Page 1: The Polk County News. (Columbus, NC) 1902-12-11 [p ] · 7wo Rutherford County Young Men izens of the town of Saluda,

A DOUBLE WEDDING.. notice, rNotice is Webv eriven to the cit



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n.c... ..

.; . .


7wo Rutherford County Young Men

izens of the town of Saluda, PolkCounty, N. C. that application willbe made to the next general assem-l- y

of. North Carolina for the pur-pose of changing or amending the

to Wed Two of Polk County'sFair Daughters.

j Cardsare put ; announcing the

v,4iti ter 01 saia town (which charterwas granted by the general assem-bly of North Carolina on the firstday of February, 1881) and said

marriage, on December 4th. of



A well-ke- pt Hotel in the Mountains of Western North Carolina.

Good Physician within easy call. Feed and Livery service in

connection. Telephone in course of construction, y '

Climate, and Scenery Unsurpassed. . Rates reasonable. Railway

Station : Tryon, N. C. Correspondence solicited.

MRS. H. E. GRAY, Proprietress,' Colunbus, A. C.

Hon. James Pettigrew Morris toamendment is to be as follows tn MispMary McFarland of Colutabuswit:AN ACT TO

and Mr. 0. Hu ghlon Hill of Ruther-fordt- n

,to Miss Byrd McFarlandAMEND AN ACT ENTITIEli

oi viumbus. v f

The ceremonies will take pltfc&lu me rres oy tenan church, on


Dr. and Mrs. W. C. Bostic visitedRutherford ton and Bostic Stationthe early part of the week. :

Hon. W. F. Rucker; editor of theButherfordton Tiibune and a new-- v

elected member of the House ofRepresntatives for R u t h e r f o r.dcounty was in town Monday andTuesday on business.

i r. and Mra. A. J. Sabins of Mich-

igan, relatives of Mr. Page's familyare expected to arrive in Columbushis week to spend the winter.

We would respectfully call atten

mbei 24th, at 10 A. M. -

Misses Mary and Byrd McFar- -land are daughters of Mrs. I AngieJucJjarland of Columbus and well


Sec. 1. Said act is hereby ded

so as to read as follows,viz:.

Sec. 2. That so much of theTownship of Saluda in Polk countyand so much of the adjoining town-ship of Green River Township, inHenderson county as is embracedwithin one 'and a quarter (1 1-- 4)

miles square of the present Rail

known, and popular throughoutthe county.

I Hon. J. P. Morris is a! prominentyonng lawyer of Polk county and

tion of the road overseer to thedangerous1 couditfon of the roadnear Scriven's mill. A few hours

!. : 0.mop,road Depot; at Saluda, being exact-ly in the center thereof, shall put in iiow will save a deal of

trouble later on. ;

A nice sawdust walk has teen

a Representative-elec- t to the Leg-islature from this county havingbeen elected by the democrats iuNovember, ; Mr. Hill is well knownin Polk county having lived atTryon aud Lynn for about a yearuntil the past summer When he re-

turned to Rutherford ton to engageih the drug business. It was whileliving at that he became en-

gaged to Miss Byrde icFarland. .

and is hereby incorporated, as theCity of aluda, arid shall be subjectto all the provisions of all the cren- -laid by the town authorities from

the post-offi- ce to the Presbyterian eral laws now in force in referenceto cities.

- Furniture, Cook-Stove-s, Tailor and Ready-Mad- e

Clothing, Shoes, Dry Goods, Tnis is a great improvement and will be appreciated bythe church-goer- s.

Sec. 3. J That the officers of saidcity shall consist of a Mayor and 1 i he news will not come as a

surprise to many of their intimateW. G. Hague and Miss Maud our W Commissioners, who shall"Waldrup of Mill Spring were mar-- he known as the City Council of friends though it was not thought

likely that"

a double wedding wouldi 1 ' mi

Tied in Suartanburcr last Saturday, oaiuaa.

Fancy GThe News wishes them a prospei I Sec. 4. The Jfayor shall presideous career. I (when present) at all meetings of

laite piace. xms was a surpriseto many as double weddings are

w TV WaIVat rtf Tliili or tn Council, and shall have the right to of rather unusual visiting his uncle Md Newman. U questions before Coun-.u;- n

- 1 ;n,.iw lioi ; c ad he shall see that all theMihiv Ninrnd" and has come and Ordinances are faithfully Meat MarketBOSIISESS LOCALS.? K aomo f 'mil. Pnlfc Complied With.

liti , Sec 5. That there shall be anelection for a Mayor and four (4) w V :

The young , people met at The Members of Council on ihe First 'TnS? 5 cente per

Central weanesaay evening ana Mondry in May 1903, to succeed A good supply of clean well x selected and butchered meats, bothappomwa commuwes w arraugc iui ftnd the lftce Gf the present fresh, and salted, as well, as canned, always on hand.,,-- 1

buy Beef Cattle, Pork, Mutton and Poultryat good prices. , Try me.

the Christmas tree. Mayor and Commissioners of Saluda. CO)tN or other produce will be le--Mr. and Mrs.- - Chevalier arrived They shall hold their offices for two ceived in payment for subscriptions

TIT Ji 4aw Altntll " 1. anil OVA O .JS LZ 1 4. 1 u 4 4Va T) rr "IsvOT-rt- Tnnn

guests of Dr. and Mrs. Worth. are elected and qualified. An elec-- FORiSALK Seven room houseW. S. Croker expects to return tion for Mayor and four (4) mem-- and lot in Tryon, known as the low- -

home to spend the Christmas hoh-- bers of Council shall be held every er "Masson Cottage." Call on or W. B. ...BtJjGr'QIN" Next'The Ballenger Co.

two (2) years on the corresponding addresV& E. Gray, Trustee, Col- -days.Monday in May. baid ejections umbus, N. C.

0a af;rta oa Kf fn ' juus. d. jicr ce s bo. inthl8 and look for hsPnnntv cWKnn. ..r hW ftnfl all "e largeTRYON. Subscribe for THE NEWS.W 'tch sign when in Tryon.oitizenV, within said incorpratioB

Stops the Cough- . and works off the Cold,Laxative Bromo-Qulni- ne Tablets

w , i XM i iJunlap, .pi Areenyme-ira- .

who have resided within its incbr-- 1 f READ what the Tryon Supplywho RnAnt last winter here has re--- - -- ...- . J i Al ' 11.1 x : IL"turned with her little son to spend! poraLe nmus iour i) raonios pre-- mjo. uas to say in mis issue cure a' cold in one day. No cure, no

another winter. She is : accom-- vious to the said election; shall be LOST Yellow and white spotted pay. Price 25 cents; j -

entiuea to vote at saia eiecuou. l setter with trimmed tail. Aboutpanied by Miss JTreda Miller, af Columbus Lodgh,

No. 114,Knights of Pythiastalented young lady .who is a Sec. 6. It shall be the duty of the three years old. Answers to name

elected under this act to 0f Johni2ewt.rd for return to C. E.nftt.ivft of Germany now soiourmncr personsin America. go oetore some o usuce oi tne ireace rjustiCe, Mill Spriug, N. C.

. Ini Pnllr Pnnnfp fnlfP t.Kft nftth I ' ?:

TO CtM A COlOf IN ONE DAYTake Laxative Bromo Quinine Tab-lets All druggists -- refund the mon-ey if it fails to cure. E. W. Grove'ssignature Js on each hot. 25c, ;

TJ 1k I'haa H'omfl wnn v v" ' I - ArrvriTrTT 111 . ; .s t 1

have been on an extended visit to Y J A to us, either on notes or open ac- -Meets every

Tuesday) night at7 80 o'clock.their former home in aew XorK -""V iri counts are Earnestly requested to

8Uto are expected to return this mf at once, as all due

L. H. Cloud C. C.

J. p! Morris, K. of R. & S.

6 'V. shall also Treasurer and ana pasvue accounts must oeset--

The ladies of the Episcopa Secretary firing a bond for the tied by January 1st r or eke theysuccessful Wl1 be placed mthe hands of at--church held a very faithful performance of their duties

Sec. 7. The said. City Council; .tw T

shall have the po wer to pass all by Per Geo.. A. Gash Mgr. Mortgage Sale;

bazaar Wednesday auernoon anaevening for the benefit of the newchurch.

The ilisses Embury, of NewJersey, who recently purchased theOliver property Have repaired theoctagon house and are now occupy- -

By virtue of the power containedin a certain mortgage executed on

laws, rules and regulations for thegood government and welfare ofthe city of Saluda and its inhabvjtants, not inconsistent with thelaws of the State or the United

NOTIGE. lhe22nd. day of March, 1902, by the oraemi;I will apply to the County Com-- ! Lynch and wife, Nancy Lynch

to Aurena Newman to secure an in Iluff 'j.. States, and levy and collect taxes . . .a - uii, -- rAf . "NT n illVER MED1CME;m i -: m m m a mm. mwmmmmmaiw m. m m a

debtedness of $28.75, which mortDr. Edgar Ballenger is expected on all subjects of taxatiion not to f Benewal of my Retail Liquor gage is duly recorded in the" officenome buwjuj w; exceea i.ouou mo puu.uavi License in Saluda Zownship onof the .Register of Deeds' for Polk

amarriage oi nis sister, on the assessed vaiue e first Monday in January, Mr. Thos. Dozier, I -r- toVf.-ir nf citv. and lmoose I r County, in mortgage book No. 1 at fXHltVUn w - - - uiuuvt wj w -

! I T - A -' nTriTTATt page 332, and default having beenwhich takes place December 17 th. fines ana penalties for the violatioh , ? V

liold ft I rtJftf nrrllnnnPPB. TTjfi Said CitV I M ' '

i rtrvn made in tha payment of said indebtxne lewpuuuc vw"j --w.v -- . W1 VJ - r i 7 nis uec. ist, iyu.--mT m- - a Jl I " il T 11 Iiava nnnrA-- i rk lav I . edness, I will, on Monday, January

biliousness ana a coated tongue i ,

are common indications of liver 1

and kidney diseases. Stomach and j j

bowel troubles, severe as they are, j

five immediate warning by pain,liver and kidney troubles, j

though less painful at the start, are ,

meeting Tuesday aiternuuu jum i council huix wnw "-- rj

fW nntitution and by-- out. establish and maintain streets; 5th 1903, at abont 12 o'clockofferfor sale at the court house door inThfl ficretav was instructed j drains and sewers; also to issue and

.40 no. w - IT'; .... .. I - . J XI : i. Columbus, N. C., at public outcryfor cash to the highest bidder, toto corresdond with suitable parties charge lor licenses oi tue vanuuii

relative to constructing the system, kinds of business pursued in therttflf. fnr furnishing the citv.

mucn naraer to cure, ineatora sBlack-Draug- ht never fails to bene-fit diseased liver and weakened kid-neys. It stirs up the torpid liverto throw off the perms of fever and

satisfy said indebtedness with int-- '.

erest, cost and expenses added, theSec. . 2 his acu snau De m ujpoles was awarded to L. L. Tallent.

Blacksmith Shop' Wer have recently opened ablack-smit- h shop near Tryonon the Columbus road and areprepared to do all kinds of re-

pairing. Give us a trial. : :

on and after its ratification axrue. it is a certain preventiver a tj: j: --r 1

following described land, lying andbeing in the State of North Carolina,Q. C. Sonner )

R. F. dine V Aldermen. county ofPolk, Township of Tryon,adjoining lands of W. R. Engel andW. W. Staton ) ,SALUDA.

The weather is quite cool. L. F. Thomson, and bounded asJr A. 2horne Mayor,follows; Beginning at a stone on

tW Kridtre force is in Saluda Ward. Engel s line, thence south 32, eastCovil &

the kidnevs. Wiui kidneys re-inforced by Thedford's Black-Draug- ht

thousands of persons havedwelt immune in the midst of yel-low fever. Many families live in

health and have no otherSerfect than Thedford'g Black-Draug- ht.

It is always on hand foruse in an emergency and cavesmany expensive calls of a doctor.

Ma!lins, S.C, Asrchi0,ILI have used ThedforcTf BlackvDr&iihtfor three years tnd I have not had to oto a doctor since 1 have been taUn It

LTuZseZltWTJCE OF APPLICATION 16 1-- 2 poles to a maple; thencenorth 30 east 10 poles to a stone;thence north 32 west 16 1-- 8 polestions of bridge is on the ground at

Saluda. ,FOR PARDON. a to a stake on Engel and Thomson s

line; thence south 30 west, 10 polesMrs. aT. Jones is very ill and CHAS. B. the beginning, containing onenot expected to' live.

It Is the best medicine for me that U ,Stere Of North CarolinaCounty of Polk. V acre more or less.if- - Afa o. a Sonner were WATCHMAKER ca the market for liver and kidr.ty ,: Aubena Newman,

made happy recently by the arrivalof a little daucrhter.

troubles and dyspepsia and oer v

cotsplaistJ. Rtv. A, 0. LEWIS. CJJ. E. Shipman, Mortgagee.Attorney,1Kfitice is hereby given to -- theif TiAman. the new depot

This Dec. 4th. 1902.nublie that application wjll be madeagent has moved here ." '' . II 7 , - - .il 1S ii JEWELER. 'is now yery heavy to te Governor oi nonuwirouua,?Aw- - kept buay on for tto paon of Henry Peek who

"P??lar--M convicted of the crima ofw--

Oierokea Remedy o?iyoi!, VQJILUUUU C-JUU-UL-l

tne Melrose gn. ITbe--. with intent to commit rape,

There ii talk of eottonm 1902 Superiofattheing erected near here but nothing fkCoririt eeanets&

All work positively guaranteed,

-1 Pricea reasonable.

TRYON N. O. 5urco Coughs, Coldfi, Vhocpinu Couch, LaGripps crcliThroat and Lung Troublca. ZilADE of PuroSVEidefinite is known. five Tears in the State Penitent--

T 1 TH.lmn lost his dwelling . ,;and'aU household effects by fire J. P. Morris, 6ppoSite freight depot CUr.1. MULLEIN &.HONEY. tcax Drccolb It 5 C CiSanday wbUe the family r D.llth 1902. Atfy.