




第壹部分:選擇題(占 72 分)

一、詞彙(占10分)說明︰第1題至第10題,每題有4個選項,其中只有一個是正確或最適當的選項,請畫記在答案卡之「選擇題答案區」。各題答對者,得1分;答錯、未作答或畫記多於一個選項者,該題以零分計算。1. When dining at a restaurant, we need to be ______ of other customers and keep our

conversations at an appropriate noise level.

(A) peculiar (B) defensive (C) noticeable (D) considerate在餐廳用餐時,我們必須體貼其他顧客,保持適當的音量談話。(A) 獨特的 (B) 防禦的 (C) 顯著的 (D) 體貼的

【解析】 由後半句keep our conversations at an appropriate noise level,推測保持適當音量的

目的應是為了體貼其他顧客,故答案選(D) considerate。 be considerate of sb 體貼某人

be peculiar to sb/sth 為…獨有的2. John shows ______ towards his classmates. He doesn’t take part in any of the class

activities and doesn’t even bother talking to other students in his class.

(A) indifference (B) sympathy (C) ambiguity (D) desperation

John對他的同學漠不關心。他不參加任何班級活動,甚至懶得和班上其他學生講話。(A) 漠不關心 (B) 同情 (C) 模稜兩可 (D) 絕望

【解析】 由第二句不參加班級活動,不和同學講話這兩件事,顯示John對同學漠不關心,

故答案選(A) indifference。 show indifference to/toward … 對…漠不關心

show sympathy for sb 同情某人3. To meet the unique needs of the elderly, the company designed a cell phone ______ for

seniors, which has big buttons and large color displays.

(A) necessarily (B) relatively (C) specifically (D) voluntarily 為符合年長者獨特的需求,這家公司專門為老年人設計一款有大按鍵、大彩色螢幕的手機。(A) 必然地 (B) 相當地 (C) 專門地 (D) 自願地

【解析】 由前半句unique (獨特的),可推論後面的手機是specifically (專門地)為老年人設計

的,故答案選(C) specifically。 meet one’s needs 符合某人的需求

4. A well-constructed building has a better chance of ______ natural disasters such as

typhoons, tornadoes, and earthquakes.


(A) undertaking (B) conceiving (C) executing (D) withstanding

結構良好的建築物較有機會能抵擋颱風、龍捲風、地震等天然災害。(A) 從事 (B) 構想 (C) 實行 (D) 抵擋

【解析】 由well-constructed (結構良好),可推論此建築物應可抵擋天然災害的襲擊,故

答案選(D) withstanding。 have a better chance of … 較有機會…

natural disaster 天然災害5. Our family doctor has repeatedly warned me that spicy food may ______ my stomach, so

I’d better stay away from it.

(A) irritate (B) liberate (C) kidnap (D) override 我們的家庭醫師一再警告我說辣的食物可能會傷胃,所以我最好還是離它遠一點。(A) 使疼痛 (B) 解放 (C) 綁架 (D) 推翻

【解析】 由上下文中的warned (警告)、stay away (遠離),可推論辣的食物必定對胃不好,

故答案選(A) irritate。 irritate stomach 引起胃痛

6. Because the new principal is young and inexperienced, the teachers are ______ about

whether he can run the school well.

(A) passionate (B) impressive (C) arrogant (D) skeptical因為新校長既年輕又缺乏經驗,所以老師們懷疑他是否能將學校管理好。(A) 熱情的 (B) 令人印象深刻的(C) 傲慢的 (D) 懷疑的

【解析】 由前半句的原因:新校長young and inexperienced,得知老師們很有可能會懷疑他

的能力,故答案選(D) skeptical。 be passionate about sth 熱愛…

be skeptical about/of … 懷疑…7. Many universities offer a large number of scholarships as an ______ to attract outstanding

students to enroll in their schools.

(A) ornament (B) incentive (C) emphasis (D) application 許多大學提供大量的獎學金作為誘因來吸引優秀學生到該校就讀。(A) 裝飾品 (B) 誘因 (C) 強調 (D) 應用

【解析】 由scholarships (獎學金)與attract students (吸引學生),可推論獎學金是作為吸引學

生的誘因,故答案選(B) incentive。 a large number of = many 大量的

enroll 註冊


8. Since Diana is such an ______ speaker, she has won several medals for her school in

national speech contests.

(A) authentic (B) imperative (C) eloquent (D) optional 由於Diana是一位辯才無礙的演講者,她已經為她的學校贏得數面全國演講比賽的獎牌。(A) 可信的 (B) 必要的 (C) 辯才無礙的 (D) 非必要的

【解析】 由後半句的結果:she has won several medals (贏得數面獎牌),可推論Diana必定具有演講的才能,故答案選(C) eloquent。

win medals 贏得獎牌9. The candidate made energy ______ the central theme of his campaign, calling for a greater

reduction in oil consumption.

(A) evolution (B) conservation (C) donation (D) opposition 此候選人以節約能源作為他競選的主軸,呼籲更進一步減少石油的消耗量。(A) 演化 (B) 節約 (C) 捐贈 (D) 反對

【解析】 由後半句reduction in oil consumption (減少石油消耗),可推論前半句應與energy

conservation (節約能源)有關,故答案選(B) conservation。 call for 公開要求,呼籲 本句句型為make + O + OC,受詞為energy conservation,受詞補語為the central

theme of his campaign。10. Concerned about mudslides, the local government quickly ______ the villagers from their

homes before the typhoon hit the mountain area.

(A) evacuated (B) suffocated (C) humiliated (D) accommodated 擔心土石流,當地政府在颱風襲擊山區前,迅速將村民撤離家園。(A) 撤離 (B) 使窒息 (C) 使蒙羞 (D) 容納

【解析】 由mudslides (土石流)、typhoon (颱風)、mountain area (山區)聯想,可推論政府應將村民撤離,故答案選(A) evacuated。

be concerned for/about … 擔心…evacuate A from B 將A撤離B


說明︰第11題至第20題,每題一個空格,請依文意選出最適當的一個選項,請畫記在答案卡之「選擇題答案區」。各題答對者,得1分;答錯、未作答或畫記多於一個選項者,該題以零分計算。第 11 至 15 題為題組

Brushing your teeth regularly will help you maintain a healthy smile. But that smile won’t


last long if you don’t take proper care of your toothbrush and switch to a new one often.

According to the American Dental Association (ADA), toothbrushes can harbor bacteria. These

germs come from the mouth and can 11 in toothbrushes over time.

Many Americans replace their toothbrushes only once or twice a year. The ADA,

however, recommends 12 a new toothbrush every three to four months. Children’s

toothbrushes may need to be changed more 13 .

During those three to four months of use, there are several ways to keep a toothbrush

clean. __ 14 , rinse your toothbrush thoroughly with tap water after use, making sure to remove

any toothpaste and debris. Store your toothbrush in an upright position, and let 15 air dry. Most importantly, do not share toothbrushes.

規律刷牙有助於保持健康的笑容。但如果沒有適當保養牙刷並時常換新,笑容恐怕無法持久。根據美國牙醫學會(ADA),牙刷會藏匿細菌。這些細菌來自於口腔,而且會長期 11累積在牙刷上。

許多美國人一年只更換一次或兩次牙刷。然而,ADA 建議每三到四個月就要 12使用新牙刷。兒童牙刷必須更 13頻繁更換。

在三到四個月的使用期間,有幾個方法可以保持牙刷清潔。14例如每次用完後,徹底用自來水洗滌牙刷,確認清除掉任何牙膏及殘渣。以直立的方式存放牙刷,並使 15 其自然風乾。最重要的是,不要共用牙刷。11. (A) accumulate (B) crumble (C) establish (D) radiate

(A) 累積 (B) 瓦解;使粉碎 (C) 設立 (D) 情感流露;散發光熱 【解析】本格必須推測出一段時間後這些細菌在牙刷中會有怎樣的變化,線索在前一句

指出牙刷會藏匿細菌,而本句前半說明這些細菌來自口腔,故由上下文線索合 理 推 測出這些細菌一段時間後 會累積在牙刷中 , 因 此 答 案 選 (A)

accumulate。12. (A) use (B) to use (C) using (D) used

【解析】本格為recommend + V-ing,recommend (建議)後面接動詞時需用動名詞作為受詞,故答案選(C) using。

13. (A) essentially (B) frequently (C) typically (D) objectively (A) 根本地 (B) 頻繁地 (C) 典型地 (D) 客觀地【解析】本格前一句指出美國牙醫學會建議每三到四個月更換牙刷一次,合併上一段牙

刷會藏匿細菌的概念,推測孩子更換牙刷的頻率應該更高,故答案選 (B)

frequently。14. (A) In short (B) Otherwise (C) Nevertheless (D) For example (A) 簡言之 (B) 否則 (C) 然而 (D) 例如


For example。


15. (A) it (B) one (C) the (D) which (A) 它(代名詞) (B) 一個(不定代名詞)(C) 這個(定冠詞) (D) 這個(關係代名詞)


toothbrush,代替前面已出現過的特定名詞要用it,故答案選(A) it。第 16 至 20 題為題組

Hiding herself among the trees near a chimpanzee habitat, Elizabeth Lonsdorf is using her

camera to explore mysteries of learning. The chimpanzee she records picks up a thin flat piece

of grass and then digs out tiny insects from a hole. Dinner is 16 ! But how did the chimp

develop this ingenious skill with tools? Do the chimp babies copy their parents in using tools?

Do the mothers most skilled with tools have offspring who are also good at using tools? Here in

Africa, Lonsdorf is conducting one of the world’s longest wildlife studies, trying to discover

how learning is transferred 17 generations.

Lonsdorf has always been interested in animal learning and tool use, 18 the way young

animals grow up and learn their way in the world. Her chimpanzee study shows a clear link

between humans and the rest of the animal kingdom. The chimps make and use tools and have

mother-child relationships very 19 to those of humans. Through observing chimpanzees’

learning process, researchers hope to gain insight into what the development of our earliest

ancestors 20 like.

Lonsdorf hopes that by understanding the complexity of animal behavior, we can better appreciate and protect the diversity of life on this planet.

Elizabeth Lonsdorf把自己藏身於接近黑猩猩棲息地的樹叢裡,她正在用相機探索學習的奧妙。她所紀錄的那隻黑猩猩拿起一片細而扁的草,將小昆蟲從洞中掏出。晚餐 16 上桌了!但這隻黑猩猩如何發展出使用工具的精妙的技巧?小黑猩猩是學父母親使用工具的嗎?在非洲,Londsdorf 正在進行世界上最長期的野外研究之一,試著探索學習如何 17

跨世代傳遞。Lonsdorf 一直都對動物的學習及使用工具感興趣,18尤其是對幼獸如何成長與學習

生存之道。她的黑猩猩研究展現出人類與動物界其他動物的關聯。黑猩猩製造與使用工具,而且母子間的親情和人類的十分 19類似。藉由觀察黑猩猩的學習過程,研究者希望能更深入瞭解人類祖先的發展 20 可能 是 什麼樣的情形。

Londsdorf希望藉由瞭解動物行為的奧妙,我們可以更瞭解、保護地球上的生物多樣性。16. (A) proposed (B) ordered (C) digested (D) served

(A) 提議 (B) 命令;點(餐) (C) 消化 (D) 端上(飯菜) 【解析】前一句指出黑猩猩以葉片作為工具,挖洞裡的昆蟲來吃,以昆蟲為食物,因此

本格答案應選(D) served,表示晚餐上桌了。17. (A) across (B) beside (C) upon (D) within


(A) 跨越 (B) 在…旁邊 (C) 在…之上 (D) 在…之內 【解析】上一句問擅長使用工具的黑猩猩媽媽是否將此技巧傳給下一代,由此得知

Lonsdorf做此研究是要找出學習是否能跨越世代,故答案選(A) across。18. (A) especially (B) originally (C) consequently (D) fortunately (A) 尤其是 (B) 原本 (C) 因此 (D) 幸運地 【解析】本句前半提到Lonsdorf對動物學習及工具使用感興趣,而後半動物長大學習適

應世界的方法也是她感興趣的,要選擇前後句意義有相關的副詞,故答案選(A) especially。

19. (A) casual (B) similar (C) direct (D) grateful

(A) 隨便的 (B) 類似的 (C) 直接的 (D) 感激的 【解析】前一句已說明Lonsdorf的研究顯示人類與其他動物界有明顯的相關性,原句可

寫為… relationships (that are) similar to those …,因此本格應選(B) similar,表示黑猩猩在母子關係上與人類相似。

20. (A) is to be (B) was to be (C) might have been (D) will have been (A) 將 (B) 過去將 (C) 過去可能 (D) 將已經 【解析】本格考的是時態,因主詞為遠古的祖先,故應選過去式,助動詞might與完成

式連用表「對過去的推測」;選項中(B)雖為過去式,但指的是「過去預定…」,不正確,所以只能選(C) might have been。

三、文意選填(占 10 分)

說明:第 21 題至第 30 題,每題一個空格。請依文意在文章後所提供的(A)到(L)選項中分別選出最適當者,並將其英文字母代號畫記在答案卡之「選擇題答案區」。各題答對者,得1 分;答錯、未作答或畫記多於一個選項者,該題以零分計算。第 21 至 30 題為題組

The practice of burning paper money or paper model offerings at funerals in Chinese

society can be traced back to the Tang dynasty (618-907 AD). Chinese people believe that when

someone passes away, there is a death of the body, but the 21 continues to live in the next

world. This “next world” is a mirror of the human world, where the “residents” need places to

live, money to spend, daily necessities, and entertainment just like when they were 22 . Some

of these necessities are buried with the deceased, while most others are “shipped” to them by

burning paper models. As the ashes fly high, the offerings are 23 by the residents in the next


Relatives of the deceased want to see their beloved family members live comfortably in

the next world, so the paper houses are big and the cars are very 24 , mostly Mercedes-

Benzes. A complete package of paper offerings may include a couple of servants, cash, and

credit cards so that the deceased will have all their 25 satisfied.

These traditional paper offerings were sold only at specialty stores in the past. The style


and variety of the products were 26 . For example, “houses” looked all the same and were

built by pasting paper around a bamboo frame, with 27 of a door, windows, and a roof printed

on it. There were no trendy, modern supplies to choose from. Now, the 28 can be made on the

Internet. And with the incorporation of new materials and designs, paper offerings come in

many more varieties. The old one-style-fits-all houses have been 29 by buildings that are

fully equipped with decorations, furniture, and household appliances. Digital cameras, iPhones,

and even skin care products are also 30 . It seems that, with the help of a simple click, this old

Chinese tradition has been given a face-lift.

(A) replaced (B) mortal (C) spirit (D) available (E) journey (F) luxurious




(G) collected (H) purchase (I) alive (J) needs (K) limited (L) images

(A) 被取代 vt. (B) 會死的 adj. (C) 靈魂 n. [C]

(D) 可買到的 adj. (E) 旅程 n. [C] (F) 豪華的 adj.

(G) 被領取 vt. (H) 購買 n. [U] (I) 活著的 adj.

(J) 需求 n. [C] (K) 有限的 adj. (L) 圖案 n. [C]

【解析】21. the _______ continues to live in the next world,本空格在the定冠詞之後應填名詞或形容詞,由前文中國人相信人過世,身體死亡,判斷應是靈魂繼續存活在來世,故答案選(C) spirit。

22. just like when they were _______,本空格在be動詞were之後,應填形容詞,前半句指出在來世中,住民仍需要居所、金錢、日常用品等,判斷應與他們還在世的時候相同,故答案選(I) alive。


23. the offerings are _______ by the residents in the next world,本空格在by之前為被動語態,應填過去分詞,因紙模型是拿來當供品,所以火化後灰燼高飛,代表這些供品有被來世住民們收到,故答案為(G) collected。

24. the paper houses are big and the cars are very ________,本空格在be動詞are之後,應填形容詞,前半句指出由於親友希望逝者在來世能過得舒適,所以焚燒大間的紙房子及豪華的紙汽車模型,尤其 後 面 還 有賓士這 個品牌作 為線索, 故 答 案 選 (F) luxurious。

25. the deceased will have all their _______ satisfied,本空格在所有格their之後,應填名詞,前半句指出完整的紙供品包括的項目,加上so that為了來引導後面的目的,由此判斷這些供品的目的是為了滿足逝者所需,故答案應選(J) needs。

26. The style and the variety of the products were _______,本空格在be動詞were之後,應填形容詞,本段主旨在描述過去的紙模型,後一句為例子,說明以前的紙房屋模型都長得一樣,推測以前的風格與樣式有限,故答案選(K) limited。

27. with _______ of a door, windows, and a roof printed on it,本空格在介系詞with之後,應填名詞,本句說明以前的紙房屋模型都是將紙黏貼在竹子做的框架上,上面有門窗及屋頂的圖案,另有線索表明這些是印在上面的,故答案選(L) images。

28. the _______ can be made on the Internet,定冠詞the之後應填名詞或形容詞,可填入的字應可與make連用,故選(H) purchase,而make purchase「購買」是可在網路上完成的動作。

29. The old one-style-fits-all houses have been _______,本空格在by之前為被動語態,應填過去分詞,老式一體適用的紙房子與配備各種裝潢、家俱、家電的房子之間的關係,應該是前者被後者取代,故答案選(A) replaced。

30. Digital cameras, iPhones, and even skin care products are also _______,本空格在be動詞are之後,應填形容詞,前一句指出新式紙房子配備齊全,所以本句接續連數位相機等模型也買得到,故答案應選(D) available。



第 31 至 35 題為題組 Eccentrics are people who have an unusual or odd personality, set of beliefs, or behavior

pattern. They may or may not comprehend the standards for normal behavior in their culture.

They simply don’t care about the society’s disapproval of their habits or beliefs.

Once considered socially unacceptable, eccentric people have been found to possess some

positive characteristics. 31 They often have more curiosity about the world and, in many


cases, are contentedly obsessed by hobbies and interests. 32 They live in a world of their own

and do not worry about what others think of them. So they are usually less restricted and

therefore more carefree in forming new ideas.

33 Statistics show they visit their doctors less—about once in eight to nine years, which

is 20 times less than the average person. This could be partly due to their innate traits such as

humor and happiness. 34 This may explain why eccentrics are, on the whole, healthier.

Psychologists therefore suggest that we pay attention to those who do not conform. It

could be our aunt who has been raising pet lizards. 35 Their crazy hobby or strange sense of

humor is what keeps them going. Eccentric people may seem odd, but they will likely live a

happier and healthier life because they enjoy what they are doing. In fact, many of history’s

most brilliant minds have displayed some unusual behaviors and habits.

(A) Eccentrics are also found to be healthier.

(B) According to a recent study in England, eccentrics are more creative.

(C) Or it could be our best friend’s brother who wears shorts to a formal dance.

(D) People may have eccentric taste in clothes, or have eccentric hobbies.

(E) Psychologists also find that eccentric people do not follow conventions.

(F) Such personal traits are found to play an important role in boosting the body’s immune







31. 本格前一句指出怪咖也有正向的特質,而空格後一句亦為正向性格的例子,怪咖也有好奇心,因此應選擇能表示其好性格的答案,故答案為(B)「根據英國最近一項研究,怪咖們較有創意」。

32. 本格後一句舉例說明怪咖活在自己的世界,並不在乎別人對他們的想法,由此線索推測要選表示怪咖與常人不同的答案,因此選(E)「心理學家也發現怪咖們不遵循常規」。

33. 本格後一句表示怪咖較少看醫生,由此推測他們比較健康,故答案選(A),本格有可能誤選(F),如將句中such personal traits用來代表第二段對怪咖的性格描述,似乎也說得通,但因一句僅能用一次的原則,將(F)用在更適合的34格。

34. 本格線索明顯,前一句有traits這個字,與(F)中的such personal trails呼應,因為怪咖的內在特質如幽默、快樂,這樣的特性能增強他們的免疫力使其更健康,所以答案為(F)。

35. 本段第一句作者提醒我們注意周遭與我們不同的人,接下來舉例,那可能是我們的阿姨,以It could be our… 開頭,因此選有類似句型的(C),而且此二句中都有這些人做出一些與眾不同的舉動的例子。


說明︰第36題至第51題,每題請分別根據各篇文章之文意選出最適當的一個選項,請畫記在答案卡之「選擇題答案區」。各題答對者,得2分;答錯、未作答或畫記多於一個選項者,該題以零分計算。第 36 至 39 題為題組

Opened in 1883, the Brooklyn Bridge was the first long-span suspension bridge to carry

motor traffic, and it quickly became the model for the great suspension bridges of the following

century. Spanning New York’s East River, it provided the first traffic artery between Manhattan

Island and Brooklyn. Before that, the only transportation was by ferries, which were slow and

could be dangerous in winter.

The construction of a bridge over the East River had been discussed since the early 19th

century, but the outbreak of the Civil War in 1861 deflected all consideration of the project.

When the war ended in 1865, the bridge became an important issue once more. In 1867, the

New York State legislature passed an act incorporating the New York Bridge Company for the

purpose of constructing and maintaining a bridge between Manhattan Island and Brooklyn.

John Augustus Roebling was chosen to design the bridge. Born in Germany in 1806, he

held radical views as a student and was listed by the German police as a dangerous liberal. He

emigrated to America in 1830 to escape political discrimination.

Roebling proposed a bridge with a span of 1,500 feet (465 m), with two masonry towers in

the East River serving as the main piers. The bridge that was actually built is longer—1,597 feet

(486 m), the longest suspension bridge at that time.






Roebling提議了一座1,500呎(465尺)還有兩座石造塔樓作為主要橋墩的懸索橋。完工後,橋的實體較長——1,597呎(486尺),為當時最長的懸索橋。36. What was the purpose of building the Brooklyn Bridge?

(A) To replace an old bridge.

(B) To set up a model for bridge construction.

(C) To build a suspension bridge for the Civil War.

(D) To provide faster and safer transportation than boats. 建造布魯克林橋的目的為何?(A) 為取代舊橋。(B) 為樹立造橋典範。(C) 為南北戰爭建一座吊橋。(D) 為提供比船隻更快更安全的交通。


37. Which of the following is closest in meaning to “deflected” in the second paragraph?

(A) Blocked. (B) Detected. (C) Engaged. (D) Indicated. 下面哪一字與第二段的“deflected”意思最接近?(A) 被阻擋。 (B) 被察覺。 (C) 忙於。 (D) 指出。


38. Which of the following is true about the Brooklyn Bridge?

(A) It was built in 1865.

(B) It is shorter than originally planned.

(C) It was first proposed after the Civil War.

(D) It was built by the New York Bridge Company. 以下何項關於布魯克林橋是正確的? (A) 建於1865年。 (B) 較原計劃短。


(C) 南北戰爭後才第一次提出。 (D) 由紐約橋樑公司建造。 【說明】(A) 由第二段得知1867年才通過法案由紐約橋樑公司建造,因此1865年尚未興

建;(B) 由最後一段得知完工後,橋有1,597呎,較原計劃1,500呎長;(C) 第二段指出南北戰爭前,十九世紀初即已提出此構想;(D) 第二段指出1867年通過法案由紐約橋樑公司建造,因此答案為(D)。

39. According to the passage, which of the following correctly describes John Augustus


(A) He participated in the Civil War and was seriously wounded.

(B) He was chosen to design the bridge because of his radical views.

(C) He was the first person to propose the construction of the bridge.

(D) He moved to America because he was discriminated against in his home country. 根據本文,下面何者正確描述John Augustus Roebling? (A) 他參加南北戰爭並受重傷。 (B) 他因其激進的觀點而獲選設計此橋。 (C) 他是第一位建議建造此橋的人。 (D) 他因在其祖國受到歧視而搬到美國。 【說明】(A) 文中並未提到他有參加南北戰爭;(B) 第三段指出他當學生時有激進的觀

點,他並非因此而獲選設計此橋;(C) 他1830年才移居美國,因此並非第一個建議蓋此橋的人;(D) 第三段最後一句明確指出他因政治歧視而搬離德國,故答案為(D)。

第 40 至 43 題為題組 The Japanese have long puzzled public health researchers because they are such an

apparent paradox: They have the world’s lowest rates of heart disease and the largest number of

people that live to or beyond 100 years despite the fact that most Japanese men smoke—and

smoking counts as one of the strongest risk factors for heart disease. So what’s protecting

Japanese men?

Two professors at the University of California at Berkeley hoped to find out the answer.

They investigated a pool of 12,000 Japanese men equally divided into three groups: One group

had lived in Japan for all their lives, and the other two groups had emigrated to Hawaii or

Northern California. It was found that the rate of heart disease among Japanese men increased

five times in California and about half of that for those in Hawaii.

The differences could not be explained by any of the usual risk factors for heart disease,

such as smoking, high blood pressure, or cholesterol counts. The change in diet, from sushi to

hamburgers and fries, was also not related to the rise in heart disease. However, the kind of

society they had created for themselves in their new home country was. The most traditional


group of Japanese Americans, who maintained tight-knit and mutually supportive social groups,

had a heart-attack rate as low as their fellow Japanese back home. But those who had adopted

the more isolated Western lifestyle increased their heart-attack incidence by three to five times.

The study shows that the need to bond with a social group is so fundamental to humans

that it remains the key determinant of whether we stay healthy or get ill, even whether we live

or die. We need to feel part of something bigger to thrive. We need to belong, not online, but in

the real world of hugs, handshakes, and pats on the back.




這個研究顯示和一個社交群體的連結需求對人們是如此重要,它仍是我們是否保持健康或生病,甚至是我們活著或死亡的重要決定因子。我們必須感受較小我大的一部分以茁壯成長。我們需要歸屬感、真實世界中的擁抱、握手、拍肩,而不是線上世界。40. What is the best title of this passage?

(A) Heart Diseases and Their Causes (B) The Power of Social Connection

(C) Differences in Japanese Americans (D) The Sense of Belonging vs. Isolation 本文最適切的標題為何? (A) 心臟病與其成因 (B) 社會聯繫的力量 (C) 日裔美國人的差異 (D) 歸屬感相對於隔離感 【說明】由最後一段結論段第一句,此研究結果顯示與社會緊密連結的需求是人類維持

健康的基本要素,由此本文的最佳標題應為(B) The Power of Social

Connection。41. Which of the following is a finding of the two American professors’ study?

(A) Many Japanese men that lived up to 100 years were smokers.

(B) Those who often ate hamburgers and fries were more likely to fall sick.

(C) Japanese immigrants to America usually formed a tight-knit community.

(D) Westernized social life was related to the heart-attack rate of Japanese Americans.


下列哪一項是此二位美國教授研究的發現? (A) 許多活到一百歲的日本男人吸菸。 (B) 經常吃漢堡薯條的人較容易生病。 (C) 日本移民到美國的人通常形成緊密的社區。 (D) 西化的社會生活與日裔美國人的心臟病比率有關。 【說明】(A) 雖然在第一段有提到,但這並非這兩位教授的研究發現,而是觀察,因此

非答案;(B) 第三段第二句提到飲食由壽司轉變為漢堡薯條並不會增加得心臟病的危險;(C) 第三段最後兩句提到日本人移民到美國後,傳統的人形成緊密及互相支持的社區,但有些則過著隔離的西化生活;(D) 第三段第三句… the kind of society they had created for themselves in their new home country

was.說明在移民的新國家創造怎樣的社會群體,影響他們心臟病的發生率。42. Which of the following is an example of “something bigger” in the last paragraph?

(A) A family. (B) A stadium. (C) The universe. (D) The digital world. 下列哪一項是最後一段“something bigger”的例子? (A) 家庭。 (B) 體育館。 (C) 宇宙。 (D) 數位世界。 【說明】前一句提到我們健康與否和是否有與社會緊密連結有關,表示人類要有歸屬

感,要感覺屬於較小我大(something bigger)的一部分,這裡的family是廣義的家庭,緊密的社區可讓人有家的感覺,因此選(A)。

43. What is the ratio of heart disease between Japanese living in Japan and Japanese Americans

in Hawaii?

(A) 1 to 2.5 (B) 1 to 5 (C) 3 to 5 (D) 1.5 to 5 住在日本的日本人與住在夏威夷的日本人得心臟病的比率為何? (A) 1比2.5 (B) 1比5 (C) 3比5 (D) 1.5比5


第 4 4 至 47 題 為題組 Bitcoin is an experimental, decentralized digital currency that enables instant payments to

anyone, anywhere in the world. Bitcoin uses peer-to-peer technology to operate with no central

authority; that is, managing transactions and issuing money are carried out collectively through

the network.

Any transaction issued with Bitcoin cannot be reversed; it can only be refunded by the person

receiving the funds. That means you should do business with people and organizations you

know and trust, or who have an established reputation. Bitcoin can detect typos and usually

won’t let you send money to an invalid address by mistake.

All Bitcoin transactions are stored publicly and permanently on the network, which means


anyone can see the balance and transactions of any Bitcoin address. However, the identity of the

user behind an address remains unknown until information is revealed during a purchase or in

other circumstances.

The price of a bitcoin can unpredictably increase or decrease over a short period of time due

to its young economy, novel nature, and sometimes illiquid markets. Consequently, keeping

your savings with Bitcoin is not recommended at this point. Bitcoin should be seen like a high

risk asset, and you should never store money that you cannot afford to lose with Bitcoin. If you

receive payments with Bitcoin, many service providers can convert them to your local currency.

Bitcoin is an experimental new currency that is in active development. Although it becomes

less experimental as usage grows, you should keep in mind that Bitcoin is a new invention that

is exploring ideas that have never been attempted before. As such, its future cannot be predicted

by anyone.

比特幣是實驗性、去中心化的數位貨幣,能即時付款給世界各地任何人。比特幣藉由對等網路而非中央當局運作;也就是說,處理交易、發行貨幣全由網路執行。 比特幣的交易無法撤銷,它只能由收款人退還。這意味著你必須跟認識、信賴或聲望佳的人與組織交易。比特幣能偵測打字錯誤,通常並不允許你誤匯錢至無效位址。 比特幣交易皆公開並永久儲存於網路,這表示所有人都能看見任何比特幣位址的餘額與交易。然而位址的使用者身份保持匿名直到買賣中揭露資訊或者其他情況。 因其新興經濟體、全新本質、有時無流動資金的市場,比特幣幣值會短時間出乎意料地升值或貶值。因此,此時不建議存比特幣。應視比特幣為風險資產,你也絕不要投資不能虧損的錢在比特幣上。如果你收到比特幣的付款,許多服務提供者能轉換它為你的當地貨幣。 比特幣是實驗性的新貨幣,目前活躍發展。儘管當使用增多已變得較不具實驗性,你應謹記比特幣是項新發明,它探索空前未有的想法,因此無人能預測它的未來。44. What is the purpose of this article?

(A) To introduce a new currency.

(B) To prove the value of a young economy.

(C) To explore ways to do online transactions.

(D) To explain how to build up a business network. 本文的目的為何? (A) 介紹一種新的貨幣。 (B) 證實一種新興經濟的價值。 (C) 探索線上交易的方式。 (D) 解釋如何設立商業網絡。 【說明】由全文得知本文在介紹比特幣是什麼,其交易方式及價格波動情形,由此可見

全文在介紹比特幣這種新貨幣,因此答案應選(A)。45. Why is the value of Bitcoin not stable?


(A) Because its use is illegal.

(B) Because it is not a valid investment.

(C) Because it is still developing.

(D) Because its circulation is limited to the youth. 比特幣的價值為何不穩定? (A) 因為使用它是非法的。 (B) 因為它並非有效投資。 (C) 因為它仍在開發中。 (D) 因為它僅限在年輕人之間流通。 【說明】第四段第一句說明比特幣暴漲暴跌的原因在於,比特幣是一種剛出現的經濟、


46. Which of the following is true about Bitcoin?

(A) Bitcoin addresses are known only to their owners.

(B) Once a transaction is made, the Bitcoin cannot be refunded.

(C) Bitcoin user’s identity is always open to the general public.

(D) When a payment is received, the Bitcoin can be turned into local currency. 下列何者關於比特幣是正確的? (A) 比特幣的位址只有擁有者知道。 (B) 一旦交易完成,比特幣無法退款。 (C) 比特幣使用者的身份永遠公開。 (D) 收到付款時,比特幣可換成當地的貨幣。 【說明】(A) 第三段第一句說明所有比特幣的交易均公開存在網路上,因此所有人都看

得到;(B) 第二段第一句提到所有比特幣交易是無法撤銷,但第二句指出惟有收款人可退回款項,因此還是可以退款的;(C) 第三段第二句指出比特幣使用者的身份一般是隱匿的,只有在交易中或其他情形才公開;(D) 第四段最後一句提到收到比特幣是可以兌換成當地貨幣的,因此答案選(D)。

47. What advice would the author give to those who are interested in keeping money in Bitcoin?

(A) Better late than never. (B) Look before you leap.

(C) Make hay while the sun shines. (D) No pain, no gain. 作者會給對將金錢換成比特幣有興趣的人怎樣的忠告? (A) 亡羊補牢,未為晚也。 (B) 三思而後行。 (C) 把握時機。 (D) 不勞則無獲。 【說明】由作者於本文最後一句提到比特幣的未來是無法預期的,可得知作者希望投資

者三思而後行,故答案選(B)。第 48 至 51 題為題組


Scientists are trying to genetically modify the world in which we live. They are even trying to

wipe out diseases via genetic modification. For example, researchers have tried to engineer

mosquitoes to kill malaria parasites. The malaria parasite is carried by the female Anopheles

mosquito. When transmitted to a human, the parasite travels first to the liver and then on to the

bloodstream, where it reproduces and destroys red blood cells. An estimated 250 million people

suffer from malaria each year, and about one million die—many of them children. There are

currently no effective or approved malaria vaccines.

To “kill” malaria, scientists are genetically modifying a bacterium in mosquitoes so that it

releases toxic compounds. These compounds are not harmful to humans or the mosquito itself,

but they do kill off the malaria parasite, making the mosquito incapable of infecting humans

with malaria.

Despite this achievement, scientists are faced with the challenge of giving the modified

mosquitoes a competitive advantage so that they can eventually replace the wild population.

Complete blockage of the malaria parasite is very important. If some of the parasites slip

through the mechanism, then the next generation will likely become resistant to it. And if that happens, the scientists are back where they started.

Another challenge for scientists is to gain public approval for this genetic modification

regarding mosquitoes and malaria control. Environmental activists have raised concerns about

the release of genetically engineered organisms without any clear knowledge of their long-term

effect on ecosystems and human health. There is still a long way to go before genetic

modification techniques are put to use in disease control.

科學家正嘗試基因改造我們居住的世界。他們甚至試著藉基因改造消滅疾病。例如,研究員基因改造蚊子來殺害瘧原蟲。瘧原蟲經由雌瘧蚊傳播。人體一經感染,瘧原蟲由肝臟蔓延至血液,並在血液中繁殖、摧毀紅血球。每年估計二億五百萬人感染瘧疾,一百萬人死亡──其中多為孩童。現今尚無有效或者通過檢驗的瘧疾疫苗。 為「殺死」瘧疾,科學家正基因改造蚊子內的細菌,讓它釋放有毒物質。這些物質對人體或蚊子本身無害,但它們滅除瘧原蟲,讓瘧蚊無法感染人類。 儘管有這項成就,科學家仍面臨挑戰:賦予基因改造過的蚊子競爭優勢,使其最終能取代野生蚊子的龐大數量。完全封鎖瘧原蟲非常重要。如果部分瘧原蟲逃脫此機制,他們下一代將可能有抵抗力。如果這成真了,科學家須重頭來過。 科學家面臨另一項挑戰是獲得大眾對蚊子與瘧疾控制上基因改造的認同。不清楚基因改造有機體對生態系統與人體健康的長期影響而釋放之讓環保人士憂心。基因改造技術應用於疾病管制前仍長路迢迢。48. What is the main idea of this passage?

(A) Researchers have found an effective way to halt the spread of insect-borne diseases

around the world.

(B) Many people are worried about the effects of genetically modified organisms on the



(C) It takes time to gain public support for the application of genetic modification to disease


(D) Genetic engineering looks promising in reducing malaria, though there may be unknown consequences.

本文主旨為何? (A) 科學家已發現有效阻止由昆蟲傳播的疾病在世界擴散的方法。 (B) 許多人擔心基因改造有機體對環境的影響。 (C) 將基因改造應用於疾病控制需要時間才能獲得大眾的支持。 (D) 基因工程在減少瘧疾方面相當有前景,雖然可能有未知的後果。 【說明】本文前兩段在說明基因改造能有效減少瘧疾,而後兩段則在說明基改面臨的挑


49. Which of the following best shows the organization of this passage?

(A) Introduction Comparison Contrast

(B) Problem Solution Potential difficulties

(C) Proposal Arguments Counter-arguments

(D) Definition Examples Tentative conclusions 下列何者最能顯示本文的架構? (A) 介紹比較相似之處必較相異之處 (B) 問題解決方法潛在的困難 (C) 提議論點反駁的論點 (D) 定義舉例暫時的結論 【說明】本文前兩段先提出以基因工程處理瘧疾散佈的問題,後兩段再說明這麼做可能

面臨的困難,因此選(B)。50. According to the passage, which of the following is true about malaria parasites?

(A) They are resistant to genetic modification and vaccines.

(B) They reproduce in the human liver and grow stronger there.

(C) They can be found in only one gender of a class of mosquitoes.

(D) They are transmitted to around one million children each year. 根據本文,下列關於瘧原蟲何者正確? (A) 它們能對抗基改及疫苗。 (B) 它們在人的肝臟中繁殖茁壯。 (C) 它們只被發現於一種蚊子的單一性別中。 (D) 它們每年傳染給一百萬的孩童。 【說明】(A) 根據第二段有一種基改的細菌能消滅瘧原蟲,因此它們無法對抗基改;(B)



中繁殖;(C) 根據第一段第四句,瘧疾的帶原者為雌的 Anopheles蚊子,因此(C)是正確的;(D) 根據第一段倒數第二句,瘧疾每年造成一百萬人死亡,多數是孩童,而感染的人數高達二億五千萬人。

51. What does “that” in the third paragraph refer to?

(A) Some malaria parasites escaping from the ecosystems.

(B) Malaria parasites becoming immune to the engineered bacterium.

(C) Modified mosquitoes becoming more competitive than the wild ones.

(D) Transmission of malaria being blocked from mosquitoes to humans. 第三段中的 that指的是什麼? (A) 一些由生態系統中逃走的瘧原蟲。 (B) 瘧原蟲對基改細菌免疫。 (C) 基改蚊子較野生蚊子有競爭力。 (D) 瘧疾被阻止由蚊子傳給人類。 【說明】that指的是前一句指出若基改無法完全滅絕瘧疾寄生蟲,則下一代將對蚊子體





說明:1. 請將以下中文句子譯成正確、通順、達意的英文,並將答案寫在「答案卷」上。2. 請依序作答,並標明子題號(1、2)。每題4分,共8分。1. 食用過多油炸食物可能會導致學童體重過重,甚至更嚴重的健康問題。【說明】參考句型:N + may V + O1 or O2(以名詞當主詞) V-ing + may V + O1 or O2(以動名詞當主詞)時態:談論事實用現在簡單式,但需要助動詞 may

食用過多 excessive consumption/eating too much

導致 lead to/result in/bring about/cause

體重過重 obesity

作答:Excessive consumption of fried foods may lead to obesity in/among school children or even

more serious health problems.

= Eating too much fried foods may bring about obesity in/among school children or even more

serious health problems.

2. 因此,家長與老師應該共同合作,找出處理這個棘手議題的有效措施。【說明】參考句型:Adv., S + should V + to V

時態:給予建議用現在簡單式,但須用助動詞 should

因此 therefore/thus/hence

共同合作 work together/cooperate

有效措施 effective measures

處理 deal with/handle/tackle

棘手議題 troublesome/difficult issue

作答:Therefore, parents and teachers should work together to find out effective measures to deal with

the troublesome issue.


說明︰1. 依提示在「答案卷」上寫一篇英文作文。


2. 文長至少120個單詞(words)。 下圖呈現的是美國某高中的全體學生每天進行各種活動的時間分配,請寫一篇至少120


第一段 The bar chart shows the students of a high school in the U.S. allot their time in

the way I am envious of. To begin with, learning and studying does not govern most

of their lives. Roughly speaking, they only spend one-fourth of a day doing

academic activities. Besides, they can sleep to their hearts’ content every day and

have sufficient time to hang out with friends. To be independent and show concern

over the needy, doing part-time and voluntary jobs takes them about two hours a

day. What surprises me most is that they even have extra time to deal with other

things, such as preparing a friend’s birthday gift or doing household chores, etc.

第二段 In contrast with their daily schedule, mine is completely dominated by

curricular activities. All I have to do every day is study, study, and study because

being admitted to a good college is my only goal in high school. As a result, I spend

more than eight hours a day at school on lectures that do not engage me in active

learning. Though I am released from the obligation to do housework, meanwhile, I

abandon the right to do what I want to do, cultivating a new hobby, meeting friends,

doing recreational activities, to name just a few. Worst yet, having enough sleep

becomes a luxury to me, for the heavy schoolwork deprives me of my sweet dreams.

How I wish some day I could manage my own time like the high school students in

the U.S. instead of being burdened with tons of homework.

103指考總評與建議◎ 第一部分 選擇題詞彙(1-10 題)

1. 十題中考名詞三題(indifference、incentive、conservation),動詞三題(withstand、irritate、evacuate),形容詞三題


(considerate、skeptical、eloquent),副詞一題(specifically)。2. 十題中每一題都有充分的線索讓學生做為作答的依據,有四題屬於字詞搭配題(be considerate of、show indifference towards、be skeptical

about、energy conservation),六題屬於線索推論(specifically、withstand、irritate、incentive、eloquent、evacuate),其中兩題字詞搭配題也屬於定義題(reduction in oil consumption →

conservation、do not take part, do not bother talking → indifference)。3. 除了第三題 specifically 為三級字 specific 的衍生字外,其他所有單字都屬 7000字範圍內五到六級的字,五級字有二題(第一、二題),六級字有七題(第四到第十題)。

4. 本次考題無論考字詞搭配或定義,均有線索作為推論之依據,可由前後文聯想。學生在平日需多加培養邏輯思考與推論的能力。

5. 主題可分為三類。有與時事、新聞相關,如withstanding natural

disasters、energy conservation、mudslides,學生在平時應多留意新聞與時事;也有與學校生活相關,如 indifference towards

classmates、new principal、scholarships、speech contests 等;另有與日常生活相關,如 eating at restaurants、spicy food 等,學生應注意日常生活用字。

6. 值得注意的是,有些題目在答案以外的選項置入了一些出現頻率較低的單字(如第四題 undertake、第五題 override、第十題 suffocate);而第五題的 irritate則考了其較難的字義(使疼痛),學生必須對單字的字義了解夠廣才有辦法作答;故學生若要應付指考,除了要熟悉大考七千字以外,也要多注意單字的其他意思。

綜合測驗(11-20 題)

1. 第一篇文章談牙刷容易藏匿(harbor)細菌,第二篇藉由對黑猩猩的行為觀察以尊重並保護地球上的生物多樣性。第二篇文章較難,出現一些與生物學相關的單字(chimpanzee、ingenious skill、be

transferred across generations、offspring、animal kingdom),雖可從上下文推知意思,但可能影響作答速度,故建議鼓勵學生平日必須增加單字量。

2. 十題中考字彙五題(11、13、16、18、19)、片語一題(14)、介系詞一題(17)、文法觀念三題(12、15、20──動名詞、代名詞與時態)。

3. 總結來說,字彙考題都考很基本的用法,惟第 11 題考的單字級數較高,而第 16 題的 serve意思較多,在此是「上菜」的意思。第 17 題考介系詞,學生必須釐清前後文的關係才能正確作答。文法考題考三題,第 15及 20 題較難,第 15 題需釐清要代替哪一部分才能決定該用哪一個代名詞,而第 20 題則須有清楚的時態觀念,包括不定詞與助動詞+完成式的特殊用法。


4. 本次考題各測驗重點均出現平均,故學生平時在各方向都必須有所準備。

文意選填 (21-

30 題)

燒紙錢及紙模型給逝者的過去與現在。1. 全文十格都是實詞,詞性單純,僅有名詞,形容詞及過去分詞,宜鼓勵學生記憶單字時要注意詞性。名詞:spirit、journey、purpose、purchase、needs、images



2. 本篇文章並不難,相關文法只有被動語態,其中有二個搭配詞由動詞片語改成,第 25 題 have all their needs satisfied及第 28 題 the

purchase can be made 較困難,大部分的題目依據上下文意思即可判斷。故教師可提醒學生平日多做依上下文判斷文意的練習。

3. 值得注意的是,本篇有兩個多餘選項,學生在作答時必須慎重篩選。

篇章結構 (31-

35 題)

怪咖的正向性格。1. 學生可以從上下文意找出關鍵字來推論出答案。 (31) 關鍵字: positive characteristics → . . . more creative

(32) 關鍵字:空格後句的 . . . live in a world of their own → . . . do not follow conventions

(33) 關鍵字:空格後句的 . . . visit doctors less . . . → . . . healthier

(34) 關鍵字:innate traits → Such personal traits . . .

(35) 關鍵字:It could be our aunt . . . → Or it could be our brother . . .

2. 本次題目有二題(第 32、33 題)必須由後文往前推測意思,故可以訓練學生加強文法應用與文句連貫性的練習。

閱讀測驗(36-51 題)

1. 第一篇介紹布魯克林橋的興建歷史,第二篇日本人長壽秘密的研究,第三篇介紹比特幣的定義、交易方式及其價值,第四篇利用基因改良消滅瘧疾的方法及潛在危機。

2. 主旨題(36、40、44、48)、細節題(38、39、41、46、50)、推論題(43、45、47)

和定義題(37、42、51)皆屬於主流題目,平日學生應多加練習熟悉。3. 特別的是,本次題目出現一題第 49 題是關於全文架構(organization)

的題目,可鼓勵學生平日在閱讀時留意文章的結構。4. 今年亦出現三題定義句子的題目(37、42、51),故教師可讓學生多做換句話說或定義的練習。

◎第二部份 非選擇題【中翻英】 1. 第一句談論事實提出目前的問題,動詞用現在簡單式,助動詞用



should。2. 第一句可用名詞,以 N + may V + O1 or O2 的結構寫出,或以動名詞

當主詞以 V-ing + may V + O1 or O2 來寫。3. 第二句以「家長與老師」為主詞,寫出主要子句後,後面加上表目的

的不定詞片語「找出處理這個棘手議題的有效措施」。4. 兩句翻譯的片語及用字均不只一種,只要翻譯符合題目意思即可,無需特別使用困難的字詞。

5. 這二題翻譯題與生活常見議題相關,教師可提醒學生多留意生活中的議題並注意字詞的寫法,如第一題的「食用過多」excessive

consumption、「體重過重」obesity,與第二題的「棘手議題」troublesome issue、「有效措施」effective measures。

【英文作文】 第一段:描述該圖所呈現之特別現象。Topic sentence: 先說明此長條圖所代表的意義為何,並以 I am envious of

作為下一段的伏筆。 The bar chart shows the students of a high school in the U.S. allot

their time in the way I am envious of.

Supporting idea: 接著將美國高中生的時間運用整理分類,按類別描述其時間分配的方式。


Topic sentence: 對照上一段,直接點出我的時間分配與美國高中生完全不同。

In contrast with their daily schedule, mine is completely dominated

by curricular activities.

Supporting idea: 說明理由及與美國高中生時間分配的不同之處。Conclusion: 以表達希望能和他們一樣有更多自行掌控的時間做結尾,以

呼應第一段表達羨慕的主題句。◎總結與建議1. 最近幾年的英文試題穩定度高,以中間偏易為原則,但今年的試題主題依然包羅萬象,但似乎更貼近學生的生活。學生平日宜廣泛閱讀各種主題,增加字彙量,尤其多注意周遭生活議題及社會的趨勢,並多做上下文意理解的練習。

2. 選擇題部分: (1) 字彙題題幹不長,但單字難度較高,選項的難度等級較以往提升,搭配詞的題目不


(2) 綜合測驗測驗重點包括單字、片語、文法、介系詞用法,第二篇難度較高,要注意各


助動詞+完成式所代表的不同意義。 (3) 文意選填的文章主題有趣。文章難度中等,答案線索明顯。 (4) 篇章結構容易作答,可從前後文找出關鍵字(句)。 (5) 閱讀測驗四篇中有一篇是較新的議題,另兩篇與科學研究有關,要注意文章的細節,

選項中有陷阱,需仔細思考才不會失分。3. 寫作部分,建議學生多閱讀各種題材的文章、注意生活議題、社會趨勢與時事才能面對


