Page 1: The Rise of GandhiAfrica (where he had lived for more than 20 years) to India in 1915. There he had led a peaceful agitation against the discrimination meted out to Indians and had

The Rise of Gandhi

Page 2: The Rise of GandhiAfrica (where he had lived for more than 20 years) to India in 1915. There he had led a peaceful agitation against the discrimination meted out to Indians and had

The Rise of Gandhi in Indian Freedom Struggle

M K Gandhi returned from South Africa (where he had lived for more than 20 years) to India in 1915. There he had led a peaceful agitation against the discrimination meted out to Indians and had emerged as a respected leader.

It was in South Africa that he developed his brand of Satyagraha. In India, he first used this tool against the British government at Champaran in Bihar.

भारतीय स्वतंत्रता संग्राम में गांधी का


1915 में एम के गांधी दक्षिण अफ्रीका

(जहााँ वे 20 वर्षों से अक्षधक समय तक

रह ेथे) से भारत लौटे। वहााँ उन्होंने

भारतीयों से हुए भेदभाव के क्षिलाफ

एक शांक्षतपूणण आंदोलन का नेतृत्व ककया

था और एक सम्माक्षनत नेता के रूप में

उभरे थे।

दक्षिण अफ्रीका में उन्होंने सत्याग्रह के

अपने ब्ांड को क्षवकक्षसत ककया। भारत

में, उन्होंने पहली बार क्षबहार के चंपारण

में क्षब्टटश सरकार के क्षिलाफ इस

उपकरण का इस्तेमाल ककया था।

Page 3: The Rise of GandhiAfrica (where he had lived for more than 20 years) to India in 1915. There he had led a peaceful agitation against the discrimination meted out to Indians and had

Champaran Satyagraha (1917)

The first civil disobedience movement by

Gandhi in the freedom struggle.

Persuaded by Rajkumar Shukla, an

indigo cultivator, Gandhi went to

Champaran in Bihar to investigate the

conditions of the farmers there.

The farmers were suffering under heavy

taxes and an exploitative system. They

were forced to grow indigo by the British

planters under the tinkathia system.

Gandhi arrived in Champaran to

investigate the matter but was not

permitted by the British authorities to do


He was asked to leave the place but he


चंपारण सत्याग्रह (1917)

स्वतंत्रता संग्राम में गांधी द्वारा पहला सक्षवनय

अवज्ञा आंदोलन।

एक इंक्षडक्षवजुअल इंक्षडगो कल्टीवेटर राजकुमार

शुक्ला द्वारा राजी ककए जाने के बाद गांधी वहां

के ककसानों की क्षस्थक्षतयों की जांच करने के

क्षलए क्षबहार के चंपारण गए थे।

ककसान भारी करों और शोर्षणकारी व्यवस्था से

पीक्ष़ित थे। उन्हें क्षतनकटिया प्रणाली के तहत

क्षब्टटश पलांटसण द्वारा इंक्षडगो उगाने के क्षलए

मजबूर ककया गया।

गांधी इस मामले की जांच करने के क्षलए

चंपारण पहुचंे, लेककन क्षब्टटश अक्षधकाटरयों ने

ऐसा करने की अनुमक्षत नहीं दी।

उन्हें जगह छो़िने के क्षलए कहा गया लेककन

उन्होंने मना कर कदया।

Page 4: The Rise of GandhiAfrica (where he had lived for more than 20 years) to India in 1915. There he had led a peaceful agitation against the discrimination meted out to Indians and had

He was able to gather support from the

farmers and masses.

When he appeared in court in response

to a summons, almost 2000 locals

accompanied him.

The case against him was dropped and

he was allowed to conduct the inquiry.

After peaceful protests against the

planters and landlords led by Gandhi, the

government agreed to abolish the

exploitative tinkathia system.

The peasants also received a part of the

money extracted from them as


Champaran struggle is called the first

experiment on Satyagraha by Gandhi.

• वह ककसानों और जनता से समथणन जुटाने में

सिम थे।

• जब वह एक सम्मन के जवाब में अदालत में

पेश हुए, तो लगभग 2000 स्थानीय लोग

उनके साथ थे।

• उनके क्षिलाफ मामला छो़ि कदया गया था

और उन्हें जांच करने की अनुमक्षत दी गई


• गांधी के नेतृत्व में बागान माक्षलकों और

जमींदारों के क्षिलाफ शांक्षतपूणण क्षवरोध

प्रदशणन के बाद, सरकार शोर्षणकारी

क्षतनकटिया प्रणाली को ित्म करने पर

सहमत हो गई।

• ककसानों को मुआवजे के रूप में उनसे

क्षनकाले गए धन का एक क्षहस्सा भी क्षमला।

• गांधी द्वारा चंपारण संघर्षण को सत्याग्रह पर

पहला प्रयोग कहा जाता ह।ै

Page 5: The Rise of GandhiAfrica (where he had lived for more than 20 years) to India in 1915. There he had led a peaceful agitation against the discrimination meted out to Indians and had

It was during this time that Gandhi was given the names ‘Bapu’ and ‘Mahatma’ by the people.

Kheda Satyagraha (1918)

1918 was a year of failed crops in the Kheda district of Gujarat due to droughts.

As per law, the farmers were entitled to remission if the produce was less than a quarter of the normal output.

But the government refused any remission from paying land revenue.

इस समय के दौरान गांधी को लोगों द्वारा

'बापू' और 'महात्मा' नाम कदए गए थे।

िे़िा सत्याग्रह (1918)

1918 सूिे के कारण गुजरात के िे़िा क्षजले

में क्षवफल फसलों का वर्षण था।

कानून के अनुसार, ककसान उत्पादन के

सामान्य उत्पादन के एक चौथाई से कम

होने पर छूट के हकदार थे।

लेककन सरकार ने भू-राजस्व का भुगतान

करने से कोई छूट नहीं दी।

Page 6: The Rise of GandhiAfrica (where he had lived for more than 20 years) to India in 1915. There he had led a peaceful agitation against the discrimination meted out to Indians and had

Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel, under

Gandhi’s guidance, led the farmers in

protest against the collection of taxes

in the wake of the famine.

People from all castes and ethnicities

of the district lend their support to the


The protest was peaceful and people

showed remarkable courage even in

the face of adversities like confiscation

of personal property and arrest.

Finally, the authorities gave in and

gave some concessions to the


• गांधी के मागणदशणन में, सरदार

वल्लभभाई पटेल ने अकाल के मदे्दनजर

करों के संग्रह के क्षवरोध में ककसानों का

नेतृत्व ककया।

• क्षजले की सभी जाक्षतयों और जनजाक्षतयों

के लोग ने आंदोलन को अपना समथणन


• क्षवरोध शांक्षतपूणण था और लोगों ने क्षनजी

संपक्षि को जब्त करने और क्षगरफ्तारी

जैसी प्रक्षतकूलताओं के बावजूद भी

उल्लेिनीय साहस कदिाया।

• अंत में, अक्षधकाटरयों ने ककसानों को कुछ

टरयायतें दीं।

Page 7: The Rise of GandhiAfrica (where he had lived for more than 20 years) to India in 1915. There he had led a peaceful agitation against the discrimination meted out to Indians and had

Ahmedabad Mill Strike (1918)

Gandhi used Satyagraha and hunger

strike for the first time during an industrial

dispute between the owners and workers

of a cotton mill in Ahmedabad.

The owners wanted to withdraw the

plague bonus to the workers while the

workers were demanding a hike of 35%

in their wages.

During the peaceful strike led by Gandhi,

he underwent a hunger strike.

The strike was successful and the

workers were granted the wage hike they


अहमदाबाद क्षमल स्राइक (1918)

गांधी ने अहमदाबाद में एक सूती क्षमल के

माक्षलकों और श्रक्षमकों के बीच औद्योक्षगक

क्षववाद के दौरान पहली बार सत्याग्रह और भूि

ह़िताल ककया।

माक्षलक श्रक्षमकों के पलेग बोनस को वापस लेना

चाहते थे, जबकक श्रक्षमक अपने वेतन में 35%

की बढोतरी की मांग कर रह ेथे।

गांधी के नेतृत्व में शांक्षतपूणण ह़िताल के दौरान,

उन्होंने भूि ह़िताल की।

यह ह़िताल सफल रही और मजदरूों को उनकी

इच्छा के अनुसार वेतन वृक्षि दी गई।

Page 8: The Rise of GandhiAfrica (where he had lived for more than 20 years) to India in 1915. There he had led a peaceful agitation against the discrimination meted out to Indians and had


Lord Curzon had carried out the partitionof Bengal in 1905. After the Bengaluprising following the partition, the Britishauthorities understood the need for somereforms in the governance of Indians.

The Indian National Congress (INC) wasalso agitating for more reforms and self-governance of Indians. The earlierCongress leaders were moderates butnow extremist leaders were on the risewho believed in more aggressivemethods.

INC demanded home rule for the firsttime in 1906.

Gopal Krishna Gokhale met Morley inEngland to emphasise the need forreforms.

• पृष्ठभूक्षम

• लॉडण कजणन ने 1905 में बंगाल के क्षवभाजन को अंजाम कदया था। क्षवभाजन के बाद बंगाल के क्षवद्रोह के बाद, क्षब्टटश अक्षधकाटरयों ने भारतीयों के शासन में कुछ सुधारों की आवश्यकता को समझा।

• भारतीय राष्ट्रीय कांग्रेस (INC) भारतीयों के अक्षधक सुधारों और स्वशासन के क्षलए भी आंदोलन कर रही थी। पहले के कांग्रेसी नेता नरमपंथी थे लेककन अब चरमपंथी नेता बढ रह ेथे जो अक्षधक आक्रामक तरीकों में क्षवश्वास करते थे।

• INC ने 1906 में पहली बार होम रूल कीमांग की।

• गोपाल कृष्ण गोिले ने सुधारों कीआवश्यकता पर जोर दनेे के क्षलए इंग्लैंड में मोरले से मुलाकात की।

Page 9: The Rise of GandhiAfrica (where he had lived for more than 20 years) to India in 1915. There he had led a peaceful agitation against the discrimination meted out to Indians and had

Shimla Deputation: A group ofelite Muslims led by the Aga Khanmet Lord Minto in 1906 and placedtheir demand for a separateelectorate for the Muslims.

John Morley was a member of theLiberal government and he wantedto make positive changes in India’sgovernance.

• क्षशमला प्रक्षतक्षनयुक्षि: आगा िान के

नेतृत्व में कुलीन मुसलमानों के एक

समूह ने 1906 में लॉडण ममंटो से

मुलाकात की और मुसलमानों के क्षलए

एक अलग क्षनवाणचक मंडल की अपनी

मांग रिी।

• जॉन मोरले क्षलबरल सरकार के

सदस्य थे और वह भारत के शासन में

सकारात्मक बदलाव लाना चाहते थे।

Page 10: The Rise of GandhiAfrica (where he had lived for more than 20 years) to India in 1915. There he had led a peaceful agitation against the discrimination meted out to Indians and had

Major provisions of the Morley-Minto


The legislative councils at the Centre

and the provinces increased in size.

Central Legislative Council – from 16

to 60 members

Legislative Councils of Bengal,

Madras, Bombay and United

Provinces – 50 members each

Legislative Councils of Punjab, Burma

and Assam – 30 members each

The legislative councils at the centre

and the provinces were to have four

categories of members as follows:

मॉले-ममंटो सुधारों के प्रमुि प्रावधान

कें द्र और प्रांतों में क्षवधान पटरर्षदें आकार में

बढती गईं।

कें द्रीय क्षवधान पटरर्षद - 16 से 60 सदस्यों तक

बंगाल, मद्रास, बॉम्बे और संयुि प्रांत की

क्षवधान पटरर्षदें - 50 सदस्य प्रत्येक

पंजाब, बमाण और असम के क्षवधान पटरर्षद -

30 सदस्य प्रत्येक

कें द्र और प्रांतों में क्षवधान पटरर्षदों के सदस्यों

की चार श्रेक्षणयां इस प्रकार थीं:

Page 11: The Rise of GandhiAfrica (where he had lived for more than 20 years) to India in 1915. There he had led a peaceful agitation against the discrimination meted out to Indians and had

Ex officio members: Governor General and members of the executive council.

Nominated official members: Government officials who were nominated by the Governor-General.

Nominated non-official members: nominated by the Governor-General but were not government officials.

Elected members: elected by different categories of Indians.

The elected members were elected indirectly. The local bodies elected an electoral college who would elect members of the provincial legislative councils. These members would, in turn, elect the members of the Central legislative council.

The elected members were from the local bodies, the chambers of commerce, landlords, universities, traders’ communities and Muslims.

• पदने सदस्य: गवनणर जनरल और कायणकारी

पटरर्षद के सदस्य।

• मनोनीत आक्षधकाटरक सदस्य: सरकारी अक्षधकारी

क्षजन्हें गवनणर-जनरल द्वारा नाक्षमत ककया गया था।

• मनोनीत गैर-आक्षधकाटरक सदस्य: गवनणर-जनरल

द्वारा नाक्षमत लेककन सरकारी अक्षधकारी नहीं थे।

• क्षनवाणक्षचत सदस्य: भारतीयों की क्षवक्षभन्न श्रेक्षणयों

द्वारा चुने गए।

• क्षनवाणक्षचत सदस्यों को अप्रत्यि रूप से चुना गया

था। स्थानीय क्षनकाय एक क्षनवाणचक मंडल का

चुनाव करते थे जो प्रांतीय क्षवधान पटरर्षदों के

सदस्यों का चुनाव करते थे। ये सदस्य, कें द्रीय

क्षवधान पटरर्षद के सदस्यों का चुनाव करते हैं।

• क्षनवाणक्षचत सदस्य स्थानीय क्षनकायों, वाक्षणज्य

मंडलों, जमींदारों, क्षवश्वक्षवद्यालयों, व्यापाटरयों के

समुदायों और मुसलमानों से थे।

Page 12: The Rise of GandhiAfrica (where he had lived for more than 20 years) to India in 1915. There he had led a peaceful agitation against the discrimination meted out to Indians and had

In the provincial councils, non-official

members were in a majority. However,

since some of the non-official members

were nominated, in total, a non-elected

majority was there.

Indians were given membership to the

Imperial Legislative Council for the first


It introduced separate electorates for the

Muslims. Some constituencies were

earmarked for Muslims and only Muslims

could vote their representatives.

The members could discuss the budget and

move resolutions. They could also discuss

matters of public interest.

They could also ask supplementary


• प्रांतीय पटरर्षदों में, गैर-आक्षधकाटरक सदस्य बहुमत में थे। हालााँकक, चूंकक कुछ गैर-आक्षधकाटरक सदस्यों को नाक्षमत ककया गया था, कुल क्षमलाकर, एक गैर-क्षनवाणक्षचत बहुमत था।

• भारतीयों को पहली बार इम्पीटरयल लेक्षजस्लेटटव काउंक्षसल की सदस्यता दी गई थी।

• इसने मुसलमानों के क्षलए अलग क्षनवाणचक मंडल पेश ककए। कुछ क्षनवाणचन िेत्र मुसलमानों के क्षलए रिे गए थे और केवल मुसलमान ही अपने प्रक्षतक्षनक्षधयों को वोट द ेसकते थे।

• सदस्य बजट पर चचाण कर सकते हैं औरप्रस्तावों को आगे बढा सकते हैं। वे जनक्षहत के मामलों पर भी चचाण कर सकते थे।

• वे पूरक प्रश्न भी पूछ सकते थे।

Page 13: The Rise of GandhiAfrica (where he had lived for more than 20 years) to India in 1915. There he had led a peaceful agitation against the discrimination meted out to Indians and had

No discussions on foreign

policy or on relations with the

princely states were permitted.

Lord Minto appointed (on much

persuasion by Morley)

Satyendra P Sinha as the first

Indian member of the Viceroy’s

Executive Council.

Two Indians were nominated to

the Council of the Secretary of

State for Indian affairs.

• क्षवदशे नीक्षत पर या टरयासतों के साथ

संबंधों पर कोई चचाण की अनुमक्षत

नहीं थी।

• लॉडण ममंटो की क्षनयुक्षि (मोरली द्वारा

बहुत अनुनय पर) सत्येंद्र पी क्षसन्हा ने

वायसराय की कायणकारी पटरर्षद के

पहले भारतीय सदस्य के रूप में की।

• दो भारतीयों को भारतीय मामलों के

क्षलए राज्य सक्षचव पटरर्षद में नाक्षमत

ककया गया था।

Page 14: The Rise of GandhiAfrica (where he had lived for more than 20 years) to India in 1915. There he had led a peaceful agitation against the discrimination meted out to Indians and had

In which year Mahatma Gandhi came back in India?





भारत में महात्मा गाांधी किस वर्ष वापस आए थे?1915191219171920

Page 15: The Rise of GandhiAfrica (where he had lived for more than 20 years) to India in 1915. There he had led a peaceful agitation against the discrimination meted out to Indians and had

In which country Mahatma Gandhi developed his brand of Satyagraha?

South Africa


Sri Lanka


महात्मा गाांधी ने किस देश में सत्याग्रह िा ब्ाांड वविससत किया?दक्षिण अफ्रीकाइांडडयाश्री लांिाइांगलैंड

Page 16: The Rise of GandhiAfrica (where he had lived for more than 20 years) to India in 1915. There he had led a peaceful agitation against the discrimination meted out to Indians and had

Mahatma Gandhi first used his tool of Satyagraha against the British government at which place?





महात्मा गााँधी ने सत्याग्रह िे अपने उपिरण िा प्रयोग सवषप्रथम किस स्थान पर ब्रब्टिश सरिार िे खिलाफ किया था?अहमदाबादचंपारणनाससिम ांबई

Page 17: The Rise of GandhiAfrica (where he had lived for more than 20 years) to India in 1915. There he had led a peaceful agitation against the discrimination meted out to Indians and had

Which of the following was the first civil disobedience movement used by Gandhi in the freedom struggle?

Champaran Satyagraha

Kheda Satyagraha

Ahmedabad Mill Strike

None of these

स्वतांत्रता सांग्राम में गाांधी द्वारा इस्तेमाल किया गया पहला सववनय अवज्ञा आांदोलन ननम्नसलखित में से िौन सा था?चंपारण सत्याग्रहिेडा सत्याग्रहअहमदाबाद समल हडतालइनमे से िोई नह ां

Page 18: The Rise of GandhiAfrica (where he had lived for more than 20 years) to India in 1915. There he had led a peaceful agitation against the discrimination meted out to Indians and had

Which of the following persuaded Mahatma Gandhi to come in Champaran to investigate the conditions of the farmers?

Rajkumar Shukla

Rajendra Prasad

Jawahar Lal Nehru

Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel

ननम्नसलखित में से किसने महात्मा गाांधी िो किसानों िी स्स्थनतयों िी जाांच िे सलए चांपारण आने िे सलए राजी किया?राजकुमार शुक्लराजेन्द्र प्रसादजवाहर लाल नेहरूसरदार वल्लभभाई पिेल

Page 19: The Rise of GandhiAfrica (where he had lived for more than 20 years) to India in 1915. There he had led a peaceful agitation against the discrimination meted out to Indians and had

Tinkathia system was popular in which of the following region?





नतनिथथया प्रणाल ननम्नसलखित में से किस के्षत्र में लोिवप्रय थी?चंपारणमरासअहमदाबादिेडा

Page 20: The Rise of GandhiAfrica (where he had lived for more than 20 years) to India in 1915. There he had led a peaceful agitation against the discrimination meted out to Indians and had

Mahatma Gandhi did hunger strike first time during which expedition?



Ahmedabad Mill Strike

None of these

महात्मा गाांधी ने किस असभयान िे दौरान पहल बार भूि हडताल िी थी?िेडाचांपारणअहमदाबाद ममल हड़तालइनमे से िोई नह ां

Page 21: The Rise of GandhiAfrica (where he had lived for more than 20 years) to India in 1915. There he had led a peaceful agitation against the discrimination meted out to Indians and had

Which of the following is the correct chronological order of the incidents?

Champaran – Kheda- Ahmedabad

Kheda – Champaran –Ahmedabad

Ahmedabad –Kheda- Champaran

None of these

ननम्नसलखित में से िौन घिनाओां िा सह िालान क्रसमि क्रम है?चंपारण - खेड़ा- अहमदाबादिेडा - चांपारण-अहमदाबादअहमदाबाद -िेडा- चांपारणइनमे से िोई नह ां

Page 22: The Rise of GandhiAfrica (where he had lived for more than 20 years) to India in 1915. There he had led a peaceful agitation against the discrimination meted out to Indians and had

Indian National Congress demanded home rule for the first time in which year?





भारतीय राष्ट्र य िाांगे्रस ने किस वर्ष में पहल बार स्व-शासन िी माांग िी?1909190619001912

Page 23: The Rise of GandhiAfrica (where he had lived for more than 20 years) to India in 1915. There he had led a peaceful agitation against the discrimination meted out to Indians and had

Who was the first Indian member of the Viceroy’s Executive Council?

Satyendra P Sinha

C R Das

A C Mazumdar

Rash Bihari Ghosh

वायसराय िी िायषिार पररर्द में पहले भारतीय सदस्य िौन थे?सत्येंद्र पी मसन्हासी आर दासए सी मजमूदारराश ब्रबहार घोर्

Page 24: The Rise of GandhiAfrica (where he had lived for more than 20 years) to India in 1915. There he had led a peaceful agitation against the discrimination meted out to Indians and had
