Page 1: "The proportion of Women which ought to be allowed...": An Overview of Continental Army Female Camp Followers

"The proportion of Women which ought to be allowed..." An Overview of Continental Army Female Camp Followers

John U. Rees ©1995, 2002

Published in ALHFAM Bulletin (Association of Living History, Farm and Agricultural Museums), vol. XXVIII, no. 4 (Winter 1999), 18-21.

“The Cries of Dublin” by Hugh Douglas Hamilton (This woman is carrying a large market wallet.)

Page 2: "The proportion of Women which ought to be allowed...": An Overview of Continental Army Female Camp Followers


1. “A clog upon every movement. “: Numbers 2. "Rations... Without Whiskey": Women’s Food Allowance 3. "Some men washed their own clothing.": Women's Duties and Shelter 4. Orders Concerning Women in the Summer of 1777 (Delaware Regiment of Maj. Gen. John Sullivan’s Division 5. "Coming into the line of fire.": Women on the March or on Campaign

Appendices A. An Estimate of Females with Continental Army Units

on the March to Yorktown, 1781 B. Mess Roll of Capt. John Ross’s Company, 3d New Jersey Regiment C. Tent Assignments in Lt. Col. John Wrottesley’s (3d) Company, 1st Battalion,

Brigade of (British) Guards (Including “British Army orders regarding female followers, summer 1777”) D. Period Images of Army Followers or Poor to Middling Female Civilians E. Photographs of Army Women at Living History Events

F. Online Articles Pertaining to Female Camp Followers and Related Subjects During the War for American Independence

G. Other Authors’ Monographs (Women Following the Army)


“A clog upon every movement.“ Numbers

Like all the armies that preceded it the Continental Army was not just a community of men. Numbers of women and their accompanying children followed the troops throughout the war, performing tasks that contributed to the soldiers’ welfare. From the war’s beginning women’s numbers fluctuated greatly between regiments, and from company to company within each regiment. In December 1777 a return for the main army at Valley Forge showed a total of 400 women present, or one woman for each forty-four enlisted men (though it is possible there were more women with the army during the previous summer). In January 1783, a return for the army at New Windsor gave an average of one woman for every twenty-six enlisted men. During the intervening years the average ratio may have been within the range of one-to-thirty and one-to-thirty-five, or approximately three percent of the total number of troops. From available information, it seems that early in the war it was not at all remarkable for an individual company to contain no women. This situation had changed by 1783 when the average was two women for each company in the main army. And, as a rule, some organizations, such as Washington’s Life Guard, the Corps of Sappers and Miners, artillery units, and regiments or companies from occupied areas of New York, had greater than average proportions of women.1 Variation in follower numbers among different organizations is illustrated by a series of five "Weekly return[s] of provisions and Stores Issued to the Grand Army under the Immediate Command of ... General Washington Including the Park of Artillery at Pluckemin." These documents cover the period 21 April to 28 May 1779

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and are unique in showing numbers of women with eight brigades of the main army under Washington at the end of the Middlebrook, New Jersey winter camp, and just prior to the summer campaign. Middlebrook unit proportions are as follows:2

1779 Middlebrook Return: Average Number of Women Per Company (Nine companies per regiment, unless otherwise noted)

1st Pennsylvania Brigade Four regiments 28 women per regiment

3 women per company 2nd Pennsylvania Brigade Four regiments 27 women per regiment

3 women per company 1st Maryland Brigade Four regiments 21 women per regiment

2 women per company 2nd Maryland Brigade

Four regiments 22 women per regiment 2 women per company

Muhlenberg's Virginia Brigade 21-28 April Four regiments 11 women per regiment (eight companies) 1 woman per company 22-28 May Five regiments 15 women per regiment 1 woman per company

Woodford's Virginia Brigade 21-28 April Five regiments 10 women per regiment (eight companies) 1 woman per company 22-28 May Four regiments 26 women per regiment 3 women per company

Scott's Virginia Brigade 21-28 April Five regiments 17 women per regiment (eight companies) 2 women per company

Knox's Artillery Twenty-two companies 3 women per company

Information we have concerning American female followers is particularly interesting when compared to numbers accompanying Crown forces’ regiments. In February 1783, Robert Morris referred to "the british Prisoners of War who have Herds of Women with them." This comment is borne out by returns of British camp followers throughout the war. In May 1777 the ratio of women with British forces in New York was about one for every eight men, while German units contained approximately one woman for every thirty men. In August 1781 the troops in New York and its outposts were shown to have a ratio of one woman to every four and one-half British troops, and one to fifteen for the Germans.3

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Dunlap’s Partizan Corps returns to camp. Note the men and single female follower are in marching order, wearing knapsacks, blanket rolls, or market wallets, and carrying their cooking gear. (Picquet post event, Brandywine State Park, 2010, Augusta County Militia and friends).

Regardless of numbers, the women who followed the Continental Army were important in various ways. Unlike some of their British counterparts, most could not support themselves unless the army sustained them. In their own words they "could earn their Rations, but the Soldier, nay the Officer, for whom they Wash has naught to pay them." They did, however, perform duties such as washing, and sometimes cooking, for those men to whom they were related or otherwise associated with. As the war progressed these dual duties (most particularly laundering) were increasingly required of them in return for their continued presence with the army. Importantly, besides performing practical tasks, they provided some semblance of home life for the men. This seemingly minor service was extremely important considering that the War for Independence continued for eight years and soldiers fought tedium more often than they did the enemy.4

"Rations... Without Whiskey": Women’s Food Allowance

In May 1776 British General William Howe’s forces in Halifax, Nova Scotia, boarded ship en route to New York. He stipulated on 2 May, “Six Women p[e]r Comp[an]y will be allowed to embark with each Reg[imen]t … Provisions will be allowed at the rate of half a Ration for each Woman, & a Quarter for each Child that is left behind.” Based solely on Howe’s orders it has often been assumed that Continental Army followers were given a reduced ration. Admitting that the fledgling American army mirrored prewar British usage, research shows that actual British army practice in both conflicts was a full portion to women on campaign or performing other army-approved services. Documentary evidence supports that quantity for Continental Army women. A series of "Returns of the daily Issues of

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Provisions to the Troops at the Post of Wyoming, from May 9th. to the [27th]" 1779, shows that women were allowed the same ration as common soldiers (i.e., one full ration per day) and that food issued during this period was typical for the war. From the 10th to the 20th of May rations consisted of one pound of flour, and either one pound of pork or one and one quarter pounds of fish. Beginning on 21 May, pork disappeared from the ration and the issue of fish decreased, eventually to be replaced entirely by one and one quarter pounds of beef. In 1781 returns for Colonel Joseph Vose's Light Battalion indicate two rations for each officer and one ration for each common soldier and woman. And a "Return of the number of Women and Children... that drew Rations under the late Regulations" lists the specific number of rations allowed prior to January 1783. Under the "late Regulations," each woman was given one full ration and each child a half-ration, similar to the British dependent allowance in the French and Indian War, which consisted of either a full or two-thirds of a ration of food.5 The food ration issued to Continental troops and their followers was based on a standard originally set in 1776: "One pound of beef, or 3/4 of a pound of pork or one pound of fish, per day. One pound of bread or flour per day. Three pints of peas or beans per week, or vegetables equivalent, at one dollar per bushel for peas or beans. One pint of milk per man per day. One half-pint of rice, or one pint of Indian meal per man per week. One quart of spruce beer, or cider, per man per day, or nine gallons of mollasses per company of one hundred men per week. Three pounds of candles to one hundred men per week, for guards. Twenty pounds of soft, or eight pounds of hard, soap for one hundred men per week." Eventually, a small amount of rum or other alcohol was also included. In 1782, returns of women and children in Colonel Henry Jackson's Regiment stipulated they be given "Rations... Without Whiskey."6 Necessity and nutrition required that some method be found by which this basic ration could be supplemented. This was especially important since items such as milk, cider, vegetables and soap proved to be difficult, and often impossible, to obtain. In July 1777, it was stipulated that "As nothing can be more comfortable and wholesome to the army than vegetables, every encouragement is to be given to the Country people, to bring them in [to market] … The General recommends temporary ovens to each brigade, which, by men who understand it, can be erected in a few hours. Bread baked in these, will be much wholesomer than the sodden cakes [firecakes] which are but too commonly used." Besides the occasional issue of extraordinary edibles by the army, additional foodstuff was bought, bartered for, or stolen by soldiers and their followers throughout the war.7 To add to the problem of feeding the army, the system of supplying the troops sometimes failed due to bad weather, crop failure, economic conditions or ineptitude in the quartermaster or commissary department. At Valley Forge in the winter of 1778, it was necessary to temporarily adjust the daily ration. General orders of February 8th noted, "that instead of the ration heretofore Issued there should be Issued a pound and a half of flouer, one lb of Beef or 3/4 Salt pork and a certain Quantity of Spirits..." It had been previously ordered on 29 January that "The Commissaries in future to Issue [a] quart of Salt to every 100 lb fresh Beef." This was to prove more or less the common ration during winter cantonments.8

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"Some men washed their own clothing." Women's Duties and Shelter

In August 1777, General George Washington wrote, "the multitude of women in particular, especially those who are pregnant, or have children, are a clog upon every movement. The Commander in Chief therefore earnestly recommends it to the officers commanding brigades and corps, to use every reasonable method in their power to get rid of all such as are not absolutely necessary..." He was, however, to find it impossible to rid the army entirely of these persistent females who performed any number of "necessary" tasks. As Washington admitted later in the war, he "was obliged to give Provisions to the extra Women in these Regiments, or loose by Desertion, perhaps to the Enemy, some of the oldest and best Soldiers In the Service."9

Any females who chose to follow the army were allotted provisions; in return they were expected to perform some sort of service to benefit the troops. Their primary role was that of "Wash Women," a task various documents describe followers performing from 1776 through 1783. During the 1776 campaign in New York’s Mohawk Valley, one company of the 3rd New Jersey Regiment contained seventy-one enlisted men and three "Washer-Women," giving a ratio of one woman to twenty-four soldiers. In sharp contrast to these numbers was the proportion found in Colonel John Lamb's artillery regiment in September of 1780: "one Woman to Wash for ten." The number of "Wash Women" in the 9th Massachusetts Regiment over a period of three and a half months during the summer of 1782 is also documented. The approximate average for those months was one laundress for every thirty-five enlisted men. Due to the small number of women with the army, especially early in the war, many men would have done their own washing. 10 It is evident that while some women washed primarily for enlisted men, others performed the same service solely for officers. During the Yorktown Siege, follower Sarah Osborn "took her stand just back of the American tents, about a mile from the town, and busied herself washing, mending, and cooking for the soldiers, in which she was assisted by the other females; some men washed their own clothing [emphasis added]." First New York Regiment fifer’s wife Maria Cronkite stated that she "accompanyed her husband... in the service... and continued in said service in the capacity of washerwoman for the officers untill the close of the war where her husband was duly discharged. That she had while in said service several children ..."11 Cooking was usually performed by the soldiers in messes of six, the same number of men usually assigned to a tent. There were occasions when the soldiers’ duties made it necessary to have followers prepare meals. At Yorktown in 1781, Sarah Osborn mentioned that she "cooked and carried in beef, and bread, and coffee (In a gallon pot) to the soldiers in the entrenchment." As to the day of Cornwallis's surrender, she stated that "having provisions ready, [she] carried the same down to the entrenchments that morning, and four of the soldiers whom she was in the habit of cooking for ate their breakfasts." At the Battle of Brandywine, Jacob Nagle served with Proctor's artillery. He described the situation at the action’s onset:12

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The provision waggons being sent a way, we ware three day without provisions excepting what the farmers brought in to sell in their waggons and what the soldiers could plunder from the farmers. I went to my father [lieutenant colonel, 9th Pennsylvania], his rigment being on our right, and received a neats tounge from him … Mr. Hosner bought some potatoes and butter the evening before the Brittish arrived, and we concluded to have a glorious mess for breakfast. Mr. Hosner gave it to one of the soldiers wives that remained with the army to cook for us in the morning. Early in the morning, she had the camp kittle on a small fier about 100 yards in the rear of the Grand Artilery, with all our delicious meal, which we expected to enjoy. The Brittish at this time hoisted the red flag on the top of the farm house on the rige of the hill a breast of us, and their artilery advancing towards us down the ploughed field, we then begin a cannonading... Unfortunately one of the enemies shot dismounted the poor camp kettle with the fier and all its contents away with it. The woman informed Mr. Folkner. He replied, ‘Never mind, we have no time to eat now.’ Therefore we made another fast day.

In many respects regimental women were accorded the same treatment as common soldiers. As previously noted they were given the same food ration as enlisted men (excepting alcohol). It seems this parity was also extended when it came to shelter. General John Sullivan's 17 August 1777 division orders stipulated that six enlisted men occupy a tent, and also allotted one tent for every six "Waggoners [or] weomen." Regimental orders for the Pennsylvania State Regiment, while stationed at Fort Mercer, stated, “May 24th 1777 ... Regular Division of Tents to

be made according to ye number of men in each Company - one tent for six men or 5

men and one woman ...” And a roster of Capt. John Ross's Company, 3rd New Jersey Regiment, in June 1777 emphasizes the inclusion of women in mess groups. In this listing of eight messes, seven had five or six people, the same number assigned to a tent. Two of the mess squads included women, one of whom was Margaret Johnson, wife of Sergeant Samuel Johnson, the other being Elizabeth Evans, Private Emanuel Evans’ wife. It is probable that, due to the exigencies of army life, the women in these two mess squads shared tents with the men.13 (For more on the women of Ross’s company see, “’Remember[ing] the Ladies’: Margaret Johnson and Elizabeth Evans, Women of the New Jersey Brigade” )

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Orders Concerning Women in the Summer of 1777 (Delaware Regiment

of Maj. Gen. John Sullivan’s Division 14

"Flemington [New Jersey] 18th June 1777

The Genl orders that all the troops be immedietly furnished with 3 days Provision to have it Cook'd

Dirictly & that no Soldier make any plea after the 3 Days is expired, that he has no provisions As the

Genl is Determined None Shall be Drawn till that time is Expired, the troops to hold themselves in

Readiness to march at A Moments Warning with their Knapsacks, Blankets & provisions. Proper

guards to be left with tents & Baggage Composed of those persons who are least able to undergo a

March the Weomen who are left at the other Side of Corrells ferry & the men who are left to guard

the Baggage to be Brought forwards immedietly to this Camp ..." The baggage was left at

Flemington when the troops marched on the 19th.

"Lincoln Mountain July 1st 1777

Regimental Orders

... That the Weomen belonging to the Regt be paraded tomorrow morning & to undergo an

Examination from the Serjeon of the Regt at his tent, except those that are married, & the husbands

of those to undergo said examination in their Stead, all those that do not attend to be immedietly

Drum'd out of the Regt."

"Head Quarters Kings ferry 26th July 1777 … His Excellency Genl Washington has ordered, that a

Sufficient number of Waggons be ordered to Carry the tents, no other Baggage to be put into them,

and they must not be heavy loaded, that nothing might hinder us of Arriving in time where we are to

go; the Commissary will Strive all means to get hard Bread for the use of the Division on the Road.

The Waggon M.Genl to order two Waggons to be ready to march in the Rear of each Brigade, to take

in the Sick & the lame. The remainder of the Baggage will Stay behind the Division ... No Women to

go out with the Division, they are to stay with the Baggage & none of them allowed to go on the

Waggons except such Weomen, as the Capt may judge is realy Sick."

"Head Qrtrs Hannover 17th August 1777

Division Orders

... Those Regts which are yet of tents to make returns to the QrM.Genl to morrow morning by 8

OClock The Brigade Major to Call on the QrMasters for A Return of all the tents & Marquees that

are publick property & upon the Adjts for a Return of all the men & Weomen in their Respective

Regts. from which they are to make A Genl Return of each Brigade in the following manner Viz.

In one Collum the number of Feild officers 2ndly the Serjts 4thly Privates including Drums, Fifes

as also Waggoners & Weomen, then they are to State the number of tents in their Respective

Brigades, & Set forth the number wanting upon the following Calculations, Viz A tent to each Feild

officer, one to two Commissioned & Staff officers, one to 4 Serjts & one to 6 Privates including

Corporals, as Well as Waggoners weomen &c"

"[Washington’s army] After Orders Sepr 13th 1777

The following proportion of tents is Allowed the Army upon its next march Viz. 1 Soldiers tent for

the Field officers 1 Do. for 4 other Commissioned officers 1 Do. for 8 Serjeants, Drummer or fifers

1 Do. for every 8 Privates.

The Brigadiers to have Returns made out And the above proportion of tents taken for their

Brigades & one Waggon for every 50 tents & no more, no weomen on any pretence whatsoever to

go with the army but to follow the Baggage, the Soldiers to carry their Camp kettles, which if the

army Should Come to Action are to be put in the waggons with the tents ..."

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"Coming into the line of fire." Women on the March or on Campaign

Army followers occasionally were exposed to battlefield dangers, though such was the exception rather than the rule. Women were already present with the troops in 1775, though numbers were much less than in the later war years. At least two Pennsylvania rifle companies had female followers on their march through the Maine wilderness with Col. Benedict Arnold in 1775. John Joseph Henry leaves the only account of these women; curiously, his narrative is one of the few providing some insight into the characters of individual followers.

This morning, the first of November [1775], breakfasting on our bleary, we took up the line of march through a flat and boggy ground. About ten o'clock A. M. we arrived, by a narrow neck of land at a marsh which was appalling. It was three fourths of a mile over, and covered by a coat of ice, half an inch thick. Here Simpson concluded to halt a short time for the stragglers or maimed of [Capt. William] Hendrick’s and [Capt. Matthew] Smith's companies to come up. There were two women attached to those companies, who arrived before we commenced the march. One was the wife of Serjeant Grier, a large, virtuous and respectable woman. The other was [Jemima Warner] the wife of a private of our company, a man who lagged upon every occasion. These women being arrived, it was presumed that all our party were up. We were on the point of entering the marsh, when some one cried out “Warner is not here.” Another said he had "sat down sick under a tree, a few miles back." His wife begging us to wait a short time, with tears of affection in her eyes, ran back to her husband. We tarried an hour. They came not. Entering the pond, (Simpson foremost,) and breaking the ice here and there with the huts of our guns and feet, as occasion required, we were soon waist deep in the mud and water. As is generally the case with youths, it came to my mind, that a better path might be found than that of the more elderly guide. Attempting this, in a trice the water cooling my armpits, made me gladly return into the file. Now Mrs. Grier had got before me. My mind was humbled, yet astonished, at the exertions of this good woman. Her clothes more than waist high, she waded before me to the firm ground. No one so long as she was known to us, dared intimate a disrespectful idea of her. Her husband, who was an excellent soldier, was on duty in Hendricks' boat, which had proceeded to the discharge of the lake with lieutenant M`Cleland.15

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Female followers of Dunlap's Partizan Corps fording Brandywine Creek. (Picquet post event, Brandywine State Park, 2010, Augusta County Militia and friends.)

Henry wrote more in an afterward to his narrative:

The fate of James Warner, among others, was really lamentable. He was young, handsome in appearance, not more than twenty-five years of age; he was athletic and seemed to surpass in bodily strength. Yet withal, he was a dolt. His wife was beautiful, though coarse in manners. The husband on the other hand, was a poor devil, constantly out of view, or in the back ground of the picture. We heard nothing of them after entering the marsh, and until a month had elapsed at Quebec. In December, the wife or widow of poor James Warner, came to our quarters on the Low-grounds, bearing her husband's rifle, his powder-horn and pouch. She appeared fresh and rosy as ever. This arose from the religious and gratuitous spirit of the Canadians. The story Mrs. Jemima Warner told, was extremely affecting, and may be worth remembering, as it is something like a sample of the whole of our distresses and intolerable disasters. The husband was a great eater His stores of provisions, after the partition, at the head of the Chaudiere, were in a little time consumed. The consummate wife ran back from the marsh, and found her beloved husband sitting at the foot of a tree, where he said he was determined to die. The tender-hearted woman, attended her ill-fated husband several days, urging his march forward ; he again sat down. Finding all her solicitations could not induce him to rise, she left him, having placed all the bread i.n her possession, between his legs with a canteen of water. She bore his arms and ammunition to Quebec, where

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she recounted the story. The nephews of Natanis, afterwards at Quebec, confirmed the relation of this good woman. For when going up, and returning down the river with our inestimable friend M`Cleland, she urged them, suffused in tears to take her husband on board. They were necessarily deaf to her entreaties.16

Stated practice in the Continental Army through most of the war was for women to travel with the army’s baggage when on campaign. There were occasions when women and children were purposely left behind when troops were sent with a short-term detachment or on a special mission. During Major General John Sullivan's 1779 expedition against the Indians of Pennsylvania and New York, women and children accompanied the troops only as far as Tioga in northern Pennsylvania. In late August the commanding general decided that for the advance into New York, “the Troops should Move as light as possible, the Officers are requested to leave at the Garrison all the Baggage they can possibly spare. All the Women & Children to be left at this place ...” Consequently, orders were issued on the 24th that only those women "as may be applied to the use of the Hospital, or may be deem'd necessary to keep the Soldier's clean at their Return" were to remain at the new post, called Fort Sullivan. The rest were sent back to Wyoming, Pennsylvania, where orders were given "to the Commissary... to Issue Rations to those [returned] Women & Children."17 Similarly, on 1 August 1780, as Washington's army was preparing to move into New Jersey to provision the army, the commander in chief ordered division and brigade commanders "to exert themselves to get in readiness as fast as possible... Convalescents and such men as are otherwise absolutely unfit to march yet capable of doing duty in a fixed post are to be left at Verplanks and Stoney points... All the Women and Children of the Army are also to be left at these Posts for a few days where the commanding officers will see that they are furnished with rations as usual." And when a detachment of troops under the Marquis de Lafayette was sent south in February 1781, the soldiers’ wives were left behind, it being thought that the "service will be but a temporary one." It was later discovered by both the soldiers and their women that Lafayette’s force would be absent longer than had been expected. As a result, between May and July, four women made their way south to join Vose's Massachusetts Light Battalion. Presumably, other females also were able to rejoin the men of Lafayette's contingent in Virginia.18 Later in 1781, when a portion of the army was readying itself for the southward march to Yorktown, General Washington directed that "as the Detachment under... Major General Lincoln are to consider themselves as Light-troops who are always supposed to be fit for action and free from every incumbrance [the commander in chief] cannot help advising them to take the present opportunity of depositing at West Point such of their Women as are not able to undergo the fatigue of frequent marches and also every article of Baggage which they can in any wise dispence with..." While numbers of women did accompany Washington’s troops to Yorktown, exactly how many is not known. Based on a conservative and historically based estimate placing female followers at 3 percent of unit rank and file strength, and allowing for campaign limitations, roughly fifty women marched south with Washington’s 2,525 enlisted men.19

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As previously stated, female followers and their dependents were under orders to march with the baggage wagons. The first such order was issued in July 1777, and similar directives appeared at least once each subsequent year until 1781. In 1780, one order stipulated that the officer commanding the baggage escort "is to allow no women to ride in the waggons unless their peculiar circumstances require it." Sarah Osborn, the wife of a commissary sergeant, in the company of three other females, traveled with the baggage of Washington's army during the march to Yorktown in the late summer of 1781. She was one of the lucky ones, being allowed the use of a horse for at least part of the trip southward, though at other times she walked or rode in a wagon. It is doubtful that many other female camp followers were likewise afforded use of a horse. If army women elected (and were permitted) to stay with the soldiers, they would have had to rely primarily on their own two feet.20 An example of followers’ occasional disregard for standing orders is found in the cases of several women present at the Battle of Brandywine in 1777. One account, previously cited, describes a woman from an unknown regiment trying to cook while under fire (see Jacob Nagle’s account above). Another narrative records women of the 6th Pennsylvania Regiment who took "the empty canteens of their husbands and friends and returned with them filled with water... during the hottest part of the engagement [on Birmingham Hill], although frequently cautioned as to the danger of coming into the line of fire." The day before the action, a directive had been given that "No baggage is to be kept [with the army]... that can be dispensed with..." The inclusion of women in this command is implied by the 10 July 1777 general order that all "Women [are]... to march with the baggage." Additionally, army orders for 13 September attempted to rein in any recalcitrant camp followers by ordering that "No woman under any pretence whatsoever to go with the army, but to follow the baggage." This last order indicates that female followers’ disobedience was an ongoing problem. Other women known to have marched among the troops or to have been present on the field of battle include Mrs. Grier and Mrs. Warner marching with Benedict Arnold's troops to Quebec in 1775, Margaret Corbin, severely wounded at Fort Washington in 1776, Anna Maria Lane, badly wounded at the Battle of Germantown, and Mary Hays, present at the 1778 Monmouth battle.21 Two accounts tell of anonymous American camp followers killed in the fighting near Saratoga, New York during autumn 1777. Ensign Thomas Anburey, 24th Regiment of Foot, wrote in a 10 November 1777 letter, “I was convinced how much the Americans were pushed in our late action, on the 19th of September [first battle of Saratoga, known as Freeman’s Farm], for I met with several dead bodies belonging to the enemy, and amongst them were laying close to each other, two men and a woman, the latter of whom had her arms extended, and her hands grasping cartridges.” In recalling the campaign many years later, Ambrose Collins, of Colonel Thaddeus Cook’s Connecticut militia regiment, told an interviewer, “the American women followed close after the American soldiers, as they were advancing [during the second Saratoga battle, 7 October 1777], and even exposed themselves where the shot were flying, to strip the dead. These were doubtless the basest of their sex …I saw one woman while thus employed, struck by a cannon ball and literally dashed to pieces. I also saw the women attempting to strip a wounded Hessian

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officer. One woman was attempting to get his watch. He was able to speak and although they could not understand what he said he made so much resistance that they left him …”22 Thomas Anburey also related the story of a woman attached to General John Burgoyne’s army giving birth on the march to Cambridge, Massachusetts after the surrender at Saratoga:

We were two days in crossing the Green Mountains … the roads … were almost impassable, and to add to the difficulty when we had got half over, there came on a heavy fall of snow … in the midst of the heavy snow-storm, upon a baggage cart, and nothing to shelter her from the inclemency of the weather but a bit of an old oil-cloth, a [British] soldier’s wife was delivered of a child, she and the infant are both well … It may be said, that women who follow a camp are of such a masculine nature, they are able to bear all hardships; this woman was quite the reverse, being small, and of a very delicate constitution.23

Compelling testimony to the indomitable spirit and hardiness of women with both armies.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * My thanks to Eric Schnitzer, Park Ranger, Saratoga National Historical Park, Robert A. Selig, and Thaddeus Weaver for their contributions to this monograph.

Endnotes 1. "Account of Rations drawn by the Infantry of ye Standing Army" December 1777, The Papers of the Continental Congress 1774-1789, National Archives Microfilm Publications M247, (Washington, D.C., 1958), reel 38, 459. Though undated the numbers of the "Privates fit for Duty" in this account agree with "A General Return of the Army under the command of his Excellency General Washington ... December 3, 1777," Charles H. Lesser, Ed., The Sinews of Independence: Monthly Strength Reports of the Continental Army (Chicago, Il., 1976), 53. 2. "Weekly return of provisions and Stores Issued to the Grand Army under the Immediate Command of ... General Washington Including the Park of Artillery at Pluckemin ...", five returns for the period 21 April to 28 May 1779, Miscellaneous Numbered Records (The Manuscript File) in the War Department Collection of Revolutionary War Records, 1775-1790's, Record Group 93, National Archives Microfilm Publication M859, reel 76, item nos. 22185, 22186, 22187, 22188 and 22189. For brigade composition see, Lesser, Sinews of Independence, 112-115. 3. Washington to a Board of Officers, 12 June 1781, John C. Fitzpatrick, ed., The Writings of George Washington from the Original Manuscript Sources 1745-1799, vol. 22 (Washington, DC, 1937), 203. "Return of the number of Women and Children in the several regiments and Corps stationed at, and in the vicinity of West Point and New Windsor, that drew Rations under the late Regulation, shewing also the Number of Rations allowed for Women and Children by the present system," 24 January 1783, Revolutionary War Rolls, 1775-1783, National Archives Microfilm Publication M246, Record Group 93, reel 136, 259-260.

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4. Robert Morris to Washington, 5 February 1783, George Washington Papers, Presidential Papers Microfilm (Washington, D.C., 1961), series 4, reel 90. Walter Hart Blumenthal, Women Camp Followers of the American Revolution (New York, 1974), 15-21, 19, 24-26, 28-29, 32, 33-34, 38-39. Paul E. Kopperman, "The British High Command and Soldiers' Wives In America, 1755-1783," Journal of the Society for Army Historical Research, no. 60 (1982), 19-20, 26-28. Washington to the Superintendent of Finance, 29 January 1783, Fitzpatrick, WGW, vol. 26 (1938), 78-79. 5. Benjamin Franklin Stevens, General Sir William Howe’s Orderly Book at Charlestown, Boston and Halifax, June 17 1775 to 1776 26 May (originally published 1890; reprinted Port Washington, N.Y. and London; Kennikat Press, 1970), 262. The practice of reduced rations for women in winter or garrison quarters was reiterated by Captain John Knox, 43rd Regiment, at Quebec in November 1759: “The officers have hitherto received rum from the stores, in proportion to their rank; as have likewise the women who were on the victualling roll, but, by an order of early November, they are all struck off; the women are, for the future, to be victualled at two thirds' allowance only; for this purpose they are to be mustered to-morrow by the town-major: such as from sickness cannot appear are to be certified for by their commanding officers. Provisions are issued to the women upon a presumption that they are to be useful to the soldiers, either by attending hospitals or by washing for them and the officers; but hereafter those who suttle are not to be enrolled, nor will any be issued to those who do not reside in the men's quarters.” John Knox, The Siege of Quebec and the Campaigns in North America, 1757-1760, Brian Connell, ed., (Edinburgh, 1976), 228. "Returns of the daily Issues of Provisions to the Troops at the Post of Wyoming, from May 9th. to the [27th]" 1779, Misc. Numbered Records, Natl. Archives, reel 75, item no. 22023 (Document courtesy of Thaddeus Weaver). The contention that the women on the Wyoming return are allowed a full ration is based on the supposition that officer's rations are not included, officers usually being issued more than one ration. The fact that for each entry the rations issued exactly equals the number of days multiplied by the number of men and women seems to support the idea that each person listed was allotted one ration. "Nathaniel Nason's Book" (Continental Army 1781-1782 / Massachusetts Line, First Regiment / Returns of Clothing Camp Equipage and Provisions ... kept by Nathaniel Nason, Lieutenant and Quartermaster / Col. Joseph Vose's Regiment) (Manuscript), donated in 1930 to the Sons of the American Revolution, Washington, D.C., present location of document unknown. Photocopy courtesy of Henry M. Cooke IV of Randolph, Massachusetts. Forty-three provision returns for "Col. Voses Regiment L[igh]t Infantry" cover the period from February 22, 1781 to July 3, 1781 (women are listed on eighteen of the returns). During this period Vose's Light Infantry Regiment consisted of eight companies and went from a high of 433 enlisted men to a low, at one point, of 314. ”Return of the number of Women and Children in the several regiments and Corps stationed at, and in the vicinity of West Point and New Windsor, that drew Rations under the late Regulation, shewing also the Number of Rations allowed for Women and Children by the present system," 24 January 1783, Revolutionary War Rolls, Natl. Archives, reel 136, 259-260. Blumenthal, Women Camp Followers, 41, 51. Kopperman, "British High Command and Soldiers' Wives," 22-23

Page 15: "The proportion of Women which ought to be allowed...": An Overview of Continental Army Female Camp Followers

6. "In Convention for the State of Pennsylvania Friday August 9, 1776 The Ration for each man, as copied from the Minutes of the Honourable the Continental Congress ...," Peter Force, American Archives, series 5, vol. I (Washington, D.C., 1837-1853), 865. Provision and regimental strength returns of Jackson's 9th Massachusetts Regiment, Henry Jackson Papers, 1772-1782, Library of Congress, microfilm edition, no. 17,359, vol. 4, 379-443. For a detailed discussion of soldiers’ food see, "`To the hungry soul every bitter thing is sweet.’: Soldiers' Food and Cooking in the War for Independence” "The manner of messing and living together": Continental Army Mess Groups “Who shall have this?”: Food Distribution "A hard game ...": Continental Army Cooks “On with Kittle, to make some hasty Pudding …”: How a "Continental Devil" Broke His Fast 1. The Army Ration and Cooking Methods. 2. Eating Utensils. 3. The Morning Meal. 4. Other Likely Breakfast Fare. Addenda “The men were very industrious, in baking, all the forepart of the evening.”: Soldiers’ Ingenuity, Regimental Bakers, and the Issue of Raw Flour “The Commissary [is] desired … to furnish biscuit and salt provisions …”: Hard Bread in the War for Independence. "The victuals became putrid by sweat & heat ...": Some Peripheral Aspects of Feeding an Army 1. The Ways Soldiers Carried Food 2. The Burden of Rations, 1762-1783 3. Carrying Drink and Procuring Water 4. Equipment Shortages 5. Spoilage of Issued Meats "We had our cooking utensils ... to carry in our hands.": Continental Army Cooking and Eating Gear, and Camp Kitchens, 1775-1782 Endnotes: #50. Compendium of Ration Allotments, 1754-1782 Continental Army rations (summary) British Army rations (summary) Caloric Requirements and Intake #73. Miscellaneous returns of cooking gear and eating utensils, 1778-1781 (Appended) List of author’s articles on food in the armies of the American Revolution

7. General orders, 5 July 1777, Fitzpatrick, WGW, vol. 8 (1933), 350-351. 8. General orders, 8 February 1778, 29 January 1778, George Weedon, Valley Forge Orderly Book of General George Weedon of the Continental Army under Command of Genl. George Washington, in the Campaign of 1777-8 (New York, N.Y., 1971), 224-225, 216-217. For a detailed examination of provisions in the Continental Army see, John U. Rees, "'It was my turn to cook for the mess': Provisions of the Common Soldier in the Continental Army, 1775-1783", feature column in Food History News beginning with vol. VII, no. 1 (Fall 1995). Columns include, "’Sometimes we drew two days rations at a time.’: The Soldiers' Daily Issue,” (FHN, vol. VII, no. 3, Winter 1995); "’Drew 2 pound of Shugar and 1 pound of Coffee’: Extraordinary Foodstuffs Issued the Troops,” (FHN, vol. VIII, no. 1, Summer 1996); "’Complaint has been made by many of the Inhabitants’: Soldiers' Efforts to Supplement the Ration Issue” (FHN, vol. VIII, no. 2, Fall 1996); "’Our pie-loving ... stomachs ... ache to even look.’: Durable Foods

Page 16: "The proportion of Women which ought to be allowed...": An Overview of Continental Army Female Camp Followers

for Armies, 1775-1865” (FHN, vol. IX, no. 4, Spring 1998); "’Tell them never to throw away their ... haversacks or canteens’: Finding Water and Carrying Food During the War for Independence and the American Civil War” (FHN, vol. X, no. 1 (37)); "’The victuals became putrid by sweat & heat’: Equipment Shortages, the Burden of Rations and Spoilage During the War for Independence and the War Between the States” (FHN, vol. X, no. 2 (38)). For information and back issues contact Food History News at 1061 Main Rd., Islesboro, ME 04848 or email at 9. General orders, 4 June 1777, Fitzpatrick, WGW, vol. 8 (1933), 181. Washington to the Superintendent of Finance, 29 January 1783, ibid., vol. 26 (1938), 78-79. 10. Mark E. Lender and James Kirby Martin, eds., Citizen-Soldier; The Revolutionary War Journal of Joseph Bloomfield (Newark, N.J. 1982) 87. H.A. Mayer, Belonging to the Army: Camp followers and the Military Community during the American Revolution, PH.D. dissertation, College of William and Mary, 1990, 193-194. Provision and regimental strength returns of Jackson's 9th Massachusetts Regiment, Henry Jackson Papers, no. 17,359, vol. 4, 379-443. 11. Lender and Martin, Citizen-Soldier, 87. At the time of the return Bloomfield's company was stationed at German Flats in the Mohawk Valley of New York state. John C. Dann, The Revolution Remembered - Eyewitness Accounts of the War for Independence (Chicago, Il., 1980), 243-246. Pension papers of Patrick Cronkite, fifer, 1st New York Regiment, 1777-1783, supplementary depositions of Maria Cronkite (nee Humphrey) and Hendrick Plimley, Revolutionary War Pension and Bounty - Land - Warrant Application Files, National Archives Microfilm Publication M804, reel 695, W16932. Dann, The Revolution Remembered, 243-246. John C. Dann, ed., The Nagle Journal - A Diary of the Life of Jacob Nagle, Sailor, from the Year 1775 to 1841 (New York, 1988), 6-7. 12. For details on Continental Army mess groups see, "`To the hungry soul every bitter thing is sweet.’: Soldiers' Food and Cooking in the War for Independence”

Division orders, 17 August 1777, Joseph Brown Turner, ed., The Journal and Order Book of Captain Robert Kirkwood of the Delaware Regiment of the Continental Line (New York, 1970), 147. John W. Jordan, “Orderly-Book of the Pennsylvania State

Regiment of Foot, May 10 to August 16, 1777,” The Pennsylvania Magazine of History

and Biography, vol. XXII (1898), 5. The number of men assigned to a tent was usually set at six though at times there were exceptions to this rule. "The Brigadier Genls. are requested to get a Return of the actual Strength of each Regt. in their Respective Brigades & also the Number of Tents drawn for the use of the Regts. ... The Quarter Master Genl. is to proportion the Tents to the Strength of Regts. One Tent to each five Privates ...," General orders, 24 May 1777, Order book of Col. Daniel Morgan's 11th Virginia Regiment, New Jersey, May 15 - June 9, 1777, Early American Orderly Books, 1748-1817, Collections of the New-York Historical Society, microfilm edition, (Woodbridge, N.J., 1977), reel 4, item 45. In order to lessen the baggage of the army in the autumn of 1777 one tent was alloted to every eight non-commissioned officers, musicians or privates, General orders, 13 September 1777, Fitzpatrick, WGW, vol. 9 (1933), 213. The proportion of tents was standardized for the army in

Page 17: "The proportion of Women which ought to be allowed...": An Overview of Continental Army Female Camp Followers

1779 allowing one tent for every six non-commissioned officers, musicians or privates, General orders, 27 May 1779, ibid., vol. 15 (1936), 162-163. "A Mess Roll of Captn. Ross's Compy," 1777, Revolutionary War Rolls, Natl. Archives, reel 62, section 44-2. Muster rolls for Captain John Ross's company, 3rd New Jersey Regiment, May and October 1777, ibid., section 44-1. A comparison of these two rolls indicates that the date of the mess squad listing is June of 1777. During this month the 3rd New Jersey was attached to the main army and posted near the Short Hills in northern New Jersey. Muster rolls of the 3rd New Jersey Regiment, ibid., reels 62, 63 and 63. One instance of the varying numbers of men per company within an individual regiment comes from the 3rd New Jersey for June of 1777. The numbers are as follows: Ross's Company, 49 enlisted men; Dickerson's Co., 65; Flanigan's Co., 42; Gifford's Co., 32; Hagan's Co., 20; and Patterson's Co., 33. The full strength of a company of foot in 1777 was eighty-six enlisted men. Robert K. Wright, Jr., The Continental Army (Washington, D.C., 1984), 47. 14. Joseph Brown Turner, ed., The Journal and Order Book of Captain Robert Kirkwood of the Delaware Regiment of the Continental Line (Port Washington, N.Y.: Kennikat Press, 1970), 86-87, 94, 124-125, 146-147, 171. 15. John Joseph Henry, An Accurate and Interesting Account of the Hardships and Sufferings of That Band of Heroes Who Traversed the Wilderness in the Campaign Against Quebec in 1775 (Lancaster: Printed by William Greer, 1812), 65-66. 16. Ibid., 198. 17. General orders, 23 August 1779, Orderly book of Col. Oliver Spencer's Regt., 27 July 1779 - 28 September 1779, Early American Orderly Books, NYHS, reel 9, item 93, 86-87. John Sullivan to Israel Shreve, 24 August 1779, Otis G. Hammond, ed., Letters and Papers of Major-General John Sullivan Continental Army, vol. III (Concord, N.H., 1939), 101-103. See also, "A Return of the Women & Children Left in Charge of Baggage, Necessary to wash for Genl Clintons Brigade", probably August 1779, Israel Shreve Papers, Rutgers University, Alexander Library, manuscript no. 287. 18. Washington to William Livingston, 1 August 1780, and General orders, 1 August 1780, Fitzpatrick, WGW, vol. 19 (1937), 292, 300. Washington to Elias Dayton, 16 February 1781, ibid., vol 21 (1937), 233. Lafayette to the Chevalier de La Luzerne, 19 February 1781, Stanley J. Idzerda, ed., Lafayette in the Age of the American Revolution - Selected Letters and Papers, 1776-1790, vol. III (Ithaca, N.Y., 1980), 330-333. Benjamin Gilbert to his father, 15 March 1781, from Annapolis, Maryland, John Shy, ed., Winding Down - The Revolutionary War Letters of Lieutenant Benjamin Gilbert of Massachusetts, 1780-1783 (Ann Arbor, Mi., 1989), 39-40. Lafayette to Nathanael Greene, 17 April 1781, Idzerda, Lafayette, vol. IV (1981), leaving behind soldiers’ wives, 37-40. Washington to William Livingston, 1 August 1780, Fitzpatrick, WGW, vol. 19 (1937), 292. General orders, 1 August 1780, ibid., 300. Forty-three provision returns for "Col. Voses Regiment L[igh]t Infantry" serving with Lafayette in Virginia. The returns cover the period from 22 February 1781 to 3 July 1781 (women are listed on eighteen of the returns), "Nathaniel Nason's Book," Henry Cooke/SAR. 19. General orders, 22 August 1781, Fitzpatrick, WGW, vol. 23 (1937), 37-38. Of course, the 3 percent (or more) proportion is valid only for troops in settled situations or normal campaign conditions. Some marching forces were ordered to

Page 18: "The proportion of Women which ought to be allowed...": An Overview of Continental Army Female Camp Followers

travel light, divesting themselves of unnecessary equipage, and female followers strongly discouraged from attending them; thus a proportion of 1 to 1.5% would not be unreasonable. Some units are exceptions to the basic 3% average, for which see: "`The multitude of women': An Examination of the Numbers of Female Camp Followers with the Continental Army": 1777 and 1780: A Common Thread? 1776 to 1782: “Necessary to keep the Soldier's clean" 1781: "Their Wives all of whom ... Remained" - Women on Campaign With the Army 1781: "The women with the army who draw provisions" 1782: "Rations ... Without Whiskey" - Colonel Henry Jackson's Regimental Provision Returns 1783: "The proportion of Women which ought to be allowed ..." The Brigade Dispatch (Journal of the Brigade of the American Revolution) Three parts: vol. XXIII, no. 4 (Autumn 1992), 5-17; vol. XXIV, no. 1 (Winter 1993), 6-16; vol. XXIV, no. 2 (Spring 1993), 2-6 (Reprinted in Minerva: Quarterly Report on Women and the Military, vol. XIV, no. 2 (Summer 1996)). "`The number of rations issued to the women in camp.': New Material Concerning

Female Followers With Continental Regiments": Female Followers with the Troops at Wyoming: Prelude to Sullivan's Campaign, 1779 "Provisions and Stores Issued to the Grand Army": Female Followers at Middlebrook, 1779 “The women belonging to their respective corps": Further Analysis and Comparison of the Returns of Women The Brigade Dispatch, vol. XXVIII, no. 1 (Spring 1998), 2-10; vol. XXVIII, no. 2 (Summer 1998), 2-12, 13. 20. General orders, 27 August 1777, Fitzpatrick, WGW, vol. 9 (1933), 139. General orders, 19 September 1780, ibid., vol. 20 (1937), 73. Dann, The Revolution Remembered, 243-246. 21. "Revolutionary Services of Captain John Markland,", Pennsylvania Magazine of History and Biography, vol. 9 (1885), 105 Dann, The Nagle Journal, 6-7. General orders, 10 and 13 September 1777, Washington to the President of Congress, 11 September 1777, Fitzpatrick, WGW, vol. 9 (1933), 200, 208, 213. General orders, 10 July 1777, ibid., vol. 8 (1933), 375. Kenneth Roberts, March to Quebec - Journals of the Members of Arnold's Expedition (Portland, Me., 1980), 337, 338, 483, 495, 556, 683. Mayer, Belonging to the Army, 199. 22. Ambrose Collins’ narrative, A.G. Hibbard, History of the Town of Goshen, Connecticut (Hartford, 1897), 142-149. 23. Thomas Anburey, Travels Through the Interior Parts of America (New York: New York Times & Arno Press, 1969), 10 November 1777 letter, vol. I, 436-437; 20 November 1777 letter, vol. II, 14.

Page 19: "The proportion of Women which ought to be allowed...": An Overview of Continental Army Female Camp Followers

A. An Estimate of Females with Continental Army Units on the March to Yorktown, 1781

(Note: The following material on Continental Army female followers in the 1781 Yorktown Campaign is included in, Robert A. Selig, “Washington-Rochambeau Revolutionary Route National Historic Trail: Feasibility Study Executive Summary Draft, August 2002” (copy, author’s collection)): Bases for Estimating American Followers on the Yorktown March. 1. The New Jersey regiments did have women with them, but one account states that most of the women, children, and invalid soldiers had been sent to garrison Wyoming, Pennsylvania in January 1781. How may actually went is not known, but this may have been another factor in reducing numbers of Jersey followers on the march to Yorktown. Too, some Jersey female followers may already have been in Virginia with the Jersey light troops under Lafayette. Supporting this contention is the fact that while women did not originally accompany Lafayette’s detachment (it was originally thought only to be a brief expedition), several women attached to the soldiers of Vose’s Light battalion (left behind when their men marched south in February), did in fact make their way to Virginia in May and June of 1781. Further evidence of how determined (and recalcitrant) camp women could be. 2. Hazen’s Canadian (Congress’s Own) Regiment may have had a larger proportion of women and children because of their refugee status. General Washington stated that New York companies raised on Long and Manhattan Islands had more followers because they, too, were cut off from their homes. 3. Artillery units generally seem to have had a larger proportion of women and children than infantry regiments. I have actually taken the percentage of women to men seen in the 1783 return (7.9%) rather than the larger 8.9 percent in 1781 New Windsor return. 4. Scammell’s light troops would have had fewer women than line battalions, due to the nature of their role. Still, some women must have accompanied that organization. 5. The single return available for Washington’s Life Guard shows a proportion of women higher than 3 percent. The same seems to hold true for the Corps of Sappers and Miners. 6. While no strength could be found for the detachment of Artificers, they, too, likely had a higher proportion of women. Like Washington’s Guard, the artillery, and the Sappers and Miners, the artificers’ normal circumstances were more or less stationary and more conducive to the presence of wives and children. Of course, it could be argued that as artificers were not combat soldiers, and often civilian employees, it is doubtful their wives could have been induced to go campaigning. I still allowed them 2 women, if only as cooks. Based on these proportions and variables, estimates are as follows: Continental Army units, New Jersey to Yorktown March, August to October 1781 Regiments: 1st New Jersey -----] ]--- combined into one regiment 2nd New Jersey ----] 600 rank and file (3%; 18 women) 1st New York 325 rank and file ( “ ; 10 women)

Page 20: "The proportion of Women which ought to be allowed...": An Overview of Continental Army Female Camp Followers

2nd New York 350 “ ( “ ; 10 women) 1st Rhode Island 450 “ ( “ ; 13 women) Hazen’s Canadian 200 “ ( “ ; 6 women) Lamb’s Artillery 225 “ (7.9%; 18 women) Composite Organization: Scammell’s Light Infantry 256 rank and file; 2 NH companies, 3 Mass. Companies, 3 Ct. companies. 26 Sept. 1781, Lesser, Sinews of Independence, 208. (3%, 8 women) Miscellaneous: Commander in Chief’s Guard 69 rank and file (June 1781 return; 5 women) Corps of Sappers and Miners 50 “ ( “ “ “ ; 2 women) Artificers (strength unknown; estimate 2 women) Delaware Recruits 60 “ no women calculated (Joined at Christina Bridge) (“10 old soldiers and 75 recruits”; numbers courtesy of Robert Selig) TOTAL: 2525 rank and file (not including artificers and Delaware recruits) Calculated female followers on Yorktown march: Combined New Jersey Regiment, 6 women (1% of strength) 1st New York, 5 “ (1.5%) 2nd New York, 5 “ (1.5%) 1st Rhode Island, 7 “ (1.5%) Hazen’s Regiment, 4 “ (2%) Lamb’s Artillery, 9 “ (4%) Scammell’s Light Battalion, 4 “ (1.5%) Washington’s Life Guard, 3 “ (based on June 1781 return) Corps of Sappers and Miners, 1 “ ( “ “ “ “ “ ) Artificers, 2 “ estimate In optimal (garrison) conditions, female followers @ 3% of rank and file strength*, 92 female followers. Campaign conditions, female followers @ 1.5 % of rank and file strength*, 46 women Campaign conditions, female followers @ 1 % of rank and file strength*, 31 women (* Note: As discussed above, several units have a still higher proportion of women allowed them.) Conclusion: A high of 46 women marching with Washington’s troops would not be an unreasonable figure. A low-end number of 30 to 35 female followers would also be possible. Given the lack of data, I would conservatively place numbers as likely between 35 to 45 females.

Page 21: "The proportion of Women which ought to be allowed...": An Overview of Continental Army Female Camp Followers

B. Mess Roll of Capt. John Ross’s Company, 3d New Jersey Regiment This document, dated June 1777, is significant in that it reveals the inclusion of females

along with enlisted men in the mess squads of an individual company.

"A Mess Roll of Captn. Ross's Compy," 3rd New Jersey Regiment

(A listing of mess squads for June 1777)

1st 2nd

George Grant, sgt. Samuel Johnson, cpl.

William Andrews, cpl. Margaret Johnson

George Leadbetter [captured 9/11/77] Jonathan Emmons

Jacob [Likens?] Edward Howell

Daniel Danaly

3rd 4th

Jonathan McCully Abraham Peterson

Vincent Bishop Aaron Deacon

Francis Carbury Daniel Ellis

Jonathan Williamson Thomas Holland

Simon Boney Thomas Morris

Benjamin Norcross, drummer

5th 6th

Emmanuel Evans Thomas Dixon [deserted August 1777]

Elizabeth Evans Jonathan Howard

Edward Brady Martin Wholahan [deserted 7/1/77]

Joseph Johnson Abel Addams

Patrick Ryan James Milsop

Paul Brewer

7th 8th

Henry Burgher William Gibson, sgt.

James Deharmond James Shea, cpl.

William Smith [captured 9/11/77] Thomas Gibson

Levi Johnson Henry Quigg [killed 10/4/77]

Henry Flitcraft [deserted 9/1/77] James Morris

William [?]

9th 10

John Roy [died 8/31/77] Capt. Ross

John Walter Ensign Kersey

Jonathan Freeman John Guy

Frederick Campbell Joseph Hunter

John Higgins William Lyons

Peter [Bruchaw?] John Higgins

49 enlisted men and 2 women (1 woman for 24 men)

Most of the squads listed contained five or six people. These numbers coincide with

common usage during the war, which was a standard complement of six men per mess,

though this number was sometimes increased to as many as twelve. The use and size of

Page 22: "The proportion of Women which ought to be allowed...": An Overview of Continental Army Female Camp Followers

mess squads was related to the number of men (and also, it seems, women) assigned to each

tent. In the Continental Army throughout the war the optimum number of occupants for

each common soldier's tent was six, with occasional exceptions due to a shortage of tents or

a desire to minimize the baggage carried by the army. In June 1776 Captain Joseph

Bloomfield's company, 3rd New Jersey Regiment, had one tent allotted to shelter six

enlisted men while General John Sullivan's division orders of 17 August 1777 not only

stipulated the same number of enlisted men per tent but allotted one tent for every six

"Waggoners [or] weomen" as well. It is probable that, due to the exigencies of army life, the

women included with the two mess squads in Ross's company in June 1777 shared a tent

with the men of their squad.

"A Mess Roll of Captn. Ross's Compy", 1777, Revolutionary War Rolls, reel 62, section

44-2. Muster rolls for Captain John Ross's company, 3rd New Jersey Regiment, May and

October 1777, ibid., section 44-1. A comparison of these two rolls indicates that the date

of the mess squad listing is June of 1777. During this month the 3rd New Jersey was

attached to the main army and posted near the Short Hills in northern New Jersey. Muster

rolls of the 3rd New Jersey Regiment, ibid., reels 62, 63 and 63. One instance of the varying

numbers of men per company within an individual regiment comes from the 3rd New Jersey

for June of 1777. The numbers are as follows: Ross's Company, 49 enlisted men;

Dickerson's Co., 65; Flanigan's Co., 42; Gifford's Co., 32; Hagan's Co., 20; and Patterson's

Co., 33. The full strength of a company of foot in 1777 was eighty-six enlisted men. Robert

K. Wright, Jr., The Continental Army (Washington, D.C., 1984), 47.

Page 23: "The proportion of Women which ought to be allowed...": An Overview of Continental Army Female Camp Followers

C. Tent Assignments in Lt. Col. John Wrottesley’s (3d) Company, 1st Battalion,

Brigade of (British) Guards

(Note: The document this was taken from also included assignments to mess group; while the women were included in the tents with the men, none of the women were given a mess assignment. Possibly they messed together in their own ad hoc mess. Company


Lt. Col. Sir John Wrottesley’s (3rd

) Company, 1st Battalion, Brigade of Guards

Capt. John Thomas DeBurgh

Ensign Thomas Glyn

4 officers’ servants

Common Tents


1 – 4 sergeants, 1 private

2– 4 corporals, 2 drummers

3 – 6 privates

4 – 6 privates

5 – 6 privates

6– 1 bat man, 5 privates

7 – 6 privates

8 - 6 privates

9 – 6 privates

11 – 5 privates

12 – 5 privates, Mrs. Briar (Pvt. David Briar)

13 – 6 privates

14 – 5 privates, Mrs. Williams (Pvt. Jno. Williams)

15 – 6 privates

16 – 5 privates, Mrs. Foster (Pvt. William Foster)

17 – 6 privates

18 – 5 privates, Mrs. Prigg ((Pvt. Stephen Prigg)

19 – 3 bat men, 1 private, Mrs. Dowdsworth (Pvt. Thomas Dowdsworth)

4 sergeants, 4 corporals, 2 drummers, 4 bat men (to care for pack horses and lading), 86

privates, 4 women (100 enlisted men, 4 women)

Compiled by Linnea M. Bass, with assistance from William P. Tatum, Feb. 2002, from

information in "Receipt Books and Guards Orderly Book," Newbold Irvine Papers - 4th

Floor - Box; Historical Society of Pennsylvania.


Page 24: "The proportion of Women which ought to be allowed...": An Overview of Continental Army Female Camp Followers

British camp follower. (Courtesy of Carmen Marusich

and the 40th Foot, 2d Battalion Light Infantry.)

Page 25: "The proportion of Women which ought to be allowed...": An Overview of Continental Army Female Camp Followers

British Army orders regarding female followers, summer 1777:

“Head Qrs: N:York 3rd: June 77 Orders A Royal Salute of 21 Guns will be Fried: to

morrow at 1 Oclock in Honour of His Majesty's Birth day by the Garrison - Four Women

Pr: Compy: of Companys of 50 & 8 Women Pr: Compy: of Companeys of 100 are Allowed

to Embark with their Respective Regiments and to be Victualiid According to the Former

Regulations the Remainder of the Women and Children of their Corps will be sent to

N:York where Aproportion of Provisions & Qrs: or Old Camp Equipage will be provided


After Orders Half past 12 [Middlebush, New Jersey, June 16, 1777] All Women & Children

now with the Army are Immediately to be sent back to Brownswick, where Qrs: and the usal

Quantity of provisions will be Allowed them, they will have an Oppertunity of going under

the Escort from Middlebush this Evening at 7 Oclock... It is further Added that no woman or

child do stay in camp nor follow the Army”

“Head Qrs.. Near Elks Ferry [Head of the Chesapeake, Maryland] 26th: Augt. 77 ... One

Woman pr: Company is permitd to Land - Companys of 100 Establishment are allowed


British Order Book [40th Regiment of Foot] April 20, 1777 to August 28, 1777, George

Washington Papers, Series 6B, Vol. 1, Reel 117. (Available online at "`Necessarys … to be

Properley Packd: & Slung in their Blanketts’: Selected Transcriptions 40th Regiment of

Foot Order Book,”

D. Period Images of Army Followers or Poor to Middling Female Civilians

Page 26: "The proportion of Women which ought to be allowed...": An Overview of Continental Army Female Camp Followers

“The Market Girl” (1776-1777), Henry Walton

(Yale Museum of British Art)

Page 27: "The proportion of Women which ought to be allowed...": An Overview of Continental Army Female Camp Followers

Artwork by Paul Sandby

Page 28: "The proportion of Women which ought to be allowed...": An Overview of Continental Army Female Camp Followers

"A Country Woman," artist unknown

(Yale Center for British Art)

Page 29: "The proportion of Women which ought to be allowed...": An Overview of Continental Army Female Camp Followers

“A Soldier’s Wife Begging” (1764), Daniel Chodowiecki

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(Artist unknown)

Page 31: "The proportion of Women which ought to be allowed...": An Overview of Continental Army Female Camp Followers

Early nineteenth century image of loyalist Rose Fortune. Ms. Fortune was approximately ten years old when she was evacuated from the American colonies to Nova Scotia. Over time, she established herself as a baggage carrier at the Annapolis wharf, and meeting the boats that were traveling from Boston and Saint John. Included as it is one of two remaining pictures of Black Loyalists. (Courtesy of Todd Braisted)

Page 32: "The proportion of Women which ought to be allowed...": An Overview of Continental Army Female Camp Followers

Detail from "A Perspective View of an Encampment," Bowles & Carver, 1780. (Anne S.K. Brown Military Collection Brown University) (Courtesy of Camp Followers of the British Army From Paul Dickfoss: “Notice the black silk cloak! New York Gazette, 4 January 1773 `Run away . . . a Negro Wench . . . late the property of William Smith, Esq; She had on when she went away . . . black silk cloak, and a black peelong bonnet.’; New York Gazetter, 18 November 1773 `Run away . . . a negro wench . . . before she went off she took away . . . two black silk cloaks and hats’; Pennsylvania Gazette, 9 August 1775 `Run away . . . an Irish servant girl . . . Had on, and took with her . . . an old black silk cloak" "Run away . . . an Irish servant woman . . . had on . . . a black silk cloak, and a black silk hat.’"

Page 33: "The proportion of Women which ought to be allowed...": An Overview of Continental Army Female Camp Followers

While painted some ten years before the American War for Independence, this rare realistic period portrayal of a British Army female follower nicely personifies the many women who served. Edward Penny, R.A. (1714-1791), “An Officer Giving Alms to a Sick Soldier” (circa 1765, oil on canvas). The painting depicts an officer of the 3rd Irish Horse (now the Scots Dragoons Guards) extending charity to an infantryman and his family. It is a variant of the Marquis of Granby relieving a sick soldier, which was exhibited by Penny at the Society of Artists in 1765 and which was presented to the Bodleian by the artist in 1787. The 3rd Irish Horse fought under Granby at the battle of Warburg in 1760 during the Seven Years War, and it is probable that this painting may have been commissioned from the artist at the same date.

Page 34: "The proportion of Women which ought to be allowed...": An Overview of Continental Army Female Camp Followers

British Infantrymen in an Encampment, c. 1760 (English School)

Acc. No. 2001-12-35-1, National Army Museum, London

Page 35: "The proportion of Women which ought to be allowed...": An Overview of Continental Army Female Camp Followers

“The Encampment on Black-Heath,” 1780, Paul Sandby.

Page 36: "The proportion of Women which ought to be allowed...": An Overview of Continental Army Female Camp Followers

“The Encampment on Blackheath,” 1780, Paul Sandby

"A Military Encampment in Hyde Park", 1785, James Malton

(Yale Center for British Art)

Page 37: "The proportion of Women which ought to be allowed...": An Overview of Continental Army Female Camp Followers

"Camp In The Green Park,"1780, Edward Eyre. Main military camp in the background. The women appear to be using the ruins of an ancient building as support for their laundry kettles.

Page 38: "The proportion of Women which ought to be allowed...": An Overview of Continental Army Female Camp Followers

“The Laundress,” 1780, Paul Sandby

Page 39: "The proportion of Women which ought to be allowed...": An Overview of Continental Army Female Camp Followers

E. Modern Representations of Women Attached to the Armies

Female followers of Dunlap's Partizan Corps about to ford Brandywine Creek. (Picquet post event, Brandywine State Park, 2010, Augusta County Militia and friends.)

Page 40: "The proportion of Women which ought to be allowed...": An Overview of Continental Army Female Camp Followers

Followers of Capt. Jacob Bowers’ company, 6th Pennsylvania Regiment, during a halt on

a march. Welbourne Picquet Post tactical, October 2012.

Page 41: "The proportion of Women which ought to be allowed...": An Overview of Continental Army Female Camp Followers

Men and women cooking at an earthen kitchen. Note the “kitchen flies” (canvas shelters) in the background, which were not in fact used by armies of the American Revolution. (Battle of Brandywine event, Brandywine State Park, 2010.)

Page 42: "The proportion of Women which ought to be allowed...": An Overview of Continental Army Female Camp Followers

Followers of the Grenadiers of Virginia making oyster stew. Battle of the Hook, 18-20

October 2013, Gloucester Point, Virginia.

Page 43: "The proportion of Women which ought to be allowed...": An Overview of Continental Army Female Camp Followers

(Photo courtesy of McAlpin’s Corps.)

Page 44: "The proportion of Women which ought to be allowed...": An Overview of Continental Army Female Camp Followers

(Photo courtesy of McAlpin’s Corps.)

Page 45: "The proportion of Women which ought to be allowed...": An Overview of Continental Army Female Camp Followers

Loyalist woman ready for a march, as portrayed by Larissa Sasgen.

Over one shoulder she carries a rolled blanket, on the other a market wallet. (Photo courtesy of McAlpin’s Corps.)

Page 46: "The proportion of Women which ought to be allowed...": An Overview of Continental Army Female Camp Followers

(Courtesy of the 40th Foot, 2d Battalion Light Infantry.)

Page 47: "The proportion of Women which ought to be allowed...": An Overview of Continental Army Female Camp Followers

(Above and below) A "Bed Post Doll", excavated from a British military site in Lower Manhattan. "This doll was not the only toy found at the Telco site. Salvagers also picked up a hand-made whizzer and earthenware marbles. A whizzer is a metal disk with two holes and a serrated edge used by children to produce a buzzing sound when spun on thread. All of this material was found in the gray clay level which contained material dating to the Revolutionary War period. This gray clay preserved wood, leather, and bone items and produced a few Georgian coins and buttons of the 57th British Regiment as well." The article contains some historical good references but also some of the beliefs current at the date when the article was written. Cohn, Michael; "Evidence of Children at Revolutionary War Sites". In "Northeast Historical Archaeology". Volume 12 Issue 1 1983. Article 8. Symposium on Archaeology of the Revolutionary War Period Held at New Windsor Cantonment State Historic Site, New Windsor, New York. 1983.

Page 48: "The proportion of Women which ought to be allowed...": An Overview of Continental Army Female Camp Followers
Page 49: "The proportion of Women which ought to be allowed...": An Overview of Continental Army Female Camp Followers

Artwork by Don Troiani

F. Online Articles Pertaining to Female Camp Followers and Related Subjects

During the War for American Independence "`The multitude of women': An Examination of the Numbers of Female Camp Followers

with the Continental Army": 1777 and 1780: A Common Thread?

1776 to 1782: “Necessary to keep the Soldier's clean"

1781: "Their Wives all of whom ... Remained" - Women on Campaign With the Army

1781: "The women with the army who draw provisions"

1782: "Rations ... Without Whiskey" - Colonel Henry Jackson's Regimental

Provision Returns

1783: "The proportion of Women which ought to be allowed ..."

The Brigade Dispatch (Journal of the Brigade of the American Revolution)

Three parts: vol. XXIII, no. 4 (Autumn 1992), 5-17; vol. XXIV, no. 1 (Winter 1993),

6-16; vol. XXIV, no. 2 (Spring 1993), 2-6 (Reprinted in Minerva: Quarterly Report

on Women and the Military, vol. XIV, no. 2 (Summer 1996)).

Page 50: "The proportion of Women which ought to be allowed...": An Overview of Continental Army Female Camp Followers

"`The number of rations issued to the women in camp.': New Material Concerning

Female Followers With Continental Regiments": Female Followers with the Troops at Wyoming: Prelude to Sullivan's Campaign, 1779

"Provisions and Stores Issued to the Grand Army": Female Followers at

Middlebrook, 1779

“The women belonging to their respective corps": Further Analysis and Comparison of the

Returns of Women

The Brigade Dispatch, vol. XXVIII, no. 1 (Spring 1998), 2-10; vol. XXVIII, no. 2

(Summer 1998), 2-12, 13.

"'`Some in rags and some in jags,’ but none ‘in velvet gowns.’ Insights on Clothing Worn

by Female Followers of the Armies During the American War for Independence,"

ALHFAM Bulletin (Association of Living History, Farm and Agricultural Museums),

vol. XXVIII, no. 4 (Winter 1999), 18-21.




“’Remember[ing] the Ladies’: Margaret Johnson and Elizabeth Evans, Women of the

New Jersey Brigade”


“Reading List: Women and the Military During the War for Independence," The

Continental Soldier, vol. IX, no. 1 (Winter/Spring 1997), 52.

Page 51: "The proportion of Women which ought to be allowed...": An Overview of Continental Army Female Camp Followers

Related issues:

(A marching army) “’Reach Coryels ferry. Encamp on the Pennsylvania side.’: The March from Valley Forge

to Monmouth Courthouse, 18 to 28 June 1778”“Reach-Coryels-ferry-Encamp-on-the-Pennsylvania-




June-1778 Contents

1. “We struck our tents and loaded our baggage.”: Leaving Valley Forge

2. Progress, June 18, 1778.

3. Progress, June 19, 1778.

4. “Crost the dilliware pushed on about 5 milds …”: June 20, 1778: Progress and a River Crossing

5. “4 Wagons & Horses, and 1000 Men at a Try.”: The Mechanics of Ferrying an Army

6. “Halt on the first strong ground after passing the Delaware ...”: June 20th

River Crossing

7. “The number of boats … will render the passage of the troops very expeditious.”:

June 21st Ferry Operation

8. “The Troops are passing the River … and are mostly over.”: June 22d Crossing

9. “The Army will march off …”: June 22d and 23d, Camp at Amwell Meeting

10. “Just after we halted we sent out a large detachment …”: Camp and Council: Hopewell

Township, 23 to 24 June

11. “Giving the Enemy a stroke is a very desireable event …”: Advancing to Englishtown,

24 to 28 June

a. Progress, June 25, 1778.

b. Progress, June 26, 1778.

c. Progress, June 27, 1778.

d. Forward to Battle, June 28, 1778.

12. “Our advanced Corps … took post in the evening on the Monmouth Road …”:

Movements of Continental Detachments Followng the British, 24 to 28 June 1778

a. The Advance Force: Scott’s, Wayne’s, Lafayette’s, and Lee’s Detachments.

b. Daily Movements of Detachments Later Incorporated into Lee’s Advanced Corps.

13. Echoes of 1778, Three Years After.


1. Driving Directions, Continental Army Route from Valley Forge to Englishtown

2. Day by Day Recap of Route

3. The Road to Hopewell.

4. The Bungtown Road Controversy.

5. Weather During the Monmouth Campaign

6. Selected Accounts of the March from Valley Forge to Englishtown

a. Fifteen-year-old Sally Wister

b. Surgeon Samuel Adams, 3rd

Continental Artillery

c. Henry Dearborn, lt. colonel, 3rd

New Hampshire Regiment

d. Captain Paul Brigham, 8th

Connecticut Regiment

e. Sergeant Ebenezer Wild, 1st Massachusetts Regiment

f. Sgt. Jeremiah Greenman, 2d Rhode Island Regiment

g. Dr. James McHenry, assistant secretary to General Washington

7. List of Related works by the author on military material culture and the

Continental Army

Endnotes contain:

1. Army General and Brigade Orders, June 1778.

a. Orders Regulating the Army on the March from Valley Forge.

Page 52: "The proportion of Women which ought to be allowed...": An Overview of Continental Army Female Camp Followers

b. Orders Issued During the Movement from Valley Forge to Englishtown.

2. Division and Brigade Composition for Washington’s Main Army to 22 June 1778

3. Washington’s army vehicle allotment for the march to Coryell’s Ferry,

4. Wheeled Transportation (a primer on the vehicles and artillery on the road to

Monmouth, including twenty-one illustrations)

5. Division and Brigade Composition for Washington’s Main Army after 22 June 1778

(Food) "`To the hungry soul every bitter thing is sweet.’: Soldiers' Food and Cooking in the War for Independence” "The manner of messing and living together": Continental Army Mess Groups “Who shall have this?”: Food Distribution "A hard game ...": Continental Army Cooks “On with Kittle, to make some hasty Pudding …”: How a "Continental Devil" Broke His Fast 1. The Army Ration and Cooking Methods. 2. Eating Utensils. 3. The Morning Meal. 4. Other Likely Breakfast Fare. Addenda “The men were very industrious, in baking, all the forepart of the evening.”: Soldiers’ Ingenuity, Regimental Bakers, and the Issue of Raw Flour “The Commissary [is] desired … to furnish biscuit and salt provisions …”: Hard Bread in the War for Independence. "The victuals became putrid by sweat & heat ...": Some Peripheral Aspects of Feeding an Army 1. The Ways Soldiers Carried Food 2. The Burden of Rations, 1762-1783 3. Carrying Drink and Procuring Water 4. Equipment Shortages 5. Spoilage of Issued Meats "We had our cooking utensils ... to carry in our hands.": Continental Army Cooking and Eating Gear, and Camp Kitchens, 1775-1782 Endnotes: #50. Compendium of Ration Allotments, 1754-1782 Continental Army rations (summary) British Army rations (summary) Caloric Requirements and Intake #73. Miscellaneous returns of cooking gear and eating utensils, 1778-1781 (Appended) List of author’s articles on food in the armies of the American Revolution

Page 53: "The proportion of Women which ought to be allowed...": An Overview of Continental Army Female Camp Followers

(Cooking utensils) "`To subsist an Army well ...': Soldiers' Cooking Equipment, Provisions, and Food

Preparation During the American War for Independence”:

"’All the tin Camp-kettles they can procure ...’: Iron Pots, Pans, and Light-

Weight Military Kettles, 1759-1782”


“Tin Kettles, 1759-1771”

“British Kettles in the American War, 1776-1781”

“Continental Army and States’ Militia, 1775-1780”

“American Sheet Iron Kettles, 1781-1782”

“Officers’ Cooking Equipment”

“Kettle Covers”

“’The extreme suffering of the army for want of … kettles …’:

Continental Soldiers and Kettle Shortages in 1782”

“’A disgusting incumbrance to the troops …’:

Linen Bags and Carts for Carrying Kettles”

“’The Kettles to be made as formerly …”

Kettle Capacity and Weight, and Archaeological Finds”


“Kettle Capacity and Sizes, 1759-1782”

“Louisbourg Kettle, Cape Breton Island”

“Fort Ligonier (Buckets or Kettles?)”

“Rogers Island (Bucket or Kettle?)”

“1812 Kettles, Fort Meigs, Ohio”

“Overview of Cooking Equipment, 1775-1783”

Addendum to online version:

“Two brass kettles, to contain ten gallons each … for each company …”

Brass and Copper Kettles

Military Collector & Historian, vol. 53, no. 1 (Spring 2001), 7-23.



Page 54: "The proportion of Women which ought to be allowed...": An Overview of Continental Army Female Camp Followers

(Earthen kitchens) "`As many fireplaces as you have tents ...': Earthen Camp Kitchens”: Contents

Part I. "Cooking Excavations": Their History and Use by Soldiers in North America

A. Advantages.

B. Digging a Field Kitchen.

Part II. Complete 1762 Kitchen Description and Winter Covering for Field Kitchens

Part III. Matt and I Dig a Kitchen.

Sequenced photos of kitchen construction, June 1997, Bordentown, New Jersey.

Part IV. Original Earthen Kitchens Examined by Archaeologists.

A. The Laughanstown, Ireland Earthen Kitchen.

B. The Gloucester Point (VIMS) Kitchen, 1781.


1. British Image of Cooking Excavations (Redcoat Images No. 2,000)

2. Newspaper Article on the Discovery of the Gloucester Point Kitchen

3. Miscellaneous Images of Earthen Camp Kitchens and Soldiers Cooking


(Blankets) "`White Wollen,' 'Striped Indian Blankets,' 'Rugs and Coverlids': The Variety of

Continental Army Blankets," The Brigade Dispatch, vol. XXVI, no. 4 (Winter 2000), 11-


(Equipment) Resource File: Examples of Continental Army Camp Equipage and Vehicle Returns,

1775-1781 (John U. Rees)



G. Other Authors’ Monographs (Women Following the Army)

Elizabeth Cometti, “Women in the American Revolution,” The New England Quarterly, vol.

XX, no. 3 (September 1947), 335-337.



(Part 1) Bruce E. Burgoyne, “Women with the Hessian Auxiliaries during the

American Revolutionary War,” The Brigade Dispatch, vol. XXVI, no. 1 (Spring

1996), 2-8.



Page 55: "The proportion of Women which ought to be allowed...": An Overview of Continental Army Female Camp Followers

(Part 2) Bruce E. Burgoyne, “Women with the Hessian Auxiliaries during the

American Revolutionary War,” The Brigade Dispatch, vol. XXVI, no. 1 (Spring

1996), 19-23.



Bruce E. Burgoyne, “Women with Hessian Military Units” (being a compendium of

women identified as having followed German corps during the American War,

1775-1783), The Brigade Dispatch, vol. XXVI, no. 3 (Autumn 1996), 2-10.



Paul E. Kopperman, "The British High Command and Soldiers' Wives In America,

1755-1783," Journal of the Society for Army Historical Research, no. 60 (1982), 14-34.

Married women, 14; women's duties, 15-16, 21; number of women in the

Continental Army, 16; the thoughts of the high command concerning women, 16;

the number of women in the army and individual regiments, 19-20, 26-28; women's

rations, 22-23; women as patients in hospital, 31, 33.



Don N, Hagist, “Women on Burgoyne’s Campaign,” The Brigade Dispatch, vol.

XXX, no. 4 (Winter 2000), 18-20



Mrs. Middleton and Mary Driskill, the Experiences of Two Women with British


Don N. Hagist, “Mrs. Middleton Takes Prisoners,” The Brigade Dispatch, vol. XXIX,

no. 3 (Autumn 1999), 17 (a British Army woman’s experiences, from a primary


Don N. Hagist, “Mary Driskill, 10th

Regiment of Foot,” The Brigade Dispatch, vol.

XXX, no. 2 (Summer 2000), 15 (a British Army woman’s experiences, from a

primary source).



Page 56: "The proportion of Women which ought to be allowed...": An Overview of Continental Army Female Camp Followers

Apparel and Goods Issued to Female Followers of American Troops

Don N. Hagist, “She was very fond of soldiers,” The Brigade Dispatch, vol. XXIX, no.

2 (Summer 2000), 15-16.

Don N. Hagist, “The Women of Fort Jefferson” (goods issued to individuals at a

Kentucky fort, 1780-1781), The Brigade Dispatch, vol. XXX, no. 1 (Spring 2000), 21-




French Troops and Female Followers

René Chartrand, “Notes Concerning Women in the 18th Century French Army,”

The Brigade Dispatch, vol. XXV, no. 3 (Summer 1995), 2 (explanation of the relative

paucity of women with French forces in America).

Donald J. Brandt, “Rochambeau's Army, and Women in America,” The Brigade

Dispatch, vol. XXV, no. 3 (Summer 1995), 3 (insights on women with and around a

French regiment).



Refugees and Women following Loyalist Regiments (Part 1)

Todd W. Braisted, "Refugees & Others: Loyalist Families in the American War for

Independence," The Brigade Dispatch (Journal of the Brigade of the American

Revolution), two parts: vol. XXVI, no. 4 (Winter 1996), 2-7; vol. XXVII, no. 2

(Summer 1997), 2-6.



Refugees and Women following Loyalist Regiments (Part 2)

Todd W. Braisted, "Refugees & Others: Loyalist Families in the American War for

Independence," The Brigade Dispatch (Journal of the Brigade of the American

Revolution), two parts: vol. XXVI, no. 4 (Winter 1996), 2-7; vol. XXVII, no. 2

(Summer 1997), 2-6.


