Page 1: The Rockin Report from the Desk of Dr. Windish · Administrative Newsletter of Carillon Elementary August, 2016 Capable, Connected, Contributing arillon Elementary School 3200 Lockwood

Ad mini s tra t ive New s le t ter o f Ca r i l l o n E lementa ry August , 2016

C a p a b l e , C o n n e c t e d , C o n t r i b u t i n g

Carillon Elementary School

3200 Lockwood Blvd.

Oviedo, Florida 32765



Daniel H. Windish, Principal

Shronda Granger, Assistant


Annie Gottfried, School

Administration Manager

The Rockin’ Report from the Desk of Dr. Windish

This school year is already ROCKin’ into December and coming up on the halfway mark . It’s a great time to reflect on all that we have done and accomplished as a school and a school

community already this year. We fundraised, through our PTA and the Comet Challenge, enough to not only support PTA throughout the year, but also purchase some Virtual Reality

headsets and devices. And since we are on the topic of PTA, we currently have more PTA members than we have had in anyone’s recent memory (definitely in the last 8 school years).

The Cross Country team is off and running (literally), our Mathletes have been performing well, while our SECME group has been preparing for STEM competitions to come later. Our

Robotics Club is back for the first time in years. Carillon Kids Choir has performed at two events already and are getting ready for the big concert on December 13th here at Carillon.

The PTA Reflections Art Contest has yielded some great art. Student council has led us through a food drive and the school community has raised money to help in Hurricane Michael

relief. Individual students are showing amazing gains documented in their ROCK Albums and iReady. Oh, and our roof is almost finished, we have a new playground and a new perime-

ter fence. Dismissal (with the new procedures) is going even faster than it did last year. For most schools, this might be enough for an entire year. We are only just warming up! Caril-

lon ROCKS! So, ROCK on Comets!


Stay Connected to our School Community!

Please check out Carillon’s new web-

site. It truly rocks!

Reflecting On What’s Coming Up and More!

Carillon Kids Choir Concert Tis the season to sing ! The Carillon Kids Choir will be in concert on Thursday, December 13th at 7:00 p.m. The MPR will be opened at 6:30 p.m. In addition to singing, there will be an Irish dance and more! We hope to see you there.

Holiday Parenting Tip from Our School Social Worker- Amy Mather, MSW

Our culture tells us that the holidays are supposed to be happy, peaceful, loving times. We feel obligated to cook delicious meals, choose the perfect gifts, and present a beautiful home. The expec-tations are high, but our families are imperfect, and we have trou-ble meeting expectations. Below are some tips to get through this time of year.

Keep Normal Routines

Get the Kids Involved

Learn to Say “No”

Have Clear Expectations

Set your expectations appropriately and you may just finish the season with some good memories and, at least, your sanity. -Debbie Pincus, MS LMHC

Dates to Know! Dec. 4th SAC Meeting Dec. 7th 5th Grade Field Trip to Kennedy Space Center Relay Game Night Dec. 12th SPACE TEAMS Sharing Day Dec. 13th Carillon Kids Choir Concert 7:00 p.m. (6:30 p.m. arrival) Dec. 14th Kindergarten Field Trip to Crayola Experience Dec. 18-20 EARLY RELEASE DAYS (1:05 p.m.) Dec. 20—Jan 4 WINTER BREAK

Comets’ achievements are celebrated on the BACK of the Comet’s Tale! Comets are Capable, Connected, and Contributing!


Adminis trat ive New slet ter of Cari l l on Elementary Dece mber 2018

What’s Ongoing at Carillon?

Sunshine State Books

Evidence suggests that children who read for enjoyment every day not only perform better in reading tests than those who do not, but also develop a broader vocabulary. Please encourage your child to read the Sunshine State books. There are books for the primary level as well as the intermediate grades. If they are not reading these already, please see your child’s teacher for more details.

Carillon ROCKS!

Page 2: The Rockin Report from the Desk of Dr. Windish · Administrative Newsletter of Carillon Elementary August, 2016 Capable, Connected, Contributing arillon Elementary School 3200 Lockwood

Carillon Comets ROCK!

Highlighting the Achievements of our Comets!

Izabella Glywasky

Wing-Kean Tham

Sydney Burton

Alex Gonzalez

Angelica Wolfe

Srishti Akumalla

Ellie Chihos

Jaxon Ryerson

Lainey Flora

James Miller

Violet DeFalco

Micah Sims

Natalie Pabon

Harper Greathouse

Derek Alford

Aubrey Jackson

Peyton Spurr

Jake Ayala

Dominic Abboud

Jacob Cush

Arianna Amato

Violet Scrivener

Grace Nam

Evan Gilmore

Leyla Piji

Isabella Cai

Tristan Kammeraad

Liam Palubinskas

Congratulations to our November Caring Comets!

Max & Elizabeth Morris ,


Teach In 2018!
