Page 1: THE PAST TKELVE BEEN MEMBERS - Lincolnshire'_Report_-_part_1.pdf · ;I Thc Lincoln Equitablo Co-oporativo Industrial Socioty,

;I Thc Lincoln Equitablo Co-oporativo Industrial Socioty, Ltd. ,






DO YOU KMO% THATthe Idncoln Co-operative Society is established for the purpose of supplying its members sud the public with Groceries, Confectionery,Drapery, Bread snd Flour, Boots snd Shoes, Clothing, Ironmongery Goods, Butohers' Meat„Coal, Ac., snd that

DURING THE PAST TKELVE MONTHSit has vham s trade of $660,067. Ite members now number 10,186, snd others are joining every dsy. The prodt during the

. yeW' amounted 824,685 10s. 2d.If this amount of profit hsd been made by private traders it would have gone to enrich them. and the people from whose tradethe pro6t wss made would not have received sny benefit. Snt ss it bss been made by s Co-operstive Ssciety, it hse been dealtwith on the co-operative system, namelyr that those who make the proSt should receive it, snd therefore it

HAS BEEN DIYIDED AMONGthe members of the Society in pmportion to their puicbsiee. Each member hss received his or her share. If you are not s,member join st ones snd eave your money, sny of

OUR MEMBERSwill instruct you how to join, and you csn enter st any time, either at the OKce or any of the Branches, on paying One ShtHing',





Page 2: THE PAST TKELVE BEEN MEMBERS - Lincolnshire'_Report_-_part_1.pdf · ;I Thc Lincoln Equitablo Co-oporativo Industrial Socioty,


:-, ~id. '::

Mso'XsuiXA 5 IcnMMI3 ISA&1.

Registered under the Industrial and Provident SSocieties Act, 1893.

OBJECTS OF THE SOCIETY.—First, it provides its Members and the General Public 5(v th read, Fio~eneral Public 5(pith Bread Flour

Grocery, Provisions, Drapery, Clothing, Boots and Shoes, Bntche» M» yn chers' Meat Coals, Crockery, Hardvvare

Furniture, etc. ; Second, it seeks the Domestic, Social, and Intellectual aI advancement of its Members.

Annual Business over 4930000 Number of Members 10186 Shape Capital ki35 478 19s Bd

Loan Capital, k94,981 13s. 3d. Reserve Fund, k7,985 16s. 10-'.d.Bankers: —The LINCOLN AND LINDSEY BANKING COMPANY, Limited; The CO-OPERATIVE WHOLESALE SOCIETY, Limited:


E:rri YyM& ayf-aihr II A. 11M t at&

arocerr.Purchases from the Co-operative Wholesale Society ... 845,750

from other Co-operative Sources . . ... «416

Value of Goods produced. grot&rn aud manufactured by this Society

Butter and Eggs from Country Members. ..

Animals Slaughtered during the Quarter t—Beasts, 112;

Drapers. Boots rt shoes. Tailoring. Furnishing. Building. Coal

B800 B1.000 B4,200 B70 4280

4277 4203 241



Sheep and Lambe, 320; Pigs, 270 Total, 702.







Central Stores and Oflices:—SILYER STREETNo. 1 Branch —BRACEBRIDGE.





T.::qL ( t;-'AR I'ERl ',: .'ElEE i'I,'bIG (~.IIl Dt. ftlt:Id Ill f.Ile t o=oi, c.lative I IIIII,On MONDAY EVENING, FEBk UARY 3rd, f902, at Half-past Seven o'clock.

The Chair to be taken by the Preefdeut of the Society, iblr. O. SMARPE.PROGRAMME OF BUSINESS.

1.—'Minutes of Ls-t rduorterlv MeetingB.—Admrssir n of 'New Members.B.—Report sn 1 Balance Sheet4.—Pzopo. .ltion bi the Lincoln Branch oi thc Wo~~~

'That the Socle«(»i« th«ui(d Congress of lpoa to Imo.—SubscriPtion to Mabiethorre Convalescent Home

C.—iNominations for Zrlucationsl Committee.7.—Election of Five Committee men and an Auditor.8.—.—Appeal from tbe Co-operative Union for a Subscription to tbeOrre'&t lf '&rrorioh

9—An. appeal for a Suiiscnptiori for the "Xotmsol Liai&orr& I&rr ilririos.10.—Anv other business.


Page 3: THE PAST TKELVE BEEN MEMBERS - Lincolnshire'_Report_-_part_1.pdf · ;I Thc Lincoln Equitablo Co-oporativo Industrial Socioty,

Lfincoin EqUitab1e Co-opef ative Ifbdustf ia1 Society, Limited.

COMMITTEE OF MANAGEMENT.Jlr GL'0 Slld I&l'F, , I'I'c-i Icc(Xl»VJI C()& I.s&)N. True urer

Jli &I( NC&x &II INKFS. S&ccrc(&uy

'&I& (V. n HOWABI)







"&fr. &»'.(i. Ik&&'()8

'Mr && ILJ.IA&l (&I)(.&)b I I lb

Jfr C&IA» I.ES ()STI('(&, iu, I, ,l ..I, L, ,

Ai I r& c- —'Xlr. JAS. OBAN(II'. . &Ir W. P AIIAISTBON(L iblr. &V P ROBERTS. C&. nu c JII 1&B&&li ST&:I'I&Ebb'».' Bco&icg Mcuibcre, cscb eli ibl ('ur rcclcciicn. 2&& Con&en(ice ibfccimgc have bccc b I I I ucg ili Ifi uu& I

(&oui&d&(, curuicuicd for ibc Cccuui&ice uf Jlcccgenuct: — George Bacon, .John Bicb&&rd Cooper, Robert 1&i b.r. &Vm II &' i' I"I, ui. (&i&iI.eve(i. Alu bn y Scui!Im. I'icck S&icby, &V&&liam Turner. Afembcr& mcer, cui vu(c for more (ben I'ivc Ccmbdcice

Vuiu Il»1. I bc gl& n bv merkmg X uppuenc &c the ncnic& of the candidates selected for support. I'acb m i nb& I u u. I . ii u b i. & I i I'. . (»Im pc&mr from Ib pcr cu &vbu cvcc (ben& cui. The hours of vc(icg cre from 7 ic 2 p ic., on Men&lay, 1&cbrccry xid. &e&)2.


I & I L I I &.Ii &

IJr ILI Ix ( L


bfc. . i. . CO( LSON. SHARPS ccd OSTICK. . I(lc.mi, HO(YARD, SHARPS snd BACON.


Dciieev cnd PL&Les)ec . . Jf L.r-. C()l) Ii(i.'(I; .&, I (,&il, l»vl. lxFix(so& . . .. .. Muunc. M, INN&(S. (.'O( I bux * I I IIOWA&. D.Gsccssv .. .. . . 'Messrs SMALLL'lt, HEWSON cnd Tl BNEB.Ret(xse n Los Bronx . . Messrs. SMALLEI&, HEWSON sml TUI&NILE.


SalesProfftReserve FundAssets


XVe beg to submit to you the 161st Quarterly Report and Baler&ce Sheet. The total a&nount reciived for. go&lds g(&l(1 ilul'(rig

the quarter ig 857,602 17s. lid. , beiug an increase over last quarter of 8649 Ss 7d. The net protil, on tlni &Ju&trter'e basin&-se, inclniliu ~

E20 15s. Sd. brougbl fomvard from last quarter, is S6,766 lls. 10(du which sum will allow E1,807 Ss. IAL(b as mtere&t EI,OIIO Os. (Jd. ssdivideml, being le. 6d. in the E. on ibfeinbers' Purchases, snd 824 18s Odu being Sd. in the E. on Farci)aves ol Non-bfouifii rs; ESE& I. . (((l.being 2f per cent. per annuin for depreciation of Branch and Cottage Property; 8251 5s. Od. bein ~ 10 per cent. ilcprecintion»f 1&'ixt'6

Stock; Eds Os. Od. being ci per cent. depreciation of IVIilbng Plant; 820 for Congress Fund; 877 7s. S&1. for. Eihicstionsl Purposes: El&i

for 1Vorkn&en's Insurance Fund, and $145 1ss. Ilgd. carried forward to next quarter. 208 persons liuve joined the 'locietv within. tbe&Diarter, 147 bs, ve withdrawn, and 28 forfeited, making the present number 10,186, sn increnee over last quarter of 28.

AL the trade of the city has been experiencing greater slackness than st sny period since 1879, it is satisfactory ti& see the Soci& ty'stakings nevertheless amountfor the year 1901 to 88781 more than those of 1900, s year(hning which the increase was abnorrnsi. IVe think non&ember will nom be disposed to question our act&on in closing the house-purchasing department s year ago, for &t ene, bien us &o pf»cc capitalreadilv at the clisposal of (hose who are compelled to withdraw money from their shares owing to mant of work. ()ui policv ilnringthe bad tnn&es which confront local trade will be the same as that of the last twenty years. We have made it easy for menibers ro pu(, inoneyinto the Society, and we shell continue to make it easy for them to take it ont, either from share, loan or penny bank account. .

XVe are glad to be able to report increased takings over those of the corresponding quarter sl, the foiloiving new llrsuch S(ores:—Burton Road, 8448; W&nn Street, 8218; Ripon Street, 8204; Csnwiek Road, 8264; Reepham, $68; Sleaford, 8897.

A year ago we opened a Special Loan Account, st 8b per cent. interest, for smail savings, ss an adjunct to tbc P&riny 1'snl. As aproof that this hae rect a felt want, we have pleasure in stating that it hss received, ehieffy from young unu&srr&ed men e,nd ivmnen. the ciaasfor whom it was intended, contributions amounting to 81,561 during the year.

JVe have accepted notice from the landlord of Gregg Hall Farm to give up possession in April. He is about to utiiise IS acres ofthe best part of it for building purposes; snd ss he desired us to quit or pay the same rent for what is left as we have been paving for rbewhole, we declined to retain it on these terms. When this farm is given up, we shall skill have under cultivation and for pasture e 180 acresat Brscebridge and Hykeham. The loss on the year's working of the Vicarage snd Gregg Hall Faruis is mainly attributable to theexceptionnlly dry season.

Cur Bnilding Department has contracts amounting to 88,685 in progress st the Steam Laundry snd iNew Lodge for theCounty Hospital, snd at the Corporation Abattoirs; albo five dwelling-houses for the Society in Queen's Crescenr, , Yarborough Roml.Durin the year work has been executed by the Department to the value of 816,285.u

After several delays, occasiored by causes beyond our control, the Horncastle Branch Store hss bema re-bnilr, snd crilsrged, and ivesre-opened on .January 4th with s special Sale of Ready-made Clothing and Drapery, snd s Tea, Public Mee(in ~ an&1 Concert. ,fu&lging froruthe past history of this Branch, we feel certain that, with good management its future progresr will be steady aud continnous. He, vin- now

provided sufficient yard, warehouse and shop accommodation to serve for several years hence, ive ask the 1&)csi ineinbers to spresil theknowledge of the beneffts they have received among their neighbours, so as to secure new uiembers snd trade, su&ffc&ent to re-c &np rhe Soci( &y

for the capital expended upon the Branch. We congratulate the Horncsstle meiubers on their large and row&n ~ coal trs&le, tbe e&esdv

increase in which we trust to see maintained, seeing that supplies of good coals, such as have built «p the bnsmasib will be conrmne&l, si)!1small stocks kept in our own yard.

Huving recently obtained stacking ground for contest Lesdenham Station for Welbourn Branch l)istrict, and sr, Saxilby Stslionfor Saxilby Branch District, we call the special attention of the local. members fo this, iu the hope that the &iociety mi&y nov. ob&sin sll theircoal trade. Already we are experiencing a greater demand at Welbourn, where the sales last quarter were &nore than ilouble those uf &he

corresponding quarter. We are supplying s large range of good qualities of house conl and cobbles at reasons. ble prices. au&i are sole agentsin Lincoln snd district for "Waverley" coal, one of the best qualifies of thin-seam house coal m Sonth Yorkshire. As it ic»n&ch to ouradvantage to deal direct with collieries wherever possible, we ask members to sp&mify "waverley u when giving their or&Jere, for we feeicertain this eokl will give satisfaction. Wears not satisfied with the amount of coal business done at B)racebridge, tVelbourn, Scxiiby,bfetheringhsm, Bsrdney, bfarket Rasen, Bsssingham and Reephs&u, and it is our intention to take steps to obtain more trade at each plscw,either by establishing clubs or adopting some other means that wiII meet the needs of meuibers whose purchasing power is smali.

In concluding this report, we submit the following statistics showing the progrem of the Society dur&ng tbe lect teii years:—1891. 1901.

175,662 280,06719,001 24,6858,746 7,28ci

110,944 216,660


Page 4: THE PAST TKELVE BEEN MEMBERS - Lincolnshire'_Report_-_part_1.pdf · ;I Thc Lincoln Equitablo Co-oporativo Industrial Socioty,

Financial Statement f&'om October»" &~907 to ganuarh( 1st& 1900.


RECFH'TS. s. d.11 11$

s. d.I'&8






1)~J0 &'




Hy2 ~









Pmperty a e I P4411

henri. . . ,cori«, Central Grocerv

Drape&y snd ililhnery ..Boot &md Shoe .. . ... . . ..ButcheryHides, Skins, Fat, ac... . .CoalsTailoring and Outfitting . .Furnishing

hfillBur I rh n ~ Department ..Hykehsm Farm ..Vicarage FarmBreech&idge, No. I BranchBurton Road. No. 2 Branch .. . . ..Shakespeare Street, No. 8 Branch. .Ripon Street. r(o. 4 Branch .. ... .Welbourn, No. 5 BrnnchMeiheringham, No. 6 BranchCanwick Boa&1, No. 7 Bre,nchSsxilby. No. 8 BranchB«ggholme Road, No. 9 Branch ..Newland-s(. West, No. 10 Branch.Bardney, No. 11 BranchHorncsstle, Ão. 12 BranchSleaford, No 18 BmnchHigh Street, No. 14 Branch . ... . .hlarket Rasen, No. 15 Branch ....Bassingham, No. 16 Branch.Reephsm, No. 17 Branch . . . . ... .(Vrnn Street, No. 18 Branch. . . . . .Hackthorn, Iho. 19 Branch

CoalSr«nch. . 5 '&6 4 7&y No 10 Branch. .

136 12 24 No. Il&F& 8 8«V No. I&88 9 0 &r No. 18

16.& 4 Otry No. 1472 16 8 J No. 1588 4 54&y No 16'&8 17 I J &No 1794 14 7 &( No. 16

To C««h ur.. Sale of G (i









Sale ofNo. INo 2&No. 8N& 4.

No. 5No. 6&No. 7igo 8

o. 9

14 0$7 7$

ll 10&rld 1$6 hf/

Iy& 5&y14 11/6 0+

12 11$17 11

8 016 108 70 7

15 107 38 85 0

Additions to Share C«pitsl ..Losu CapitalSpecial Loan Capital. . .. .. . . ...

Penny Bank DepositsDeposited in Provident ClubDeposited in Butchers' Christmas Club. . . . .. .Prepa5ments from House Purchasers —&MembersInsurance Fun&1 . . . ....... . ... . . ... . .... .. .Rent-, Central

Shakespeare StreetRipon Street .... .. .... . ... ....... ...Great Northern TerraceGae StreetSincil Terrace. .Ee leven Street .. . . . . .... ............Chelm«ford Street ........ .......... . .High StreetSincil BanksBsrdney ...Sic«for&1John Street.Bsggholme RoadFlorence Street .Behnont StreetÃew SoulthsmPortlaurl Street .....Welbc urnReephsm . .

017 6218 6716 06 8 8516 0

20 I 88 9 6

2115 0815 0

29 0 010 6 80oo714 0619 9

86 7 I40 10 044 12 32 0 0

12 0 0218 4

19 88 0(! 08 60 6

85 17 04

14 108 9

12 60 89 88 9




F'50 0 0

250 5 6

Bank Balance« 5 6&F3 5

„Entrance Fees„Transfer Fees„Nomination Fees„hale of Rules, Cards and Cash Boots„ Interest and Divrder d, Airedale Worsted Society

Paisley Co-op. Manufacturing SocietyLest Sok Twist SocietySheflield Cutlery SocietyCo-operative Watch SocietyCo-operative Printing Society. ...., .

Co-operative Newspaper Society. . .. ............., .Bobey &T Co. . Ltd. , DebenturesRnston, Proctor 4 Co., Ltd. , Debentures ... ...., ...,Corporation Redeemable StockCo-operative Wholesale Society. . .... .....,


DISBUSSEIIKNTS.By Balance owin ~ ro Banks. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

„A&rouET P&m ros Goon«—Grocery.Drapery and MillineryBoot and Shoe. . .. . ... . ... . . .ButcheringCoals .Tailoring aml OutflttingFurnishing ... . . . . . . . . . .. ... . . . . . .Flour hf illBuilding Department . .. . . . . . . . . . . .Hykeham Farm .Vicarage FarmCarriage of Goorls

Coal. . .. .. . . . . . . . . . . . . .

IIj!4 I U

"rr r 2&&r

I,l.i I& Rl.L 80I 70H1.9:&r'& 1417.247" lo!



i&r ll &

611 OF1(i18lr' RJ

lri !r&

14 Il J4 H v

(9,122isn(I.I 8(

180I J&(I"

1gr;I '&

lrl lr)lri r!

&r 0rr llrr p

:!OH I,& 0I

7 04 '&

14 IU5 6.I 0

I-& 4J

7 ri

11 lllo j19 0





(iiI '&js


8-10160 10 .&y'

154 18 (i&'!(7 2 4 (r

286 I'& 4J19!1 0 '&F

12 bc/77 9 I!I!t 10

:!..Iilr!'&0 12 I'&(n& 7 rr fill !r 0&lij lc nr10618 U J168 19188 I!J 1((211 12 (I


14 7„Wsese FOR Drsxsruurns Lrnous—GroceryDrapery and Millinery . . .Boot an&i ShoeSuteheriuTailoring aml Out(it tin-Furnishing .... . . ., . . . . .CoalsOfflce

Ws& Es &T THE BR«ELRRRNo. 1 Branch .. O'I 6 6 / No. 11 BranchNo. '2 „.. 96 18 7 4 No. I'&&No. 8 „.. 43 12 0 &r No. 18No. 4 „.. 64 14 0«F No. 14No. 5 „.. 165 16 1fvj No. I&No. 6 „.. 110 18 5J No. 16No. 7 „.. 85 9 Ov' No. 17No. 8 „.. 4(i 8 Oy iNo luNo. 9 „., 42 5 OJ No 1&JNo. 10, . 48 13 UF

GREER&L REFEREE«-Committee and Secreta&y'«Sale, ry . .Auditors' Sale&T. ..Stocktaking, Extending, Checkin ', rkc . . . . . .InsurancePrinting, Stationery an&1 Advertising. . . . . . . .Postage Stamps and Cheque BooksRepairs ..Ralessnd Taxes. .Gss ..Water ...Delebmt s' ExpensesBank Commission and InterestSubecriptions, Woorlhall Spa Hospital,

Co.opemtive Union, Ld. . .Co-op Union Benevolent FruulExeter Congre«s Soil&ling Fun&1Msblethorpe Convalescent Hom"J.Roe" FundNo 9 District Midland Section

Co.operative Union .. .Lincoln County Hospi(MLincoln General Dispensary

5!! 8 ~0/88 17

184 19 7F250 I I&F

74 14 0 '87 I OF4& F, OW

11I& 8 U&r I 8


JU 10 0ls I& 0

II'&4 17 !r87 18 1(!47 6 7

399 425(i 4 5185 8 876 6 I18 7 7

2(!6 0 (I

i 05 0 U

9 2 01010 02 2 0

110 05 5 02 2 0

1,586 18 10860 18

268,874 18 56

Cash in Cashier's hands

„ IVithdrawals from Share Cspit«lLoan Capital

Special ditto, dittoPenny Bank

„Additions to Fixed, Boiling and Live Stock Account, . . .hlembers' Property Account

„Additions to Agncultural henri snd Burlding Account-Msrket Susen

„ Investments Shares ru Paisley fdsnufacruung SomervLeek Silk Twist Society . .Sheifleld Cutlery SocietyCo-operative Watch SocietvCo-operative Wholesale Soeietv

„Interest on Branch hlanagers' Bonrls„Horse Emp . . .„Non-hfembers' Dividend on Sl, !14st 8rl. iu the S . .„Educational Grant„Provident Clnb„Butcher' ~ Chri&tmss Club„Rents

WRGER FoR PRonvr;Tax L&nors-GroceryDrapery and MillinervBoot and ShoeButchering .... ..Tailoring snd OutflttingBuilding DepartmenthfillersHykebam FarmVicarage Farm

Page 5: THE PAST TKELVE BEEN MEMBERS - Lincolnshire'_Report_-_part_1.pdf · ;I Thc Lincoln Equitablo Co-oporativo Industrial Socioty,


To )Vithdruw(iiForfeit. on (VIII(dratvtt)v, &ie&iu&ir&i Iioui Fm. ti Stock Account2(4 Deposit to ihni ling A&comit, ai .&s each

, Fines„1'iesent Ci:uiu ot )(embers .



dI( I I'

I ll1(i f)13 919

By Csp&tal a, per le t Balance Sheet . . . . . . .. . ., Divnlen I un 1(iOth Qusrtei

Inta&'('st on dittoCo(it(that!(i&i

., Little siioive&i isst Quarter for Interest an&i Dividei«i

y - d1st 54« I(& 4

S, itl IX 4f 30(& U aI (03

.'&3 1U

2143,887 I 10 Gl(GMe&'7 1 10


To (7&th&iii isis, . I i'e '&'(&I Chin&i

(i(,443 i( G

'&4, !&«I I:I I

2'&Ik I'&4 lu 9

By Loan ss per last Balana Shtet„ Interest n per ie r, Snls, nre Shee&,. Cantnhnitan

2 - &1.&Lllz I I(i"I & Il. '(t& it la


To )V(th iraivals . .I reer(it ( Ititiim

8 s tl(80 U U

(.532 '& 4Br Spec(s) Loan ii prr I.i t, llaianre Sheet. . .„ Intt rest as pei lu. t llalance )0& 't

Co(it('(I i&f(o&i.

0 s d'&N', 1&


Bl,tlf!2 t'I, ut"'

Pl'. NNY IIANI( A('('()I'NT.

To ipithdrawal„Present cisiu&.

(1138!2 0 li&

17,««G 17 if)&l)r St(hi(ictv (i. pal' i(is( 1 tiiiinci. ' Sliert

, . Interest, ,„Contrihnt&an



I, II (t

81!&.!48 1«10 I:I!'t. I I« l. I U


I ('('i (atix Aiidiri a 4)&litimi. hy Societv'- TotalC i I tht- Qnarter. o n )Vo(k&nen. Ca. t.

s &1 8 s d s &1«' 8 s 4

20,983 7 5 136 6 0 8&J7 19 7 22,017 13 0

Depreciation Allowed by iaaf,previously iilioweii. Be(ance Sheet.

s d 8 s &1

11,704 16 7 232 0 0

From Sale af Live anti TotalFees, Ac. Fixed Stock Deprecuuian.

s tl 2 s d 8 s d81 10 2 0 0 0 11,968 6 9

I)sian eNanint:ii V;il i .

6 s d10,049 6 3



s (1

6BGO 19 G

Additionsthi ~ Qua&ter.

s d0 0 0


8 s (1

Oi, gfiO 19 (i

Depreciationpreviously allowed

s &1

2,986 10 6

Allowed by lastBalance Sheet.

2 s d48 9 0


8 s d4,035 8 Ii

BalanceNominal Vaine

s d3,888 11 U


To Bniances &1

7,285 lb 10)

27,285 16 10I

By Balance as per inst Balance Sheet. . . . .. . . .„ Interest oa Robey and Coye Debentures

Ruston, Proctor and CoJs ditto .Lincoln Corporation Stock

s 67,187 18 ol

24 0 824 9 Il49 «9

27,285 16 10(


To Amount advanced as per last Balance Sheet. .this Quarter. ... . .

g s d38,069 1 1

12 6 6By Repayments ss per Cash Account ...„Less Interest

s d1,048 8 8

892 14 9

s d

$88,081 7 7

Bainnce owing to SocietyGGO 18 5

37,480 14 1

238,08) 7


Centra), Branch Stares, and otherw, Bnsiness Premises .. .... ..

Dwelling-houses ........ . . ....Am(au)trna) Land and Baiidings

Previous Cost.

s d

86,607 4 415,a79 4 34,797 1 9


Qnarfar.s d

OGS 15 G

8106,983 10 4 8808 15 0

Additions bySociety's own

Workmen.2 s d

Total Cost.

s d

1292 10 1 87899 1489 6 10 15,668 11 1

5,105 16 9

41381 16 11 ~81086'74 2


allowed.6 s d

12,8241353 1S 1


PresentTotal Nominal

Depxeaiation. Value„s d

A))owe&ilast Quarter.


804 10 042 7 61218 0

12,b28 15 51,896 o 7

456 fi I)

75, 7G 1914,2724,649 10

214,121 12 8 $359 15 6 214,481 'I 9 894,)M 14

Page 6: THE PAST TKELVE BEEN MEMBERS - Lincolnshire'_Report_-_part_1.pdf · ;I Thc Lincoln Equitablo Co-oporativo Industrial Socioty,

DP. TATE MENTGENERAL S C .To Share Capite, l„Loan Capital„Special Loans

Penny Bank Deposits„Re erve Funrl„Branch hlansuer s' Bomls„Congress Funrl„ Insurance Fund„Workmen' In. u rance Fund„Provident Fu rul, Bank Balance, Balance





e19 813 32 4

17 10416 104

0 50 0

13 90 0

11 33 5

11 10

$216,680 15 8


118 1583 10 250 0 0

6,745 16 7

To Loss st Vicarage and Gregg Hall Farms,. Little allowed last quarter for Interest and Dividend . ~ ~ ~. .....„Shares in hlscclesoeld Silk hlanafseturing Society (written og)„Balance Disposable. ......... . . ........ .....


8106 f11v'

H v

10 v

Bkj02. f'Vv

Skf8)4odd7 fr'Bkfoi9krf9 fI f'6k w'

I r'I srvw'-

I1kvloki8'vBl2 —6,188



6 s752 19426 3801 8221 rd

188 3200 495 10

1,296 0141 7149 461 18

123 2186 10186 279 1274 13

118 7120 772 11

150 0219 8349 8102 052 169 1249 I23 6

206211 15

By ProSt, GroceryDrapery and MillineryBoot and ShoesButchery .Coals ..Tailoring and OutottingFmnishing ..., ,BraidingNo. 1 BranchNo. 2No. 8No. 4No.No. 6No.No. 8No. 9No. 10No. 11No. 12No. 13No. 14No. 15No. 16No 17No. 18No. 19MillHykeham Farm

„Rents ss per Cash Account,Rules Cards and Cash Books

» Inta~ fmm Members' Pmperty Aoeount„Lt ~t snd Diridend, Co opcmtive P,oducMveo-oPemtive Wholesale Society ........

10 10$19 80

14 916 60 0


8,781 2By Stook, Grocery . """ " ' '''' " '4'941 lo 4,

'Dmpery and MillineryBoots snd Shoes 3.073 7 0 '

5o2 13Butchering "-.""""".. . . . . . "" 366 1

6"Coals .""""":"""""""" '

-1,33 IoTailoring and OutOtting'i,833 8 !IFurnishing

Building (mclndmg work in hand! I4 4 0

844 1!i 0.'

1.682 11 Bc1 060 13 or

431 10 !j.BVO

9 .. .. -- -. .. . . .. . .. .. 266 I Bf480 10 or

No. 12 „.. . . .... ... . .. . . . . . . . . . . 1,057 18No. 18 „.. . . ... . . . .. .... , , .... . . 1,4li8 1!i 0 rfNo. 14 „.. ... ... .... . , . . . . .. B,o14 lri !jr,No. 15 „...... .... . . . , . . . . . . . 1,731 1 as'No. 16 „,.... ..... .. .. . . . . . . . . . . 502 1 offNo. 17 „.. . .. ~. .. .. ... . . , .. .. .. 440 1 BrNo. 18 „.... . . . . . . ... . . . .... . . .. 425 19 0 rrNo 19 „ , , .. .. . ..... ., . . ., . . . . .. 266 1 0 yMill .... . . . . . . .. .. .... . .... . . . . ... .. 2.552 17 8 yHykehsm Farm , . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . ... . 516 10Vicarage and Gregg Hall Farms . . . . . . .. 1,416 11 l I—Bo,7S4 14

„Buildings and Land Account .. . . . . . . . . . . . . .. ... . . . . . . . . 94.192 14„Members' Property Account .... . . . . . . . ..... . ... . . . . . . .. . . 37,430 14 I„Fixed StockAccount, .. . . . .. ... .... , . . . .. .. . . . . . . . . .. . . 10,04',! !i 3 -'„Milling Plant Account .. . .... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3,8i, ll 0„Shares in Co-operative Wholesale Society, at 5 per cent . 4,885 I 6

Hebden Bridge Fustian Society, at o „.. 40 0 0Co-operative Insurance Society, st 6 „.. 50 0 0Co-operative Printing Society, at 74 „25 0Co-op. Hosiery Mannfscturing Soc., at 6 „.. 600 0 0Paisley Co.op. Manufacturing Soc., at 6k „., 130 19 4Loadon productive societv (written oo)Thomson rk Sons' Productive Society, ot 5 per cent. . 100 0 0Co-operative Newspaper Society, at 5 „,. 10 0 0Dudley Bucket and Fender Society, at 124 „.. 80 0 0Airedale Worsted Society, st 10 „.. 20 0 0Midland Tinplste Workers' Society (written off)Alcester Needlemskers' Society, at 5 per cent .. 11 16 7ShefOeld Cutlery Society, at 5 „.. 37 1 4Brownfield's Guild Pottery Society (wntten otl)hfscclesOeld Silk Mannfseturing Society (written og)Leek Stfk Twist Manufacturing Soc., st 5 per cent . 15 6 0Bntish Produce Supply Assoc. , Ltd. (written off). . . .Long Eaton Engineering 4 Cycle Co, (written otf) . .Coventry Co-operative Watch Manufacturing Society 25 18 2Lincoln Hide, Skin and Fat Co., Ltd" ~ ~. .. . . . . - ~ .. 128 0 0Ruston, Proctor rk Co., Ltd. , st 5 per cent. . 597 0 0Clayton rk Shuttleworth, Ltd, . . . . . . . .. . , . . . , . . . . 85 0 0„Beserve Fund Invested:—

„Lincoln Corporation 3 per cent. Redeemable Stock 3,390 0 0„Ruston, Proctor rk Co., Ltd. , 4 per cent. Debentures 1,386 5 0, Robey rk Co., I td. , Q per cent. Debentures .. . . . . 1,255 0 0„Lincoln snd Lindsey Banking Co., Ltd. , Shares .. 2,294 10 0 —r!.275 lor 0„Cash in Cashier's hands, , . . . . . . . . . , , .. . , . . . , , , 880 13

32!6,660 15i

Page 7: THE PAST TKELVE BEEN MEMBERS - Lincolnshire'_Report_-_part_1.pdf · ;I Thc Lincoln Equitablo Co-oporativo Industrial Socioty,


s d 21,880 0 0

281 I I9 6 6

172 6 5614 9 I


e 6 . ... . ... 24

To Interest on Share Capital„ Interest on Loan Capital .&f „ Interest on Special Loan„ Interest on Penny Bank Deposits . . ..„ Interest on Branch Managers' Bonds

„Dividend on $54,000 at I/6 in the B. . ... . ... ..„Non-Members' Dividend on B789 los. st gd. in th„21per cent. Depreciation of Branch and Cottage

PropertY .l. . .. . . . . .. . . .. . ... .. . .... ..... 827 4 6„10per cent. Depreciation of Fixed Stock .. . . .... 251 5 0„5per cent. Depreciation of kfilling Plant. . . . . . .. 48 0 0626„Congress Fund. ... . . ... . . . . . . . . . . , ... . . . . . . . , . .... .. 20

„Educational Grant, 1$ per cent. of Net Trwle Profits .. . . .. . . .. 77„Workmen's Iiisurance Fund . 15„Balance carried forward. . . , . . . . , , .. . ., . .. , . . . , . 145

s 6By Balance from I'roti& and l.oss Account

„Bala&ice fron& last Qua&ter. .

8 14'0 0

18 0

9 ti v

0 0V 3o'&o 0


18 11$

Audited and found correct, January 2OB&. 1902,.TAblljg OltANGEW. P. AIIFISTIlONG ! js»liter»IV. P. IR)Bl"RTS,

s d6,74&)

2015 3

86,766 11 10 86,76tf 11 IO

To Stock in hand, January 1st, 1901 .„Pigs and Goods purchased .„bleal, «c., snpplied from Mill„Bent of Field„Rates snd Taxes„Labour, . Balance, Profit .


s d488 18 0576 18497 17 019 10 014 2 8

826 6 5211 15 2

62,135 5 7


By Salos„Garden Produce„Pig» sold to Bntchery„Stock iu ban&i, Deceiuber 81st, 1901

y, s d28 17

ii29&Jtbv 19 051&i 10

8'2, 185


To Stock in hand, January 1st, 1901„Stock, Ac., purchased . .„Meal, Ac. , from Mill„Rents, Rates snd Taxes.„Labour

8 s d1,309 2 2

507 5 I130 I 3824 13 6361 4 11

62,722 6 11

By Sales,„Garden Prod«e, Poultiy, «c.„Pigs and Cattle to Butcher„Bent of Field„Stock in hiu«i December 81st, 1901„Balance, Loss

s d

I vd544 8

lg 10 01,41ii 11 11

118 15 0$

82,Voo b H



bfr. G. BECK, President . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 7 7Mr. W. ROBERTS, Vice-President. . . . . . . . . . 7 7

"Mr. W. LOVATT, Treasurer . . . ... . . . . . . . . 7 7'Mr G. HARRIS, Secretary . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . 7 7

The figures after the Names indicate the number of Meetings attended, seven having been held. The total number of Sub-Committee Meetings being 12,' Retiring Members, each eligible for noraination.



To Cash in hand . .for Gleaning. .

Cards, Catalogues, «c.Annual TesSale of Papers . .Adult ChoirJunior Choir ....Singing ClassGymnasium ClassesQuarterly Grant .


Auditel snd found correct, January 20th, 1909,JA.S. ORANGE,W. P. ARMSTRONG, r.fvsfi tore.W. P. ROBEBTS; I




291 17 114

s d B s2 I 86

15 0 017 I9 00 14I 150 5I 15I 12I 6

65 7

EXPENDITI RP,By Newspapers, Magsxines, «c.' Stationery., Library Garde„Furnishing Account.„Prin»fing Account, ,„LibrsBsn's SsMry„Grant, to Sleaford Women's Guild

Lincoln- Bool&a repsmng„Delegates' Expenses

Treasurer's Honcr&iriumSecretary's Postage

„Sleaford Festiy'al .„Cleaning of Pre&nisse (part payment)

Quarterly Cleaning and extras .„ I snteni Fittings and I,eciure„Annual Tes„Adult Choir„Junior Choir,. Singing Class

Gymnasium ClassesSmall sums

*. Balance forward

6 s11 Iti 0

1 4 940O017 1$8 Ioi 0815 080O210 0816 8817 41 0 0&1 8 0

0 08 0 04 0 I8 81 8 68 2 74 5 8418 0

0 30 4 90 14

ggl 17 lid

Page 8: THE PAST TKELVE BEEN MEMBERS - Lincolnshire'_Report_-_part_1.pdf · ;I Thc Lincoln Equitablo Co-oporativo Industrial Socioty,

The Lincoln Co-oper ative Quar ter ~g Recor d.XEXV SERIES. No. 50.

By the ileath of Mr. George Hartley, on yanuary 0th, thisSociety has lost one of its oldest niembers, who was for verymany years actively connected with its management, first as aeomiuitteeman, then as president, again as a committeeman,and latterly, until his retirement about six. years ago, astreasurer.

Starting life as so many members of successive committeeshave done, in an agricultural village, in his manhood he wasactuated by an ardent desire to better the position of the classfrom which he had sprung by extending to them the benefits ofco-operation, consequently, at the establishment of most of ourvillage branches, anil at the preceding propaganda meetings, hewas nearly always in active evidence. Having lived the life andthonght the thoughts of the agricultural class, his advocacy ofeo-operation was intelligible to all who came within earshot ofhis utterances, which invariably bore the hall-mark of fervidiuipassioned earnestness. But fieiy and nnpulsive as he ap-peared to be, he was really one of the most cautious of men, andhis judgment was rarely at fault. He was the last survivor ofthose members of ours who, at the call of the AgriculturalLabourers' League, spoke at the mass meeting in the marketplace, out of which the old Market Rasen Society arose; andwhen, after years of struggling, it had gone out of existence,and this Society had decided to build a Branch at Rasen, it was'Mr. Hartley who laid the corner stone.

At the Lincoln Co-operative Congress he filled the placesof honour that fell to him with ability and modest ilignity. Byhis high character aml good business qualities, he gained tbeconfidence and esteem of our members, who re-elected him yearafter year unopposed, as treasurer, from which office failing healthat length laid him aside. It may be truly said that he never did a

lighter poztions of the land. As far as book-keeping is coni.ernedthere is no doubt whatever about the loss, but the actual loss theSociety sustains is more apparent than real. Lookin, as we s,rebound in fairness to do, at the poor condition the greater part of theVicarage Farin was in when we entered upon it, and at the increasedtillage value of the land now, after it has been cleaneil and its fertiliza-tion increased, we expect to receive for this outlay in future a yearlyincreasing return of productiveness for some time. It is, however,obvious that we cannot take this added value of the land izto stock,because we might be deprived by climatic conditions of that which wemay very fairly expect it to produce for us in crops. The lanillord ofGregg Hall Farm, which we are giving up, would allow us to remaintenants on paying as mush rent for the place with 18 acres taken Iaway from it as we have been paying for the whole. He thinks it iswell worth it; but if that is so, as he asserts, the added fertility hasbeen imparted to the land by the expenditure made by this Society inlabour, manure, and management, and the Committee have declined,therefore, to have the rent raised in this Irish landlord fashion on ourown iinprovements. Added to the dry season, another drawback tosuccess at these farms, last year, was that we could not carry on pigkeeping to as full an extent as in some former years, in consequenceof restrictions on the removal of pigs, and their scarcity generally,owing to prevalence of swine fever.

In regard to the building department, in balancing its accounts' at the year's end, we are, as it were, on much surer ground than at

the farms. It is questionable if any business in the city has under-gone such a searching and thorough stock-taking as that applied bythe building conunittee to their department. Our members may restsatisfied, therefore, that the building and allied trades carried on atthe Tanners* Lane works are based upon a good business foundation,and may be regarded as useful and profitable avenues for the invest-

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The sauie rlusntity of sugar that sells in London at 21«. od. costsin Paris 81«. The French taxpayer's pay four iuillion pounds sterlingyearly ss bounty on sugar exported froni France. This en&aches a feivsugar reliners at the whole nation's expense.

I& is considered very likely that the Incorporated Lsw Societv&vill take action against the officials of Co-operative Societies in orderto test the legality of the action of such officisjs in ffillin ~ up an&1

executing mortgage deeds for their. members. It has always beenheld that an offfci«I of a Co-operative Society, or any other person,although not a solicitor, could perform such simple service for anyco-operator, provided that no reivard or fee of any kind was taken oraccepted for the work; but no&v the legal profession have taken als&suat their loss of fees, and have obtaiueil the opinion of eminent couuselto the effect that the practice referred to is an infringeiuent ofSection 44 of the Stauip Act, 1891, and renders the persons concernedliable to heavy penalties. As Lincoln &Society has decided to dis-continue iuaking grants on niortgage for au indefinite period, we arenot likely to be affeeted by any ection of the Law Society. If we hadhad to pay lawyers' charges on the large auiount the Society hasalready advanced, the expenses to us at the very lowest computationwould have been not 1'ess than 9660—a very heavy tax for thosen&embers to pay who have purchased houses throngh the Society.Our membership of the Co-operative 1.;nion has enabled us to use theskeleton deeds issued by them since 1888, aud we are gla&1 to learnthat the Bosnl of the Union are prepared to defend sny Co-operativeSociety singled out for attack by the Law Society. It appears to be

very desirable in the interests of all &Societies to have this &luestion

legally decided.


Tlie Co-oper«Five 1'num bi. c&mvenerl s (.'&inference of delegatesfrou& Soeienes iu tbe klidlandh to be held in our Hall on the afternoon

of Februs, ry 1st. One of the subjects f&u &l&scussion is u, proposal &o

establish an Asrocis&ion of Co-operative Choir« for the klidlands. As

very niany of our ioenibers sre interested in the achievements of our

Choir, thc following, with which &he discussion will be opened, is


jt Cooperative Choral Association for the

lYlidland Section.

It &vill, I think, be enerally admitted that during the lust fifteen

or twenty years there has been nmeh improvement m the musical

taste of u&euibers of Co-operative Rosie&ies. If we examine the

prognuumes of entertainments snd concezts promoted by educationalcoiuuiit&ees twen&y years ago, sud co&opere theiu with those of to-day,we cannot 1&elp no&, icing the contrast. Suuple choruses of the Chins&y

%&iinstrel class, which used to be the staple of that pert of the musical

fare which was not buuioronr, have given place to pieces of a uiuch

higher character, regnirin for their proper remleisng kuowledge ofnnisic snd patient prsciice over long pe&nods under a skilleil conductor.When it is realised that tbo bulk, if uo&, the whole, of those who foisn

onr educ&&tins«1 comiuittees aml our. eo-opemtive choirs have to passlong working hours iu forge, factory or workrooui, it says n&uch forthe groivth of a taste fer better nn&sic that bas uiarked the Inst two

decades, sud is of goo&1 angary for the futme. One of the greutestneeds of to-dsy is, tiist the wozkin ~ population who foisu ourco-opera&ive societies eliould, through our edncstionsl departiuents,h«ve their gmmrsl stsml«ul of taste continuously raised; sml inregard to no&sic this can only be sccoiuplished by faniiliarising then&

with good &vork. iklere buffoonery too often for«us the greater part ofthe enterta&n&sent provided at so&ne societies' festivals and soirees,but it is yearly becoming uiore apparent that, wherever a widespread


principles than a Jew money-lender is by char&ty.«and low standards of taste of the modern music hall. How often ithappens that a speaker selected to address an audience on the higher

The other. sec&ion regard their Society as being psr& of a great

national ageucv for clubbiug together. «ml capitalising trade divideuds

to be utilised for production on democratic lines, and for promoting

among the industrious classes a sense of citizenship and responsibility.

The co-operator's ideal is that his class may obtain a fuller return for

their labour than they now secure, so that they may live higher lives.

This ideal esn only be zeached by the most intelligent members, who

are able to reason well and to arrive at logical conclusions, exerting

their. influence in shaping their Societies' policy, and casting their.

votes always on the side of pmgress. We do not want to see in this

country a small enormously wealthy class snd a large poor class, a

privileged class side by side with a depressed degraded class, and

eo-operation is our greatest safeguard against this. Co-operators wbo

believe this do not encourage sweaters by buying their goo&le, .if they

know it; they support co-operative &uanufactures. In the Drill Hall,

on the last two days of this month and the first of February, they &vill

have an opportunity of which they should fully avail themselves of

witnessing the greatest display of articles of co-operative manufacture

that has egver been witnessed in this part of the countzy. The annual

output from co-operative factories is now valued by nullions ster ing;

it is rapidly increasing, and this exhibition is opened herewith the

object of accelerating that increase.

ifroni coinic entertainment, and allowed to take its place side by side

&vith high-class musie, seeing th«& both are potent factors of elevationfor the niasses, in ivhose hearts and intelligences is a vast unexplored

territory waitin ~ to be occupied.

Anyone with inore than local knowledge of the co-operativemovement cannot help noticing that each section of the country har„in greater or less degree, well-marked characteristics of its own. Thisis observable in the difference and vanety of the work done byeducational committees in differeut sections. In the XIidlands, duringrecent yearn, we have witnessed the est«blishment of choirs by «veryconsidemble nuiuber of societies, The annual competit&ons at theCrystal Palace have done much to quiclen this growth, and havearoused much healthy emuls&ion, and it is greatly to be regretted thatthe recent action of the railway companies, in mere«sing excursionfares, hss shut out from this great annual musical festival a very largenumber of choirs. Twen&y-&wo choir«, numbering gug65 persons,who attended the festival in 1800, gave &lus as their reason for beingabsent in 1901. A joint committee of co-operative, religious andtemperance musical organization has laid before the Clearing HouseMeeting of Railway Alan«gers a strong case for reverting to the oldterms of 1899, namely, half the excursion fares; but this was refused,and an application to have the 25 per cent. „recent increase inexcursion fares, taken off, was refused also.

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Now, as the amount to be paid for the journey to London and

bask is so large as to prohibit many cboirs froxu taking part in the

Crystal Palace festival, and when xt xs considered also that each singer

loses the Saturday*s wages, it appears necessary that &ve should adapt

ourselves to the altered conditions by establishin ~ in the blidlsnds an

aasociatiou, the dnty of which should be to bung all om ca-operative

choirs into close touch with each other; aml, in arrler to ascertain

the views of societies as to whether. this xs desirable and feasible, the

subject is submitted for considers, tion to a Sectional Conference by

the Slidlaud Boar&h As it is a&lvissbls that some outlrns of its con-

stitntiou, however rough, should be presented, 1 snbxuif, —1. That each choir should contubute sn annnal subscription to a

general or central fund, per. capita of xts competing rneuxbers;

2. That the amount of such subscription should come from the

educational grant of each society;

S. That each choir should be entitled to appoint two representa-

tives upou a provisional committee;

4. That the business of this couuuittee should be to &1rsw up and

subruit for adoption to each choir. comxuittee n constitution and rules

such ss they consirler most suitable for a Co-operatrve Choral Associa-

tion en&bracing the lilidland section;

5. That the provisional committee shaulrl be allowed one year, or

less, as may be decided, to perfect their scheme. and that the expenses

of each xuember of it should be pai&l by the body whom he or she


So much for provisional axxsngenxeuts. As regards the workof

an Association, my view is that it should promote an annus, l assembly

either of the whole or part of the cboirs, either in one of a few centres

or in one of four or five dist&net sub-centres. Suitable centres for

a full sectional Choral Eestxval would be Nattingbam, Derby and

Leicester. Suitable centres for sub - sectional festivals would be

Northamptou, Kettering, Lincoln, Birmingham, Burton, Stafi'ord,

Worcester aud Peterborough, aud other towns that coulrl be named.

As regards the programme st each, that is a rualrer which the

Association itself, knowing xts own needs s,nrl capabilities best, au&st

necessarily determine; but I venture to suggest, tbn, t at each place

competitions should be held, not of full choir against full choir, but

competitions by bodies of picked voices, singing glees snd madrigals

without accompanimeut. These couxpositions nre essentially English

and are confined to England, the names as well as the things theru-

selves. The oldest one of all dates back to very early in the 18thcentury. The madrigal reached xrs zenith in the reign of Elizabeth;but fhe glee proper, for male voices unaccompanied, was not known

before the Commouwealth. Such coutests would enhance interest

and stimulate emulation, aml the necessary practice would be the best

possible education in part singing. To emphasize what I mean, tothose wellacqusintedwitbtbeikfidlsad Section, I have only tan&eat&au

the "finished work of the Belper Orpheus Glee Singers, ** and that of the

"Tap Bat" male voice Choir. , who earned so ranch for the distressed

sufferers from the great colliery rlispute of a few yenrs ago. I sub&nit

this, as I have stated, simply as an expression of my own view.

Should an Association be faxsned, it may probably come to a diferentconclusion in regard to its own work.

yudging by the course takeu at Sliddlesborough Congress in

creating abroad representative Co-operative Exbibirions Committee.

it appears likely that future exhibitions will be of a sectional orsub-sectional character. Now, if a Choral Association could, wherever

possible, cn-operate with a sectional exhibition by haldin ~ one of itsassemblies on the conclnding iSatnrday, iu a hsII in the same town,

it would share the advantage of cheap rail fares, and add greatly iothe snccess and completeness of the vrbole Co-operative Demonstration,ss an object lesson, for the value of union ammated by intelligence isnever more happily expressed or more visible than in the execution

of goad uuxsie by a well-trained choir.

To place this &Iaestiau iu proper order for a discussion, I will

eat&elude by moving: —That from each Choir Committee here repre-

seuted twa xuembers be elected to farm a Provisional Camnxittee,

which shall hold its first meeting to cleat 8 Chairman and Secretsry,at tke conclusion of this Conference.

Sheets of NeighbouringGlesninjfs from Balftnce


PRTL'RBOROUGH —X)gth Quarterended Oct. 1st, 1901

s d

Sales . . . . . . .. . , .. . . 44,825 ia 71Share Capital . . . . .... 83,460 7 9

Reserve Pund . . . . . . . . 3, &98 17 1

Divi&innd . . . . . . .... . . 0 v 0

Asset . . . . . . . .. .. , &J6,333 1& 94

The present number of members is

7,975 The trade receipts are B767over those of the correspon&iing quarter

lant year. The output of bread last

quarter was 342 tons. Small local

committees are to be formed at theXvhittinsea and Stamford Branches.The Committee express their satis-

faction with the progress and position

occupied by the Society in face of the

great shrinkage ia the general trn. de ofthe country. In some departmentsthere is a slight &I&arena in the Society's

turnover, tc some extent caused byio&ver prices of goods, than those ruiioginst year. The average of purchases

per member is Z5 lls 2d

GAINSBOROUGH. —&17th Quarter.ended Sept 3rd 1901

s 6Sales . . .. . . .. . . . . . . . . 15,398 1 11Share Capital . . . . .. . . 3'3,832 15 10Reserve Fund . ... .. . . &J76 18 7Dividend ... . . ... . . . . 0 1Assets .. . . .. .. . . . . . . 37,082 17 2

The presnat number of members is'3,410. The trade receipts are g289over those of the ccrrespcn&iing Quar-,ter. Over 87 tons of bread were baked


during the Quarter. The avnrnge of i

purchases pnr member is $6 Vn. 8d

118th Quarter ended Dec. 3rd, 1901.n

Sales .. .... . ... ... . . . 10,604 18 91Share Capital . . .. . . . . 33,789 17 8Reserve Pand . . .... . . 988 &7 10Dividend . . . . .... .... 0 1 7Assets .. ...... ... . . . 38,3n5 12 21

The sales am B32below those of thecorresponding quarter. Tbe bakeryoutput of bread was 93 tons, and &,0294tons of coal weze sold during the quar-ter, and goods to the veins of 58,625were purchased from Co-operativesources.

BOSTON.—85th Quarter emled Sept.26th, 1901.

n dSalsa . . .... . . .. . . .. .. 6,010 17 ri

Share Capital. . .. .. .. .. 8,005 1&i 71Reserve 'Fun&i. . . . .. . . .. '&&ra 0 0Dividend. . .. .. . . . . . . .. 0 1 2Assets ... . .. . . .. . . . . . , 11,805 9 1

GtubfSBY, —Quarter ended Sept. '&6th

1901.B s

Sales . . . . .. . ... . . . . . . 1'J,692Share Capital . . . .... . 18,698 12 9Reserve Fund .. . . . . .. 1,215 16 1Dividend .. . . .. . . .... 0 I 5Assets .... . . . . . . . . .. 6&J,b'35 7 6

Disorganisaiion in the trade of thetown, owing to the dispute in thefishing business, han checked the growtiiof the Society tc a considerable extent,but the salas, notwithstanding, shaw aninnrenss of B878 over those of the cor-responding Quarter last year. Thesum of 2400, gxvnn by the Co-opera-tive Wholesale Society towards therelief nf the distress in the town wasdistzibutnd in coupons, vrhich were ex-changed for goods at the Stores. Therate of dividend payable to non-xuem-bnrs has been reduced to gd. in the B.Pour new shops and a rending roomnow being built will be entered uponearly in 1902.

There is a decrease of B1,066 in thetrade, compared with that of the cor-responding Quarter, which rs accountedfoz by the trade between the butcherydepartment and the London markets.heretofore carried on, being now dis-coatinueri. There is an increase of$60 in the pzett, and the membershiphas increaseR by ten. The membemput into the Society B&00 during theQuarter, snd withdrew from it B88ibThe position of the Society is slowlybut steadily ixuproving judging from itsaccounts.

GRANTHAfd. —114th Quarter ended28th Sept, 1901.

s dSales . . . . ..... . . . . . .. 6,822 17 10Shave Capital .. . . .. . . 14.5»'5 10 5dReserve Fund .. .. . . . 225 13 9Dividend. .. . . . . .. .. 0 0 9Assets ... . .... ...... 21 652 2 106

The right of the members to with-draw Share Capital has been suspendedfor a time, in ancozdance with Rule,owing to the Society's snaneial positionhaving been threatened. This wisecourse, and a reduction in the workingexpenses, corresponding to tne dsomase

SCUNTHORPS —109th Quarter endedSept 3rd, 1901.

Sales ... . . . ... . ,Shaze CapitalReverve FundDividendAssets

s9,121 1 7

14,754 16 10711 18 4

0 1 717,208 2 ld

Con&musd &iepresnrcn in the iron

and steel trade bas nnununiy nsecrnrl

the Society's tra&ie, the receipts for

goods sold being ines by B2.989 than in

the norrnspondin pnrio&i last year.There is also a sxnaii decrease rn nrem-

bership cn.u nd by re&novels from thedistrict. A. loss in the butchering &ie-

partmnnt, attributed to the hot weather,has lessened the amount ave&rabin fordividend, causing a decrease of 8d in

,the B. The Committee point out that

I for more than 20 vears the Socinrv bas

,r had no snuous loss, nnd they ask for

the loyal support of the members nc&v

that tiade slackness is upon them.The advisability of commencing n, dailyvsn delivery of bread and confectioneryis being cousidered.

110th Quarter nnrlnd Dec. 3rd, 1!)01s d

Sales . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . 9,378 15 61Share Capital .. . . .. . . 14,'212 1'& 7

, RenexveFund . . . . . . . . 731 8 4r Dividend . . . . . . .. . . . . 0 I 9

Assets . . ... . . . . . . . . . 17,197 10 5

The sales are 2282 more in amountthan those of the prnendrng quarter,bot less by B1,994 than in the corzes-

poding quarter of last year. The reportstates that 1901 was a year of excnp-tiooai depression m the iocni trade, towhich alone is attributable the decreasein the Society's tmds recexpts, and thelessened dividend. A report has beencirculated by enemies of co-operationthat the Society was "breaking, " butthe report calls attenxiou to the re-serve fund and depreciation, and to theunassailable S&nanciai positron of theSociety, and charactnrinns the report an

an absurdity. Compietien of a newbranch, being built, xs delayed owingto difSculty in obtaining terra cottamaterial delivery of which wns pro-mised in September Daily deliveriesof bread by the Society have in'ough&

increaserl broad trarln A. clearancesale of old stock of drapery, miiiiunry,clothing and boots is announced.


Page 11: THE PAST TKELVE BEEN MEMBERS - Lincolnshire'_Report_-_part_1.pdf · ;I Thc Lincoln Equitablo Co-oporativo Industrial Socioty,



SalesShare CapitalReserve Fund

51st Quarter ended28th, 1901.

s d5.875 18 92,828 5 3

492 .17 6

in the sales, together with the continued i

loyalty of the bulk of the members,uotwithstaudic depression in the tradeof the teivn, will, the Committee believe,augment the sum available for dividend

and restore the Society te its formerposition. The action of the Committeehas received &he support of the zuembezsai, s, general meeting, anil the trade isne&v showing an upward tendency.

VEIVARK. 94th Quarter ended 17thSeptember, 1901.

s dSales . . .. .... ... . . . .. 2,247 15 Qgi

Share Capital. . . .... . .. 2,716 14 4Beserve Fund. . .. ...... 35 0 0Dividend. .... . . . .... .. 0 0 11Assets ..... . .. . . .. .. c,178 8 2

The sales are grea'. er in amount byZI99 than those of the correspondingquarter last yeaz. Propaganda meetingshave been held, and a canvass of theworking classes ms, de by Mr. Gri%ths,agent and organizer of the yoint Propa-ganda Committee. Prospects of morerapid progress of this Suciety seemfavourable at the present time, owingte an ingux of workpeople into the neweng&ace&Tug works resent(7 establishedat Newark

RETFORD. —114th Quarter endedOctober 22nd, 1901.

s dSales . . . . . . .. . . ...... '1,163 7 8Share Capital. ... . . .. . . 3,212 15 4Reserve Fund. . ..... . .. 44 4 2Dividend. . ........ .. . . 0 I 9Assets ...... .. .. .... .. 4,c64 17 11

SPALDING. —41st Quarter ended 26thSeptember, 1901.

3 sSales .. .. . .. ........ 2,165 12 IShare Capital. . . , . . . , ., 2,481 15 6Reserve Fund. . . . . . .... - 38 0 0Dividend . . ... . ..... . .. 0 I 4Assets . . . ........... .. 8,980 I 6

LOUTB. —56th Quarter ended 26thSeptember, 1901.

s de,529 7 5$4,607 15 8

144 10 60 I 7

5,146 10 4

SalesShare CapitalReserve Fun&iDividend. . . .Assets .. .. . .

s dDividend .. . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 I 10Assets . . . . . . .. . . .. .... 9,685 9 3$

The sales exceed those of the cer-responding quarter by 6669, and tbegeneral position of the Society, as dis-closed by the accounts, is very satis-factory. The Branch recently openedat Suttz n Bridge did a business of $418during the quarter.

POI3t IIIIII P,M ~~""'.3V ilNT.We are to have the very Best Stock of Spring and buinmer Goods

that we have i,ver had, both in Quality and Price.

Ladies' Shoes from 2/1 1, aud Children's from I/1 f.You will do well to come and have a look round. You cR know

our Old Lines.

Ladies' l1igh-Lcg Kid, Button and Lace, from 3/II, andGolosh from 6/II, aud Children's Plain aud Nuggcttcd 7

8, 0, dt Io, from 2/II; sf, IR, 13 gc I, from 3/9, audwe have a large sale in Men's Working Boots from 4/II.

Come and scc for yourselves.ZNHEATSHEAF BRANDS IN ALL SHAPES.

Bring your Repairs to whore the Best leather is used, audGood Yiforkmaushfp, aud fair wage is paid.





We have decided that ouz next Half-year'iy learanceSale shall commence on Monday, Fetzrtsat'y I Oth, and itwiR be continued during that Week only.

We hope then to oger such Baigains that will uphold( the

Genuine Character of orm Sales. All Goods will be Reduced ilurin

that week, anil Remnants will as usual be a Special Feature.






So)d only at the Stores.

TRI t10$|QG DEl 2 P,T~M Ej'lT.Our Bespoke Department is replete with aR the Latest, Designs in



And SCOTCH and IRISH TWEEDS,By the Best Ihzown Makers.


IlP."l."'lltitfit~itt( 4 I:V!~ I~mt tmI, Itt.

Gent's Silt and Felt Hats in ail the Leading Styies (Trade Union).Hen's and Boys' Caps of every description.

Shirts. Collars, Ties& Handkerchiefs, UmbreUas, Gloves, ac.Also a good selection of Gents' Soiitaties, Cuff Lfnks, Studs, kc.

Gents' Hose and Half-Hose.

Shirts and Pants of every Description and (fuaUty.Co-opezativa Hake.

SH Leicestm

Special Notice. —Gents' UmbveBas Re-covered at the foBowingprices, 2 9& 3/6 RRd 3/11.

Special —Splendid Rainproof Goats from 3 . 'nn to measure.

READY «IAL/E DEf ~C III'.If T.Our Ready-made Departmem coinprises - (iood and Ciioice Selection ofMen's Twoed Suits from 26 - to 26 -, Mcu's Black Vicuna Suits,Youths' Tweed Suits, Juvenile Suits in avery shape and style,in which we are not to be szzzpassed by anv other House in the Cizv,either for Cheapness, Durabilitv, Economy, or Wear.

Y(faterproofs ready-made from 22 6.

Page 12: THE PAST TKELVE BEEN MEMBERS - Lincolnshire'_Report_-_part_1.pdf · ;I Thc Lincoln Equitablo Co-oporativo Industrial Socioty,

The Free School Lane

Furn &sh & ng Department.BUILOINI'I DEPARTMEN i


Is stocked with a splendid ascortmeut of all kinds of


Drawing Room Suites, Dining Room Suites,Sideboards, Cheffoniers, Overmantels,

Bedroom and Kitchen Furniture, Bedsteads,Bedding, Mattresses, Oilcloth, and Linoleums

A splendid range of Carpets and Rugs, SewingMachines, Prams and Mail Carts.





Situated in tha Itaserueut, we have au

Up-to-date Stock of all kinds of Designs and Tints.Dinner Sets, Teu, Sets, Toilet Sets, Trinket Sets, and

China and Earthenware of every description.Grand assortment of Fancy Flower Pots, Vases and

Glass. Artificial Wreaths and Gases.Just veceived an excellent range of All Bvass Curbs,

Black and Brass Cur bs& Brass and Iron Fenders,Five Ivonsr Brasses, Dogs, Stops, Hollow Ware, Enamel

Wave, Washing Machines, Cooking Stoves, TableLamps, and other Household r equisites.

CUTLERY of all kinds, and of the very best.lIOIHERS' AND MOVLDERS' TOOLS.

INCANDESCENT GAS BVRNERSr MAN TLESr GLOBES 8rcin which we are having a large sale.

Jewellery Department.REPAIRS to Watches, Clocks, and Jeweller y

are done on the pr ernises.Vva have a good selection of Wretches. including those made

by the Coventry Co-op. Ytfatch rgauufacturing Society.ENGLISH LEYERS at 42 ias. od. aud 42 tss. , and upvfards.Gold and Silvev Alberta, Dress and Wedding Rings,

Keepers, Br noches, Studs, Guff Links.SPECTACLES AND EYE-GLASSES.

ELECTRO-PLSTED GOODS iu Cmatcr Jam aad Butter Dlchac, JamSpoons, Batter Knives, Sugar Tssgc, Pickle Perks, Tca Spacmb

Dccccrt aud Table Spoons, kc.rk good maga cf CLOCKS is Vicssa Ragulatcrcr SPnug Rcgulatrwc, Marble

Wccd, aud Natal klanuc at prices tc cuit everybody.


All kinds of Joinery, Cabinet-making,Upholstering and French Polishing.

UNDERTAKING and FUNERALScarefully and promptly attended to

N. B.—Plhcu works arc dared, please apply at MSNIIGER'S RDDREssrSr Bcultham dvacue.

Painting, Paperhanging, Graining, Writing gt Gilding,and all kinds of Decorative Work.

Coach-building and Wheelwrighting, Bricklaying,Plumbing and Glazing, and Gasfitting.

JOBBING WORK neatly afid promptly attended to

Dealers in all kinds of MATERIALCement, Plaster, Parian Red rk Blue Floor QuarriesKeen's Cement Garden EdgingSanitary Pipes Glazed BricksDishstones, P Traps, Etc. I Crown Chimney PotsCream Glazed Sinks Patent Spiral VentsFire Bricks, Fire Logs; Pots for Smoky ChimneysBlue Building Bricks Granite Chippings, .rftc.Blue Paving Bricks Trent Sand

Dealers in all kinds of SOFT & HARD WOOD:Red DealsWhite DealsMouldingsCanary PinePitch Pine

SycamoreBeechOak, English

and ForeignElm

Black WalnutSatin WalnutTeakBirchAfahogany


GASFITTINGS 4 GLOBES of all kinds kept in stock

I'Isaac Note —duy Estimate given over Rg does uct carry dimdsud,

PLEASE NOTE I—k lot of mbuudcmhmdtug aud delay would be avoided NCuctcmcrc would bring thau orders direct tc the Rcildiug Department, Tauucra'Leuc, iuctcad of giving them through other departments.

Gompc Pipes, Sheet Lead, Lead Piping, Baths andFittings, Lavator y Basins, W. C. Basins.

W. C. Pedestals, Syphons Cister ns, all by best makers.INCANDESCENT LIGHTS a Speciality.

ESYIISTESgiroa for all kiads of work. Sarroliag doao Ik Plans proparrAL

Page 13: THE PAST TKELVE BEEN MEMBERS - Lincolnshire'_Report_-_part_1.pdf · ;I Thc Lincoln Equitablo Co-oporativo Industrial Socioty,

itm aaA" 4 IA S* A +4 4*4

p g




4 P . A

It M%4 k

~$ 4t 4 4'+ ~ Al ~ I W pg g W~m ~~ 4=-'~ ~~cW~4

Page 14: THE PAST TKELVE BEEN MEMBERS - Lincolnshire'_Report_-_part_1.pdf · ;I Thc Lincoln Equitablo Co-oporativo Industrial Socioty,


Thi,'L!"i.oh Equi(uhl! Il0-0PI.'I'ativi, ' IIIdustI'Ial S&ci~ty, Ltd.





The Stock at this Branch comprises every variety of fligh-class Grocery and Provisions,Tobacco, Cigars, and Cigarettes.

A select stock of Drapery, Boots and Shoes, Crockery and lfardware.Sample Book of Paperhangings for tpo2. COALS I COALS I I

Deposits taken for the Penny Bank and Provident Club.

The SOAPS of Co-operative Manufacture @re recommend for vrashing at e


FEDERATION, and -CONGRESS. ~~Give our Soaps a trial. . ~ Sold only at the Stores.

r PPPP& & &P,& PHmm ~PP&P &PP& LAePPL: 4.&.'S " !&


Page 15: THE PAST TKELVE BEEN MEMBERS - Lincolnshire'_Report_-_part_1.pdf · ;I Thc Lincoln Equitablo Co-oporativo Industrial Socioty,


t.'in&oln fquitabl2 Coy. oPoratin0 Industrial SooigtII, t'.td.ESTABLISHED 1861.

Registered under the Industrial and Provident Societies Act, 1693.

OBJECTS OF THE SOCIETY.—First, it Provides its Members and the General Public Yvith Bread, Flour,

Grocery, Provisions, Drapery, Clothing, Boots and Shoes, Butchers' Meat, Coals, Crockery, Hardware,

Furniture, etc. ; Second, it seeks the Domestic, Social, and Intellectual advancement of its Members.

Annual Business, over $930,000. Number of Members, IO,M5. Share Capital, 8137,625 4s. Qft

-Loan Capital, $95,450 14s. Od. Reserve Fund, $7,966 9s. 41d.




Srscsry. Drapsry

'Purchases from the Co-operstive Efholosalc Sooiety ... 213,190 S2,400r

from other Co-operative Sources ... ... 1383 4212

Yclue of Goods produced, grcvgu aud manufactured by this Society

Butter aud Eggs from Country Members. ..

Animals Slaughtered during the tluarter: —Beasts, 130; Sheep aud

Basta s shsas. Tailsrlng. vsrnlshlag. Baildlng. cash Tstrd

S900 E450 S1,000 $10 S350 Sf8,300

4203 X81 450 2929



Iambs, 398; Calves, 7; Pigs, 275 Total, 810,

Central Stores and Offices:—SILYER STREETByouch—BEACEBEIDGE.

2 '„,









The QUARTERL&' MEETlNO will be held in theOn IZIOr& I)AY EVENING, MAY . 5th, I9oR, at t1alf-past Seven

The Chair to be taken by the President ot th e iety, Ittr. O. SIIARPE.PROGRAMME OF BUSINESS.

Large Hall,o' clock.

ntss of Last Qssrmrly lgssung.S.—Admission of Nsw Itsmbsrs.g.—Report snd Balance Sheet4.—Nsmmaticns tcr President, Trsssnrsr, Sscmmry, Tham@

Two Anditcrs.5.—Election ct Six Members of the Edncaltsnal ~

6—Subscription tc the Nctungham Institnticn for the BlindX—'rktstkrn by Edncstjrrnsl Ccmndttss r "That a Gmnt of Sgc bs made tc ths' timds. bt s plower Show and Choir Contest to be held next Angnst m

Emccln *'.—'Ta mar aPP Cs fcr g t to th Ponds b.~ mined tor Comnshrm

Psstfvitissg.—Any' othsr bnsinsss.

Page 16: THE PAST TKELVE BEEN MEMBERS - Lincolnshire'_Report_-_part_1.pdf · ;I Thc Lincoln Equitablo Co-oporativo Industrial Socioty,

Lfincoln EqLfitab1e Co-opei ati~fe IndU&stt ial Society, Eirnitecl.

Ill' ( I.&). NIIAIL«lt, I'ii'-'&1. &1&

elr u'il (.0( LNOK. Tn. i-»r&

;llr I)& NUAN 5& &KNKN, S n&, iii&lr IV I& HOWAHD




( I i) l&t(ON

.'&!r '&Vll. l. (AII i&OJ. I&Nfl(IN''Ir UIIAJ(LI(H OnTIU(v


Ai &,»i, ». — Xli, (AN. OILAKOK, *Air (V. IN AIOIHTJIOEO. Nll& tv I' l&&)DKI&TS. Ui, i&» a Nlr Kltlln STKEIII.NHOX

I» »mx Xl » bere, .»rb vl»bl& I r n&»»na(im». 'i; Co» mit&» Alai&i»" Imvr br a b»1 I n n" &Ii (J»i ('&.


I i & I&l.&i

J&t &I » a „i&

Slv . &. . COI I»n&N, SIIAI&1'E a»I ONTI('K

;&I - r HOWAHD, HHAI(I'K in&4 EA(&OK

Jla- ra. CODI IiN(K N&IALLI!I&. HK(VSON a&i I ONUTI('. K


I»:n&i.v a»l Tan. a&a . . Nb ~ r Ui)DJ. IN(L J&AUOK .ml OOI, DNTKIK.

I»aia & . . . . . . 'iu*. -r . 11 INNI.'S. LO( LHOK»»l HOJVAIID.

(».«ai&. . . . . VI -r- NAI VI I K((, HE'IVSOK a& I 1 I HNEI(lb i na . ,& I &&&,'i&»i&& . . 5( -.i. . HVIAI I KIL HKVVsON, »& I TI'I&NJIH

I&ass&: Ne. . r. . EHAI(TL', HOW'&l&D klKIVHOK i&»I O'JIIU((.


M'e bi- ~ tn aui &u&t tn ynu ttie J(!En&1 Ifu&rterly 11«p&ir&, :uiii Ib&1»»vi 'Jhi i r, . Thi riit il:ui» n&it n «&v I I » „ii&iil -iibl Inriii .tbe piavtir &. E i4 044 Or. 41. Tlie uet profit n) tl e Iu &rt rb I n. &ne. . . » (I & ii»~ " IN I I, . :I', I. In »"I &. I ii) & I fr& i 1&-r, I» i&(. r, ,E & JJIO EN. I!il., ivr&nb uu) will »liow EI HE7 IH . Ilil. &a &uti rr»t, EH I I I (la Hii. :& il&i&ili &nl, Iii &n" la. I 1 &u tl&i* &N & » 11i »&l&i ra' I'urvh»ai. ,au&i EE7 Is Eil . being &hl. u) thi: E. uu Purohasea ot bin)&-Ile»&la r. ; ixl:I' '). . .iii. I&i » i" E!. 1)ir cent. I)& r 'u&n&im Ii r iiepri&)»t» n (tl I fi&nchan&1 ('ntts ~i pr&q)i rty; E"nb 7s. (id. bein ~ 10 per cent. &Jvprvci itinu i)I 1)ivi &1 H(iirl . 117 11. . Oii. Iii &ri" i pi r cn»t. Iiprici &r»in iif 11&lli&i ~

pjsut; E(10 IOA. O&1. fnr Eilucat(nual purpn i s; El, i fiir M &&rk&i» n's 1 ii. »rance I«neil, »uil EI:I ION. O&l. carr& &I fi mv;n 1 tn r&i.vt I»»r&ez.ggg persona h&ive iouied the liociety withm the ipuir(er, 111,& have wirhilnuvn, ai»1 I!I fnrfeite&1, nial(i&i (he pr&ae&ir, &iuuiber IO. '»'.


O&ving to continued local trade aiackne» tbeSncietv's roceipt&b Inr gonila Nnhl, ai(. less l&y E711 17«. Hfii. &h:&ri in the cn&weapon&1&ngiln»&'ter of last year. The follo&vnig departments have felt the co»seq«i&ices nf the lepre. inn niuat: «rocery. 1)rbpi ry. Butch»&y,Boot and ilhoe, snd I'lour 11&11. Iiesu&vh&le loca! &&ml impanel taxat«in auii ntlier. charges have cansed increaseil ivn&'k&ug expenses, thusdiuuu&shing the siuonnt sva&!able fnr. d&v»lend.

The Branches recently rebuilt aud eniarge&1 sli show increased rece&pts, except lupon Stree( vvh&ch i &u a ne& hhonrhooii eve( pti&iiiaiiv I

aA'ected by ha&1 trade.

A large stock nf sixteen tons of Paperhangm„s of the very latest iiesign snd tmts i. nnw on view at Hi„h;itreet liti)res. In-pecdonis invited. Pattern books ean be seen st each Branch. All kinds of Painting, Paperhanging, and Decozsling are done by the Society'$ ovvnworkpeople; snd the best matezials only sre used.

With the view of extending the tzsde of the Goal Department, the Sub-committee are azrsnging to start a Coal Club at each of IheCountzy Branches. Tenne will be ofFered whish cannot be approached by auy private coal-dealers, and it is hoped local members wiJI avaiithemselves of the clubs, so as to conSne their coal trade to the Society.

At the recent C.W.S. Exhibition at bhe Drill HIS!, the attention of iuembers of the Society was centred on the great variety ofplain and fancy Biscuits made at Crumpsall Works. The demand for these has since been steadily mcreas&ng. Stocks sre nnw held at sfiour Stores, snd members aze asl(ed, when buying, Io give these co-operatively produced gooils the preference. This applies also to Tobacco,Cigars and Cigarettes of G.W.S. manufacture, for which we continue to expetxenoe sn incressmg deuiand, proving that the quaiity issatisfactory.

Deposits continue to increase in the Special Loan Account which was opened last year, &uainlv for the purpose of providing anavenue for the savin«s of those umnarried sous and, daughters of nuz u&embers wbo have reache(i the maxin&u&u amnunt of pEO a!lowed to bedeposited in the Society's Penny Bank. Country merubezs and others wishing to use this Loan Acconrit at &Vfsv-day, cari do so either throughthe local Branch Managezs, or they may make their deposits nt the OIFJce, Central Sti)res, Silver Street, Lmcoln. The &ntezest pa&dExa per cent. , aud withdrawals esn be made at sny time. This depsrtruent has been remarkably useful &n niieeung a want long feil amongyoung men snd women, whose circumstances do not, for the time being, permit theni to jo&n the Soc&ety.

Some people hesitate to join the Society because they think it is difricult to do so. but this is quite a mistake, Any person canbeco&ue a me&ubez by spending thirty shillings at the Ictuses. On this, he or she )vtll receive s discount uf one shilling. which is sugiment topay the entrance fee, and, twopence added to this, will entitIe an intendtug member to a Pass Bonk snd Rules. An seem)nt csn then beopened with a shilling, whish is accredited tc tbe member who, simply by trading at the Stoves, can if he or she chooses, 1st the rest of theShare Capital up to AE00 accumulate from the dividends on purchases. Share Capital up to Z20 receives 0 per cent. interest, snd foz evezvaddition&d E up to E100, 4 per cent. ; on all ovez E100 up to ZE(JO, 8$ per cent. is pa&il. Loan Capital up to E100 receives 4 per cent&» andon sll above that amount up to EE00, + pez eenk is paid. Interest is calculated. from the 6th of each mouth.

Ifobwitbsfatndiug bhe zequests eontiuually being made in our Reports, there are hundreds of members who ha&e not yet nommsny one t&n whom theiz Shave Cspifai shall be paid at their death. The fee for performing thts vezy necessa&y dmy is only threepence, andnominstions mav be made st anv 1&me during ofhce hours. The zight of noniina(aon is granted bv tsw only to Soeiet&es such as ouzs, andthe nomination has the validity of s Mill as fsz av capital up to XI00 in the Society ts concerned. IVe again earnestly zequest, memhem tnnominate, in justice to those whom, at death, they will les,ve behind them.

Page 17: THE PAST TKELVE BEEN MEMBERS - Lincolnshire'_Report_-_part_1.pdf · ;I Thc Lincoln Equitablo Co-oporativo Industrial Socioty,


2&0,358 3


BMsnce owing to Ba&iks ~ ~ ~ ~

Anoonx pxm iou GoonsGroceryDmpsry sud klillineryBoot snd Shoe.ButchenngCoals.Tailoring snd OutdthngFurnishiogFlour MillBuilding DePartmentHykeham FarmVicarage FarmCarriage of Goods .

Coal .. .. . . . .

6 S d. 2 S. d.

360 13 8I!ECE I!'TH.

To Cash in hand. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . .. .... . .„Bale of Goo&hq Central GroceryDrapery snd Millinery. .Boot and ShoeButcheryHides. Skins, Fat, kc. . .Coals .Tailoring and Outfitting ..Furnishin ~

hi illBuilding DepartmentHykehaiu Fs,rmVioarage I"aruiBrscebridge, No 1 BranchBurton Roc&I. Xo. 2 Branch . . . . . .Shakespeare Srreet, Xo. 3 Branch.Ripon Street, iqo. 4 Branch . . .. . .Welbourri, No. 5 BranchMethennghsiu, No. 6 Brunch .Canwick Itoad, Xo 7 BranchSsxilby, No 8 BranchBsggholr&ie Iiosd, No. 9 BranchÃewlsnil-st West. No. 10 Branch.Bsz&lney, Xo 11 BranchIlorncs. tie, iNC. 12 BranchSleaford, Xo 13 Branch!!igh Street, Fo. 14 Branch .blsrket Baton, No. 16 BranchBsssingluiin, Xo. 16 Br.nch. . . . . .lteepham, No. 17 BranchIVmn Street, Xo. 18 BranchHaokthorn, No. 19 Branch„Sale of Coals

No. I Branch. . 6 30 14 '& No. 10BrsnchiNo 2 „.. 177 9 '.) iNo. 11No 8 .. . . 110 14 0 No. 12No 4 „.. 109 11 4 No. L)ifo. 5 „.. 126 11 I Xo. 14No. 6 „.. 85 82 Xo 15No. 7 .. . . 38 17 108 No 1))Sou .. . . 39 7 4 Xo iiNo. 0 „.. 110 7 1 No. 18


) &f



17 9I'& 488 3$3 68

19 418 1$

o 6

4,742'2, 5291,7564,972









4 HfijI f!44


I .HI!!)j. a&i'& i,!s)





4& &7&







5 3$18 Ip

fl 8$6 8$4 10$7

1H 0$3 78 1.)

10 I17 910 910 1111 I *

180 7$&

17 447 104 "

17 8 &)

0 1)+0 5

14 11

8O trf2 le'

70 Qr~4 2/7 6

11 lg)11 Qf2 Os'9&

18 Qs&

7 BJ'1418 68 Bg0 Qff

„Wfthdrswsis from Share CapitalLoan CapitalSpecial Loan CapnalPenny Bank

„Additions to Fixed, Rolling and Live Stock Accounr . .klembms' Property Account

„ Investments —Shares in Paisley Manufacturing So rtvLeek Sflk Twist SocietyCo-operative Wholesale Society

„Interest on BR&Half Managers* Bonds„Horse Keep.„Non-Members' Dividend on $739 lps at Bd. in the B.„Educational Grant„Provident' Club . .„ Insurance Fund„Renfa„Society's portion of Exhibition Expenses IReserve Funil)

Wxoxs ros PRcnucxric LssousGroceryDrapery and bfillinery .Boot snd ShoeBntcheringTailoring and OutQ!tingBuilding DepartmentI!UI)ersHyl'cham PaxmVicarage Farm

131 11 Bd27 0 Qd

1&M! 17 5132 15 0207 18 5

10 15 86 12 44

'& I 0 1482 8 5—54,644



727rty a c... Ml


v. .




I I'.'!4»iligt

0 I.& 109 5

12 ff

f!I!) 4

fi I16 413 4

3,148 8 1091 2''6 4

i QJ1516 ft-/


2 ov'

I 8610 v'

Additions )o iDuwe Capital . .Loan CapitalSpecial Loan Capital

Penny Bank DepositsDeposited in Provident ClubRepayments from House Purchasers —Members' PropsManagement Expenses —iaembers' Property afc.Bale of Pixed StockInsuraneeFund . .Shares withdrawn from Paisley Msnnfaeiuring SocieBent", Central

Shakespeare StreetRipon StreetGreat Xor)hero TerrnceGss Street .Sincil TerraceKesteven StreetChelmsford StreetHigh StreetSincil BanksBardney ...SleafordJohn StreetBaggholme RoadFlorenoe StreetBr)mont StreetXew BoulthamPortland StreetWelboarnReepham

WASES SCR DISTRISUT&vx LAEOUR-GroeeryDrapery and Millinery ..Boot and ShoeButcheringTailoring and OntfittingFurnishingCciilsOIQce

i& )&J 17'& I91lii 8l 9!')1&ii IuliB IH18&4 I!)'&OH I!)



101,743 11





38ltf .0



WASRS AT T&ra BRANCHES-No. I Branch .. 67 12 0 No. 11 BranchNo. 2 „.. 88 8 5 No. 12No. 3,. . . 44 4 0 No. 18No. 4 „.. 65 8 10 No. 14No. 5 „.. 170 6 5 No. 15No. 6 „.. )09 )H fi Ão 16Ão. 7, . 35 5 6 No. 17No. g „.. 46 3 0 No 18No. 9, . 42 11 8 No lf)No. 10 .. .. 48 15 0

„GENRRAD Ex& Exsus-Committee snd Secretary's Sale&T . .Auditors' Salary . .Stocktaking, Extending, Checking, kc ..InsumncePrinhng, Stationery and Advertising .Postage Stumps snd Cheque BooksRepairsRates and TaxesGasWaterDelegates' ExpensesBank Comrsiseion and InterestSubseriptions, Co-operative Union, Ltd.

International CongressInternational Co-op. Alliance . ."Owen*' iklemorial PumlNo 9 District kfidland Section

Co operative Union .. . . . ...

11 0li o14 6

4 4IH 019 &i

1)! 011 ff

13 fl







40 1&) 0&'

lu I& 08815 4381)i 2P

105 2 OT4611 I

426 12 8481 IH190 12 2)

I 8 Qf&.817 7

200 10 I/0

2 02 f)0 0

18 9~3 py7 65 0

IB 69''i,

8 6&7 6

15 016 Q—10 1012 00 0

12 6






„Entrance Fees„Trunsfer Fees .„Nomiuation Fees., Sale of Bales, Cards and Cash Books

Interest and Dividerd. Airedale Worsted SocietyPaisley Co-op. Ifanufacturing Society ..Leek Siik Twist SocietyHebden Bridge Pustisn SocietyDudley Bucket and Fender SocietyLeire:ter Co-op. Hosiery SocietyMessr&. W. Thomson k Sons. Ltd. ..I ineoln an&1 Lin&lsey Bank Shares

Co.operative Wholesale Society. . . .... . . . .. 77 11 lp., Dividend .... .. 437 18

I 10 0l.559

08 IG 10, Cash in Cashier's hands

5 07 11

q9O2, to ppt tf Zrvdi 7802.Fina)tcial sltaterrsetst tr otvt "a

884,926 17

Page 18: THE PAST TKELVE BEEN MEMBERS - Lincolnshire'_Report_-_part_1.pdf · ;I Thc Lincoln Equitablo Co-oporativo Industrial Socioty,

Di Ci

II IViili ha«, I 0Fi ri, ii- n IVii!. I, ii. i- I. I». , i I i« ia I& x I Si, 1 Ic»iiii !' ll !I

ii) iiI' i&i

All«v I ', .r &i i. ii i i » I*i&* .i,n I Ii i&I &i I I si i, ~ i „i; i I I!i' I (

6 - &I

I ! (I (9ii

0 i)I I

6 I 65, .5!12


To \Viih I.. I'ii - ni Cmi

F,&)AX ('APITAF, AI'('i)l XT

II I!I I .i i- a p i i;i. t I!.il. ii . «a

2. , (iii I I ii( 'ii) i' !Iiti

52!144» Ill I


I"I 'i" I I I

".i I I II "»5 I

Dr. SPF'&'FAL L( IAN ('APFTAF. 1«' i I I N T.

Ti& IViii Ir, i

ili ( !,1, ni

II,!-I I

& ' ~ i I

ilI .i..u


33.&ini I


To \Viihilraw. il., Pre~ant clmm-


Di. . I 1'& lii

r„I'i, 'i) ii I

I' Itilai« . .i. 0 i i.i i In&i«n 8: iI&1' 'i I'"I.( 'iiil'Ii'Ii! I'ill

I)7, «i, (7 li!i

)72I:it ln 0

6 I!i.. !iI ii 4



s d22,017 13 0

Aiidiiians Ailihtions by Societythis Quarter. own Workmen.

s d 5 s d171 0 0 211 I 9


s d22,899 14 9

D«pre&&at&on All mrd bv lastI previously allowed. Balance Sheet.

s d 2 s d11,968 Ii ii 251 5 0

Pm&a h,il» f I.ivi- an I T hiFees, 4 c. Fixed Stock Depreciation.

s d 5 s d s il80 19 5 15 0 0 12.266 11

Ba! i

Nominal Vahie.

s d10,134 8 7



s d6,860 19 6

Additionsthis Quarter.

5 s d0 0 0


s d6,860 19 6

Depreciationpreviously allowed.

s d3,035 8 6

Allowed by lastBe)ance Sheet.

s d48 0 0


s d8.088 b 6

Bala&iceBouunal I slue

s d3777 11 0


To Society's por(ion of the cost of C.W.S Exhibition„Balance .


s d50 0 0 By Balance as per last, Balance Sheet . .

7,266 9 45 „ Interest on Lincoln and Lindasy Brink Shares. . .$7,316 9


s d7,285 16 104

30 12 6

$7.816 9 44


To Amount advanced as per inst Balance Sheet. . .this Quarter. . .. . .

5 s d87,480 14 I


$87,484 18 3

By Bepayments as per Cash Account,„Less Interest

Balance owing to Society

B s d 5 s d'!81 2 !)887 13 8

93(i 880 8 9

587,484 18 4


Previous Cost.

s dCentral, Branch Stores, and. other

Bnsines8 Premises .... .. .. 87,899 14 5Dwelling-houses .... .. .... . . .. 15,668 11 IAgrieuitar81 Land and Baiidings 5,105 16 9


Qaarter.s d

Additions bySociety's own

Workmen.s d

1,360 0 088 0 0

To(a( Cost.


89,259 14 5la,756 11 I5,10c 16 9


allowedB s d

12.628 151.896 5 7

456 6 9

Ailoweillast Quarter.

s il

252 1685 11 Ic&9 I 9

1'ots, l

Dept ac Id trois.s d

12.881 12 I1.4«1 i!i

4&i &s 6


Value.s (I

7( .378 214274 14 54.6'&0 8 8

F108,674 2 8 BO 0 0 B1,448 0 0 F110,122 2 8 514.481 7 9 5867 9 5 514.84a 17 6 295,278 5 0

Page 19: THE PAST TKELVE BEEN MEMBERS - Lincolnshire'_Report_-_part_1.pdf · ;I Thc Lincoln Equitablo Co-oporativo Industrial Socioty,

Dr.To Share Capital„Loan Capital„Special Loans„Penny Bank Deposits„Reserve Fund. . . .„Branch blc, nagei s' Bonds„Congress Fund„Insurcnce Fund„Workmen's Insmauce Fund„Provident Fund.„Bank Balances .„Balance

s d4 2

14 02 7

12 109

18 60 0

10 00 057 119 1$







s il

By Stock, Gmcery . 3 38& g 11Drapery snd Millinery

Boots snd ShoesButchering .. . . ..... . ... . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . ir20 10

Coals . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . ~. . . ~. . . . . 10 12 0Tailoring snd Outfltiing. . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . 4.848 laFurnishing. . . . . . . . . . . ... . . . . .. . . . . . . . '&, 7)il

Building (including worl' in hand) . . . . . . 14 48&)

No. I Branch .. ... . ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ti'4 I'& 3

No. 2 „.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .... . . . I.ilgl ii 0No. 8 „ . . .... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... 350 8 0No. 4 „ ..... ~ .. .. ~ . . . .. . . . . .. i40 I 0No. 5 „ . ... . . .... .. . . . ....... . . I,il&ii I 10No. 6 „ ........ . . ..-. . ...... . . 980 10i 0No. 7 „ .... . . . . .... - ~ .-.. .. .. 455 15 6No. 8 „ ..... . . ... . . .... .. .. .. . . 399 I 0No. 9 „ .. .... .... .. ... . . . . . . . . . 300 15 0No 10 „ .. ... . . ... . ..... -. . . . . .. 487 0 7No. 11 „ ..... . . ... . . .... . . . . . . . . 1,012 la 0No. 12 „ . . . ......... . ... .. .... . . 1,101 3 6No. 13 „ ... . . . . . . . . . . ... . . .. . . . . 1,503 2 INo. 14 „ . ...... . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . .. 3.625 17 INo. 15 „ ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . . . . 1,727 13 5No. 16 „ ... ....... . . .. . . . . . . .. . . 508 8 0No. 17 „ . . . . . . . .... . ... ... . .. . . 451 8 0No. 18 „ ... . . . . . .. . . ... . . . . . . . .. 450 6 0No. 19 „ . . . . ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... 248 4 0bf ill 2.708i '& 0Hykeham Farm . . . ... . .. ... . . . . ... . . 6lig 10Vicarage and Gregg Hall Farms .. . . . . . . 1,421 14 10—

„Buildings and Land Account„blembers' Property Account„Pixel Stock Account„Milling Plant Account„Shares in Co-operative Wholesale Society, at 5 per cenr,

Hebdea Bridge Fustian Society, at 5Co-operative Insurance Society, at 6Co-operative Printing Society, at 7$Co-op. Hosiery Manufacturing Soc., at 6Paisley Co-op. klanufsctaring Soc., at 66London Productive Society (written ofl). . .. . . .. .Thomson ik Sons' Productive Society, at 5 per cent ..Co-operative Newspaper Society, at 5Dudley Bosket and Fender Society, st 124Airedale Worsted Society, st 10Midland Tinplste Workers' Society (written off)Alcester Needlemakers' Society, at 5 per centSheffleld Cutlery Society, at 5Brownfleld's Guild Pottery Society (written ofl)lifseclesfleld Silk Manufacturing Society (written ofl)Leek Silk Twist fdanufacturing Soc., at 5 per cent. .British Produce Supply Assoc. , Ltd. (written ofl) ....Long Eaton Engineering &2 Cycle Co. (written off)Coventry Co-operative Watch Manufacturing SocietyLincoln Hide, SMn snd Fst Co., Ltd. . . .. .. . . . . . . . .Ruston, Proctor ik Co, Ltd. , at 5 per cent. .Clayton dt Shuttleworth Ltd

„Reserve Fund Invested:—Lincoln Corporation 3 per sent Redeemable Stock 3 ggg 0 0

„Ruston, Proctor&k Co., Ltd. , 4 per cent. Debentures 1,336 5 0„Robey &2 Co., Ltd. , Q per cent. Debentures . . . . .. 1,255 0 0„Lincoln snd Lindsey Banking Co., Ltd. , Shares .. 2,294 10 0—„Cash in Cashier's hands .

s d





12 I0

8 93 7

11 017 40 00 00 00 00 0

100 0 010 0 030 0 020 0 0

1116 737 I 4

16 I 0

26 18128 0 0597 0 0

85 0 0

8,275 15 068 16 10

DF.$219,245 6 8


22111,245 6 8

CrTo Balance Disposable. . s

5,661 7 10

25,661 7 10

8 s d2888386248224199106109200







s d17 3'I 10$6 2&I

4 04~3 4$0 9

17 11$0 07 1[~

11 Ig11 5

7 og3 9

19 8$ -t-16 I7 106 7

17 6811$-0 8$-5 8$

4$18 HhI—18 6417 918 5

7 014 lid —4840 7 11

284 18 9815 6

885 16 348 9 10'77 11 102010 9

B5 661 V 10

By ProSt, GmceryDrapery snd Ml)flne&yBoot and ShoesButchery .... . . . .„.. .., , .. ..., ....„Coals.Tsilmiug snd Out6ttingFurnishing ....., .. ., ..., .... ..BuildingNo. I Branch. ...... , .... ....... .....No. 2Nc. 8No. 4No. 5No. 6No. 7No. 8No. 9No. 10Nc. 11No. 12No. 13No. 14No. 15No. 16No. 17No. 18No. 19

» Rs» ss per Cash Aeeount„Rules, Cards, snd Cash Books„Int'crest from flem bem' Froperiykccount . . .-.~aud Divideml, Co-operative Productive SocieMes.teratfvs Wholesale Society ..... . . ~ ""~ .Expenses, Members& Property Account

Page 20: THE PAST TKELVE BEEN MEMBERS - Lincolnshire'_Report_-_part_1.pdf · ;I Thc Lincoln Equitablo Co-oporativo Industrial Socioty,


T In'iie. t n Hh &re Cini&alln'. e&ist n Lo&n& ( .ii &t,&I

I~ ( ie-& on Spec&xi l&sm

, Interest on ilrani ii;linn. ige&' Rond,

5I 8!10 0 0

'&81 18 ln1& I& H

178 1(i i,llo 7 0

Dii& lend m 8.&0.000 at I I in the 2Non lieu&her Dividend oi EH(1 15s. st 8d. in the J2;,

' per cen& Deprecietmn I Branch snd CottageProperty . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . 8'

10 per rent. Depreciat on oi Fixed utock . . . . . .8 per oent. Depreciation I 81&liin " Plant

c 558 7 04711 0

K&iucaiio»: I Oi;nit, II per cent. of Net Trule ProfltsVVcrkmen In-&nance FundBsl*nce ce,pied lorn srd

s d

IE27 R» 118 8)8 P &&

27 I 2

&i' 0 5(in 10 01.& 0 018 10 0

I v lb&hi& cr iii ni I'i (it en I I.oie Ac i;n&ti . 1.&n tron !.i.t Qu:uterAll ivi I hi. t ()note&' tol' Inn&&i &. an I


8, but&I &t i'i" in I&ed

25,&((1 7 ln

14,& I ill)02 1.& 4

Audited an I fmmd eerie& t, Apnl '&sr&i, 100'&.


25,l!10 2 1$ 2 &,!&10 2 11

EDUCATIONAL COMMITTEE.JI&. r. r; DECI&. President. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 'Mr C. TREAVETT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 *pire. M. A I&RIN(lylr (l'. Rt)l!KI(TH, V&cc P&ex&dent. . . . . . . . 12 Mr D. IVORTII . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I:i "ylise A 81 Tl'RNI(R

*Air. W. I OVATT, Treaenrer . . . . . . . . . . . 18 Mr. T. HARDY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 klr. I AIATII ltRH81r G. EIARRIH. Secrct&ry . . . . . . . . . . . 18 \Ir. 4 kfOORK . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18


The ti me;rite& tire Names Indicate the number of Jleet&ngx attended, 18 havmg been held. The tot, il number of Hul C&numitt e. Me tmus b ing 12.* Retinn ~ blembers, ecch el& &hie for iv. -ele«tion.

Tlm Cunh i&ites no&mnated are Richsril Dsv, khu& Ann Dr&n, George Ihiru. , IVilham II nvsuh, \Vill&am I oi tt. ,lohn 81, re. Cherie Tresvett. .in I

Anne Mail&& Turner. bien&her &nust not, vote f r mpii th. n ~ix Csndidat, .Votre mn t be given bv m*kin" s X opposite to the names of the canal&4 it s . Iec(el loi npppit. I eih niember muit h w his or her I'n s C iril to obtun a

votm„paper t'ro&n tbo person ivho»ei (bein out The hour., of votin are (rom &even till niu p m . n 81 mlsv, 51.&v, tb. I!i(i'&.


To Balance brought forward„Cards, Catalogues, I'nice

Sale of Nev, spapers, fr . . .„Qusrterlv Grant„Adult Choir„Jumor Choir„ Hin in * Class„Gymnssu&m C le, . ses


Audited and found correct, April 24th, 190'J,


d014 54 4 42 8 0

77 & 85 5 00 2 0

nI 7 li

$98 8 6

EXPENDITURE.By &Newspapers, &kfuuaz&nes, Ac

, Librarian's Salary„Prin(, ing and Stationery„Grant to lyo&nen' Guild„ Secretary' Postage., Hubscript&on to Choral Assooistion &yfidlsnd Hectioni . . . . .„Jlidlsnd He& tron Education Conference. Ac„Lantern I ectures„New Catalogues„Children's F&it&vsl„Horncasrle Fe rival„Furnishing Account, Clesmng —Large Hall (half)

Educe«onsl Departn&ent &second in-tslment&. . .Quarterly Account

„Delegates' Expenses„Ha))keeper„Aduit Choir .. .n Junior Choir„Singing Class„Gymnasium Classes and Contest„Small sums„Balance forward

5 ~ 410 11 11815 08 111'& 10 0n 2 I010 6


I I'. & (i18 10 ti

n118 c2 0410 0

10 0110 00 6 7017 97 4 88 8 9415 65 0 0018 82 0 04

298 8 6

The Quarterly Messing will be held in the School Room, Harmstou, on Saturday, May 3rd, f902, at 7-15 p.m. Representative, Mr. HOWARD.

2)fsfbouzu Bx'aneh Committee. —Mr. D. P. Ablewhite, Coleby, Chairman; Mr. J Gray, Lesdenhsm, Secretary; Mr. J.Green snd Mr R Clarke Hs&vuetpn.bfr. J. Flsttem, Boothby; Mr. B.Gsdd and Mr. J. W. Ho)mes, Nsvenhy; Mr. H. Co&id and kfr. Thompson, Wellingore; &Viz. J. Sharps and biz JWelbourn; Mr. G. Wright, Fulbeck; Mr. T. W. Codd, Caythorpe; bfr. E. Codd. Honington.

The Quarterly Meeting mill be held in the School Room& Digby, on Fziday, May 2nd, 4902, st 7 p.m. Representative, Mr. COULSON,

Msiheziugham Branch Committee. —bfr. John Casswell, kfetheringhsm, Chairman; Mr. Elijah Reynolds, Metheringham, Secretary; Mr. Fredk. WMr. Wm. Ogden, Mr. John Robinson, Metheringhsm; Mr. Arthur Wilson, Dunstou; bfr. Chnries Baumber, Mr. Char)ca Bailey, HcoPwick; Mr. Fredk Ci&„wifr. Charles Ogden, Digby; Mr. Richard I'ay)or, Blankney.

Bazdusy Branch Committee. —Mr. G. Mills, Bsrdney, Chairman; bfr. W. Cispham, Bsrdney, Secretary; Mr. H Psrkes, Mr. G. bfaddison, bfr T, Watson,Mr. W. Co)ton, Bsrdney; Mr. T. Simpson, Southrey.

The Quazfuziy Meeting mill be held in the Temperance Hall, Sfsafozd& on Safuzday, May 3rd, 1902, at 'f p.m. Representative, bfr, TURNER

Siaafozd Branch Committee. —Mz. E. Dickenson, Chairman, I, William Street, Slesford; Mr. C. H. Faulkner, Secretary, Nocton House, Siealord; Mr. J. Jarv&e,52, Gully HiR, Sieuford; kfr. L Waiuer, 51, Westgste, Sieaford; kfr. W. Haystaff, 51, lforthgste, Siesford 1 Mz. J. Leslie, I, Miilfieid Terram, SMMpzd ~

Mr. C. Wright, 92, Westgste, Sleaford; Mr. W. GszweB, Ruskington; Mr. E. Marriott, Kirkby Laythorpe; i(fr. C. Sherman, Leasinghsrn( Rei' fl Cp glu'Vicarage, Seredington; Mr. J.Binds, Burton Pedwardine; Mr. W. Muxlow, Rsuceby, near Granthsm.

The Quazfarfy Muefiug wiB bc held iu the Club Boom, 'Tvaozgen Iuu& Mazkes Rasau, on Saturday, May 3rd, 7-45 pm. Representative MrGOLDSTF Tgi

Mavkek Rasau Rzauuh Commftfau. —Mr. J. W. Rnshby, Linwood Road, bfarket Rssen, Chaixman; sfr. J.Picks ell, Co-op. Htoxes, Union Street, kfarset Bases,Secretary 1 Mr. G. Wstkineon, Wsiesby: Mr. F Ingiiby, Waterloo Street. Market Rasen; Mr. Jos. Penney, Waterloo Street, Market Susen ( Mz, 4 VVh((worthWaterloo Street, Market Rasen; Mz. John T. Douse, Legshy Lane, biarket Susen; Mz. Moses Crow, Willingham Road, Market Rssen; Mr. JasBuslingthorpe I Mz. J. Cottingham, Bushngthozpe.

Bassiugham Bzaueh Committee. —bfr. W. Woodhead, Bassinghsm, Chairman; Mr. A. Chsdwicl', Secretary; Mr. J. Brown, Mr, B Goodwin Mr. J BinBsssingham; bfr. F. Taylor, bir. J. ifsrshall, Carlton-Ie-Moor)sud; Mr. J.Hsllam, Mat')bozo'; Mr. R Smart, Mz, J.Waiihesd, Bsseiugha; Mr G, JphnscnNorton Disney; kfz. G. Cook, Aubomu; Mz. J.Darker, Carlton-ie-Moorland.

Page 21: THE PAST TKELVE BEEN MEMBERS - Lincolnshire'_Report_-_part_1.pdf · ;I Thc Lincoln Equitablo Co-oporativo Industrial Socioty,

INDUSTidiAL AND P12OVIDENT 5oCf fto4 57 Vict. , c. 50.

Annual Return of the fin|.'oln Equitabl~ CoaoPgrativ( industr"'i -''o'i~tv, td,AS PRESCRIBED BV THE CHIEF REGISTBAR.


Name of Society —Lincoln Erin&tab)e Co-operative Industusl Society, L&m&ted.

Register No. —141.

Date of Estnblishment —August, 1861.

When first Registered —September 17th, ISGB.

Names nad Addresses of the Treasurer snd every other Oificer in receipt or charge

of Money Wnr. r»»& Couusox (Treasurer), North Parade, Lincoln; FsznSvzruvxso» )Cashier), Swa))owbeck Lincoln.

Number of Members at the beginmn ~ of the year

Number of kfembers admitted during the veai


Number. of Members whose membership has ceased durin the veai



Total number of Members at the end of the year. . . . . . . . . . . - . . -. . . . . . 10,186

The Audit for the year has been conducted by Ilr Jsxzs Or&ixuz, of bfouks

R d, Lincoln, whose calling ol Profession is Lav Vicar: Isr Wu P. An&isvsoxe

klr. \Vx P. Rczza s, Cl~~k~, ho .eie ppo nted Aud&rois 3

Meeting, under the authority of Rule No. 32.

Beg stared Office of the Some&I Silver Stree&. I,i moi„

Lincoln. Date: February 27th, 1902.

Dr. Cash Account Cr

RECEIPTSTo Share Contributions .


„Deposits and Small Savings Depictment . . . . . . ...„Sales of Goods„Rents„Fees: Entrance and Nomination., Rules end Peas or Contribution Books„ Interest an&1 Profits on Investments„Dividend on Purchases. .„ Investments —Deposits e, od Repayments of Advances

Security of Freehold Property., Provident Clubs., Management Expenses, Members' Property Account . . ..„ Insurance Fund .„Sale of Live and Fixed Stock . . .. . . . . ..

s d17,480 7 89,859 16 85,840 I 6

280,067 5 81065 6 4

54 0 620 0 8

675 14 51,266 5 9

on4,G76 2 119,319 19 7

2118 643 5 0

150 10 0

Total Receipts . . . . .... ... . 273,545 14 9Bonk Balance due at end of year . . . . . . . . . . . ..... .. . . . . 20,358 8 5Balance of Cash in hand snd st Bank st beginning of year . . 64 16 10

X293,968 15 0


B Share Capital repaid, Interest on Shares, Dividend to '3)lembery are s„Dividend to ifon-seiubers.„Loans„Deposits and Small Savings Department

„Interest on Bank Current Advances

„Goods, including Carriage„Salaries and Wages„Bent, Rates, Taxes, snd Insurance. . . . . . . . . . . .„Other Expenses„Lan&1, Bniklings, Fixtures, Trade and other purposes

„Advances on Security of Freehoids„Other Advances or Investments„Educational purposes.„Subscriptions to Charitable and other objects

„Provident Clubs„Bond Interest„Employees' Doting .

Total Payments. . . . . .Bank Balance at beginning of year

„Balance of Cash in hand and at Bank at end of year . .

s ds:5'&,837 12 ll

131 ii 8li, liil 11 5o.380 8 3

80)i 19 11189.888 2 1027,475 lo 81.934 11 84;)347 16 3&.073 9 0

647 0 I)942 lii 7271 8 9111 6 6

'2.845 2 457 10 669 9 6

'278.430 8 415.177 13 0

38&0 13 8

2293,9))S 15 0

Dr. TR ade of Yeax*. Cr.

To Value of Stock-in-Trade at beginning of veer„Purchases dnring year, including Carriage„Pnxluctive Expenses incurred in the Industries carried on by

the Society .„Distributive Expenses incurred in the Trades carried on by the

Society„Interest on Loans, Deposits, and Bank Current Advances ... .., Depreciation —Land, Buildings, and Fixtures„Balance Profit on Trade of year

s d49,180 I 8

189,836 2 10

14,484 7 8

19,273 15 112,440 9 742,338 7 I

17,800 4 11$

$295,303 8 11

By Value of Stock-in-Trade at end of year . . . . . .„Sales of Goods during year„Divideml on Purchases„Building and F&xtures by our Building Departn&ent . .„From Bonds Account

s 4&bh7S4 14 3

230.0)i i 5 31,'&)i&i o 9».205 3 8

30 0 0

5'»25, 303 8 11

Dr. Pg'ofit and Loss and Application of Pk ofit. Cr

To Interest on Shares„Dividends on Purchases: —To kfembers. ... . . .

Non-Members. . .„Donations and Subscriptions ..„Educational purposes„Other Applications„Profit serried to next year .

E s do,440 0 0

14,887 0 0126 17 8111 6 6272 5 0180 0 0145 18 114

22L063 8 24

By Balance of Profit brought forward from last yeni„Pmfit, on Trade of year„Interest snd Profits on Investments„Rules, Cards, and Pass Books

s d

154 17 717 9OO 4 11&

8.038 4 1120 0 8

B21,063 8 1$

Dr. Balance Sheet of Funds and Effects. Cr.

To Due to Shareholders„Lonus .„Deposits and Small Savings Depnrtmeat. .....„B&mk Advances„Branch Manager's Bonds„Congress Fund„Insurance Fund„Workmen*s Insurance Fund„Pmvident Clnbs„Profits appropriated but not yet paid

„Reserve Fund,.Profit car&fed to next year ..

d B e d185,478 19 8



2G,BIB 1517,886 17'20,358 81,268 0

20 0265 18445 0371 11

6,620 12


73,750 0 27,285 16

145 18 1147,431 15 10

$216,660 15 8

By Value of Stock-in-Trade. ... . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . .„Buildings, Fixtures snd Land„On Freehold Security„In Shares of Industrial and Provident Societies„Shares in Hide, Skin and Fat Co.

Ruston, Proctor &2 Co. , Ltd. . .Lincolu and Lindsey BankClayton snd Shuttleworth's . . . . . . . .Lincoln Corporation Stock

„Ruston, Proctor 3& Cods Debentures . .„Robey &9 Coys Debentares ..„Cash in hand

87,430 146,981 6

128 0597 0

'2,294 1085 0

3,890 01,336 51.255 0

Bfio 18

si&5.784 14 8

109 067 11 9I



B216,660 15 8

WILLIAbf COULSON, Tna»snzz&s DDNCAN .McINIVRS, Szmuivmx.dere)S&ed have had access te aB the Books and Accounts of the Scc' t dha"

A.ccounts and Vouchers relating thereto, now sigil thesameas foundtobem~ 4, 8 . .ned the foregoing General Statement, and verihed the same with theI, an v'in exsmfn s 'huly vouched and m aamrdance mth law2A S .ORANGE, W. P. ARMSTRONG sxz W. P. B&OBERTS

Page 22: THE PAST TKELVE BEEN MEMBERS - Lincolnshire'_Report_-_part_1.pdf · ;I Thc Lincoln Equitablo Co-oporativo Industrial Socioty,

f. ~&HII following &s written by a workin woman who passed berJ vmitii in Lincoln, but left the city uiouy years ago. Forseveral years psst she has been au active worker for the tYomeu'sGuild, snd a keen observer of the working of bocieties —and tb&s is«hs&»he say». In &vrit&ng &biz, n&y first brief art&cle, el(hough I au&

address&ng u yself u&ainly to my Sister Guilders, uios& of the points inspply equally to aur ('o-operstive Brothers. Co-operation, to us

ivho are m the uiovement. ive well know from exper&ence io be one ofthe greatest biessmgs that can be bestowed on the working comiuuni&yan&i i& is for their. ood, who are the greatest number, we shouklsbvays «&ark. Wom n are the b &ckbone of our rest move&uent, and«rest» ent&rely with the u whether. &hey make or mar the Soeie&y toivhicii they hei&&n ~; and consequeutiy, strengthen or weaken theiuovouieut. I(uowing this, &t is their du&y &o &ry to realize fully their

i&nit r&sponsibiii&ie», and to do all in their power to sdvauce theniovement, uever. alla&viug any action of theirs t& h»«ier its progress."Unity is strength" is the gree, t Trade Un&on motto, and no onekno&vs better than the meuibers of these great organizations how true&b:&t iuotta i». As unity is strength to tbeni, .o let it be to us, for it&s fro&u &oi&.biued efforts that the greatest good cau cou&e. The bestway collectively to assist the cause is by becouiing a member of tbeWoiuen's Co-operative Guild. I have no doubt that over thecountenances of soiue of our male friends a smile may flicker s,t thisbold assertion, but when analyzed, I feel sure it will be foaud to betrue. In ti e Guild, Women are taught to be loyal to their Store, topurchase only Co-operatively made goods, snd to shun and eveu

»purn goods produced by sweaters. This means a greiit &leal. It,n&cans that by our. purchases we encourage the paymeut of a fairrate of wages, snd, iuore important stiff, we support healthy, light,airy, and couifortable workshops, give reasonable hours of labour, anda share in the pray&ts arising from their labour that accrues toCo-operative workers. Meu aud women employed under suchconditions, sdthougb perhaps never before having heard of Co-operation—or, if they have, have taken uo heed —must ue, turally begin towonder and enquire how it is that Co operative workshops are soniucli better to work in than the shops of the private nisnufacturer,with the result, that they too become Co-operators, swell themovement, and share in its benefits. 'Ihe builds send their members

to Conferences, where they nay always learn something to their

advantage, and, by their. reports of these meetings impart theirnewly-acquired knowledge to their Sister Guilders at ho&ue. TheStore, too, which is thus visited, is closely inspected, snd wouien can

always get a "wrinkle" that will benefit their own Store, if acted

upon rightlv. If any &loubi still remains, ask any Gui der whether

she was as good a Co-operator when sbe joined as she is to-day, and Ifeel sure thai nine-tenths of them would answer w&th a decided!Yo!Souse of us even «ould have to acknowledge that we did not know

before «hat Co-operstion really ir&cant. We only 1 new our Stores as

shops where we purchsseil our goods, and re&e&ved a dividend at the

quarter's end. But how diB'erect, it is with us after we have bee&&ue

Omlders. We are then pari, of a stroug Sisterhood, numberiug 19,(&(&0

women, whose priuisry object is to proiuote Co-operat&on, and, no

u&atter how many other good works we may have in hand, we roust

never forget the main object for &viiich we have banded ourselves


A Conference, &oo, of (feneral, Educational, and Guild Com-

u&ittees held annually, or oftener if necessary, is found to be bene6cial,and ta add to the prosperity of our Societies. Be&ween these threeCommittees the greatest unison should prevail. To get the very

poorest into our uiovement should be one of our &uain aims.Many poor people have been rai-ed out of the &uire, and have beco&ue

respectable, self-reliant ci&izens, and earnest Co operators, whose

entrance fee of a shilling has been paid for them. Guilders canassi t the movemeut by bringing their friemls and neighbours ioL&'ducationaf and Propaganda Sleet&ngs, and even by speaking at suchmeetings; for, in &uy opini&u, an account of one's owu experience asa Co-operator brmgs better results than an eloquent lee&ure by anacknowledged orator. Having shown how we can assist the uiovement

collectively, we must not lose sight of &he fact that even individuallywe can be very helpful. Every right-minded person abhors tbehabitual gossiping woman wbo neglects her don&cetic duties to indulgein idle talk, detracting and calumniating her friends or neighboms;

but a healthy, sensible chat to one'» friend or neighbour for their

pood is not only pardonable, bui co&mnendable. Tiiev see our vsns

dsily at our doors, snd we in our turn can tell then& sll about our

Society, bow to becouie uiembers, and we can recount sll its

advantages, particularly i, he dlvi. , as wo&uen seeni smuehow to graspthat advantage much niore quickly than any other. Tiie best aml

truest side of Co-operat&on can be taught later. Lend the«i your

( o-oper«(&ve Nerve, aml &nv&te then»o your (iuild ilfeet&ugs, &vbere

their education iu Co-operation can be unproved; aud, rest assured,in this way many good ('a-opera&ors will be aisle. Where &s the

mother, too, who will no&, strain every ner e and stretch every pointto g&ve s present or presents to a son or daughter on the occasion oftheir niarr&age? Let that present be, if they are not alremly u&embers,

a share ar shores m the Co-operative Society iii the &oivn in wh&ch the

son or daughter is going to reside. By such a preseu& thiit mother is

openin ~ the gates of honesty and ziraightforwsr&iues» to the youngeonple, ond teachin' thorn to bve wi» iin their incouie, which &o

&nezperienced youn ~ people is one of their greatest, d&Ncuhies. Sheis sb»o doing so&nethmg tow&&rds savin ~ then& fra:u the clutches ofthose wbo will persuade snd sliaost force young people to get mtodebt, which when once incurred )nings emlless trouble snd disaster.Or she may even be giving theui the rend start, which will causethem always to have a little bs, i&kiu ~ account, and to walk throughlife in s, true spirit of independence aud respecisbiiity. &Surely, this iss, good way of promoting Co-operat&on, and at the sauie t»nebestowing untohl biessiiigs on our loved ones. A wife, as &veil ashush&in&1, should be a sbarebol&ier ni the bociety. It &s not&cesble thatwhen she is sbe takes a deeper interest m the Stores, and is a farmore loyal purchaser. Societies which do noi allow &lie wife to have

equal rights with her husband should be s, i ance tackled by thewomen. Let theiu petition their Genersl Comniittees over and over

again, and obtain interviews, at which the injustice can be poiuted out bya capable wan&an. lou&en in such Societies cannot have s, vote atquarterly meetings should a resolution be preseuted in their favour,as they are not members; bui they can do the nest be»t thing, theycan persuade the meu to vote for it; and where is the wou&an ta be

found who bas no&, successful persuasive powers y If all the foregoingefforts prove futile, I would advocate drastic &ncaa«res. Lei thewomen combine, and refuse to purchase goods until they are admittedas membem. I venture to say that one quar&er, nav, less thon that,of purchases &nude by u&en only, would be enough physic &o cure anyGeneral Coiumittee of their malady of obstinacy and injustice.

The greatest impediment to aur movemen&, is the non-purchaser.Many weil-to-do persons, put money in&o our Societies, because they

get a higher rate of interest than they can obtaiu elsewhere: in mostho&is&ie, 5 per cent. , heedless of bow that interest is ms&le, andperhaps not eveu carmg, so lou as they et it. But we purchasersknow shat interest ss &veil as dividend comes mamiy out of the profitson purabases, so that the members who purchase largely of goodre onwhish a gooil divideml is made. pay the &uost to these uon-purchasers.At a Men's ('onference, I heard a ice&aber of a ('omuuttee state thattbe prestes&, profit at the Stores wa» ice&le on bread, and no onecontradicted h&u&. Vpe may, therefore, be snre that the poor laboureror artisan with a large family, wbo, of course, need. plenty of bread, isreally the greatest sufferer, as he is contributing largely to the o percent. mterest paid to the non-purciia»er, while he perhaps cannotafford to hare s, ny more m the -ociety than his Xl share, his domesticneeds beuig so great. It cannot possibly be right to rob poor peoplein th&s way. It is making tbe poor. assist the rich to become r&cher.

By allowing m&estors who are nan-traders to grow rich by ouri«ovement &s also a great injustice io managers A uiansger knowsth;, aiuount of capital bis Society possesses, an&i is fully ~live &o thefast that in his business transactions he will have to make g per cent.for all capital, as well as provide for the average dividend. ress&we

fund, and depremation. Th&s must be s, great straiu on a u&a&ieger,

causmg b&m many casions &noments: much of this snziety could beaverted if all members were loyal purchasers. I behave, too. thaithis interest to non-purchase&« is often responsible for high pr&ces,they of course not sugermg frov& them. because they sre probablyscouring the town for cheap eud shoddy article. . I feel snre that uoSociety which allows these pes&e to reuiain in it cau ever be trulyprosperous. Your Liucolu Saciety, in its P&eport of October. 1898,

Page 23: THE PAST TKELVE BEEN MEMBERS - Lincolnshire'_Report_-_part_1.pdf · ;I Thc Lincoln Equitablo Co-oporativo Industrial Socioty,


refezs to non-puzchssers as deadheads, snd I echo and re-echo this

remark. It goes on to ssy; Only 17 years ago the Central Premises

were heavily tuortgsged, and there was not more than 4&210 in the

reserve fund. There were scores of investors in the Society who were

getting 5 per sent. for their capital, snd not spendiug a penny at the

Stores. After paying off the mort a&ge the next thing was to get rid

of these deadliesds, and it; wss done in this way —the rules relating to

interest were altered, snd sre as follows: Share capital up to 820receives 5 per cent. interest, snd for every additional sl up to F100,4 per ceut. On all over F100 and up to F200, which is the maxiniuin

amonnt a uiember csn hold. SP per cent. is paid ikjembers ivbo clo

not spend SS per quarter gei only 2( per cent. for their capital.

Since this alteration, I nm glad to see the Society hss prospered, anu

its reserve fund is now over F7,600. Over Flth000, I notice, was

paid out to non-purchasers;it thar, tiine, inostly to people who did not

even reside iu Lincoln. Fancy, 10,000 tbreepences, or F125, bad tobe taken out of the profits every qnarter to pay these deadheads 5 per

cent. interest on their capital. It will thus be seen that the non-

purchasers, wherever they ure, are a great drawback to a Society. Ioften wonder how it is fbst the wife of the trade unionist can often be

seen entering the shops of large syndicates, and purchasing goods she

eoulcl very well obtain at ber own Stores. L&'liber her Imsband bas

not takeu the trouble to leech bis wife trade unionist principles, otshe wants ber own husband to et s good living wage, but tsl-es good

care by her purchasing at cutting-sbops that sbe will not eucourage itfor others. We sll know what lmes these synclicutes work upon —low

wages snd bar&1 con&htions. Habitual debtors, too, sre detriinenial toa Society aml a source of trouble, ss they ofttimes receive interest on

capital u.bleb they do not actually possess.

In conclusion, 1st us be more detemuined than ever to leave no

stone nnturned to make our Societies prosper. Lei us cunvert ssmany s,s we possibly csn to our»rest cause, snd depend upon it, if we

are earnest in this matter, we shall have the bappinese of knowing

that, humble women sz we are, we sre doing something towards

leaving the world better than we founcl it.

ifineoln District Annrrel Report to Exeter Congress.

Exsect&vs Comiizzzz.

Mr. W. Couison (chairman), Lincoln. 1Mr. R. Wilkinson, Peterborough.

„D.51'Innes (secretary), Lincoln.~

„J.Turnbuii, Rewark,

„J.kfiiihouse, Loath. „J.W. Brown, Spaiding.„Mr. H. Henderson, Grantham. ( „F Stutfins, Scuuthorpe.„E Hart, Grimsby. „Jas.Bmwn, Lynn.

„I.Wiimot, Peterborough. » B. Whyers, Boston.

Conferences were held during the year at Spaidmg, Lynn and Gainsborough.Tbe subject chosen foz discussion by the Spaiding Society was "Loyal Co-operativePossibiTities. » A paper wss read by Mr. W. Burley, advocating the promotion ofeducation, loyalty to co-operative institutions, the extension of co-operatioa toagriieuitme and to the agricuitursi population, and the establishment among rhelatter class cf co-operative credit banks. Spaiding being the centze of a richagricultural distric, in which allotment holders and small grmvers sre steadilyineressiag, the paper was useful in promoting a good discnssion, ranging over

agriculture more especially, but in less degree also over every other subject treatedupon by the writer.

At Lynn Mr. H. J. Hiiien, at the request of the focal society, read a weii-

written paper, entitled "Social Reformers and their Dreams, " in which he arguedagainst the State becoming the sale producer and distributor, contending that thecommunity would in such case become enslaved to a bureaucracv possessingdespotic power. While concluding that socialism —so-celled —is not practicablenor comparabie to voluntary co-operation as a system, he refenwi to the presentlimitations of the iattet movement, and urged ail present to brace themselves

together to extend education and remedy defects,

The conference at, Gainsborough was promoted jointly by the district associa-tion and the Women's Guild„aad Miss M. Llewelyn Device read a paper on "TheThree Wheels of a Store Machinery. » These she described as being the committeeof management, the educational committee, and the branch of the Women's Guild.Eo society hsd efficient up-to-date machinery if these three wheels did not form

part of it, and there was something wrong with it if thev were not runningsraootbiv, vigorously, snd haimoaiousiy. The paper showed how the threebodies could co-oPerste with advantage to sny Particular society snd to themovement generaii.

As the conferences have been more numezously attended than any previously

h&dd in the same towns. To suit the convenience of the local society, it has beenarranged to hold the next confetence at Bostoli, eal'Iv in fifsy, too late for thisreport.

Propagandist work among the agricultural working &lass hsc been csrried ondmtng the Jeer by most of the larger societies in the district on the ascii If&ex,

with results already encomaging and with every pmmise of being fasting,

country branch stores apened after Mr. Grif5tha' canvass, in 1900„by tbe Lynn,petezbomugh, and Grimsby societies, are ail doing good haziness, aud bid faitbecome useful and remunerative exteasiaus of these societies. Good progmss hsa

'dizen made by the newark S'ociety since Mz. Griffiths& visit snd canvass last

Rzczizzs Ex& ra nrzuazs d

By expenditure during 1901 15 2 72; „Cash in hand at end of1901 .. . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 1 7

2 282 4 2

D. M'Izzrs Secretary

sTo cash in hand at the end

of 1900 . . . . . . . 15 19„Subscribed by Societies

in 1901.. .. . . .. . . . . . 18 5

Gleanings from Balance Sheets of NeighbouringSocieties.

PETERBOROU —99th Quarter endedDecember 81st, 1901.

s dSales . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49,687 11 5Share Capital .. .. . . . 65,725 16 3Reserve Fund .. .. . . .. 8,216 10 7Dividend . . . . . ... . . . . 0 2 0Assets .... . .. . . . . .. 99,484 10 11

The sales for 1901 show an inc easeof X4,522 over those of 1900. Con-sidering the quiet state of tre&1e in thedistrict and the lower pzices of coal andbread, the Committee consider the in-crease will be gratifying to the members.Local committees have been appointedat the Stamford and Whittiesea Branchesand business meetings hell at es,chplace. After making repeated attemptsthe Society has at last secured stsenngground. for coal at March Station, andis trying to obtain space at Whittieseafor the same pmpose. At present, coalis taken to this place by the Society'scaits. The sales at the StamfordBrunch show a steady increase, and tomeet the expressed wish of the membersit is proposed shortly to commence inthe drapery buriiness, A share list isattached to the Balance Sheet, showingunder his oz hez share number theamount of capital standin'g to the creditof each member on Sept. 80th, 1901.Duzmg the Quarter the parohases madeby the Society from Co-opezstive sourcesamounted to 228,680.

The sales are Bdg below those of thecorresponding Quarter. The Societybaked 98 tons of bread, and sold 1,029tons of coal during the Quarter. Itsmembership has now reache&i '2, 440.

119th Quarter ended March 4th, 1902.s d

Sales . . . . . . .. .. , . . . , , IC,416Share Capital . . . . . . . . 34,811 8 4Beserve Fund .. . ... . . 1,001 5 0Dividend . . .. . . . . . . . . 0 I 5Assets . . . . . . .. . . . . . . 39,069 2 74

The sales show an increase of 2806over those of the correspondin Qus, rter.An emergency fun&1 has been formedfmm collections, profits from concerts,teas and social rueetings, and out of thisfund E2 lfis. 5d. was given to membersin straitened circumstances. The grantswere in the shape of tickets to be spentin goods at the Stores. Cash in handin this fnud amounts to 86 7s Sld.

GBIMSBY —Quarter ended Dec 30th1901.

s 6Sales .. . . . . . . . . .. . . .. 21,683 4 7Sham Capital . . . . .. .. 20,165 17 2Reserve Fund, . . . . , . . I,ev8 14 6Dividend . . .. .. . . . . . 0 I 6Assets .. ... . .. . , , . .. 78,881 11 6

The sales exceed those of tbe oor-zesponding Quarter bv $1,698, Themembership during the Quarter in-cres'sed by 99, and now numbers 4,214.The coal sales exceed those of the cor-responding Quarter by610 tons. Planshave been passed foz the bniidiug andequipment of two piles of mens snda bakety. Two shops in WellingtonStteet and' one in Heneage Bead smapproaching completion and mli shortly

GAIÃSI OBO 118th Quarter endedDe'camber 3rd, 1901.

sSales. ...... . . .... . . 16,604 18Slane Capital ...... . . 38,789 17 8Easer've pand .... . .. . 988 17 10IVividend ...... .... 0 I 7Asseia .......... . .. 38365 12 24

SePtemb r, for the Joint ProPaganda Co~ittee This wss un&iertaken shortly

after the opening of two new engineering firms, which ha&i bronght a large number

of workpeople into the town.

F variety of causes the Progress of the movemeut in the district has u„t

beeo so great as in Previous years. The Grimsby Society's tra. e was &illllinished

b th s 'ous and long-continued disPute in the fishing trade, but its Pre" tige hss

been much increased by the satisfactory method its ofiicia s a& opted iu &bsbursing

the money granted by the Co-oPerative Wholesale Society to s.iieviate the distress

among the women aud children. The general educational snd ivomen's gufid

committees are working hard to remove the apathy existing snmng the members

in regard to the social and higher aspects of the movement

The general position of the Scunthorpe Society, owing to great slackness in

the mining and smelting industries, on which its members depend for their living,

has been seriously afieeted by lessened receipts and ivithdrawsis from osp;tai

occasioned by merubers leaving the district. The society has, in con&aqua&ice

paid smaiie& divid .ds, bu'. t he. co e11 &hrongh the recent crisis in the local

trade, by reason of its financiai position ail along having been sound an&1 unassail-

able, owing to provision by depreciation snd reserves having been made by its

management during the good times of former. years.

Slackness iu the engineering, building, and brief'msking trade~ has retarded

very considerably the progress of the larger societies, and at ifoston and Crantham

adverse rumours have been circulate&i by interested opponents, discrediting the

financial Position of the resPective societies, with the vie&& of shaking the membezs'

confidsnce. The bulk, however, have remained iovai, although st Granthain the

extreme step of stopping viithdrawais from capital bad to be tel&en. At the latter

society the '&Vomen's Guild, by direct personal effort, have been very helpful in

maintaining unshaken the confidence of many members.

The Betford Society is rapidly gaining ground, snd now bids fair to become

one of the most thriving and prosperous societies in the district

It has not, yet been necessary to make any «ppiication to the Co-operative

Union for a gmnt, as the societies continue voluntarily to subscribe sui}irieni to

meet the expenses of the district and to send a delegate to Congress.

The foiioiving is a statement of the income and expenditure for the veer1901:—

Page 24: THE PAST TKELVE BEEN MEMBERS - Lincolnshire'_Report_-_part_1.pdf · ;I Thc Lincoln Equitablo Co-oporativo Industrial Socioty,


KINGeg Lyihy. —52nd Quarter endedNov. 27th, 1201.

s 4Hales . . ..... .. . .. .... 5,582 4 10Share Capital. . . . .... . . EM3 8 8Reserve Fund .... .. .. 498 0 4Dividend. . .... .... .. .. 0 1 8Assets . ..... .. . . . . .... 10,816 8 7

The total sales of the Sutton BridgeBranch daring the Quarter were 2983ls. 6d. This bnmch was opened inMarch, 1901,after the district hsd beencanvassed snd meetings held by Mr.Gri!Sths, of the Co-op. Union and C.W.Society Joint Propaganda Committee.

RETFORD.—115th Quarter endedJsn. 1st, 1902.

s dSales . . ... . ..... . .. . . .. 2,405 17 8Share Capital .... ... . . . 3,555 11 31Reserve Fund .. .. ... . . . 50 I 2Dividend .. .. . . . . ... . .. 0 2 0Assets . . .. . . .... ...... 4,500 9

The sales are steadily increasing, ssalso is the xv:serve fund. The membemadded to their capital 257, and with-drew froxu it 2685 daring the Quarter;aml a part of the proSt, amounting to$102, was carried forward undivided.

LOUTH. —59th Quarter ended Dec.26th,1901.

inches. A table anrlbeen ad&lerl to the '

The shop lic been',meeiing room for the.embers bss bern nisdc I

The rsporr, states thatthe Society beer& foundto the members thanths of the disastrous


'sing trade The sales'

ave more than doubledre years.

—110th Qua&acr euded,er 3rd. 1901.

s rl

&J,873 15 6P14,212 12 7

731 18 40 1 9

17.197 10 5was one of exceptionalin this mining and

This has caused atrade of the Society,

lividend has resulted;,he Committee never

to provide for depre-ve fund, the Society's;tending the drain upond by withdrawais ofand unassailable. An-th is being built, andn July or August next.tbe Bxaneh at Ashby

n March 22nd, when a&ing wss held in the":.F. Stufdins presiding,;dhouse (Co-op. Union)s (C W S.) being the

s dSees . . . . . . ... ... . . .. 2,762 4 5Share Capital. . ...... .. 4,646 4 4Reserve Fund. . . . . . . .. 147 10 6Dividend. . . . .. .. . . .. .. 0 1 6Assets ... . . . . . . . . . . . .. 5,836 4 8

The report states that this has beena recorrl Quarter, the sales having in-creased by $233. The Society holdsshares in the C.W.S. amounting to2581, and purchases s considemblequantity of its coal fmm the Wholesale.Its dividend snd interest last Quartera&counted to 221 15s. Od.

SPALDING. —42nd Quarter endedDecember 26th, 1901.

2 s dSales .. . . .. . . .. . . . . . . 2, 181 7 IShare Capital. . .. .... . 2,656 2 11Reserve Fund. . ........ 44 0 0Dividend .... . ... ... . .. 0 I 2Assets . . . ... . . .... .... 8,981 9 2

The sales are more in amount by6325 than -those of the correspondingQuarter Attention is called to thesmall savings bank and loan depart-ment. Total depreciations sre shownin tbe various accounts, not simplyChose made last quarter. A trip club isconducted by the Society; secretary,Mr. G. Mitchell, Educational Depaxtment. A grant is made quarterly foreducational purposes; the last amountedto X2 lcs 9d.

t& . Quarter ended Jan.xid, 1902

s d7,119 6 48,053 4 11

299 0 00 1 6... . . .. .. 12,067 9 10$

.e re more in amount by~hose of the preceding i

contributions to sharea ion she Quarter were 2126,th . .&drswsls $383; the Mem-

os:, .ppi ~ —.., prefer that tbe Societyioi!d. . t'e Bank, interest upon

&re« .. . al rather than upon»nein. — . b fels of depreciation arenot koiv" . ' buildings and gxtures«croon&-. &nly what was allowed

The reserve fund wssado=4 &o ov + in the disposal of

2 '. The cottage building'luring the Quarter

.ic iie i ~ 818 kgs. 6d.

.iE' "'.--'. LLERY DEPARTME'XT.ment is well stacked with all kinds, including Gold and Silver

'&vs ere= "ng*ish Levers, Gents. , from 42u. x best Coventry make.

sing Binge, Kcepcrxb Dress Rings, CuE Idnks. Studs, Gold audSx!ver 5"8 &':, Pendants, Ladies' Gold Guards, Bracelets, Bccklets, kc.

F " -p!. ted Goods in Teapots, Crusts, Jam Spoons, Butter Knlvesxso .- &ablm Dessert and Teaspoons, Jam Dishes, Butter DIshm&: " "vr presents.

Alt in. - cv REpAIRS to. Cloaks and %atches executed onche premises sti & u, and with quick despatch.


We iwa to wmind our mexabem and others that we are agents for the

Ce-eye:, ve Dyeing and Djy Cleaning Co„Ltd.'

gchcld Dt apery, Curtains, Skin Rugs, &c., cleaned or rc-dyed.Lad&sex Clxtlsrsxs's 8& Gentlemen'8 Clothing Cleaned or Dyed, without in&pi&ging

BT8IAIgf &gs FELT HATS Gleaned or Dyed and Altered.w'ESSTHERS Cleanse&2 or Dyecs-

E4248S 15yud or Cleaned, also repaired and airer ed.

OraPCrP kg 1Villil~rry ilCPartlnrnb.

We take this opportunity to announce that our hovers having visited both the

London 4 Manchester 5!arkets, we have just received the tirst consignmeiits of our

NEW SPRING GOODSwhich include the choioest of Season's iVovelties. Our stock of. . .

COLOURED DRESS GOODScomprises the Newest Materials snd Latest Shades, which are much too varied and

extensive to describe in the space st disposal.

BLACK DRESS MATERIALSare our stmng point. We would impress upon our i%embers the importance of

placing their orders early for Dressmakiag and thus ensure better attention, snd

perhaps prevent disappointment before the rush of the season's trade is upon us.

We now stock the Cream Scotch Wincey, which is so extensively advertised forChildren's wear

We have one of the largest and most choicelv selecterl stocks of

WASHING DRESS FABRICSin the city, which ars being displayed from time to time in our winrlows Wewould ask you ro kindly notice same.

Prints, Zephyrg, Galttteas, Norman Stripes, gtc.Oxford snd Grandrill Shirtingg, f902 Pstterng.

We have a large assortment of

Ladies and Children's Black and Coloured Fabric Gloves,including the New Lace.

Kid Gloves, every pair guaranteed, I,'ill per pair. Novelties in Ladies' Umbrellas,with reliable covers.

For Flannelettes of every description we are thc people.

We have just issued our Illustrated Price List of Newest designs of LaceCurtains for the present seams, which can be hcd on application in the department.The Curtains illustrated therein sre all in stock, and will be found splendid valuefor money and quiet up-to-date in style. We have also a large snd well assortedstock of Lace Blinds, Madras Lappett and Harness Muslins.

FOR MILLINERYin its many and various branches, we would cordially invite you to visit our show-room, Our Head MiUiner hss visited Landon in order to gather best informationas to the styles prevalent; we have also engaged additional experienced Assistantsin our Millinery Workroom to cope with increased business, in fact we haveanticipated a good Season's trade.

For Latest Styles in Ladles' Jackets, Mantles and Capes, Children'8Gorments a Speciality, Ladies and Childmn'8 Comets and Underclothing nowfons an important branch of this department, Dress and Mantle Making andMillinery Orders eEiciently executed an the premises.

PUP~~ISH|XO DEPARTMENT.This Department is nuw replete with every description of

HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE,Including Drawing-room, Dining-room, Bedroom Suites, in solid

woods and painted goods.We have just received a splendid assortment of Satin-Yyttinug

Bedroom Suites, rxew designs, Overmantelc, Chimney Glasses,Base Rcckerg, Tjficker and other Chairs.

New Season's stock of Axminster. Brussels snd Tapestry Carpets,Rugs. Oilclotbs and Lxnoleuins in great variety and newest patterns.

Bedsteads, Mutt& esses, Bedding, dkc.Pianos, American Organs, and other Musical Instruments

supplied of the very best makes.SEWING MACHINES, Treadle and Hand.

Splendid show of AqaMcarts acd Prams at all prices. Pram Rugv.

CROCKERY and HARDI)fiafARE.In the basement, membrrs will fied 8 splendid assortment of

Dinner sf)fare, Sea Sets, Trinket Sets, Toilet Sets, and everydescription of Crockery.Splendid mage of VASES, OBNAMENT8 and GLASS. Wreaths and Cases.

WASHING and WRINGING MACHINES.AR kinds of Ironmongery, Bast Shegteld Cutlery, Hollow-ware, Tinware.

All kinds of Joiners& and Mooideru' Tools kept in stool' of thevery best makes.

Curbs, Panders, Fh'nirons, Brasses, Dogs, Coal Vases, Trunks, andMincing Machines.

Page 25: THE PAST TKELVE BEEN MEMBERS - Lincolnshire'_Report_-_part_1.pdf · ;I Thc Lincoln Equitablo Co-oporativo Industrial Socioty,



winners of the magnificent National Silver Challenge Cup, the Highest Prize Award .can be obtained for Excellence of Quality.

This Butter can be bought nowhere in Lincoln but at the CENTRAL and BRANCH STORES of the Society.

C. W. S. TEA.The Packet Teas packed by the Co-operative

tilfholesale Society are constantly increa'ing in

favour. Prices from I/2 to 3/6.Twenty Varieties.

tilts are selling 25 tons of these Tees annually.


Conccntratcd fxtract.


Palates and Purses.

Broina Cocoa. . . .I



DEPARTMENT, Silver Street.




o" 'IIolioo Qigoro +orth Smoking


C.%'.S. I It kLES foe. SAUCES.

CQN FECT IQ N ERY.Attention is directed to our shops in

Silver Street, High Street, Ripon Street,Burton Road, and Canwick Road, and toShow-Cases at other Branches.

Our Confectionery Bakery is one of the largest in this

part of the Country.

It is fitted with ovens and appliances of the mostmodern design. The greatest care is exercised to secureperfect cleanliness in making the goods, and the highestand choicest qualities are produced.



Satisfaction Guar ant eed.

C IItf S, productions are manufactured with Co.operators' Capital for Co-operators' Consumption by thensump ion,

o-operative %holesale Society in which Lincoln Society holds Z5,484 of Share Capital.

Page 26: THE PAST TKELVE BEEN MEMBERS - Lincolnshire'_Report_-_part_1.pdf · ;I Thc Lincoln Equitablo Co-oporativo Industrial Socioty,

~ Iarke4 Pasen Branch. ."s+ablisned. 1892.

Sales since ccrmenceaen+ to t'ul„r, 1902~Prof'+ .=«de s".;-.ce do'. '. do. do.Sales lac+ four q,, ;~,rt;er s, R".d':d t'u17 ~0,".t

«Tul ~ /01

Being x deo.-ease

Pr of i+ .." f o;.r 1I; T". ..«ed J ul r /02.Tul„.~ /01.

R. s, d.

M) 82~ 18 7

2, 249 6 10.Pj 24 I 10

5, 302 & 4-

54 11 0.449 13 3.332 9 9.

Being sn ' «:reuse of:-e~i bers deposi . . d in Sooi .i r &a;:+

wi. :dre;: fro~ tt

s+111 ' a~. e s+asding .o ~heir c.edi:iluotber of .'.e~ ters in die~rio&

117 3


421 &o 0.1,230 13 O.

Ave ragte .'&oldin= o~ Can ': al ~ ~ 3 12 O.

Page 27: THE PAST TKELVE BEEN MEMBERS - Lincolnshire'_Report_-_part_1.pdf · ;I Thc Lincoln Equitablo Co-oporativo Industrial Socioty,









o -g,





Page 28: THE PAST TKELVE BEEN MEMBERS - Lincolnshire'_Report_-_part_1.pdf · ;I Thc Lincoln Equitablo Co-oporativo Industrial Socioty,

DD 4GT nfl lSS the Flohbfer, Fruit and Vegetable Shorty, and ChoirIII Contest, in the Corn Exchange, on SATURDAYI Aug. l6th.boP

Tha Lincoln Eqaitablo Co-oparativo Indmtrial Sooioty, Ltd.






BUILDING DEPARTMENT AND PRODUGTIYE WORKS, Tanners' Lane.Builders, Joinens& Cabinet Maker s, Upholsterer s, Fr ench Polisher s,

Undentaker s, Painter s, Plumber s, Glaziers dt Gas Fittens, Coach Buildens.

SII kinds of Monumental Work supplied. Head-stones, Crosses, gc.

Carts, Ihays, Wsggone, and all kinds of Carriage Work and Repair's

to order.

Plumbing and Gaanttingr rgrc.

kit idnde of Gasgttings, Gas pires Gas Stoves, Brackets, pendants,

ia all the latest designs.

Baths, Lavatories, Hot aad Cold Water Fittings, and all the latestSanitary plttlags hy ths hest mahsrs.

Incandescent I ights, Globes, Shades, gc„a speciality.

Gaper!eased Workmen irept in all Gre above branches.

AII Orders addressed to the Department will receive pmmpt attention. ~The Manager msy be seen st the Worlrs' Oacc every Monday, from

0-00 to 7-00 p.m. , holidays sud Quarterly Meeting nights excepted.

Customers wishiog to see the Manager during closal bourn applyHo. 0 Bordthsm Avenue.

rvr nr s a v, rslnws arvvrvvl Con, rrvvvrs


Page 29: THE PAST TKELVE BEEN MEMBERS - Lincolnshire'_Report_-_part_1.pdf · ;I Thc Lincoln Equitablo Co-oporativo Industrial Socioty,


I:incoln Kquifatile Coaoyeratiue Industrial Society, I:td.ESTABLISHED 1661.

Registered under the Industrial and Provident Societies Act, 1693.

OBJECTS OF THE SOCIETY.—First, it provides its Members and the General Public with Bread& Flour,Grocery, Provisions, Drapery, Clothing, Boots and Shoes, Butchers' Meat, Coals, Crockery, Hardware,Furniture, etc. ; Second, it seeks the Domestic, Social, and Intellectual advancement of its Members.

Annual Business, over k230,000. Number of Members, 10,256. Share Capital, k137,767 13s. Sd.Loan Capital, $95,948 Ss. 9d.. Reserve Fund, k, 7,364 1s. 64d.


The REPO/T and BALANCE SHEET foe the 163)d QUA/TEQ,ENDED JULY 2nds 1802.

nmpery. Beets a Shoes. Tattering.

82,300 4745 Bf,280

HIS B333 BI30

OreesryPurchases from the Co-operative Wholesale Society ... BI4,174

from other Co-operative Sources .. . . .. 2410Yalue of Goods produced, grown and manufactured by this SocietyButter and Eggs from Country Members . .

Animals Slaughtered durdng the Quarter: —Beasts, 487; Sheep and Lambs, 422; Calves,

Furnishing. Bsudlog. Coal. Total.kt, 530 BtI 4340 k20,300

423 ki,2ii422,806


42; Pigs, 461' Total, 782.

Central Stores and Offices:—SII YER STREETNo. I Branch —BRACEBBIDGE.





The Aibb'XUAL MEETI!'h(i ~vill be held in the Large Hall,On MONDAY EVENING, AUGUST 4th, italo~, at Half-past Seven o' clock.

The Chair to be taken by the' President of the Society, Atr. O. SIIARpE.PROGRAMME OF BUSINESS.

I.—lfinetes of Last Quarterly bfeetin.g —Admission of New bfembers.g.—The Deport anil Balance Sheet.A~ppscatfcn hy the Educsticaal Ccaonittee that they may participate in thePrcduetire Emplcyee's Annual Outing.

a—Application for s Subscription tc the "Orphan Fund" of the AmalgamatedSociety cf Railway Servants.

g.—Ncminaticns for Educational Committee.7.—Election of president, Treasurer, Secretary, Three Committeemen, and

Twc Auditors.8.—Any other business.

Page 30: THE PAST TKELVE BEEN MEMBERS - Lincolnshire'_Report_-_part_1.pdf · ;I Thc Lincoln Equitablo Co-oporativo Industrial Socioty,

hineo1n Equitable Co-opef ati~ye Industf ia1 Society, Lrirnited.

COMMITTEE OF MANAGEMENT.«i&fr. GEO. SHA11PE, President«lllr. 1VM. COULSON, Tree«urer«lllr DUNCAN llfcINNES, Secretary'ur. 1V. B. HOIVAltD




"lllr. J. lv. CODI. ING1fr. !If. SMALLLB

"Mr. W. HEIV&iON





lh WII I IAkl f&OIDbpl"ih"1lr CHAIILES OSTICK1lr. Plisxg NlVASV

Ai nrroei —Mr. JAS. ORANGE, 'Mi 1V. P. ABlllSTltONG, 'lllr. W P ltPBL'BTS. Oisin&i: bfr 1&ltED STEPHENNON.Retiuo ~ 1fembers, each eligible for re-election. '&ii Committee Meetings have been heM during the iluarter.

Candidates nominated for the Committee of klanngement: —George Bacon, John William Codling, .fohn Cooper, Toiu Ches&ham, Robert Fi«her, EdwinGreenwood, George Harris, 1Villism Hewson, Charles Ostick, John Hooseman anil Thon&as Richardson. Members must not vote for more th&in Three CamhileiesCandidates nominated for Auditors: —William P. Armstrong, Fmnk Lamming and William P. Roberts. Members must not vote for more than Two Canilidato .Votesmust be given by makings X opposite to the namesof the Candidates selected for support. Each bfember un&st show his or her Pass Card to obtiin avotiog paper fioiu the person who gives them out. The hours of voting sre from»even till nine p.m. , on Monday, August 4th, Ipea.




Dil&psnr and T&ir,oanio . . Messrs. CODLING, GOI,DSTEIiV and SWABY.Fru&nmi .. . . .. Meeeiv. McINNES, CO'i'LSON and HOIVARD.Gaoosav . . . . . . Messrs StfAI LEE, HEIVSON ant TUILVEB.Borrrvo A I&vs Srocs .. Messrs. SMAILEB. HEWSON anil TURNElt.



We beg to submit to you the 168nl Quarterly Report snd Balance Sheet. The total amount received for goods apl&1 durmgthe quarter is E60,987 9s. Qd. The net pro6t on the quarter's bnsiness, including A195 2s. Id. brought forward from last quarter, iug5,901 8a. 8@., which sum will allow E1,852 lie. 4'. ss interest, g8,487 10s. (kl. as diiddend, being 1s. Bd. in the K. on Members' Purchases,snd f196 10s 4d. , being Bd. in the g. on Purchases of Non-Members; 2166 17s. Od. being 1$ per cent. per annum for depreciation of Branchand Cpttsge Property; 6954 14a. 6d. being 10 per cent. depreciation of Fixed Stock; 847 Os. Od. being 5 per cent. depreciation of AlillingPlant; E62 10s. Od. for Educational Purposes; BI5 for Workmen's Insurance Fund, and 888 15s. 6d. carried forward to next quarter.996 persons have joined the Society within the quarter, 180 have withdrawn, snd 15 forfeited, making ihe present number 10,256

We regret to report s lessened Dividend caused by loss in the Butchery Department, smaller returns from the Mill, and increnaeilworliing expenses generally. The higher priices of fat stook have left the Butchery no margin of progt after meeting expenses. There hasbeen s diminished output fmm the Mill, snd the smaller trade hss been done at a less profit than heretofore. Our expenses have increasedin consequence'of higher wages, higher rates snd taxes, increased assessments anil interest, and higher charges for depreciation. The latteris attributable to our having hsd to build several large Branch Stores providing accommodation for. ten or fifteen years hence, in the face ofsn unforeseen decline in local trade which has lessened the purchasing power of our Members. XVhile it faBE to us as a Committee to reduceexpenses wherever possible, we would point out that the most efFective method of doing this is to increase the Society's trade, which is only EBBover that of the corresponding quarter of last year. Members can promote an increase by tl'adin loyally snd inducing others to jpiiiSociety. Now that local trade prospects sre impmving, we hope saon to regain our old rate of progress. The spell of Nlackneas which thetrade of Lincoln hss been experiencing hss caused the Society's usefulness to be known and appreciaterl by thousands who have ivithdrswndividends snd capital during the last year, snd. we have dealt promptly snd generously with those house-purchasin ~ Memberswho, owing to smaller earnings, have asked for their terms of repayment to be made easier.

Our Building Department having recently completed aix houses in Ijueen's Crescent, Yarborough P&osd, they are now for sale or tobe let. Prices snd. other particulars may be obtained fmm the Cashier.

Having pmvided suitable Bttings in the fireproof strong room adjoining the oiHce, we sre prepared to receive from ibleuibers, pnpayment of s small fee for safe storage, deeda, sorips, wills snd other valuable papers. Particulars msy be obtained at the Ofhce.

Zn response to the invitation authorised to be given by the Quarterly Meeting held last I'ebrusry, the Annual Congress pf fheWomen*s Co-operative Guild will be held in Lincoln next year.

With the approval of the Members, we purpose arranging s Demonstration aiul Treat for Juveuile Depositors in the I'ennv Banknext summer, and would be glad to mceive sny suggestions in respect to it at the forthcoming Annual ffeetmg.

Page 31: THE PAST TKELVE BEEN MEMBERS - Lincolnshire'_Report_-_part_1.pdf · ;I Thc Lincoln Equitablo Co-oporativo Industrial Socioty,

Financial Statement Tporzz Apvii 2rzdr 1902I to July 2zvdr2zvd 1902,



8 s. d.

SS 16

66 z'

9 r8 v


0,237 94,468 141,768 111,119 191,473 13

658 41,035 18

58 214 10

376 1611 6I 110 78 7

14 60 182 19I 12

22 1624 823 1949 417 10



0:50 0 0

227 8 6 v"

277 318,417 8


„Bank Balances

RECEIPTS.To Cash in hand, .......,„Sale of Goods, Central Grocery . ... . . . . . . . . .. . . 4,603 12 I

Drapery aud Millinery. . .. 8,941 Io 7Boot and Shoe . . . . .. .. . . 2,400 4 2Butchery- . . ... . . . . . . . . 4,692 14 94Hides, Skins, Fsi, tkc. . . . . 391 12 11Coals .. ... , .. . .. . .... .. 672 16 4Tailoring and Outfitting .. 2,869 9 10Furnishing .. . .... . ... . 1,822 4

Mill .. ..... . . . ..... . ... . . ... . . , 3 0 lpiBuilding Department. . . . . . .. .. 2,o74 18 66Hykehsm Farm ...... . . . ... . ... 15 6 0Vicarage Farm .... ..... . . . .... 118 17 !tBraeebridge, No. I Branch .. . . . . 1,855 8 IifBurton Road, No. 2 Branch . . . . .. 2,479 6 7Shakespeare Street, No. 3 Branch. . 1,312 8Ripon Street, No. 4 Branch . . .. .. 2,194 0Welbourn, No. 5 Branch ... . . . . . 2,731 10 11Ifetheringhsm, No. 6 Branch . . . . 2,068 2 34Csnwick Road, No 7 Branch ... . 1,370 17 7Ssxilby, No 8 Branch .... . . . . . . 1,'&96 16 3-Bsggholme Road, No. 9 Branch . . 1,672 10 11Newlsnd-st West, No. 10 Branch. 1,759 I 2Bardney, No. 11 Branch . . . ... .. 1,324 14 IHorncastle, No. 12 Branch . ..... 1,915 4 IldSlesford, No. 13 Branch . . .. . ... 2,707 2 4High Street, No. 14 Branch. . ... . 4,294 12 9kfsrket Rssen, No. 15 Branch .. . . 1,307 7 lliBsssingbsm, No. 16 Branch. . .. . . 912 13 2Reepham, No. 17 Branch . . . . . . .. 1,018 13 36Winn Street, No. IB Branch. . .. . . 1,193 6 11Hsckthorn, No. 19 Branch . . . . . . 283 5 0$„Sale of Cosls-

No. I Branch. . 2 30 10 6 No IO Branch. . 92 15 7iNo. 2 „.. 124 0 6$ No. 11,. . . 25 8 104NO. 3 „.. 76 14 lid No. lg „.. 168 3 7No. 4 „.. 64 18 10 No. 18 „.. 150 5 8No. g „.. 118 12 36 No. 14 „.. 131 12 7No. 6 „., 69 2 86 No. 15 „.. 4 4 4Ne. 7 „.. 34 9 6 No. 16 „.. 15 8 1$No 8 „.. 46 I 0 No 17 „.. 2017No. 9 „.. 83 14 0 No. ls „.. 49 I I—6„Additions to Share Capital . .Loan CapitalSpecial Loan Capital ..„Penny Bank Deposits

„Deposited in Provident Club„Bepayments from House Purchasers —biembers' Property a/c. ..„Baleof Live snd Fixed Stack .. ....„ Insurance Fend. ..... ....... . .. ..„Bents, Central ..... . ..... . ...... . . . ... .... . . .. 3 15 0Shakespesm Street .... .. . . . . .. . . . . .. .... 2 18 6Ripon Skeet . ......... ..... . . . . . . . ...... 7 16 0Great Northern Terrace .... .. .. . . . . .. . . . . 9 6 0Gss Street ............ . . ... . ........ .. .. 5 12 6Sincil Terrace. . ............ . . .... . . . . .. . . 20 10 0Kesteven Street .... . . ...... .... .. .... . . . . 8 9 6Chehnsford Btreet. ..... ..... . . . . . . ... . ... 21 7 0High Street .... . . . ... . ..... ..... . . . . . . . 8 15 0Sincil Basks ...... . ..... .... .... . . ...... 83 10 0Bsrdney .......... ... . .... . . ... . . ..... .. 9 8 4yohn Stme. .... .. .... ...... . . . . ... . . . . 7 18 6Bsggholme Road ...... . . . . .... ... . . . .... 6 19 9Florence Street .... . . . . .... ... . .. . . ..... . 81 5 0Belmont Street .. . ... . ..... . . ..... . . . . . . 89 0 6New Boultham .. . . .. ..... . ... . . . ... . 44 18 8Portland Street .. . . . ... ...... ... .. . . ... . 2 0 0Welbonrn .... ..... . . ..... .. .. .. . . ..... 12 0 0Reepham. ............ . . ...... . .... .. ... . I 6 8

„Enksuce Fees„Transfer Fees ......, .... , ..., Nomination Fees ....., . .„Sale of Raise, Cards snd Cash Books„Interest snd Dividend, Co-operative Insurance Society, Ltd.Shefdeld Cutlery Bociety, Ltd.

Co-opemtive Printing Society, I td. ...,Clayton 4k Shuttieworth'e Shares. ... . . .... . ... .. .. .,Rustcn, Procktr tk Co's. SharesDebentuizs

Bobey tk Co s. Debentures.I incoln Corporation StockLincoln Hide, Skin snd Fst Co's. Shaizs .... .... ....Co-operative Wholesale Society. . .... .....„Dividend

s d B s18,481 7 11


By Balance owing to Banks .. .. . . . . ... . . . . .Azoczx' PAID volt GDDDs

GroceryDrapery and MillineryBoot snd Shoe. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. ..ButcheringCoals .Tailozing and OutdttingFurrishingFlour MillBuilding DepartmentHykehs, m FarmVicarage FarmCarriage of Goods


li3,091 5 34,797 14 102,686 8 I4 li53 4 0I 798 14 02,234 9 62.723 18 97 811 6 I1,660 10 li

161 3 1052 18 6

95S 11 I107 2 I





8 sit2760


4 6 '1210 4v3 lpt'

13 8~0 0

17 8"18 6g

8 6F.16 or13 lw1 2 I

10 0&~15 6

6 0~332 16 0168 15 715i3 7 109512 6

495 6 01,775 16 9

322 ls 689 I 769 17 2

8,509 Il 11„Wsors Foz Drszamczrvz Lmoua-GroceryDrapery snd bfillinery .. . ... . . . . .Boot and ShoeButchering . .Tailoring and OutdttingFurnishing ..CoalsOfsce

617 9 11219 12 0113 18 0157 19 4108 12 0181 13 9185 5 8214 5 11

1,798 16 7W.IOES Az THE BRSNCHRS-No. I Branch .. 67 12 0No. 2 „., 101 10 4No. 8 „.. 44 4 0No. 4 „.. 65 310No a „.. 16416 INo. g „.. ill 12 8No. 7 „.. 35 8 0No. B „.. 48 7 0No. 9 „.. 41 8 0No 10 4913 4„ Gzzznxz, Emzzszs-

Committee and Secretary's Salary. . . . . , . . .Auditors' Salary ..Stocktaking, Extending, Checking, ikc. . .InsurancePrinting, Stationery anil Advertising. . .. . . . .Postage Stamps and Cheque BooksIiepah sRates and Taxes. ...GasWater .Delegates' ExpensesBank Commission and Interest .. . , .. .. . , ..Subscriptions, Co operative Union, Ltd.

No. 9 District bfidland SectionCo opezstive Union. . .....,

Lincoln School of Science di ArtNottingham Institution for the

Blinil .. ... ... .. .. .... . . .Prosecution of Felons SocietyLincoln Chambez of Commerc

Nc. 11 BranchNo. 12No. 18No. 14No. 15No 16No. 17No. 18No 19

SO 9 O

S6 I 0. . 187 19 tl. . 248 19

77 I 037 I 046 18 042 11 613 13 0


40ao'18 15 Oy35 18 I,57 ls 3 I83-19 5-53 0 11'

450 16275 7 8/119 13 109

58 ill 6I1S 6 11.3

170 ls 56 5 0

110 0I I 0

5 5 05 8 6

e I I 0I 408 17 3

IS2 8 7$„Cash in Cashier's hands

„Withdrawals from Share CapitalLoan Capital. .Special Lolin CapitalPenny Bank

Additions to Fixed, Rolling snd Live Stock Account .. . . . . . .Members' Property Account . . .„ Investments —Shares in Shefdeld Cutlery Society .. . . . . . . . .

Co-operative Wholesale Society,. Interest on Branch Managers' Bonds„Horse Keep„Non-Members' Dividend on $811 15s. Rt Bd. m the g.„Educational Grant„ Provident Club„Rents

Wsuzs FOR PRODOOI'IFR LIIIODR-GroceryDrapery and MillineryBoot and ShoeButchering .. .Tailoring snd OutaltingBuilding DepartmentMillers. ..Hykeham FarmVicarage Farm

Z90,044 10 3$

Page 32: THE PAST TKELVE BEEN MEMBERS - Lincolnshire'_Report_-_part_1.pdf · ;I Thc Lincoln Equitablo Co-oporativo Industrial Socioty,

Dr. SIIARE CAPITAL ACCO( NT. Cr.To iV&thdrawsi

Forfeit, o& With&irawaia deduct&4 &rom F&xe&l Stock AccountIUJ D«po. it. to Bui)&h»g Account, et,is eachI&lac '

, . Allo&i&i! I )& &Bu)r& r tor Inta&e t .m&i Divi&icnd but not r«0»wc&i.. I're)e»t Cl.»u&»f ill«ml«r

H H}3Iim8

Ill187. Hi

2lrgl, »1')


120 11

,i 02 1&)

ll 4I:&


By C»p&tai a. pi r lest bci»nc«Sheet . .l)ivi icn I o 112» I II»HI)&'I'i&&er«. t on ht»)(»u'll »I'1»i.

d137 625 4


I BUU 0 0).483 lt

girl HII .i 7

Dr. LOAN ('APITAL ACCOI', VT. Cr.To IV&th&ir»wrds

, . I')esent Ciai&ns

0I.u)7 IU 4

'&5 Uau H

227.457 IU I

Bv Loan. as 0&&' I:1st Dais»«' !bee&Interest e,. p«r!as&, B,)le»c Sheet

„Contnl »t» oe

82:&,45&0 14 0

tuil 18 101.7))J 11

527,445 IU I


To iVith iraiv:)l., . Present Cia)ms

Bv Spec&al I, ia». Hs per liwI Bale»«e Hh t. .I»t&'I'esl &)e 9&'I' i&is) I)el&u)ce Sile«t

.. C»ntulu&&o»-

1.},oui IH I


133:I 103,904 I 4

s d'JIUI ') 7

IU 18& H

I, iiu I'. I 10

54.037 IH I

Pl".NNY IIAN Il A('('(ll')VT.

To IV&thdrswaieFte«eot cia»us

2 . &i

1,56i I.lI HI 0'&H U,i i

&UJU, I!Hl 3 I (

llv il»is»«v. :) p«r ia & llabinc«S!»I » I i'1'«

C»»))i)»ai u.

2 s I!H,GII' I'i IU

173 lil il1,478 Is H

2')0, 19(i 8 I.E



s d22,399 14 9

Addit&ons Ad&1&tions by Society's Totalthi. (Iuarter. oivn Workmen. Cost.

s d 2 s d 2 s d89 0 0 311 10 2 2'2, 800 4 11

Depremst&on Allowed by la..tprev&oo)ly a!lowed. Balance Sheet

s d 2 s d12,2G5 ll 2 258 7 0

I'ro&» Hale of L&ve an&1 TotalPees. Ac. Fixe&i ')tock Depreciation.B s d 2 s d s 6

84 8 I 58 2 0 12,611 8 3

Be!anceNonnnsi Value.

2 s d10,188 16 8



s d6,860 19 6

Additionsthis (lusrter.

s d0 0 0


2 s d6,860 19 6

Depreciationpreviously allowed

s d3,083 8 6

Allowed by InstBalance Sheet.

s d4711 0


s d3,130 19 6

BalanceNominal Value.

s d3,780 0 0

» Balance.


s 87,864 I GI

$7,864 I 6$

By Balance as per Inst Be!ance Sheet ...., , .... . , .„ Interest on Bobey &2 Core DebentoresBuston, Proctor rt Core Debentures .Lincoln Corporation Stock .. . . .. ...

Cr.2 s d !

7J26G 9 4$23 19 3)449 4 4

27364 I Gd


To Amount mlvanced ss per Inst Balance Sheet ..this (Iusrter. . ....

$36,902 6 0

» Balance owing to Society


s d36,889 8 9 1&By Bepsymente as per Cash Account . . .

12 17 8 I » Less Interest

s d 2 s d1,035 13 0

380 6 &J

!86,246 19 9


Previous Cost.

2 s dCentral, Branch Stores, and other

Business Premises .. .. . . .. 89,259 14 5Dwelling-houses ...... ....., .. 15,756 11 1Agricultural Land and Buildings 5,105 16 9

2110,122 2 8


gouttes.s d

Ad&Bttons bySociety's own


Total Cost.Depreciation



Allowedlast Quarter.

s d


s d

209 13 91,901 8 9

91 19 2

I'),881 12 I17,657 19 10 1,481 165,197 16 Ii 485 8 6

265 18 085 11 828 17 9

18,147 10 I1,567 8 4

514 6 3

BU 0 0 $2,2(6 2 3 2112,325 4 6 214.848 17 3 2380 7 5 215,'829 4 8

76,321 18 116,090 11 64,683 10 3

& &&

Page 33: THE PAST TKELVE BEEN MEMBERS - Lincolnshire'_Report_-_part_1.pdf · ;I Thc Lincoln Equitablo Co-oporativo Industrial Socioty,

Dr.To Share Capital, , Loan Capital. ... .. .... .... .„Special Loans„Penny Bank Deposits„Reserve Fund.., Branch Managers' Boule,. Congress Fun&1 . . .. . . . ..... .„ Insmance Fund„Workmen*e In. urance Fund„Provident Fund. . . . .. . . . . . . .

Bank Balances„Bclance

To Balance Disposable


13 68 9

14 89 5$1 6$9 60 00 00 0

13 11R 38 8$





By Stock, Grocery .. .. . . . . .. . . ... . .. . . . ... ... . 4,584Drapery snd Millinery . . .... ... . . . .. 4,939 19 3Boots snd Shoes ... .... ..... ...... . . . 3,031 2 2Butchering ........ . . . ... .... ...... . . .. 795 14 8Coals . .. ... . . . . . . . . . . ... . . . . . . . . . . . . 226& 1 2Tailoring and Outfltting. . .. . . . . . ... . . . . 4,851 8 3Furnishing. . . . . . ... . . . . . . . . ... . ... . . . 2,959 3Building (including work in hand) .. . . . . 13,038 0No. 1 Branch ... . . . .... . . .. . ... . . . . . . li37 4 0No. 2 „.. . . . . . . .. . . . . .... . . . . . . 1,095 18 7No. 3 „ . . . . .. .. . . .... . . . . . . . . . . 309 9 10No. 4 „ . . . . .... ...... . . . ..... 766 8 1No. 5 „ .... . . ...... . .. . ... . . . . 1,673 13 4No. 6 „ .... .... . . . . .. .. .. .. . . .. 1,072 3 8iVo. 7 .. .. .. ..... . .. ...-...... 469 5 6No. 8 „ .. . ..... . ... . . . . .... .... 424 10 6No. 9 „ . ....... ...... . . . . .... .. 281 19 0No. 10 „ . ...... . . ....... ...... .: 578 9 6No. 11 „ ...... .... . . .. .. ...... .. 999 5 6No. 12 „ . ..... ... . .. . . . . . ... . . . . 1,104 7 0No. 13 „ . ... .... . . . . . ... .. .. .... 1,626 8 11No. 14 „ . ... . ..... .. ............ 3,196 19 7No. 15 „ . . ... . . ....... ...... .... 1,670 18 6No. 16 „ . . ... . . ........ ... ...... 549 12 8No. 17 „ ... .. . ......... . ....... 425 11 0No. 18 „ .. ........ ...... ...... .. 422 8 0No 19 „ . . . ... ......... . . . . . .. . . 248 8 0bfiB ... . ..... . . ...;... . ...... . .... .. . . 3,054 19 8Hykeham Farm . . .... .. ..... . .. . . . . .. 800 13 3Vicarage Farm .... .. .. . . . . . . . . .. .. .... 1,243 14 0

„Buildings snd Land Account„Members' Property Account„Fixeil Stock Account„bfilling Plant Account. .. . .„Shares in Co-operative Wholesale Society, st 5 per cent. .

Hebden Bridge Fustian Society, st 5Co-operative Insurance 8ociety, st 6Co-operative Punting Society, st 7$Co-op. Hosiery bfsnufacturing Soc., at 6Pairley Co-op. Manufscturiug Soc, st 64London Productive Society (written otf). . . . ........Thomson &2 Sons' Productive Society, at 5 per cent . .Co-operative Newspaper Society, st 5Dudley Bucket snd Fender Society, at 124Airedale Worsted Society, at 10Midland Tinplate Workers' Society (written off)Alceeter Needlemskers' Society, at 5 per cent ..Sheffleld Cutlery Society, st 5Broav&fleld's Gnild Pottery Society (written off)Mscclee6eld Silk Manufacturing Society (written off)Leek Silk Twist Msnufacturmg Boc., st 5 per cent. .British Produce Supply Assoc. , Ltd. (written off) . . ..Long Eaton Engineering &2 Cycle Co. (ivritten off)Coventry Co-operative Watch Manufacturing SocietyLincoln Hide, Skin and Fst Co., Ltd. , at 124 per centRuston, Proctor &2 Co., Ltd. , at 4Clayton &2 Shuttleworth, Ltd, at 2„Reserve Fund Invested:—

„Lincoln Corporation 3 per cent. Redeemable Stock 8,890 0 0„Ruston, Proctor &2 Co., Ltd. , 4 per cent. Debentures 1,836 5 0„Robey &2 Co., Ltd. , &~ per cent. Debentures. . . . .. 1,255 0 0„Lincoln snd Lindeey Banking Co., Ltd. , Shares .. '3,294 19 0—., Cash m Casiuer'e hands .... .. ... . . . ...... . ..... . . .. .. .. . .

—57,065 16 797,095 19 1D86,246 19 910,188 16 88,780 0 05,762 0 10

40 0 050 0 025 0 0

600 0 050 0 0

100 0 010 0 030 0 020 0 0

11 16 787 19 10

16 1 0

25 18 2128 D 9597 0 085 0 0

8,275 lo 0182 3 74

6220,374 7 1068220,874 7 10$

s dd9001$0$


11$5$67 -p




I —5,000276




1316 6

16 94 110 0

10 012 016 0


Crs d5,776 6 7$ I By Pmflt, Grocery .. ..... . .. ... . .. ........... 886 17

sDrapery and Millinery . . . ..... ..... . .. 401 11Boot snd Shoes . . .. . . . . . . .. .. ..... . .. 386 11Butchery .... .... ... . .... . ..... ...... 7 8Coals. . . . .... ...... .... . . . . . ......... 120 12Tailoring and Outfltting .... . . . . .... . . 385 19Furnishing ...... . . ........ . . . . ...... 196 0Building . . ...... ...... ...... .. .... .. 100 0No. 1 Branch. ... ..... . ........... . .. IOS 11No. 2 „ ......... . ..... ..... . . . 140 14No. 3 „ ........... . .. . . .. ...... 69 6No. 4 „ ............ .... .. ...... 127 0No. 5 „ ... .. . ..... . ............ 251 15No 6 „ .... ...... . ... .. . . .... . . 158 10No. 7 „ .... .... . . .. . . .... ...... 88 7No. 8 „ .. ...... ...... . . ........ 78 5No. iJ „ .... ... . . ........... .. .. 138 6No. 10 „ . . .. . . .. ...... ...... .... 187 5No. 11 „ .. .... ......... ........ 92 5No. 12 ...... .:;... ............ 182 16No. 13 „ .. ........ . . . ..... ...., . 271 8No. 14 „ . . .. ...... .... . ......., . 871 16No. 15 „ .... ..... . . . .... .. ..... . 148 0No. 16 „.. ........ ...... ...., .. . 48 4No. IZ „ . . . . ... . .. ...... . . . . .... 73 18No 18 „ .. .. . . . . . ............... 67 3¹ll.. . . . . .... . . .. . . .. .. . ., ... , . . . .. 98 14„Rents as per Cash Account . . ..... . .. .. .. ...... . . . . .....„Rules, Cards, snd Cash Books

,. Interest from kf embers' Property Account„ Interest snd Dividend, Co-operative Productive Bocietiee. . .Co-operative Wholesale Society ............ .. . . .Hide, Slrin snd Fat Cops Shares. ..... ...........Clayton &2 Shut tleworth's SharesRuston, Proctor &2 Cods Shares .... ..........~ ~65,776 6 76

85,776 6 Zd

Page 34: THE PAST TKELVE BEEN MEMBERS - Lincolnshire'_Report_-_part_1.pdf · ;I Thc Lincoln Equitablo Co-oporativo Industrial Socioty,


5,776 6 7418 10 9

s d 2 s d1,400 0 0

289 5 42819 8 v

170 3 7iv14 2 9

1,852 11 448,487 10 0,

e g. .. .... .. 26 10 4

To Interest on Share Capital„ Interest on Loan Capital . . ... . . , .. . . .„ Interest on Special Loan . . . . .. . , . . . , .„ Interest on Pennv Bank Deposits„ Interest on Branch ifsnagers' Bonds

By Balaoce froni Profit snd Loss rtccount„Balance froni Inst Quarter .„Allowed last (fuarter for Interest «nd Dividend. but

not require&i 111 11 4195 2 1

„Dividend on $55,000 at I/O in the g. .... .. . . . .„Non-Members' Dividend on 2795 10s. st gd. in th„II per cent. Depreciation of Branch snd Cottage

Property 166 17 0„10 per cent. Depreciation of Fixed Stock .... ... . 254 14 6„5per cent. Depreciation of Milling Plant. ... .... 47 0 0

„Educational Grant, 1$ per cent. of Net Trade Pmfits ...... ....„Workmen's Insurance Fund„Balance carried forward. .

468 1162 1015 038 15

Audited snd found correct, iuly 17th, 1909,6



0 W. P. 11OBERTS,

25 901 8 8) Bgyt01 8 si

'Mr. G. E. BECK, President. ....... .. . . .."Mr. W. ROBERTS, Vice-President. . .... . .Mr. W. LOVATT, TreasurerMr. G. HARRIS, Secretary ... . . . . . .... . .

The figures after the Names

EDUCATIONAL COMMITTEE.9 Mr. C. TREAVETT ... . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . ri hfr. J MOOltE9 'Mr. D. WORTH . . . . ..... . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Mise A M. TURNER. . .9 'Mr. T. HARDY . . . . ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 'Mr. T. hIATHEBS9 ifrs. M. A. DRING. .. . ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8

indicate the number of Meetings attended, 9 having been held, in addition to x Sob-Committee Meetin s.' Retiring hfembere, each eligible for nomination.



To Balance brought forward„Choir Social .„Cards, Catalogues, &hc.„Sale of Newspapers, Magazines, &he ..„Adult Choh„Junior Choir .„Quarterly Grant

Audited and found correct, July 10th, 1902,JAS ORANGE,

jW. P. ARMSTRONG, -Asdftorv.W. P. ROBERTS,

s d0 Gi

I 8 0218 4116 70 4 02 0 6

60 10 0

270 17 5h

ERPENDITltRE.By Librsuan's Salary„Choir Social„Cleanmg Account,„Printing snd Stationery ..„Honorarium to Secretary —per year. . .„Grant to Women'» Guild„Delegates' Expenses„Advertising„Hall keeper„Newspapers, Magazines. &kc.„Secretary's Postage .„Tuning Piano„Adult Choir, Instruction and Music. . .„Junior Choir, ditto .... . . .... . ... . . .„Small eume,. Balance fomvard

2 e d816 0

o &}

1110 66 611710 01 5 0I 1 90 12 10011 3

10 16 100 8 40 o 0

101& 0819 00 r 101 9 Ge

270 17 54

The Qumtetly Meeting wBI be held ln the National Schoolroom, Fslbeck, on Satarday, fiugust 2nd, f902, at 7-15 p.m. Representative, Mr. TERNER.

Welbourn Branch Couunittea —Mr. D. P. Ablewhite, Coleby, Chairman; Mr. J. Gray, Lesdenham, Secretary; Mr. i. Green snd hlr. R. Clcri'e, Ha&ms&on ~

lgr. J. Flatters, Boothby; ifr. B. Gsdd and hfr. J.Dove, Nsvenby; Mr. J. hfablethorpe snd hfr. Thoiupeon, Welirngore; Mr. J. Sharps snd hfr. .i. Knights„Welboum; Mr. G. Wright, Folbeck; iifr. T. W. Gxld, Csytborpe; Mr. E. Gxld. Honington.

The Quarterly Sleeting wiB be held in the Reading Room, Metheringham, on Friday, August 1st, f902, at 7 p.m. Representative. Mr CO I'I SON

Metheringham Branch Committee. —Mr. John Csssweg, Methertngham, Chsirmau; hfr. Elijah Iteynoidu Metheringham, Seemtary; Mr. Fredk W SgdoekMr. Wm. Ogdea, Mr. John Robinson, Metheringham; Mr. Arthur Wilson, Dunstto&n; hfr Charles Baumber, hfr Thos. Winnall, SeoPwick; Mr Predk LGoiv

Mr. Charles Ogden, Digby; hfr. Pdiehsrd Taylor, Blsnkney.

Bardney Branch Couuaittee. —hfr. G. MiBs, Baulney, Chstrmsnl Mr. W. Claphsm, Bardney, Secretary; hfr H Parkes, Mr. G. Msddtcon, Mr, T W 1

Mr. W. Colton, Bardney; Mr. T. Simpson, SouBuey.

The Quarterly Meeting wiB be held in the Temperance HsB& Slcsford, on Saturday& August 2nd, 4902& at 7 p.m. Represent&itive, hfr. SMALLER

Sleaford Branch Committee. --IBr. E. Diokencon, Chairman, I, William Street, Slesford; Mr. C. H. Faulkner, Secretary. Nocton House &Jieaford i Mr I J,52, GaBy Hill, Slesford; Mr. L. Wsiner, 51, Westgate, Slesford; Mr. W. Haystag, 51, Northgste, Slesford; Mr J. Leslie, I, Miiifivrd Terrrr&w Sieafo

Mr. C. Wright, 92, Westgste, Slesford; Mr. W. Gsrweg, Ruskingtoni , Mr. E. Marriott, Kitkby Laythorpe 1 hfr. C. Sharmcn. Leaeingham; Pmv K. Cog, ,"»

Vicarage, Scredington; Mr. J.Blade, Bmton Pedwsnline; Mr. W. hfuxlow, Rauceby, near Grantham.

The Quarterly Meeting will be held in ths Club Room& "George" Inn, Market Rssen, on Saturday& Ailg hodr f902 at 7~ p m it present&itive M HOW

Market Races Branch Committee. —hlr. J. W. Rushby, Lb&wood Road, hfsrl et Rasen, Chairman - Mr. .i. Picirwefi, Co.op Stores I-»cn St

Secretary i hfr. G. Watkinson, Walesbyi Mr. F. Ingilby, Waterloo Street, Market Rasen; hlr. Jos. Penney, Waterloo Street, hisrhet R sen hir JWaterloo Street, Market Bases; hfr. John T. Douse, Legsby Lane, Market Rssen; hfr. Moses Crow, Ytiilinghsni B&rad Market Imien M IBuslingihorpe; Mr. J.Cottfngham, Buslingthorpe.

Bassingham Branch Committee. —hfr. W. Woodhead, Bsssinghsm, Chairman; hfr. A. Chadwick, Secretarv: Mr. I Brown. Mr. B. Goodwin hl J Kom

Mr. F Taylor, Mr. J, Marshafi, Carlton-le-hfcorlsnd; Mr. J. HaBam, Marlboro'; hlr. S. smart, Mr, i

Norton Disney; Mr. G. Cook, Aubourn; Mr. J. Ibrxkcrr Carlton-le-Moorland.

Page 35: THE PAST TKELVE BEEN MEMBERS - Lincolnshire'_Report_-_part_1.pdf · ;I Thc Lincoln Equitablo Co-oporativo Industrial Socioty,

OR seine ye;irs psst ouv vsx" i rv hs, - -iib vrd»d ro ihi foo l. ofp the llscbmerv b sir 'A ~oci iti'ui: pvvliaps, therefore,

explanation of the purpose for which this Associs, tion was foriueilmay be of interest to members who reail these pages, because it showswhat great need there is for rating reform iu this countrv. Thesssessiuent of eleven engineering s,nd other works in this city wasrecently increased from a rateable value of X10,880 to a rateable valueof 422,789. After prolonged appeals to the Assessment Couimitteethis was reiluced to 216,380, which, as will be seen, is s, very greatadvance upon the olil assessinenr, . Part of this increase is borne bythis Society, and adds consiilersbly to our working expenses, as it doesin greater or less degree to all other firms with large plants ofmachinery. A little reflection will make it plain to the simplest, howthis system of rating benefits the owners of lsnil at the expense of theindustrial commnnity. Ar present, property is rated. according to theactual revenue derived froin it by the owner. The iuain objection tothis principle of rating, is that it enables speculators to keep extensiveplots of land vacant. Thus they escape being rated, although thevalue of the ground may be constantly rising through the develop-ment of a neighbomhood, the establishinent of large works, or owingperhaps to some other circumstances purely accidental. The realvalue of such property, to its owner is far above what it yields perannum, but by the present method of local taxation, wc iguore thisreal or capital value. We onlyrate laml when it is in use. If it liesunfeneeil and open it is not rsti. d at all, and yet in neavly every essein towns it iuay be yearly incressin very greatly in capital value.Within the last, thirty years we hiive seen the selling price of buililingland, near one of onr city branches, increased by fen shillings persqnare yard, bnt the owner has done nothin«„ to make that land morevaluable. The rateable aiiiount for souie of it has been based ruerelyon its pastoral instead of its capital value, and some of it for yearshas not been rated at all. These points have a very important bearingupon the welfare of the imlustries of any town. The establishmentand growth of large engineering works in Lincoln hss put immensesums of money into the pockets of landownevs. On three sides of theoity we have only to look arounil us to realize this, but as has beenshown, our system of rating has enableil this to be done entirely atthe cost of the industrial community. If the attention they deservecould be given to such questions as these, we should doubtless come tothe conclusion that to increase the rating of machinery in tbe largeworks in Lincoln and elsewhere, is to strangle the goose that lays thegolden eggs, for such works produce in their enviroument thatprosperity upon which the rating of the locality depends. The burdenshould be thrown on the land, instead of upon what is already built,or is to be built upon it. By pursiung this policy we should hberatemachinery, anu enable our manufacturers hetter to cope with thecompetition of foreigners in nentral uutrkets. The biuden of ratingof our Society's property, both in buildings and machinery, has beensteadily and continually increasing, and our action in subscribing tothe Machinery Users' Association has been prompted by a desire toco-operate with others similarly circmiistauced, to secure reforms ofthe present unjust anil unfair. systeius of rsting.

On referring to the Balance Sheet it will be seen that the SpecialLoan Account at 8$ per cent. interest, which was openeil Inst year,mainly to meet the wants of a section of the unmarried familiesof our members, meets with continuous success. Up to the presenttime small savings to the aruount of L'3,304 have been deposited inir. The advantages claimed for this branch of the Society, are that,it encourages early saviug, and prcmotes the utilizatiou of thesecollective savfings for the public good in greater degree than if theywere placed in a bank, because under the Co-operative system, thecapital will be used for the benefit of those who have furnished it.As a class we retard our own progress more by drinking, bet ting, anilgambling, than it is retarded by landlordism anil capitalisui. Whatis wsnteil mosr of sll, and the lesson that the Co-operstive movementis doing more than any moveiuent ro teach. is the trsinin of theworking classes in habits of management which will make themefilcient controllers of their own financisl and commercial atfairs.The nleal of the thoughtful, true co-operator, uuist be not "What cauI get out of thrs 2"

but "Bow can I best act for the benefit of those

,„,self e kll oiii Pi t 1»«ill like circunistsuces 'll'll iuyf th xi teuce of thi~ puit muon~ rhe u miibois

All our eflorts, now, and in the future, should be used to foster. sndextend this spirit, for that is what actuated those who planiied anfounded and worked for this Society, aiul who have now —one by one-passed away.

Out of twenty-three papers submitted to the examiner at therecent Audit Exaninations of the Co-operative Union, EducationalDepartment, that by AIr. Jas. Lenygon, Secretary of tbe GrimsbyCo-operative Society, who received his training in ouv oflice, wasplaced first in the first class. This result will doubtless be assatisfactory to the Grimsby Society as it is to us who have witnessedwith pleasure his first successes in physical milture competirions, ansince, those in connection with the work of his profession s,s aco-operative accountant.

It is a ruatter of comnion knowledge among co-operators that theproducts of the C.W. S. Irish Creameries can usually be relied uponto win prizes at Butter Exhibitions. At the recent Spring Show of theRoyal Dublin Society, these Creameries eclipsed all previous successes.Ont of eight classes, they carried off five First Prizes, eight SecondPrizes, and four 'I'bird Prizes, thns winuing seventeen ont of thetwenty-four prizes oQered. The fact that three only of the C. IV.S.Creameries competed against 260 other entries, makes the triumphmore notable. Further, rwo special prizes anil various coinmendatoryawards were among the trophies. These results are evidence thatco-operators know how to supply theiuselves with excellent butter.The Central Stores and Branches of our Society are the only places inthis city, where this high-class butter can be obtained. It ciimes to usdirect from the Creaiueries. In the winter when the Irish butter. —making season is over, our supplies come from the Danish Co-operativeCreameries.

A case of considerable interest to those Co-operative Societies,which still use metallic checks, was decided six weeks ago at the CountyCourt, Skiptou, by Judge Bompss. A pawnbroker had taken in pawn

!and ailvanced money upon metal checks issued by the CarletonCo-operative Society. These checks were in due course presented byhim for pay:nent of dividend, but the Society refused to pay andretained the checks clairuing them as being the property of the Society.The Judge held that the dividend was due to the member of theSociety who pledged the checks, aud that the pawnb oker must obtainfrom that person and not from the Society the amount of the dividendor whatever sum approaching it, had been lent on the checks. Thepawnbroker was uor, a member of the Society, and therefore was notentitled to any ilividend upon the cheeks iu his possession. Be had notitle to anything except the bits of metal on which he advanced themoney, and the value of which was not more than a penny or two-pence.

iklembers of this Society purchasing goods from the DouglasCo-operative Society, Ltd. , 28 Nelson Street, while staying in theIsle of SIau, will receive half the declared dividends. klembers shouldgive in their checks to the Office of our Society on their return.Those intending visiting the Island will do well to make enquiries atthe Stores for Apartnients, seniling a stamped addresseil envelopefor reply.

The "Revue Eeonomique" of Bordeaux, in an article on Protec-tion, written with reference to the elections in France, corupares theprices of forty articles of daily use in the capitals of Free Trade Englandand protectionist lirance respectively. For a given unit, of each of tbeforfy articles taken together one pays in London 84 francs, in Paris 110francs, or nearly 80 per cent more. The foliowiug are examples takenfrom the list lper kilo.):—

Page 36: THE PAST TKELVE BEEN MEMBERS - Lincolnshire'_Report_-_part_1.pdf · ;I Thc Lincoln Equitablo Co-oporativo Industrial Socioty,


Ijuttuu. . . .Fv& efVealPork8&11)'stCugeeTeaSugar

London.s ci

1 821 61 42 0


0 4

Paris.e 4

62 822 83 4

010 00 11

Coal, )vend, petroleum, nil, Iucifers, pepper, salt, clothing, gc. ,ars alen much dearer in France than iu England.

The uexv taxation on account &if the late Iyar includes thefniluw)0 ~:—7&1. ou income tax.1». s, barrel nu beer.6d. a gallon nu spirits.Id. a pound on tnhacco.6&1. a pound on foreign cigars.2d. a pound on tea.

4s. Ed. a cwt. on refine sugar (lesson raw sugar).

Is. n tou on exported coal of 6s. atuu s,ud over in value f.o.h.

Sd. per cwt. ou imported per cwt. on iu)ported fiour.

It is uut at all unlikely that the condition of the law with regurdtn iuiik-blended butter mill bring about sonic unexpected consequences.If town yendnrs of butter can mix 16 or 20 percent. of milk or waterwith their butter without inying themselves open to any penalty, thereis uo reason why the original makers should uot do the same, andunless we are umch mistaken, some of them will uot he slow in findingthis out aud turning it tu account. It takes nearly 301hs. of milk tnuiake a puuncl nf geuume butter, which is something less thnu ahalfpenny per pound for the milk, aud if sonis of it can he sold ut1s. or Is. 3d. per pound as butter, they will certainly try to work nifall they can in )hat form. They can hardly he blamed for doing so,considering the unprosperous condition of their industry; still it issomewhat of a shock to fiud the nnue honest English farmer adopt&f gthe same practices as the adulteyatiu ~ aud unscrupulous town vendor.IVe say adulterating, for notwithstanding the fact, as declared hy law,that adding a certain quautity of milk to butter does not makemargarine of it, it certainly makes su adulterated article of it. Itdeca not matter what you add tn an article to lower its quality,whether it be milk, water or heef-fat, it is an act of adulteration allthe same, aud the purchaser is the loser.—Agrtpslturut Eceuomxkt.

EDUCATIONAL DEPAiyTMENT-The Educntionai Co&umirtee take this opportunity of g)xsng the members abrief accountdf the present and pest work of their Department, and an outline ofwhat is proposed to be done in the uear future.Gymnasium Ciassea. These c)essea whiob ere open to the children of

members from 0 to 14 years of ege for the nomina) eum of sd per term of threemonths, completed the session by a grand dhp)ay and competirion for yrhee to thevalue of 20e. Alr. E B.Dent;, Sergt. -[nstructor Gymnasium Stat[ being the judge.The large audience present showed unmittakeebiy egem and again their interestin theproceedmgs by ungrudgingly applendin the excellentperformaneee of theboys and girls. While the class for boys bas been an unqualified xuccets, thecommittee regret that only a limited number of girls have ave)le&1 themselves ofthis great opportunity of securing physical culture; iwow that arrengemen v eremade for the claeeee to &u-commence iu September, and as they have been fortunatein securing the services of Sergt, Dent ax Instructor, the committee hope that, forthe sake of the girls, and because of tbe benefits accruing from a class ot this kind,a much larger number &vill attend.

Singing Class (from 0 veare of egal. —The clans of last, session wee themost succeesfni ever held in the history of the Departmeet, more than gn members'children having attended. In this class a thorough ground work in music is givenfor gd. per term of three moetbs, by Mr. D. E. Hirst, of the Cathedral Choir. Thechess forms also a source of enyply for glllng up veeeneies and adding to tbe ynniorChoir, as each eh)id, after being a member eix months, and passing s t(st,eatmfectory to the conductor, is txe,neferred to the ftmior Choir. The next sessionwill commence in September, See future bB)e.

Junior Choir. —Tbie is a comparetivsiy new branch of work, but the resnltsam 1 'ustify the des)sion of the committee in making such a deyarmre. Cue ofthe url et nb)in ayyearsnces of this choir wae et the gown&' show last y xr,

pyjusi e e, wherethe ga en excel)ent concert in the afternoon; while, during the win r n

e ie y ' ter month. ,they have done good work in pmvkling thoroughly good musical evenings, eer edkjointly with the Women's Guild. And now, with a,membership of over 00, theyare preparing to give the afternoon's entertaininent at the fortbeeming flowershow. It is also expected that from this branch gom[ voce)i te will be drafted intothe Adult Choir when age will perm)t.

Adult Choir. —Tbie Choir, Iim e&rr&n, iv undonbtrillv n, rnor& rtbcieut bodyof singers to-dev tbnn ever before, u the reenlt cf noi tent pni tire»& I r&penteileompet&tione. &1'by are noiv lnird et, iviuk preperinu f r t)ie cement to be i, i 1 Ii&Lincoln on August ibLb, for xvln;ii tiu. xrr»npmuinte nri &nit n beni. 'Lt'ii, it ichietiy detned nne. I» a pood mniiber ot ntne &. uinko &bi:1 i&i&nil roui[&&&i»m

A new feature tin. year w&B b«lie n&ldiuo& el &utv &. f& r t n r. elo. er»iquerteLte vnm&n . open fisc for tiv entre in ee ) ebi»» fn i, i «i»h iioir t«kn& ~pa&'t in tk&e cnuiyetit&on In iiii)a&on t, [,mcoln r nt t i&, bi b&» I ci )ed Luente&' the choir forth& romyet&tion &n iie bell ax LE&I)&i buie', on 8&tu&dey, Sept7th. in connect) u& with the Midiiin 1. 'Annual Co &yeret&v * 1& n»». &ii tn n an 1Exhibit&on. Tlu contest I» bemg err&&nevi) bv the alu &nil (' inn»tr. ~ nf xheExhibition an(1 the Comrmt&ee of t2&c nexxlv-fnrui d Cb r&&i I n& n f& r &b tdidlendBeet)on, and it)»open tn aB C &-qiera&n Cbinr»»i &b )[i Bhi ) Se(ti n. A conc&i&,by tbe combined obo&r» w31 fnilinv th ~ cronte. t. A cb np 1 urn)on ii&)i )ie rnnfrom Lincoln at &i. faie of 4 S ac)i. ') 1&e vbuir, efri r u mp ivb, it:iv»1 &1 ir fun[.they have, will uenrrou. Iy n&nkc up the dett &rn v tli mrelvvs.

Flower Show The Ciim&nittee wuul 1 re&u& nl tb u 1 bvi» ) th &cunngFlower Shoiv Eo sflorL b» be&&i percl on tb ir p&u» e iu: k it x ..u .i»»; n w)bey eppe&il te th minuti rs (o .3 w tb &rig))u vnn&mn 1 y nuii u in m ix i. i tt&rnoon e)&d even&ng.

Lantern Lectures. -Ax vou.» lerii1&l ~ «pen. ib bii t.rri )i&i. B&cn rr-n&ed,liiiieli bt l»iing»uluti&»ted tor il I, iuire. on Co npiieti n»n ) ot) r -ubivrtn&vill be given &n tl &oxvn en) coun&tv lu&mu tb &xiii&, r n«n&li . Ti» Cunin u&ei.w&B I&&, pleo»eil &n iueks iirrenp&in ut» xvith the r untri bren )1» fi&r lvctun nmlenter&Ill&laic&lt» illa'I&lg tbe &.'i ill&ll &xi&till&ill I&lid x&i&1&e&x

Last)y. —Tb Euadui" )(no&n uul niry, xli niu! 1 ry ) ) nliir w&&ii n ) ruenun&her of tbe niember» &» unt u»e&1 by 8 or n sir)y. 0 Tb ivi&or bi. be&itheat)y enrprired nt, tmu» wlui &nein&i r" i&inn w&tb i rdrn&. &un t. cn op&i t& beer them eey tlmy bax never 1.»&i up 'bv tey if it& ~ 8 kiwi&ien. ) 1&.pert&n &. :i fiiet l&eyon1 d&vpnt& we heir e 1(»nims lt &n ti iit &. u t. iipx- )eqnaBed in thee&&y. white m tb ~ I &) &vrv et:.nun v I niiir» xxbn)»t . tb eii fthe Comnuttev ti kuip up L lei, iu l«d. &i ii&. i 3 i), ii ) 1 & b&i n o[co operator». )t b i» ui xvn aim ( &n&» ) n r). ") b pood el ) I'ine, ' )ut th-Co.operative movmnen&, llile broils)lt ill ii 1' 1'1& 1'&'&1 t)&lit i. v&'&'v po nl f r thi toil r»of to-&bxv. but w&B l&e ruucb better Ior i ur children.

HOUSING THE WOIIILEII1 am one of those whc hebe. e, tbnt if it could bc .&crump)i. bed. hon» . en&11 xnd vbocld be owned by tbc &nunieq&nitty.

But in the yreeent state of the )nw. town iouncs are pieced:it, i, &b edventa &.

Before they oui tlunk of weepmp, nwey . luni propertv tbev mu-t .tet t tboLoenl Governmenr Boe&d tbet such piopvrtyi .i )»neer n &b& bw l&b & tbi. )i ii «and tbnt tbe dwelbnge, mu»t o[ them, are unfit for hnnmn hebmit nn.Then there niust be an inquiry, iit whuh xB the own&. r- cui 4 pri, n&, th nthe property end laud nioe&, be bought. »n 1 u ually pa&d foi "through &he no 1."for it &x surpri ~in ~ bow valuable these old but become u -our. , - e coiponuionawakes to the necessity of closing theru.

Then after the array of bxwxere have p&eke&1 the bon&. t' th create, end thecouncil bnx had to pey the piper, the Losel [tovernmen& Bnerd m-i-t t&mt ii )nr cpropottion of the people diepostexsed . ball be b used euem un or neer the xyot,I am not hnding fault with thi »tipnl. itin&i, but mer& ly pomt:ng out that, 1&hampers a &uunic&pe! authority, eeyec&eBy v. b n the cond& niimd propertv i &n tbeheart of e large town

In many in tnneee it would be to &be a&lve&itepe of tb commun'Lyif .u&0& areascould be left open, at nny rate. for n, g& r&erat in 1 r ut tb» people &rni»t be housed.xod so huge buildinp eie put up, end the te&a&it p&ied ne upon iinotber, almostlike herrings &n .i. barrel. &&n&1 overmow&hnp n another form 1, the result.Eow, if tbe)'c'1» u&li &ill&le lan&' fe&L«&1& &1 & i&nother. one tbm" ne tined efate eml sure x» 1&:itb «&»1 rent &biy, &t 1 ther, . aber conch&&one b&..&iip x)u&x). &bedeitb arid eieknes» riite o[ our r&tn's 1 lepvndvu& more upon tbe nuiu)ier ofpopulancn per iu re than upon eni tbmu «I.«. end y&t tl . bnveompel. tbe mum& )palauthor&tv to re bou»c &i gr&et ne&iiber mi lani wi icb hex to b& purchased et .i bi 3pri&e. an 1 upon wbieli rin»enr»peculetm wool I dreixn of but)dms couegee.Iiut t)le Lce»l Gnv nir &crit Board gos. forth&!' tbe&l Lb& . It in"ire ui)on &Lm)nimuni .)xe of roon& eh n the local vnthmitv be&i&i» the bou v», but if tbet nameerithonty goes to &t to ob&a&n yoivers (o &nrn[ei other piople to do ri&e .erne, itrefuses to grant tboto powsxv, eni. x, [ know. &)yance. «ry et[crt tu obteu& «&rh[ox«ere bv resene of e loon! Act of Parliament, . Every tey m the directionbnilding better bou»ev for»orking people ixb&rb max ie taken by a teen eonnrilie bemt with diftieuinee, The )err -bu&)i)sr &1 ave eke n roon&. ix feet eqnere andcx)1 it n bed-&ooin, m&1 mn. nep b& nnsri«at b& town nut»"&1; and there»»oness&sued & that &f you»tq&uletv for e certain tioor iu«e, nr a certa&n enbie yeee,yon ennuot prevent people crow(hng &oore perse&, » in t)i;i& the room we v:i)cole&edto bokl.

Be»ides th&e, the mmiciyeliry nn. et comm nce paving )me&«»t en) ink;ngfond as oon en the bu&!&1mgsere eonimenced. 1 hni iin uiuit « th tb, but 0places the coune&l «t a d&:&dvvutepe e& tbe. beginxnng u- c& n, pvis&i iis&bcnmpxny who can, and, mitted. mn-t. &v«)bob) ibvvl nd- uni 1 tb . bev beenearned. Companies or yrlvete md:))duels .n pick iu. 1 cb»e &1 n .ituanon-,end, &f they find it edv&sebi». ears alt. r &b ir -&bern» xx&ien thvv have tert 1A conned can do he&ther. I ntii ie»tyver. if tl'vv &i 3». t iud tu ne with n therown bounder&ee, no matter bow mivar xegeon» &t wne ell round to cro». thar b& nlx&.end if they wanted to alter their pinna. they bsd to obtain the tune&i m c tbepower- wbo resided &n London.

Page 37: THE PAST TKELVE BEEN MEMBERS - Lincolnshire'_Report_-_part_1.pdf · ;I Thc Lincoln Equitablo Co-oporativo Industrial Socioty,


The resuli, i seen in Liverpool, iklan he, ter. and other places. They haveeither got huge blocks of so-called artisans' dwellings, ivith the people piled oneupon another, or they have hsd to build small two-storey houses in the heart oftbe city on land fe, r. too valuable to be use&1 for such s purpose, ivhilst they haveelectric trams which would carry the people, in and out, on to cheaper land andhealthier surroundings; snd in the case of Manchester it was only when Bbicl'leywtis included within the city. boundaries that the council was able to go so far afieldcs Boggart Hall Clough in ocler to erect houses of this kind.

Besides this, the doctrine of compelling the council to buil&l on or near thesire of demolished property is in great part based upon a misconception both ofthe character of the tenants snd the character and position of their employment.It seems to be taken too muoh for granted that the tenants have permanent employ-

ent near where they live. Take, ss an example, the building trades. A briek-setter's labourer msy be working within s quarter of a mile from home to-day. sndnext week he msy be four miles away.

We sre now engaged in sweeping out sn insanitary area, and I venture to ssythat it will uot matter two stra&vs to nine-tenths of the tenants whether they srere-housed on the spot or c, mile away

But sll these conditions so hamper s town council that it is quite impossiblefor them to build houses in competition with the jerry-builder, snd at the sametime to make them shaw anything lrke a profit on the transaction, even if they eanshow it at alL

Ai.ossi»x F. Snrru, J P (of Eccles)From Cc-cperavlve Neics of,rune mtb, leez.

Gleanings from Balance Sheets of Neighbouring


PETERBOROL —100th Quarter endedf SGUNTHORPE, —111th Quarter ended

April 1sf 190c. March 4th, 1902.* 6 s 6

Sales .. ~ . . ~. . . . . . . . 46, 'lp'I I Ipkl Sal„. . . . . . . . 9,468 0 3Share CsPital .... . . . . 88,861 5 4

i Share Capital . . . . . . .. 14,112 11 8Reserve Fund ... . . ~ . ~ 3A09 6 3 Reserve Fund . . . . . . . ~ 746 14 9Dividend. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ -,. 0 I 11 Dividend . . . . .... ... ~ 0 I 10Assets. . .. .... ., .. ... . 102,106 11 3&j Assets . .„,... 16,938 7 8

The sales exceed those of the conc There is an increase in trade andspon&ling quarter by sb4 l The p dividend as compared with the previousfrom the Society's bread bakeries for quarter, but ihe high level of lg monthsthe quarter was 821 tons The question aqgo, when local trgade was flourishing,of increasing share capital having been hss not yet b en reached. The Gom-discussed at several monthly meetings mr&tee piece the members to be as loyala prol sal for analteraton of rules to in other departments as they sm inallow of this being done was submitted groceries and drapery, snd they stateto the last quarterly meetmg that the bulk of what the Society sells

comes from Co-operative sources.GRIMSBY.—Quarter ended April 3rd,

iSGUNTHORPE. 112th Quarter ended

Ssl 20 263 6 7Jane 3rd, 1902.

s dShare cap bd. . ....... 21,787 8 4 Sales .. .... . . .... . ... Ip, pgp 13 IlLean GaPital. . ....... . 15,876 15 0, Share Capital . . .. . . .. 14,127 e 7~~sr&md. . ....... . 1,28' 16 5 Rose&pep&md. . . . ..... 768 12 7Dividend. ... ...... . . . . 0 I 8 Dividend. . .. , ..... . ... p I IpAssets .......... .... . . 74,941 10 2 Asmts

' ' ' '17 283 2

The sales show an increase of B705over tboseof thecorresponding quaner. .'The sales are 8581 above those ofThe increase is not so much as usual the preceding quarter. Purchases ofthereportstatesowingtothepurchasing, the Societv from Co-operative sourcespower of some of the ruembers having amount to B8,517, and their local pur-been ied aced by the Fishing Trade dis- ' chases of butter and eggs $62aputs& but that unfortunate occurrence i

has served as a lesson to the workiogi , GRANTHAM. —118th Quarter endedclasses of the dnty of pmviding for bad '

iklsrch 29th, 1902.tizues by spending their wages at the


Stores and a.'lowing the dividend to Sales 6 084remain in, to be draivn upon when tbe Share Capital . . .... . 14,381 8 Inecessity for sc doing may arise The Beserve Fund .... .... 195 12 5$Society's shops are now closed at 12-80: Dividend. . . , , . . .. 0 I 0on Thursdays. The Chair is attracting Assets .. .. 21,078 18membership, and is successful beyond.

iexpectation both in the senior snd Members aze j& ining the Society injunior sections. I larger numbers than previously. The

rule suspending the right of members

GAINSBORO 120 h quater endedto withdraw their share caPital is still

' in force, but the new rules recentlyadopted and registered enable the Com-

eSsl 7 o44 e I I

mitt e t Psy out in ~es of speck&I

Share GapSal. . . ... .... 85,168 6 4Reserve Fund. ......... 1,013 15 3Dividend. ....... . . . . .. 0 I 7, BOSTON —87th Quarter ended AprilAssets. . ............ .. 89,784 9 96 i 3rd, 1902.

The Society hss made purchases tctheextentof 87,967during the quarter Safes .. - ~ ---- ~ . - - ~ ~ ~ 6,195 2 11fmm Co-opezs&ive courses. Its trade Share Capital. . . . .. . ... 8,432 18 8lreceipts exceed those of the correspond- Reserve Fund .. . , . , 819 0 0ing quarter bv E975. The present Dividend. . .... . .. , 0 Inumber ef members is afimk Assets . ............ 12,572 0 04

The sales exceed tliose of the cor-responding quarter by B227, and theshare capital hss been increased by,B558. The reserve fund was added toby B26 in the disposal of profit, and B7 '

bonus was paid to employees. Contri-butions to share capital amounted forthe quarter to X287, and withdrawalswere B271.

Tbe safes are incieasin, snd theSociety's position and prospects sregoo&L Gash in bank at end of quarter~mounted to 2715, which is rather s,

large sum to lie unused by a Society ofthis size.

NEWARK. —96th Quarter ended March17th, 1902.

s d

Sales ... . . .... . . .. . . .. 2,553 I glShoe Capital . . ... . .... 2,766 15 lplReserve Fund ...... . . .. 86 0 0Dividend ... . .. . . . . .. .. 0 I IAssets .... .... ... . .. .. 5,862 15 54

The report states that s steady im-pmvement sll round characterises theSociety's position. The sales have in-creased bv 6488 over these of thecorresponding quarter.

SPALDING —-43rd Quarter endedMarch 27th, 1902.

s dSales . . .. .. .. .... . . . . 2,087 17 4Share Capital . . . . . ... . 2,825 9 4Reserve Fund. . . . ...... 50 0 0Dividend 0 IAssets .. ...... . . ..... . 4,033 7 7

The sales are more in amount byZ249 than those of the correspondingquarter. The membership is now 683.A Drapery Department was opened onbfsy 1st.

KING'S LYNN. —53rd Quarter endedFeb. 26th, 1902.

s dSales . . . . . . . . .. . ... .. 5,564 6 IShare Capital. . .. .. .. .. 8.051 16 9Beserve Fund .. . . . . . . 505 15Dividend . . . . . . . .... . . 0 I 8Assets . ... ... . . . .. .... 10,496 6 3

The sales exceed those of the corre-sponding quarter by 2702. An Exhi-bition of tbe C.W.SJs productions washeld under the Society's auspices inMarch. The receipts at the SuttonBridge Branch for the quarter reached6488.

LOUTH. 60th Quarter ended April 5th,1902.

s d2,774 12 74,646 4 4

147 10 60 I 7

5,848 3 9B

SalesShsze CapitalReserve FundDividend. . . .Assets . . . . . .


For 8 comprehensive 886ozjment of


Free School Lane and High Street Shops.We have the Largest Stock of Co-operative-made Boots snd Shoeg

in the County.

Ladies' fjf Gents. %Biking BOOTS and SHOES in

great variety.



Men's strong WORKING BOOTS at prices from 4/II.SEWN BOOTS, specially suitable for Railway Yiforkers.

Made on the Army principle. Strong, and yet pliable.A grand preventative of Corns and Bunions.

Members are invited to call and examine our Goods, and inmaking comparisons, remember that Low-Priced Goods arenot always cheap.

If you do not sce mhat you want, ask for itl Any specialline can be obtained to meet your requirements.

KKPAIRS.Practical Men are employed, and boots needing REPAIR

cau be left at thc Central, Sub-Central or any Branch Store.BEST LEATHER only used. Our prices mill bear comparisonmith all Shops mherp good work is done.

Any delay or dlfffculty should be at once notlfied tothe Manager, Boot Department.

Page 38: THE PAST TKELVE BEEN MEMBERS - Lincolnshire'_Report_-_part_1.pdf · ;I Thc Lincoln Equitablo Co-oporativo Industrial Socioty,


FU I n Ish i ng.~~=Department.

This Department is well stocked with everydescription of


Dining-room, Drawing-room, andBedroom SUITES in solid woods.

All kinds of PAINTED GOODS kept in stock.

cfeVeffery Repartment.Yfe have a splendid assortment of all kinds of JErtYELLERY,



See our GENTS. ENGLISH LEYERS from 42/.Vyeddlng Rings, Hecpers, Dress Rings, Gold and Silver Alberta,Guards, Pendants, Brooches, good variety CufF Links, Studs, &c.

ELECTRO-PLATED GOODS (best quality) in Cr uets,Teapcts, Jam Dishes, Spoons, Butter Dishes, PickleForks, Table, Dessert Jt Teaspoons, Sugar Tongs, Jkc.

Sn Idnds of REPAIRS to Clocks and Watches ezecnted on thepremises at reasonable prices, and with Snick dispatoh.

We have just received a good variety of Satin-Kalnut and Black Kalnut BEDROOM SUITES,Kalnut Suites in Saddlebags, Yelvets and Leather,and are making a special show from these in ourWindows.

Overmantels, Chimney Glasses, Base mockers,Wicker Chairs, Bamboo Furniture.

BEDSTEADS in Black Kalnut and Satin Kalnut,to match Bedroom Suites.

Black and Brass BEDSTEADS, good variety.MATTRESSES, BEDDINGS. dkc.

See our splendid show of MAIL CARTS aud PRAMS,both Cane and Wood bodies.


SasVori ng department,We have now a very Choice Assortment of Woollen

Goods for the coming Season. from the very bestknown makers, including all - the Latest and mostNovel Designs in—



Latest West-End Cut and Style.Superior Workmanship Guaranteed

Ladies' Tailor-made Costumes a Speciality.


PIANOS, ORGANS, rye other Musical Instr umentsSplendid range of Patter ns in Oilclcths, Linoleums,

Cork Carpet, Inlaid Linoleums, Axminster, Brussels andTapestr y Car pets.

Body and Squares. RUGS of every description.

CROCKERY and HARD%AREIn the baserneut there is a good assortment of

Dinner Kare, Tea Kare, Toilet Kare, Yases and

Ornaments, and every kind of useful Crockery,


All kinds or' IRONMONGERY, Best BHEFFIELD CUTLERY,Hollow-ware, Tin-ware, Curbs, Fire Brasses, Dogs, CoalVases, Trunks, Mincing Machines.

Ster ktords of QraRDEre TOOLS-IJOINERS' Jk MOULDERS' TOOLS of the very best makes.[

Men's Tweed Suits from 18s. 6d. to 88s.Men's Black and Blue Serge Suits of Superior Cut and Style.

Men's Cricket and Boating Shirts and Trousers.Men's Tennis and Alpaca Jackets.

Boys' Sailor & Byron Suits. Boys' Ilorfolk Jl Holboru Suits.Youths' Rugby and Harrow Suits.

Mechanics' Clothing of every description.


Gents' Silk and Felt Hats in great Yariety.Straw Hats and Caps in every shape.

Shirts, Collars, Ties, Handkerchiefs, Gloves, Umbrellas, &c.Gents' Fancy %ocI Hose and Half Hose.

Gent's Merino Hose and Half Hose.Shirts and Pants of every description and quality.

A very Choice Selection of Gents' Sclrtarresr Cuff Links,Studs, and Scarf Pins.

Page 39: THE PAST TKELVE BEEN MEMBERS - Lincolnshire'_Report_-_part_1.pdf · ;I Thc Lincoln Equitablo Co-oporativo Industrial Socioty,

Drapery. R I'millinery Departments.7g have just concluded a successful '' After Season's Sale&";&nd having effected the c1eara

ULIwe desire&l of Surplus Goods, Remnants, fkc. , have since thoroughly sorted up the Stock v,

C ho ice N EW' 600D S. We have, therefore, much pleasure in soliciting your hind orf

for what

DRAPERY and MILLINERY GGODSyou may require. We have a thoroughly New, Clean and Up-to-date Stock& aml ther&

no reasou whv we should not supply all our Members requirements in these. Departments. We have a laStocl, and we give the 1&est possible value for money.

! COLOURED DRESS MATERIALS in all the newestshades and cloths, from 7sd. to 3/6 per yd.

Fol BLACK DRESS MATERIALS,we are unsurpassed for Yariety and Yalue.

Novelties in Ladies' and Children's KID andFABRIC GLOYES.

Ladies' UMBRELLAS, with New Handles andreliable Covers, from 1/11s to 12/6.

A very choice selection of BLOUSE MATERIALS

Best value in Oxford, Grandrill, Union and WoolSHIRTINGS.

Good gems IIoI the Autumn 'I

Uk&e have placed our Season's order for BLANKETS, ; ~ iare glad to announce a reduction ln prie&us.expect a delivery about the beginning of September.

Our Stock of M ILL i N ERVIs not quite so large just now, owing to the fact that we are bet&the seasons; but we are holding a very choice selection of

SAILOR HATS and other Millinery,suitable for holiday wear. Orders in this Depart&cent carpromptly executed.

We beg to announce that we have a splendid stoclMACKfr&fTOSHES in the neYY shape.

Gorsete and Underclothing a speciality.

FLANNELETTES! FLANNELETTES!!This now forms quits an important branch of the Department,

snd onr Stock hss recently been largely added to.

%hite, Scarlet dt Natural FLANNELS in best makes.

LACE CURTAINS and MADRAS MUSLINS inlatest designs.

Yelvet Pile, Tapestry, Printed and EmbroideredCloth and Washing Table Covers.

Yalance, Dimities, Chintzs, Satinettes, fjtc., inendless variety.

For CALICOES we cannot be beaten.

!Grey, White and Scoured, Plain and Twilled



We stock the WHITE WINCEY, so largely adver-tized for Children's wear.

Dress arid lviantle Making.We are in a position to give early attention to all or

entreated to us, as the rosh of the season's trade is about c.Daring the psst season we have kept 20 or more hands b&engaged, and have turned out a large quantity of work toentire satisfaction of our patrons. We shool&1 be particularly gledhave the patronage of those who have not yet favoured us vtheir trade, as we are very anxious to retain and employ allseason's hands. We csn confldantly ensme perfect flt snd lsstyle.

We beg to remind oor members and others that wesgetnts for the

Co-operative Dyeing Ii'I Dry Gleaning Co. , i.

llonsehold Drapery. Cnr!alas, Skin Rni&s, etc., CLEjIED or RE-DIRadios', Children's d Gentlemen's Ciothiad Cleaned or Dyed

(without nnpickind)

STRAW d& FELT HATS Gleaned OP Dyed and Atter -:.&

PEATSSERSS Cleaned ex DyedFURS Oyed or Cleaned, also repaired and alter - I

Wc dispatch;a parce& each Saturday noon, and invariably receive t.bach by the next week cnd.

