Page 1: The Ponderings of Pastor Beth · The Ponderings of Pastor Beth Dear Members and Friends, As we begin a brand new year, I have “new beginnings” on my mind. After the festivities

The Ponderings of Pastor Beth Dear Members and Friends, As we begin a brand new year, I have “new beginnings” on my mind. After the festivities of Christmas, we can “take a breather” in January 2012 and begin anew. This month invites us into new opportunities. The same is true at church. The new horizon we will be trying out later this month will affect our newsletter. For years, we have “bulk mailed” paper newsletters to our members and friends. However, with the postage costs (including the bulk rate permit) rising and the enormous use of paper, ink, staff and volunteer time in creating a printed newsletter, the Board has decided to explore new avenues. Here's what we're looking to do: On January 29, the last Sunday of the month (also our Annual Meeting) you can pick up a paper copy of your newsletter at church (saving postage.) The rest of the newsletters may be mailed. On Sunday, February 26, you have the option of 1) supplying us with your email address and we'll email you the newsletter 2) picking up your paper copy at church 3) receiving your newsletter mailed (regular 44 cent rate). Our newsletter will also be on our website: Now through Sunday, February 12, please fill out the form below and drop it in the offering plate, return it to the church office (2200 18th Ave. S. Milwaukee, WI 53172), call and relay your information (414-762-8260), or email our secretary ([email protected]). ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ First please tell us: Would you be interested in giving your offering electronically if the option became available? (perhaps x1/month through automatic withdrawal/ACH)

____ Yes! ____ I'm not sure. ____ No thanks.

Your Name(s): _________________________________________________________ Please check () one: _____ Please email me the newsletter. (Each family member can submit an email address.) Name: _________________________ Email: _________________________________ Name: _________________________ Email: _________________________________ Name: _________________________ Email: _________________________________ Name: _________________________ Email: _________________________________

_____ I will pick up my hard copy of the newsletter at church the last Sunday of each month (except July) (or at my earliest convenience.) I understand my newsletter will not be mailed to me and that I am helping my church cut costs.

_____ I would like to continue receiving my newsletter by mail. Before February 12, I will give the church $5 to help cover its cost (if I am able.)

_____ I no longer wish to receive the newsletter, but I know I can receive it again at any time by contacting the church or by viewing the website

Page 2: The Ponderings of Pastor Beth · The Ponderings of Pastor Beth Dear Members and Friends, As we begin a brand new year, I have “new beginnings” on my mind. After the festivities

Church Information Pastor Beth’s Office Hours: Monday – Thursday 9:30 am – 1 pm (Appointments gladly made for other times) Secretary’s Hours: M-W-Th 9:00 – 1:00, F 9 – 12 Church’s phone number: 414-762-8260 Pastor’s e-mail address: [email protected] Church’s Website: Office e-mail address: [email protected] ********************************************

January Schedule

We are having only 2 ushers per service except on Communion Sundays

JAN 1st WORSHIP GREETERS & Bob & Lana Greene USHERS Audrey Olbrantz & Bernice Johnson LITURGIST Kaye Povlich ALTAR FLOWERS JAN 8th WORSHIP GREETERS /USHERS Ron & Julie Borth LITURGIST Brad Uelmen ALTAR FLOWERS Kathy Draver and Ray & Connie Draver

JAN 15th WORSHIP GREETERS/USHERS Tanya Immel & Mario Brown LITURGIST Veronica Shea

ALTAR FLOWERS Kaye Povlich JAN 22nd WORSHIP GREETERS/USHERS Erwin & Judy Lackner LITURGIST Bunny Scudder ALTAR FLOWERS JAN 29th WORSHIP GREETERS/USHERS Elmer & Janet Mierendorf LITURGIST Rita Rodriguez ALTAR FLOWERS FEB 5th WORSHIP GREETERS & Osborne and USHERS Sodemann Families LITURGIST Osborne Family ALTAR FLOWERS If you can not meet your scheduled Sunday or have flowers, call the church at 762-8260 before that Wednesday. Thanks. **************************************** There are thoughts which are prayers. There are moments when, whatever the posture of the body, the soul is on its knees.

Sunday School News Merry Christmas! Our Children’s Christmas program on December 18th was a huge success. We had a total of 24 kids in the program this year. The kids did a great job, and looked adorable! Thank you to all the parents, Pastor Beth, Amy & Jeff Brodzik, and Tanya Immel for their help with the program. Also, thank you to everyone who baked star cookies to be handed out after the service; they were delicious! Sunday school will resume January 8, after a three week break for the holidays. After Sunday School, we will have a Three Kings Cake to celebrate the end of the Christmas season, and the beginning of the New Year and Epiphany. Please join us for this celebration, and maybe you will get the lucky piece of cake with the baby in it. We are in need of candle lighters for many of the upcoming months. Please have your child, grades 3rd or older, sign up. Also, remember 1st Sundays are Family Worship Sundays. If your family is ushering that month, the whole family (kids included) can usher and be liturgist. If you have any questions about Family Sundays, please let me know. Enjoy the New Year, Katy Shea ***************************************** January’s Worship Themes Will “Touch” the 5 Senses: January 1 “Tasting” Luke 2:22-40 We’ll begin our month-long theme of the 5 senses (over 5 Sundays) by exploring a story about Simeon who travels far just to hold baby Jesus. Over communion served “family style” in the Fellowship Hall, we will consider what our expectations are of the New Year and what God’s expectations might be of us. January 8 “Seeing” Isaiah 60:1-6 and Matthew 2:1-12 We will “watch” for the arrival of the Wise Men and “see” the ways they pay homage to the baby Jesus.

Page 3: The Ponderings of Pastor Beth · The Ponderings of Pastor Beth Dear Members and Friends, As we begin a brand new year, I have “new beginnings” on my mind. After the festivities

What would we have offered the baby? What could we offer Jesus? January 15 “Hearing” 1 Samuel 3:1-20 Samuel hears a repeated call from God which will prompt us to consider the ways God may be calling out to us (sometimes repeatedly) to serve, to forgive, to love, to give, etc. Are we “hearing” our Still-Speaking God? January 22 “Touching” Acts 19:1-7 and Mark 1:4-11 We’ll let Jesus’ baptismal waters “touch” our lives once more and remind us of our own baptism. We’ll consider what being baptized means to us today as we begin reading Mark’s gospel. Does baptism mean something different today than years ago? January 29 “Smelling” Mark 1:14-20 and 21-28 Jesus is “all grown up” by this Sunday. We’ll hear the first two miracles the gospel writer Mark records and consider how we might follow anew this miraculous healer, teacher, and divine one. ******************************************** Pastor Beth’s Top Ministry Highlights “Pastor’s Report” for December: • Late November and December are always busy

months around church with all of our Advent and Christmas preparations. It was great to have so many different people light our Advent candles each week in worship.

• I participated in an all-day Advent Retreat on Friday, December 2 at the Kettlewood Retreat Center in West Bend. A contemplative and spiritually enriching day for sure!

• Our traditions of the Hat & Mitten Tree, Teddy Bear Sunday, and White Gift Sunday continue to show the generous nature of our members and friends and our belief that it’s “God’s work, our hands.”

• What a wonderful job our children and youth did in presenting the message on Sunday, December 18 in their Christmas Program! Thanks again to Katy Shea for all the work she did in coordinating it!

• What a joy it was to lead the Protestant worship (lots of Christmas carol singing) this month at Franciscan Villa and handing out the goodie bags to our homebound members.

Board Meeting Minutes for

December Meeting was called to order at 6:32 p.m. by President Brad Uelmen. A prayer was led by Pastor Beth. A motion was made by Veronica Shea to approve the minutes for the November board meeting; seconded by Bob Scudder. PASTOR’S REPORT: • Many calls for money by non-members. Pastor

Beth refers callers to local agencies for help. • A copy of the letter to First Congregational in

Illinois to request money for us to do the repair of the back entrance and side entrance will be given to Brian Cahill for review. The back entrance estimate is 14,800.00; side entrance is $1,500.00.

• To date we have received 46% of pledge cards compared to 60% last year at this time. An announcement will be made Sunday to remind people to pledge.

• Trees and decorations will come down after January 8 worship.

FINANCIAL REPORT: Motion was made by Amy Wheelock-Brodzik to approve the Financial Report; seconded by Bob Scudder; motion approved. Children’s bulletin cost is $105.89 annually. They will be discontinued in March when our subscription runs out. It’s been noticed we have many left over and many more found in the pews. Plowing: Contract was accepted with a slight increase in services this year. The bulk mailing permit for the monthly newsletter is up for renewal on January 8. We would save a significant amount of money if we did away with bulk mailing and went to an electronic mailing or website. Some would still get mailed. CHRISTIAN EDUCATION REPORT: Teachers meeting scheduled for January to finish planning the rest of the year and to discuss VBS. January 8: Kings Cake Day/Epiphany Celebration. MUSIC AND WORSHIP/BUILDING AND GROUNDS/STEWARDSHIP: Project to remodel the back entrance is still being reviewed. Waiting for the bill for the boiler.

Page 4: The Ponderings of Pastor Beth · The Ponderings of Pastor Beth Dear Members and Friends, As we begin a brand new year, I have “new beginnings” on my mind. After the festivities

EVANGELISM: Nothing at this time. OLD BUSINESS:

• Budget. No real big changes from last month.

NEW BUSINESS: • 3 Kings Cake: January 8.

ANYTHING ELSE: The Board recommends a $1,500 raise for Pastor Beth pending congregational approval January 29. Her husband Rich will be added to her existing health insurance coverage. Next regular meeting is Wednesday, January 11 at 6:30 p.m. Brad Uelmen closed the meeting at 7:43 p.m. Meeting adjourned. Respectfully submitted, Jodi Pelczynski Recording Secretary ***************************************** Administration Facilitator’s Notes MUSIC & WORSHIP: December events: We collected 90 teddy bears and other stuffed animals on Teddy Bear Sunday; we helped make Christmas brighter for 20 families on White Gift Sunday and we enjoyed the joint Christmas program put on by the Sunday School and Chancel choir. STEWARDSHIP & FINANCE: Stewardship Sunday was 11/13. To date we have received 46 pledge cards, with a total amount pledged of $50,156. If you haven’t turned your pledge card in yet – please bring it to church with you or mail it to the church office. We need everyone’s support! BUILDING & GROUNDS: The heating/boiler issues have been taken care of. We have also secured a bid to repair & renovate the back (west) entrance. The board has approved the bid and work will most likely begin in the spring. Respectfully submitted, Kathy Immel, Administration Facilitator ***************************************** Giving Envelopes Are Ready The giving envelopes for 2012 are ready for pickup. They are on a table in the hallway

between the narthex and fellowship hall. Be sure to stop and pick yours up so you get credited with the right donation amount. Do not use your 2011 envelopes. ****************************************** Financial Report

For Month of November 2011 Checking Account Balance as of 10/31/11 $ 1,085.54 Receipts 7,313.16 Transfers in From Lehmann 2,000.00

From Housing Allowance $ 1,500.00 3,500.00 Total Receipts $ 10,813.16 Expenses for November ( 10,169.04) Balance as of 11/30/11 $ 1,729.66 *******************************************

January Birthdays

Karen Wentzel 1/01 Jeff Anderson 1/02

Chase Hodgins 1/04 Katrina Slomski 1/11

Courtney Smith 1/11 Kaye Povlich 1/12 Judy Delisle 1/14 Kristin Torgerson 1/15 David Boucher 1/15 Lucas Lewis 1/16 Michell Uelmen 1/17

Jack Pantaleo 1/22 Patricia Switalski 1/23 Tim Neary 1/23 Ziek Buechin 1/23 Jilloyn Sodemann 1/27 Arno Cords 1/28 Alex Pelczynski 1/31

Page 5: The Ponderings of Pastor Beth · The Ponderings of Pastor Beth Dear Members and Friends, As we begin a brand new year, I have “new beginnings” on my mind. After the festivities

January Anniversaries Ray & Dawn Giersch 1/22/1994 Bob & Bunny Scudder 1/24/1965

Moving? If you are moving, don’t forget to drop an address change to the church. This helps keep our records and your mailings current and saves us from making trips to the post office with a postal address change notice we receive for which there is a fee. Thank you! ***************************************** 90 teddy bears and other stuffed animals were donated by our congregation on Sunday, December 4th. The Sunday School children collected the animals and put them by the Christmas trees. The majority of the animals went to the Sojourner Family Peace Center and the remainder were divided up between the South Milwaukee Police Dept., Hope House of Milwaukee, and the Ronald McDonald House. Your devoted kindness and love shown in your donation will help comfort the battered families, the sick, and the injured of these four organizations. Jeff Brodzik Teddy Bear Coordinator ***************************************** Starting in January, the nursery will be open on the 3rd Sunday of every month for children ages 1-3. Bring your child when the others go to Sunday School. They will be kept busy while you enjoy worship. If you would like to volunteer to help in the nursery on any Sunday, see Veronica Shea. Thanks, Veronica *****************************************

Thank you to everyone who helped make a happy and joyous Christmas for 43 kids. We helped 20 families who probably wouldn’t have been able to afford Christmas presents for their kids. I know times are tough for everyone, especially at Christmas. Your generosity is greatly appreciated by Human Concerns and these families. It shows the true meaning of Christmas. Merry Christmas and thank you. Lori Mierendorf, White Gift Coordinator *** Dear Friends, Thank you for your support of our mission and for helping those affected by domestic violence in our community. We greatly appreciate your generosity with your donation of stuffed animals to Sojourner Family Peace Center. These gifts allow us to give the families we serve the comfort they need during this difficult time. We are grateful for your compassionate concern and spirit of kindness. With special thanks, Angela Mancuso/Executive Director *** Thank you for your donation of teddy bears. With the holiday approaching, donations are especially appreciated. From all of us at Hope House, we wish you and yours Happy Holidays. *** Dear St. Luke’s, May you have the happiness of simple pleasures at the holidays and all through the year. Thank you for the generous hat & gloves donation. So. Milw. Human Concerns ***************************************** Thank you for the donated stuffed animals. Wishing you a happy holiday season. Your friends at the Ronald McDonald House in Milwaukee *****************************************

Page 6: The Ponderings of Pastor Beth · The Ponderings of Pastor Beth Dear Members and Friends, As we begin a brand new year, I have “new beginnings” on my mind. After the festivities

Human Concerns in South Milwaukee is always accepting donations of food, household, and personal care items for those in need. Not just this time of year but every day of the year, Human Concerns is in need of tuna, breakfast cereal, pasta, canned or boxed meals, canned fruit, canned meat products, peanut butter jelly, soup canned vegetables, and macaroni & cheese. They could also use dish detergent, all purpose cleaners, paper toweling, shampoo, conditioner, toothpaste, toothbrushes, deodorant, and toilet paper. Simply drop off any of these items in our barrel in the narthex or bring them directly to Human Concerns. Remember: God’s work, our hands. *****************************************

Let’s Stock the Food Barrel… Below is a list of the monthly Sharing Items for our food barrel to help Human Concerns. Please keep these items in mind while you go grocery shopping. Many of these go on sale often.

January Soup February Ravioli & Spaghetti March Laundry, Dish & Bar Soap April Cereal May Rice & Dried Potatoes June Toiletries July Paper Towels August Macaroni September Bathroom Paper & Tissues October Peanut Butter & Jelly November Canned Vegetables December Potatoes

***************************************** In the event that we would cancel worship services or church events due to unfavorable weather conditions, watch channel 12 (WISN/ABC) or check online ( for an official announcement.


Please Note! Due to privacy restrictions, the staff at hospitals, nursing homes, and other medical facilities are no longer able to call Pastor Beth or the church when you or your loved one enters into one of these facilities. If you would like Pastor Beth to visit you (and she will gladly do that!) or to simply be aware that you or a loved one is in the hospital (or other facilities), you will need to call the church office at (414) 762-8260 to let her know. After hours, please call Pastor Beth on her cell phone (920) 207-3889. *****************************************

Do You Have An Idea You’d Like To Share?

A Question? A Concern?

Contact a Board Member: Brad Uelmen, Shannon Immel, Kathy Immel, Bob Scudder, Veronica Shea, Jodi Pelczynski, or Amy Wheelock-Brodzik Or a Pastoral Relations Committee Member: Janet Mierendorf, Mike Osborne, Ron Petrus or Jilloyn Sodemann. ****************************************** TEACH US TO NUMBER THE DAYS This is the beginning of a new day. God has given me this day to use as I will. I can waste it - or use it for good, but what I do today is important, because I am exchanging a day of my life for it! When tomorrow comes, this day will be gone forever, leaving in its place something that I traded for it. I want it to be a gain, and not a loss; good, and not evil; in order that I shall not regret the price that I have paid for it! Whitnall Park Lutheran Church
