
MAY 2016 | ISSUE no 1

The Outsiders Ally

"Your Voice:One Source"Pg 2.

"Dear Black Hoosiers"Pg. 4

"Anti-LGBT Bills Stall the Race to Equality" Pg. 6

"Indy Burlesque" Pg. 10

Arts & Entertainment, Lifestyle, Polit ics, and so much more inside.

Your Voice

One Source

By: Chr ist ian A. PeekAt last The Outsiders Ally is here. Over the past few months we have worked long and hard to br ing you a local publicat ion that is relevant and worth picking up. Not to say that there haven?t been bumps in the road, but the more I meet people and talk to people, the more I see the need for this publicat ion. We aren?t your typical news source, with our main focus being Social Issues/Arts & Enter tainment / Lifestyle/ Night life we promise to br ing back the VOICE to this Indianapolis community. Over my short life I have seen a societal change that is unbelievable. This community has gone from having to hide behind blacked out windows to being out and proud, yet somehow we st ill make fun of others in our own community. This has to end, The Outsiders Ally stands for the T in LGBT because LGB you were T once too. The LGBT community of Indianapolis is the dr iving force to social change in Indiana and we plan to push for legislat ion's that impact our ways of life. Over the past decade Indy Pr ide has taken the init iat ive to be the voice of our community, it ?s t ime for our community to g ive our ow n input to how we want to be represented. It shouldn?t be okay for someone from a different cit y to come in and be the ?LOCAL? voice of our LGBT community. So I plead to you Indy Pr ide, instead of having mixers, maybe have a bowling gather ing, or a First Fr iday gather ing, even an open mic night at Metro. It 's t ime to unite our community instead of d ivid ing ourselves. Even though you have taken great str ides this year, The Outsiders Ally hopes to help you push towards greatness in the years to come.As I come to a close, The Outsiders Ally is something special, a plat form that makes sense for this community. I understand we will have road blocks but we are special and will prevail. I hope you all enjoy this wonderful inaugural issue of The Outsiders Ally, and remember not all of our content makes it to pr int . So if you like what you see, check us out at !

Yours Truly,Chr ist ian A PeekOwner at The Outsiders [email protected] P.S. We will br ing our Pr int Issue to the streets this June! Get ready for an amazing PRIDE Guide!

I am w r it ing you as a white Democrat / Liberal ( I?ve always been a b it on the fence), in fear for her life and the lives of her children. I am worr ied about our r ights, about our qualit y of life and how war torn our nat ion will be if we allow Republicans to regain control of the W hite House. I?m terr if ied for anyone who isn?t a conservat ive white Republican. If you are registered for the May 3rd Indiana pr imary, I thank you. If you have not registered to vote, you st ill have t ime to do so and vote in the November elect ions. I urge you to read on, and if the country st ill exists the next t ime we vote, please register and make your voice heard. Now more than ever, Black people and all people considered a minor it y need to unite, but not just to f ight police brutalit y or other social injust ices, because none of that will matter if a Republican takes control of the W hite House. You need to unite and exercise your r ight to vote. I have heard t ime and t ime again from black people I have interviewed or spoke to casually that they "don't bother" or feel "it doesn't matter, it 's all r igged" well, maybe so. But what if it 's not? W hat if your one vote, collect ively gathered with the other 591,396 Black people over the age of 18 in Indiana actually went out and voted? The Black vote most cer tainly was counted when President Obama ran, it was the f irst t ime our state actually went Blue. It d idn't last of course because no one bothered to go vote in the Midterm, which basically lost Democrat ic control of Congress and turned it back over to the Republicans.Because no one thought that elect ion mattered.This is the past , we cannot change it . We can however work together to f ix our future.Realist ically while Trump has been the man we all love to hate, he's not going to get the GOP nominat ion. The candidate we need to worry about is Ted Cruz. This completely terr ifying relig ious zealot is looking to control every aspect of our lives, and over turn every single thing Obama did while in off ice. He?s just announced his Vice President running mate (which is unheard of before the Pr imar ies) as Car ly Fior ina, failed former CEO of Hewlett Packard, who has absolutely no polit ical track record to measure. Announcing his running mate before secur ing the GOP nominat ion means he?s quite confident and understandably so. Trump has been the decoy that has set up the r ise for Cruz. Republicans who are leery of Trump will run into the open arms of Cruz to keep him out of off ice, and that is what the GOP has wanted the whole t ime.Don't think this d iabolical plot can be pulled off? Don't bother vot ing and find out .If you have not done any research on the candidates, and you have no plans on vot ing, you are par t , potent ially the b iggest par t of the problems we face polit ically and as a country.Trump and Cruz supporters alike will be out in droves to cast their vote. Democrats and Liberals, especially voters of color, need to be out in full force as well. Nothing will change in your community or mine, if we sit on our hands and watch the Republicans take back

Dear Black HoosiersAn Open Letter from a W hite Democrat By: Nichole Thomas

the Oval Office.On Monday, May 2nd, the day before the Pr imar ies, there will be ?An Amer ican Rally? featur ing Ted Cruz and fr iends at the Indiana State Fairgrounds. There are free t ickets available on Eventbr ite, follow the link: https://www.eventbr ican-rally-with-special-guest -ted-cruz-indianapolis-t ickets-24876689849?aff=ebrowse The doors open at 6:30 p.m. and the rally star ts at 7:30 p.m. but I beg of you, unlike Trumps rally that I act ively protested at , do not come to protest . They have now posted signs around the fairgrounds claiming it is illegal to do so, w hich opens up the possib ilit y of arrest and detainment . Come to listen and observe. Let it mot ivate you to vote on Tuesday. I beg of you, Black voters, Black brothers and sisters, people of ALL races that want equalit y and to have a country worth living in, please vote. You have all day May 3rd from 6 am - 6 pm, by law your job has to let you vote without fear of repercussion.It 's not hard to f ind out your registered polling site, simply go to:

Unless you?ve been living in the bush you?ve heard about these ant i-LGBT bills, named so for their potent ial host ilit y toward LGBT people. According to the Human Rights Campaign, about 20 0 proposed bills are galloping through statehouses, called out of the gate in response to the Supreme Court?s decision on marr iage that trumpeted across the nat ion in June. The message from SCOTUS: marr iage is a r ight for all regardless of gender. Since that histor ic decision in favor of gay marr iage r ights, some ant i-LGBT bills have also reached the f inish line becoming law amid devastat ing economic impacts as was the case in North Carolina. PayPal reportedly backed out of a plan to br ing 40 0 jobs to the state; Pear l J am canceled their Raleigh concert ; and several other celebr it ies, spor ts teams, corporat ions, and act ivists have init iated outcry over the bill which was introduced, passed, and signed into law in a single day. The law keeps local governments from passing LGBT r ights protect ions as well as forcing folks to use the bathroom in public facilit ies according to the gender listed on their b ir th cer t if icate ? a b low to transgendered individuals.Some such similar b ills stalled, like in Georgia where Gov. Nathan Deal had enough sense to look a g ift horse in the mouth and smart ly vetoed the bill after feeling similar pressure from Hollywood and businesses.And yet , conservat ives cont inue desperately trying to ?win? the game over who has more r ights, gay people or the relig ious seeking freedom to pract ice relig ion in all aspects of one?s life, whether it be in business or the bathroom. ?Go, baby, go!? yell the conservat ives on the r ight .It gets worse for LGBT folks and their allies in Missour i. Current ly a proposed bill there even protects murderers according to legal experts. SJR39, sponsored by ant i-gay relig ious extremist State Sen. Bob Onder, would shield businesses, organizat ions, and churches from serving gays and same-sex couples. The state would be forbidden from imposing a penalty against folks who act out of sincere relig ious opposit ion to same-sex marr iage, including members of a relig ious organizat ion mot ivated by a relig ious belief. So if a Westboro Bapt ist Church whacko assaults, trespasses, damages property, or harasses because of their beliefs on marr iage, the state would be prevented from prosecut ing. That?s pretty darn scary, and goes well beyond affect ing gays and lesbians extending possib le harm to fr iends, families, and allies of the LGBT community as well. W hy else should these laws matter to anyone who isn?t LGBT? It ?s hard to raise your child to respect each other ?s d ifferences when they can witness a gay couple denied cake because the business owner sends them out the door empty handed when the looks of the men violated her relig ious beliefs. I wonder if any child would think their cupcake tastes as sweet as it d id a moment ago??Beauty is on the inside? wouldn?t quite hold as much weight in a wor ld where we are denied service based on our appearance, not because we are indecent ly exposed or causing trouble, but because we hold hands with our spouses.We?ve learned over and over again that children are not born prejudiced. These beliefs are taught , often r ising up out of un-educat ion and fear of our human differences. Aside from effect ing our children?s view of the wor ld, society, and the appropr iate way to show respect for other human beings, some of these bills are just downr ight dangerous, as is the case with Missour i?s proposal.

Ant i-LGBT Bills Stall the Race to Equalit y

By: Mary Anglin-CoulterMary Anglin-Coulter works as a full time freelance writer, blogger, and graphic designer. She lives in Bardstown, Kentucky, with her wife and their three girls, lovingly referring to their home as the Estrogen House. She is a graduate of Bellarmine University where she ma jored in English and Communication and was founder and president of the campus gay/straight alliance. She has been active with PFLAG, performed public speeches on marriage equality, is a member of the Bardstown fairness ordinance committee, and participated in the Louisville Pride Parade.She may be reached at [email protected] or via her blog at

The legal landscape on gay r ights changes daily. Somet imes the LGBT community and their allies appear to be in the lead, and other t imes it appears they are falling behind. In the meant ime, we allies and LGBT people can do more than simply sit in the stands watching and hold ing our breath. Attend rallies in the capital if you live in a batt leground state where these bills are b ir thed. Star t conversat ions with the people in your life w ho may not understand LGBT r ights. Sign pet it ions. Vote and encourage all the allies and LGBT people you know to vote as well. I say again, vote. We need representat ives at all levels of government to put a stop to the legislat ion of d iscr iminat ion against the LGBT community. If you have children, nieces, nephews, or youth you mentor, talk with them about what it means to respect each other ?s d ifferences. Teach them about d iversit y so our next generat ion can live in a more loving, accept ing wor ld. We don?t have to be bystanders. We can all help win the race for LGBT r ights.

So having two small kids and doing anything can be diff icult , but it 's done everyday. Mothers every where are able to be successful at their jobs and take care of their children. Those women ut ilize what they have: any spare t ime, planning, doing, and most important ly using and appreciat ing their support system: whether that is a spouse, family, daycare etc.If you are a working parent , here are a few t ips on living a full life. This is what I try to do, somet imes it doesn't work, but you will f ind the groove that works for you.

Get as much sleep as you can. Sleeping when the baby sleeps is smart advice, but w hen you have a toddler too, it doesn't work that way. But if you can get to bed ear lier, do it .Mult i-task when necessary. I try to do school work and all my other w r it ing stuff so I can get it done effect ively. I try to group things together, housework with housework, computer/w r it ing work with computer/w r it ing work.Try to do something you like for a litt le b it each day. I like my realit y shows so I try to watch at least one while we eat d inner. Or I journal, or try to read.Meal plan. This helps me, at least having an idea of what we want and have throughout the weeks makes execut ion after I get home from work easier.Rely on your support system. My wife does it dur ing the day and when I get home I try to g ive her a break and not rely on her too much, only to help her collect herself from the hect ic day.Stay focused. It 's easy to get overwhelmed with things, but if you focus on what you want to accomplish it just kind of happens.Breathe.Eat and use the restroom. This is a b ig one, it is easy to get swept away with the busy-ness of the day, you have to have more than coffee.Try to go with the f low. If something doesn't work out , try to let it go and go with the new direct ion of the day.Control when necessary. My problem is I want to have control over the things I feel I can do, and I beat myself up when they don't get done. Don't do that . It makes things harder. Try and pat yourself on the back for the things you do. Kiss your babies often. Love your par tner. There are so many things to help make the days f low and feel more product ive. I never forget how lucky I am and how loved I am, even in the midst of a breakdow n (which happens pretty frequent ly). My rout ine somet imes changes, and I am learning to let those things go. Somet imes I have no choice. But that 's how I try to do it .

Lindsey is Always Write by Lyndsey Taylor


For Sister Chloe

After the shadow fell over your eyesAnd the last midnight seemed to r ing,You danced onRising from the cold.

Rising from the coldAnd dancing on;Dancing in the lights

To a new life brewing.

Burning a trail long dreamed,Long known,Finally emerging in new flesh.

A shot heard ?round the wor ld.Reborn a Pisces;A fishFinally swimming free in the ocean.

My tainted f leshStares back;Gone to f ind myself,And I don?t know w here I am.

Thought I f inished this long ago,Thought these vines were dead and dry;Gone to f ind myself,And I don?t know w here I am.

Flakes of something newStain my fingers;Gone to f ind myself,And I don?t know w here I am.

Cold stares, cold shouldersBlowing through this door;Gone to f ind myself,And I don?t know w here I am.

Life draw n out of a battered case,Incubated under midnight lights;Gone to f ind myself,And I don?t know w here I am.

Is it wiped off so easilyFinished once the lights go out?Gone to f ind myself,And I don?t know w here I am.

One voiceOutside a smoking door;?All of meLoves all of you.?

Born Again(By Walter Beck)

Lost ? Blues(By Walter Beck)"


Walter Beck (alias Cher Guevara/ Raine) is a queer poet , journalist , per formance ar t ist , act ivist , drag anarchist , and revolut ionary from Avon, IN. You can find them on picket lines, in coffee houses, drag bars, and anyw here freaks congregate. Their w r itten work has appeared in numerous publicat ions all across the country and even internat ionally, they have several chapbooks of poetry available through Writ ing Knights Press, and you can catch them performing with Transylvanian Lip Treatment .

W hen one thinks of catching a live show, in the gay community that could often mean going to the theater or catching some drag per formances at Talbot Street or Zonie's Closet . W hile those are go to opt ions for most of us in the gay community, perhaps next t ime a bur lesque show is in order. W hile the bount iful bodies on display are reason enough to go, there is a lot of ar t istry and effor t that goes into per former 's rout ines. Feathers and rhinestones are not going to apply themselves. A bur lesque revival has been attr ibuted to the 90 's, it went full steam ahead in Indianapolis in 20 0 4 when Bottoms Up Bur lesque, or BUB, made their debut at the Histor ic Melody Inn. BUB is a registered not for profit 50 1c3, and all proceeds are donated to local-run cancer char it y organizat ions. Make sure to keep an eye out for their annual fall show if you would like to support these per formers for a great cause. Cremes De Les Femmes, CDLF, made their debut 4 years later in December 20 0 8 and one of the founding members, Jezebel Sinfell, st ill per forms today. Their home bar is Birdy's in Broad Ripple, where recent ly deceased Pr ince played a show back in 20 0 2. CDLF have played on other stages across Indianapolis including the Athenaeum. An annual char it y show is usually a staple of their schedule with last year 's being a tr ibute to Robin W illiams with over $1,60 0 raise for suicide prevent ion for Out of the Darkness. Members of this troupe will be per forming in May at FIERCE!: Internat ional Queer Bur lesque Fest ival which is taking place in Denver this year. Back to our tantalizing t imeline. Two troupes were founded in 20 10 . First up is Angel Bur lesque. Angel Bur lsque, or AB, can be found at Theatre on the Square and the 5th Quarter Lounge. W inner of NUVO's Best Local Bur lesque Troupe for the past 4 years, AB's tagline is ?Real is sexy'. Last year they were a par t of Gir l Pr ide fest ivit ies at The Vogue, and per formed this year at Spot light . AB joined the effor ts of other per formers and volunteers to help raise 30 0 K for this year 's show. Rocket Doll Revue, or RDR, was founded after a night of tasteful debauchery from a traveling vaudeville show. RDR's shows are some of the greatest shows that can be caught in town as well as one of the most accessib le in frequency. Their home stage is the W hite Rabbit Cabaret located in Fountain Square, and per form with almost monthly shows there. Troupe members make frequent guest appearances in other shows and travel across the state and country to per form. Not only do their troupe members get to guest in other troupe's shows, they are a dr iving force in br inging out of towners and independent locals together on their stage. The next RDR product ion, the ?Titt y 50 0 ? on May 6th and 7th, is showcasing a var iety of var iety of per formances from across the country and locally. Independents make up a wealth of per formers as well and are not to be ignored. Pepper Mills and Bunny Van Doren stage an open mic style show called PEEP! that runs quarter ly at Cracker 's. The first year saw them producing the show out of the Broad Ripple locat ion, but the May 16th show will mark it s debut at the new Cracker 's downtown locat ion. Both Mills and Van Doren produce their own shows as well outside of their collaborat ive PEEP! effor t g iving independents and guest spot 's to local troupes and out of towner 's. These two are just a small piece of that makes up a larger independent scene that stretches into Bloomington as well. Var iety makes up a lot bur lesque and that is showcased in the different per formers from all walks of life and aff iliat ions. W ithout var iety, the tease would get stale fast . That 's why var iety of styles keeps fans

W hat 's the T & A by: Michael Gonsiorek Jr.


coming back. Aspects of the roots that or ig inally compiled this ar t form whether it be jazz standards and familiar props like ostr ich feather fans st ill are prevalent . Enter tainers tend to ether adopt this persona completely or incorporate aspects of this ?classic? form into their acts. On the heels of ?classic bur lesque? is ?neo bur lesque?, w hich is what helped br ing bur lesque back to popular culture. It is credited as helping that revival in the 90 's and incorporates var ious aspects of theater to put a new spin on w hat bur lesque was once thought up of. Some examples can be involving act ing segments, modern dance, and comedic aspects. Many off shoots of ?Neo? target broader audiences and hones in on a specif ic topic of interest for them such as boylesque and nerdlesque. Boylesque is exact ly w hat is sounds like as anyone w ho ident if ies as male present ing the tease to you w hether they choose to do it classic or neo. Nerdlesque appeals to those who are steeped in ?nerd culture? such as sci f i, comic books or video game. Character 's are brought to life, and P=part of the exhilarat ion that comes with these per formances is seeing your favor ite brought to life and standing there in front of you. The tease seems to burn that much deeper. As the author of this piece, it feels like I should be for thcoming with my bur lesque background. My stage name is Wayne King and I am a member of Creme De Les Femmes for less than a year now. I've been per forming for a litt le over 2 years and have had the pleasure of guest ing in many of the people and troupe's listed shows. I tr ied to make all the snippets of each troupe as balanced and equal as possib le as to not show any favor it ism because I honest ly always have a b last . One of these days, I will tell you about my journey. If you haven't star ted already, I hope you star t yours soon.


Amaya Sexton performing at The Monkey's Tale April 2016

The cast of Luck be a Lady, a drag show at the Monkey's Tale on March 12th: Heather Bea, Ana Crusis, Tia MIRAGE Hall, Vincent Debeauté, Tailor Made, and Blair St. Clair.

The April 9th cast of Spring Queening, a drag show at the Monkey's Tale L to R: Heather Bae, Ana Crusis, Codi Christine, Chelsea Nicole Parker, and Amaya Sexton

Kristina Kelly-- Winner of All American Goddess at Large March 2016

(Provided by Corbyn Capshaw)

The Greatest Spectacle in Racing!

INDY 500 QUALIFICATIONS - SATURDAY, MAY 21, 2016 07:00am - Gates Open

07:00am - 06:00pm - Ticket Off ice Open

08:00am - 08:30am - Indy 500 Practice - Group 1

08:30am - 09:00am - Indy 500 Practice - Group 2

09:00am - 10:00am - Indy 500 Practice - Full Field

10:00am - 04:00pm - Lemonade Day at the Brickyard

11:00am - 05:50pm - Indy 500 Qualifying (1-9 Advance to Fast 9)

06:00pm - Gates Close

ARMED FORCES POLE DAY - SUNDAY, MAY 22, 2016 07:00am - 06:00pm - Ticket Off ice Open

10:00am - Gates Open

10:30am - 11:15am - Enlistment Ceremony

12:00pm - 12:30pm - Indy 500 Practice - Positions 22-33

12:45pm - 01:15pm - Indy 500 Practice - Positions 10-21

01:30pm - 02:00pm - Indy 500 Practice - Fast 9

02:45pm - 04:45pm - Indy 500 Qualifying - Positions 10-33

05:00pm - 05:45pm - Indy 500 Fast 9 Qualifying - Positions 1-9

06:00pm - Gates Close

MILLER LITE CARB DAY - FRIDAY, MAY 27, 2016 08:00am - Gates Open

08:00am - 08:00pm - Ticket Off ice Open

08:00am - 09:00am - Vintage Car Laps

10:00am - 11:00am - Indy Lights Autograph Session

11:00am - 12:00pm - Final Indy 500 Practice

12:15pm - Indy Lights Freedom 100 Pre-Race

12:30pm - Indy Lights Freedom 100 - 40 Laps

01:30pm - 03:30pm - Tag Heuer Pit Stop Competit ion

03:30pm - Miller Lite Carb Day Concert feat. Journey

06:00pm - Gates Close


06:00am - Gates Open

06:00am - 12:00pm - Ticket Off ice Open

08:00am - 09:15am - Parade of Bands

09:45am - 500 Festival Princess Lap

11:00am - Decade Car Laps

10:40am - Former Indy 500 Champion Laps

11:10am - Military Silverado Laps

11:33am - Driver Introductions

12:04pm - "Drivers Start Your Engines"

12:12pm - 100th Running of the Indy 500 presented by PennGrade Motor Oil - 200 Laps

06:00pm - Gates Close

Gay or LGBT - How To Come Out W hen You're Marr ied or Partnered How to come out as gay, b i, or trans, is a quest ion that so many marr ied people f ind themselves asking.Some come out when young, others when they are not so young, while others may come out when they have been in a heterosexual relat ionship for some t ime.If you've been in a heterosexual marr iage, or in an unmarr ied but lengthy relat ionship, the f irst conversat ion needs to be with your spouse or par tner.This will likely be diff icult for both of you, but clear communicat ion will be important as you plan your future, either apart or together. Be clear, be honest , and be respect ful, of your spouse or par tner and of yourself.Perhaps you thought your spouse or par tner suspected your or ientat ion, but often this is not the case. Your spouse or par tner may very well feel angry, betrayed, rejected, and confused -- and it 's likely that many of these emot ions will be d irected toward you.Be compassionate, but stand your ground. It is also important to reassure them that it is not their fault , as some partners might feel they are in some way responsib le, or believe that they may have 'turned you gay'.It 's possib le your spouse or par tner will have a lot of quest ions; it 's also possib le that she or he will need t ime apart to process the many ways this will change life for both of you. It may take several conversat ions to work through all the issues that your revelat ion will create, and it may be helpful to schedule a few joint sessions with a counselor or therapist .Remember that you've taken some t ime to f igure out who you are; your spouse or par tner will need t ime, too. Many will choose divorce or permanent separat ion as the way forward, and this can be a d iff icult process for all concerned. The best possib le outcome is that , though divorced or separated, you remain fr iends with your ex-spouse or ex-par tner.For some, this will not be possib le, and a clean break may be best . If this is the case, do your best to separate as amicably as possib le.Not all couples choose to separate or d ivorce immediately, or at all. They may choose to stay together in order to better care for their children, for the companionship that they already share, or even for sex. Provided couples are looking for the same things and are clear on the parameters of the revised relat ionship, d ivorce is not necessar ily mandatory.But staying together isn't easy, and doing it in order to linger in the closet or to spare you or your spouse embarrassment are unhealthy reasons to remain marr ied or par tnered, and unfair to both of you.This is a t ime when an outside professional can be extremely helpful in determining the best , most honest way for both of you to move into the future.

by: Peter J ames Field

Coming out when you're gay or LGBT is seldom easy, but i t can be even more dif f icul t when married or partnered. In this helpful art icle, a leading Brit ish psychotherapist discusses how best to handle it .

If children are involved, your second conversat ion might be with them, depending on their ages and w hat you as a couple decide is most helpful. Although divorce has become, sadly, commonplace, this doesn't mean that it 's not d iff icult for children, so focus on them, on the ways your family will change, and on the things that will remain the same, including your love for them.This is a life-changing announcement for all of you, and emot ions are bound to run high. If you as a couple can present a united front , your children will fare better in the long run. It may be a conversat ion that stretches over days, weeks, or months, one that will demand respect for the feelings of everyone involved.It is also important to remember, especially for those who are knowingly struggling with their sexual or gender ident it y, that heterosexual marr iage will not 'cure' this. Other people are not meant to be used in a fut ile attempt to convert or to hide a lifestyle. It is not fair or healthy to use another person in this way.If you decide to come out w hen you're marr ied or par tnered, be sure to do so in a way that you can look back on without shame or unnecessary guilt .It may be a d iff icult t ime for you and for all involved, but with a clear head and a healthy dose of compassion and understanding , it can be something that will move everyone forward in the best possib le way.

Great Places to Dine in Gat linburg Tennessee Travelers that stay at or travel within the Gat linburg, Tennessee area, will cer tainly be requir ing food for fuel, and may be cur ious as to which opt ions are among the best to consider. The good news is that there are several local restaurants to accommodate the needs of d iners that are highly recommended by locals, and previous travelers alike.

One of the most reputable eater ies in the Gat linburg area is the Best Italian Café & Pizzer ia, which has been provid ing diners with authent ic Italian cuisine for more than 30 years. Customer rave about their famous, delectable, gar lic rolls that are made in-house to accentuate each meal. This establishment is located in town, but may be a b it d iff icult to f ind, as it is hidden away in the back por t ion of Elk's Shopping Plaza, in a str ip center. The homemade recipes at this Italian café have been passed down through three generat ions, and their chefs appear to have a natural f lair with tradit ional Italian cuisine.

The Pancake Pantry has been a local favor ite since the 1960 s, and was Tennessee's very f irst pancake house to exist . Featur ing made-from-scratch recipes, real butter, and freshly prepared whipped cream, has made this breakfast venue a Gat linburg tradit ion. Housed in a build ing that is near ly a century old, the Pancake Pantry boasts br ick and rust ic copper accents that will be of interest to architectural enthusiasts.

The W ild Plum Tea Room is located within close proximity to several area attract ions and sites of interest , and is an excellent place to grab a cup of coffee or one of their specialized brews of tea. The tearoom is a superb place to indulge in a light lunch or brunch, with an extensive select ion of specialt y sandwiches and homemade soups. This establishment offers a broad assortment of delectable desserts to indulge in, making it a per fect afternoon stop for sightseers.

Music lovers and memorabilia collectors revel in the atmosphere afforded at Gat linburg 's Hard Rock Café locat ion. The food is tradit ional Amer ican fare, and service is prompt and reliable. The atmosphere at Hard Rock Café is casual, and hard core music enthusiasts can make souvenir purchases for themselves or loved ones in the on-site g ift shop.

The Bubba Gump Shr imp Company has a locat ion within the Gat linburg cit y lim its, and is a seafood lover 's paradise. As expected, Bubba Gump offers shr imp, and other seafood cuisine, cooked and prepared in just about any way you can imagine. The eatery is located near the entrance to the Great Smokey Mountains Nat ional Park and the Gat linburg Convent ion Center. Live music is common on weekends and the establishment boasts a vast array of microbrews by the bott le and on tap.

by: John Thompson

(Photo Provided by: Visit Gait linberg)

W hen it comes to fashion, Faith is always on point . She does look sharp 99% of the t ime, but you know what? Her fashion does come at a cost somet imes, but other t imes she finds good deals at the thr ift store!I'm talking name brand, good qualit y, top-notch clothes from Goodwill or other thr ift shops around town. She is business when it comes to f inding clothes. Her advice: go ear ly in the day and/or the month. She invest igates when sales are and what those specif ic sales include. For example: 50 % off on the f irst Monday of every month, or yellow tagged items on sale, or summer clothes on sale ETC."Now is the per fect t ime to buy sweaters, because it 's not the season for them," she said.She also advises to look for staples for your wardrobe, or things that never go out of style. She says that checking the buttons, zippers and armpits. She also recommends that you know your size, this helps with all of the d ifferent styles and name brands of clothes because one type of jeans might f it d ifferent in d ifferent sizes.Makes sense?She also says if you know your labels you will know which is better qualit y threads. "The better the qualit y of the threads the longer they last ," said Faith.She also told me that if you go out of your neighborhood you might f ind better stuff. She says to shop around and in nicer areas, there will be nicer stuff.So there you have it , that is how you can pull some cat -walk looks with an everyday budget .

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