00 NoonCharismatic Prayer Group May 7, 2017 SFR: Upper Church 5:00 PMParish Council Meeting May 10, 2017 SFR: School Auditorium 7:00 PMMother’s Day Celebration May 14, 2017 SFR: School AuditoriumFood Pantry May 19, 2017 SFR: Convent 9:00 AM-12:00 NoonCasino Trip May 20, 2017 SFR: 8:00 AMUnity Mass /First Communion May 21, 2017 SFR: Mass 11:00 AMAscension Thursday May 25, 2017 SFR: Mass 9:00 AM, 7:00 PM

Food Pantry June 2, 2017 SFR: Convent 9:00 AM-12:00 NoonFeast of Pentecost June 4, 2017 SFR: Regular Sunday ScheduleCharismatic Prayer Group June 4, 2017 SFR: Upper Church 5:00 PMLiturgy Committee June 6, 2017 SFR: Convent 7:00 PMYouth Gospel Choir June 11, 2017 SFR: Upper Church 4:00 PMParish Council Meeting June 14, 2017 SFR: School Auditorium 7:00 PMCasino Trip June 15, 2017 SFR: 8:00 AMFood Pantry June 16, 2017 SFR: Convent 9:00 AM-12:00 NoonFather’s Day June 18, 2017 SFR: School AuditoriumCharismatic Prayer Group June 18, 2017 SFR: Upper Church 5:00 PMParish Family Barbecue June 24, 2017 SFR: School Auditorium 2:00 PM

Food Pantry July 7, 2017 SFR: Convent 9:00 AM-12:00 NoonFood Pantry July 21, 2017 SFR: Convent 9:00 AM-12:00 Noon

Food Pantry August 4, 2017 SFR: Convent 9:00 AM-12:00 NoonFeast of the Assumption August 15, 2017 SFR: Mass 9:00 AMFood Pantry August 18, 2017 SFR: Convent 9:00 AM-12:00 NoonCasino Trip August 19, 2017 SFR: 8:00 AMParish Family Barbecue August 26, 2017 SFR: School Auditorium 2:00–6:00 PM

Liturgy Committee September 5, 2017 SFR: Convent 7:00 PMFood Pantry September 8, 2017 SFR: Convent 9:00 AM-12:00 NoonParish Council Meeting September 13, 2017 SFR: School Auditorium 7:00 PMFood Pantry September 22, 2017 SFR: Convent 9:00am-12:00 NoonSt. Lorenzo September 23, 2017 SFR: 12:00 Noon Mass

Liturgy Committee October 3, 2017 SFR: Convent 7:00 PMFood Pantry October 6, 2017 SFR: Convent 9:00 AM-12:00 NoonYouth Bake Sale October 8, 2017 SFR: After All Sunday MassesParish Council Meeting October 11, 2017 SFR: School Auditorium 7:00 PMCasino Trip October 14, 2017 SFR: leaving at 8:00AMFood Pantry October 20, 2017 SFR: Convent 9:00 AM-12:00 Noon

CALENDAR 2017-2018

3File name: 2016-2018 calendar – Word Revised 1/9/2017 lej

Unity Mass October 22, 2017 SFR: Mass 11:00 AM

All Saints Day November 1, 2017 SFR: Mass 9:00 AM, 7:00 PMAll Souls Day November 2, 2017 SFR: Mass 9:00 AM, 7:00 PMFood Pantry November 3, 2017 SFR: Convent 9:00 AM-12:00 NoonAnnual Dinner Dance November 5, 2017 TBALiturgy Committee November 7, 2017 SFR: Convent 7:00 PMParish Council Meeting November 8, 2017 SFR: School Auditorium 7:00 PMFood Pantry November 18, 2017 SFR: Convent 9:00 AM-12:00 NoonOur Lady of Providence November 19, 2017 SFR: School Auditorium 1:30PMThanksgiving November 23, 2017 SFR: Mass 9:00 AM

Food Pantry December 1, 2017 SFR: Convent 9:00 AM-12:00 NoonLiturgy Committee December 5, 2017 SFR: Convent 7:00 PMImmaculate Conception December 8, 2017 SFR: 9 AM, 7:00 PMChristmas Around the World December 9, 2017 SFR: School Auditorium 6:00 PM-9:00PMParish Council Meeting December 13, 2017 SFR: School Auditorium 7:00 PMFood Pantry December 15, 2017 SFR: Convent 9:00 AM-12:00 NoonOur Lady of Guadalupe December 17, 2017 SFR: Auditorium 1:30 PMLessons and Carols December 17, 2017 SFR: Church 2:00PMChristmas Vigil December 24, 2017 SFR: Carols 11:00 PMChristmas Day December 25, 2017 SFR: Mass 9:00 AM,11:00 AM

Spanish;SFA 10:00 AM

New Year’s Eve December 31, 2017 SFR: 10:30 PM

New Year’s Day January 1, 2018 SFR: Mass 9:00 AM,11:00 AMSpanish;SFA 10:00 AM

Liturgy Committee January 2, 2018 SFR: Convent 7:00 PMFood Pantry January 5, 2018 SFR: Convent 9:00AM-12:00 NoonCharismatic Prayer Group January 7, 2018 SFR: Upper Church 5:00 PMParish Council Meeting January 10, 2018 SFR: School Auditorium 7:00 PMMartin Luther King Celebration January 14, 2018 SFR: 12:30 MassFood Pantry January 19, 2018 SFR: Convent 9:00AM-12:00 NoonFeast Our Lady of Altagracia January 21, 2018 SFR: Auditorium 1:30 PMCharismatic Prayer Group January 21, 2018 SFR: Upper Church 5:00 PM

Food Pantry February 2, 2018 SFR: Convent 9:00AM-12:00 NoonCharismatic Prayer Group February 4, 2018 SFR: Upper Church 5:00 PMLiturgy Committee February 6, 2018 SFR: Convent 7:00 PMValentine’s Day Celebration February 10, 2018 SFR: School AuditoriumParish Council Meeting February 14, 2018 SFR: School Auditorium 7:00 PMAsh Wednesday February 14, 2018 SFR: Mass 9:00 AM, 7:00 PMFood Pantry February 16, 2018 SFR: Convent 9:00AM-12:00 NoonFriday Fish Fry February 16, 2018 SFR: Convent 5:30 PMStations of the Cross; English February 16, 2018 SFR: 6:30PM followed by MassCharismatic Prayer Group February 18,2018 SFR: Upper Church 5:00 PMStations of the Cross; Spanish February 23, 2018 SFR: 7:00 PMBlack History Celebration February 25, 2018 SFR: 12:30 PM Mass

Food Pantry March 2, 2018 SFR: Convent 9:00AM-12:00 NoonFriday Fish Fry March 2, 2018 SFR: Convent 5:30 PMStations of the Cross; English March 2, 2018 SFR: 6:30 PM followed by Mass

CALENDAR 2017-2018

4File name: 2016-2018 calendar – Word Revised 1/9/2017 lej

Stations of the Cross; Spanish March 5, 2018 SFR: Lower Church 7:00 PMLiturgy Committee March 6, 2018 SFR: Convent 7:00 PMFriday Fish Fry March 9, 2018 SFR: Convent 5:30 PMStations of the Cross; English March 9, 2018 SFR: 6:30PM followed by MassSpanish Retreat March 9/10, 2018 SFR: Lower Church Time TBAStations of the Cross; Spanish March 12, 2018 SFR: Lower Church 7:00 PMParish Council Meeting March 14, 2018 SFR: School Auditorium 7:00 PMFood Pantry March 16, 2018 SFR: Convent 9:00AM-12:00 NoonFriday Fish Fry March 16 2018 SFR: Convent 5:30 PMStations of the Cross; English March 16, 2018 SFR: 6:30PM followed by MassStations of the Cross; Spanish March 19, 2018 SFR: Lower church 7:00 PMFriday Fish Fry March 23, 2018 SFR: Convent 5:30 PMStations of the Cross; English March 23, 2018 SFR: 6:30 PM followed by MassPalm Sunday March 25, 2018 SFR/SFA: Regular Mass ScheduleHoly Thursday March 29, 2018 SFR: Mass 7:00 PMGood Friday March 30, 2018 SFR: 6:00 Procession followed by

Good Friday ServiceEaster Vigil March 31 SFR: 7:30 PM

Easter Sunday April 1, 2018 SFR/SFA: Regular Mass ScheduleLiturgy Committee April 3, 2018 SFR: Convent 7:00 PMFood Pantry April 6, 2018 SFR: Convent 9:00AM-12:00 NoonSpanish Gospel Concert April 8, 2018 SFR: Auditorium 2:00 PMMercy Sunday April 8, 2018 SFR: Upper Church 3:00 PMParish Council April 11, 2018 SFR: School Auditorium 7:00 PMFood Pantry April 20, 2018 SFR: Convent 9:00AM-12:00 Noon

Liturgy Committee May 1, 2018, SFR: Convent 7:00 PMFood Pantry May 4, 2018 SFR: Convent 9:00AM-12:00 NoonParish Council May 9, 2018 SFR: School Auditorium 7:00 PMAscension of Jesus May 10. 2018 SFR: 9:00 AM, 7:00 PMMother’s Day Celebration May13, 2018 SFR: AuditoriumFood Pantry May 18, 2018 SFR: Convent 9:00AM-12:00 NoonPentecost May 20, 2018 SFR/SFA: Regular Mass Schedule

Liturgy Committee June 5, 2018, SFR: Convent 7:00 PMFood Pantry June 8, 2018 SFR: Convent 9:00AM-12:00 NoonUnity Mass June 10, 2018 SFR: 11:00 AMParish Council Meeting June 13, 2018 SFR: School Auditorium 7:00 PMFood Pantry June 22, 2018 SFR: Convent 9:00AM-12:00 NoonFamily Barbecue June 23, 2018 SFR: School Auditorium 2:00PM -6:00 PM

Food Pantry July 6, 2018 SFR: Convent 9:00AM-12:00 NoonFood Pantry July 20, 2018 SFR: Convent 9:00AM-12:00 Noon

Food Pantry August 3, 2018 SFR: Convent 9:00AM-12:00 NoonAssumption of Mary August 15, 2018 SFR: 9:00 AM, 7:00 PMFood Pantry August 17, 2018 SFR: Convent 9:00AM-12:00 NoonFamily Barbecue August 25, 2018 SFR: School Auditorium 2:00PM -6:00 PM

Liturgy Committee September 4, 2018 SFR: School Auditorium 7:00 PMFood Pantry September 7, 2018 SFR: Convent 9:00AM-12:00 NoonParish Council September 12, 2018 SFR: School Auditorium 7:00 PMFood Pantry September 21, 2018 SFR: Convent 9:00AM-12:00 Noon

CALENDAR 2017-2018

5File name: 2016-2018 calendar – Word Revised 1/9/2017 lej

San Lorenzo September 22, 2018 SFR: 12:00 Noon

Liturgy Committee October 2, 2018 SFR: ConventFood Pantry October 5, 2018 SFR: Convent 9:00AM-12:00 NoonParish Council Meeting October 10, 2018 SFR: School Auditorium 7:00 PMYouth Bake Sale October 14, 2018 SFR: After Sunday MassesFood Pantry October 19, 2018 SFR: Convent 9:00AM-12:00 NoonUnity Mass October 21, 2018 SFR: 11:00 AM

All Saint’s Day November 1, 2018 SFR: 9:00 AM, 7:00 PMAll Souls Day November 2, 2018 SFR: 9:00 AMFood Pantry November 2, 2018 SFR: Convent 9:00AM-12:00 NoonLiturgy Committee November 6, 2018 SFR: Convent 7:00 PMAnnual Dinner Dance November 9, 2018 TBAParish Council Meeting November 14, 2018 SFR: School Auditorium 7:00 PMFood Pantry November 16, 2018 SFR: Convent 9:00AM-12:00 NoonOur Lady of Providence November 18, 2018 SFR: Auditorium 1:30 PMThanksgiving November 22, 2018 SFR: 9:00 AMYouth Toy Drive Nov 25-Dec 16, 2018 SFR/SFA After Masses

Liturgy Committee December 4,2018 SFR: Convent 7:00 PM

Food Pantry December 7, 2018 SFR: Convent 9:00AM-12:00 Noon

Feast of Immaculate Conception December 8, 2018 SFR: 9:00 AMParish Council Meeting December 12,2018 SFR: School Auditorium 7:00 PMChristmas Around The World December 15, 2018 SFR: School Auditorium 6:00-9:00 PMLessons and Carols December 16, 2018 SFR: Church 2:00PMOur Lady of Guadalupe December 16, 2018 SFR: School Auditorium 6:00PM-10 PMFood Pantry December 21, 2018 SFR: Convent 9:00AM-12:00 NoonChristmas Vigil December 24, 2018 SFR: 5:00 PM, Mass 11:00 PMChristmas Day December 25, 2018 SFR: 9:00 AM, 11:00 AM Spanish

SFA:10AMNew Year’s Eve December 31, 2018 SFR: 10:30 PM

New Year’s Day January 1, 2019 SFR: : 9:00 PM, 11:00 AM SpanishSFA: 10:00 AM

Acknowledgements: Fr. Ejiofor Ugwu, MSP

Wilfred Anigekwu, Ralph Carbonaro, George Janvier, Lorrin Johnson,

Deacon John Maulucci, Jackie Pascual, Margaret Reveira,


A Humble Beginning.The first Masses of St. Frances of Rome Parish were celebrated

in a canvas tent with a cross on top of it.

St. Francis of AssisiMass Center St. Anthony’s Church

Our Lady of GraceChurch

All United as One Family in Christ

1897 2017

A Humble Beginning.The first Masses of St. Frances of Rome Parish were celebrated

in a canvas tent with a cross on top of it.

St. Francis of AssisiMass Center St. Anthony’s Church

Our Lady of GraceChurch

All United as One Family in Christ

1897 2017
