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The Philadelphia Experiment

This book by William Moore and Charles Berlitz is the first full-length documented report on chilling and unsolved mystery that has been discussed for years. Now official documents and first hand stories have been revealed. Here is the truth and reports’ so shattering it is difficult to believe it is not fiction. Actually, the biggest deterrent to scientific progress is the refusal of some people including scientists to believe that things that seem amazing can really happen. Dr. Einstein did indeed complete a version of his unified field theory for gravitation and electricity in the period of 1925-1927. The results published in German appeared in Prussian scientific journals for 1925 and 1927. This work that is correct was withdrawn as incomplete. Though nopublic reason is given save that; Dr. Einstein was not satisfied with it as it stood. Significantly, the theory did not reappear again until 1940 at a point after the pacifistic Dr. Einstein had already become convinced that the Nazi menace must be destroyed at all costs, and that even warfare was morally justified under such circumstances. Evidence, which is dealt with in this book strongly, indicates that 1940 was the year that the navy first began working on the project, which developed into the Philadelphia Experiment.

Einstein came up with the theory of relativity. Charles Berlitz from the language school of fame is involved. Not only did Einstein come up with the theory of relativity, he came up with another theory; now whether or not that theory is involved in the experiment or not, it is Einstein’s unified field theory. One day in 1943, at the Philadelphia Naval Yard, something happened. Suddenly the USS Eldridge, a fully manned destroyer escort vanished into a green fog within seconds appeared in Norfolk Virginia and then reappeared in Philadelphia. For over 36 years, officials have denied this, and denied any experimentation to render matter invisible. They have also denied the reality of the Philadelphia experiment. If so, why were all the men aboard the ship who survived discharged as mentally unfit? Why did a scientific researcher on the project meet a mysterious death? If it did not happen, why were identities hidden and documents lost and amazing connections between UFO sightings and events in the Bermuda Triangle denied?

It was on one such evening in 1970 that two airmen, James Davis of Maryland and Allen Huse of Texas and lacking anything to do but to set out with a camera for a refreshing walk in nearby War Memorial Park. The air was warm and pleasant and as dusk came on, Huse became to occupy himself by taking photographs of the moon. Davis strolled around the park and enjoying the welcome break from the routine in nearby Colorado Springs air force Base where both men had been stationed for some months. A moment later, a rather strange looking man whom he had noticed earlier hanging around the war memorial monument suddenly approached Davis. A short balding somewhat unkempt fellow. He recalled noticing the man had a sort of faraway

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look in his eyes. Davis’s initial reaction was that he was about to be asked for a handout, but a surprise in store for him. I notice you are in the air force the man said, how do you like it? Davis responded that he got along all right but he sometimes wished the routine were not so rigorous. Not enough time to relax he said. The man agreed. One thing led to another, and suddenly the two were busy exchanging stories. You know said the small man, I was an officer once; Navy, during the war, but they did things to me. They finally put me out to pasture. Crazy they say. He tapped the side of his head lightly with his finger. But I’m not you know, it was that experiment that did it, couldn’t take the pressure so they put me out. He pulled out a wallet and flashed a worn and obviously outdated ID card. See, he said, Navy, just like I said. Davis was curious. Experiment he said. Just what sort of experiment are you talking about. The answer stunned him. Invisibility said the man. It was when they were trying to make a ship invisible. It would have been perfect camaphlage if it had worked. In addition, it did too with the ship that is. But those of us on board, well it didn’t work too well on us. We could not stand the effects of the energy field they were using. It did things to us. I should never have taken that assignment up to Philadelphia, it was top secret. I could have backed out but I didn’t. If I would have had any idea what I was getting myself into I sure as Hell would have told them where to get off. Davis was wondering if he was hearing what he thought he was. Just what are you talking about, he wanted to know. Are you saying that the Navy tried to make you invisible in some sort of experiment or what? Electronic camaphlage came the answer. Some sort of electric camaphlage produced by pulsating energy fields. I don’t know exactly what sort of energy they were using, but there sure was a lot of it. We couldn’t take it, none of us. Though it affected us in different ways. Some only saw double. Others began to stagger like they were drunk. And a few passed out. Some even claimed that they had passed into another world and had seen and talked with to strange alien beings, and in some cases the effects weren’t temporary. I was told later that several had died. Anyhow, I never saw them again. But as for the rest of us, those of us who survived, well they just let us go. Disability they called it. Discharged as mentally unbalanced and unfit for further service. But why, said Davis. By this time Huse had overheard bits of this strange conversation from several yards away came over and joined the pair. Davis introduced his friend and they shook hands. Glad to meet you said the man. After the brief introduction, Davis pursued his point. You mean that the navy discharged all of these men as mentally incompetent because of the experiment failed. That’s correct said the mysterious companion, that’s exactly what they did. Of course, they put us away for a few months before they did it to rest up they said, also to try to convince us that it never happened. Anyway in the end they swore us to secrecy, even though nobody is likely to believe such a story anyway, how about you? You are in the air force, do you? Do you believe it? Do you believe what I’m telling you? I don’t know Davis replied. I certainly agree it’s a fantastic story. It’s almost too fantastic. I just don’t know. Well, it’s true just the same. Every damn word of it! Of course, that’s exactly why they discharged us as mentally unfit. In case, anybody ever thought about believing it. I mean, that way if the navy ever got questioned about it they could just chalk it up as a story cooked up by a bunch of nuts. You got to admit, it’s a smart move from a security standpoint. Who’s going to believe a certified luny? Anyway, that’s my story.

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Charles Berlitz’s Introduction

During my research for the writing for the Bermuda Triangle, I came across an incident so unusual in terms of accepted scientific possibility of to be almost incredible. In earlier ages perhaps, it would have doubtlessly have been easier to believe but only as a manifestation of pure magic the work of wizards. For the alleged incident concerning nothing less than a successful experiment of invisibility. Performed in 1943 from the decidedly un-magical surroundings of the Philadelphia naval yard. According to one version of this incident a naval destroyer escort was caused by a series of magnetic manifestations to vanish temporarily and then to reappear in another place. More versions that are detailed tell of military effects on crewmembers who manned the disappearing craft and who’s psychological after effects, and in some instances deaths, caused further experimentation to be abandoned. This incident, story, or legend has been consistently denied by the office of naval information but nevertheless appears to have a persistent and ever expanding life through references and print in insistent declarations of individuals who claim to have witnessed the events, which now for one of a better or code name are referred to as the Philadelphia Experiment.

The story seems to have been kept alive by at first, very small but gradually expanding group of believers who upon examination seemed to fit quite nicely into two different categories.

One of the two categories that study it has an acquaintance with Dr. Jessup.

Nothing much is known about the early life of Morris Ketchen Jessup except a few facts. He was a man of many and varied interests; a scientist, astronomer, Astro physicist, mathematician, researcher, lecturer, and author. That is all common knowledge, in spite of the fact he is not the type that seeks much publicity. Jessup was born in Rockville Indiana March 20 1900. He turned 17 when world war 1 began and got involved and enlisted, became the rank of sergeant. When the war was over, he set out to obtain an education. A long list of his schooling including some in Europe later back in the states and used these experiences as a basis of his doctoral dissertation in the field of astrophysics. During the depression years, looking for work he ironically is an astrophysicists was assigned to the US Department of Agriculture as part of team of scientists to go to Brazil and study the crude sources of rubber in the headwaters of the amazon. Following his return to the jungles, he signed on with the Carnegie Institute keep Washington DC as a photographer. On an archeological expedition, which was, being organized to study native ruins in Central America. From Mexico, he went on to explore the Inca and pre Inca ruins of Peru. He came to a conclusion, scientist though he was, that the only way those temples could be built and those stones moved and fitted with such precision he concluded they were built in the antediluvian times. That was his, with the aid of levitating devices, operated by sky ships of some sort. That made him a ready candidate to study UFO phenomenon. In addition, he studied it and wrote the book in 1955 titling it The Case for the UFO. In the purpose to characterize his work as a serious attempt to bring order out of chaos and attempt to pull all the facets of this controversy into a basic stratum from which to make a intelligent evaluation of the subject. In response to the publishing of that book, Dr. Jessup began to receive mail. He received a strange letter barring a Pennsylvania postmark written in a rambling scrawlyhand. A second letter followed, and the writer of the letter had apparently attended Dr. Jessup’s lecture on UFOs, and included in his lecture on UFOs, Dr. Jessup introduced Einstein’s unified field concepts and

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began to explain the theories including antigravitational activities embraced in the Einstein theory of unified fields. In the audience was a person identified as Carlos Miguel Allendae, later that is he just calls himself Carl Allen.

Carl Allen’s letter to Dr. Jessup was to let him know that the pressure he was asking the audience to put on Congress to demand research into Dr. Einstein’s unified field theory and to be made active is not at all necessary. In short, do not ask the government to go to kindergarten when they are already at a graduate level on the subject and have not told anybody. The letter further stated that it may be of interest to know that the good Dr. Einstein was not so much influenced in his retraction of that work by mathematics or in short, it wasn’t retracted and pulled back 20s because he felt it was an error and needed refinement and not workable, but rather it was by the humantics. What in essence is being said is that this passivist side of Einstein made him fear the misuse of it. It wasn’t until 1940 and the Nazi threat that he began to overcome his passivism. About 1940 we also have the Philadelphia Experiment with his so-called withdrawn theory reactivated. With later complications because of human consequences, not inadequate mathematical and theoretical credibility that made him withdraw the theory. His later computations done strictly for his own edification and amusement upon cycles of human civilization and progress compared to the growth of man’s general overall character was enough to horrify him, thus we are told today that the theory was incomplete and closed.

Dr. Bertram Russell assured us privately that it is complete, and those of us who study philosophy know Dr. Jessup and Dr. Einstein and their connections to Bertrum Russell. So this rather casual reference gives credibility to this letter. Bertram Russell was in a position to know. Dr. Bertram Russell asserts privately that it is complete. He also said that man is not ready for it but shant be until after world war III. Nevertheless, results of my friend Dr. Franklin Reno were used. These were a complete recheck of that theory with a view to any and every possible quick use of it is feasible in a very short time. There were good results as far as a group math recheck and as far as a good physical result as well. Yet, the navy appeared to use this result. The result was and stands today as proof that the unified field theory to a certain extent is correct. In addition, on that certain extent no person in his right senses or having any senses at all will ever more dare to go.

While at sea on October 1943, the field was effective in an oblate spiroid al shape extending one hundred yards more or less being lunar position in latitude out from each beam of the ship. The field spiroidal in shape about one hundred yards, the length of a football field out from each beam of the ship. Any person within that sphere became vague in form but he, the one inside the sphere, two observed those persons aboard that ship as though they were two of the same state. Yet, they were walking upon nothing. Any person outside the sphere could see nothing save the clearly defined shape of the ship’s hull in the water. Providing of course that person was just close enough to see yet just barely outside of the field. In the field, vague in form and you could perceive other people as vague in form but you couldn’t see the ship. Just barely outside the spiroid al field you couldn’t see anything except just the define shape of the ship’s hull in the water.

Half of the officers of the ship and the crew of that ship were mad as hatters. A few were confined to certain areas where they received trained scientific aid when they went blank of went blank and got stuck. Going blank is not at all as unpleasant to help a curious sailor however; it’s when they get stuck that they call it Hell incorporated. The man thusly stricken cannot move of his own volition unless two of more of those who were within the field go and touch him quickly or else he freezes. If a man freezes, his position must be marked out carefully and then the field cut off. Everyone that that frozen man is able to move to appreciate apparent solidity again. Then the newest member of the crew must approach the

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spot where he would find the frozen man’s face or bare skin that is not covered by usual uniform clothing. Sometimes takes only an hour or so sometimes all night and all day long and worse, it took six months to get the man unfrozen. This deep freeze was not some phycological it is the result of a hyper field that is set up within the field of the body while the scorch field is turned on and this at length or upon a old hand. A highly complicated piece of equipment had to be constructed in order to unfreeze those who became too froze or deep freeze subjects. Usually a deep freeze man goes mad, stark raving mad. If his freeze was for more than a day in our time. I speak of time for deep frozen men are not aware of time, as we know. They are like semi comatose people. Breath, look, and feel but still are unaware of so many things that constitute a netherworld to them. A man in an ordinary freeze is aware of time and sometimes acutely so, but they are never aware of time precisely as you and I am aware of it. The first deep freeze as I said took six months to rectify. It also took over five million dollars worth of electronic equipment and a special ship berg. Look around and near the Philadelphia navy yard, you see a group of sailors in the act of putting their hands upon a fellow where upon thin air observed the digits and appendages of the stricken man. If they seem to waver as though within a heat mirage, go quickly and put your hands upon him. For that, man is the most desperate of men in the world. Not one of those men at all to become again invisible. I do not think that much more need be said as to why man is not ready for force field work. You will hear phrases from these men such as caught in the flow or the push or stuck in the green, or stuck in molasses while I was going fast. These refer to some of the decade later after effects of force field work. Caught in the flow described exactly the stuck in the molasses sensation of man going into deep freeze or flame freeze either of the two. Caught in the push could either refer to that which a man feels briefly, when he is either about to inadvertently go blank, in other words, become invisible or about to get stuck in a deep freeze or plain freeze. There are only a very few of the original experimental VEs crew left. Most went insane, one just walked through his quarter’s wall one night, insight of his wife and child and two other crewmembers and was never seen again. (Doc’s statement) Jesus did that. Supernatural means more natural. Two went into the flame, and froze and caught fire while carrying common small boat compasses.One man carried the compass and caught fire, the other came for the laying on of hands as he was the nearest but he too took fire. They burned for eighteen days. (Doc, put the book down, saying, “These books are going to destroy my credibility!”) (He continues) But faith and hand laying died when this happens and men’s mind went by the scores. The experiment was a complete success. The men were complete failures. Check Philadelphia papers for a tiny one paragraph, upper half of sheet inside the paper near the rear third of paper 1944 to 1946 in spring, fall, or winter, not summer of an item describing a sailor’s actions after their initial voyage. They raided a local navy yard gin mill a beer joint in cause such shock and paralysis of the waitresses that little comprehensible could be gotten from them save that paragraph from the writer of it that does not believe it and says I only wrote what I heard and them dames is daffy, so all I get is a heighted bedtime story. Check observer ships; Mats & lines liberty ship out of Norfolk. The company may have a ship’s log for that voyage a coast guard will have it. The SS Andrew Fuelseth chief mate Maudsley was secure captain’s names later. Ship log crew has crew list on it. One crewmember, Richard Price will remember the other names of deck crewmembers. Coast guard has a record of sailors issue papers. Mr. Price was eighteen or nineteen then, October 1943 and lives or lived at that time in his old family home in Roanoke, Virginia, a small town with a small phone book. These men were witnesses. The men of this crew, Conley of New England, Boston maybe, may have witnessed this but I doubt it, did witness this. I asked you to do this bit of research simply that you may choke on your own tongue when you remember what year the field be made law. (This guy is mad to have this Dr. Jessup get a law passed out of congress to do research and experiment in this area because he reporting the horror that occurred the first time.

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(Doc’s statement) If, this phenomenon is possible, then there is a self apart from the body, as we now know it. That raises some ideas very consistent with the biblical view of man being a citizen of eternity and time. I said for years, resurrection of Jesus Christ proves that we are just scratching the surface in being able penetrate and pull molecules apart. This world exists by God’s Word. He can pull it apart and put together without the explosion if He wants to. I know enough about physics though it is hard for an average person to catch this quickly. But most of us that have gone to school know that what looks solid is really more space than solid and we don’t really know what the solid is that is the man solid in the midst of more space because if you could extend your sensory apparatus to even greater degree of refinement you would find that solid in the midst of more space is more space than solid in the midst of it. I can abstractly almost feel that concept now. Now if man by Einstein theory is capable of doing this, and we as we start to gain back some of the knowledge that was lost, that was the possession of the pre flood age when men lived and compounded their knowledge and were closer to the receipt of knowledge from God himself, 800 and 900 years, then certainly demon forces know it. They know how to levitate. They know how to dematerialize and teleport.

If man could take the formulas of Einstein and through interplay of field forces, gravitational electromagnetic, and nuclear can produce invisibility and teleportation then certainly demons could.

Einstein had a basic faith in God, he use to say “God did not build this universe on a roll of the dice.” The basic premise of Einstein is that everything in this universe could be reduced to mathematical formula. There was not chaos out there. There was order before there was chaos. Jeremiah said, “In the beginning God created the heavens and the Earth and they were good.” They became a waste and desolation. Chaos is the conscience state to which the Shaman or Shaman goes and then it is reordered. Einsteins says “No,” you go wherever you go in this universe it can be reduced to order. It may look like chaos, but God did not build it that way. Therefore, he was ever probing every dimension of reality with his mathematical formulas. Now remember this, a black hole is invisible. It captures light. One of the things that leap out of this so called Philadelphia Experiment was the desire to bend light and create a mirage effect. In addition, it was part of experiments in magnetic protection to become invisible on a radar screen and as a defense and a protection against German magnetic mines. Einstein’s theory was to try to block the Nazi threat. Now, the Philadelphia experiment says in brief, do you know what a dielectric is? It is a material, which has the unique ability of absorbing the electrical energy or charge without ordinarily passing this energy on to neighboring materials. Now, one of the theories of UFOs is that they have mastered this ability to absorb energy and release it at a controlled basis. To get into this heavily, involves using terms drawing upon knowledge.

Dr. Jessup, UFO expert, scientist, archeologist, astronomer, having written on UFOs begins to receive a series of mysterious letters from one, Carlos Miguel Allendae. In these letters, he is receiving reactions apparently from a man that resents the fact that Dr. Jessup through his study of Einstein’s theory is trying to motivate people in lectures to get their legislatures to pass a law and fund further experiments in Einstein’s unified field theory. He writes the letters to discourage him but also to tell him, Hey, you too late, its already been done with terrible results. So don’t open it up again. Dr. Jessup does not pay that much attention to it. He has other things in mind and wants to go to Mexico where he is studying some strange craters and some archeology. However, the navy….July or August 1955, in a manilla envelope addressed to Admiral Enferth chief officer navy research, Washington, DC. Particularly, to the attention of one Darryl L. Ritter, as it was passed around with “Happy Easter” on it came a copy of Dr. Jessup’s book “The Case of the UFO” but annotated on the book that was written about UFOs by Dr. Jessup heavy handwritten annotations and underlining’s of a most perplexing sort written in at least three different colors of ink. Annotations, which seem to imply the writer of them, possess intimate knowledge of UFOs,

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their means of propulsion, origin, background, and history. The book itself was well worn; whoever was responsible for this work apparently spent a great amount of time doing it. They contacted Dr. Jessup; he was identified by annotations that were in the book that the one who sent the book with the annotations revealing so much knowledge about these things was none other than Carlos Allendae or Carl Allen. Now the just of Carlos Allendae’s postures been stated. He claimed to be an eyewitness on a merchant marine ship while in the navy of the events surrounding the Philadelphia experiment. He claimed to have watched the ship suddenly be enveloped with a kind of green fog, and the ship disappear and all you could see was the markings of the hull in the ship in the water. In his letters, he had sent to Dr. Jessup, he warned against his further experimentation and motivating people to go into it. The Navy contacted Dr. Jessup. Jessup becomes very involved in researching this event, and dies under a very strange circumstance. Some have even have suggested that he was murdered as he disbelieving what the fellow wrote him but continued to pursue it. The last person he contacted was none other than Dr. Valentine, the finder of those walls and roads under the water in the Bermuda Triangle. The anthropologist, diver, and archeologist that uncovered what Edgar Cayce had prophesied remnants of Atlantis near Bimini. The co-author of this book, William H. Moore, and Charles Berlitz set out in the analogy is like David Davidson who went to the Pyramid to prove there was no prophetic message in it. He ends up writing the most convincing proofs of it ever to appear in print. This Carlos tells the essence of the story. They have many people that have written on it but no one could find this guy Carlos. They found him; there is a picture of him in the book. Moreover, at the time the book was written he was still living in central Mexico, ironically in the area of the craters that Dr. Jessup was investigating. He mentions a person in the book; he gives him a name as Randolph Renal. He had no way of knowing this guy Allendae; he mentions it in his letters that the scientist that he was speaking of had adopted an alias based upon a road sign; Randolph, so many miles, and Reno, so many miles, that was near his residence. The Carl Allen who wrote the letters in this book to Dr. Jessup that started the story rolling and had no way of knowing that this scientist had a pseudonym or an alias. They trace him down. They find him living in isolation like a hermit full of fear as though (similar to the witness protection program by the government) he is hiding from someone of something. He tells the story of the experiments. They search this out. They then find some other witnesses. This is the story:

According to Carlos; (the original letter writer who claimed to be a witness on the merchant ship)Dr. Einstein’s unified field theory was in fact completed in 1925-1927. But Dr. Einstein….(Doc interrupts with this footnote; By the way, the most devastating criticism of the Philadelphia Experiment is based upon a critic who wrote and drew his arguments from, a confession by Carlos Miguel Allendae to a psychic research group in Arizona where he went and said it was all a hoax. But he later recanted that and the reason he did was because he was paranoid about further revelations of the subject and further pursuit of the subject and further research into the subject, so he wanted to put a stop to it. He admits he wanted to put a stop to it by trying when he couldn’t get to his letters to get it stopped originally by trying to say it was all hoax from the beginning).

Subsequent fact:

1. Dr. Einstein’s unified field theory was in fact completed in 1925-1927 by Dr. Einstein and feared because he was alledgedly horrified by the possible uses it might be put to by mankind not yet ready for it. This was according to Allendae could be confirmed by Dr. Russell, which is non other than Dr. Bertram Russell. Therefore, the question is what is the connection between Bertram Russell and Einstein. They equal passivists until the Nazi terror drove Einstein to his decision.

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2. During World War II, the concepts of the unified field theory were tested by the navy with the view to any and every possible quick use of it if feasible in a very short time. Someone called Dr. Franklin Reno, a man Allendae referred to as my friend, and alledgedly had something to do with producing results of this stage of the game. This letter writer, this strange reticent paranoid little man, scared to death by thisexperiment that nobody could find until these researchers found him. He wanted to stop of any further discussion of it. He adopted Einstein’s original position; deep six it, bury it! He had no way of knowing that Franklin Reno was not the name of the scientist but rather a pseudonym that he had adopted because of a desire to conceal his identity and these researchers were able to ferret that out by going and eventually and uncovering the fact that he had taken his name from that road sign referred to previously. A Franklin Reno had to be found. He was found and in this book, his true name is determined and with some direst, he told his story, which is one of the strangest stories in this book.

3. The results thus produced that Franklin Reno helped in were used to achieve complete invisibility of a ship, destroyer type and all of its crew. While at sea, October 1943, by means of some sort of energy or force field, which had been created around the ship. The men on the ship were apparently able to see one another vaguely but all that could be seen by anyone outside the field was the clearly defined shape of the ship’s hull in the water. The effects of this invisibility creating force field upon the men involved were according to Allendae, disastrous. There was a special berth for the experimental ship at the Philadelphia navy yard.

4. A small item once appeared in the Philadelphia newspaper, which verified the tale. This supposedly described the soldiers activities after their initial voyage when they raided a local bar alledgedly “The Seaman’s Lounge” and where the presumedly or either still exhibiting the effects of the field or preceded to discuss the experiment in such graphic details that it terrified the waitresses. One is left to assume that the shore patrol was called and that some reporter picked up the story and wrote it up without quite believing it himself.

5. Allendae, himself, claims to have observed at least portions of this experiment while at sea on board the Liberty ship SS Andrew Puresept, a Matson line ship out of Norfolk, Virginia. This was sometime in October 1943. According to Allendae, other men who were on deck at the time and witnessed the test where Chief mate Maudsley, Richard Spicy Price, and an 18 or 19 year old sailor from Roanoke, Virginia, and a man named Connelly from New England, possibly Boston.

6. Rear Admiral Lossen Bennett, navy chief of research could supposedly verify the experiment in fact had occurred.

7. The experimental ship also somehow mysteriously disappeared from its Philadelphia dock and showed up only minutes later in Norfolk, and then subsequently vanished only to appear again at its Philadelphia dock. Total elapsed time for this; a matter of minutes. Allendae says he had only heard about this phase of it and that this may have been as late as 1946 after the experiments were discontinued. Finally, in addition to his then current address, Allendae supplied Jessup with following data about himself, his presumed merchant sailor Z number, and the fact that he served on the SS Andrew Puresept for some six months. In fact, he was in the territory from ship logs and other such records at the dates that he says. They also were able to determine the particular ship was the one docked in Philadelphia that supposed to have disappeared. Both ships, the SS Andrew and the USS Eldridge had to both be in a place where they could be sailing side by side, because Carl, (the letter writer) claimed to have seen this invisible happening

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transformation as they were at sea and he claims to have heard of the happening while it was docked where it went from Philadelphia to Norfolk, and back to Philadelphia.

If the Allendae’s tale is true, if indeed the DE 173 did become invisible, and if the experiment was witnessed from the deck of the SS Andrew Puresept, perhaps one of the best ways to try to learn more about it is check out the available government archives on the ships involved. Were they in the area at the time? They put in a request for the logbooks of the two ships in question with the official government archives. The result of such a request was a surprising discovery that, (1). The deck logs of the Eldridge for the period from date of commission August 27, 1943 through December 1, 1943 were missing and therefore unavailable. (2). The logbooks of the Puresept had been destroyed by executive order and thus no longer existed. Since the only period of time in the history of these two ships which is of any interest of this investigation is the time and during which Allendae sailed aboard the SS Puresept, that is August 13, 1943 through January 30, 1944. They are wiped out from those records. Well, they did not stop. They began to search. What blew them apart was the the ship Eldridge was commissioned some thirty days after these events took place. Ah ha, the whole story is a lie. The ship was commissioned, too late. But they had other records that they smoked out. For example, submarine records of some encounters that were shared with other ships. All the records indicated that the ships were going the wrong direction after they were commissioned. Also, they discovered things like a hurricane hit in the Bermuda Triangle area and the USS Eldridge was docked in Bermuda for a day or two but the ship that reports it was a bit disturbed because the signal flags were not out in proper navy procedure was not being followed as two ships meet and greet. What they smoked out was the ship was built and not commissioned for thirty days later, and with the necessity of ships once they were commissioned being assigned various admirals the minute they got them for war purposes, the chances of getting a ship for experiment was remote as snow balls in hell. What they were able to smoke out and do it thoroughly and convincingly is that the ship prior to commission, was in fact sent straight to Philadelphia and docked there and for thirty days they had the chance to experiment on this ship, and that’s why it didn’t show it’s signal flags because en route to the dock in Philadelphia the hurricane drove it into harbor in Bermuda for a few days but it wasn’t yet commissioned. Therefore, they proved conclusively the ship was in Philadelphia before it was commissioned. They also proved conclusively that it went out to sea, had contact with the Puriseth, and was sailing in the right direction before the log dates were obliterated. They run down every lead and they confirmed every confirmable part in terms of associated circumstantial evidence about the happening.

The Unified Field Theory

The possibility of isolating gravitational field from electromagnetic field. The purposes that they were about in the experiment which was to create this force field about 100 yards from each beam of the ship, which Allendae said created a situation that if you were inside the field the optical invisibility of the ship occurred and the people in there were seen as hazy and went they went into this field of invisibility you had to feel around for them. If you were outside the field, or just against it, you could see the hazy figures within though the ship was gone, you got further away total invisibility took over.

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An unusual report was unexpectedly received by Patrick Massey, an electronic construction specialist and researcher while he was working on contract in Los Angeles in the summer of 1977. He and another contract worker, Massey only remembers him as Jim were discussing UFOs, and how much they thought the government was covering up. “I had unusual experience during world war II while I was in the navy,” said Jim. Not with UFOs, but something mysterious. I was a guard for classified audiovisual material and in late 1945; I was in a position while on duty in Washington to see part of a film viewed by a lot of navy brass pertaining to an experiment done at sea. I remember only part of the film as my security duties did not permit me to sit and look at it like the others. I didn’t know what was going on in the film since it was without commentary. I do remember that it concerned three ships. When they rolled the film, it showed two other ships feeding some sort of energy into the central ship. I thought it was sound waves. But I didn’t know since I naturally wasn’t in on the briefing. After a time, the central ship, a destroyer, disappeared slowly into a transparent fog until all that could be seen was an imprint of that ship in the water. Then when the field or whatever it was turned off, the ship reappeared slowly out of thin fog. Apparently, that was the end of the film. I overheard some of the men in the room discussing it. Some thought that the field had been left on too long and that that had caused the problems that some of the crewmembers were having. Somebody mentioned an incident where one of the crewmen apparently disappeared while drinking in a bar. Somebody else commented that the crew was still not in their right minds and may never be. There were also some references to some of the crew having vanished permanently. At that point, the conversation was carried on outside of my hearing.

In a secure safety deposit box there exists a photocopy of a newspaper clipping which was received from an anonymous source in which up to now is managed to survive all efforts to discredit its authenticity. (Reference by Carl in the newspaper article) “Strange circumstance surround tavern brawl,” Several city police officers responding to a call to eight members of the navy shore patrol and breaking up a tavern brawl near the US navy docks here last night got something of a surprise, when he arrived on the scene and found the place empty of customers. According to a pair of nervous waitresses, the shore patrol arrived first and cleared the place out, but not before two of the sailors involved allegedly did a disappearing act. They just sort of vanished into thin air right there reported one of the frightened hostesses, and I haven’t been drinking either. At that point, according to her account, shore patrol preceded to hustle everybody out of the place in short order. A subsequent chat with the local police precinct left no doubt except to the fact that some sort of general brawl that indeed occurred in the vicinity of the dock yards at about 11 o’clock last night. But neither confirmation nor denial of stranger aspects of the story could be immediately obtained. Damage to the tavern was estimated to be in the vicinity of $600.

Victor Silverman, a seaman now living in Pennsylvania and still mindful of war times security regulations and afraid of possible consequences got in touch with the authors through a third party when he first heard about the publication of a book about the DE 173. He speaks from personal experience. I was on that ship at the time of the experiment, he says. The outbreak of the war Silverman enlisted in the navy. He along with about forty others was destined to become part of a special secret naval experimental project involving a destroyer escort vessel and a process, which he could identify only as “de-gauzing.” On board the vessel, Silverman noted that there was enough radar equipment on the ship to fill a battleship

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including an extra mast, which was rigged out like a Christmas tree with what appeared to be antenna like structures. At one point during the preparation for the experiment, Silverman remembers seeing a civilian on board and said to his shipmate, “that man could use a haircut,” to his amazement, he later discovered that the man had been Albert Einstein. Silverman was given the rating of engineer first class, and according to his account was one of three seamen to know where the switches were that started the operation. He also related that a special series of electrical cables had been laid from a nearby powerhouse to the ship. When the order was given the switch is thrown the resulting whine was almost unbearable. On another occasion, Silverman quite unexpectedly found himself in a deep fog and his first thought was he had been somehow been blown off the ship. As he stood there trying to comprehend what had happened looking for his ship, he watched indistinct figures in motion who he could not identify as sailors and some other shapes that didn’t seem to belong on the dock if that if that’s where I was. Suddenly the deep fog flashed off leaving Silverman in a very confused state and wondering what in the world I was doing in Norfolk. He recognized the place as Norfolk because he had been there before to the ship’s other dock there. In just as suddenly the green fog returned, it lifted again and Silverman found himself back at dockside in the Philadelphia navy yard. For a long time afterward, he related I was left wondering whether I had not lost my mind for those few brief moments. I still do not know exactly what happened to me or the other men who were there. In addition, very important is the fact that Silverman was able to recall the bar room brawl, which occurred shortly after this episode. He said when the captain got word of this, he ordered everyone back aboard ship as fast as we could get there. Tim Wells, now living in Southampton England writes about five British merchant seamen who in 1943 while waiting in Norfolk for berths on Liberty ships destined to go to England. One day looking at the harbor from the dock, they were understandably amazed to a sea level cloud suddenly form in the harbor and almost immediately dissipate leaving the destroyer escort in full view which stood for a few minutes before then being covered by a cloud and vanished again. While the bemused seamen were wondering whether what they thought they had seen was real, naval security and shore patrol personnel cleared the whole area. The seamen decided to perhaps in the best interest of getting back to England as soon as possible it was best not to talk about whatever sort of projection or camouflage the yanks were up to. So only recently corroborated their chance sightings of the illusive DE 173. A rather convincing indication that an experiment similar to the reputed Philadelphia experiment took place more or less as reported and was the subject of a secret memorandum. Read to certain officers and crews from the secretary of navy comes from Frederick Tracey a navy World War II veteran who served on three ships, one of them was the USS Antietam CV36. Tracey had heard about the Philadelphia experiment from a shipmate firefighter first class D. J. Meyers in 1944 when there ship was in dry dock in Philadelphia. Meyer’s pointed out a dock and said, “see that dock over there, that’s the dock a ship once disappeared at” Meyers there upon told Tracey the story when he was finished Tracey “I don’t believe you” to which Meyers replied “I didn’t think you would.”

Government’s Letter of Response after Receiving the Book

In 1956, a copy of Dr. Jessup’s book was mailed anonymously to Admiral Firth chief of naval research. Pages of the book were interspersed with handwritten annotations marginalia apparently made by three different persons as they passed the book back and forth among them. The notations implied knowledge of UFOs, their means of motion and general culture and ethos of the beings occupying these UFOs. The book came to the attention of two officers then assigned to ONR who happen to have a personal interest in the subject. They contacted Dr. Jessup and ask him to look at his book. By the wording and style of one of the writers in the notations, Dr. Jessup concluded that the writer was the same person who had written him about the Philadelphia experiment. It was also these two officers who personally had the book

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retyped and who arranged for the publication in type written form of twenty-five copies. The officers and their personal belongings have left ONR many years ago. We do not have even a file copy of the annotated book. (Doc commented…now everybody that believe this flap your arms and fly to Heaven.) The office of naval research never conducted an official study of the manuscript. As for the Philadelphia experiment itself, ONR has never conducted any investigation on invisibility either in 1943 or any other time. ONR was established in 1946. In view of presence scientific knowledge, our scientists do not believe there is such an experiment that could be possible except in the realm of science fiction. A scientific discovery such import if it had in fact occurred could hardly remain secret for such a long time. I hope this provides a satisfactory answer to your inquiry. Sincerely, Betty W. Shirley. Head research and public inquiries section.
