Page 1: The Peace Merritt, Jon Michaletz, Andrea Moldstad, Job Wosmek, Scott Pithan, Stephanie Fischer, Tim

During the coronavirus pandemic we were witness via the news to many deaths. While death is not uncommon with 7,452 people dying on average each day in the US, the pandemic has heightened our awareness. As a result, many have been considering their own mortality. Have you considered yours? Are you afraid of dying? An atheist will say that death is the end of your existence. When you die it all fades to black, you simply stop being. That doesn’t sound so bad. You lived your life and now it is done! So why are so many afraid of dying? The truth is God placed in the hearts and consciences of all people a natural knowledge of His existence and the fear of death is part of that knowledge. God’s Word informs us, “In fact, whenever Gentiles, who do not have the law, do by nature what the law requires – even though they do not have the law – they are a law for themselves. They demonstrate the work of the law that is written in their hearts, since their conscience also bears witness as their thoughts go back and forth, at times accusing or at times even defending them.” (Romans 2:14 and 15) Is there a remedy for this fear? Thankfully the answer is

yes!! The remedy is faith in Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior. God’s Word confirms, “The wages of sin is death, but the undeserved gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.” (Romans 6:23) For those with faith in Christ, Jesus' death is not the end, but for the believer it is merely the door to eternity. God in His infinite love for mankind provided everything that is needed. “For God so loved the world that He gave His only-begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish, but have eternal life.” (John 3:16) Jesus came to us on that first Christmas morning the Babe of Bethlehem. His entire life was a work of salvation as He lived a

sinless life, something that God demands of us, but we are unable to do, so He did it for us. At the end of His earthly ministry, Jesus was hung on the

cross and crucified. As He hung there, He suffered the pains of eternal damnation paying for all our sins. Jesus paid the price that God demanded from us. As a result, for all that believe in Him there is no fear of dying. If you would like to learn more, please visit us this coming Sunday.

- Board for Home Outreach

Newsletter June 2020

Peace Lutheran Church 2090 Commerce Drive North Mankato MN 56003

The Peace Messenger Worship Schedule

June 7 & 14 Sundays 8:30 & 10:00 a.m. Outdoor, Drive-In, Online

June 21 & 28 – type & time TBD

Serving Peace Pastor Tim Hartwig Cell – 507-382-6826 [email protected]

Pastor Matt Moldstad Cell – 507-382-0045 [email protected]

Office - Karen Wold Phone – 507-385-1386 [email protected]

Church Council President: Eric Woller Vice President: Eric Halvorson Secretary: Greg Miller Spiritual Leadership: Jeff Huber Christian Education: Joel Kom Property Management: Jesse Wolff Stewardship: Sergio Salgado Gospel Outreach: Jonathan Stadler

Jesus’ Lambs Preschool Joslyn Moldstad – 507-385-7752 [email protected]

Crossed - Youth Group [email protected]

Special Interest Dates 2nd Board of Education Meeting 6p Stewardship Meeting 6p 9th Council Meeting 6:30p 14th Voters’ Meeting 11a 19th Drive-In Movie Night 9p 21st Happy Father’s Day

Are You Afraid of Dying?

Page 2: The Peace Merritt, Jon Michaletz, Andrea Moldstad, Job Wosmek, Scott Pithan, Stephanie Fischer, Tim

The purpose of our congregation is to worship God, who gives life through Word and Sacrament; to serve one another in love and fellowship; and to proclaim forgiveness and salvation to all through Jesus Christ alone.

Digital resources at Peace – Happy 2020! The Gospel Outreach Board wants to let you know of the different types of digital resources that Peace is using. These resources provide multiple opportunities for outreach, as well as spiritual encouragement for members. We pray that these resources will be beneficial to you and to people to whom you reach out with the Gospel in the new year.

Vimeo: YouTube: Facebook: Instagram: Sermon Podcast: (Sermon podcast is available on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, Overcast, PocketCasts, Podbean and other services.)

Access to the Peace App through the Apple App Store: Access to the Peace App through the Google App Store:

OFFERING The members of Peace Lutheran Congregation have joined together to do the Lord’s work in this

community and around the world.

“God is able to make all grace overflow to you, so that in all things, at all times, having all that you need, you will overflow in every good work.”

(II Corinthians 9:8)

Please continue to give your offering: by either bringing it to the church service, mailing your offering to the church, or using our online giving option (fees are deducted, up to 3.5%).

Thank you.

Our Mission

Page 3: The Peace Merritt, Jon Michaletz, Andrea Moldstad, Job Wosmek, Scott Pithan, Stephanie Fischer, Tim

Olivia Woller 15 years old Charlotte Ringen 5 years old Ian Chopp 8 years old Ethan Smith 2 years old Charlotte Hartwig 3 years old Aria Londgren 7 years old Enzo Lin 7 years old Samuel Harstad 10 years old Andrew Stadler 11 years old Vera Vandermause 9 years old Samuel Halvorson 16 years old Adelyn Gunderson 1 years old Jacob Klockziem 9 years old Myles Kletschka 6 years old Emmett Lundsten 6 years old Norah Bindert 6 years old Adelyn Harstad 10 years old Scarlett Moldstad 1 years old Lydia Hartwig 17 years old Grace Wiechmann 6 years old

Also – Elizabeth Harstad, Madeline Smith, Rachel Clennon, Steven Henry, Caleb Loe,

Jeff Huber, Kiara Riehl, Ben Moldstad, Pete Schuch, Denise Geistfeld,

Matt Wiechmann, Dean Botten, Traci Routier, Connie Schulz,

Nate Kammerer, Kincaid Smith, Dani Merritt, Jon Michaletz,

Andrea Moldstad, Job Wosmek, Scott Pithan, Stephanie Fischer,

Tim Schmeling, Jason Loe, Kaylee Johnson, Matt Riehl, Alison Huber, Lisa Wendinger,

Allison Petzel, Gabby Miller, Dan Holz, Debra Howson.

May the Lord bless you, today and always.

Happy Birthday! Wedding Anniversaries:

Tim & Katie Hartwig 6/03/00 20 years Corey & Ashley Olsen 6/06/09 11 years Gaylin & Rebecca Schmeling 6/08/73 47 years Tom & Judy Kuster 6/09/67 53 years Jeff & Erika Lemke 6/10/06 14 years Jason & Rachel Lowrey 6/10/95 25 years Jerrid & Danae Michels 6/10/17 3 years Jason & Kari Loe 6/11/94 26 years Randy & Traci Routier 6/12/10 10 years Brian & Val Koch 6/14/08 12 years Ben & Sarah Kohls 6/15/02 18 years David & Tiffany Klockziem 6/19/04 16 years Eric & Barb Halvorson 6/21/97 23 years Dan & Bekka Wessel 6/21/19 1 years Doyle & Mary Holbird 6/22/86 34 years Matt & Kristen Lukasek 6/22/02 18 years Robert & Rhonda Geving 6/23/90 30 years Josh & Rachel Moldstad 6/24/16 4 years Scott & Virginie Pithan 6/26/99 21 years Adie & Helen Harstad 6/28/75 45 years Todd & Ruth Olsen 6/29/91 29 years

Congratulations! May the Lord continue to bless you, and may your Christian marriage serve as an

inspiration to others.

The following was taken from

‘Martin Luther’s Little Instruction Book’:


“No greater mischief can happen to a Christian

people, than to have God’s word taken from

them, or falsified, so that they no longer have it

pure and clear.”

† † †

Page 4: The Peace Merritt, Jon Michaletz, Andrea Moldstad, Job Wosmek, Scott Pithan, Stephanie Fischer, Tim

Jesus’ Lambs at Peace Preschoolers officially graduated and/or said good-bye to our 2019-2020 school year with our Individual Graduations on May 21 and May 22. We thank all of our families for attending for this special day and we thank Mrs. Tammi Emmons for her assistance. These were special days for the children, after our year was cut short with the Coronavirus. We thank everyone who was able to attend to make this event very special.

We also thank Mrs. Tammi Emmons for her incredible help with our preschool these past two years. She will be moving to Redmond, Oregon, where her husband, Roger, will serve as a vicar at the E.L.S. Grace Mission Church there. Please keep the Emmons family in your prayers as they do Christ’s work in Oregon!

We thank God for keeping our families safe and we pray for His help as we make preparations for our new school year to begin on Tuesday, September 8th. We begin our school year with the passage from Ephesians 2:8. “For by grace you have been saved through faith. And this not of your own doing; it is a gift of God, not a result of works, so that no one may boast.”

Please keep our preschool in your prayers and if you would like to register your child, please email Joslyn at [email protected]

Page 5: The Peace Merritt, Jon Michaletz, Andrea Moldstad, Job Wosmek, Scott Pithan, Stephanie Fischer, Tim

Preschool End of Year and Graduation Family photos:

Page 6: The Peace Merritt, Jon Michaletz, Andrea Moldstad, Job Wosmek, Scott Pithan, Stephanie Fischer, Tim
Page 7: The Peace Merritt, Jon Michaletz, Andrea Moldstad, Job Wosmek, Scott Pithan, Stephanie Fischer, Tim
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Annual Voters’ Meeting – Our next voters’ meeting will be held on Sunday, June 14th, at 11am. Our key items of business are to vote on a recommended change to the by-laws, which would officially add the position of “Peace Liaison to Mt. Olive School”. We also will be electing new board members and church council officers, as well as, approve the budget for our next fiscal year. We will be planning to

meet in the sanctuary, but require those participating to social distance and wear masks. If you would like to observe the meeting, but don’t feel comfortable attending in person, you will be able to do so through Zoom, please go to to log on.

The recommended addition to our by-laws:

2.3.c.(1) Peace Liaison to Mt. Olive Lutheran School Board: He shall represent the members of Peace Lutheran Church by serving on the Mt. Olive Lutheran School Board. He shall attend all School Board meetings at Mt. Olive Lutheran School and participate in accordance with the constitution and by laws of Mt. Olive Lutheran Church and School. He shall prepare a report to present at Peace Lutheran Christian Education Board meetings. Other duties include taking an active role in the back to school meeting for Peace families with children attending Mt Olive Lutheran School, as well as, assisting with preparing enrollment projections for children of Peace that will attend Mt. Olive Lutheran School.

Drive-In Movie Night at Peace – You’re invited to a free Drive-In Movie Night here at Peace on Friday, June 19th, at 9pm. We are showing the family comedy: “Baby’s Day Out”, rated PG. We encourage you to bring your own popcorn and snacks. Our restrooms will be available for use, if needed. Please contact Pastor Moldstad at [email protected], if you have any questions.

Solid Grounds Bible Study is held on Tuesday mornings at 9:00 AM - online. Join us for a discussion of the gospel lesson for the coming Sunday. Everyone is welcome to attend. To join click this link:

Continued Pastoral Care – While we certainly want to follow the guidance of our government and shelter at home these next two week, both pastors will continue to be available to offer spiritual encouragement and care. We are available to meet with you over the phone, the internet, or in-person at your home, if the need arises. We will also make ourselves available to provide private communion at your home, upon request. We plan to resume the private communion at church again after the shelter in place directive is lifted on April 10th, at 5pm.

Pastor Hartwig – 507-382-6826 [email protected] Pastor Moldstad – 507-382-0045, [email protected]

Need help? – During this time many are homebound and might have difficulty getting the food and supplies they need. If you are in need of assistance in getting items from the store, please contact the church office: [email protected] or 507-385-1386, and we will work to try to find a way to assist you.

New 2 You is now up and running. Hours are 9:30am to 1:30pm, Tuesday through Saturday for now. Donations are taken at the front door of the former Curves space (near New 2 You front door); however, it would be wise to call first to see if FULL for the day. Again, thanks for your support of New 2 You through your donations, volunteering and shopping!

Do you shop on Amazon? An easy way to generate donations to Peace year-round is to go to and choose to support Peace Evangelical Lutheran

Church of North Mankato Inc. Always shop through (same website and prices as amazon). You will have a running tally of how much you have generated in donations to Peace! Donations are deposited in our account quarterly. Thank you!!

Page 11: The Peace Merritt, Jon Michaletz, Andrea Moldstad, Job Wosmek, Scott Pithan, Stephanie Fischer, Tim

Are you unable to care for your feet? Your church home is offering a service to help you care for your feet and toenails.

By appointment, a registered nurse, using sanitary equipment, will soak and wash your feet, trim toenails, and finish with a lotion foot massage. If the nurse feels further medical attention is needed, she may suggest an appointment with your health care provider. This service is free; however, donations will be accepted to go to a church cause. For more information, or to set up an appointment, please call Amy Jo Reiner at 507-340-2061.

To watch our service live, go to: or our Facebook page. The service will start automatically when it is live (8:30AM regular service).

For recorded services, go to: and you can choose which service you wish to watch.

Just a reminder of the option you have of using “electronic giving” for making your regular church offerings or special fund offerings. Contributions can be debited automatically from your checking or savings account or processed using your debit or credit card (Peace is charged a larger percentage (up to 3.5%) of your donation for card usage). The electronic giving program offers convenience for you and much needed donation consistency for our congregation.

If you are currently giving on a weekly basis, you will no longer need to write out 52 checks a year or prepare 52 envelopes. And, when travel, illness or other circumstances prevent you from attending services, this program will allow your weekly offerings to continue in an uninterrupted basis.

You can set it up yourself by going to our website,, click the “Online Giving” box and put in your information. You choose how often you donate (weekly, monthly, certain date(s), etc.).