

The Rods of PowerThe Rods of Power are lines of energy that run around and also through our Mother Earth and serve her in a similar way to blood circulation in the human body. Energy comes from the outerness, mixes with Mother Earth’s own energy and circulates within this system but also moves back out into the outerness again. This energy promotes harmony and well-being for both our planet and her inhabitants.

This article explains how maps of the Rods of Power were created and shows where these energy lines run.

© Ray Parkes 2004

All knowledge should be treated with respect.

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My mix of abilities is unusual but not extraordinary. My initial training was as a cartographer and I worked for many years as a cartographic surveyor for Britain’s official map-making agency, the Ordnance Survey. I later taught myself how to use a computer and for a long time made my living as a freelance multimedia artist. I also have a spiritual side, having learned my first meditation technique in1975. I studied for three years in what most people would term an ashram. I also helped to found and build a large spiritual community in the north of England where I lived for over fourteen years.

All of this makes me who I am and partly because of these experiences I was qualified to do the work described here. It has taken all of my abilities plus far more than I knew I had to reach this stage in the work. This essay documents a journey of discovery. In part it’s a personal journey seen from my own limited perspective, but it’s also infused with knowledge. I hesitate to use the word channeling, because that isn’t really how it works, but it’s as close as I can come to describing the process. It’s perhaps more the work of the higher aspect of self and also those higher beings who have helped me and still do. This work has been a collaboration between us. When I use “we” in the text I’m writing as the composite entity whose work this really is.

The work began in 1998 when one day, tired of the commercial world I worked in, I felt inspired to sit down and go very deep within. I asked silently for work that would use all my talents to benefit not just me but the whole of mankind. It was a very pure and innocent action, and I feel it magnetised this work into my life.

A day or so later, an old friend rang to tell me someone he met recently might have some work for me. He’d given him my number and he would be calling shortly. A little later I got the call and spoke to William Elmhirst for the first time. William was very vague about what he actually wanted me to do, but the word mapping cropped up. He said he would send me a book he’d published that would introduce me to the work. The book arrived and looking through it I could see no references to anything I could map. The text was strangely worded, old-fashioned spiritual stuff, uncomfortable for me to read. It also mentioned channeling, which was an immediate turn-off. One of my masters had dismissed channeling as not helpful for spiritual growth – at least that was all I had taken in. I dismissed the book.

A few days later William called again, expecting me to be in tune with the work, but I explained there was nothing in it I could use to map anything. He seemed surprised and said he would send another book he’d published that did refer to places and gave more information about the work.

The book arrived with some other mail one sunny Saturday morning. As I opened it I suddenly became aware of a presence in the room with me. This being was huge and the power that radiated from him was overwhelming. He asked if I would take on the work that William was asking me to do. I had already decided it wasn’t for me. It was too ... I don’t know what really. I just didn’t like it. I was on a fast-track spiritual path. I told the being no, it wouldn’t really be for me, that I was on a path and couldn’t see how it would help me.

The El, for this is what he was, replied, “How is what you’re doing now helping your spiritual growth?”

I thought about the commercial work I’d been doing and realised – he had a point. The Els are like that; they get straight to the nub. The El had also reflected my own


inner desire back at me. In hindsight I realise as well that he had to ask me in this way in order to respect my free will. This is always of primary importance to these higher beings. We all have free will but we must learn to exert it consciously. It may seem odd that I was very comfortable talking to an enormous being, but the Els have a wonderful understanding of our awareness and project a harmony so profound that it felt quite normal. I’ve always felt completely at home in their presence.

What is an El?An El, I have learned, is a multidimensional being of light. The Els are part of the group of beings known as the Elohim. Let them introduce themselves in their own words.

‘We are the Elohim. We sit before the God most high. We sit at the side of that which is termed the source of all life, all that is. To the other side is that which is termed the angelic host. They are known as the feminine aspect of God, the intuitive, the messengers. We are known as the creator gods. We create whole worlds, whole concepts. We are the ones that abide by God’s law and we are instructed by the God most high. Our energies are then passed down to that which is termed the ascended master realms. They then act upon our instructions. Sometimes it is necessary that they then instruct those on the Earth plane to carry out the laws and the instructions.

However, at certain times we are able to instruct certain members of the human, Earth, team, shall we say. We are able to instruct them directly. This is not always possible, however. Whether this is possible depends on many things mainly it is due to one’s own vibrational frequency and what is going on in one’s life, you could say, whether the instructions can be given clearly and directly from us.

We are beyond that which is termed the human form or form in general. We are pure light and we radiate this love in gratitude to all that is.

We are beings of great strength and might and with power that we have embraced for the divine, more than you can comprehend at this time.

The Elohim and the Els are of one and the same. In a sense, they do different work. There are groups within this title.’

The Els were the ones who helped bring our world into being. To have worked with them, even a little, is to have been truly blessed. None of the work you see here would have happened without them. I have just been the tool that enabled this work to unfold into this dimension.

The Els didn’t often speak to me directly. They normally speak to us as a group. There are not many of us, usually only three or four humans. We work sometimes with the Els, sometimes with an Ascended Master. They usually speak to us through Ashian Belsey, who channeled all the Els’ messages that you find in this article. The masters trained her directly for over ten years. She was able to adjust to the higher frequency of the Els, which was difficult and a great achievement for her. She’s a healer and teacher who writes books presenting the masters’ knowledge and explaining it.

It’s been a very strange journey for me. After twenty-five years following two generations of enlightened masters from the Vedic tradition, I suddenly found myself in an unreliable world that was a mixture of Arthurian legend, extraterrestrials and multidimensional cosmic beings.



Our Mother Earth is a living being and has a nervous system very similar to our own. We use the term Mother Earth here rather than Gaia because we’re talking about the physical manifestation of our planet. We say this in the same way we refer to our own mind and body. They’re completely interrelated and cannot really be separated but they’re easier to understand if we do. We’re talking about very subtle levels of creation not normally perceived by our five senses. Even so they’re part of Mother Earth’s structure and we are able to sense them. Like the human body, Mother Earth has many different but interrelated systems: ‘As above so below.’ The circulation of the ocean currents and weather are perhaps her most obvious. We may know a little about our own physical bodies, but science has only just begun to take notice of some of its more subtle energy networks. The ancient healing systems and philosophies refer to centres or chakras and the lines of energy that connect them. The lines of energy described here are perhaps more similar to these although all circulation systems share certain attributes.

People often ask if these lines of energy are the ley lines. They are related but not directly, other than perhaps that the energies are fed to the ley lines from the lines described here. To start with the scale is very different. These lines are huge, sixty-five to two hundred miles wide. The best way to describe the difference is that ley lines are a surface phenomenon, more like the capillaries in the human body compared to these lines, which are a little deeper and more like the arteries. They travel continuously right around and also through Mother Earth. We call these lines of energy the Rods of Power.

In the same way that a human being isn’t isolated but is a living part of his or her environment, Mother Earth has her place in divine scheme of things. Energies move from the outerness to Mother Earth, mix with the energies within Mother Earth and then these combined energies travel in a cyclic motion both around Mother Earth and also back out into the outerness again.

In the far distant past something happened to jolt Mother Earth out of her rightful position. This is often referred to as the fall. It was both a physical fall and a fall in consciousness. It is not the intention to go into details here about this event but it is important to understand that it happened.

The evidence we found while plotting the energy lines indicates that there is a misalignment on the angle of tilt. After this catastrophic event not all the energies from the outerness could reach Mother Earth. Prior to this event there were twelve rays of energy feeding in, but afterwards only seven still reached her. She survived but became denser and until relatively recently existed on the energies from just these seven rays. This is perhaps not the whole story but enough of an insight to help you understand this work.

The Els were the ones that created Mother Earth’s energy network at the very beginning of her existence. The Els came back to repair the damage and are now helping return her to her rightful position as she ascends. Mother Earth is in the process of ascending to a higher dimension and we are all going with her. As part of this process Mother Earth needs to rejuvenate her body and return it to the perfection she had at her creation.

The Els have said that the lands that have sunk will rise up again and others that have risen will disappear. The reemergence of Atlantis and Lemuria come to mind. The Els also told us: ‘As the energy raises in the beloved planet there has to be new energy installed to help her to lift and raise herself.’


In the mid-1970s, the first of the missing rays, the amethyst ray, was brought back and anchored to the centre of Mother Earth. All the other rays have been brought in on this one. This process had to be done gradually to prevent damage and also to allow us to become adjusted to them.

The five new or reinstalled rays of energy all have their own attributes, but their description is beyond the scope of this work. The Els did identify the eighth ray as the green silver violet ray, which is very healing. They also introduced us to the magenta ray, which brings harmony and balance.

At the time Lord Arcturus, one of the Elohim, gave this information:

‘The magenta ray is a powerful ray. It is of a higher vibration than the violet ray. The violet ray is installed to transform and transmute and now the magenta ray is bringing in a higher frequency which shall help to balance out. Collectively mankind has moved to the third chakra and so there is great unease amongst your planet and those who dwell on her. This ray shall help to stabilise and calm, and shall help mankind rise more easily into that which is termed the heart chakra energy.

However, all of the rays are available. It is just learning to attune oneself to these vibrational frequencies. Some people may find that it is far too strong for them energetically and they will invariably blow holes in their auric field if they try to connect to ones that are too high in vibration.

Understand that although you yourselves have great awareness of the things that are happening and unfolding on the Earth plane, there are many who are still in their slumber. And so, to install rays that could be very high frequency and very advanced rays would be far too overwhelming for them. It has to be a very slow process, a very gentle tap on the shoulder.

The higher rays shall be invoked and called forth and installed at a later date in man’s development. And yet, they are available for you to use individually. Do you see?

There are some on the Earth plane who are attuned to higher frequencies, higher rays, higher energies that are beyond this dimension. They are very advanced, way beyond, the highest levels, reaching up to that which is termed the Godhead, the source of all. We cannot install them on the Earth plane at this point in time because it would be far too overwhelming. And yet there are many of you who are awakened enough to the point where you are able to call them forth.

Beware of where you use these high vibrational frequencies because they may be a little overwhelming, so do not just call forth the highest of the high. Always work with your guides on this.’

Having worked to some extent with the magenta ray, I can attest to the value of this warning.


To accomplish the monumental task of reconstructing the energy network, the Els needed humans to help them. This was mainly because of the increased density of Mother Earth; she had become so dense she was impenetrable to them. They needed humans to help anchor the energy back into Mother Earth. Over the years the Rods of Power had become blocked, leaky and misaligned, and parts may have been damaged when Mother Earth was dislodged from her rightful position. The process of rejuvenation required that this network be repaired. Once it was functional again, Mother Earth become lighter in every sense of the word.

In the early 1970s William Elmhirst and his wife, Vera, were contacted and recruited by the Els to assist in the task. Vera Elmhirst was very special – she was clairaudient and clairvoyant and able to communicate directly with the Els. This wasn’t easy because their very Being is so powerful that it could easily destroy anyone open enough to detect them. She was also able to communicate directly with other beings sometimes called the Ascended Masters. These are beings who have known human existence and over many lifetimes have achieved perfection, transcending the need to reincarnate again. They reside outside of time but come amongst us helping the human race to evolve. These beings were able to guide and protect William and Vera. Vera’s abilities made her uniquely qualified for the work.

William had his own abilities but principally he was able to support Vera, which he did tirelessly for over twenty years. They were also wealthy enough not to have to work, and they had the resources to go at a moment’s notice anywhere they were asked. They selflessly dedicated their lives to this work. Vera particularly suffered both physically and mentally from their exertions. After Vera passed away, William continued to work for another ten years, mainly on his own. We, the human race, owe them both a huge debt of gratitude.

The work they undertook required them to go to certain places to be a focus for the energies directed by the Els. Their travels and the work they did were documented and formed the basis of the material used to create the maps shown here. They weren’t the only source of information, and there was a great deal of interaction between William and others. After about four years there was also interaction between him and the Els.

This account isn’t a definitive explanation. It’s the best we can manage now. There are many more lines of energy that connect to the main Rods shown here. Lines also radiate out at the junctions. It will take a long time to plot all of them. There are gaps in the knowledge, but we’re confident that what is shown here is reasonably accurate. We’ve spent a great deal of time checking and refining the data, and there has been constant divine supervision.


Getting started

To try to map something intangible isn’t very easy. The only concrete information was the descriptions of the journeys and the names of the places visited by William and Vera. The texts also contain some indications of which places were connected to each other. Mother Earth is a sphere or near sphere and any straight line on this sphere will show up on a flat projection as a curve except over very short distances or in a few unusual circumstances. This curve can be calculated easily enough but it’s a slow process. To get the maps started it was actually easier to work on a flat map. Rough alignments could be sketched out fairly quickly though not very accurately.

Working as a group of five people we roughed out the information as best we could, refining it as we went along. Those involved included myself, Ray Parkes; William and his second wife, Heather Elmhirst; Roy Coates, a clairvoyant and very intuitive person who’d been involved with Vera and William for many years; and Glyn Lewis, the scribe, who kept the archive of records for all the journeys and the teachings. This group worked under the label of Solar Quest, the name of the project William had been working on. We met regularly to review the work I had done between meetings.

I feel it was our group consciousness combined with the influence of the Els and Masters that helped get the work started. Everyone made individual contributions, picking up information when and how they could. William used a pendulum. Roy had flashes of insight. Glyn used his considerable knowledge of all things ancient as well as his memory of just about everything in the Solar Quest archive. It was an exciting but challenging experience. At first, until I had a greater understanding of what we were doing, I tried to act as an innocent and independent arbitrator. I had to sort out all the information into some kind of order.

The energies in the meeting place were immense and left me exhausted for several days afterwards. We met in a special place that is perhaps less dense than most. The Els had done considerable work there, improving the energies to make it possible for them to reach us at that spot. It’s also a portal for them, a gateway where they can travel through into the centre of our Mother Earth. The work they did in creating the network began at the centre and that’s where they needed to be for its repair.

William and Vera began their work in the British Isles and we decided to do the same. This was not simply a coincidence or because they lived there. I would prefer to say they lived there because it was the place to start. The British Isles are very important to the whole system. This isn’t a patriotic idea; it’s because the British Isles lie over the heart of the network. As in the human body, if the heart can be repaired first, then the benefits will be carried quickly throughout the rest of the system. In the same way that the major arteries run through the human heart, many Rods of Power run through the British Isles. There are in fact eight major Rods. This density of Rods is unique for such a small area, and no other landmass has as many.

I began the mapmaking process by plotting all the places that had been visited in the British Isles for the purpose of ‘activation,’ the term coined to describe the energy work William and Vera had participated in. These points were obtained from book two of the Solar Quest which is entitled ‘The World restored not destroyed - activation and the role of the Masters in Light’. This was published by William and Vera under the name of the Solar Quest and is the second book that William sent to me. This book details of their journeys but this information is hidden in amongst channeled information from the Els and ascended masters.


This first map shows all the points plotted at this time plus one addition. Roslin near Edinburgh. The Rod that runs through this point had eluded William and Vera in their earlier trips to Scotland in the ‘70s and ‘80s, possibly because this Rod only reestablished itself properly after their visits. William visited it with Heather in 2003.

Joining the Points

Once all the points were plotted, the next step was to join them up to create ‘great circles,’ or lines that run right around the globe. To do this we also used points in other countries that had been visited and were known to be on the same lines of energy. The further away from one another these points were, the more accurately the alignment could be calculated.

We started with a large Rod of Power known to cross from Barbados in the Caribbean to Tresco in the Scilly Isles off the southwest coast of England. This is a moderately long distance in global terms. It anchored the line quite accurately making it relatively easy to calculate its path across southern England and beyond. This line has never wavered. Continuing around the world. Its centre of alignment runs through both Mount Everest in the Himalayas and Uluru in central Australia. We’ll see later that these coincidences are also confirmations that we have the Rod in its correct position.


The next Rod also had a reasonable orientation. It was known to run from the Niger Delta in West Africa through Dartington in southwest England, but it wasn’t as firm as the previous Rod because the Niger Delta covers a wide area. At first William thought this Rod also ran through the Faroe Isles, which confused me because the three points aren’t in a straight line. I found out that William had been looking at a globe and had been trying to anticipate the Rod’s direction.

This misdirection was a warning to me and I started to stick more closely to the reference material. I also questioned all the information we were given by asking William to check points with his pendulum. We could select points both in line and out of line with the great circle we were working on. We never told William the results and always responded to him neutrally. We accepted a point from him only if it had passed this test with no margin for error. He had a fairly consistent success rate. We always gave more importance to the places William had visited with Vera, ignoring or relegating other points unless corroborated by additional information. It took until 2003 to really fix this line firmly. Other places visited in the British Isles that are central to this Rod are a point on the Lleyn Peninsula in Wales looking out at Bardsey Island and the Mull of Kintyre looking towards Northern Ireland. This Rod travels between Ireland and the mainland and covers Anglesey, the Isle of Mann and most of the Scottish Isles including the famous Isle of Iona. This Rod seems to be associated with healing.

We knew from the reference material that there was a Rod running down Glenmore in Scotland, but a number of places there were all fairly close together. Vera and William had visited both the Shetland Islands and Fair Isle, which confused things even more. It took a while to work out. Comments in the text gave us the clue we needed. Shetland had uncomfortable energies and the teachings indicated that they were never intended to be. They will probably sink out of sight when other lands long sunk rise up again. I therefore excluded them. In contrast, Fair Isle had a wonderful feeling about it. I eventually lined up Fair Isle and a point between Corran and Onich on the north and south of Loch Linnhe. This alignment runs straight up the great glen and follows the fault line across to Northern Ireland. This is a relatively short distance on a global scale and something else was needed to firm up the rough alignment. This Rod is one of three that form a junction with the Equatorial Rod at the Equator. Its centre of alignment also passes through Skellig Michael (Skellig Rocks), an island just off the southwest coast of Ireland that is a fairly well known power spot.

The next two Rods run obliquely to each other. The first runs from Reiff and Inverpolly in Scotland down through Wharfedale to Westminster in London. It is held reasonably firmly by these points.

The second runs from the Cuillin Hills on the Isle of Skye through Loch Lomond and down to Wharfedale. This is another short alignment that we anchored at a junction further around the world.

A Rod runs from Dartington in southwest England through Tintagel. Both are important power points. At Tintagel, high on a headland overlooking the sea, are the ruins of a castle said to be King Arthur’s. This place is located at a Rod intersection. This particular Rod also clips southern Ireland before crossing the Atlantic to Amherst in Nova Scotia and then following the Appalachian chain of mountains on the East Coast of America. William and Vera spent fifteen years living at Potomac near Washington, D.C., which was known to be on a Rod. Although this spot isn’t exactly central to this Rod it was used at this early stage to help fix the alignment.


William spent a lot of time working at a place called Mortehoe in England, which is important because it’s on a Rod that boosts all the other Rods. This Rod runs down the north Cornish coast in southwest England. It goes through many points that had been visited including Porteath, Porthtowan, St Agnes, Tintagel and St Anthony’s Monastery in the Black Mountains in Wales. On a global scale these points are also fairly close together and again the alignment was tightened up at a junction on the Equator. Although we knew about this Rod from fairly early on, for some reason it wasn’t plotted until 2003.

The final Rod in the British Isles proved elusive. We didn’t find it until early in 2003. It runs from Jerusalem in the Middle East to Roslin south of Edinburgh and then on through Oban.

I mentioned that the British Isles lies over the heart of our world. The human heart has two chambers and Mother Earth has something similar. The first of these is centered at Dartington Hall in southwest England, where there is major crossing of three Rods.

Dartington Hall

It’s also William’s birthplace and was his family home. He said he thought he was born there to help acclimatise him to the energy he would later work with. The buildings there now were built between 1388 and 1400 but it has links that go back much further. Dartington is associated with the Knights Templar and legends that go back thousands of years. There is a circle of energy centred there that has grown in the years since we started this work from only a few miles across to over a hundred miles wide. The major power point is found at the centre of the sunken lawn (shown below) to the west of the great hall.

Dartington has always been associated with knowledge and is now the home of an educational trust. Inspired by the Indian poet and educator Rabindranath Tagore William’s parents started a school there. It’s a very special place. Nature’s energies are prolific and some of the trees are very old. It is well worth a visit.


The next map of the British Isles shows two clusters of Rods, one in southwest England and the other in the west of Scotland. The second cluster is over the other chamber of the heart. There is also a second energy vortex , centred at Evie on the Isles of Orkney. This circle is much larger than the one at Dartington Hall, about two hundred miles in diameter. It performs the cleansing and revitalising role for the system.


There are many legends about Orkney, the site of the ancient Ring of Brodgar stone circle, which is easily the most awe-inspiring prehistoric site in Scotland. The energies on this island have attracted people for many millennia.

The Els have spoken about gateways or portals. Some are entry points and others are exit points; some, for instance Stonehenge, are both. The Els took this vortex or gateway out much further, to Orion’s Belt, saying it’s a two-way door. The great pyramid at Giza and the Bermuda triangle portal were exit points, although the Bermuda triangle has been unbalanced for a long time.

Most of these portals were moved or deactivated at some point to prevent us from harming ourselves through ignorance. Those that haven’t been reactivated will be when we’re ready. The Els talk about portals as if they’re alive. They say dormant rather than deactivated. They also talk about visitors from the stars and other realms coming through them:

‘We have spoken to you fairly recently about visitations, as it were. About other realms visiting you, coming in, mingling and sharing information – not just through channeling, but physically coming forth and meeting with you. This is no fairy tale, beloveds. It is soon to become your reality and perhaps quicker than you would believe now.’

The energy within the whole global network, in both hemispheres, moves from west to east and always in a clockwise direction. The energies are now flowing freely in all parts of the system, but the Els have appointed a human, a ‘cosmic plumber,’ to be sent to correct any imbalances if there’s a small local problem.

Not all the points line up perfectly on the lines because not all of them are exactly central to the Rods. Sometimes William and Vera could only get as close as physically possible to a point. At other times the Rod may have moved out of its correct alignment. The Rods are wide, covering many tens of miles. It was necessary to use points further around the world to tighten up some of the alignments. Once reviewed on a global scale the differences are very tiny, much too small to see. Mapmaking is a compromise between accuracy and the scale you’re working at.

This map of the British Isles took about six months to make. There were lots of false starts. William usually had a rough idea of the location of the Rods because Vera could feel the differences between the energies. The Rods all have different attributes and she was able to recognise a Rod she had visited before somewhere else on the globe.

Expanding the Rods

It’s useful to recall that all these Rods circle the globe. They’re lines of pure energy, flowing more like water than anything else. The energy can be diverted from its natural track but normally travels in a straight line, forming a great circle around the globe. If you know part of this great circle it’s relatively easy to calculate the rest. You can do this roughly, as William liked to do, by looking at a globe. This has its limitations because even an expensive globe isn’t very accurate. At first I used a wax pencil to draw on a large, flat plastic-coated map, so moving the Rods around wasn’t too difficult. We were only looking for the rough alignments at that stage. I projected all the Rods we had found in the British Isles by using their orientation points to generate great circles. I also added a few more Rods which had been mentioned in the text but don’t run through the British Isles.


We knew that a major Rod circles the globe at the Equator. You’ll see later that this Rod wasn’t as easy to define as it seemed. There’s also a Rod that runs from Port Harcourt in Nigeria across to Giza in Egypt, and one that runs from the Golden Gate Bridge in California to Freetown in Sierra Leone, Africa. Except for Giza, these places had all been visited.

We reached this stage relatively quickly but then things started to become more difficult. We decided to focus on North America. William and Vera lived and worked there for fifteen years. The Els had asked William and Vera to move to North America. In doing so they escaped the financial penalties of a tax imposed on the rich but they had also been sent to a specific point. This turned out to be further around the same Rod that they had been living on, near Dartington. This has been realised in hindsight.

At this point North America did not seem that important. We had only found two Rods there. One running down the east and one across the middle of the continent. Again we started by plotting all the places that had been visited by Vera and William on their activation journeys but it unlike Britain it proved easier to work back to North America from other places around the world.

We did add one more Rod running from Bogota in Columbia, South America up the land bridge of Central America to California. This was just a rough alignment and has been refined. It has now been fixed firmly by quite a number of points. These are Drakes Beach at Point Reyes in California, a point at Edwards Air Force Base also in California. Casa Grande and Mount Lemon in Arizona, a point between St Roman and Palmares on the Rio Grande river in Costa Rica, Panama city and finally Melgar south of Bogota in Columbia. All of these are places were visited over the years but not sequentially.This is a very large number of points and creates a good alignment but I only stumbled onto this configuration by chance when trying to make sense of the points we had in South America.


We also added another Rod running from the Golden Gate Bridge to the Galapagos islands in the Pacific. There were several other Rods sketched in roughly from peoples hunches but were not plotted onto the world map at this time. Most of these hunches subsequently proved accurate.

After a tentative start in North America we added two more Rods to the world map. One running from Kiev in the Ukraine through Algiers in Africa to South America. This was the first Rod added without substantive supporting evidence and was placed under guidance. We also plotted a new Rod that runs through the length of Greenland through a junction in the middle of the Atlantic and on down to South America and across the Antarctic. The map below shows all these Rods in the positions we had them in 1999. Since then there have been many refinements to these alignments. At this point I was becoming very frustrated by the medium we were using, and I decided to do something about it.

Making the 3D Model

If you aren’t technically minded you may want to skip this section. I’ve included it so those who are interested can understand my methodology. The best way to improve the quality of the mapmaking process was to move the work into the computer. It was also clear that to map Mother Earth, a 3D subject, it was preferable to create a 3D model. Once I decided to make a virtual 3D model of the world, the next step was to look for commercially available graphics software with the accuracy I required. This was a long time before Google Earth, an obvious choice if I were doing this work today. Mathematical models were available but the software was expensive. I spent some time looking but eventually gave up and decided to create my own. I used a professional animation package that I thought might be able to do what I wanted. It took some experimenting with different types of maps before I eventually worked out a system that would work. Originally I wanted to use vector-based maps, which would have reduced the computer rendering time, but I found this too awkward. It was hard to get an accurate result from the source maps available in that format. Somewhat reluctantly I started using very large bitmap images. They turned out to be a fairly good choice. They take a long time for the computer to draw but they produce a detailed result. I can also continuously update the data on the source files without having to re-import them each time.

To understand the model you have to understand how latitude and longitude work. It seems simple but it’s actually a sophisticated system that fixes points on the planet’s surface very accurately. All the measurements are related to the center of the planet by angle only and indicate the position independent of height above or below sea level. It compensates automatically for the slight bulging at the Equator and flattening at the poles. The planet could be square and it would still work. It is truly a work of genius. It also made it possible for me to simplify the model somewhat without compromising the accuracy.

Looking at the planet from the side, latitude is the angle measured either north or south of the Equator to the poles, which are both at 90 degrees to the Equator.

Looking down from the poles longitude is the angle measured either west or east from Greenwich around to 180 degrees on the opposite side of the world. Why Greenwich? This is an arbitrary point chosen in 1884 when it was decided to make the Royal Observatory at Greenwich, England, the datum or zero point for all longitudinal measurements.


My virtual Earth 3D model uses the same principles. A sphere represents the surface of the Earth. Points on the Earth are represented by small dots at the ends of very thin lines that are pivoted from their centres at the centre point of the sphere. The lines are just long enough to poke through the sphere and emerge as dots whose size can be adjusted. Each point’s antipode, or diametrical opposite, is represented by a second dot. We’ll see later why this is useful. The angles of these thin lines can be fixed to their latitude and longitude very accurately by numerical input, to 0.01 of a degree or 36 seconds of arc.

The landmasses were created by images projected from the centre of the model onto the sphere, both for continents and for isolated islands like Hawaii and New Zealand. The projected maps were aligned and corrected by fixing numerous points both on the coastlines and in the interiors.

I fixed these points by fitting each five-degree square of latitude and longitude to the graticule (grid of intersecting lines) generated by the 3D software and also to specific points. The grid on its own wasn’t accurate enough to satisfy me, so I created very many thin lines and fixed them to the exact latitude and longitude for key positions. I distorted or adjusted the projected image until these points coincided with the points they represent on the 3D model. I sourced the positions of these points from large-scale maps or atlases, depending on their accuracy. In addition to the image of the landmasses I also included a bitmap image of their relative heights in what is called a bump map. This works by local adjustments to the diameter of the sphere at points on the land surface. A grayscale image defines these points. This gives a somewhat exaggerated but useful impression of differences in height. Mountains convincingly stick up above the other terrain. I can turn this feature on and off.

Each Rod of Power is represented by a thin circle, which is actually a torus or circular tube that can be expanded to scale to show the Rod’s size. Each Rod has its point of rotation and centre fixed at the centre of the model. All I have to do is to move the torus until it coincides with the points on that particular Rod’s alignment. This can be done either manually or numerically. It’s quite a fiddly process especially when the points are on different sides of the globe and there are many of them. Sometimes I had to use multiple views and a lot of patience. All 3D modeling requires incredible amounts of patience. Making this model took about six months. It was a laborious and time-consuming process but the final result was worth it. Like any map it has its limitations, but it’s very versatile.

I would still like to make a mathematical model, mainly for the flexibility it would afford. I would be able to create any type of projection at any scale. I also want to expand the picture to see the relationships between the Rods and the rest of the universe, and to make it easier to analyse the underlying structure of the Rods. The Els describe the Rod junctions as being like umbrellas, with spokes radiating out from the centre and a mirror image of each junction on the other side of the globe. There are literally thousands of smaller Rods that branch off the main ones shown here, and these are only part of the network. There are also vertical and horizontal lines of energy running right through Mother Earth.

Now that I had a stable and accurate medium to work in, it was much easier to see the emerging pattern. It wasn’t symmetrical and ordered or easy to understand. There was no obvious clearly defined geometry that most people might expect. If you’ve seen some of the hypotheses put forward over the years for the network surrounding the Earth, then what is shown here may seem rather strange. There is symmetry though


the pattern is more organic and complex than anticipated, but remember that this is only one of Mother Earth’s energy systems.

The Equatorial Rod

I plotted onto the new model all the information I had collated on the flat map. It struck me that some of the junctions, especially around the Equator, didn’t join up in tidy intersections but created a series of triangles. If you look at the image below you’ll see some of these circled up.

There seemed to be a series of junctions like these all around the Equator. Some created better intersections than others but all of them were a little bit out. If you’re using graphical survey techniques this kind of result usually indicates an error. Because of my training, I automatically started to investigate. Even though I had learned that not all Rod junctions create tidy intersections, perhaps because bits of the puzzle are missing, this time my hunch was correct.

At first I thought the Rods crossing the Equator were at fault. To get things to line up in a more orderly manner I started to check all the data to see if this moved any Rods around. I did find one small error in the plotting, but correcting it exacerbated the problem. I simply couldn’t move any of the other Rods, so I started to move the Equatorial Rod around.

I discovered that if I rotated this Rod by roughly four degrees (shown in cyan) it suddenly clicked into place and the offending junctions now formed near perfect intersections all the way around the globe. Because this was such an important move we spent a long time deliberating before finalising it. This new position did feel and look right but we checked it in as many ways as we possibly could. This skew on the Equatorial Rod is what led me to believe that our planet is tilted out of its correct alignment.


It also explains why some of the energies from the universe weren’t reaching Mother Earth as intended. In fairness I should have shown first how I fixed all the other Rods before moving this one, because its position is after all dictated by their alignments. I’ve explained it now both because of its significance and because this is how it happened chronologically.

I have included a new Rod that crosses the length of Florida. That Rod position went through several iterations before I settled its position. The placement of the Equatorial Rod took about three years to evolve and finalise. The multiple junctions on this Rod are now good intersections.

The Equatorial Rod is immense. The largest of all the Rods, it has grown from ninety miles wide to over two hundred miles wide in the six years we have been working on mapping. This gives you an idea of how well the system is now running.

Perhaps it would be good to mention here how we know the widths of the Rods. Sometimes I have had physical references, place names said to be on the edge of the Rod or just off it. If I know the centre of the alignment this gives me the width. These points have always confirmed distances obtained in other ways, such as dowsing by William with confirmation from others including myself. When I put my attention on this Rod, the figure 200 miles just came into my head. When William checked independently with his pendulum, his figure was more precise at 220 miles.

Let’s examine the Rods in more detail and see how they interacts with the topography as they circle the globe. Mountains, usually the highest in a range, and even mountain ranges themselves follow the alignments of the Rods. Nearly all the highest mountains in the world are on or close to a Rod e.g. Mt Everest shown left. Notice that the west coast of India is bounded by a Rod. This is also a fairly common feature.

Rivers tend to behave in predictable ways in relation to the Rods. They usually cross at an angle of roughly 45 degrees somewhere near the river mouth and often run along the Rod alignments. The river appears to be affected by the way the energy flows. Rods frequently

enter or leave the coast at a headland or peninsula, almost as if the land is drawn along with the Rod. These places are usually very beautiful. If these were isolated incidences I would say it was just a coincidence, but this pattern repeats itself all around the globe.

I mentioned Australia’s well-known landmark Uluru, or Ayers Rock, is central to the same Rod as Mt Everest. here it is.

The Rods function collectively to form an enormous network covering the whole of the planet. We have plotted twenty-two major Rods so far. There are very many more smaller Rods, as well as spurs or spokes that diverge from the major junctions. When we last checked, the major Rods had all expanded significantly and most are now about sixty-five miles wide. I think this is their natural width and it’s unlikely they’ll get much bigger.


There are three Rods that are larger than any of the others:

1. The Equatorial Rod is just over two hundred miles wide.2. The Rod of movement, running from the Amazon through Florida, across the USA

and up to Lake Winnipeg, is the next largest at ninety-five miles wide.3. A Rod eighty-five miles wide runs from Australia through the Amazon and southern

England, around to the Himalayas and back down to Australia again. We don’t have a designation for this Rod yet.

These three big Rods form two junctions with a horizontal Rod running through Mother Earth creating two massive intersections close to the present line of the Equator. One of these junctions is in the heart of the Amazon rainforest, and the other is in Malaysia just off the coast of Borneo.

You too can make a valuable contribution.The Rods are reestablished and functioning well. The energy has spread out and completely covers Mother Earth. I mentioned before that your attention will enhance them. You don’t have to do anything specific; just looking at them will be of tremendous benefit. We humans do not yet fully appreciate what we can do and how powerful we really are. Just by looking at the maps and studying them your attention will help to enhance the system. No effort is required. All you have to do is look. Your focus helps increase the energies but it also links you into the system. That will be of enormous help to your personal growth. This is another reason for publication. It is also a message of hope, to let you know about this system and that it has been repaired. The five missing rays of energy are back and are circulating throughout the network. We cannot emphasise enough that this is monumental news for all of us. Mother Earth is in the process of ascending and is moving towards her rightful place in the divine scheme of things. No matter how it may appear things are moving very quickly towards a new golden age.

The maps in the next section were all generated from the virtual 3D model. This construct is point specific; that is, the points we have mentioned have been plotted using latitude and longitude measurements and are accurate to 0.01 of a degree. The background maps were originally based on commercially available images, which are good enough but not perfect. I found quite a few local anomalies and to correct them I had to manually redraw most of the maps.

It’s much easier to understand the interconnections when you can rotate a globe, and it also reveals some interesting links. To this end I will make an overlay for Google Earth when I have the time.












