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THE REVOLUTIONARY WAR PowerPoint: Santiago Serrano Lexington and Concord: Zachary Hallman Ticonderoga: Andrea Chandler Bunker Hill: Max Trost Battle of Quebec: Memory Black Battle of Princeton: Tyler Rice Battle of Monmouth: San Fatah Valley Forge + Conditions of soldiers: Sam Yeager British War Strategies + Yorktown: William Russell Slide 2 THE BATTLE OF LEXINGTON AND CONCORD On April 19, 1775 the British General Gage sent regiments of British troops to Lexington in order to capture Sam Adams and John Hancock. At Concord was the supposed gun powder storage. The info was leaked by American spies, and the Minute Men were ready. A myth was Paul Revere and other riders rode to Lexington and Concord and yelled The British are coming! The word spread and all the Minute Men were ready for the British. Besides the fact that they were outnumbered, they stood strong for a while, then the British started to stomp on them. The first bullet that whizzed by there heads, was the shot heard round the world. The Americans were better readied at Concord and totally destroyed the British. As the British retreated they were ambushed by more Minute Men on the trails. The Americans had won. Slide 3 TICONDEROGA Slide 1 Fort Ticonderoga Date: July 6th,1777 Place: Fort Ticonderoga on Lake Champlain, New York State on the United States of America Who won: British The Americans withdrew Ticonderoga leaving it to the British Slide 4 THE BATTLE OF BUNKER HILL On June 17,1775, British troops stormed bunker hill by climbing and fighting up it while heroic patriots stood their ground. The patriots fought long and hard while being bombed and shelled by ships and musket fire. The British general William Howe woke up to find the colonist built a 6 foot wall of dirt at the top of bunker hill and at that moment he realized the colonist did more in one night than his men could do in months. General Howe gathered his ships and bombarded the hill non stop letting the cannons balls fill the green grass on the hill turning it to mushy over turned earth. Slide 5 THE MID DAY ATTACK Around noon on June 17,1775 the British bombarded the hill with everything they had until the colonist couldnt take it anymore and to find out they used all of their gunpowder, leaving them one option and one option only to make a tactical retreat. We didnt win The Battle of Bunker Hill but it did add fuel to the fire for a revolution of independence and freedom from the Union Jacks. Slide 6 VALLEY FORGE The commander of the British army, William Howe, moved 15,000 British troops to take Philadelphia. Washington was forced to retreat about 25 miles from the city to a strategic area that was protected by a river and tall hills. It was called Valley Forge. Washington had to wait in Valley Forge from December 19, 1777 all the way to June 19, 1778. Slide 7 WHAT WERE THE CONDITIONS LIKE? Everyone was cold and tired. There was little food, so soldiers would have to eat bland biscuits. Most soldiers did not have boots or coats. It smelled very bad, mostly because soldiers would urinate everywhere. Diseases like smallpox, typhus, and dysentery killed many soldiers. There were around 2,500 deaths, and several more soldiers ran away. Slide 8 HOW DID THIS STRUGGLE END? Eventually, congress sent some people to inspect the status of the army. The congressmen saw how bad the conditions were. During late February and early March, more supplies were sent. Also, a new quartermaster was assigned, and he did a better job of distributing supplies. France made an alliance with America. The British evacuated Philadelphia due to the new French threat, because the city was hard to defend. Slide 9 THE BATTLE OF PRINCETON FRIDAY, JANUARY 03, 1777 TYLER RICE U.S. George Washington Force: 4500 Killed: 25 Wounded: 40 Captured: 0 Britain Captain William DeLaPlace, Charles Mawhood Force: 1200 Killed: 100 Wounded: 70 Captured: 280 Slide 10 Princeton, New Jersey. The battle of Princeton was a battle to where George Washingtons army defeated Great Britain. The battle of Princeton lasted for about 10 days. The United States out numbered the British Army. But yet the American had no nobody captured, very few wounded, and very few killed. The British viewed the battle of Trenton and Princeton a minor American victories. How the Americans gained more ammo and supply is after the victories raid the abandoned wagons that carried the ammo supply. Slide 11 BATTLE OF MONMOUTH The Battle of Rhode Island, also known as the Battle of Quaker Hill[3] and the Siege of Newport, took place on August 29, 1778. Continental Army and militia forces under the command of General John Sullivan were withdrawing to the northern part of Aquidneck Island after abandoning their siege of Newport, Rhode Island, when the British forces in Newport sortied, supported by recently arrived Royal Navy ships, and attacked the retreating Americans. The battle ended inconclusively, but the Continental forces afterward withdrew to the mainland, leaving Aquidneck Island in British hands. The battle took place in the aftermath of the first attempt at cooperation between French and American forces following France's entry into the war as an American ally. The operations against Newport were to have been made in conjunction with a French fleet and troops; these were frustrated in part by difficult relations between the commanders, and a storm that damaged both French and British fleets shortly before joint operations were to begin. The battle was also notable for the participation of the 1st Rhode Island Regiment, a locally recruited segregated regiment of African Americans. It was the only major military action to include a racially segregated unit on the American side in the war. Slide 12 The fighting cost Sullivan 30 killed, 138 wounded, and 44 missing, while Pigot's forces sustained 38 killed, 210 wounded, and 12 missing. On the night of August 30/31, American forces departed Aquidneck Island and moved to new positions at Tiverton and Bristol. Arriving at Boston, d'Estaing was met with a cool reception by the city's residents as they had learned of the French departure through Sullivan's irate letters. The situation was improved somewhat by Lafayette who had been sent north by the American commander in the hopes of securing the fleet's return. Though many in the leadership were angered by the French actions at Newport, Washington and Congress worked to calm passions with the goal of preserving the new alliance. Slide 13 The Battle of Rhode Island began on August 9, 1778, when 11,000 Continental line troops and militia crossed Howlands Ferry to reinforce the state militia in preparation for an attack on the British in that state. Meanwhile, the French fleet under dEstaing blocked the small naval force at Narragansett Bay. When a larger British fleet arrived to challenge the French, they prepared to do battle, but a hurricane (August 1314) scattered the ships and severely damaged both fleets. The French sailed to Boston for repairs, leaving the Americans without naval back-up or the anticipated French landing troops. The Americans attempted to withdraw, the British troops attacked on August 29. The 1st Rhode Island, a black regiment, took part in the action. After a twelve-day siege, the Americans realized they could not penetrate the British lines without naval back-up from the French. They were forced to withdraw, leaving the British in place.. Slide 14 THE INVASION OF CANADA The Invasion of Canada in 1775 was the first major military initiative by the newly formed Continental Army during the American Revolutionary War. The objective of the campaign was to gain military control of the British Province of Quebec, and convince the French-speaking Canadians to join the revolution on the side of the Thirteen Colonies. One expedition left Fort Ticonderoga under Richard Montgomery, besieged and captured Fort St. Johns, and very nearly captured British General Guy Carleton when taking Montreal. The other expedition left Cambridge, Massachusetts under Benedict Arnold, and traveled with great difficulty through the wilderness of Maine to Quebec City. The two forces joined there, but were defeated at the Battle of Quebec in December 1775. Slide 15 Smallpox was big at the time, and greatly affected the Loyalists more than the British. The British had many more troops than the Loyalists. America didnt have any, or any that I could find. They had the disadvantage in almost every way possible. Britain. Britain had many more troops, the troops were stronger than the American troops, who were infected with smallpox, and they had backup coming along the way, forcing America to retreat. Slide 16 BRITISH STRATIGIES The original British plan to win the war against the American colonists was proposed by General Howe, who commanded the British troops after the Battle of Bunker Hill. The British would march north up the Hudson River Valley and join forces with the British army moving south out of Montreal. This would isolate New England from the rest of the colonies and with the support of the British Navy; Massachusetts could be invaded and overtaken from the West. If the Americans did not surrender, the British army would then turn south through New York. The British also relied on help from foreign mercenaries, Hessians, to win the war. These were professional soldiers hired to fight in the colonies. In the South, the British also expected help from the large number of Loyalists in that area. Slide 17 References and Works Cited (Bibliography) Hickman, Kennedy. "American Revolution: Battle of Princeton." About., 2014. Web. 19 Oct. 2014. Annotation: This source provides information about The Battle of Princeton. The Battle of Princeton. 2014. The History Channel website. Oct 20 2014, 9:19 Annotation: This source is an idea about a brief summary about the Battle of Princeton. "American Revolution : The Battle of Yorktown.", 2002. Web. 19 Oct. 2014. "Battle of Yorktown Begins." A&E Television Networks, 2014. Web. 18 Oct. 2014 Bower, Bert, and Diane Hart. "7.7." History Alive!: The United States through Industrialism. Palo Alto, CA: Teachers' Curriculum Institute, 2011. 129- 130. Print. The Battle of Ticonderoga 1777." The Battle of Ticonderoga 1777. Chalfont Web Design, 2002. Web. 17 Oct. 2014. Annotation: showed when and where the battle of ticonderoga was and who won. Slide 18 MERICA
