Page 1: The Presbyterian Church and the Environment

©2010 by Morehouse education resources • all rights reserved • www.livingthegoodnews.coM • 1-800-242-1918

Winter A • 2010-2011

Christians have long used Jesus’ sermons on living in the reign of God as recorded in Matthew 5 and Luke 6 to inform them of their responsibilities for the under-privileged. The Christians who gathered for the 219th General Assembly of the PCUSA held in July of 2010 in Minneapolis, Minnesota were no exception. According to the Advisory Committee on Social Witness Policy, social justice issues were at the center of much of the decision making.

PeacemakingIn Matthew 5:9, Jesus blesses peacemakers and exclaims they will be called “children of God.” 2010 marks the 30th anniversary of the “Peacemaking the Believer’s Calling” initiative in the life of the church. Presbyterians have supported peace initiatives since 1946. Through the 50’s and 60’s we supported peace seeking activities of international organizations while calling upon the U.S. government to work for peace, justice, and mutual understanding throughout the world.

The emphasis on peacemaking begun in 1980 is a reflection of a deepened concern of the gravity of the world’s situation. In response to a letter from the National Conference of Catholic Bishops entitled “The Challenge of Peace: God’s Promise and Our Response,” the PCUSA reaffirmed “Peacemaking: The Believer’s Calling” and set peacemaking as a high priority recom-mending that the leadership of each congregation adopt a “Commitment to Peacemaking.” Thousands of con-gregations have studied and ratified the “Commitment to Peacemaking.” This means they promise to pray for peace, seek peace in the local church and communities, and practice peacemaking in personal relationships.

Since the 1980’s several other papers emphasizing peace and justice have be issued and in 1999, the 211th General Assembly directed the Worldwide Ministries Division to develop recommendations to enable the PCUSA to implement programs of nonviolent, direct action in situations of conflict, and to include Christian Peacemaking Teams within each Presbytery.

The 219th General Assembly (2010) furthered the peacemaking effort by:

1. Adopting an overture to update peacemaking as a priority for the church using experts from colleges, universities and seminaries.

2. Considering whether and how the Presbyterian Church USA might become a “peace” church.

3. Utilizing the practitioner model to promote peacemaking efforts in the local church. Funding is to be provided from the per-capita income.

These new overture must be ratified by the Presbyteries before they can be implemented.

Additionally, the General Assembly stood by its traditional concern about wars throughout the world. It approved a proposal that the US government shift to non-combat operations in Afghanistan and that interna-tionally-guided reconstruction be accelerated to increase the chances of social progress after US withdrawal. Overtures were also approved concerning illegitimate government takeovers in Madagascar and Honduras, renewed civil wars in Sudan, and the use of seven bases in Columbia which deepen US drug investment in a country known for its violation of human rights.

The Persecuted In light of Jesus statements blessing those who are persecuted for righteousness sake and those who hunger and thirst for righteousness (Matt. 5:10-11), the Presby-terian Church USA presented a study at this GA entitled, “On Living a Human Life Before God.” This study commends an ethic of responsibility and looks at human life from the biblical understanding of “blessing.” The paper is a response to an earlier overture to update the 1981 study “The Nature and Value of Human Life.” This paper is to be used as a study tool in congregations as they deal with issues such as abortion, biomedical ethics, human rights, and violence within society.

The Pure in HeartJesus also blessed those who were pure in heart. We believe children to be part of that group. Our de-nomination has developed a child advocacy program. It is called Presbyterians in Covenant with Children and covenants with children in intentional ministries of justice and compassion with and for children in

The Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) and Social Justice Issues

SR-00-WA-10-P-The PReSbyTeRiAn ChuRCh (u.S.A.) And SoCiAl JuSTiCe iSSueS

Page 2: The Presbyterian Church and the Environment

©2010 by Morehouse education resources • all rights reserved • www.livingthegoodnews.coM • 1-800-242-1918

Winter A • 2010-2011

congregations, communities, our nation, and the world through worship, education, service, and advocacy. Individual congregations can become part of that network through a three-session discernment study, creating a covenant, and sending the completed covenant to the Office of Child Advocacy of the denomination.

In 2010, the General Assembly reported that 87 percent of U.S. children attend public schools. The report advocates a reversal of the current trends of underfund-ing and re-segregation which “seem likely to weaken education further.”

The Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) and Social Justice Issues


“Peacemaking is a central declaration of the gospel. Though Jesus Christ, God grants us the gift of grace.

We experience God’s grace as peace. God’s peace restores, sustains and heals.

In response to this good news, Christians go into the world

to proclaim and become part of God’s peace giving as peacemakers.”

––Swords into Plowshares: Presbyterian Peacemaking Program
