Page 1: the reason for google search redirection


Effective Google AdWords Marketing is a powerful and popular marketing tool among

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Search engine

>>> Google have this month made it easier for webmasters to incorporate 'custom search

engines' into their own websites.

>>>Custom search engines essentially enable you to have a Google search box on

your website, from which users can search for the information they want from your site

or from across the whole web.

>>> You may even become their 'go to' site for information related to your niche. This

time it seems that Google has come up with something that will actually help website

owners to retain visitors and engage with them in a much more proactive way.

Page 2: the reason for google search redirection

1. Log in to Google Webmaster Tools with your Google account. If you don't already

have an account you'll need to create one.

2. Click on the 'Labs' tab, then on 'Custom Search'

3. Select from the standard edition (with ads) or the premium site search (which costs

an annual amount but does not feature ads).

4. If you already use Webmaster Tools with your website, all the necessary details

should be filled in automatically. You can choose whether you want to give visitors the

ability to search only your site(s) or the entire web.

5. Click 'save and get code', then simply paste the resulting code into whatever page or

pages of your website you'd like the search box to appear on.

6. That's it.

The benefits of having a custom search engine on your site

Giving your visitors the ability to search your site has numerous benefits for them and

for you. If you've got a lot of content and pages on your site, search can enhance its

usability and create a better user experience for the visitor.

People may arrive at your site via a specific search on Google, and it may be that they

enjoy your content on the subject they were looking for and find it useful. Once they've

gleamed as much as they can from that content, they may wish to make a follow up

search on a related topic. If you don't have a means for them to search your site, they

will probably hit the back button and perform another search on Google, potentially

taking them to any other site on the web.

But if you have your own search box on your site, there is a good chance that, following

their initial favourable impression of your content, they'll want to see what else you have

to say, prompting them to search your site.

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