
Ministry of Educationand Training

The Ontario CurriculumGrades 9 and 10


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Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2

The Place of Science in the Curriculum . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2

The Program in Science . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4

Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4

Teaching Approaches . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4

Curriculum Expectations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5

Strands . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5


Science, Grade 9, Academic (SNC1D) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6

Science, Grade 9, Applied (SNC1P) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15

Science, Grade 10, Academic (SNC2D) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24

Science, Grade 10, Applied (SNC2P) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33

Some Considerations for Program Planning in Science . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42

The Achievement Chart for Science . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44

Explanatory Notes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48

Une publication équivalente est disponible en français sous letitre suivant : Le curriculum de l’Ontario, 9 e et 10e année – Sciences,1999.

This publication is available on the Ministry of Education andTraining’s World Wide Web site at



The Ontario Curriculum, Grades 9 and 10: Science, 1999 will be implemented in Ontario sec-ondary schools starting in September 1999 for students in Grade 9 and in September 2000 forstudents in Grade 10. This document replaces the sections in The Common Curriculum: Policiesand Outcomes, Grades 1–9, 1995 that relate to science in Grade 9, and to the parts of the fol-lowing curriculum guidelines that relate to Grade 10:

– Science, Part 1: Program Outline and Policy, Intermediate and Senior Divisions, 1987

– Science, Part 3: Grades 9 and 10, General Level, Intermediate and Senior Divisions, 1987

– Science, Part 4: Grades 9 and 10,Advanced Level, Intermediate and Senior Divisions, 1987

– Science, Part 5: Grades 9 and 10, Basic Level, Intermediate and Senior Divisions, 1987

– Science, Part 7: Environmental Science, Grades 10 to 12, General Level, Intermediate and SeniorDivisions, 1988

– Science, Part 8: Environmental Science, Grades 10 and 12,Advanced Level, Intermediate and SeniorDivisions, 1988

This document is designed for use in conjunction with its companion piece, The OntarioCurriculum, Grades 9 and 10: Program Planning and Assessment, 1999, which contains informa-tion relevant to all disciplines represented in the curriculum. The planning and assessmentdocument is available both in print and on the ministry’s website, at

The Place of Science in the Curriculum

During the twentieth century, science has come to play an increasingly important role in thelives of all Canadians. It underpins many of the technologies that we now take for granted,from life-saving pharmaceuticals to computers and other information technologies. There isevery reason to expect that science and its impact on our lives will continue to grow as weenter the twenty-first century. Consequently, scientific literacy for all has become the goal ofscience education throughout the world, and has been given expression in Canada in theCommon Framework of Science Learning Outcomes, K to 12: Pan-Canadian Protocol for Collaborationon School Curriculum (Council of Ministers of Education, Canada, 1997). Scientific literacy canbe defined as possession of the scientific knowledge, skills, and habits of mind required tothrive in the science-based world of the twenty-first century.

Achieving excellence in scientific literacy is not the same as becoming a science specialist.The notion of thriving in a science-based world applies as much to a small-business person, alawyer, an elementary school teacher, or an office worker as it does to a doctor, an engineer, ora research scientist. While the specific knowledge and skills required for each of these occupa-tions vary, the basic goal of thriving in a science-based world remains the same. Achievementof both excellence and equity underlies the goals of the new science program at the secondarylevel. Accordingly, science courses have been designed for a wide variety of students, takinginto account their interests and possible postsecondary destinations. Some courses have beendesigned to serve as preparation for specialist studies in science-related fields; others have been

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designed for students intending to go on to postsecondary education but not to study science;yet others have been designed with the needs of the workplace in mind. The overall intentionis that all graduates of Ontario secondary schools will achieve excellence and a high degree ofscientific literacy while maintaining a sense of wonder about the world around them.Accordingly, the curriculum reflects new developments on the international science scene andis intended to position science education in Ontario at the forefront of science educationaround the world.

Science has significant, though varied, connections with many other disciplines. Science isrelated in many ways to the economies of all developed nations, including Canada, and plays amajor role in public and private decisions in many areas of society. It is critical, for example, todecisions and developments relating to sustainable development. Thus, science cannot betaught in isolation, but must be linked to other disciplines. Clearly, many topics studied inmathematics and technological education overlap with topics covered in science. Similar linksexist with geography and other areas of social studies. Communication is, of course, extremelyimportant in science, as it is in all disciplines – both in terms of reading and writing, and in theuse of information technology for collecting, organizing, and expressing information. Thenewer aspects of the science curriculum – especially those that focus on science, technology,society, and the environment (STSE) – call for students to deal with the impacts of science onsociety, and this requirement brings in issues that relate to human values. Science can thereforenot be viewed as merely a matter of “facts”; rather, it is a subject in which students learn toweigh the complex combinations of fact and value that developments in science and technol-ogy have given rise to in modern society.

Subject matter from any course in science can be combined with subject matter from one or more courses in other disciplines to create an interdisciplinary course. The policies and procedures regarding the development of interdisciplinary courses are outlined in the interdis-ciplinary studies curriculum policy document.

The secondary curriculum in science builds on three basic goals that run through every gradeand strand of the elementary curriculum and that reflect the essential triad of knowledge, skills,and the ability to relate science to technology, society, and the environment (STSE). In thesecondary program, these goals vary somewhat according to the type of course (academic orapplied), but they are always present in some form and serve to unify the program (see page 4).Science is approached in all courses not only as an intellectual pursuit but also as an activity-based enterprise operating within a social context.

The content of the secondary science program also builds on the five strands present in theelementary curriculum, although less emphasis is placed on technological education, which isa distinct discipline at the secondary level. In particular, the transition from Grade 8 to Grade9 is a smooth one because of the close alignment of both the elementary and the secondaryprogram with the pan-Canadian Common Framework of Science Learning Outcomes.



The overall aim of the secondary science program is to ensure scientific literacy for every secondary school graduate. This aim can be achieved by meeting three overall goals for everystudent. The secondary science program, from Grade 9 through Grade 12, is designed to pro-mote these goals:

– to understand the basic concepts of science;

– to develop the skills, strategies, and habits of mind required for scientific inquiry;

– to relate science to technology, society, and the environment.

Each of these three goals is defined more specifically within each of the courses that make upthe science program. There are always three goals (stated in each course description) and,within each strand, or unit of science content, always three overall expectations and three setsof specific expectations. The same three goals also provide the basis for assessment of studentachievement in science.

Two types of courses are offered in the Grade 9 and 10 science program: academic and applied.(SeeThe Ontario Curriculum, Grades 9 and 10: Program Planning and Assessment, 1999 for adescription of the different types of secondary school courses.) Courses offered in sciencemust be delivered as full courses, rather than as two half-credit courses.

Courses in Science, Grades 9 and 10

Course Course Course CreditGrade Name Type Code Value Prerequisites*

9 Science Academic SNC1D 1

9 Science Applied SNC1P 1

10 Science Academic SNC2D 1 Grade 9 Science,Academic or Applied

10 Science Applied SNC2P 1 Grade 9 Science,Academic or Applied

* Prerequisites apply only to Grade 10, 11, and 12 courses.

Teaching Approaches

The expectations in science courses call for an active, experimental approach to learning, withall students participating regularly in laboratory activities. Laboratory activities can reinforce thelearning of scientific concepts and promote the development of the skills of scientific investiga-tion and communication. Where opportunity allows, students might be required, as part of theirlaboratory activities, to design and research a real scientific problem for which the results areunknown.

The goal of relating science to technology, society, and the environment (STSE) is an importantnew feature of this curriculum. In order to attain this goal, connections between science andtechnology and between science and the world beyond the school must be integrated into stu-dents’ learning of scientific concepts and skills. Where possible, concepts should be introducedin the context of real-world problems and issues.

The Program in Science

5T H E P R O G R A M I N S C I E N C E

Curriculum Expectations

The expectations identified for each course describe the knowledge and skills that studentsare expected to develop and demonstrate in their class work, on tests, and in various otheractivities on which their achievement is assessed and evaluated.

Two sets of expectations are listed for each strand, or broad curriculum area, of each course.The overall expectations describe in general terms the knowledge and skills that students areexpected to demonstrate by the end of each course. The specific expectations describe theexpected knowledge and skills in greater detail.

The specific expectations are organized under subheadings. This organization is not meant toimply that the expectations in any one group are achieved independently of the expectationsin the other groups. The subheadings are used merely to help teachers focus on particularaspects of knowledge and skills as they plan learning activities for their students.

Many of the expectations are accompanied by examples or sample problems, given in paren-theses. These examples and problems are meant to illustrate the kind of skill, the specific areaof learning, the depth of learning, and/or the level of complexity that the expectation entails.They are intended as a guide for teachers rather than as an exhaustive or mandatory list.

StrandsIn Grades 9 and 10, the following four subdisciplines of science are treated as strands withineach course:

– Biology

– Chemistry

– Earth and Space Science

– Physics

The topics treated within each strand in each of the courses in Grades 9 and 10 are outlined inthe following table. Environmental science is integrated into the curriculum expectations ofevery science course.

Strands and Topics in Grade 9 and 10 Courses

Grade 9 Grade 9 Grade 10 Grade 10 Strand Academic Applied Academic Applied

Biology Reproduction Reproduction – The Sustainability Ecosystems andProcesses and of Ecosystems Human ActivityApplications

Chemistry Atoms and Exploring Chemical Chemical Elements Matter Processes Reactions and

Their PracticalApplications

Earth and Space The Study of the Space Weather Dynamics Weather SystemsScience Universe Exploration

Physics The Characteristics Electrical Motion Motion and of Electricity Applications Its Applications


Science, Grade 9,Academic (SNC1D)

This course enables students to understand basic concepts in biology, chemistry, earth and spacescience, and physics; to develop skills in the processes of scientific inquiry; and to relate scienceto technology, society, and the environment. Students will learn scientific theories and conductinvestigations related to cell division and reproduction; atomic and molecular structures andthe properties of elements and compounds; the universe and space exploration; and theprinciples of electricity.

7S C I E N C E , G R A D E 9 , A C A D E M I C ( S N C 1 D )

Biology: Reproduction

Overall Expectations

By the end of this course, students will:

• describe cell theory, and apply it to processes of cell division, including mitosis, and thefunction of sexual (including human) and asexual reproductive systems;

• investigate and analyse cell division and factors affecting cell reproduction;

• evaluate the implications for social decision making of scientific research and technologicaldevelopments in reproductive biology.

Specific Expectations

Understanding Basic Concepts

By the end of this course, students will:

– describe the major postulates of the celltheory and how the theory explains celldivision (e.g., all living things are made upof one or more cells and the products ofthose cells; cells are the functional units oflife; all cells come from pre-existing cells);

– describe cell division, including mitosis, aspart of the cell cycle, including the roles ofthe nucleus, cell membrane, and organelles(e.g., stages of mitosis – prophase,metaphase, anaphase, and telophase);

– explain how the cell nucleus determinescellular processes and contains geneticmaterial, and why DNA replication isimportant to organism survival;

– describe various types of asexual reproduc-tion that occur in plant species or animalspecies, and various methods for the asex-ual propagation of plants (e.g., fission, bud-ding, production of spores; fission in theamoeba and planaria flatworm, budding inthe hydra and sponge; use of bulbs, cut-tings, grafting, and modified stems inplants);

– describe and give examples of types of sex-ual reproduction that occur in plants andin animals, including hermaphrodites (e.g.,conjugation, cross-fertilization, internaland external fertilization);

– compare sexual and asexual reproduction(e.g., asexual reproduction produces off-spring whose DNA is identical to the par-ent’s DNA, given the same environment;sexual reproduction introduces variationto a species);

– describe the production, structure, andfunction of a mature egg and sperm in thedevelopment and formation of the zygoteand embryo;

– describe, in general terms, the roles ofhormones in human reproduction wherethere is no conception, and where con-ception, development, and parturitionoccur (e.g., the role that hormones pro-duced in the pituitary gland play in regu-lating the development of ova or eggs);

– describe, in general terms, human devel-opment from conception to the growth of human organs and body proportions,including embryonic human developmentfrom early cleavage to the morphologicalstages;

– distinguish between somatic and repro-ductive cells and describe factors that mayalter genetic material in both types of cells(e.g., uncontrolled exposure to a radioac-tive source and other mutagens).

8 T H E O N T A R I O C U R R I C U L U M , G R A D E S 9 A N D 1 0 : S C I E N C E

Developing Skills of Inquiry

and Communication

By the end of this course, students will:

– through investigations and applications ofbasic concepts:

formulate scientific questions related toreproduction (e.g.,“What factors affectthe health of the mother and foetusduring the human pregnancy?”);demonstrate the skills required to planand conduct an inquiry into reproduc-tion, using instruments and tools safely,accurately, and effectively (e.g., use amicroscope at an appropriate level ofmagnification to locate and viewnuclear division on a slide);select and integrate information fromvarious sources, including electronicand print resources, communityresources, and personally collected data,to answer the questions chosen (e.g.,investigate the effects that ultravioletradiation, carcinogens, water pollution,toxins, or nuclear radiation have ondeveloping organisms);analyse qualitative and quantitative dataand explain how the evidence gatheredsupports or refutes an initial hypothesis(e.g., propose an explanation for trendsin the optimum reproductive years ofwomen and, following data collection,evaluate the accuracy of that explanation);communicate scientific ideas, proce-dures, results, and conclusions usingappropriate language and formats (e.g.,describe the steps involved in spore andgamete production in mosses andexplain the relationship between them);defend orally a given position on anissue or problem, based on their findings;

– use a microscope or microviewer to iden-tify the various stages of mitosis (e.g., useprepared slides of mitosis);

– design and conduct an investigation intothe stages of cell division to determinechanges taking place in the nucleus andcell membrane (e.g., prepare slides ofmitosis and observe them through amicroscope);

– use a microscope to make scientific obser-vations of an organism undergoing fissionby the process of cell division (e.g., pre-pare a slide or use a prepared slide to drawan organism undergoing fission);

– predict the number of cell divisionsrequired to produce a certain number ofcells.

Relating Science to Technology,

Society, and the Environment

By the end of this course, students will:

– demonstrate an understanding of the his-torical development of reproductive biol-ogy and outline the contribution of themicroscope to knowledge in the field(e.g., describe the impact of the micro-scope on the development of scientificunderstanding of breeding);

– provide examples of how developments inreproductive biology have had an impacton global and local food production, pop-ulations, the spread of disease, and theenvironment (e.g., the impact of scientificdevelopments in such areas as speciespreservation, genetic engineering of crops,or reproductive technologies);

– describe the importance of Canadianresearch and technological development ingenetics and reproductive biology (e.g.,describe and assess how techniques usedto bring together nucleii of different plantspecies such as rye and wheat haveimproved hardiness and yield by produc-ing the hybrid triticale);

– investigate careers that require an under-standing of reproductive biology.

9S C I E N C E , G R A D E 9 , A C A D E M I C ( S N C 1 D )

Overall Expectations

By the end of this course, students will:

• describe various models of the atom, the atomic structure of common elements, and theirorganization in the periodic table;

• investigate the physical and chemical properties of elements and compounds and use theperiodic table to predict the properties of elements;

• describe technologies associated with the refinement, use, and recycling of chemical ele-ments and compounds.

Specific Expectations

Understanding Basic Concepts

By the end of this course, students will:

– explain the characteristics and utility of ascientific model;

– describe and explain the particle theory ofmatter;

– describe an element as a pure substancemade up of one type of particle or atomwith its own distinct properties;

– recognize compounds as pure substanceswhich may be broken down into elementsby chemical means;

– demonstrate an understanding of com-pounds and elements by describing themin terms of molecules and atoms;

– describe the evolution of models of theatom (e.g., from Dalton to Bohr);

– describe the Bohr-Rutherford model ofatomic structure and apply it to atoms andtheir common ions to atomic number 20;

– identify general features of the periodictable (e.g., arrangement of the elementsbased on atomic structure, groups or fami-lies of elements, periods or horizontalrows);

– relate the Bohr-Rutherford atomic modelto properties of elements and their posi-tions in the periodic table;

– compare similarities in properties bothbetween and within families of elementsto similarities in their atomic structure(e.g., alkali metals, halogens, noble gases);

– use the periodic table to predict the physi-cal and chemical characteristics of an ele-ment (e.g., predict that a metal such assodium will be extremely reactive with anon-metal such as chlorine);

– identify and write the symbols for com-mon elements and the formulae for com-mon compounds (e.g., C, Cl, S, N; H2O,CO2, NaCl);

– solve density problems – given any two ofmass, volume, and density, determine thethird – using the formula

density = massvolume

and appropriate SI units;

– describe, through observations, the evi-dence for chemical changes (e.g., changesin colour, production of a gas, formationof a precipitate, production or absorptionof heat, production of light);

– identify, through their observations, thecharacteristic physical and chemical prop-erties of common elements and com-pounds (e.g., aluminum is a good conduc-tor of heat; magnesium reacts with oxygento produce magnesium oxide).

Chemistry: Atoms and Elements

10 T H E O N T A R I O C U R R I C U L U M , G R A D E S 9 A N D 1 0 : S C I E N C E

Developing Skills of Inquiry

and Communication

By the end of this course, students will:

– through investigations and applications ofbasic concepts:

demonstrate knowledge of laboratory,safety, and disposal procedures whileconducting investigations (e.g., wearsafety glasses; practise orderliness andcleanliness; be aware of WHMIS guide-lines and emergency procedures; beaware of proper handling and storageprocedures);formulate scientific questions aboutphysical and chemical properties of ele-ments and compounds;demonstrate the skills required to planand conduct an inquiry into the prop-erties of elements and compounds,using instruments, tools, and apparatussafely, accurately, and effectively (e.g.,investigate the reactions of some metalsand some non-metals);select and integrate information fromvarious sources, including electronicand print resources, communityresources, and personally collected data,to answer the questions chosen;gather and record qualitative and quan-titative data using an appropriate format,and analyse the data to explain how theevidence gathered supports or refutes aninitial hypothesis (e.g., conclude fromdata obtained from the electrolysis ofwater that the proportion of hydrogen tooxygen in water molecules is 2:1);communicate scientific ideas, proce-dures, results, and conclusions usingappropriate SI units, language, and for-mats, and evaluate the processes used inplanning, problem solving, decisionmaking, and completing the task (e.g.,use appropriate vocabulary such as sub-stance, compound, element, atomic number,mass number);

– formulate definitions of major variablesand other aspects of their investigations(e.g., define mass, electrons, protons, neu-trons, ions, and isotopes);

– design and conduct experiments to deter-mine the physical and chemical propertiesof everyday and common laboratory sub-stances such as carbon, copper nitrate,starch, and wax (e.g., physical properties:colour, change of state, solubility; chemi-cal properties: combustibility, reactionwith water);

– use molecular models to illustrate thestructure of simple molecules (e.g., H2,O2, H2O, NH3, CH4, CO2);

– use proper notation to represent elements,including their atomic number and massnumber (e.g., represent the C-12 isotope,which has an atomic number of 6 and amass number of 12, as 6

12 C).

Relating Science to Technology,

Society, and the Environment

By the end of this course, students will:

– describe the methods used to extract ele-ments in Canada, and outline associatedeconomic and environmental considera-tions (e.g., use various sources to explainhow gold, nickel, carbon, or uranium isobtained and refined);

– compare the physical and chemical prop-erties of elements to assess their potentialuses and associated risks (e.g., hydrogenversus helium in balloons, copper versusaluminum in wiring, copper versus lead inplumbing);

– describe technologies that have dependedon understanding atomic and molecularstructure (e.g., television, X-rays, nuclearmedicine, nuclear power, electronmicroscopy);

– investigate potential careers associated withan understanding of the physical and chem-ical properties of elements and compounds.

11S C I E N C E , G R A D E 9 , A C A D E M I C ( S N C 1 D )

Earth and Space Science: The Study of the Universe

Overall Expectations

By the end of this course, students will:

• demonstrate an understanding of how scientific evidence and technological advances sup-port the development of theories about the formation, evolution, structure, and nature ofour solar system and the universe;

• investigate and predict the appearance and motion of visible celestial objects;

• evaluate how human endeavours and interest in space have contributed to our understand-ing of outer space, the Earth, and living things, and describe Canadian contributions to spaceexploration.

Specific Expectations

Understanding Basic Concepts

By the end of this course, students will:

– describe and compare the major compo-nents of the universe, using appropriatescientific terminology and units (e.g.,record the location and movement ofplanets and satellites, and of stars, galaxies,and clusters of galaxies, using AstronomicalUnits and light years);

– describe the generally accepted theory ofthe origin and evolution of the universe(i.e., the “big bang” theory) and the obser-vational evidence that supports it;

– describe and compare the general proper-ties and motions of the components of thesolar system (e.g., the composition and thephysical properties – such as size and state,rotation, size and period of orbit – of theSun, planets, moons, asteroids, comets);

– describe and explain the effects of thespace environment on organisms andmaterials (e.g., the effects of microgravityon organisms in a spacecraft);

– outline the generally accepted theory ofthe formation of the solar system (i.e., thatit was formed from a contracting, spinningdisc of dust and gas);

– describe the Sun and its effects on theEarth and its atmosphere (e.g., explain theimportance of the Sun as an energy sourceand the types of radiation emitted;describe the aurora borealis);

– outline models and theories for describingthe nature of the Sun and stars and theirorigin, evolution, and fate.

Developing Skills of Inquiry

and Communication

By the end of this course, students will:

– through investigations and applications ofbasic concepts:

formulate scientific questions about themotion of visible celestial objects;plan ways to model and/or simulate ananswer to the questions chosen (e.g.,determine, using scale models, anddescribe, using appropriate astronomicalunits, how astronomers are able tounderstand and compare the sizes anddistances of objects in the solar system,and in the universe beyond);demonstrate the skills required to planand conduct an inquiry into the motionand characteristics of visible celestialobjects, using instruments, tools, andapparatus safely, accurately, and effectively;

12 T H E O N T A R I O C U R R I C U L U M , G R A D E S 9 A N D 1 0 : S C I E N C E

select and integrate information fromvarious sources, including electronicand print resources, communityresources, and personally collected data,to answer the questions chosen (e.g.,analyse and predict the time requiredfor a spacecraft to travel to the Moon,or to another planet or moon in thesolar system, and investigate the factorswhich limit the feasibility of the voyage– such as fuel, costs, time, comfort,safety, speed of travel, and humanrequirements);gather, organize, and record informationusing a format that is appropriate to theinvestigation (e.g., maintain a log ofobservations of changes in the nightsky; prepare a comparative data table onvarious stars);analyse qualitative and quantitative data,and explain how evidence gatheredsupports or refutes an initial hypothesis(e.g., determine the actual size of acelestial object from its distance and itsapparent size);communicate scientific ideas, proce-dures, results, and conclusions usingappropriate SI units, language, and formats;

– calculate and compare the sizes of, and thedistances to, objects in the solar sytem andin the universe beyond, using appropriateSI units;

– predict the qualitative and quantitativecharacteristics of visible celestial objects(e.g., determine the temperature of a starby observing its colour; predict the nextappearance of a comet from the time of itslast appearance and the period of its orbit).

Relating Science to Technology,

Society, and the Environment

By the end of this course, students will:

– describe, evaluate, and communicate theimpact of research and other accomplish-ments in space technology on our understanding of scientific theories andprinciples and on other fields of endeav-our (e.g., advances in fluid physics, crystalgrowth, and material science, and in tech-nologies associated with robotics, agricul-ture, and telecommunications);

– investigate the ways in which Canada participates in space research and interna-tional space programs (e.g., the Intern-ational Space Station, telecommunications,satellite technology);

– describe and explain how data providedby ground-based astronomy, satellite-basedastronomy, and satellite exploration of theSun, planets, moons, and other solar-system objects contribute to our knowl-edge of the solar system;

– explore science and technology careersthat are related to the exploration ofspace, and identify their educationalrequirements.

13S C I E N C E , G R A D E 9 , A C A D E M I C ( S N C 1 D )

Physics: The Characteristics of Electricity

Overall Expectations

By the end of this course, students will:

• describe and apply models of static and current electricity;

• design and conduct investigations into electrical circuits found in everyday life and into thequantitative relationships among current, potential difference, and resistance;

• evaluate the social, economic, and environmental costs and benefits arising from the methodsof electrical energy production used in Canada.

Specific Expectations

Understanding Basic Concepts

By the end of this course, students will:

– describe the properties of static electriccharges, and explain electrostatic attractionand repulsion using scientific models ofatomic structure;

– describe charging by contact and byinduction;

– compare qualitatively static electricity andelectric current (e.g., the charge on acharged electroscope and the charge in anoperating circuit);

– describe the concepts of electric current,potential difference, and resistance, withthe help of a water analogy;

– explain how electric current, potential dif-ference, and electrical resistance are mea-sured using an ammeter and a voltmeter;

– state the SI units of potential difference,electric current, electrical resistance,electrical energy, and power (e.g., volt,ampere, ohm, joule, watt, and kilowatt );

– describe the relationship among electricalresistance R, potential difference V, andcurrent I;

– solve simple problems involving thesequantities (V = IR);

– describe the potential difference and cur-rent characteristics in a series and a parallelcircuit;

– compare the electrical resistance of a seriesand a parallel connection of identical resis-tors to that of a single resistor;

– determine quantitatively the percent effi-ciency of an electrical device that convertselectrical energy to other forms of energy,using the relationship

percent efficiency = energy output x 100;energy input

– describe the relationship among electricalenergy transformed E, power P, andelapsed time ∆t, and solve simple problemsinvolving these physical quantities (E = P∆t);

– compare methods of producing electricalenergy, including their advantages and dis-advantages (e.g., voltaic cells; primary andsecondary cells; photoelectric cells andthermocouples; hydro-electric and fossil-fuelled power; wind, and tidal power).

14 T H E O N T A R I O C U R R I C U L U M , G R A D E S 9 A N D 1 0 : S C I E N C E

Developing Skills of Inquiry and CommunicationBy the end of this course, students will:

– through investigations and applications ofbasic concepts:

demonstrate knowledge of electricalsafety procedures when planning andcarrying out an inquiry and choosingand using materials, tools, and equipment;formulate scientific questions aboutelectricity and restate them in a testableform, identifying the relationshipsamong variables (e.g.,“What is the rela-tionship among the number of dry cellsconnected, in series or in parallel, thepotential difference of the source, andthe electric current that passes througha resistor?”);demonstrate the skills required to planand conduct an inquiry into electricity,using instruments, tools, and apparatussafely, accurately, and effectively (e.g.,use an ammeter and a voltmeter tomeasure current and potential differ-ence in a circuit);select and integrate information fromvarious sources, including electronicand print resources, communityresources, and personally collected data,to answer the questions chosen;gather and record qualitative and quan-titative data using an appropriate for-mat, and analyse the data to explainhow the evidence gathered supports orrefutes an initial hypothesis (e.g., explainthe variations in the monthly costs ofelectrical energy);communicate ideas, procedures, results,and conclusions using appropriate SIunits, language, and formats, and evalu-ate the processes used in planning,problem solving, decision making, andcompleting the task;

– design, draw, and construct series and par-allel circuits for a given purpose, and mea-sure current, potential difference, andresistance at various points in the circuit,using appropriate instruments and SI units(e.g., design and construct a circuit used toenable one of several light bulbs to beswitched on and off independently of theothers);

– formulate operational definitions for physical quantities involved in electricity(e.g., potential difference, current, resistance,electrical energy, and power);

– charge an electroscope by contact and byinduction;

– predict, verify, and explain the effect of anearby charged object on a charged electroscope;

– use appropriate instruments and tech-niques to investigate potential differenceagainst current for an ohmic resistor in asimple series circuit, graph the data, anddetermine resistance from the slope of thegraph.

Relating Science to Technology, Society, and the EnvironmentBy the end of this course, students will:

– explain practical applications of static andcurrent electricity (e.g., an air cleaner, anelectrostatic paint sprayer);

– devise a plan for a self-contained system togenerate energy, using renewable energysources, to meet the energy requirementsof a dwelling, farm, or community inOntario (e.g., design a plan to use anycombination of wind, solar, or hydroelec-tric power);

– identify problems related to electrostaticcharge in everyday situations and evaluatesolutions (e.g., use of static straps toreduce charge build-up in automobiles;use of electrostatic precipitators todecrease pollution; use of lightning rods toprotect buildings).


Science, Grade 9,Applied (SNC1P)

This course enables students to understand basic concepts in biology, chemistry, earth and spacescience, and physics; to develop practical skills in scientific investigation; and to apply theirknowledge of science to everyday situations. Students will design and conduct investigationsinto practical problems and issues related to cell division and reproduction, the structure andproperties of elements and compounds, astronomy and space exploration, and static andcurrent electricity.

16 T H E O N T A R I O C U R R I C U L U M , G R A D E S 9 A N D 1 0 : S C I E N C E

Biology: Reproduction – Processes and Applications

Overall Expectations

By the end of this course, students will:

• demonstrate an understanding of the processes of cell division, including mitosis, and thefunction of sexual (including human) and asexual reproductive systems;

• conduct investigations into questions arising from reproductive issues;

• examine the impact of scientific research and technological developments on issues relatedto reproduction.

Specific Expectations

Understanding Basic Concepts

By the end of this course, students will:

– describe the basic process of cell division,including what happens to the cell mem-brane and the contents of the nucleus(e.g., stages of mitosis – prophase,metaphase, anaphase, and telophase);

– demonstrate an understanding of theimportance of cell division to the growthand reproduction of an organism (e.g.,describe changes in cell division in anorganism during its lifespan);

– demonstrate an understanding that thenucleus of a cell contains genetic informa-tion and determines cellular processes;

– describe various types of asexual reproduc-tion that occur in plant species or in ani-mal species and various methods for theasexual propagation of plants (e.g., fission,budding, production of spores; fission inthe amoeba and planaria flatworm, bud-ding in the hydra and sponge; use of bulbs,cuttings, grafting, and modified stems inplants);

– describe the various types of sexual repro-duction that occur in plants and in ani-mals, and identify some plants and animals,including hermaphrodites, that exhibit thistype of reproduction (e.g., conjugation,cross-fertilization, internal and externalfertilization);

– compare sexual and asexual reproduction(e.g., asexual reproduction does notrequire a partner and can take placewhenever environmental conditions suchas food, warmth, and moisture are suit-able);

– explain signs of pregnancy in humans anddescribe the major stages of human devel-opment from conception to early infancy.

Developing Skills of Inquiry

and Communication

By the end of this course, students will:

– through investigations and applications ofbasic concepts:

identify a current problem or concernrelating to plant or animal reproduction(e.g., development of hybrid species);formulate scientific questions about theproblem or concern, and develop a planto answer these questions;demonstrate the skills required to planand conduct an inquiry into reproduc-tion, using instruments and tools safely,accurately, and effectively (e.g., use amicroscope at an appropriate level ofmagnification to locate and view mito-sis on a slide);select and integrate information fromvarious sources, including electronicand print resources, communityresources, and personally collected data,to answer the questions chosen;

17S C I E N C E , G R A D E 9 , A P P L I E D ( S N C 1 P )

organize, record, and analyse the infor-mation gathered (e.g., interpret patternsand trends; discuss relationships amongvariables; and predict consequences ofaction or inaction);predict the value of a variable by inter-polating or extrapolating from graphicaldata (e.g., graph data on the optimumreproductive years of women and pre-dict trends for upcoming years);communicate scientific ideas, proce-dures, results, and conclusions usingappropriate language and formats;defend orally a position on the concernor problem investigated;

– use a microscope to observe and identify(in living tissue and prepared slides) animaland vegetable cells in different stages ofmitosis, as well as cells undergoing asexualreproduction (e.g., budding in yeast).

Relating Science to Technology,

Society, and the Environment

By the end of this course, students will:

– describe the use of reproductive technolo-gies in a workplace environment andexplain the costs and benefits of usingsuch technologies (e.g., use of reproduc-tive technologies by: a horticulturalist –cloning; a doctor – in vitro fertilization; afarmer or breeder – selective breedingprocesses);

– examine some Canadian contributions toresearch and technological development inthe field of genetics and reproductivebiology (e.g., describe the development ofthe McIntosh apple or of canola; doresearch on foetal alcohol syndrome orcystic fibrosis);

– identify local environmental factors andindividual choices that may lead to achange in a cell’s genetic information oran organism’s development, and investigatethe consequences such factors and choiceshave on human development (e.g., identifythe consequences of exposure to X-rays orthe use of cigarettes or illegal drugs for thedevelopment of the foetus);

– provide examples of the impact of devel-opments in reproductive biology on globaland local food production, populations,the spread of disease, and the environment(e.g., genetic engineering of crops; repro-ductive technologies and the productionof hybrid species);

– describe careers that involve some aspectof reproductive biology.

18 T H E O N T A R I O C U R R I C U L U M , G R A D E S 9 A N D 1 0 : S C I E N C E

Chemistry: Exploring Matter

Overall Expectations

By the end of this course, students will:

• describe the atomic structure of common elements and their organization in the periodictable;

• investigate the physical and chemical properties of common elements and compounds, andrelate the properties of elements to their location in the periodic table;

• demonstrate an understanding of the importance, production, use, and environmental hazardsof common elements and simple compounds.

Specific Expectations

Understanding Basic Concepts

By the end of this course, students will:

– describe an element as a pure substancemade up of one type of particle or atomwith its own distinct properties;

– recognize compounds as pure substancesthat may be broken down into elements bychemical means;

– describe compounds and elements interms of molecules and atoms;

– identify each of the three fundamental par-ticles (neutron, proton, and electron), andits charge, location, and relative mass in asimple atomic model (e.g., the Bohr-Rutherford model);

– identify general features of the periodictable (e.g., arrangement of the elementsbased on atomic structure, groups or fami-lies of elements, periods or horizontalrows);

– demonstrate an understanding of the rela-tionship between the properties of ele-ments and their position in the periodictable (e.g., metals appear on the left of theperiodic table; non-metals appear on theright);

– identify and write symbols/formulae forcommon elements and compounds (e.g.,H, Mg, S, N and NaCl, O2, H2O, CO2);

– describe, using their observations, the evidence for chemical changes (e.g.,energy change, formation of a gas or precipitate, change in colour or odour,change in temperature);

– distinguish between metals and non-metals and identify their characteristicproperties (e.g., most metals are lustrous orshiny and good conductors of heat; mostnon-metals in solid form are brittle andnot good conductors of heat).

Developing Skills of Inquiry

and Communication

By the end of this course, students will:

– through investigations and applications ofbasic concepts:

demonstrate knowledge of laboratory,safety, and disposal procedures whileconducting investigations (e.g., wearsafety glasses; practise orderliness andcleanliness; follow WHMIS guidelinesand emergency procedures; use properprocedures for handling and storage);determine how the properties of sub-stances influence their use (e.g., howthe reactions of metals with air influ-ence their use);formulate scientific questions about aproblem or issue involving the proper-ties of substances;

19S C I E N C E , G R A D E 9 , A P P L I E D ( S N C 1 P )

demonstrate the skills required to planand conduct an inquiry into the prop-erties of substances, using apparatus andmaterials safely, accurately, and effec-tively (e.g., investigate the physicalproperties of common elements andclassify them as metals or non-metals);select and integrate information fromvarious sources, including electronicand print resources, communityresources, and personally collected data,to answer the questions chosen;organize, record, and analyse the infor-mation gathered (e.g., interpret patternsand trends; discuss relationships amongvariables; predict consequences ofaction or inaction);communicate scientific ideas, proce-dures, results, and conclusions usingappropriate language and formats (e.g.,present data on different chemical sub-stances in a table using appropriateheadings such as compound, element,chemical property, physical property);

– investigate, by laboratory experiment orclassroom demonstration, the chemicalproperties of representative families of ele-ments (e.g., combustibility, reaction withwater of Mg, Ca or C, Si);

– investigate the properties of changes insubstances, and classify them as physical orchemical based on experiments (e.g., solu-bility, combustibility, change of state,changes in colour);

– construct molecular models of simplemolecules (e.g., H2, O2, H2O, NH3, CH4,CO2).

Relating Science to Technology,

Society, and the Environment

By the end of this course, students will:

– identify uses of elements in everyday life(e.g., iron and other elements in steel; alu-minum, oxygen, chlorine in water);

– describe the methods used to obtain ele-ments in Canada, and outline local envi-ronmental concerns and health and safetyissues related to the ways in which theyare mined and processed (e.g., explainhow gold, nickel, carbon, or uranium isobtained and processed);

– explain how a knowledge of the physicaland chemical properties of elementsenables people to determine the potentialuses of the elements and assess the associ-ated risks (e.g., helium versus hydrogen inballoons, copper versus aluminum inwiring, copper versus lead in plumbing);

– identify and describe careers that requireknowledge of the physical and chemicalproperties of elements and compounds.

20 T H E O N T A R I O C U R R I C U L U M , G R A D E S 9 A N D 1 0 : S C I E N C E

Earth and Space Science: Space Exploration

Overall Expectations

By the end of this course, students will:

• demonstrate an understanding of the formation, evolution, structure, and nature of our solarsystem and of the universe;

• design and conduct investigations into the appearance and motion of visible celestial objects;

• describe how human endeavours and interest in space have contributed to our understand-ing of outer space, the Earth, and living things, and identify Canadian contributions to spaceexploration.

Specific Expectations

Understanding Basic Concepts

By the end of this course, students will:

– recognize and describe the major compo-nents of the universe using appropriate sci-entific terminology and units (e.g., recordthe location and movement of planets andsatellites, stars, galaxies, and clusters ofgalaxies using Astronomical Units and lightyears);

– describe the generally accepted theory ofthe origin and evolution of the universe(i.e., the “big bang” theory) and the obser-vational evidence that supports it;

– describe, compare, and contrast the generalproperties and motions of the componentsof the solar system (e.g., the compositionand physical properties – such as size andstate, rotation, size and period of orbit – ofthe Sun, planets, moons, asteroids, comets);

– describe the Sun and its effects on theEarth and its atmosphere (e.g., the Sun asan energy source, solar activity, auroraborealis);

– describe and explain the effects of thespace environment on organisms andmaterials (e.g., the effects of microgravityand temperature on organisms duringspace exploration).

Developing Skills of Inquiry

and Communication

By the end of this course, students will:

– through investigations and applications ofbasic concepts:

identify problems and issues that scien-tists face when investigating celestialobjects and describe ways these prob-lems can be solved (e.g., use of a tele-scope to collect light from a faintobject);formulate scientific questions about aproblem or issue in space exploration;demonstrate the skills required to planand conduct an inquiry about spaceexploration, using instruments, tools,and apparatus safely, accurately, andeffectively;select and integrate information fromvarious sources, including electronicand print resources, communityresources, and personally collected data,to answer the questions chosen;organize, record, and analyse the infor-mation gathered (e.g., interpret patternsand trends; discuss relationships amongvariables; predict consequences ofaction or inaction);communicate scientific ideas, proce-dures, results, and conclusions usingappropriate SI units, language, and for-mats (e.g., prepare a comparative datatable on various stars);

21S C I E N C E , G R A D E 9 , A P P L I E D ( S N C 1 P )

– provide examples of the contributions ofCanadian research and development tospace exploration and technology;

– explore careers in science and technologythat are related to the exploration ofspace, and identify their educationalrequirements.

– conduct investigations on the motion ofvisible celestial objects, using instruments,tools, and apparatus safely, accurately, andeffectively (e.g., graph sunrise and sunsetdata and relate them to the motions of theEarth);

– gather, organize, and record data throughregular observations of the night skyand/or use of appropriate software pro-grams, and use these data to identify andstudy the motion of visible celestialobjects (e.g., track the position of theMoon and planets over time).

Relating Science to Technology,

Society, and the Environment

By the end of this course, students will:

– identify and assess the impact of develop-ments in space research and technology onother fields of endeavour (e.g., theadvancement of robotics, agriculture,resource management, navigation, andtelecommunications);

– relate the beliefs of various cultures con-cerning celestial objects to aspects of theircivilization (e.g., aboriginal beliefs, Greekmythology, Mayan civilization);

22 T H E O N T A R I O C U R R I C U L U M , G R A D E S 9 A N D 1 0 : S C I E N C E

Physics: Electrical Applications

Overall Expectations

By the end of this course, students will:

• demonstrate an understanding of the principles of static and current electricity;

• design and build electrical circuits that perform a specific function;

• analyse the practical uses of electricity and its impact on everyday life.

Specific Expectations

Understanding Basic Concepts

By the end of this course, students will:

– explain common electrostatic phenomena(e.g., clothes that “stick” together, attractionof hairs to combs);

– compare qualitatively static and currentelectricity (e.g., a charge on a chargedelectroscope and the charge in an operat-ing circuit);

– describe the concepts of electric current,potential difference, and resistance, withthe help of a water analogy;

– explain how electric current, potential dif-ference, and resistance are measured usingan ammeter and a voltmeter;

– describe qualitatively the effects of varyingelectrical resistance and potential differ-ence on electric current in an electricalcircuit;

– apply the relationship potential difference = resistance x currentto simple series circuits;

– determine quantitatively the percent effi-ciency of an electrical device that convertselectrical energy to other forms of energy,using the relationship

percent efficiency = energy output x 100;energy input

Developing Skills of Inquiry

and Communication

By the end of this course, students will:

– through investigations and applications ofbasic concepts:

demonstrate knowledge of electricalsafety procedures when planning andcarrying out investigations and choosingand using materials, tools, and equipment;identify an authentic practical challengeor problem related to the use of elec-tricity (e.g., to design household wiring;to increase the efficiency of electricalusage in the school);formulate questions about the problemor issue;demonstrate the skills required to planand conduct an inquiry into the use ofelectricity, using instruments, tools, andapparatus safely, accurately, and effectively;select and integrate information fromvarious sources, including electronicand print resources, communityresources, and personally collected data,to answer the questions chosen;organize, record, and analyse the infor-mation gathered (e.g., interpret patternsand trends; discuss relationships amongvariables; and predict consequences ofaction or inaction);communicate scientific ideas, proce-dures, results, and conclusions usingappropriate SI units, language, and for-mats (e.g., electrical power, voltage,resistance; drawings, charts, graphs);

23S C I E N C E , G R A D E 9 , A P P L I E D ( S N C 1 P )

– design, draw, and construct series and par-allel circuits that perform a specific function (e.g., given light bulbs, wires, andbatteries, produce circuits with: one lightbulb on; two light bulbs of the samebrightness; one light bulb disconnectedand the other light bulb on);

– use appropriate instruments to collect andgraph data, and determine the relationshipbetween voltage and current in a simpleseries circuit with a single resistor.

Relating Science to Technology,

Society, and the Environment

By the end of this course, students will:

– describe and explain household wiringand its typical components (e.g., parallelcircuits with switches, fuses, circuit break-ers, outlets);

– develop a solution to a practical problemrelated to the use of electricity in thehome, school, or community (e.g., choosean appropriate fuse or circuit breaker for aspecific circuit);

– compare electrical energy productiontechnologies, including risks and benefits(e.g., explain the advantages and disadvan-tages of using hydro, photovoltaic, wind,and tidal generators to produce electricalenergy);

– explain how some common householdelectrical appliances operate (e.g., electrickettle, electric baseboard heater, electriclight bulb);

– describe careers that involve electricaltechnologies, and use employability-assessment programs, newspaper jobadvertisements, and/or appropriateInternet sources to identify the knowledgeand skill requirements of such careers.


Science, Grade 10,Academic (SNC2D)

This course enables students to develop a deeper understanding of concepts in biology, chemistry,earth and space science, and physics; to develop further their skills in scientific inquiry; and tounderstand the interrelationships among science, technology, and the environment. Studentswill conduct investigations and understand scientific theories related to: ecology and themaintenance of ecosystems; chemical reactions, with particular attention to acid-base reactions;factors that influence weather systems; and motion.

25S C I E N C E , G R A D E 1 0 , A C A D E M I C ( S N C 2 D )

Biology: The Sustainability of Ecosystems

Overall Expectations

By the end of this course, students will:

• demonstrate an understanding of the dynamic nature of ecosystems, including the relation-ship between ecological balance and the sustainability of life;

• investigate factors that affect ecological systems and the consequences of changes in thesefactors;

• analyse issues related to environmental sustainability and the impact of technology onecosystems.

Specific Expectations

Understanding Basic Concepts

By the end of this course, students will:

– describe the processes of photosynthesisand cellular respiration as they relate to thecycling of energy, carbon, and oxygenthrough abiotic and biotic components ofan ecosystem (e.g., explain that photosyn-thesis and cellular respiration are essentiallyreverse processes, and identify the reactantsand products of their overall reactions);

– illustrate the cycling of matter throughbiotic and abiotic components of anecosystem by tracking nitrogen;

– explain the process of bioaccumulationand assess its potential impact on the via-bility and diversity of consumers at alltrophic levels;

– examine the factors (natural and external)that affect the survival and equilibrium ofpopulations in an ecosystem (e.g., resourcelimits of an ecosystem, competing popula-tions, bioaccumulation, selective decline);

– examine how abiotic factors affect the sur-vival and geographical location of bioticcommunities (e.g., explain why desertsexist in different parts of the world);

– explain why different ecosystems responddifferently to short-term stresses and long-term changes (e.g., short term: the activityof tent caterpillars during a season; long-term: the effect of acid rain on mapletrees);

– compare a natural and a disturbed ecosys-tem and suggest ways of assuring their sus-tainability (e.g., compare a meadow and alawn);

– explain how soil composition and fertilitycan be altered in an ecosystem and iden-tify the possible consequences of suchchanges.

Developing Skills of Inquiry

and Communication

By the end of this course, students will:

– through investigations and applications ofbasic concepts:

formulate scientific questions aboutobserved ecological relationships, ideas,problems, and issues (e.g.,“What impactwill supplying an excess of food for aparticular organism have on an ecosys-tem?”);demonstrate the skills required to planand conduct an inquiry into ecologicalrelationships, using instruments, appara-tus, and materials safely and accurately,and controlling major variables andadapting or extending procedureswhere required;select and integrate information fromvarious sources, including electronicand print resources, communityresources, and personally collected data,to answer the questions chosen;

26 T H E O N T A R I O C U R R I C U L U M , G R A D E S 9 A N D 1 0 : S C I E N C E

analyse data and information and evalu-ate evidence and sources of informa-tion, identifying flaws such as errors andbias;select and use appropriate vocabularyand numeric, symbolic, graphic, and lin-guistic modes of representation to com-municate scientific ideas, plans, results,and conclusions (e.g., use terms such asbiotic, abiotic, biomass, biome, ecosystem,chemical concentration, and biodiversitywhen making presentations);

– design and conduct an investigation toexamine the effects of one factor on soilcomposition and fertility and on waterquality in an ecosystem (e.g., design andconduct an experiment to examine theeffects of altering soil pH on the fertilityof plants and on the concentration of dis-solved oxygen in water, and graph theresults);

– analyse a population case study (e.g., ofdeer, wolves, or humans) by producingpopulation growth curves for each of thepopulations in the study, and use thegraphs to explain how different factorsaffect population size and to predict theeffect of varying factors (e.g., the availabil-ity of food) on the population.

Relating Science to Technology,

Society, and the Environment

By the end of this course, students will:

– assess the impact of technological changeand natural change on an ecosystem (e.g.,the introduction of fertilizer and pesticidesto soil; the introduction of a geneticallyengineered plant or the effect of pollutedwater or air on plants and animals; theeffect on an ecosystem of forest fire, flood,the natural infection of one species, or themovement of a species in or out of thearea);

– describe ways in which the relationshipsbetween living organisms and theirecosystems are viewed by other cultures(e.g., First Nations);

– identify and research a local issue involv-ing an ecosystem; propose a course ofaction, taking into account human andenvironmental needs; and defend theirposition in oral or written form (e.g.,organize and participate in a debate onconverting a grass lot into a parking lot);

– describe the physical and chemicalprocesses involved in the methods used toclean up a contaminated site (e.g., howabsorbent chemicals such as charcoal workin cleaning up oil spills);

– identify and evaluate Canadian initiativesin protecting Canada’s ecosystems;

– explain changes in popular views aboutthe sustainability of ecosystems andhumans’ responsibility in preserving them(e.g., the shift from a belief that allresources are inexhaustible to the beliefthat recycling, reusing, and reducing areimportant);

– describe careers that involve knowledge ofecology or environmental technologies,and use resources such as the Internet todetermine the knowledge and skillrequirements of such careers.

27S C I E N C E , G R A D E 1 0 , A C A D E M I C ( S N C 2 D )

Chemistry: Chemical Processes

Overall Expectations

By the end of this course, students will:

• demonstrate an understanding of chemical reactions, the symbolic systems used to describethem, and the factors affecting their rates;

• design and conduct investigations of chemical reactions, using standard scientific procedures,and communicate the results;

• determine why knowledge of chemical reactions is important in developing consumer products and industrial processes and in addressing environmental concerns.

Specific Expectations

Understanding Basic Concepts

By the end of this course, students will:

– recognize the relationships among chemi-cal formulae, composition, and names;

– explain, using the law of conservation ofmass and atomic theory, the rationale forbalancing equations;

– describe, using their observations, the reac-tants and products of a variety of chemicalreactions, including synthesis, decomposi-tion, and displacement reactions (e.g., theburning of magnesium, the production ofoxygen from hydrogen peroxide, the reac-tion of iron in copper sulphate);

– describe and explain qualitatively howfactors such as energy, concentration, andsurface area can affect rates of chemicalreactions;

– explain the interrelationships among met-als and non-metals, acidic and basic oxides,and acids, bases, and salts;

– describe qualitatively acid-base neutraliza-tion through observation of simple acid-base reactions;

– describe how the pH scale is used to iden-tify the acidity of solutions;

– name and write the formulae of commonionic and molecular compounds (e.g.,H2SO4, NaNO3, CO2, NaOH), using aperiodic table and an IUPAC table of ions.

Developing Skills of Inquiry

and Communication

By the end of this course, students will:

– through investigations and applications ofbasic concepts:

select and use appropriate apparatus, andapply WHMIS safety procedures for thehandling, storage, disposal, and recyclingof laboratory materials (e.g., wear safetygoggles and aprons; use proper tech-niques for the handling, disposal, andrecycling of acids, bases, and heavymetal ions; describe procedures to befollowed in an emergency);formulate scientific questions aboutpractical problems and issues involvingchemical processes (e.g.,“How doesvarying the concentration of a reactantaffect the rate of a reaction?”);demonstrate the skills required to planand conduct an inquiry into chemicalprocesses using a broad range of toolsand techniques safely and accurately,and controlling major variables andadapting or extending procedureswhere required (e.g., neutralize a dilutesolution of sodium hydroxide withdilute hydrochloric acid and isolate thesodium chloride produced);

28 T H E O N T A R I O C U R R I C U L U M , G R A D E S 9 A N D 1 0 : S C I E N C E

select and integrate information fromvarious sources, including electronicand print resources, communityresources, and personally collected data,to answer the questions chosen;analyse data and information and evalu-ate evidence and sources of informa-tion, identifying flaws such as errors andbias;describe experimental procedures in theform of a laboratory report (e.g., clearlyidentify the variable under investigationas well as the variables controlled;clearly describe the procedures followedand the data obtained; write an analysisof what was learned from the data);select and use appropriate vocabulary, SIunits, and numeric, symbolic, graphic,and linguistic modes of representationto communicate scientific ideas, plans,results, and conclusions (e.g., descrip-tions of experimental procedures usingthe scientific method; data presented intables);

– represent simple chemical reactions usingmolecular models, word equations, andbalanced chemical equations;

– compare theoretical and empirical valuesand account for discrepancies when inves-tigating conservation of mass (e.g., mea-sure the mass of a chemical reaction sys-tem – such as the reaction of iron (III)nitrate and dilute sodium hydroxide –before and after a change, and account forany discrepancies);

– conduct experiments to identify the acid-ity and basicity of some common sub-stances (e.g., use acid-base indicators toclassify common household substancesaccording to the pH scale);

– conduct experiments on the combustionof metals and non-metals and react theoxides formed with water to produceacidic or basic solutions;

– design an experiment to determine quali-tatively the factors that influence chemicalreactions (e.g., an experiment to measurethe effect of surface area on rate of reaction);

– conduct appropriate chemical tests toidentify common gases (e.g., oxygen,hydrogen, carbon dioxide).

Relating Science to Technology,

Society, and the Environment

By the end of this course, students will:

– explain how environmental challenges canbe addressed through an understanding ofchemical substances (e.g. challenges suchas the renewal of the Great Lakes, theneutralization of acid spills, the scrubbingof waste gases in smokestacks);

– describe how an understanding of chemi-cal reactions has led to the development ofnew consumer products and technologicalprocesses (e.g., antacids, fire-retardantmaterials);

– identify everyday examples where therates of chemical reactions are modified(e.g., the use of kindling to increase sur-face area in order to start a fire; the refrig-eration of food to slow down spoilage);

– describe careers based on technologiesthat utilize chemical reactions.

29S C I E N C E , G R A D E 1 0 , A C A D E M I C ( S N C 2 D )

Earth and Space Science: Weather Dynamics

Overall Expectations

By the end of this course, students will:

• demonstrate an understanding of the factors affecting the fundamental processes of weathersystems;

• investigate and analyse trends in local and global weather conditions to forecast local andglobal weather patterns;

• evaluate how technology has contributed to our understanding of the physical factors thataffect the weather.

Specific Expectations

Understanding Basic Concepts

By the end of this course, students will:

– identify and describe the principal charac-teristics of the hydrosphere and the fourregions of the atmosphere;

– describe and explain heat transfer withinthe water cycle and how the hydrosphereand atmosphere act as heat sinks;

– describe and explain heat transfer in thehydrosphere and atmosphere and its effectson air and water currents;

– describe and explain the effects of heattransfer within the hydrosphere and atmos-phere on the development, severity, andmovement of weather systems (e.g., effectssuch as pressure gradients, cloud forma-tion, winds);

– explain different types of transformationsof water vapour in the atmosphere andtheir effects (e.g., clouds, hail, freezing rain,ice pellets, fog, frost, rain, snow);

– describe the factors contributing to earthtemperature gradients and to wind speedand direction;

– describe cyclones, hurricanes, tornadoes,and monsoons in terms of the meeting ofair masses, atmospheric humidity, and thejet stream.

Developing Skills of Inquiry

and Communication

By the end of this course, students will:

– through investigations and applications ofbasic concepts:

formulate scientific questions aboutweather-related phenomena, problems,and issues (e.g.,“What is the effect ofheat energy transfer within the hydro-sphere?”);demonstrate the skills required to planand conduct a weather-related inquiry,using a broad range of tools and tech-niques safely and accurately, and adapt-ing or extending procedures whererequired (e.g., determine how the accu-racy of weather predictions can bemaintained when data from severalplaces and people are combined);select and integrate information fromvarious sources, including electronicand print resources, to answer the ques-tions chosen;analyse data and information and evalu-ate evidence and sources of informa-tion, identifying flaws such as errors andbias (e.g., explain possible sources oferror when interpreting a satellite pic-ture used for predicting weather);

30 T H E O N T A R I O C U R R I C U L U M , G R A D E S 9 A N D 1 0 : S C I E N C E

select and use appropriate vocabularyand numeric, symbolic, graphic, and lin-guistic modes of representation to com-municate scientific ideas, plans, results,and conclusions (e.g., use historical andcurrent weather data to support a posi-tion on future weather patterns);

– investigate factors which affect the devel-opment, severity, and movement of globaland local weather systems (e.g., the ozonelayer, El Niño, bodies of water, glaciers,smog, rain forests).

Relating Science to Technology,

Society, and the Environment

By the end of this course, students will:

– explain the role of weather dynamics inenvironmental phenomena and considerthe consequences to humans of changes inweather (e.g., the role of weather in airpollution, acid rain, global warming, andsmog; the fact that smog aggravatesasthma);

– explain how people have utilized theirunderstanding of weather patterns for var-ious purposes (e.g., to harness wind as apower source; to participate in ocean sail-ing races);

– compare various cultural (e.g., FirstNations) and historical views on the ori-gins and interpretations of weather;

– explain how a scientific understanding ofweather patterns can be used to modifyenvironmental conditions (e.g., by seedingclouds to alleviate drought; by modellingthe dynamics of fire-fighting strategies tofight forest fires);

– describe examples of technologies, partic-ularly those of Canadian origin, that contribute to the field of meteorology(e.g., satellite imaging).

31S C I E N C E , G R A D E 1 0 , A C A D E M I C ( S N C 2 D )

Physics: Motion

Overall Expectations

By the end of this course, students will:

• demonstrate an understanding of different kinds of motion and of the quantitative relation-ships among displacement, velocity, and acceleration, and solve simple problems involvingdisplacement, velocity, and acceleration;

• design and conduct investigations on the displacement, velocity, and acceleration of an object;

• analyse everyday phenomena and technologies in terms of the motions involved.

Specific Expectations

Understanding Basic Concepts

By the end of this course, students will:

– distinguish among and provide examplesof scalar and vector quantities as they relateto the description of linear motion (e.g.,among distance ∆d, displacement ∆dY, andposition dY, and between speed v andvelocity vY );

– add collinear displacement vectors alge-braically and graphically and non-collineardisplacement vectors graphically;

– distinguish among constant, instantaneous,and average speed and among constant,instantaneous, and average velocity, andgive examples involving uniform and non-uniform motion;

– describe quantitatively the relationshipamong one-dimensional average speed vav,distance travelled ∆d, and elapsed time ∆t,and solve simple problems involving thesephysical quantities

(vav = ∆d );∆t

– describe quantitatively the relationshipamong one-dimensional average velocityvYav, displacement ∆dY, and elapsed time ∆t,and solve simple problems involving thesephysical quantities

(vYav = ∆dY );∆t

– draw position-time graphs and calculatethe average velocity and instantaneousvelocity from such graphs;

– describe quantitatively the relationshipamong one-dimensional average accelera-tion aYav, change in velocity ∆vY, andelapsed time ∆t, and solve simple problemsinvolving these physical quantities

( aYav = ∆vY );∆t

– draw position-time and velocity-timegraphs for constant velocity and for con-stant acceleration, and calculate the con-stant acceleration and displacement fromvelocity-time graphs;

– use a velocity-time graph for constantacceleration to derive the equation foraverage velocity

( vYav = vY1 + vY2 )2

and the equations for displacement

[∆dY = ( vY1 + vY2 ) ∆t and2

∆dY = vY1t +1 aY(∆t2)]2

and solve simple problems in one dimen-sion using these equations.

32 T H E O N T A R I O C U R R I C U L U M , G R A D E S 9 A N D 1 0 : S C I E N C E

Developing Skills of Inquiry

and Communication

By the end of this course, students will:

– through investigations and applications ofbasic concepts:

formulate scientific questions aboutobserved relationships, ideas, problems,and issues related to motion (e.g.,“What are the different accelerationcharacteristics of different transportationvehicles?”);demonstrate the skills required to planand conduct an inquiry into motion,controlling major variables and adaptingor extending procedures where required(e.g., determine the time or distanceintervals at which measurements shouldbe taken to calculate the average veloc-ity of a bicycle rider);use a broad range of tools and tech-niques safely, accurately, and effectivelyto compile, record, and analyse data andinformation, and apply mathematicaland conceptual models to develop andassess possible explanations (e.g., stop-watches, photo-gates, length-measure-ment devices, and motion sensors toobtain data; electronic spreadsheets andgraphs to record and analyse the data);select and integrate information from various sources, including electronicand print resources, to answer the ques-tions chosen;analyse data and information and evalu-ate evidence and sources of informa-tion, identifying flaws such as errors andbias (e.g., determine the mathematicalrelationship among displacement, veloc-ity, and time, and identify any sources oferror in data collection);identify, explain, and express sources oferror and uncertainty in experimentalmeasurements;

select and use appropriate vocabulary,SI units, and numeric, symbolic,graphic, and linguistic modes of repre-sentation to communicate scientificideas, plans, results, and conclusions(e.g., present a graph showing anobject’s velocity, ensuring that the vari-ables are on the appropriate axis);

– design, conduct, and evaluate experimentsto measure the displacement, velocity, andacceleration of a moving object in onedimension, for both uniform motion andconstant acceleration;

– design, conduct, and evaluate an experimentto measure acceleration due to gravity;

– use simple graphs and vector diagrams todescribe predicted and observed motionin one dimension.

Relating Science to Technology,

Society, and the Environment

By the end of this course, students will:

– evaluate the costs and benefits, includingthe safety and environmental factors, oftechnologies which have enabled us totravel at ever-greater speeds, and theimpact of the increased capacity for speedon risk behaviour and subsequent injuries(e.g., snowmobiles, automobiles, motor-ized personal water craft);

– describe the development of those featuresof a piece of sports equipment whichrelate to improving performance (e.g., abaseball, skates, a skateboard, in-line skates,a snowboard, a bicycle);

– analyse how technology is used for track-ing the motion of objects and outline thekinds of scientific knowledge gainedthrough the use of such technologies (e.g., the tracking of animal migrations,airplane flights, traffic, ocean currents).


Science, Grade 10,Applied (SNC2P)

This course enables students to develop a deeper understanding of concepts in biology, chemistry,earth and space science, and physics; to develop further their practical skills in scientific investi-gation; and to apply their knowledge of science to real-world situations. Students will designand conduct investigations into everyday problems and issues related to ecological sustainabil-ity, chemical reactions, weather systems, and motion.

34 T H E O N T A R I O C U R R I C U L U M , G R A D E S 9 A N D 1 0 : S C I E N C E

Biology: Ecosystems and Human Activity

Overall Expectations

By the end of this course, students will:

• demonstrate an understanding of ecosystems, including the relationship between ecologicalbalance and the sustainability of life;

• analyse natural and human threats to a local ecosystem and propose viable solutions torestore ecological balance;

• relate issues to environmental sustainability with a particular focus on issues in Ontario andCanada.

Specific Expectations

Understanding Basic Concepts

By the end of this course, students will:

– describe the processes of photosynthesisand cellular respiration as they relate to thecycling of energy, carbon, and oxygenthrough abiotic and biotic components ofan ecosystem (e.g., explain how glucose,water, and carbon dioxide are producedand/or consumed during these processes);

– illustrate the cycling of matter throughbiotic and abiotic components of anecosystem by tracking nitrogen;

– illustrate the process of bioaccumulationthrough an example, and explain its poten-tial impact on the viability and diversity ofconsumers at all trophic levels;

– show the relationship between theresources available and the equilibrium of anatural population in an ecosystem (e.g.,describe the impact on an aquatic ecosys-tem of fishing or of harvesting a resourcesuch as seaweed);

– explain why ecosystems with similar char-acteristics can exist in different geographi-cal locations (e.g., why deserts exist in dif-ferent parts of the world);

– describe how different ecosystems responddifferently to short-term stresses and long-term changes (e.g., short term: the activityof tent caterpillars during a season; long-term: the effect of acid rain on mapletrees);

– explain how soil composition and fertilitycan be altered in an ecosystem and outlinethe possible consequences of suchchanges.

Developing Skills of Inquiry

and Communication

By the end of this course, students will:

– through investigations and applications ofbasic concepts:

identify a current local concern or issueinvolving an ecosystem (e.g., the con-version of a grass lot into a parking lot;the impact of fishing on a lake; thebuilding of a pulp and paper mill on ariver; the construction of a hydroelec-tric dam);formulate scientific questions about theecological issue and outline experimen-tal procedures for finding answers;demonstrate the skills required to planand conduct practical tests on relatedecological factors, and collect data usingappropriate instruments and techniquessafely and accurately (e.g., tests forwater quality, air quality, soil composi-tion);select and integrate information fromvarious sources, including electronic,print, and community resources, toanswer the questions chosen;

35S C I E N C E , G R A D E 1 0 , A P P L I E D ( S N C 2 P )

analyse the data and information gath-ered to clarify aspects of the concern orissue (e.g., identify costs and benefitsfrom a social, cultural, and/or environ-mental perspective; predict the conse-quences of action or inaction; proposepossible solutions);communicate the results of the investi-gation using a variety of oral, written,and graphic formats (e.g., write a letterto the mayor or organize a publicdebate);

– compile data on the biodiversity within anatural ecosystem, using appropriate tech-niques, and compare the results with thosefrom a disturbed ecosystem.

Relating Science to Technology,

Society, and the Environment

By the end of this course, students will:

– assess the impact of technological changeon an ecosystem (e.g., the introduction offertilizer and pesticides to soil; the intro-duction of a genetically engineered plant;the effect of polluted water or air onplants and animals);

– describe ways in which relationshipsbetween living organisms and theirecosystems are viewed by other cultures(e.g., First Nations);

– identify and evaluate Canadian initiativesin protecting Canada’s ecosystems;

– describe some of the technologies used incleaning up contaminated sites;

– identify and describe careers based onecology and environmental technology.

36 T H E O N T A R I O C U R R I C U L U M , G R A D E S 9 A N D 1 0 : S C I E N C E

Chemistry: Chemical Reactions and Their Practical Applications

Overall Expectations

By the end of this course, students will:

• demonstrate an understanding of chemical reactions and the symbolic systems used todescribe them;

• investigate chemical reactions encountered in everyday life and their practical applications;

• demonstrate an understanding of how chemical reactions relate to technological productsand processes commonly encountered in everyday life.

Specific Expectations

Understanding Basic Concepts

By the end of this course, students will:

– recognize the relationships among chemi-cal formulae, composition, and names;

– demonstrate an understanding of chemicalreactions, including conservation of mass,and their representation through balancedchemical equations;

– describe, using their observations, the reac-tants and products of a variety of chemicalreactions, including synthesis, decomposi-tion, and displacement reactions (e.g., theburning of magnesium, the production ofoxygen from hydrogen peroxide, the reac-tion of iron in copper sulphate);

– describe qualitatively, using their observa-tions, how factors such as heat, concentra-tion, light, and surface area can affect ratesof chemical reactions;

– classify substances as acids, bases, or saltsbased on their characteristic properties(e.g., reactions with indicators and withmetals), names, and formulae (e.g., HCl,NaOH, NaCl);

– demonstrate an understanding of neutral-ization through investigation of simpleacid-base reactions;

– describe how the pH scale is used to iden-tify the concentration of acids and bases;

– name and write the formulae for commonionic and molecular compounds (e.g.,H2SO4, NaNO3, CO2, NaOH).

Developing Skills of Inquiry

and Communication

By the end of this course, students will:

– through investigations and applications ofbasic concepts:

select and use appropriate apparatus, andapply WHMIS safety procedures for thehandling, storage, disposal, and recyclingof laboratory materials (e.g., wear safetygoggles and aprons; use proper tech-niques to handle, dispose of, and recycleacids, bases, and heavy metal ions;describe procedures to be followed inan emergency);formulate scientific questions aboutacid-base neutralization reactions andoutline experimental procedures toanswer the questions;demonstrate the skills required to planand conduct practical experiments onacid-base neutralization reactions, andcollect data using appropriate instru-ments and techniques in a safe andaccurate manner (e.g., an experiment toneutralize a dilute solution of sodiumhydroxide with dilute hydrochloric acidand extract the sodium chloride produced);

37S C I E N C E , G R A D E 1 0 , A P P L I E D ( S N C 2 P )

select and integrate information fromvarious sources, including electronic,print, and community resources, toanswer the questions chosen;analyse the data and information gath-ered to clarify aspects of the questionschosen (e.g., data on changes in theacidity, fish populations, and clarity ofOntario’s small lakes over the years);communicate the results of the investi-gation, using a variety of oral, written,and graphic formats (e.g., use molecularmodels to represent chemical reactions);

– use the pH scale to determine the acidityor basicity of some common householdsubstances (e.g., vinegar);

– conduct experiments to determine thefactors that affect the rate of a chemicalreaction (e.g., temperature, surface area ofa solid, concentration of a solution);

– represent simple chemical reactions usingword equations, balanced chemical equa-tions, and, where appropriate, molecularmodels.

Relating Science to Technology,

Society, and the Environment

By the end of this course, students will:

– use scientific nomenclature to identifycommon consumer products (e.g., identifyingredients in food products or cosmeticsfrom the labels);

– investigate applications of acid-base reac-tions in common products and processes(e.g., compare the effectiveness of differentbrands of antacid tablets by quantitativeanalysis; prepare soap from lard andsodium hydroxide and compare its latherformation with that of commercial soaps);

– relate chemical reactions (including therates of reactions) to familiar processesencountered in everyday life (e.g., acid-base reactions in film processing, foodprocessing, fabric and hair dyeing, agricul-ture, wine making, pulp-and-paper andmineral processing) and identify careersthat require knowledge of such processes(e.g., environmental engineering, swim-ming-pool maintenance);

– research the methods of chemical disposalused in Canada and the environmentaland individual health and safety conse-quences of inappropriate disposal methods(e.g., examine the effects of dumping carbatteries, tires, plastics, paints, or metals inlandfill sites).

38 T H E O N T A R I O C U R R I C U L U M , G R A D E S 9 A N D 1 0 : S C I E N C E

Earth and Space Science: Weather Systems

Overall Expectations

By the end of this course, students will:

• demonstrate an understanding of the factors affecting the fundamental processes of weathersystems;

• investigate and analyse trends in local and global weather conditions in order to forecastlocal weather patterns;

• describe new technologies in meteorology and explain the impact of weather on our daily lives.

Specific Expectations

Understanding Basic Concepts

By the end of this course, students will:

– identify and describe the principal charac-teristics of the hydrosphere and the fourregions of the atmosphere;

– describe and explain heat transfer withinthe water cycle and how the hydrosphereand atmosphere act as heat sinks;

– describe and illustrate the factors affectingheat transfer within the water cycle in theatmosphere (e.g., temperature, pressure,humidity, winds);

– observe, through experiment and simula-tion, and describe (a) the effects of atmos-pheric pressure, (b) the pattern of airmovement in convection, (c) the phenom-enon of inversion, (d) the greenhouseeffect, and (e) heat transfer through radia-tion (e.g., (a) the reduction of the boilingpoint of water with reduced presssure oraltitude; (c) the formation of dew or frostearly in the morning following a clearcalm night; (e) the use of dark solar panelsfor effective heat transfer);

– describe the factors relating to the rotationof the Earth that cause the movement ofair masses and variations in the Earth’stemperature;

– describe and explain heat transfer in thehydrosphere and atmosphere and its effectson air and water currents;

– describe and explain the effects of heattransfer within the hydrosphere andatmosphere on the development, severity,and movement of weather systems (e.g.,effects such as pressure gradients, cloudformation, winds).

Developing Skills of Inquiry

and Communication

By the end of this course, students will:

– through investigations and applications ofbasic concepts:

identify factors that affect the develop-ment, severity, and movement of localweather systems (e.g., microclimates inrural and urban areas, El Niño, bodies ofwater, frontal systems, smog);formulate scientific questions aboutthese factors and outline experimentalprocedures for finding answers;demonstrate the skills required to planand conduct a weather-related inquiry,and collect data using appropriateinstruments and techniques safely andaccurately (e.g., record temperatures andatmospheric pressure; interpret weathermaps and satellite photographs);select and integrate information fromvarious sources, including electronic,print, and community resources, toanswer the questions chosen (e.g., his-torical trend data, local weather records,rates of evaporation of water);

39S C I E N C E , G R A D E 1 0 , A P P L I E D ( S N C 2 P )

analyse the data and information gath-ered to clarify aspects of the questionschosen;communicate the results of the investi-gation, using a variety of oral, written,and graphic formats (e.g., diagrams,group presentations to the class, flowcharts, simulations, graphs).

Relating Science to Technology,

Society, and the Environment

By the end of this course, students will:

– identify the impact of climate change oneconomic, social, and environmental con-ditions;

– describe examples of Canadian contribu-tions to the field of meteorology (e.g., insatellite observation and imaging; in cold-climate meteorology);

– describe the impact of new technologieson our ability to predict local dailyweather (e.g., Doppler radar, satelliteimaging);

– assess the impact of weather on a varietyof economic activities in Canada (e.g.,agriculture, forestry, tourism, home construction, fruit growing).

40 T H E O N T A R I O C U R R I C U L U M , G R A D E S 9 A N D 1 0 : S C I E N C E

Physics: Motion and Its Applications

Overall Expectations

By the end of this course, students will:

• describe different kinds of motion and the quantitative relationships among displacement,velocity, and acceleration;

• design and conduct investigations to study the displacement, velocity, and acceleration of avehicle;

• identify ways in which the principles of motion are used in developing new technologiesand describe the consequences of such developments.

Specific Expectations

Understanding Basic Concepts

By the end of this course, students will:

– distinguish among and provide examplesof scalar and vector quantities as they relateto the description of linear motion (e.g.,among distance ∆d, displacement ∆dY, andposition dY, and between speed v andvelocity vY );

– distinguish among constant, instantaneous,and average speed and among constant,instantaneous, and average velocity, andgive examples involving uniform and non-uniform motion;

– describe quantitatively the relationshipamong one-dimensional average speed vav,distance travelled ∆d, and elapsed time ∆t,and solve simple problems involving thesephysical quantities

(vav = ∆d );∆t

– describe quantitatively the relationshipamong one-dimensional average velocityvYav, displacement ∆dY, and elapsed time ∆t,and solve simple problems involving thesephysical quantities

(vYav = ∆dY );∆t

– draw position-time graphs and calculatethe average velocity and instantaneousvelocity from such graphs;

– describe quantitatively the relationshipamong one-dimensional average accelera-tion aYav, change in velocity ∆vY, and elapsedtime ∆t, and solve simple problems involv-ing these physical quantities

(aYav = ∆vY ).∆ t

Developing Skills of Inquiry and


By the end of this course, students will:

– through investigations and applications ofbasic concepts:

formulate scientific questions about themotion of an object, including displace-ment, velocity, and acceleration, andoutline experimental procedures forfinding answers (e.g.,“How can youaccurately measure the displacement,velocity, and acceleration of a person, abicycle, or a falling object?”);demonstrate the skills required to planand conduct an inquiry into motion,identifying the variables to be mea-sured, and collect data using appropriateinstruments and techniques safely andaccurately (e.g., measure and analyse anobject’s motion in terms of displace-ment, velocity, and acceleration);select and integrate information fromvarious sources, including electronic,print, and community resources, to

41S C I E N C E , G R A D E 1 0 , A P P L I E D ( S N C 2 P )

answer the questions chosen (e.g., com-pare the characteristics of the differentobject motions investigated);analyse the data and information gath-ered to clarify aspects of the chosenquestions (e.g., estimate journey timesfrom road maps and average speeds);

communicate the results of the investi-gation using a variety of oral, written,and graphic formats.

Relating Science to Technology,

Society, and the Environment

By the end of this course, students will:

– perform a cost-benefit analysis, includingenvironmental and safety factors, of tech-nologies which have enabled us to attainever-faster speeds on land and water andin the air, and of alternative modes oftransportation (e.g., snowmobiles, auto-mobiles, trains, subways);

– investigate the benefits and risks to thecommunity and the individual of alterna-tives to motor-vehicle transportation (e.g.,public transit, high-speed trains, walking,bicycling, in-line skating, horseback rid-ing, skiing);

– describe examples of Canadian and othercontributions to the science and technol-ogy of motion (e.g., snow vehicles, air-craft, hydrofoils, the G-suit, the canoe, thespring skate).


Some Considerations for Program Planning in Science

Teachers who are planning a program in science must take into account considerations in anumber of important areas. Essential information that pertains to all disciplines is provided inthe companion piece to this document, The Ontario Curriculum, Grades 9 and 10: ProgramPlanning and Assessment, 1999. The areas of concern to all teachers that are outlined thereinclude the following:

– types of secondary school courses

– education for exceptional students

– the role of technology in the curriculum

– English as a second language (ESL) and English literacy development (ELD)

– career education

– cooperative education and other workplace experiences

– health and safety

Considerations relating to the areas listed above that have particular relevance for programplanning in science are noted here.

Education for Exceptional Students. In planning programs in science, teachers should recog-nize that exceptional students may require focused and specialized directions, as well asadvance instruction and additional practice in the use of equipment. Issues relating to safety inthe laboratory and to students’ ability to read laboratory manuals and use laboratory equip-ment must be addressed before students can be expected to participate effectively. Changes toteaching materials may involve the use of large-print activity sheets, the highlighting of keypoints on print materials, and the use of alternative texts at a suitable reading level. Assessmentstrategies should allow students to demonstrate their understanding of scientific concepts in avariety of ways, such as by performing experiments, creating displays and models, and tape-recording observations. Computer programs may be used to provide opportunities for scien-tific practice and for recording results.

The Role of Technology in the Curriculum. In science, students gain “hands-on” experiencewith technology in the laboratory. Apparatus as diverse as digital balances and volumetricapparatus in chemistry, microscopes and Petri dishes in biology, and air tables and ammeters inphysics provide the kinesthetic learner with unique learning experiences. Computers can beused in science to support laboratory investigations; for example, electronic probes can be usedto monitor variables such as temperature, pH, and velocity. Computer programs can also beused to process class data and to simulate environmental or industrial scenarios, or animal dis-sections. Care must be taken, however, to ensure that computer-assisted laboratory programsare not used in situations where students’ own technical skills should be developed, such as inanalysing and graphing data.

The Internet is a particularly valuable source of scientific information that students should betaught to access. In addition, some programs enable students to conduct scientific investiga-tions and then use the tools of electronic communication to compare their results and analyseswith those of students in other parts of Canada and around the world.

43S O M E C O N S I D E R A T I O N S F O R P R O G R A M P L A N N I N G I N S C I E N C E

English As a Second Language and English Literacy Development (ESL/ELD). Science pre-sents particular linguistic challenges to all students because of its specialized terminology andlanguage structures. Science teachers who have ESL/ELD students in their classes shouldrespond to the special needs of these students, providing support with respect to their compre-hension and use of language in a scientific context.

Career Education. Ongoing scientific discoveries, coupled with rapidly evolving technologies,have resulted in an exciting environment in which creativity and innovation thrive, bringingabout new career opportunities. Today’s employers seek candidates with strong critical-think-ing and problem-solving skills and the ability to work cooperatively in a team environment –traits that are developed through participation in the science program. The program should bedesigned to give students an opportunity to explore science-related careers.

Cooperative Education and Other Workplace Experiences. Through participation in science-related learning activities in commercial, industrial, government, or academic laboratory settings, students can experience the application of knowledge and skills in specific areas ofscience in settings outside the school. These experiences give students the opportunity topractise and develop their own skills in problem solving, critical thinking, teamwork, and thesafe and accurate use of scientific procedures and tools. In addition, they provide students witha clearer sense of the nature of careers in science-related fields.

Health and Safety. Teachers are responsible for ensuring the safety of students during class-room activities and for teaching students to assume responsibility for their own and others’safety. They must model safe practices and communicate safety expectations to students inaccordance with school board and ministry policies.This concern for safety in science requiresthat students demonstrate:

– knowledge about the materials, tools, processes, and procedures used in science;

– skill in performing tasks in the laboratory;

– knowledge about health and safety concerns and about the care of living things (plants andanimals) that are brought into the classroom;

– concern for the health and safety of self and others.

Students demonstrate the knowledge, skills, and habits of mind required for safe involvementin science when they, for example:

– maintain a well-organized and uncluttered work space;

– carefully follow the instructions and example of the teacher;

– identify possible health and safety concerns;

– follow established safety procedures;

– suggest and implement appropriate safety procedures in new situations;

– comply with Workplace Hazardous Materials Information System (WHMIS) legislation.


The achievement chart that follows identifies four categories of knowledge and skills in science – Knowledge/Understanding, Inquiry, Communication, and Making Connections.These categories encompass all the curriculum expectations in courses in the discipline. Foreach of the category statements in the left-hand column, the levels of student achievement aredescribed. (Detailed information on the achievement levels and on assessment, evaluation, andreporting policy is provided in The Ontario Curriculum, Grades 9 and 10: Program Planning and Assessment, 1999.)

The achievement chart is meant to guide teachers in:– planning instruction and learning activities that will lead to the achievement of the curricu-

lum expectations in a course;– planning assessment strategies that will accurately assess students’ achievement of the cur-

riculum expectations;– selecting samples of student work that provide evidence of achievement at particular levels;– providing descriptive feedback to students on their current achievement and suggesting

strategies for improvement;– determining, towards the end of a course, the student’s most consistent level of achievement

of the curriculum expectations as reflected in his or her course work;– devising a method of final evaluation;– assigning a final grade.

The achievement chart can guide students in:– assessing their own learning;– planning strategies for improvement, with the help of their teachers.

The achievement chart provides a standard province-wide method for teachers to use inassessing and evaluating their students’ achievement. Teachers will be provided with materialsthat will assist them in improving their assessment methods and strategies and, hence, theirassessment of student achievement. These materials will contain samples of student work(exemplars) that illustrate achievement at each of the levels (represented by associated percent-age grade ranges). Until these materials are provided, teachers may continue to follow theircurrent assessment and evaluation practices.

To ensure consistency in assessment and reporting across the province, the ministry will pro-vide samples of student work that reflect achievement based on the provincial standard, andother resources based on the achievement charts. As these resources become available, teacherswill begin to use the achievement charts in their assessment and evaluation practices.

To support this process, the ministry will provide the following:– a standard provincial report card, with an accompanying guide– course profiles– exemplars– curriculum and assessment videos– training materials– an electronic curriculum planner

The Achievement Chart for Science

45T H E A C H I E V E M E N T C H A R T F O R S C I E N C E

When planning courses and assessment, teachers should review the required curriculumexpectations and link them to the categories to which they relate. They should ensure that allthe expectations are accounted for in instruction, and that achievement of expectations isassessed within the appropriate categories. The descriptions of the levels of achievement givenin the chart should be used to identify the level at which the student has achieved the expec-tations. Students should be given numerous and varied opportunities to demonstrate theirachievement of the expectations across the four categories. Teachers may find it useful to pro-vide students with examples of work at the different levels of achievement.

The descriptions of achievement at level 3 reflect the provincial standard for student achieve-ment. A complete picture of overall achievement at level 3 in a course in science can be constructed by reading from top to bottom in the column of the achievement chart headed“70–79% (Level 3)”.

46 T H E O N T A R I O C U R R I C U L U M , G R A D E S 9 A N D 1 0 : S C I E N C E



– understanding of concepts, principles,laws, and theories (e.g.,identifying assump-tions; eliminating mis-conceptions; provid-ing explanations)

– knowledge of factsand terms

– transfer of concepts tonew contexts

– understanding of relationships betweenconcepts


– application of theskills and strategies ofscientific inquiry (e.g.,initiating and plan-ning, performing andrecording, analysingand interpreting,problem solving)

– application of technical skills andprocedures (e.g.,microscopes)

– use of tools, equipment, and materials

50–59% (Level 1)

– demonstrates limitedunderstanding of concepts, principles,laws, and theories

– demonstrates limitedknowledge of factsand terms

– infrequently transferssimple concepts tonew contexts

– demonstrates limitedunderstanding of relationships betweenconcepts

– applies few of theskills and strategies ofscientific inquiry

– applies technical skillsand procedures withlimited competence

– uses tools, equipment,and materials safelyand correctly onlywith supervision

60–69% (Level 2)

– demonstrates someunderstanding of concepts, principles,laws, and theories

– demonstrates someknowledge of factsand terms

– sometimes transferssimple concepts tonew contexts

– demonstrates someunderstanding of relationships betweenconcepts

– applies some of theskills and strategies ofscientific inquiry

– applies technical skillsand procedures withmoderate competence

– uses tools, equipment,and materials safelyand correctly withsome supervision

70–79% (Level 3)

– demonstrates considerable under-standing of concepts, principles, laws, andtheories

– demonstrates consid-erable knowledge offacts and terms

– usually transfers simple and somecomplex concepts tonew contexts

– demonstrates consid-erable understandingof relationshipsbetween concepts

– applies most of theskills and strategies ofscientific inquiry

– applies technical skillsand procedures withconsiderable competence

– uses tools, equipment,and materials safelyand correctly

80–100% (Level 4)

– demonstrates thorough under-standing of concepts, principles, laws, and theories

– demonstrates thor-ough knowledge offacts and terms

– routinely transferscomplex concepts tonew contexts

– demonstrates thor-ough and insightfulunderstanding of relationships betweenconcepts

– applies all or almost all of the skills andstrategies of scientificinquiry

– applies technical skillsand procedures with a high degree of competence

– demonstrates and promotes the safe andcorrect use of tools,equipment, and materials

Achievement Chart – Grades 9–10, Science

The student:

The student:

47T H E A C H I E V E M E N T C H A R T F O R S C I E N C E



– communication ofinformation and ideas

– use of scientific termi-nology, symbols, con-ventions, and standard(SI) units

– communication fordifferent audiencesand purposes

– use of various formsof communication(e.g., reports, essays)

– use of informationtechnology for scien-tific purposes (e.g.,specialized databases)

Making Connections

– understanding connections among science, technology, society,and the environment

– analysis of social andeconomic issuesinvolving science and technology

– assessment of impactsof science and tech-nology on the environment

– proposing courses ofpractical action inrelation to science-and technology-basedproblems

50–59% (Level 1)

– communicates infor-mation and ideas withlimited clarity andprecision

– uses scientific termi-nology, symbols, con-ventions, and SI unitswith limited accuracyand effectiveness

– communicates with alimited sense of audi-ence and purpose

– demonstrates limitedcommand of the various forms

– uses technology withlimited appropriate-ness and effectiveness

– shows limited understanding of connections in familiar contexts

– analyses social andeconomic issues withlimited effectiveness

– assesses environmentalimpacts with limitedeffectiveness

– extends analyses offamiliar problems intocourses of practicalaction with limitedeffectiveness

60–69% (Level 2)

– communicates infor-mation and ideas withmoderate clarity andprecision

– uses scientific termi-nology, symbols, con-ventions, and SI unitswith some accuracyand effectiveness

– communicates withsome sense of audi-ence and purpose

– demonstrates moder-ate command of thevarious forms

– uses technology withmoderate appropriate-ness and effectiveness

– shows some understanding of connections in familiar contexts

– analyses social andeconomic issues withmoderate effectiveness

– assesses environmentalimpacts with moder-ate effectiveness

– extends analyses offamiliar problems intocourses of practicalaction with moderateeffectiveness

70–79% (Level 3)

– communicates infor-mation and ideas withconsiderable clarityand precision

– uses scientific termi-nology, symbols, conventions, and SIunits with consider-able accuracy and effectiveness

– communicates with aclear sense of audi-ence and purpose

– demonstrates consid-erable command ofthe various forms

– uses appropriate tech-nology with consider-able effectiveness

– shows considerableunderstanding of con-nections in familiarand some unfamiliarcontexts

– analyses social andeconomic issues withconsiderable effectiveness

– assesses environmentalimpacts with consid-erable effectiveness

– extends analyses offamiliar problems intocourses of practicalaction with consider-able effectiveness

80–100% (Level 4)

– communicates infor-mation and ideas witha high degree of clar-ity and precision

– uses scientific terminology, symbols,conventions, and SI units with a highdegree of accuracyand effectiveness

– communicates with astrong sense of audience and purpose

– demonstrates extensivecommand of the various forms

– uses appropriate tech-nology with a highdegree of effectiveness

– shows thoroughunderstanding of connections in famil-iar and unfamiliarcontexts

– analyses complexsocial and economicissues with a highdegree of effectiveness

– assesses environmentalimpacts with a highdegree of effectiveness

– extends analyses offamiliar and unfamiliarproblems into coursesof practical actionwith a high degree of effectiveness

The student:

The student:


Explanatory Notes

The following definitions are intended tohelp teachers and parents/guardians use thisdocument.

Acceleration.The rate of change of velocity.

Astronomical Unit.The average distanceof the Earth from the Sun.

Atomic structure. The configuration ofsubatomic particles within an atom (e.g., anatom of hydrogen has the structure of oneproton in its nucleus surrounded by oneelectron).

Bioaccumulation.The process by whichsubstances (poisons, chemicals, etc.) collect inanimal tissue in progressively higher concen-trations towards the top of the food chain.

Biosphere. The portion of the planet Earththat supports life, and the living organismswithin it.

Celestial object. A naturally occurringbody in the skies, such as a star, planet, orasteroid.

Cell. The smallest component of a livingsystem.

Chemical property. A characteristic of asubstance that describes its ability to enterinto a chemical reaction (e.g., an acid’scapacity to be neutralized by a base; the ten-dency of iron to rust).

Chemical reaction. A process in whichnew substances with new properties areformed (e.g., the burning of wood to formsmoke and ash, with heat given off).

Compound. A substance made up of twoor more elements (e.g., water is a compoundconsisting of two elements, hydrogen andoxygen).

Current electricity.The flow of electricityin a circuit through a conductor.

Displacement (in the context of physics).The shortest directed distance movedbetween two points or the distance movedin a given direction.

Ecology.The study of all the interactionsthat occur within the biosphere.

Ecosystem. A group of living organismsthat, along with their abiotic (i.e., non-living) environment, form a self-regulatingsystem through which energy and materialsare transferred.

Electrostatics.The study of electricity atrest. It is concerned with electrical chargesthat move very little.

Element. A type of substance that cannotbe broken down into simpler substances(e.g., iron, sulphur, oxygen).

Investigation. See scientific investigation.

IUPAC. International Union of Pure andApplied Chemistry. Scientists have organizedIUPAC as a governing body for scientificcommunication that specifies rules forchemical names and symbols.

Light year. The distance travelled by lightin one year.

Meteorology. The study of the atmosphereand weather systems.

Motion sensor. An ultrasonic device thatmeasures the distance between the deviceand the object being pointed at.

Operational definition. A way of definingphysical quantities which shows how theyare observed, described, and measured (e.g.,“Electric current is the rate of flow of chargepast a point and is determined by measuringthe charge that passes a point each second”).

Periodic table. A graphic arrangement ofelements into rows and columns, devised byMendeleev in the nineteenth century, basedon patterns of similar properties.

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Photo-gate. A timing device used inmotion experiments. The timing processbegins when the timed object intecepts thebeam of the photo-gate and ends when thebeam is restored.

Physical property. A characteristic of asubstance that does not involve its changinginto another substance (e.g., density, hard-ness, smell).

Robotics.The use of machines (nowadays,usually electronically controlled) to replacehuman actions.

Scientific investigation. An investigationthat involves the systematic application ofconcepts and procedures (e.g., experimenta-tion and research, observation and measure-ment, analysis and dissemination of data) thatrequire skill and habits of mind which arefundamental to the development of scientificknowledge and that have proven over timeto be useful in advancing scientific knowledge.

SI.The international system of measurementunits, including such terms as kilogram percubic metre and metre per second (from theFrench Système international d’unités).

Solar system.The system of planets andother celestial bodies governed by the Sun.

Sustainability.The ability to meet theneeds of the present generation withoutcompromising the ability of future genera-tions to meet their needs.

Trophic level. The feeding level of anorganism.

Velocity. The rate of change of displacement or displacement of an objectper unit time.

WHMIS. An acronym that stands forWorkplace Hazardous Materials InformationSystem. This is a system in use across Canadathrough which employers and workers canobtain information about hazardous materialsin their workplace so that they can protecttheir health and ensure their safety.


The Ministry of Education and Training wishes toacknowledge the contribution of the many indi-viduals, groups, and organizations that participatedin the development and refinement of this curriculum policy document.

ISBN 0-7778-8342-2


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