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Do you know what happened on December 16, 1773?”

Do you know what happened on December 16, 1773?”

2012-11-08 Øredev

The Rebellion ImperativeRaganwald’s Address to The People: November 2012, Malmö, Sweden

2012-11-08 Øredev

Comrade Reginald

2012-11-08 Øredev

First impressions matter

2012-11-08 Øredev

what I believe about people

2012-11-08 Øredev

At fifty, I’ve seen things...

Every daring attempt to make a great change in existing conditions, every lofty vision of new possibilities for the human race, has been labelled Utopian.

—Emma Goldman

2012-11-08 Øredev

We are living

2012-11-08 Øredev

We are living in this future

2012-11-08 Øredev

Wealth breeds inefficiencyIn people and in companies

2012-11-08 Øredev

The powerful enforce stasisProgress is against their best interests

2012-11-08 Øredev

We’re not in the businessWe are the business

2012-11-08 Øredev

All those… momentswill be lost… in time, like tears in rain.

2012-11-08 Øredev

fifteen minutes

The revolution is not an apple that falls when it is ripe. You have to make it fall.”

—Che Guevara

2012-11-08 Øredev

This is a revolutionaryDan Bricklin

2012-11-08 Øredev

This is not a revolutionary

2012-11-08 Øredev

Bad photo. Good revolutionaries.Steve Jobs and Jef Raskin

Marketing Warfare

An Overview

Marketing Warfare

An Overview

The Four Sustainable Positions

✤ The Leader

✤ The Rival

✤ The Innovator

✤ The 99%

The Four Strategies

✤ The Leader Defends

✤ The Rival Attacks

✤ The Innovator Disrupts

✤ The 99% are Rebels

Principles of Defense

Principles of Defense

✤ You must be the acknowledged Market Leader

✤ The best defensive strategy is the courage to attack yourself.

✤ All offensive moves should be covered, even if they appear to be futile.

Principles of Offense

Principles of Offense

✤ The main consideration is the character of the leader’s position

✤ Find a weakness in the leader’s strength and attack it

✤ Launch the attack as narrowly and as specifically as possible

Principles of Disruption

Principles of Disruption

✤ The disruptive move must be made into an uncontested area adjacent to the rivalry

✤ Tactical surprise is an essential part of the plan

✤ The pursuit is as critical as the attack itself

Principles of Rebellion

Principles of Rebellion

✤ Find a territory small enough to defend—and don’t overextend yourself

✤ Never act like the leader

✤ Be prepared to “bug out” at a moment’s notice

“The Revolution was the work of climbers and cavers.”

2012-11-08 Øredev

Let’s Talk Rebellious Tactics

2012-11-08 Øredev

1. The Territory

2012-11-08 Øredev

Occupy an undesirable market

2012-11-08 Øredev

half an hour

“God fights on the side with the most cannons”

2012-11-08 Øredev

Hack the numbers advantage

2012-11-08 Øredev

Beware over-extension

2012-11-08 Øredev

2. Never act like the leader

“The Python Paradox is now the Scala Paradox”—Martin Kleppmann

2012-11-08 Øredev

Your market opposes the system

“In ‘68, the US had 543 people in Vietnam. 80 were soldiers.”



2012-11-08 Øredev

Go ugly, early

2012-11-08 Øredev

3. Bugging Out

“A rebel doesn’t have resources to waste on a lost cause”

2012-11-08 Øredev

Rebels have lean businesses

Two words:JavaScript Combinators”“

2012-11-08 Øredev

Rebels use lean toolchains

2012-11-08 Øredev

forty-five minutes


2012-11-08 Øredev

Let’s Talk Disruption

2012-11-08 Øredev

1. Attack an uncontested area

“If there is an existing market, U R DOING IT WRONG”

2012-11-08 Øredev

Who wanted a mouse in 1984?

2012-11-08 Øredev

2. Surprise is Essential

2012-11-08 Øredev

3. Pursuit is as critical as attack

2012-11-08 Øredev

Pursue, pursue, pursue!

2012-11-08 Øredev

one hour

2012-11-08 Øredev

Return to Earth

With a grave face, as if he were about to announce the death of a dear comrade, he whispered to me that it did not behoove an agitator to dance.”

—Emma Goldman

2012-11-08 Øredev

Ninety Seconds of Fun

Thank you.
