
Soundings The Newsletter of Christ Church June 2016

The Rev. Matthew Hoxsie Mead

talks about The Way Forward


Table of Contents

Page 3………………..Matt Mead on the Way Forward

Pages 4 & 5 ……….Our 2016 Confirmandi

Page 6………………..A Chemist in the Pulpit Open Season for the Choir Tag Sale Rings Up Record Page 7………………..Fellowship and Funding in Wake of Big Dig Page 8………………..A Second- time Newcomer Pages 9 ………..……Events Calendar Page 10……………..Events Calendar, Rev. R. Bolton: Did you know... Page 11……………. Bidding Final Farewell Page 12 ……………..What’s Up in the Garden, Milestones

A Letter from the Editors

After a 3 year absence Soundings is back, but with one im-

portant caveat. Please regard this as a work-in-progress, one

that we encourage all members of the parish to help us refine

over the course of coming issues.

If you have any ideas about stories, then let your light shine!

Do you have a talent you would like to share with our parish

family? An original poem; an inspiring devotional thought; a

drawing or painting; an inspiring or entertaining anecdote? If

so, please submit it to our editor for review.

Also, if you would like to join our editorial team let us know.

We would be glad to have you. Our next, quarterly issue will

be out in early October. With your help Soundings will only

get bigger and better from here.

Missy Kisob, editor, [email protected]

Michael Fawcett, deputy editor, [email protected]

Erik Ipsen, deputy editor, [email protected]

Soundings is published by the Parishioners of Christ

Church to teach, provide information, promote events and

parish life, pass down the history of the church, and engage

us in the life of the community.

Soundings The Newsletter of Christ Church

Episcopal/Anglican The Parish of Christ the Redeemer

1415 Pelhamdale Avenue Pelham, NY 10803

Telephone: 914-738-5515 Fax: 914-712-0256

CLERGY AND STAFF The Rev. Matthew Hoxsie Mead, Rector

Katie Lawrence, Deacon

Jeffrey Hoffman, Organist & Choirmaster

Marie Main, Parish Administrator

Walter Roberts, Verger & Sexton

Ed Blue, Sexton

The Vestry

The Rector

Kari Black, Senior Warden

John Lent, Junior Warden

Jackie Vigil, Clerk

Alice Dean

Jack Kaufmann

Colette Phipps

Curtis Chase

Amy Heese

Marie Dumas

Jeff Bodenmann

Gavin Leckie

Marc Palladino


Shortly after his first anniversary at Christ Church, with his name already etched in stone in

the narthex as our 15th rector, the Rev. Matthew Hoxsie Mead sat down with Soundings to

talk about his hopes and plans for the years ahead. Quickly, the conversation turned to the

importance of growth:

“Based on recent history, there is room for the church to grow here,” he said, pointing out

that 2007 stands out as a high water mark in terms of everything from attendance at Sunday

services to the size of the church staff.

“One way to grow is to do more with what we have, not start from scratch,” he said. “By encouraging more

parishioners to participate, we can expand our offerings and in the process build a richer community--one

able to draw new parishioners.” He notes that this is already happening; there are a number of new parish-

ioners who have taken on active roles in the congregation, and it looks like next year’s confirmation class

may have more Confirmands, up from seven this year. The idea is to build a sort of virtuous circle in the

hope that by adding activities--from seniors events to outreach efforts--we will succeed in drawing new

parishioners, and be able to step it up and do even more.

At his previous parish, Good Shepherd in Granite Springs, Matt said that a “thriving fellowship ministry for

all” helped to spur growth. “The food stuff is part of it, but it’s really about giving people the opportunity to

have fun and build community at church.”

To help Christ Church to do more, Father Matt said he is looking forward to the arrival of Michael Kurth, a

2nd year student at the Yale Divinity School. Beginning in the late summer he will work 15 hours a week

with us, assisting with the confirmation class, youth and adult education programs and also doing some


Going forward, Father Matt believes that with a Seminarian and volunteers, it will be possible to stage

more outings for the Youth Group and develop a program rich enough to inspire some of the siblings of

participants to sign up themselves.

As it stands he said that one of the strengths of Christ Church is its unusual ability to draw parishioners

from far and wide, something that makes for a far more diverse than average congregation, which gives our

church some distinct advantages as it tends to its primary business of “spiritual growth and spreading the

good news of Jesus Christ.”

In the meantime Father Matt says that he is having a great time and enjoying being our rector.

Matt Mead on the Way Forward


O u r 2 0 1 6 C o n f i r m a n d i

On Sunday, May 15, Bishop Stacy Sauls

joined us to celebrate the rite of Confirma-

tion for seven youth candidates: Zoe Anas-

tas, Jack Cardwell, Helen Cahill, Grayce

Cooper, James Cruz, Alison Lacy Emery,

and Charlie Moderelli. In addition, Bishop

Sauls received Sandra and Aurelia Rivera

into the Episcopal Church.

Zoe Anastas has been a part of the Christ

Church family almost since

birth. Along the way she has

been active in Church School

and the Christmas Pageant,

and for the past three years

she has served as an acolyte.

Zoe enjoys math, and loves to

play tennis and babysit. She hopes someday to

be a teacher and tennis coach. This fall she will

be in 9th grade at the Harvey School in Katonah.

Zoe says: “Being confirmed is very special for me,

especially since it was at Christ Church, where

I’ve been a member since I was a baby! I am

happy to a member of such a special church.”

Jack Cardwell has been attending Christ

Church since his family moved

to Pelham five years ago. This

fall he will be a freshman at

Pelham Memorial High School.

He also plays on the Pelham

travel soccer team.

“Confirmation,” says Jack, “is

important because it brings you

closer to the church, your family and the com-

munity as a whole.”

Helen Cahill will be a freshman this fall at Pel-

ham Memorial High School. Her

favorite subjects are art, music and

photography. Since her family

joined the parish five years ago,

she has shared her singing and

acting talents in our Christmas

Pageant. Some day she hopes to become a sur-


“It is very special and important to have my

faith in my life,” says Helen. “My family goes to

church often so it is a very familiar and safe

place for me. Confirmation made me feel con-

nected to my faith.”


Grayce Cooper loves to read and is an avid athlete, playing both soccer and lacrosse. She also plays

guitar in an all-girl band called the Bandannas. She’ll be a freshman at Pelham

Memorial High School this fall, and may one day be a marine biologist. She and her

family joined the congregation five years ago.

“Confirmation means that I am an official member of Christ Church,” says Grayce.

“When I took those vows, I promised to be a loyal and believing member of the

church. Confirmation was important to me because I got to expand my horizon, not

only biblically, but spiritually.”

James Cruz has been attending Christ Church with his family for most of his life. Over the years, he

has appeared in several Christmas Pageants. James plays lacrosse and likes biology.

He also studies Mandarin, which he hopes to one day use in the business world or

perhaps as a scientist. This year he will be in 9th grade at New Rochelle High School.

While James is always eager to have a good time, he also cares about others.

“My faith,” he says, “inspires me to always help those in need, and to think if what

I’m doing is right or not--even if it is something that I have been told to do.”

Alison Lacy Emery has been a member of Christ Church for nearly 10 years. In that time she has

been involved in Church School, Choir and the Christmas Pageant. She’ll be a sopho-

more this year at Pelham Memorial High School, where her favorite subjects are

History, English, Latin and Sociology. Alison also plays soccer and hopes to do so

professionally. Other possible career options include lawyer or possibly ESPN soccer


“Confirmation is important to me,” says Alison, “because during this process, I

learned in depth what it means to be an Episcopalian, and how I want to apply that

to my life in the future.”

Charlie Moderelli has been coming to Christ Church his entire life. He was baptized here and over

the years has played roles in the Christmas Pageant and children’s liturgies. Charlie

likes to study American History as well as world events. No wonder he found visiting

the 9/11 Memorial in the city this spring with our youth group very interesting

and impactful.

This fall, Charlie will enter 9th grade at Pelham Memorial High School. Outside of

school, he enjoys playing lacrosse, soccer and golf.

“Confirmation,” he says, “means advancing in life, specifically as a Christian man.”


Standing in for Father Matt Mead again this summer over the course of four

Sundays is an Episcopal priest with an unusual back story. He is the Reverend

Peter Powell, a chemical engineer who left his job at Procter & Gamble in 1973

to enroll in seminary, and who ultimately signed on as head of the Interfaith

Housing Association, a Westport, CT-based non-profit providing housing and

services to the homeless. By the time he retired from that post 22 years later,

in 2010, the organization had changed its name to Homes with Hope, and

boasted a staff of over 20 with a budget of approaching $2 million. He and his

wife, Barbara, have five daughters. As a man of widespread interests, for many years Father Powell has

delighted in taking daily multi-mile walks while listening to taped lectures on various subjects. We

look forward to Father Powell sharing with us more insights from his long and varied career--as well as

his enrichment walks.

The Reverend Peter Powell: Summertime Sub with Different Chemistry

Open Season for Choir

During the months of June and July at Christ Church, we have a summer choir: an opportunity for

anyone who wants to sing (from the 3rd grade on up) to join us on Sunday mornings at 9:15 am to

learn a simple anthem to sing during the offertory at the 10 am service that day. There is no need to

let us know in advance that you are coming, just come as you are. The musical selections represent a

foray into the lighter side of church music, offering mostly contemporary melodies whose texts are

drawn from or inspired by the propers of the day, including the psalms and canticles. During the

month of August, anyone interested in singing solos or in smaller ensembles is invited to volunteer.

I’m open to your selections and also happy to make recommendations for you. Summer is also a great

time to include the instrumentalists in our parish who are interested in offering their gifts in a low-

pressure setting. Send an email to [email protected] or phone me at 914-738-5515, ext.

102, and I’ll be happy to get you on the schedule.

Jeffrey Hoffman, Organist and Choirmaster

Tag Team Sets Fresh Record

The Church’s annual Tag Sale went into the books on Saturday, April 30 as one of the

most successful ever. An all-hands-on-deck effort that had begun four weeks earlier with a record

intake of everything from brass garden torches, to baseball bats, and even a handsome wooden

bed frame, ended up netting well over $5,000. By the time it was all over dozens of parishioners

had helped to sort, price, display, and sell a huge array of items-- all under the watchful eyes of co

-leaders Jen Alleyne, Jackie Kraft, Marie Dumas and Eileen Wolfe, several of whom put in 12-hour



Fellowship and Funding in Wake of Big Dig

Just weeks after the final touches were put on the church’s new, improved storm sewer and drainage sys-

tems following flooding in the late winter, scores of parishioners came together on a warm Friday evening

to help raise money to fund the work and to do something more. The June 17 event at the rectory had been

billed as one of “celebration, fellowship and heavy hors’ d’oeuvres,” and there was plenty to go around.

Guests were greeted at the top of the rectory’s stone stairs with a candle-lit bar on one side of the door and

a similarly-lit table for four on the other. More tables filled the deck out back on a lovely night.

By the time the music stopped just after 9, the event had already raised over $34,000 to cover the cost of

the repair of the church’s sewer and drainage systems, and gifts have continued to come in. As of June 27,

we have raised $39,675!

Many people went to heroic lengths to make it all possible. Thanks to Marie Dumas for chairing the Fund-

raising Committee, to Missy Putman for catering the food for the party, to Nicole and Matthew Mead for

opening their home to the parish, and to Michael Fawcett and Michael Moynihan for setting up, running

the kitchen and bar, and cleaning up. Thanks also to Claire Allen, Geoff Allen, Cathy Bean, Kari Black, Ed

Blue, Anne Calder, JD Calder, Alice Dean, John Felicetti, Mildred Johnson, Marie Main, Ed McGann, Walter

Roberts, Ann Swanson, and all our of vestry members for donated supplies, beverages, decorations, and

time making this event possible.

Thanks are also owed to all those who so generously contributed to the fundraising effort and whose pres-

ence at the rectory that night helped make the event so memorable and enjoyable for all. Our community

is strengthened by their presence, faith and generosity.


Reflections of a Returning Newcomer This year, a cheerful crowd gathered on the evening of April 10 in the church library to celebrate a

bumper crop of Christ Church newcomers. Among them was Rosemarie Carver, someone who was

actually anything but new but has been away so long that it might seem that way. Given that unusual

background, Soundings asked Rosemarie to share her story and perspective on the parish with us.

* * * * * *

The Newcomers’ Reception was especially enjoyable for me as I reflected on my nearly 35 year absence

from Christ Church Pelham.

My husband and I, plus children Alexander, Christina and Andrew, had come to Christ Church in the

early 1970s. It was our first-ever introduction to the Episcopal Church, having come from a Lutheran

and a Congregational background, respectively. At Christ Church we had an instant feeling of

“belonging”. Those were still the days of the 1928 BCP!

All three of our children attended the Montessori pre-school (I am happy to see it is still here!) as well

as Sunday school. In the early 1980s, we moved to New England and stayed there for 22 years. Mean-

while, our daughter married in New York, and our sons entered military service. After our retirement

in 2002, it became a natural choice for us to return to New York, and we settled in Riverdale in the

Bronx. Sadly, my husband died less than 2 years later.

In returning to Pelham, I am following our daughter Christina and husband Brendan Cahill. They

moved here a few years ago with their children: Helen, Beatrice, Oliver and Edward. Being back at

Christ Church is a real homecoming for us; and having now attended several services in addition to

events, I find that the Episcopal traditions are alive and well at Christ Church. The recent celebration

of Pentecost and Confirmation when my granddaughter, Helen Cahill, and eight others were con-

firmed, are prime examples. In addition, the liturgical music, under the direction of Jeffrey Hoffman,

is simply beautiful.

I have joined the Bible Study group which meets on Thursday mornings. It is ably led by Michael

Moynihan. I find this to be a most informative and spiritually-enlightening experience, one that

always sparks lively discussions. It is a wonderful group, and so is the congregation as a whole. I have

observed an exceptionally warm interaction among its members, which extends to newcomers as

well, or in my case, to “new Oldcomers”. Such a welcome and inclusion are not to be taken for

granted; they do not happen everywhere! I am very happy to be here – once again!


Ju ly 2016

Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat

1 2

3 4 5

10 AM Morning prayer

6 7

10 AM

Bible Study in the library

8 9


Rev. Peter Powell

11 12

10 AM Morning prayer

13 14

10 AM

Bible Study in the library

15 16


Rev. Peter Powell

18 19

10 AM Morning prayer

20 21

10 AM

Bible Study in the library

22 23


Rev. Peter Powell

25 26

10 AM Morning prayer

27 28

10 AM

Bible Study in the library

29 30


Rev. Peter Powell

Independence Day

12PM Eucharist

August 2016

Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat

1 2

10 AM Morning prayer

3 4

10 AM

Bible Study in the library

5 6

The Transfiguration

12 PM Holy Eucharist

7 8 9

10 AM Morning prayer

10 11

10 AM

Bible Study in the library

12 13

14 15 Saint Mary

12PM Holy Eucharist


10 AM Morning prayer

17 18

10 AM

Bible Study in the library

19 20

21 22 23

10 AM Morning prayer

24 25

10 AM

Bible Study in the library

26 27

28 29 30

10 AM Morning prayer



September 2016

Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat


10 AM

Bible Study in the library

2 3

4 5 Labor Day

Parish office closed


10 AM Morning prayer

7 8

10 AM

Bible Study in the library

9 10


Church School begins


7:30PM Vestry Meeting


10 AM Morning prayer

14 Holy Cross Day

12PM Said Eucharist


10 AM

Bible Study in the library

16 17

18 10AM Blessing of


19 20

10 AM Morning prayer

21 Saint Matthew’s


12PM Said Eucharist


10 AM

Bible Study in the library

23 24


26 27

10 AM Morning prayer

28 29 Michelmas

10 AM Bible Study

6PM Oktoberfest 7:30pm Eucharist with Bishop Glasspool


Did you know that...

Christ Church’s founding Rector, the Rev. Robert

Bolton was a good friend of author Washington


Bolton had 13 children, several of whom were gifted

artists and craftsmen. Son William Jay created The

Adoration of the Magii window above the Bolton

Altar, while his brothers hand carved the altar rail,

the corbels (figures supporting the roof beams) and

other architectural features and furnishings. They

also decorated the original ceiling and walls in

brightly colored designs.

Top: Adoration of the Magii

Bottom: Altar rail



Jim Greenhalgh

In his all-too-brief 67-year lifetime, James D. Greenhalgh, who passed away unexpectedly in January,

lived a rich and varied life. Born in Baraboo, Wisconsin, not far from the home of his beloved Green

Bay Packers, Jim came East in 1966 to attend Yale University. There he studied history, played football,

hosted a radio talk show, and led the Debate Association. Three years after earning his B.A., he added

a law degree from NYU and launched a career as a lawyer working for several law firms, before signing

on with Chemical Bank and later J.P. Morgan Chase.

He and his wife Cherrie, along with son Hunter moved to Pelham in 1996.

As an active member of Christ Church, Jim distinguished himself not only

as chair of the Evangelism Committee, lay reader, and usher, but late each

year as a memorably jolly Santa Claus—whose large shoes he also filled

down the Shore Road at the historic Bartow-Pell Mansion where he was a

member of the conservancy. In a decidedly different sort of costume, Jim

also enjoyed playing the role of Civil War re-enactor. In addition to his

wife and son, Jim is also survived by his brothers Tom (Jolynn) and Greg

(Laurette), and sister-in-law Bonnie Hepburn.

Bob Weeks

Robert Doughty Weeks, Jr. got around. Between his birth in Manhattan,

childhood on Long Island, and death at age 82 in Pelham in May, Bob

proudly reckoned he had visited 88 countries. He logged his first foreign

stops as an officer in the US Navy, shortly after graduating from Duke

University. As a banker with Chase Manhattan and others, he traveled

widely in Europe and Africa. After the fall of the Iron Curtain, he worked

with the World Bank and US Agency for International Development in

Eastern Europe, and lived for several years with his wife Sarabeth in

Romania and Bosnia. He logged yet more overseas travel working for a

French, a Middle Eastern and a Japanese bank.

Bob and his wife moved to Pelham in 1973 from Brooklyn Heights. At

Christ Church he proved himself as an indefatigable member of the choir and frequent lector. Last

year, he also logged a few miles as a member of the Search Committee for a new rector. Bob enjoyed

sailing and skiing. He retired from the Naval Reserves after 23 years with the rank of captain. He is

survived by his wife, as well as children Cynthia M. Lawlor and Robert D. Weeks III, son-in-law

William, daughter-in-law Susan, and four grandchildren.


What’s Up In the Garden?

Spring has come and gone as have the daffodils, azaleas, and flowering trees. Early sum-

mer is upon us with its roses, nepeta, and petunias that line the space along the Parish

Hall. Now the rock to the right of the narthex is covered with sedum in full bloom giv-

ing us a variety of color and texture to see on our way as well as highlighting our un-

usual hardscape. The Kousa dogwood on the other side of the narthex is still flowering and softens the

stone work of the church building.

In the Columbarium the day lilies display their full array for the first time in many years.

Our old rhododendrons with their delicate white blossoms are popping.

The rest of the shrubs there are green and healthy. These are some of the results from our tree pro-

gram and the organic tea compost that we use. New ferns, hostas and astilbes planted this spring will

provide interesting ground cover for this shady area and, we hope, will keep out the weeds...

With the arrival of Fr. Matt, the parish is using the Columbarium for outside services

more often. It is a special place where our garden and walls and rock face meet,

complimenting each other and reflecting the beauty of each. It is here that we can

enjoy the shade provided by the parish's old trees and reflect on God's gifts in the


Alice K. Dean, Grounds Committee Chair

Geoffrey Allen is joining The Axpo Group, U.S. As of

July, he will become Managing Director of the New

York City office of this international firm specializing

in energy trading and development of tailored energy

solutions. Previously, Geoff spent five years working in

energy trading and marketing at British Petroleum in

Stamford, Connecticut.

Geoffrey Allen is joining The Axpo Group, U.S. As of

July, he will become Managing Director of the New

York City office of this international firm specializing

in energy trading and development of tailored energy

solutions. Previously, Geoff spent five years working in

energy trading and marketing at British Petroleum in

Stamford, Connecticut.


Each quarter, Soundings will wrap

up news of parishioner milestones.

If you or a member of your family

enrolled in a new school, took a new

job, published another book, cele-

brated an important anniversary, or

did anything exciting or mundane

that you would like to share with the

parish, please send the details to:

Missy at [email protected] by Sep-

tember 15 and we will include it in

our Milestones section.

Geoffrey Allen is joining The Axpo Group, U.S. As of

July, he will become Managing Director of the New

York City office of this international firm specializing

in energy trading and development of tailored energy

solutions. Previously, Geoff spent five years working in

energy trading and marketing at British Petroleum in

Stamford, Connecticut.