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  • The Rise of Dictators Europe Goes to War Japan Builds an Empire From Isolationism to War World War II The Road to War
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  • The Rise of Dictators Totalitarian Rule : A government that exerts total control over a nation (govt, econ, relig, home) * Use terror and intimidation to silence any opposition Hitler and Mussolini had FASCIST governments (the state and/or leader are more important than the people) [Franco in Spain will use Fascism as well] Stalin had a COMMUNIST government (the peoples party and/or leader are more important than the people) Fascists and Communists were fierce enemies
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  • Stalin 5 Year Plans : Stalins plan to modernize agriculture and build new industries Stalins Economic Plans Combine farms into collectives Farmers resisted and were removed from their lands The State took over with terrible outcomes Millions die of starvation 5 million sent to labor camps in Siberia Industrial plans went better Stalin Reign of Terror Purges to remove enemies and undesirable individuals Show Trials for any who Stalin saw as disloyal 7 million arrested, 1 million killed, millions in labor camps Stalins power was absolute
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  • Mussolini After WWI, Mussolini rose to power in Italy Il Duce organized the Fascist party to bring order Blackshirts terrorized and intimidated all Italians The King appointed Mussolini Prime Minister hoping it would satisfy him Mussolini seized power (dictatorship) Economic reforms brought order and some prosperity to Italy Elections suspended (to maintain order), other political parties outlawed Europe praised Mussolini for fixing Italys economy Mussolini had visions of another Roman Empire ITALY IS NOTHING WITHOUT CONQUEST Italy will invade Ethiopia and crush them quickly
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  • Hitler (enraged by the terms of the Treaty of Versailles The Nazi Party (National Socialist German Workers Party) A form of fascism based on racial superiority and nationalism Hitlers powerful public speaking quickly made him the leader of the party Nov. 23 Nazis tried to overthrow German govt failed Hitler sentenced to 5 year (only served 9 months) Mein Kampf outlined Hitlers philosophy and his plan for Germany Strengthen German Military* Aryan Race policies Removal of undesirables Hitler Becomes Chancellor (Great Depression hit Germany hard) Nazi Party won majority in 1932 election for Reichstag Hitler appointed Chancellor (head of govt) by President to appease Nazis Hitler suspended free speech and free press Stormtroopers used to silence opposition Burned down Reichstag and blamed the Communists used to pass law giving him dictatorial powers
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  • Hitler Germany Rearms (in violation of Treaty of Versailles) Nazis begin spending huge on rebuilding military (work & power) Public works to hire unemployed built up German infrastructure Lebensraum (living space) Hitler looked to expand, regaining territory 1936 Rhineland retaken, no action by European power Hitler signs an alliance with Italy, Japan would join later AXIS POWERS Germany Expands 1928Austria overtaken by German military (GB and Fr objected but did not act) APPEASEMENT: Chamberlin (GB) and Daladier (Fr) met with Hitler and Mussolini to try to keep the peace. They will give them the Sudetenlands if they would stop. People cheered peace in our times, but Hitler did not stop
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  • Spanish Civil War Civil War raging in Spain ( democratic govt, fascists, and communists ) General Franco led the Fascists Germany used to try out many of their military goods Practiced strategies and techniques they would use later in World War II The Soviet Union sent help to the Republics oMany young men from around the world would volunteer and fight General Francos Fascists will win and he will become a dictator
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  • Europe Goes to War Chamberlains Appeasement Fails Appeasement of Hitler DID NOT WORK o6 months later he attacks again oEngland and France prepare for war Invasion of Poland Hitlers Pact with Stalin oSworn enemies Germany and Russia o10 year Non-Aggression Pact signed (Russia did not want war) oPart of pact was a dividing of lands (Poland) Lightning War o1 week after pact signed, Germany attacks Poland oEngland and France declare war on Germany oGerman Military well armed, well organized oBlitzkreig or Lightening War used, surprised Polands Army (less than 1 month) oGerman law imposed, Polish Jews imprisoned and murdered oStalin will attack eastern Poland and seize lands there (part of pact)
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  • Europe Goes to War War in the West Phony War GB and FR will hold back troops for now Frances Maginot Line seen as the key to defense against Germany Germany Attacks: Went around Maginot Line thru the Netherlands and Belgium oFrance and GB will rush to stop German advance but were too late oIn less that 3 weeks, Germany captured Denmark, Norway, Luxemburg, the Netherlands and Belgium (Using BLITZKREIG tactics) oAll guns on Maginot Line pointed to Germany, Germany now able to get in behind the lines and the guns were useless oMotorized German divisions race into France and split the Fr and GB troops pinning the British troops against the sea (City of Dunkirk) Dunkirk oOver a 9 day period, the greatest rescue in war history took place oWhile some troops held off the German advance, the other troops assembled a fleet of anything that could float to carry troops across the British Channel o900 vessels carried 340,000 troops to safety oWhile this was a defeat, the British and French troops survived to fight again
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  • Europe Goes to War oThe Fall of France: Hitlers Armies turned toward Paris (very symbolic) The French govt will abandon Paris and set up the Vichy govt during the war Italy declared war on France and Great Britain France officially surrendered. Germany now was in control of mainland Europe Germany controlled northern 2/3 of France French govt controlled southern 1/3 of France (Collaboration) Free France operated out of England (Resistance) The Allies were on the verge of collapse The Battle of Britain (Only Great Britain left to stand up against Hitlers Germany. New Prime Minister, Winston Churchill, took over the fight Relentless Attack: Aug 1940 Germany launched attacks on England oDay after day, 1000s of planes dropped bombs on London and England oAt first, only ports, airfields and radar installations targeted oLater factories and oil storage tanks attacked oEventually, London was bombed (trying to break the peoples will to fight) oWe will never surrender, never, never, never, never W. Churchill
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  • Europe Goes to War Courageous Defense oRAF (Royal Air Force) will gallantly defend England even though outnumbered 100s of RAF pilots would die but took out many more German aircraft Never in the field of human conflict was so much owed by so many to so few WC By the end of 1941, 20,000 Londoners were killed, 70,000 wounded Cracking the Code oAlso by the end of 1941, the British had cracked the codes of Germany, giving them a big advantage that Germany was unaware of o By decoding German messages, the British had some idea of what Hitler was planning Example: The British knew Germany would not invade until air superiority was established, which it never was Enigma machine: Germans believed their codes to be unbreakable so continued to send messages throughout the war without knowing the Allies could read them
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  • Japan Builds an Empire Growing Military Power Japans economy slowed, relied on outside resources Military gained control of govt and moved to expand (land and resources) Rising Nationalism push to return to traditional ways and beliefs (superiority) The Manchurian Incident 1931 Japan bombed own railroad lines, blamed the Chinese to justify an invasion Manchuria attacked (land and resources), a puppet govt installed US, GB protest but do nothing to intervene Military control over govt solidified
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  • Japan Builds an Empire War Against China 1937 Japan invades the rest of China Within a month, Japan occupied the major cities With huge power advantage, Japan bombed major cities and ruthlessly killed more than 100,000 Chinese civilians US protested, passed the NEUTALITY ACTS that prevented the US from becoming involved in foreign conflicts The British sent supplies to the Chinese via the Burma Road 2 Chinese leaders, who had fought for power, united to resist the Japanese oJiang and Mao oDirect resistance failed, but proved troubling to the Japanese Japans Big Plans The war in Europe was distracting the major powers of the world Japan looked to take advantage of this and take over Asia In 1940, Japan signed the TRIPARTITE PACT joining Germany and Italy That same month, Japan moved troops into French Indochina and set its sites on the Dutch East Indies
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  • US From Isolation to War The US Chooses Neutrality (even though FDR believed we needed to be involved) Few people in the US agree with the actions of Germany, Italy or Japan But few believe it was any of our business (Great Depression) Hawley Smoot Tariffs (1930) passed to protect US industries from foreign competition Neutrality Acts (1935) banned the US from selling weapons, loaning money to nations at war Cash and Carry (1937) allowed the US to sell goods to nations but only for cash and they had to come and get the goods American Involvement Grows American opinion shifted to the Allies when Germany continued to attack Few believed we should get into the war but believed we should help England
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  • US From Isolation to War Debating the American Role 3 weeks after Germany attacked Poland, FDR asked Congress to revise Neutrality Act American began helping England in many ways When France fell to Germany, America shocked into action Old WWI supplies given to England (All aid short of war) AMERICAN FIRST COMMITTEE formed to try to block involvement Lend-Lease Act (FDR won reelection) Churchill sent a letter to FDR saying they would be unable to pay but still needed aid FDRs new plan would lend needed aid to England If your neighbors house is on fire, you dont sell him a hose. You lend it to him and take it back after the fire is out Congress authorized FDR to aid any nation whose defense was vital to US security By the end of the war, the US loaned or gave away over $49 Billion in aid to 40 nations (including Russia)
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  • US at War Japan Attacks Pearl Harbor (December 7, 1941) US had begun limiting what Japan could buy from us in protest of their actions (scrap metal and oil in particular) US and Japanese diplomats met to try to avoid war Final Weeks of Peace oUS had cracked Japanese codes and believed we knew what they were planning oWhen Japanese fleet moved out, the US was concerned but did not believe their technology could reach Hawaii without us seeing them The Attack (December 7, 1941) A Day Which Will Live In Infamy FDR oA series of mishaps left the US blind to the oncoming attack o the US Pacific Fleet was in harbor that day oIn less than 2 hours, over 2400 Americans were killed, 1,200 wounded o200 war planes destroyed, 18 warships sunk or damaged (8 of 9 battleships) oJapan lost only 9 planes
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  • US at War The US Declares War The next day, FDR asked Congress to declare war in Japan oOnly one voted against (Jeannette Rankin of Montana) oEven the American First Committee backed war On December 11, Germany and Italy declared war on the US oBecause of the TRIPARTITE PACT For the 2 nd time in 25 years, the US was drawn into a world war Again, the US will be the deciding force, but this time it will take longer America Arms For War Millions will volunteer Selective Service will draft millions more The US Economy will be moved to a war economy
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  • Chapter Review The Rise of Dictators Stalin, Mussolini, Hitler Europe Goes to War Appeasement, Invasions. Dunkirk, Battle of Britain Japan Builds an Empire Invasion of China, Japans Big Plans, Tripartite Pact From Isolationism to War Smoot-Hawley, Neutrality Acts, Cash and Carry Pearl Harbor Declaration of War
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  • Ch 17 Essays 1) Explain the policy of APPEASEMENT. How did it lead to World War II in Europe? 2) The 1930s brought the passage of the NEUTRALITY ACTS in the US. Why were these passed and why/how were they reversed?
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