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Page 1: The New Literature

P : 13 New Literature

The Da Vinci Code

“What if the secret has been reveled of Christianity?”

Sem -4 M.A (English )

Email Id : [email protected]

Presented by : Bhumi Joshi

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Sir Leigh Teabing : Great Historian

Quest of Holy Grail – why ?

Motifs : To make humanity free from religion rituals

Liberate people from oppression of Church

He wants to educate people

“Humanity is under the threat of Christianity.”

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“Mind is not problem but Mindset is”

Religion is never problem

but wrong practises of it

is problematic.

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Motifs are more clear than Robert Langdon

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Keep secret is damage of Humanity yet

Robert Langdon don’t reveal the secret of

Christianity – Why ?

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Importance of Faith : Life itself goes under the threat without faith on religions not for all but mostly for large group of people.

People are more Emotional rather than Rational.

For them it is not only Religion but sometime it is Everything for them.

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They suffer from enigma, mental trauma because they are psychologically weak and suffering from inner illness and need someone or something to put their faith into.

If we cut or take their faith from the religion , they are not able to survive. They merely become skeleton.

The Society is stood up on the pillar of Religions.

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What such religions do in life ?

Gives norms and some regulations to live life

Create some particular community who follow the same sects - People need some similarities to exchange their thoughts

People easily believe in religious rituals rather than scientific reasons.

Try to convey the messages from other’s life like.... Christ, Rama, Krishna etc... which provide some kind of motivations and path to follow under the fear.

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Morality, Some kind of control remains in peoples’ life with fear.

Some kind of culture must be survive with religion rather than Science .

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Atheists are very few who really known the worth of self and opposed the idea of having presence of God .

But they don’t understand the mental sate of other people who are suffering from illness and weakness from the inside. That’s why having the Faith in God is more important for them rather than anything else.

Practise of divinity and having divinity is different things.

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Possibilities of things after reveling the truth of Christianity

1. People may accept the Truth

2. PEOPLE CAN’T ACCEPT THE TRUTH Religious War must be happened

Humanity goes under the threat of Individual

Social moral control is lost –without Fear of religions

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Society can’t depend on Individual’s ethics and Values and because of that

Individualism or Freedom Anarchy must be created in society.

It is individual who makes the Society then even individual is not free to take individual decision because it affects to whole society.

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Robert Langdon’s journey becomes pilgrimage for him

He himself bow down to Mary Magdalene Rather than reveling the secret , he

keeps secret as secret only because He thinks that

“Let them live with their Hope and Faith”

People live their life for sake of religions

If Secret has been revealed the faith of human beings are crush down and society may be crumbled down and havoc is created in society.

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If secret has been revelled to people, Christ Morality is

questioned .

People are not able to understand it with rational

thinking or Jesus life with two point of view that..(1) Personal life

(2) Public Life. They just take decision from emotions and not

accept the reality and also become more violence , too.

Christ sacrifices his life for the Humanity

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Life of Pie

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Let live them with their blind Faith so that they can survive

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•If the Faith of people are broken and then we can’t reconstruct whole idea of living life in the society. It is much terrible for them that there is ‘No one’ to save them.

• It is our construction that

“ God is better than us and He is always right”

Human construction but with this people can live with great satisfaction put his faith in religions and its rituals.

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