
A Defense Center of Excellence

The Preparticipation Examination (PPE):

The Primary Care Provider’s Survival Guide

Francis G. O’Connor, MD, MPH, FACSM Medical Director, Consortium for Health and Military Performance

Professor, Military and Emergency Medicine Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences, Bethesda, MD

The information presented in this activity represents the opinions of the author and not those of

the Department of Defense or the Uniformed Services University

Francis G. O’Connor, MD, MPH,

has no financial interests or relationships to disclose.

Disclosure Information

• John is a 17/o male being seen for his PPE.

• He is a multiple sport athlete and intends to play football, basketball and track.

• He has potential for a college scholarship as a wide receiver.

• Practice starts tomorrow.

John is a Rising High School Senior


You have a Resident helping with Preparticipation Examinations


• Jason is a third year Resident in Family Medicine helping you with PPEs.

• Jason has lots of questions!

▪ Identify Standard of Care Resources for performing preparticipation examination (PPE)

▪ Discuss the Purpose, Timing, Frequency and Setting of the PPE

▪ Identify and Discuss history questions on the PPE not to miss!

▪ Identify and Discuss physical examination findings on the PPE not to miss!

▪ Discuss the role of Special Tests ▪ Discuss common Clearance Issues


What Resources Address the PPE?


• Jason inquires as to what references and resources he should be familiar with in assisting you with the PPEs?

Preparticipation Examination Resources

▪ American Academy of Family Physicians

▪ American Academy of Pediatrics ▪ American College of Sports

Medicine ▪ American Medical Society for

Sports Medicine ▪ American Orthopedic Society of

Sports Medicine ▪ American Osteopathic Academy

of sports Medicine

Preparticipation Evaluation Physical Evaluation Fourth Edition

46th Bethesda Conference: Recommendations for

Determining Eligibility for Competition in Athletes with

Cardiovascular Abnormalities

Maron BJ, Zipes DP, Kovacs RJ; American Heart Association Electrocardiography and Arrhythmias Committee of Council on Clinical Cardiology, Council on Cardiovascular Disease in Young, Council on Cardiovascular and Stroke

Nursing, Council on Functional Genomics and Translational Biology, and American College of Cardiology. ELIGIBILITY AND DISQUALIFICATION RECOMMENDATIONS FOR COMPETITIVE ATHLETES WITH CARDIOVASCULAR ABNORMALITIES: Preamble, Principles, and General Considerations: A Scientific Statement From the American Heart

Association and American College of Cardiology. Circulation. 2015 Dec 1;132(22):e256-61.

▪ Recommendations for Determining Eligibility for Competition in Athletes with Cardiovascular Abnormalities 2015

– 15 Distinct Task Force Reports

46th Bethesda Conference Guidelines

Presentation Notes
Standard of care know these!

A Defense Center of Excellence Current Sports Medicine Reports.

2015 May-Jun;14(3):254-6

American Family Physician Article


Mirabelli MH, Devine MJ, Singh J, Mendoza M:The Preparticipation Sports Evaluation. Am Fam Physician. 2015 Sep 1;92(5):371-6.

Why are we doing these PPEs?

• Jason inquires as to why are we doing these PPEs, in particular on a Friday night when he may have issues with work hour restrictions?

Purpose of the PPE • Primary Objectives: Screen for conditions that may be life threatening

or disabling.

Screen for conditions that may predispose to illness or injury.

• Secondary Objectives: Determine general health.

Serve as an entry point to the health care system for adolescents.

Provide an opportunity to initiate discussion on health related topics.

American Academy of Family Physicians, American Academy of Pediatrics, American College of Sports Me. Preparticipation Physical Evaluation, 4th ed, Bernhardt D, Roberts W (Eds), American Academy of

Pediatrics, Elk Grove Village, IL 2010.

Timing and Frequency of the PPE • Timing:

Ideally, the preparticipation physical evaluation (PPE) should take place four to six weeks

before the season starts, permitting time to evaluate and treat medical problems and/or

rehabilitate musculoskeletal injuries before sports participation.

• Frequency:

Most sports medicine clinicians recommend that the PPE be conducted before each new

level of participation (eg, middle school, junior high, high school, and college), with yearly

updates of the history and targeted physical examinations.

Requirements for the frequency of PPE vary by state, but most state high school athletic

associations require annual evaluations.

The AHA recommends that a PPE examination be performed every two years during

sports participation, with an interim history taken in the intervening years.

Maron BJ, Thompson PD, Puffer JC, et al. Cardiovascular preparticipation screening of competitive athletes. A statement for health professionals from the Sudden Death Committee (clinical cardiology) and Congenital Cardiac Defects Committee (cardiovascular disease in the young), American Heart Association. Circulation 1996; 94:850.

Setting of the PPE

• Office setting: Examination in the office setting by the

athlete's primary care provider has the advantages of privacy, continuity of care, and the provider's knowledge of past medical and family history.

However, the complete examination is time consuming and may have insufficient focus on the important sports-related components of the PPE.

Setting of the PPE • Station approach: In the station approach, the athlete is

examined by multiple examiners through a series of stations specific to individual components of the evaluation.

The station approach is time efficient, sports oriented, and inexpensive, and has a high yield for identifying abnormalities; however, it generally does not afford confidentiality and may not provide for continuity of care.

Exertional Sudden Death in Athletes

• Jason inquires as to what are the more common causes of exertional illness we are screening for?

▪ Sudden cardiac death in athletes is an uncommon event.

▪ Risk in young athletes is approximately 1:50,000 -100,000/yr.

▪ Risk ranges from 1:15,000 to 1:50,000/yr In older athletes.

Sudden cardiac arrest is the leading cause of EXERTIONAL death in Young Athletes!

Epidemiology of Sudden Death in Young Athletes

▪ Estimated death rates in male athletes are 5X higher than in female athletes.

▪ Estimated death rates in college athletes are 2X higher than in high school athletes.

▪ Non-cardiac deaths account for 22% of deaths.

▪ Football and basketball account for the majority of sudden deaths.

▪ African Americans appear to be at greater risk.

VanCamp SP et al: Nontraumatic sports deaths in high school and college athletes. MSSE 1992;24(3):279-80.

Epidemiology of Exertional Sudden Death

A Defense Center of Excellence Maron BJ, et al: Sudden death in young athletes: Analysis of 1866 deaths in the United States, 1980 -2006. Circulation 2009;119:1085-1092.

Presentation Notes
Coronary anomalies are the second most common CV cause of death.

A Defense Center of Excellence

Not so Fast!!

Eckart RE et al, Department of Defense Cardiovascular Death Registry Group: Sudden death in young adults: an autopsy-based series of a

population undergoing active surveillance. J Am Coll Cardiol. 2011 Sep 13;58(12):1254-61.

▪ The incidence of SCD in Division 1 male basketball athletes was 1:5200 AY.

▪ The most common findings at autopsy were autopsy-negative sudden unexplained death in 16 (25%), and definitive evidence for hypertrophic cardiomyopathy was seen in 5 (8%).

Harmon KG et al: Incidence, Cause, and Comparative Frequency of Sudden Cardiac Death in National Collegiate Athletic Association Athletes: A Decade

in Review. Circulation. 2015 Jul 7;132(1):10-9.

Sudden Unexplained Cardiac Death (SUD)

▪ RESULTS: – During the 5-year period, there were 273 deaths and a

total of 1 969 663 athlete participation-years. – Of these 273 deaths, 145 (53%) were due to accidents

or unintentional injury, 45 (16%) from cardiac arrest, 25 (9%) suicides, and 18 (6%) homicides.

– Motor vehicle accidents accounted for 100 accidents (69%).

▪ CONCLUSIONS: – Motor vehicle accidents are the most common cause

of sudden death in athletes across NCAA divisions, gender, race, and sport.

Asif IM, Harmon KG, Klossner D : Motor vehicle accidents: the leading cause of death in collegiate athletes. Clin J Sport

Med. 2013 Nov;23(6):439-43.

“Big Picture” Perspective

An Appropriate History and Physical Examination

• Jason inquires as to appropriate questions to ask athletes as you begin the preparticipation examinations.

History Questions on the PPE Not to Miss!

▪ Family History – Premature death (sudden and unexpected,

or otherwise) before age 50 years due to heart disease in a close relative

– Disability from heart disease in a close relative <50 years of age

– Specific knowledge of certain cardiac conditions in family members: hypertrophic or dilated cardiomyopathy, long QT syndrome or other ion channelopathies, Marfan Syndrome, or clinically important arrhythmias.

12 Element AHA Recommendations

Maron BJ, Thompson PD, Puffer JC, et al. Cardiovascular preparticipation screening of competitive athletes. A statement for health professionals from the Sudden Death Committee (clinical cardiology) and Congenital Cardiac Defects Committee (cardiovascular disease in the young), American Heart Association. Circulation 1996; 94:850.

▪ Personal History

– Exertional chest pain/discomfort – Unexplained

syncope/presyncope – Excessive exertional and

unexplained dyspnea/fatigue, associated with exercise

– Prior recognition of a heart murmur

– Elevated systemic blood pressure

12 Element AHA Recommendations

Maron BJ, Thompson PD, Puffer JC, et al. Cardiovascular preparticipation screening of competitive athletes. A statement for health professionals from the Sudden Death Committee (clinical cardiology) and Congenital Cardiac Defects Committee (cardiovascular disease in the young), American Heart Association. Circulation 1996; 94:850.

14 Point AHA Update

Maron BJ, Levine BD, Washington RL, et al. Eligibility and Disqualification Recommendations for Competitive Athletes With Cardiovascular Abnormalities: Task Force 2: Preparticipation Screening for Cardiovascular Disease in Competitive Athletes: A

Scientific Statement From the American Heart Association and American College of Cardiology. Circulation 2015; 132:e267.

Is Exertional Syncope an Important Symptom?

▪ Seventy-two percent of SCA victims were reported by their parents to have at least one cardiovascular symptom before SCA, with fatigue (44%) and near-syncope/lightheadedness (30%) the two most common.

▪ Twenty-four percent of SCA victims had one or more (average 2.6; range, 1 to 10) events of syncope or unexplained seizure that remained undiagnosed as a cardiac disorder before SCA.

▪ Parents reported that cardiovascular symptoms first occurred, on average, 30 months (range, 19 to 71 months) before SCA; a symptom was brought to the attention of the child's physician in 41% of cases.

▪ Twenty-seven percent of families reported a family member had suffered sudden death before age 50 because of a heart condition.

Drezner JA, Fudge J, Harmon K et al: Warning Symptoms and Family History in Children and Young Adults with Sudden Cardiac Arrest.

J Am Board Fam Med. 2012 Jul;25(4):408-15.

Victims of Sudden Death

• Musculoskeletal Symptoms Status of rehabilitation of

prior injuries

• Concussion Symptoms Baseline symptoms

• Respiratory Symptoms Occult asthma

• Eating Disorders • Psychologic Stress

Not to be Forgotten!

An Appropriate History and Physical Examination

• Jason inquires as to how detailed the physical examination needs to be?

Performing the Cardiovascular Preparticipation


▪ Physical Examination – Brachial Artery Blood Pressure – Femoral Pulses to Exclude

Aortic Coarcation – Physical Stigmata of Marfan

Syndrome – Heart Murmur (Supine and

standing, or Valsalva to identify murmur of dynamic left ventricle outflow obstruction)

12 Element AHA Recommendations

▪ You need: – the right sized cuff; – pediatric blood pressure

tables that are gender, age and height dependent;

– Trained personnel.

Blood Pressure Measurement

▪ Diagnosis: – A diagnosis requires at least three

measurements. – 90 to 95% was high-normal, now

prehypertension; – 95% to 99% plus 5mmHg is Stage

I; Greater than 99% plus 5 mmHg is Stage II.

▪ The plus 5mmHg is new from 1996. – Ambulatory blood pressure

monitoring recognized as useful in “white” coat hypertension.

Blood Pressure Interpretation

▪ Screening for Coarcation of the Aorta: – Simultaneous

palpation of femoral and radial pulses

– systolic blood pressure gradient between the arms and legs of greater than 10 mmHg

Femoral Pulses

▪ Screening recommended for

men taller than 6 feet and women taller than 5’ 10”, who have two or more physical manifestations or a FH of Marfan’s Syndrome.

▪ Investigation should include an ECG, ECHO and slit-lamp eye examination.

▪ Diagnosis is clinical; made in conjunction with a regional referral center

Marfan Syndrome Screening

▪ – wrist sign - thumb overlaps the

distal phalanx of the fifth digit when grasping the contralateral wrist.

– thumb sign - entire nail of the thumb projects beyond the ulnar border of the hand when the hand is clenched without assistance.


Marfan Syndrome Stigmata

A Defense Center of Excellence

Physical Examination - Cardiac Auscultation

▪ Quiet, well-lighted room

▪ Sitting or standing ▪ Palpation - PMI, thrills ▪ Splitting ▪ Dynamic exam ▪ Pathologic vs Normal

Normal: • systolic ejection murmur

• begins after first heart sound

• ends before the second heart sound

• crescendo-decrescendo profile

• normal inspiratory S2 split • normal dynamic assessment Suspicious:

• diastolic, holosystolic, or continuous

• grade III or greater in intensity

• abnormal S2 splitting

• abnormal dynamic assessment

▪ Normal versus Pathologic Heart Sounds –

Improving Cardiac Auscultation

• Musculoskeletal Screening Examination

• Pulmonary Examination

• HEENT/Skin

• Abdomen/Genital Examination

• Functional Testing

Not to be Forgotten!




Pulmonary Auscultation

Musculoskeletal Screening Examination

Functional Testing

The Role of Special Tests

• Jason asks about a number of special tests that he has heard might be valuable in athletes: CBC and UA

Electrocardiogram and Echocardiography

Sickle Cell Screening

Neurocognitive Testing

• “Beneficence” is the obligations to confer benefits, to

prevent and remove harms, and to weigh and balance the possible goods against the costs and possible harms of an action.

• “Non Maleficence”

requires an intention to avoid needless harm or injury that can arise through acts of commission or omission.

Overriding Ethical Principles

• Routine laboratory testing is not recommended as part of the preparticipation physical evaluation (PPE) in the absence of symptoms.

Routine Blood Tests and UA

American Academy of Family Physicians, American Academy of Pediatrics, American College of Sports Me. Preparticipation Physical Evaluation, 4th ed, Bernhardt D,

Roberts W (Eds), American Academy of Pediatrics, Elk Grove Village, IL 2010.

• Pre-participation assessment. A one-time, pre-participation baseline concussion assessment for all varsity student-athletes should include, but not necessarily be limited to: A brain injury/concussion history.

Symptom evaluation.

Cognitive assessment.

Balance evaluation.

The team physician should determine pre-participation clearance and/or the need for additional consultation or testing.

Baseline Concussion Testing

Neurocognitive Testing


Visual Ocular-Motor Testing (VOMS)

Sickle Cell Screening

• The National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) adopted a policy requiring Division I institutions to perform sickle cell trait testing for all incoming student athletes.

• Policy was partly in response to legal settlement with Dale Lloyd Case.

• But then….

Primary Prevention

• Policy Opposes Mandatory SCT Screening for Athletic Participation

Recommends universal training interventions and additional research

• Believes NCAA Division I policy, as currently written and implemented, has potential to harm student athletes and larger community of individuals with SCT.

American Society of Hematology: ASH

Statement on Screening for Sickle Cell Trait and Athletic Participation. (2012). ASH Policy Retrieved January 2012, from

Advanced Cardiac Screening

Special Tests to Include

Echocardiography and Electrocardiography are not Mandated

NCAA Guidance 2016

However, A Word About the Role of the


A Defense Center of Excellence Maron BJ et al: Circulation.2014 Oct 7;130(15):1303-34

“… there is INSUFFICIENT information… to support the view that universal screening ECGs in

asymptomatic young people … is appropriate or possible on a national basis for the United States, in competitive athletes or in

the general youthful population...”

However “…individual quality controlled local, community, or student-

related initiatives were, however, supported by the AHA if conducted properly and with adequate resources...”

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Not all Athletes Carry the Same Risk!

▪ The differential risk of SCA/D between athletes and non-athletes is not fully understood based on current epidemiologic evidence.

▪ Athletes display a differential risk for SCA/D based on age, sex, race, and sport.

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Italian athlete age 12-35 BEFORE

screening program

Black male college basketball athlete age 17-23

Male college basketball athlete (all races) age 17-23

US military male age 18-20

College athlete age 17-26

Male college athlete age 17-26

Black male college athlete age 17-26

Minnesota athlete age 12-31

Italian athlete age 12-35

AFTER screening program



BJSM 2016

“Injury prevention should be given to high risk groups…”

Roald Bahr, MD


A Defense Center of Excellence

Strength of Rationale for ECG Screening

Athlete Risk High

Assessment of Benefit to Harm High

Resources Low High

Requirements Lo High

The Sad Reality: Screening is a Challenge

Malhotra A, Dhutia H, et al: Outcomes of Cardiac Screening in Adolescent Soccer Players. N Engl J Med. 2018 Aug 9;379(6):524-534.

METHODS: From 1996 through 2016, 11,168 adolescent athletes with a mean (±SD) age of 16.4±1.2 years (95% of whom were male) in the English Football cardiac screening program; health questionnaire, physical examination, electrocardiography, and echocardiography.

RESULTS: During screening, 42 athletes (0.38%) were found to have

cardiac disorders that are associated with sudden cardiac death.

After screening, there were 23 deaths from any cause, of which 8 (35%) were sudden deaths attributed to cardiac disease. Cardiomyopathy accounted for 7 of 8 sudden cardiac deaths (88%).

Six athletes (75%) with sudden cardiac death had had normal cardiac screening results.

The mean time between screening and sudden cardiac death was 6.8 years.

On the basis of a total of 118,351 person-years, the incidence of sudden cardiac death among previously screened adolescent soccer players was 1 per 14,794 person-years (6.8 per 100,000 athletes).

Final Assessment

• You’ve completed the PPE on John, and it’s time for the final assessment.

• Jason noted his BP was slightly high; how do you proceed with final clearance?

• He is also found to be SCT positive; can he play?

Athletic Clearance Decision


Resource Documents

Sports Classification

Zips DP, Link MS, Ackerman MJ, Kovacs RJ, Myerburg RJ, Estes NA 3rd. Eligibility and Disqualification Recommendations for Competitive Athletes With Cardiovascular Abnormalities:

Task Force 9: Arrhythmias and Conduction Defects: A Scientific Statement From the American Heart Association and American College of Cardiology. J Am Coll Cardiol. 2015 Dec 1;66(21):2412-23.

Contraindicated Sports

▪ Task Force 9 Arrhythmias

Zips DP, Link MS, Ackerman MJ, Kovacs RJ, Myerburg RJ, Estes NA 3rd. Eligibility and Disqualification Recommendations for Competitive Athletes With Cardiovascular Abnormalities:

Task Force 9: Arrhythmias and Conduction Defects: A Scientific Statement From the American Heart Association and American College of Cardiology. J Am Coll Cardiol. 2015 Dec 1;66(21):2412-23.

Prudent Recommendations

▪ Hypertension is the most common cardiovascular disorder detected during PPE screening.

▪ BP readings are altered by various factors that influence the patient, the techniques used and the accuracy of the sphygmomanometer.

▪ Clinical Observations: – Blood pressure during the PPE process is

often completed by someone who does not regularly perform BPs.

– False positive blood pressure readings are not uncommon.

Hypertension in the Athlete

The Fourth Report on the Diagnosis, Evaluation, and Treatment of High

Blood Pressure in Children and Adolescents

National High Blood Pressure Education Program Working Group on High Blood Pressure in Children and Adolescents.

Pediatrics 2004; 114 Suppl: 555-76.

▪ Evaluation: – All children and adolescents diagnosed

with hypertension require a careful history and physical examination as well as further evaluation for a secondary etiology as clinically indicated. ▪ Renal US for all children with

sustained BP > 95% – To evaluate for target organ disease:

▪ Echocardiogram, as well as a retinal examination, is currently recommended for all patients with a BP > 95th percentile.

Implications for the Family Physician

▪ Treatment/Clearance: – Similar to adults, any child athlete

with Stage 2 hypertension should be restricted from participation until adequate control is obtained.

– Children with identified target organ disease should have participation recommendations based upon the nature of their target organ disease.

Implications for the Family Physician

In general, student-athletes with sickle cell trait should:

• Set their own pace.

• Engage in a slow and gradual preseason conditioning regimen to be prepared for sports-specific performance testing and the rigors of competitive intercollegiate athletics.

• Build up slowly while training (e.g., paced progressions).

• Use adequate rest and recovery between repetitions, especially during “gassers” and intense station or “mat” drills.

• Not be urged to perform all-out exertion of any kind beyond two to three minutes without a breather.

• Be excused from performance tests such as serial sprints or timed mile runs, especially if these are not normal sport activities.

• Stop activity immediately upon struggling or experiencing symptoms such as muscle pain, abnormal weakness, undue fatigue or breathlessness.

• Stay well hydrated at all times, especially in hot and humid conditions.

• Maintain proper asthma management.

• Refrain from extreme exercise during acute illness, if feeling ill, or while experiencing a fever.

• Access supplemental oxygen at altitude as needed.

• Seek prompt medical care when experiencing unusual distress.

SCT Guidance from the NCAA

• Q: Can an individual with sickle cell trait participate in athletics/exercise?

A: Sickle cell trait should not be an impediment for participation in athletics or physical exercise. Maintaining good hydration and understanding how to avoid injuries can make exercise safer for ALL individuals, including those with sickle cell trait.

Guidance from ASH

• What precautions should an individual with sickle cell trait take when participating in sports or exercise?

A: Individuals with sickle cell trait should consider the same precautions that can prevent injuries and exercise-related illnesses as people who do not have sickle cell trait. These include being mindful of heat and humidity, drinking adequate fluids, taking rest breaks as needed, and not exceeding their current level of fitness.

Guidance from ASH

Final Thoughts

PPE Fifth Edition is Coming!

PPE 5th Edition

▪ The Preparticipation Examination (PPE) has yet to be validated as decreasing morbidity and mortality.

▪ At present, however, the standard of care in the United States is a carefully performed history and physical examination (PPE).

▪ The conscientious examination requires a trained provider, an appropriate setting, and sincere communication.


Giese EA, O'Connor FG, Brennan FH, Depenbrock PJ, Oriscello RG. The athletic preparticipation evaluation: cardiovascular

assessment. Am Fam Physician 2007;75:1008-14.

Lammlein KP, Stoddard JM, O'Connor FG: Preparticipation Screening of Young Athletes: Identifying Cardiovascular

Disease. Prim Care. 2018 Mar;45(1):95-107.

A Defense Center of Excellence

A Defense Center of Excellence

For Further Information

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