Page 1: The Pen is Mightier Then Psycoanalyst Jesus


If you applied for a job in some countries, you would almost certainly be asked for a

sample of your handwriting . And it would be the handwriting, as much as anything else,

that would determine your suitability for the job.

Handwriting analysis, or graphology, is accepted as a genuine science in many countries.

Researchers say it can be a useful tool in indicating certain illness, such as heart disease

and cancer, and can reveal psychological states and emotional disturbances.

Handwriting analysis is increasingly being used for vocational guidance and as a adjunct

to interviews. Many big companies now employ graphologist to analyse the handwriting

of potential candidates for key jobs.

But most doctors and psychiatrists remain dubious about the value of graphology.

Patricia Marne, a professional graphologist for more then 20 years, argues that they

should take it more seriously. She believes that handwriting can indicate psychological

characteristics as well as certain medical conditions.

She says: “Handwriting is a powerful indicator of social class and intelligence. But more

than that, it can be used to assess mental ability and potential, whether a person should

concentrate on arts or sciences , and whether they have a devious or open character.”

According to Ms. Marne, graphology can be particularly useful in assessing possible

criminal tendencies. “Criminals all have disturbed handwriting, mostly illiterate and

poorly-shaped . Most criminals come from deprived backgrounds and have arrested

emotional development.

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This often shows up in unusually childish handwriting and in going over letters several


“Young male offenders frequently have very high ascenders, indicating that they live in a

world of fantasy and dream of making it big. Graphologists can tell whether violence is

about to erupt , whether the writer is under unbearable pressure, and whether there are

psychopathic tendencies. Handwriting can be used to predict would-be suicides”

Heart and lung problems can also show-up, she says. “You can’t make a diagnosis from

one sample, unless the writing is obviously shaky or disturbed. But if over a period of

time it changes or become disjointed, if there’s a break in the signature which did not

exist previously , that could be a sign that something quite serious has occurred.

A severe emotional upset can also show-up in a temporarily altered signature, she


People in writing in which letters form “threads” instead of being individually formed

are, apparently, devious and clever. Those who write mainly in capital letters are trying to

conceal their true selves from others. Very light pressure indicates sensitivity and lack of

vitality. Originality in handwriting – how far the writer has deviated from copy- book

script – indicates confidence and artistic ability. Disconnected writing is the cardinal sign

of the loner.

Very small signature indicate inhibition and an inferiority complex; circles over the

“i” are a bid for attention, and crossing the “t” heavily over the whole word is a sign of

intolerance and a patronising attitude. Ms..Marne says it takes six years of study and

experience to be able to analyse handwriting.

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