
Established 1914

Volume XVIII, Number 57 6th Waxing of First Waso 1372 ME Thursday, 17 June, 2010

NAY PYI TAW, 16 June—Accompanied by Chair-man of Mon State Peace and Development CouncilCommander of South-East Command Maj-Gen ThetNaing Win and officials, Lt-Gen Khin Zaw of theMinistry of Defence on 14 June morning attended thecollectively ploughing of fields for monsoon paddy inBeyan Village, Mudon Township.

He instructed officials to ensure that the region'ssown acreage was not less than that of the previous year,to use fertilizers and pesticide systematically, to supervisework for haresting the paddy fields in order to minimizeloss and wastage.

Lt-Gen Khin Zaw and party viewed the sample

Mudon sees significant progress incultivation of monsoon paddy

strains of paddy and fertilizers on display at the boothof the Myanma Agriculture Service.

After looking into the growing of paddy in thespecial monsoon paddy field and measuring the area ofmodel plot, he presented folio fertilizer to the farmers.

The manager of Kangale Farm of MAS inMudon Township reported on cultivation of crops.Lt-Gen Khin Zaw gave instructions on providingeducative talks on agricultural methods and extensivedistribution of paddy seedlings and viewed the displayof crops from the farm. He inspected thrivingperennial plants and planted a sapling in commemo-ration of his visit.—MNA

NAY PYI TAW, 16 June — The Union Election Commission issuedNotification No. 75/2010 today. The translation of the notification is asfollows:-

The Union of MyanmarUnion Election Commission

Nay Pyi TawNotification No. 75/2010

5th Waxing of First Waso, 1372 ME16 June 2010

Ethnic National Development Party (ENDP) is granted permissionto register as political party

The Union Election Commission granted permission to the EthnicNational Development Party with its headquarter at No. (Ah/91), Lailinpiin Matupi Township of Chin State to register as a political party in accordwith the Article 9 of the Political Parties Registration Law as of 16 June2010.

The registration number of the Ethnic National Development Party(ENDP) is (33).

By orderSd/ Win Ko Secretary

Union Election Commission

Ethnic National Development Party grantedpermission to register as political party

NAY PYI TAW, 16 June — Of the parties that have been grantedpermission to set up political parties, the Kaman National ProgressiveParty submitted application to register as a political party to the UnionElection Commission today.

Of the 34 parties that submitted applications for registration aspolitical party, the Union Election Commission has found the EthnicNational Development Party to be in accord with the Political PartiesRegistration Law and Rules, and thus the commission granted permissionto the party to register as a political party today.

Up to date, there are 42 parties that submitted applications to formand to continue existence as political parties. Thirty-three of the 34 partiesthat submitted applications for registration as political party have beengranted permission to register as political parties and the remaining partiesare under scrutiny.


Applications for registration of

political party scrutinized, passed

* Development of agriculture as the base andall-round development of other sectors of theeconomy as well

* Proper evolution of the market-oriented eco-nomic system

* Development of the economy inviting par-ticipation in terms of technical know-howand investments from sources inside thecountry and abroad

* The initiative to shape the national economymust be kept in the hands of the State and thenational peoples

* Uplift of the morale and morality of theentire nation

* Uplift of national prestige and integrityand preservation and safeguarding of cul-tural heritage and national character

* Uplift of dynamism of patriotic spirit* Uplift of health, fitness and education

standards of the entire nation

* Stability of the State, community peace andtranquillity, prevalence of law and order

* National reconsolidation* Emergence of a new enduring State Consti-

tution* Building of a new modern developed nation

in accord with the new State Constitution

Four economic objectives

Four social objectives

Four political objectives

Lt-Gen Khin Zaw of Ministry of Defenceinspects monsoon paddy plantation in Beyan

Gwin special zone.—MNA

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2 THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Thursday, 17 June, 2010

Thursday, 17 June, 2010

PERSPECTIVES* Oppose those relying on external elements, acting as stooges, holding negative views* Oppose those trying to jeopardize stability of the State and progress of the nation* Oppose foreign nations interfering in internal affairs of the State* Crush all internal and external destructive elements as the common enemy

People’s Desire

Magway Division is located in the dryregion of Myanmar. As part of efforts to turnit into a lush and green region, the ShwebonHill greening project commenced in ChaukTownship of Magway District beginning2000-2001.

A total of 520,000 neem saplings andother plants were grown on 3450 acres oflands for greening Shwebon Hill. Especially,the plan is under way to extend cultivation ofthe saplings suitable for the region.

Chauk Township is one of thedeveloping industrial regions in MagwayDivision. Chauk has Advanced InsulatorFactory (Chauk) of Myanma CeramicIndustries under the Ministry of Industry-1,No. 2 Oil Refinary (Chauk) of MyanmaPetrochemical Enterprise under the Ministryof Energy and Hydrogen Peroxide Factory(Chauk) of Myanma Paper and ChemicalIndustries under the Ministry of Industry-1.

Hydrogen Peroxide Factory produceshydrogen peroxide to be used in industries,health and agricultural tasks. Hydrogenperoxide is being used in bleaching pulp andtextile products, treatment and preservationof chemicals, for personal hygiene andpreparing foods, and in agriculture andmineral smelting. At present, the factory isproducing hydrogen peroxide for export andfor domestic use.

Nowadays, all-out efforts are beingmade in extending establishment of forestsand growing of trees and shade plants to turnthe region of Magway Division lush and green.In addition, the government has set upfactories and workshops so as to create jobsfor the residents. As such, the local people areto efficiently make use of the good opportunityfor uplifting their living standards.

Efficiently make use of jobopportunities

NAY PYI TAW, 16 June— Minister for ForeignAffairs U Nyan Winreceived Iraniangoodwill delegation ledby Deputy Minister MrMohammad AliFathollahi of the Ministryof Foreign Affairs of theIslamic Republic of Iranat the ministry here thisafternoon. A l s opresent at the call wereDeputy Director-GeneralU Hauk Do Swam ofPolitical Department ofthe Ministry of ForeignAffairs, Head of officeU Tha Aung Nyunt and

Foreign Affairs Minister receives Iranian delegation

Iranian Ambassador toMyanmar Mr MajidBizmark.—MNA

NAY PYI TAW, 16 June—Deputy Minister forHealth Dr Paing Soe received General Manager MrKiyoyoshi Katagiri of Mitsubishi Corporation ofJapan at this office here yesterday.

Japan to provide medical teaching aids to Myanmar

At the call, they discussed matters onproviding teaching aids to Universities of Medicineunder the Ministry of Health.


Foreign Affairs Minister U Nyan Win receivesIranian Deputy Foreign Affairs Minister MrMohammad Ali Fathollahi and party.—MNA

Deputy Health

Minister Dr Paing

Soe meets General

Manager Mr

Kiyoyoshi Katagiri

of Mitsubishi

Corporation of



STI Education to holdseminar on educationYANGON, 16 June—STI Education is conducting

international recognized certificates, diplomas,advanced diplomas and officer-level diplomacourses.

These courses cover seminar, teaching andexaminations supervised by experienced nativeteachers. STI has made an arrangement to holdseminar on job opportunity for youth at TradersHotel on 20 June (Sunday). Foundation course ofSTI will be discussed at the seminar. Educationconsultants of STI will also discuss job opportunity,pathway to oversea learning, a variety of fields fromdiploma to post-graduate level and techniques.

Those interested may register STI Education,No. 377, Shwebontha road (Upper block), PabedanTownship, here, Ph-250056 and 700273, and Ward-4, Room-No. (7), Myanmar Info-Tech, HlineCampus Ph-507046/48 and 507151/52) in advance.The seminar is free of charge.—MNA

YANGON, 16 June—Israeli Travel AgentsDelegation conductedFamiliarization trip toMyanmar from 9 to 15June, 2010, organizedby Union of MyanmarTravel Association(UMTA), MyanmarMarketing Committee(MMC) and MyanmarHotelier Association(MHA) cooperated withthe Embassy of Israel.

Seminar andBusiness Matching on

Israeli Travel Agents FAMtrip to Myanmar

Myanmar-Israel touristrelation was held on 15June at Park Royal Hotelin Yangon withparticipation from bothsides, opening remarksby Ambassador of Israeland Chairman of UMTA.

Tourists from Israelvisit Myanmar regularlybut this is the one kind ofinitiative of suchdelegation, which aimsto promote the tourismrelations between thetwo countries.—MNA

Myanmar WWW Institute torestart courses in June

YANGON, 16 June—Myanmar WWW Institutewill start new sections for IT Essentials and SystemEssentials and online Application Development (OJT)courses in this month.

The two-month IT Essentials course focuseson proficiency in microsoft Window system, graphicdesign, basic knowledge for web and applicationdevelopment, and programming surfing internet andhandling Email.

The System Essentials course which will lastone and half month covers subjects of computerinstallation, maintenance and repair, and networksecurity administration.

Aimed at inexperienced youths opted the ITcareer, Online Application Development OJT Courseis scheduled to open during the first week of July.

Those interested may contact the MyanmarWWW Institute at Campus (5), Room No. (4),Myanmar Info-Tech, Hline Campus, here, (Ph:652320, 652288 and 521125).—MNA

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THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Thursday, 17 June, 2010 3

US and allies kill, injureIraqi people

BAGHDAD, 16 June— There has been daily casualties in Iraq since the USand its allies have invaded the country.

Casualties of Iraqi peopleThe total number of casualties as from the day they invaded the country

to 16 June reached 701825 and the total number of seriously injuredpeople reached 1268807, according to the news on the Internet.

No. Subject Number1. Death toll of Iraqi people 7018252. The total number of seriously injured people 1268807


Casualties of Afghan people in invasion ofNATO troops led by US

KABUL, 16 June—The NATO troops led by the US have invadedAfghanistan and they are there for a long time.

A number of Afghan people are killed and injured due to invasion ofthe NATO troops led by the US.

Casualties of Afghan peopleAccording to the Internet news, a total of 32904 Afghan people were

killed and 39432 injured seriously as from the day when the NATO troopsled by the US invaded Afghanistan to 16 June.

No. Subject Number1. Number of Afghan people killed 329042. Seriously injured Afghan people 39432


Car bomb kills 3 includingdistrict chief in S Afghanistan

KANDAHAR, 16 June—A car bomb organized bymilitants claimed the lives of three persons includingdistrict chief in Taleban birthplace Kandahar insouth Afghanistan on Tuesday, police said.

“A car laden with explosive device wasdetonated by militants through remote controlstruck the vehicle of Hajji Abdul Jabbar, thegovernor of Arghandab district this afternoon, as aresult Jabbar, his son and his bodyguard werekilled on the spot,” deputy to provincial policechief Fazal Ahmad Khan Shirzad told Xinhua.

However, he did not give more details. Kandaharhas been the scene of increasing militancy over thepast couple of months.

A suicide attack against a wedding party inArghandab District a week ago claimed the lives of84 people including women and children andinjured more than 90 others.—Xinhua

Six killed inshootout in


June—At least sixpeople were killed andthree injured in ashootout which brokeout in Kalat, a city in thecentral BalochistanProvince in southwestPakistan, on Tuesdaynight, local English TVchannel Expressreported.

According to thereport, the shootouthappened at about 8 pmlocal time whenunknown gunmenopened fired at a vehiclein the suburb area ofKalat.

Local sources toldXinhua the shootoutincident is due to tribalfeud and has nothing todo with militancy.

Further details aboutthe incident are notavailable.—Xinhua

Iraqi soldiers killed in bombattacks

BAGHDAD, 16 June—Two Iraqi Army soldierswere killed and eight people injured in bombattacks near Baghdad and in Iraq’s northern city ofMosul on Tuesday, an Interior Ministry sourcesaid.

A roadside bomb exploded near a joint Iraqipolice and army checkpoint near the highway inAbu Ghraib area west of Baghdad, killing a soldierand wounding a policemen, the source told Xinhuaon condition of anonymity.

Iraqi security forces have sealed off the sceneand conducted a search operation in surroundingarea, the source said.

In another incident, four people were woundedwhen a bomb went off in a shop in Abu Ghraib, hesaid.—Xinhua

Afghan police investigate at the site of a bomb blast which killed Afghandistrict chief of Arghandab, Abdul Jabar, in Kandahar city on 15 June,2010. Abdul Jabar and two other passengers were killed when their car

was struck by an explosive device on Tuesday, the governor’s spokesmansaid.—INTERNET

Afghan children are pictured in a village inPanjwai District, southern Afghanistan, on 12

June, 2010.—INTERNET

NATO soldier killed in AfghanistanKABUL, 16 June—Continued militancy has

claimed the life of another NATO soldier inAfghanistan on Tuesday , a press release of NATO-led International Security Assistance Force (ISAF)said.

“An ISAF service member died following asmall-arms attack in eastern Afghanistan today,”the press release added.

The press release, however, did not identify thenational of the victim and the exact place of theincident.

“It is ISAF policy to defer casualty identificationprocedures to the relevant national authorities,” thepress release added.

More than 245 foreign soldiers with majority ofthem Americans have been killed in the militancy-ridden Afghanistan since January this year.


A smoldering vehicle is left at the site of a carbomb attack in Baghdad, Iraq recently. The car

bomb exploded outside a Baghdad policestation Sunday in the deadliest of a pair of

attacks that killed several people in the Iraqicapital, security and hospital officials said.


Roadside bomb kills three insouthern Afghan province

GHAZNI, 16 June—A roadside bomb struck a vehicle of a private securitycompany in Afghanistan’s southern Ghazni province on Wednesday, killingthree, police said.

“The incident took place this morning. As a result, three employees ofRoshan security company were killed,” deputy to provincial police NawrozAli told Xinhua.

Roshan company is a local security company and all the victims areAfghans, he further said, without providing more details.

Ghazni has been the scene of increasing Taliban-linked insurgency sincethe beginning of this year.

Roadside bombings and gun battles have claimed the lives of 10 personsincluding three police and a Polish soldier over the past three days in Ghazniprovince.


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4 THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Thursday, 17 June, 2010

Japan may quit whaling commissionif ban stays put

In this file photo, a Metropolitan PoliceDepartment boat, foreground, escorts the

Japan’s government-backed research whalingvessel Shonan Maru No 2 on the way to Harumi

pier in Tokyo, carrying anti-whaling activisitPete Bethune, captain of the Sea Shepherd

vessel Ady Gil, on board shortly before Japan’scoast guard arrested the New Zealander for

illegally boarding the Japanese ship inFebruary.INTERNET

TOKYO, 16 June—Japan is consideringwithdrawing from theInternational WhalingCommission if no

progress is made towardeasing an internationalban on commercialwhaling, its fisheriesminister said on

Tuesday.The IWC — the

international body thatregulates whaling —will gather for its annualmeeting next week inAgadir, Morocco. Themeeting is expected toseek a compromisebetween pro- and anti-whaling countries,which may includeallowing commercialwhaling on a limitedscale.

A moratorium hasbeen in place for 25years, but countries suchas Japan, Norway andIceland hunt whalesunder a variety ofexceptions to the ban.An IWC proposal wascirculated in April toallow limited comm-ercial hunts for 10 years.


Hot air balloons rise during the Hot Air BalloonChallenge in Haikou, south China’s HainanProvince, on 15 June, 2010. Twelve hot air

balloons succeeded in flying over south China’sQiongzhou Strait.—INTERNET

China sends researchsatellite into space

JIUQUAN, 16 June— China has successfully sentinto space a scientific research satellite at 9:39 amon Tuesday from northwest China’s GansuProvince.

The satellite “Shijian XII,” sent from the JiuquanSatellite Launch Center of Gansu Province, wascarried by the China-developed Long March 2Drocket.

Sources with the launch centre said the satellitewas designed for carrying out scientific andtechnological experiments including spaceenvironment probe, measurement andcommunications.

“Shijian XII” was developed by the ShanghaiAcademy of Spaceflight Technology, a researchinstitution affiliated to state-run China AerospaceScience and Technology Corporation.


The China-developed Long March 2D rocketcarrying the scientific research satellite, “Shijian

XII”, is launched from the Jiuquan SatelliteLaunch Center in northwest China’s Gansu

Province, on 15 June, 2010. —XINHUA

Japan seeks Guinness recordlisting for space probe

TOKYO, 16 June—Japan’s space agency hasapplied for a Guinness World Records listing afterits Hayabusa space probe returned from a seven-year journey to an ancient asteroid, an official saidTuesday.

Hayabusa, “falcon” in Japanese, left Earth in2003 and returned late Sunday, completing a five-billion-kilometre (three-billion-mile) round trip tothe potato-shaped Itokawa asteroid.

The Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency, orJAXA, on Monday applied to the London-basedGuinness World Records to list Hayabusa’strailblazing journey, an official with the agencysaid.

“We are seeking its recognition as the first-everspacecraft that landed on and returned from acelestial body other than the moon, and also forcompleting the longest ever (space) journey,” theofficial said.

JAXA is not seeking recognition of the totaldistance Hayabusa travelled as it is a rough estimateand not scientifically important, she said.


Russian manned spaceship blastsoff to ISS

MOSCOW, 16 June —A Russian spaceshipcarrying three astronautsblasted off from theBaikonur space centrein Kazakhstan earlyWednesday, local mediareported.

Russian televisionshowed that a Soyuz-FGrocket carrying theSoyuz TMA-19 spa-ceship lifted off at 01:35am Moscow time (2135GMT Tuesday) from thesouthern Kazakh steppe.

The spacecraft isscheduled to dock withthe International SpaceStation (ISS) at 02:25 amMoscow time (2225GMT) on 18 June aftertwo days of flight.

The 24th ISSmission, consisting ofRussian cosmonautYury Yurchihin,

The Soyuz-FG rocket booster with the SoyuzTMA-19 spacecraft carrying a new crew to theinternational space station (ISS) blasts off fromat the Russian leased-Baikonur cosmodrome,Kazakhstan, on, 16 June, 2010 in Baikonur.


NASA’s DouglasWheelock and ShannonWalker, will join anotherthree astronauts alreadyat the space station, thusrestoring the ISS to itsfull capacity of six crewmembers.

Among the threecrewmembers, 45-year-old Shannon Walker isthe only female and theonly one that flies to ISSfor the first time.


Contestant LiuYong, who lifts the50-kilogram tripod32 times within thethree-minute time

limit, wins the“conqueror” title of

a tripod liftingcompetition inSuqian, east

China’s JiangsuProvince, 15 June,



LONDON, 16 June—The world’s oldestknown example of a figwasp has been identifiedfrom the Isle of Wight.Dating back 34 millionyears, the fossil wasplooks almost identical tothe modern species,suggesting the speci-alized insect hasremained virtuallyunchanged for at leastthat long.

When discovered inthe 1920s on the largestisland of England, thefossils had beenwrongly identified asbelonging to an ant.New analyses of thespecimens suggest

World’s oldest fig waspdiscovered

instead they belong to afig wasp. “We believefrom molecularevidence that fig waspsand fig trees have beenevolving together forover 60 million years,”said Steve Compton, afig wasp expert at theUniversity of Leeds inEngland. “Now we havefossil confirmation thatgets us a bit closer to thatdate. Although we oftenthink of the world asconstantly changing,what this fossil gives usis an example ofsomething remainingunchanged for tens ofmillions of years.”


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THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Thursday, 17 June, 2010 5

Drug that stops bleeding could savelives

LONDON, 16 JUNE—Adrug commonly used toprevent excess bleedingin surgeries could keepthousands of peoplefrom bleeding to deathafter trauma, a new studysuggests. The drug,tranexamic acid (TXA)is cheap, widely ava-ilable around the worldand easily administered,experts said. It works bysignificantly reducingthe rate at which bloodclots break down, the

Study probes causes of angerin returning US soldiers

WASHINGTON, 16 June— Sleep problems,irritability, concentrationproblems, jumpiness andfeeling constantly “onguard” are among thehyperarousal symptomsof post-traumatic stressdisorder (PTSD) assoc-iated with anger andhostility in US soldiersreturning from Iraq andAfghanistan, resear-chers say.

“Most returningveterans don’t havePTSD or difficulty withanger and aggressi-veness, but for the subset

Docs should assess lung clotrisk before ordering scan

SACRAMENTO, 16 June — CT angiography mightnot be necessary in many patients suspected ofhaving a blood clot in the lung (pulmonaryembolism), and a risk analysis can identify thosemost likely to require the procedure, a new studysuggests. Pulmonary embolism (PE) occurs whena blood clot, usually from the leg, moves throughthe bloodstream and lodges in an artery in the lung.The condition can be fatal, so prompt diagnosis isessential.


Key blood sugar testseems to differ by raceATLANTA, 16 June— The hemoglobin A1C test

is supposed to give doctors a sense of diabetics’long-term blood sugar levels, but new researchsuggests the test may have different resultsdepending on race, even if daily blood sugar levelsare the same. What’s more, those differencesbecame greater as blood sugar levels and A1Cincreased, according to the new analysis, which ispublished in the 15 June issue of the Annals ofInternal Medicine. “We found that those who self-identify as black, on average, had higher A1Csthan those who self-identify as white,” said studyauthor Dr. David Ziemer, an associate professor inthe division of endocrinology and metabolism atthe Emory University School of Medicine in Atlanta.


A World Wildlife Fund-provided photo shows aJavanese rhino in WestJava. A second animal

has died in Indonesia, itslast and only stronghold,conservationists said onTuesday, underscoringthe need to expand thecritically endangered

mammals’ last refuge.INTERNET

More than one billion poor and vulnerable people living in the world’sdrylands, where efforts to achieve the Millennium Development Goals faceparticular challenges and thus have lagged behind.

Almost three-quarters of rangelands show symptoms of desertification.Over the past 40 years, nearly one third of the world’s cropland has becomeunproductive, often ending up abandoned. The unremitting stress ofdrought, famine and deepening poverty threatens to create social strains, inturn creating the potential for involuntary migration, the breakdown ofcommunities, political instability and armed conflict. Indeed, human,environmental and social vulnerability come together with unusual forceand symmetry in the world’s drylands. Climate change will only exacerbatesuch pressures.

In this International Year of Biodiversity, we must remember thatdrylands are areas of enormous biological diversity and productivity. Thirtyper cent of the crops that are cultivated and consumed in every corner of theworld originate in drylands. The biodiversity of dryland soil also plays acritical role in transforming atmospheric carbon into organic carbon - theearth’s largest pool of organic carbon.

When we protect and restore drylands, we advance on many fronts atonce: we strengthen food security, we address climate change, we help thepoor gain control over their destiny, and we accelerate progress towards theachievement of the Millennium Development Goals. On this Day, let usreaffirm our commitment to combating desertification and land degradationand mitigating the effects of drought; and let us recognize that enhancingsoils enhances life.


The United Nations Secretary General’sMessage on the World Day to Combat

Desertification and Drought,17 June 2010

researchers explained.“When people have

serious injuries, whetherfrom accidents orviolence, and when theyhave severe hemorrhagethey can bleed to death.This treatment reducesthe chances of bleedingto death by about asixth,” said researcherDr Ian Roberts, aprofessor of epide-miology at the LondonSchool of Hygiene andTropical Medicine in the

UK.According to Rob-

erts, each year about600,000 people bleed todeath worldwide. “So, ifyou could reduce thatby a sixth, you’ve saved100,000 lives in oneyear,” he said. Thereport, which wasprimarily funded byphilanthropic groups andthe British government,is published in the 15June online edition ofThe Lancet.—Internet

This file photo shows South Korean robot (right)fighting with Japanese robot during a

‘humanoid robot fight competition’ in Seoul, in2004. S.Korea is planning to stage robot

taekwondo bouts, blending the country’s ancientmartial art with cutting edge technology,

according to officials.—INTERNET

of veterans who do, thisstudy may help identifyrelated symptoms andother risk factors,” EricElbogen, of the VISN 6Mental Illness Research,Education and ClinicalCentre and the VAMedical Centre inDurham, NC, said in anAmerican PsychiatricAssociation newsrelease.

Feeling of hostilitycan make it tough forveterans to try and adjustto civilian life, theresearchers note.


Japanese post-graduate student KosukeNakamura plays with the robot baby named

Noby (short for “nine-month-old baby”), that is71 cm in height and weighs 7.9kg, at a

laboratory at the Tokyo University on 15 June.Japanese researchers have created the babyrobot designed to simulate the behavior anddevelopment of a real infant in an effort to

better understand how humans grow up.INTERNET

A worker holds aturtle River Terrapins(Batagur baska) at ananimal sanctuary in

Jakarta, in 2002. TheSchoenbrunn Zoo in

Vienna said it hassuccessfully bred the

Batagur baska — oneof the most

endangered species ofturtle — for the first

time in captivity.INTERNET


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6 THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Thursday, 17 June, 2010

Best buy 1Q net incomerises, but misses view

MINNEAPOLIS, 16J u n e — E l e c t r o n i c sretailer Best Buy saidTuesday that consumersbought more cell phonesat its mobile unit in thefirst quarter, but itsresults missed expe-ctations and sharestumbled nearly 5 percentin premarket trading.

Best Buy said it soldmore TVs but that wasoffset by falling TVprices. Sales notebookcomputers, mobilephones and applianceswere strong but gaming,music and movies wereweaker.

Its net income edgedup 1 percent to $155

million, or 36 cents pershare, from $153million, or 36 cents pershare, last year.

Revenue rose alm-ost 7 percent to $10.79billion from $10.1billion.

Analysts polled byThomson Reuters expe-cted earnings of 50 centsper share on higherrevenue of $10.93billion. The estimatestypically exclude one-time items.

Revenue in storesopen one year rose 2.8percent. The measure isa key indicator of aretailer’s financialhealth.—Xinhua

A lion cub yawns at the Lion Park inJohannesburg, during a visit of the Sloveniannational football team during the 2010 World

Cup in South Africa.—INTENRET

Brazil to lead agricultureboom as Europe imports

ROME, 16 June—Therising economies of Brazil,China, and India will seestrong growth in theiragricultural sectors in thenext decade as outputremains stagnant amongbig importers in WesternEurope, internationalexperts forecast onTuesday. Russia andUkraine will also makebig gains while high prices,which had caused riotsover the cost of stapleslike rice and bread in somedeveloping countries in2008, will likely easesomewhat, according to areport by the UN Foodand Agriculture Orga-nization and Organizationfor Economic Co-operation and Deve-

lopment. The annualAgricultural Outlookreport said it correctlyanticipated last year thatinternational market pricesfor most agriculturalproducts would haveretreated “considerably”in 2009 due to a “strongproduction response andlower demand due to therecent high prices and withthe onset of the globalrecession.” Soaring fuelprices and demand forbiofuels had helped driveup food prices dram-atically in 2007-2008.Allowing for inflation,food prices are expectedto be much lower overthis decade than in thosetwo peakprice years, thereport said.—Xinhua

File photo shows fishermen slaughtering a 10m-long bottlenose whale at Wada port in Minami-Boso city, Japan. Companies in Japan, Iceland

and Norway are developing whale-basedproducts ranging from drugs to cosmetics toanimal feed, banking on the resumption of

global trade, according to a report.—INTERNET

China calls for int’l cooperationin promoting jobs recovery

GENEVA, 16 June— Asenior Chinese officialon Monday called forcontinued internationalcooperation in tacklingunemployment andother social problemscaused by the globalfinancial crisis.

“The internationalfinancial crisis is stillongoing, and inparticular jobs recoveryin many countries lag farbehind their economicrecovery,” said WangXiaochu, deputy min-ister of human resourcesand social security.

“As the destiny ofcountries is interco-nnected in this world, weneed to work together

A ‘Sky’ remote control ispictured in central London.

Rupert Murdoch’s NewsCorp. has revealed a bid of7.8 billion pounds ($11.5billion) for full control of

British pay-TV giant BSkyB,but the television giant which

screens Premier Leaguefootball has demanded


Philippine gov’t raises 2010 GDP forecast to5 to 6 pct

MANILA, 16 June — Philippine economic managers raised GDP growthforecast this year to 5 to 6 percent on back of strong consumption.

In a text message sent to reporters Tuesday, Acting SocioeconomicPlanning Secretary Augusto B. Santos said “ investments and consumptionwill be the main drivers of growth.”

Santos sent the message shortly afte attending the Cabinet- levelDevelopment Budget Coordination Committee (DBCC).

The DBCC has likewise revised this year’s fiscal deficit forecast to hit 3.6percent of the country’s GDP. The earlier estimate is a range of 2.6 percentto 3.6 percent. The original growth forecast for this year was pegged at 2.6 to3.6 percent. But the stronger than expected 7.3 percent growth in the firstquarter, thanks to election spending, prompted the DBCC to raise this year’sGDP forecast.—Xinhua

France to invest325 mln euros in Haiti

SANTO DOMINGO, 16 June–- Ambassador of Franceto Haiti Didier Le Bret said on Monday that hiscountry will invest 325 million euros (about 398million dollars) in the coming two years in Haiti.

Le Bret said France will aid the country oneducation, infrastructure and attraction of foreigninvestments.

He said the government of France allowed 40million euros (about 49 million dollars) to lightenHaiti’s budget after the earthquake on 12Jan, whichkilled at least 300,000 people.

Le Bret and Dominican Republic representativeto Haiti Ronald Ruveltrand headed the donation ofa convoy of 112 vehicles for the Haitian Police onMonday at Haina port in the east of the DominicanRepublic.

The Dominican authorities organized the logisticservice to transport the equipments to Haiti.

The Dominican troops guarded the convoy,which departed on Monday night to Haiti.


like passengers in thesame boat to overcomethe impact of the crisis,strive to build a globalenvironment that is morefair and equitable, andachieve as quickly aspossible recovery andinclusive growththrough decent work,”Wang said.

The official wasaddressing a high-levelsession of the 99thInternational LabourConference, which lastsfrom June 1 to June 18focusing on globalemployment issuesfollowing the economiccrisis.

Wang said theChinese government had

adopted a host ofmeasures aimed atpromoting a more activeemployment policy andimproving the socialsecurity system, as partof the country’s effortsto implement theInternational Labou`rOrganization’s GlobalJobs Pact.

He said thosemeasures had beensuccessful. “By the endof 2009, the mostdifficult period foremployment in Chinawas over. Some 11.02million new jobs hadbeen created in urbanareas in the whole year.”



A man walks through rain water which floodedseveral malls along the main commercial areaon 16 June, 2010 in Singapore which has beenexperiencing unusually wet weather for the past


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THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Thursday, 17 June, 2010 7

Out of great desireto visit Shanywa RiverWater Pumping Project,I dropped in Elar on mytrip from Nay Pyi Taw.

After we had metthe guide on Elarcircular road, we werein a hurry to proceed tothe destination. In orderto save valuable time,we next proceeded tothe bank of the riverPaunglaung.

The water pumpingproject over Paung-laung (or) SittoungRiver is the only one ofits kind in Nay Pyi TawDistrict or Nay Pyi TawLewe. The project waslaunched on 1 January2000 and completed on28 February 2002. Thefacility was put intocommission in 2003. Itbenefits 4000 acres offarmlands: 2000 acresof monsoon andsummer paddy fields,

Prudent river water pumping project in Shanywa Village, ElarByline: Zaw Win (Kyemon); Photos: Khin Maung Win (Kyemon)

The intake structure of Shanywa River Water Pumping Station on the bank of the river Paunglaung.

U Hla Myint (Manager, Myanma AgricultureService, Nay Pyi Taw Lewe Township)

Farmer U NyuntWai of Shanywa


Paddy thrives in Shanywa Village due to the water pumping project.

Farmer U Tin Sein ofShanywa Village.

and 2000 acres of othercrops.

Beyond the nearlytwo miles long maincanal was the mainwaterworks over theriver Paunglaung thatsnakes itself along itsroute. Making furtherclarification to theproject, Head U Ye MyintSoe of the WaterResources UtilizationDepartment told The

Kyemon that the maincanal was 25,000 feetlong, and its foursecondary canals,22,132 feet long; andthat with the use of five20-inch diameter cusecsand five 110-kilowattmotors, water wascontinuously pumpedfrom the river to benefit1200 acres of summerpaddy fields in theirrigated areas of seven

villages of Alei-kyunand Yaykartar village-tracts: Bwetkyi,Shanywa, Zeebyudan,Yaykar, Bogadaw,Myaungmya andKyodan. After ourdiscussions withsummer paddy farmersabout Shanywa RiverWater Pumping Project

the facility was morebeneficial to the regionthan we expected.

Farmer U Nyunt Waiof Shanywa Village saidthat he had seven acres

of paddy fields and gotper acre yield of nearly150 baskets of paddy;that before the project,he used to growmonsoon paddy andcorn; that but then hehad launched triple-cropping pattern ofmonsoon paddy, black

gram and summerpaddy a year; that hewas getting on with hisbusiness, so he had builta new house roofed withcorrigurated iron sheet,bought two GundawnBrand machines and amotorbike; and that hegot advancedagricultural methodsand fertilizers from theMyanma AgricultureService.

Farmer U Tin Seinof the same village saidthat he grew summerpaddy, black gram andmonsoon paddy on hisfive-acre land; and thathis village had enjoyedeconomic growth for 10years.

The agriculturalmanager said that theirregion chose the paddystrain of the shortestlifespan, but the highestper acre yield; that MASwas providing paddyseeds to the village andnearby villages; andthat the region hadtransformed a lot fromtraditional tomechanized farmingdue to the extensive useof heavy machinery.

The economicdevelopment enjoyedby farmers U NyuntWai and U Tin Sein hasevidenced that riverwater pumping stationsgreatly benefitfarmlands across thenation.

*****Translation: MS

Kyemon: 13-6-2010

that has benefitted theregion for more than onedecade, we noticed that

17-6-2010 NL.pmd 6/17/2010, 2:39 AM7

8 THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Thursday, 17 June, 2010

1. The Kaman National ProgressiveParty headquartered at No (460)on fourth floor on MyalayyonStreet in Mittanyunt Ward inTamway Township of YangonDivision on 16-6-2010 submittedits applications to register as apolitical party under the Article-5of Political Parties RegistrationLaw. In its application, it ismentioned that the party will useits name, flag and seal described

Public announcement for remonstration

Flag of the Kaman NationalProgressive Party

hereunder.2. It is hereby announced in accord

with Political Parties RegistrationRules 14 (d) that if there is anyonewho wants to remonstrate aboutthe name, flag and seal of theparty, they may remonstrate withthe Union Election Commissionwith firm evidence within sevendays from the day of theannouncement.

Union Election Commission

Seal of the Kaman NationalProgressive Party

NAY PYI TAW, 16 June—Heavyrains and strong winds causeddamage to many houses andbuildings, floods and landslides inMinbya, Ponnagyun, Kyauktaw,Buthitaung and Maungtaw townshipsof Rakhine State from 13 to 15 June.

Yesterday, heavy rains and strongwinds blew off roofs of houses andbuildings, fell some buildings andcaused damage to bridges and erosionof some sections of roads in Minbya,Ponnagyun and Kyauktaw townships.

On 13 and 14 June, some parts ofwards were in floods as tall as abouttwo feet due to the heavy rains.Yesterday, the region faced recordrainfalls of 13.47 inches. In

Heavy rains, strong winds destroy houses, cause floods andlandslides in some townships of Rakhine State

Local authorities, officials provide assistance for rescue andevacuation of flood victims

consequence, landslides killed 28people from many huts on hillsides.In Maungtaw Township, a total of 18persons were killed and four woundedin the landslides due to heavy rains.

The local authorities and officialsare carrying out rescue works for thevictims in the flooding and landslideareas and evacuated flood victimhouseholds to the safe places. Inaddition, necessary assistance suchas foodstuff, medicines, clothes andother relief items were provided tothem, and arrangements are beingmade to reopen Buthitaung-Maungtaw motor road as soon aspossible.


YANGON, 14 June—Executive U Tun TunNaing of MyanmarComputer IndustryAssociation (MCIA) lefthere yesterday forSingapore to attend the21st InternationalCommunications andI n f o r m a t i o nTechnology Exhibition& Conference inSingapore from 15 to18 June.

He was seen off atYangon InternationalAirport by Secretary UHtin Aung Khaing ofMCIA and Joint-secretary 2 U ZawMin Oo.


MCIA executive leaves for Singapore

Yangon East District IPRD Staff Officer UTin Ko accepts cash and kind from a

wellwisher at the ceremony to donate booksand cash to Dagon Myothit (North)

Township Information and Public RelationsDepartment, at Yangon West District IPRD

office at 22/24 on Pansodan Street on 8June.—TOWNSHIP IPRD

YANGON, 14 June—Youth Camp for Asia’sFuture 2010 will be heldin the Republic of Koreafrom 28 July to 11August. A total of 207youths from 23 countrieswill participate in eventhosted by the Ministryof Gender Equality andFamily of the Republicof Korea and organizedby National Council ofyouth organizations inKorea.

Any interestedMyanmar youths agedbetween 18 and 30 may

Youth Camp for Asia’s Future 2010 for Korea crazyapply to take part in thecamp. Applicants mustbe proficient in English.Priority will be given tothose who are studyingKorean Language, orwho have genuineinterest in Korean foodmaking and Koreanbeauty culture such asnail-art, skin-care, makeup and hair-do. Koreanembassy will select ninecandidates. Those whowere selected for theprevious Youth Campsare not eligible to applyfor. The selected

candidates’ roundtripairfare, board andlodging will be providedby the organizers.

Application form isavailable at Embassy ofRepublic of Korea,No.97, UniversityAvenue, BahanTownship, Yangon, Tel:527142/4. Interestedapplicants should submitapplications forms to theembassy by 22 June(Tuesday). Personalinterview will take placeon 25 June.


NAY PYI TAW, 14 June— Minister for Financeand Revenue U Hla Tunaccompanied by themanaging director ofMyanma EconomicBank and the director-general of InternalRevenue Departmentvisited TownshipMyanma EconomicBank (Branch) andoffice of townshipInternal Revenue

F&R Minister visits MEBs (Branch) inMagway, Mandalay Divisions

Department in Chauk,Magway Division on 12June.

After hearing reportspresented by officials,the minister stressed theneed for meeting thework targets.

At TownshipMyanma EconomicBank (Branch) inNyaungU, MandalayDivision, the ministercalled on officials to

fulfill financial needs oflocal people for regionaldevelopment.

On his arrival atK y a u k p a d a u n gTownship MEB(Branch) and MeiktilaTownship MEB(Branch) on 13 June, theminister urged officialsto perform financialservices in accord withlaw, rules andregulations.—MNA

Executive U Tun Tun Naing of MyanmarComputer Industry Association seen at Yangon

International Airport before departure forSingapore.—MNA

14th State/Division TaekwandoCompetitions concludes

YANGON, 14 June —Chairman of MyanmarOlympic CommitteeMinister for Sports ThuraU Aye Myint attendedthe prize presentationceremony of the 14th

S t a t e / D i v i s i o nT a e k w a n d oCompetitions at thegymnasium in Aung SanStadium, here, thisafternoon.

General Secretary ofMOC Director-GeneralU Thaung Htaik ofSports and PhysicalEducation Departmentpresented prizes tooutstanding athletes andcoaches.

The ministerpresented championshipshields and duplicateshields to responsiblepersons of YangonDivision team (women)

who won 10 goldmedals, three silvermedals and one bronzemedal and Yangon

Division team (men) whowon 12 gold medals andone silver medal in thecompetitions—MNA

Myanmar, Vietnamese entrepreneurs to meet on 21 JuneYANGON, 16 June—

Jointly organized byUnion of MyanmarFederation of Chambersof Commerce andIndustry (UMFCCI) andHanoi People Committee

of Vietnam, betweenMyanmar andV i e t n a m e s eentrepreneurs will meetat Park Royal Hotel inYangon on 21 June.Interested Myanmar

entrepreneurs mayregister at UMFCCI andfor more information,may contact InternationalRelation Department ofUMFCCI, Ph-214344and 214349.—MNA

17-6-2010 NL.pmd 6/17/2010, 2:39 AM8

THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Thursday, 17 June, 2010 9

(from page 16)While in Indaw,

Chairman of IndawTownship Peace and De-velopment Council UMyint Win explained, “Atotal of seven local roadsare being tarmacked withthe contributions of theTownship DevelopmentAffairs Committee and thelocal people. As part ofefforts to undertake ruraldevelopment tasks, twotarred roads are under con-struction in Mawlu region.Agriculture is main busi-ness of the township. Thetownship sets a plan to

Indaw in Sagaing Divisionmarching toward…

Indaw Township DAC Executive Officer U Than Naing Oo.

Signboard and flowery plants at entrance to Indaw.

YANGON, 16 June—Jointly organized by Unionof Myanmar Federation of Chambers of Commerceand Industry (UMFCCI) and Thai-based Taiwan Ex-ternal Trade Development Council (TAITRA), a dis-cussion between Myanmar and China (Taipei) entre-preneurs will be held at Chatrium Hotel in Yangon on28 June. Interested Myanmar entrepreneurs may reg-ister at UMFCCI by 23 June and more information,contact Ph-214344 and 214349.—MNA

Discussion between Myanmarand Chinese Taipei on 28 June

Chairman of IndawTownship Peace andDevelopment Council

U Myint Win.

Students learning computer science at multimedia class room ofIndaw BEHS.

grow 1400 acres of sum-mer paddy in 2009-2010.The irrigation water isobtained by based ondamming creeks. The lo-cal farmers have put 924acres of land under sum-mer paddy up to now.”

We visited IndawTownship People’s Hos-pital. In the past, it was a16-bed station facility. In2009, the station hospitalwas upgraded to the 25-bed facility. Indeed, the

hospital is reliable for thepatients with malaria dis-ease. It is formed with theoperation theatre and themedical ward for membersof the Sangha. We wit-

nessed nurses and healthstaff were busy in provid-ing health care to the pa-tients at the hospital.

At Indaw TownshipBasic Education HighSchool, we saw buildingsof over 60 years old. It hasone football ground andvegetable patches. In addi-tion, a new building is un-der construction.

Headmaster U HtayWin explained goodwill ofteachers in teaching their

students by conductingpre-tests for achieving 50per cent success in matricu-lation examination 2010.

The school is lo-cated on 3.941 acres of landin Aungmyitta Ward. In1948, it was a primaryschool. The facility wasupgraded to the middleschool in 1953. On 1 Au-gust 1958, the school be-came Basic EducationHigh School that got per-mission to open the ma-triculation exam centre in1974. On 4-2-2010, themultimedia classroomswere opened for enablingthe student to get compu-ter knowledge.

Indaw Townshiphas two BEHSs, two BEHS

branches, two AffiliatedBEHSs, four BEMSs,eight BEMS branches, 24Post-Primary Schools, sixBEPS branches, 94BEPSs, 17 AffiliatedBEPSs and five monasticeducation schools.

Before returning toKatha, we visited Indawrailway station, IndawDevelopment AffairsCommittee’s Market andIndaw Township Informa-tion and Public Relations

Department.We learned that

Indaw Township DAC hasconstructed 3 miles and 7furlongs long tarred road,1 mile and four furlongslong gravel road, 1 mileand 6 furlongs long earthroad, 17 concrete bridgesand 30 wooden bridges inthe urban area and 1 mileand 3 furlongs long tarredroad, 11.2 furlongs longgravel road, 47 miles and 3furlongs long earth road,three concrete bridges and12 wooden bridges.

Indaw TownshipDAC is supplying potablewater to the local peoplewith the use of one waterpumping station, one30000-gallon water tank,

one 20000-gallon watertank and 54 public watertanks.

The township isconstituted with fourwards and 153 villages of39 village-tracts. Accord-ing to the statistics on 29-2-2010, the township has16073 houses, 16638households and 129,983population.

The township issharing border withMohnyin Township in thenorth, Htigyaing Town-ship in the south, Katha inthe east and Wuntho andBanmauk townships in thewest.

Mandalay-Shwe-bo-Myitkyina Road andMandalay-Myitkyina

railroad pass throughIndaw motor roads toTownship. Indaw is ahub for Mawteik with anine-mile distance,Mezar with 10 miles,Mawlu with 22 milesand Manle with 8 miles.

Indaw Townshipon the track of develop-ment has to march ontowards the goal.

While enjoyingfruits of developmentinfrastructures, the lo-cal people must try hardto build their townshipfor gaining greaterprogress in all aspects.

*****Translation: TTA

Myanma Alin:13-6-2010

Cash donation for MyanmarWomen’s Day

YANGON, 16 June—Hailing the Myanmar Wom-en’s Day which falls on 3 July 2010, a ceremony todonate cash to Myanmar Women’s Affairs Federationwas held at the MWAF on Thanlwin Street, BahanTownship, here, today.

Patrons of the MWAF Daw Ni Ni Win, DawKhin Mi Mi and Daw Myat Theingi, President DawThet Thet Zin and CEC members accepted cash do-nated by departmental officials, social organizationmembers and well-wishers. The president later ex-pressed thanks to donors.—MNA

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International Day Against

Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking


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10 THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Thursday, 17 June, 2010

“Love in a Puff” to open in cinemas

BEIJING, 16 June—Urban romance story “Lovein a Puff” will be opening in mainland cinemas on18 June. Its producer, Media Asia, said that themovie has got a pass from the film bureau forscreening.

According to a report on web portal,the romantic comedy was rated as a third level filmin Hong Kong, which means it’s forbidden forpeople under 18 years of age. Previous reports

Poster of “Love in a Puff.”XINHUA

doubted the film wouldget a screening pass atall, given its discussionof sensitive topics suchas one night stands.

Starring Hong Kongactors Shawn Yue andMiriam Yeung, themovie tells the story oftwo normal youngpeople living in the bigcity and searching forlove. The movie alsodeals with the lives oftoday’s younggeneration and theirattitudes to love.

The film premieredin Hong Kong in Marchduring the annual HongKong Filmart. It wasquickly dubbed directorPang Ho-Cheung’s bestfilm by the festivalaudience. —Xinhua

Scroll painting fetches $17.6 min auction

BEIJING, 16 June—The Sifang 2010 SpringArt Auction was held onSunday at the GrandHotel Beijing, with apainting by SongDynasty (960-1279)artist Ma Hezhi fetching120 million yuan (about$17.56 million).

More than 700 items

Cuban leader honours revolutionaryveteran

HAVANA, 16 June—A revolutionary veteranhas been awarded theOrder of Jose Marti, astate honour tocommemorate nationalhero Jose Marti.

The award waspresented to ArmandoHart Davalos to mark his80th birthday at ameeting of the Councilof Ministers, Cubanmedia reported onSunday.

Hart thanked Cubanleader Raul Castro andformer leader Fidel

Castro for the honour,saying his only merit was“to follow the ideas ofJose Marti and FidelCastro.”

From 1958 to 1959,Hart actively participatedin the Cuban revolutionas a leader of the 26 JulyMovement. After therevolution, he served asMinister of Education1959-1965, playing animportant role in theLiteracy Campaign.

From 1976 to 1997,he served as Minister ofCulture and now is

director of the MartiProgramme Office andthe Jose Marti CulturalSociety.—Xinhua

were sold and fetched atotal of almost 300million yuan. Theauction included a“Chinese Painting andCalligraphy” sessionand a “Porcelain andCrafts” session.

In the “ChinesePainting and Calli-graphy” session, thebidding for a scrollpainting by Ma Hezhi,

who is famous for hislandscape water pain-tings, soared to over 100million yuan in twominutes and finally wentfor 120 million yuan.

The painting depictsthe life of people in theSpring and AutumnPeriod (770BC-256BC)as described in TheBook of Poetry.


New relics found on ancientsunk ship

BEIJING, 16 June—A batch of new relics fromthe ancient sunken ship Nan’ao 1 is open to themedia. They are among the nearly five thousandantiques found underwater. Not only broken piecesare on display but well-preserved ones are alsobeing shown.

This is the biggest blue and white porcelainpiece found so far. Another surprise is a pottery jar,though it’s broken. Melting in the silt, experts havefound some brown grains in the pot which might’vebeen highly sought after seeds.

Other rare findings include a porcelain box forwomen’s make-up. At present, the salvage of therelics is still on going. It’s hoped to be finished byearly July.—Xinhua

In thispublicity

imagereleased byColumbiaPictures,

Jaden Smithas ‘Dre’ isshown in

‘The KarateKid.’ ‘The

Karate Kid’has won a

1980sshowdown at

the boxoffice against

‘The A-Team.’ Theremake of

1984’s‘Karate Kid’debuted at

No. 1 for theweekend witha whopping


Wuxi opens first overseas tourismoffice

BEIJING, 16 June—As part of its tourismpromotion activities, Wuxi, a city in E China’sJiangsu Province, has set up its first overseastourism office in Osaka, Japan, and Wuxi ChinaInternational Travel Service has signed anagreement on close cooperation with Japan WaheiTravel Service.

The tourism industries of Wuxi and Japan havehad a good relationship for a long time.

As one of Japanese tourists’ favourite outboundtourism destinations, Wuxi receives more than100,000 visits each year from Japanese tourists;and the total number of Japanese tourists accountsfor more than 30% of the total number of overseastourists visiting Wuxi each year.

The Japanese side states it will cooperate withtourism operators of Wuxi to promote the tourismimage, products and itineraries of Wuxi, set up atourism promotion website, and organize morecharter flights to Wuxi.—Internet

Anna Kendrick

poses at the 2010

MTV Movie

Awards in Los

Angeles on

7 June, 2010.


A silkworm breeder looks over the fascicled silkworms, at the silkworm-breeding base in Matou town, Zouping County, east China’s Shandong

Province, on 13 June, 2010.XINHUA

Tourists queue up in the rain in front of the

Serbia Pavilion at the World Expo Park in

Shanghai, east China, on 14 June, 2010.


17-6-2010 NL.pmd 6/17/2010, 2:39 AM10

THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Thursday, 17 June, 2010 11

Cuba prepared for arrival of spilledoil

HAVANA, 16 June—Cuba is getting preparedfor a possible arrival ontheir shores of the spilledoil expanding throughthe Gulf of Mexico, asenior official said onTuesday.

General RamonPardo, chief of Cuba’sCivil Defence, toldreporters that expertsfrom Venezuela’s stateoil company Petroleossent by President HugoChavez will help Havanaface the threat of the oilspill caused by theexplosion and sinking of

an oil rig in April,considered the worstenvironmental disasterin US history.

“They are specialistswith much experience,”Pardo said at the EighthInternational Congresson Disasters held inHavana.

Pardo Guerra, whoinaugurated on Tuesdaythe Congress, said theisland is “creating all theconditions, and gettingits population living incoastal areas preparedfor the oil spill.”

“We are preparing

to do everything we can,and, of course, we areready to be supportedby those who have moreexperience in this fieldin order to be able toface a possible disaster,there is no other choice,”Espinosa said.

He recalled thatCuba has experiences indealing with “smallspills” involving shipsand tanks, but not to facea disaster of themagnitude of the currentone in the Gulf ofMexico.


Photo taken on 13 June, 2010 shows sightseers either taking the mat-covered barges or walking on the bank enjoying the landscape on theShantang Street, nicknamed as the “Oriental Water Street”, which has

been listed on the 2nd batch of Chinese Historical and Cultural FamousStreets on 12 June, in Suzhou City, east China’s Jiangsu Province.


Hundreds of aftershocks echoacross Southern CaliforniaLOS ANGELES, 16 June—

Hundreds of aftershocks

echoed across Southern Calif-

ornia on Tuesday after a

magnitude-5.7 temblor struck


Most of the aftershocks

have been small, but more than

two dozen registered

magnitude 3.0 or above, and a

few were more than magnitude

4.0, according to the US

Geological Survey (USGS).

The aftershocks followed

a magnitude-5.7 temblor

which rattled the region on

Monday night. The temblor,

centered about 5 miles (eight

kilometres) southeast of

Ocotillo in Imperial County

A woman rents a bike at a bike-renting serviceoutlet outside a subway station in Beijing,capital of China, on 7 June, 2010. Beijing

authorities aimed to increase the proportion ofcyclists on road from the current 19.7 percent to

23 percent by 2015 for a clearer sky and lesstraffic jams. By then about 1,000 outlets will be

offering 50,000 bikes for rent.XINHUA

and about 90 miles (about 140

kilometres) south of Los

Angeles, was felt over much

of Southern California, but

caused no injuries or damage.

A magnitude-5.7

earthquake is “big enough to

get your attention and possibly

knocks things off shelves,

might cause some cracking in

plaster and so forth,” said

seismologist Kate Hutton at

the California Institute of

Technology (Caltech).

The Monday night quake

was an aftershock of the

magnitude-7.2 quake that

struck the US -Mexican border

on April 4, Hutton said.


American aiming at killingAl-Qaeda chief arrested in


IS L A M A B A D, 16June—Pakistani policedetained an Americanarmed with a dagger, apistol and night visiongoggles for allegedlytrying to sneak intoAfghanistan to huntand kill Al- Qaeda headOsama bin Laden, localTV channels reportedon Tuesday.

Californian GaryFaulkner, 40, wascaught in the

Brumboret Valley nearthe border withAfghanistan’s Nuristanprovince and wasbeing quest ioned,Chitral police ChiefJaffer Khan told theprivate Samaa TV.

“He was roamingin the security zone ina suspicious manner.He had a dagger andnight vision goggleswith him. He is beinginvest igated,” Khansaid.

Mumtaz Ahmed, asenior policeinvest igator , saidFaulkner was alsocarrying a pistol andwas hunting bin Ladenbecause he sufferedpersonal losses in the .11 Sept, 2001 attacks.


Sub-leader of Abu Sayyaf arrestedin Philippines

MANILA, 16 June—Philippine marines onWednesday arrested one of the leaders of the AbuSayyaf terrorists in Southern Philippines, the localmedia reported.

The suspect, Kaiser Said, was captured around5:25 am at a town in BasilanProvince followingintelligence information about the presence of thebandit and his brother, ABS-CBN said,citing an after-operation report of the MarineBattalion Landing Team 1.

Kaiser Said is said to be a sub-leader of theterrorist group, being hunted down by thegovernment. He carries a 1.2 million-peso (25,000US dollars) reward on his head, ABS-CBN said.

Abu Sayyaf was founded in the 1990s and hadperpetrated a number of high-profile attacks,including kidnapping and bombing. The Philippinemilitary estimates the Abu Sayyaf, which has linkswith internal terrorist organizations, has about 400members at present.—Xinhau

Gary Faulkner

Chinese ambassador to Russia Li Hui (3rd Lfront) and China Radio International (CRI)

Deputy Director Zhang Fusheng (3rd R front)and other officials cut the ribbon during thelaunching ceremony of the Chinese teaching

programme “Nihao China” by CRI in Moscow,capital of Russia, on 8 June, 2010. The MajorChinese teaching programme “ Nihao China”will enter Russia’s mainstream broadcasting,printing and Internet media starting from 15

June, China’s state-owned broadcasting stationCRI announced in Moscow on Tuesday.


Kidnapped Swiss-Filipino rescued inS Philippine cityMANILA, 16 June—The Kidnapped

Swiss-Filipino Charlie Rieth wasrescued around 3 am on Wednesdayalong the coast of Zamboanga City insouthern Philippines, police said.

Senior Superintendent FranciscoCristobal of the Directorate forIntegrated Police Operations inWestern Mindanao said 72-year-oldReith was held by more or less threekidnappers, but the group has yet tobe identified.

Rieth was taken from his resthouseat Sitio Karkampo, west of ZamboangaCity, on 4 April, or Easter Sunday. Hiscaptors demanded 20 million pesos(434,782 US dollars) for his release.


Drive safely

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12 THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Thursday, 17 June, 2010

Early treatment with TXA could combat the effectsof serious bleeding.—INTERNET


Consignees of cargo carried on MV MILLEN-NIUM VOY NO (08110) are hereby notified that thevessel will be arriving on 17.6.2010 and cargo will bedischarged into the premises of S.P.W (3) where it willlie at the consignee’s risk and expenses and subject to thebyelaws and conditions of the Port of Yangon.

Damaged cargo will be surveyed daily from 8 amto 11:20 am and 12 noon to 4 pm to Claims Day nowdeclared as the third day after final discharge of cargofrom the Vessel.

No claims against this vessel will be admitted afterthe Claims Day.


AGENT FOR: M/S KM INTER TRANSPhone No: 256916/256919/256921


Consignees of cargo carried on MV KOTATAMPAN VOY NO (329) are hereby notified that thevessel will be arriving on 17.6.2010 and cargo will bedischarged into the premises of A.W.P.T where it willlie at the consignee’s risk and expenses and subject to thebyelaws and conditions of the Port of Yangon.

Damaged cargo will be surveyed daily from 8 amto 11:20 am and 12 noon to 4 pm to Claims Day nowdeclared as the third day after final discharge of cargofrom the Vessel.

No claims against this vessel will be admitted afterthe Claims Day.



Phone No: 256908/378316/376797

CLAIMS DAY NOTICEMV HOANG ANH VOY NO (01)Consignees of cargo carried on MV HOANG ANH

VOY NO (01) are hereby notified that the vessel will bearriving on 16.6.2010 and cargo will be discharged intothe premises of A.W.P.T(3) where it will lie at theconsignee’s risk and expenses and subject to the byelawsand conditions of the Port of Yangon.

Damaged cargo will be surveyed daily from 8 amto 11:20 am and 12 noon to 4 pm to Claims Day nowdeclared as the third day after final discharge of cargofrom the Vessel.

No claims against this vessel will be admitted afterthe Claims Day.



Phone No: 256924/256914

Drug will save livesof accident victims

Tesla Motors hopes to raise$185m from going public

LONDON, 16 June—US electric car maker TeslaMotors has said it hopes to raise $185m (£125m) frominvestors.

Tesla will sell 11.1 million shares, priced at $14 to$16 per share, in an initial public offering (IPO), whileToyota will invest $50m in the firm.

The Toyota deal, which will give the Japanese gi-ant a stake of about 2.5% in Tesla, had been announcedin May. Tesla announced plans to go public in Janu-ary, making it the first US company to do so sinceFord in 1956.

Toyota hopes that as well as access to Tesla’s elec-tric battery expertise, its move will give it the chanceto repair its battered reputation after a series of globalvehicle recalls.

Tesla, which was only formed in 2003, hopes thedeal will help launch it onto the world stage.—Internet

Tesla expects to be loss-making until at least2012.—INTERNET

EU in new deal with US on bankdata access

LONDON, 16 June—The European Commission hasapproved a deal to allow US anti-terror investigators contin-ued access to European bank transaction data.

Data transfers have been suspended since February, whenEuro MPs rejected an earlier draft agreement, saying theprivacy safeguards were inadequate.

The European Parliament still has to vote on the reviseddeal. Commission president Jose Manuel Barroso told MEPsthat the new draft “has strict safeguards on privacy”.—Internet

The swift paymentssystem handles a vastamount of personal


LONDON, 16 June—Upto 100,000 lives could besaved every year if aknown drug were given toseriously bleeding traumapatients, says a reportfrom a global trial.

The research reportedin The Lancet shows thattranexamic acid (TXA),which helps blood to clot,could lower the risk ofdying by 15%.

Developing countrieswould benefit most fromthis treatment, say re-searchers after studying20,000 patients.

Each year 600,000 in-jured patients bleed todeath worldwide.

World Health Organi-zation figures show thatnearly six million peopledie each year from inju-

ries, which accounts for10% of the world’sdeaths. Most of thoseinjury deaths occur indeveloping countries,where deaths from roadtraffic crashes and homi-cide have been steadilyincreasing. Almost halfof those deaths are causedby bleeding.

Although previoussmaller trials had shownthat TXA reduced bleed-ing in patients undergoingmajor surgery, this wasthe first trial to test its ef-fect on injured patientswith severe bleeding.


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THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Thursday, 17 June, 2010 13

Two seriously injured in Papua,Indonesia hit by 7.1-magnitude quake

JAKARTA, 16 June—At least two people havebeen seriously injuredafter a 7.1-magnitudequake hit Papua ofIndonesia onWednesday, officialssaid. “Two people havebeen evacuated toGeneral Hospital in Biakas they got seriousinjuries in thequake,”head of crisiscenter of the HealthMinistry Mujiharto toldXinhua over phone.

Indonesian Meteor-ology and GeophysicsAgency has lifted a

tsunami warningimposed after the majorquake that hit Papua inthe easternmost ofIndonenesia lateWednesday morning.

The mainshock wasfollowed by twoafterschocks of 6.6 and5.3 on the Richter scalerespectively, the agencysaid.

Jerry Purba, anofficial with the agency,said several buildingshave collapsed in Biakof Papua.

“We got reports fromthe meteorology office

in Biak that severalbuildings havecollapsed,” Jerry Purbatold Xinhua.

The metro televisionalso reported that severalbuildings cracked.

Several buldings inBiak has been is reportedcollapsed, the agencysaid.

The 7.1-magnitudequake struck at 10:16am Jakarta time (0316GMT) with the epicenter123 km southeast Biakof Papua and the depthof 10 km under sea bed.


Photo taken on 14 June, 2010 shows the flooded highway connectingStillwater and Oklahoma City in the United States. The US state of

Oklahoma is under a state of emergency spread across 59 counties aftersevere thunderstorms ripped through central Oklahoma on Monday

triggering massive flooding.—XINHUA

Police kill bear to protectpeople in Russia’s Kamchatka

VLADIVOSTOK, 16 June—Police shot dead a bearthat had attacked people near the skiing lodge inVilyuchinsk, Kamchatka Department of WildlifeConservation and Management said.

The young bear, which came close to the skiinglodge, behaved aggressively towards people,Vostok-Media information agency reported onWednesday. Police said they had to shoot theanimal to protect people. Fortunately, no one wasinjured in the accident.

This is the first human-animal conflict in 2010.Each year, a number of conflicts involving bearsoccur in Kamchatka. Last year one man was killedby a bear, while in 2008 human-animal conflictsclaimed the lives of three local residents.

Authorities have called on Khabarovsk Krairesidents to be cautious when encountering animalswhich come often to human settlements in thespringtime when the food resources get exhausted.

XinhuaChinese actress Fan Bingbing arrives at the

opening ceremony of 13th ShanghaiInternational Film Festival in Shanghai, east

China, on 12 June, 2010.—XINHUA

Soldiers act during an anti-terror drill inTaizhou, east China’s Zhejiang Province, on

12 June, 2010.XINHUA

Eight killed in wall collapseas heavy rain hits Mumbai

MUMBAI, 16 June—Eight people were killedin a wall collapse inMumbai’s suburbanThane area earlyWednesday as heavyrain hit the metroplis,police said. The incidenttook place around 04:30am when a boundarywall of a constructionsite collapsed on thesheds close to it, killingeight laborers.

Police and firefighters were sent torescue some otherpeople still trapped inthe debris.

Heavy rains,

US finds vast deposits ofminerals in Afghanistan

accompanied by strongwinds, disrupted flightsand train services hereand caused widespreadwaterlogging, accordingto local officials.

“Flights have beendelayed due to heavyrain and strong winds.All flights coming to thecity are running 45minutes behind schedulewhile departing flightsare an hour late.Fluctuating visibility isthe reason behind thedelay in flightschedules,” a seniorgovernment official said.

Xinhua WASHINGTON, 16 June—The United States hasdiscovered vast deposits of untapped minerals inAfghanistan, enough to fundamentally alter theAfghan war-torn economy, the New York Timesreported on Monday.

The previously unknown deposits — includingiron, copper, cobalt, gold and critical industrialmetals like lithium — was discovered by a smallteam of Pentagon officials and American geologists,and are estimated to be worth nearly one trilliondollars, the paper quoted senior US officials assaying.

An internal Pentagon memo states thatAfghanistan could become the “Saudi Arabia oflithium,” a key raw material in the manufacture ofbatteries for laptops and cell phone.—Xinhua

A dancer performs during a parade to mark theopening of the annual Bali Art Festival in Bali,east province of Indonesia, on 12 June, 2010.

The annual Bali Art Festival started from on 12June and will last until on 10 July.


SHIJIAZHUANG, 16 June—An explosion at a plant dormitory has killed seven workers and injured oneas of Wednesday noon in Baoding City, north China’s Hebei Province, local authorities said.

Believed to be caused by illegally possessed explosives, the blast occurred at around 11:40 pmTuesday in a privately-owned plant that produces slabstone in Niugang Village, Yixian County, theBaoding city government said.

Six workers were found dead in the collapsed building and another one died after being rushed tohospital, said Zhang Gangqiang, deputy director of the city government’s information office.

It is unknown how many people were in the four-story dormitory building when the blast occurred,Zhang said.

The wounded worker was being treated in hospital. Police are still investigating the blast.Xinhua

Seven killed, 1 injured in plant dormitory blast in north China

17-6-2010 NL.pmd 6/17/2010, 2:39 AM13

14 THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Thursday, 17 June, 2010


Benayoun quits Liverpool, joins Chelsea

Preview matches on Argentina Vs South Korea;Greece Vs Nigeria and France Vs Mexico

on 17 JuneYANGON, 16 June—World ranking 7 Argentina and world ranking 47 South

Korea are going to play in the second match of their Group-B of the 2010 WorldCup in South Africa.

Both teams faced one time in their head-to-head position in the friendlymatch of 2004 and the world ranking 7 saw defeated the Asian superpower.Argentina won over Nigeria 1-0 in their opener while South Korea won onematch against Greece 2-0. In comparison with the players, exeperience andfootball skills, Argentina are much better than South Korea. But South Koreaproved their increased football skills in playing against Greece. Anyhow SouthKorea will face difficulty in penatrating the well-organized defence of the worldranking 7. It is supposed that Argentina will win or draw against the opponentSouth Korea.

Head-to-Head Position11.6.03 South Korea 0-1 Argentina Friendlies

Results of the latest three matches of Argentina12.6.10 Argentina 1-0 Nigeria World Cup grp. B24.5.10 Argentina 5-0 Canada Friendlies 6.5.10 Argentina 4-0 Haiti Friendlies

Results of the latest three matches of South Korea12.6.10 South Korea 2-0 Greece World Cup grp. B 3.6.10 Spain 1-0 South Korea Friendlies30.5.10 Belarus 1-0 South Korea Friendlies

Greece Vs NigeriaBoth teams have never seen in their head-to-head position. Greece lost to

South Korea 0-2 in the 2010 World Cup Group-B and so did Nigeria to Argen-tina 0-1 in the same group. The football tactic of Greece was seen to have beenineffective in playing against South Korea. Nigeria will have to rely on Eng-land-based players. Both teams are found to be lack of attacking form. It islikely to finish in a draw.

Results of the latest three matches of Greece12.6.10 South Korea 2-0 Greece World Cup grp. B 2.6.10 Greece 0-2 Paraguay Friendlies25.5.10 Greece 2-2 North Korea Friendlies

Results of the latest three matches of Nigeria12.6.10 Argentina 1-0 Nigeria World Cup grp. B 6.6.10 Nigeria 3-1 North Korea Friendlies30.5.10 Nigeria 1-1 Colombia Friendlies

France Vs MexicoBoth teams encountered two friendly matches in their-head-to-head posi-

tion and France won both matches by 1-0 in 2006 and 4-0 in 2001. Both teams hadone each failure in the group-A of the 2010 World Cup. France is constituted withprolific players but their strikers were off-day in the match against Uruguay. Franceand Mexico had more ball possessions than their opponents in their opening matchesand played better. Despite organizing with the renowned players, it is difficult tobelieve performance of France. Mexico is formed with a little known players.Mexico needs to play at least a draw against France to be able to escape from thegroup round. This match is thought to have finished in a draw.

Head-to-Head Position27.5.06 France 1-0 Mexico Friendlies 2006 3.6.01 France 4-0 Mexico Confederations Cup final stage 2001


Children diewhile parentswatch football

KAMPALA, 16 June—Police say two Ugandanchildren died in a fire whiletheir parents watched aWorld Cup match on televi-sion nearby.

Police in Uganda havewarned parents againstleaving children alone inhouses following thedeath of an 8- and 10-year-old in the Kayungadistrict west of Kampala.

Kayunga police offi-cial Henry Kolyangasaid the house in whichthe children were sleep-ing caught fire. “Themother and father of thechildren left a candleburning and went towatch the match on tel-evision in a nearby trad-ing center,” Kolyanagasaid.

He added it was likelythe candle was hit by a ratand it lit the tablecloth,“which subsequently litother household prop-erty.”—Internet

Podolski hopes Loew will leadGermany to Euro 2012

Brazilian Maicon heading toReal Madrid

ERASMIA, 16 June—Germany’s LukasPodolski said on Tuesdayhe hopes coach JoachimLoew will remain incharge after the WorldCup and lead them intotheir Euro 2012 cam-paign.

With the Germans bid-ding for a fourth WorldCup title, Loew’s teamopened their South Afri-can campaign with an

impressive 4-0 demolitionof Australia on Sundayand face Serbia in GroupD on Thursday.

Loew, 50, is out ofcontract after the WorldCup and after contractextension talks with theGerman Football Federa-tion (DFB) broke down atthe start of the year, thedecision on Loew’s futurewill be made after theWorld Cup.

He took over as Ger-many coach four yearsago and led his side to thefinal of Euro 2008, but hisfuture remains uncertainafter the World Cup withthe Euro 2012 qualifiersstarting in September.

Podolski scored theopening goal against Aus-tralia and said he spoke onbehalf of the squad bysaying he hopes Loew re-mains in charge.


Italy blow as Buffon out ‘indefinitely’

Germany’sLukas Podolski

Italy goalkeeperGianluigi Buffon.


IRENE, 16 June—Italygoalkeeper GianluigiBuffon will be out of ac-tion for an indefinite pe-riod with a back injury, theworld champions said onTuesday.

The 32-year-old wasreplaced at half-time inItaly’s World Cup openerin Cape Town on Monday,a 1-1 draw against Para-guay.

“He has a bad sciaticproblem. We cannot saywhen he will be able toplay again,” said an Ital-

Liverpool’s Israeli playerYossi Benayoun runs withthe ball against Chelseaduring the Premiershipfootball�match.—INTERNET

Brazil’s defender Maiconsmiles during a pressconference.—INTERNET

MADRID, 16 June—Bra-zilian defender Maicon ison the point of joining RealMadrid from Inter Milan toreunite with his former bossJose Mourinho, news re-ports said here on Tuesdayciting his agent.

The deal is close toagreement and only requiresthe final accord of both clubpresidents, his agent

Antonio Caliendo told theAS daily newspaper.

However, Inter want35 million dollars for theplayer who is under con-tract with the Italian clubuntil 2014 while Real areoffering 25 million, ac-cording to the report.

It said Maicon, 28, cur-rently on World Cup dutywith Brazil in South Af-rica, is the top transfer tar-get for Mourinho whojoined Real on a four-yeardeal last month in thewake of leading Inter Mi-lan to an historic treble ofsuccesses in Italy’s SerieA championship, the Ital-ian Cup and ChampionsLeague.—Internet

LONDON, 16 June—Liv-erpool midfielder YossiBenayoun is heading forChelsea on a four-year-contract worth six millionpounds (nine million dol-lars), according to mediareports here on Tuesday.

Anfield have yet to con-firm an approach for the30-year-old Israel captainbut the Merseysiders are re-portedly resigned to his de-parture.

Benayoun signed animproved contract only lastyear with Liverpool buteven before the departureof manager Rafael Benitezearlier this month he had in-dicated he wanted to leave.

According to newsreports Chelsea seeBenayoun as a replacementfor England internationalJoe Cole, whose departurefrom Stamford Bridge wasconfirmed when the twoparties failed to agree termson a new contract after hiscurrent deal expired.

Benayoun has enjoyedsome success at Liverpoolsince joining for five mil-lion pounds in July 2007from West Ham but is un-derstood to have fallen out

with former boss Benitezlast season.

According to the IsraeliSport 5 website, cited bythe Guardian newspaper,Benayoun has finalisedpersonal terms with thePremier League champi-ons, but the move is farfrom completed.


ian Football Federationstatement.

Buffon was replaced athalf-time by FedericoMarchetti on Monday, af-ter which coach MarcelloLippi said it was too earlyto judge the seriousness ofthe veteran’s injury.

“He had an ache dur-ing the warm-up andthen he said he wantedto play, but after thefirs t half he said hecouldn’t continue,” saidLippi.


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THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Thursday, 17 June, 2010 15

R/489 Printed and published by the New Light of Myanmar press in Nay Pyi Taw, the News and Periodicals Enterprise, Ministry of Information, Union of Myanmar.

7:00 am 1. rif;uGef;q&mawmf



7:15 am 2. jrwf*kPfawmfocif



Thursday, 17June

View on today

Local Transmission* Opening

* News* Seven Special Stops aroung Inlay Lake

* News

* 60th Anniversary of China-MyanmarDipolmatic Relation “Cultural Concert”

* Music Gallery* News

* Surprising Myanmar (The Shwedagon

Pagoda) (I)* News

* Today’s Efficient Youth

OverseaTransmission* Opening

* News


Programme Schedule(17-6-2010)(Thursday)

Transmissions Times

Local - (09:00am ~ 11:00am) MSTOversea Transmission - (17-6-10 09:30 am ~

18-6-10 09:30 am) MST

Summary of observations recorded at 09:30 hr.M.S.T. During the past 24 hours, rain or thundershowerhave been isolated in Shan and Kayah States, Yangon andTaninthayi Divisions and widespread in the remainingStates and Divisions with locally heavy falls in RakhineState and Mandalay Division and isolated heavy falls inlower Sagaing, Magway and Taninthayi Divisions . Thenoteworthy amounts of rainfall recorded were Sittway(6.06) inches, An (5.15) inches, Kyauktaw (5.08) inches,Maungdaw (3.70)inches,Thandwe (3.66)inches, Launglon(3.39) inches,Mandalay (2.05) inches, Kyaukpadaung(1.91) inches, Sagaing (1.58) inches, and Minbu (1.54)inches.

Maximum temperature on 15-6-2010 was 86°F.Minimum temperature on 16-6-2010 was 75°F. Relativehumidity at (09:30) hours MST on 16-6-2010 was 96%.Total sun shine hours on 15-6-2010 was (Nil) .

Rainfall on 16-6-2010 was (0.04) inch at Mingaladon,Kaba-Aye and (0.12)inch at Central Yangon. Total rainfallsince 1-1-2010 was (24.13) inches at Mingaladon, (26.50)inches at Kaba-Aye and (26.26) inches at Central Yangon.Maximum wind speed at Yangon (Kaba-Aye) was (5) mphfrom Southeast at (15:30) hours MST on 15-6-2010.

Bay Inference: Monsoon is moderate in theAndaman sea and moderate to strong in the Bay of Bengal.

Forecast valid until evening of the 17thJune 2010:Rain or thundershower will be scattered in Kayah Stateand lower Sagaing Division, widespread in Kachin andRakhine States, Bago, Yangon and Ayeyawady Divisionsand fairly widespread in the remaining areas withlikelihood of locally heavy falls in Rakhine State andisolated heavy falls in Ayeyawady Division . Degree ofcertainty is (80%).

State of the sea: Squalls with moderate to rough seasare likely at times Delta, off and along Rakhine Coast.Surface wind speed in squalls may reach (35-40) mph.Sea will be moderate else where in Myanmar waters.

Outlook for subsequent two days: Strong monsoon.Forecast for Nay Pyi Taw and neighbouring area for

17-6-2010: One or two or thundershower . Degree ofcertainty is (80%).

Forecast for Yangon and neighbouring area for17-6-2010: Some rain . Degree of certainty is (80%).

Forecast for Mandalay and neighbouring area for17-6-2010: One or two rain or thundershower. Degree ofcertainty is (80%).

WEATHERWednesday, 16th June, 2010

* Seven Special Stops around Inlay Lake* News* 60th Anniversary of China-Myanmar

Dipolmatic Relation “Cultural Concert”* Music Gallery* News* Current Affairs “Surprising Myanmar (The

Shwedagon Pagoda)(I)”* News* Today’s Efficient Youth* News* Myanmar Footwear “Ponedaw” Famed in

Successive Eras* Songs for you* News* Documentary “The Richly Blessed Gem

Land”* Versatile Toddy Palms* News* Culture Stage* Music Gallery* News* Let’s Speak Myanmar* Traditional Pagoda Festivals of Mrauk U* Myanmar Movie “Myself, Others, Men &


7:25 am 3. To Be Healthy

Exercise7:30 am 4. Morning News7:40 am 5. Nice & Sweet Song7:55 am 6. Dance Of National

Races8:05 am 7. tqdkNydKifyGJ

8:10 am 8. ]] tkd;ykdiftdrfykdif }}

8:25 am 9. Dance Variety8:40 am10. International News8:45 am11. Musical Programme

3:30 pm 1. Myanmar National

League MNL Cup(2010)abmvkH;NydKifyGJ


(Oóm,lEkdufwuf FCtoif; ESifh aZ,sma&Tajr

FC toif; )

5:00 pm 2. ta0;oifwuúokdvfynma&;





5:15 pm 3. Songs For Uphold National Spirit5:20 pm 4. Football Planet

(2010 urÇmhzvm;


5:45 pm 5. urÇmhzvm;abmvkH;NydKifyGJ


tpDtpOf (tm*sifwD;em;

toif; ESifh


8:00 pm 6. News 7. International News 8. Weather Report 9. raeUuonfaeYeJYreufjzef



ESihftzGJU? aw;a&;-'DaeU


10. EdkifiHjcm;Zmwfvrf;wGJ



11. EdkifiHjcm;Zmwfvrf;wGJ



James Jones, Nintendo World Report, plays thenew ‘Legend of Zelda’ on a Wii game console

during Nintendo’s E3 presentation at the NokiaTheatre LA LIVE, on 16 June, 2010, in Los


LOSANGELES,16 June—You won’t need specialglasses to play games in 3-D on Nintendo’s newesthandheld device, but don’t expect the technologyto hit big-screen TVs anytime soon.The 3DS, as theJapanese video game maker’s upcoming gadget iscalled, uses a technology that’s specially suited toa handheld device. It’s a “parallax barrier” LCDscreen, whose pixels are aligned so your left andright eyes see different portions of the image.

It’s as if two sets of thin blinds were laid overthe screen so each eye sees its own version.Combined in the brain, the two versions become a3-D image, explained Satoru Iwata. —Internet

Nintendo woos gamers withclassics, 3-D

17-6-2010 NL.pmd 6/17/2010, 2:39 AM15

Only with stability and peace will the nation developOnly with stability and peace will democratization process be successful

Anarchy begets anarchy, not democracyRiots beget riots, not democracyDemocracy can be introduced only through constitution

VOA, BBC-sowing hatredamong the peopleRFA, DVB-generating publicoutrageDo not allow ourselves to beswayed by killer broadcastsdesigned to cause troubles

People’s DesireWe favour peace and stabilityWe favour developmentWe oppose unrest and violenceWipe out those inciting unrestand violence

6th Waxing of First Waso 1372 ME Thursday, 17 June, 2010

Indaw in Sagaing Division marchingtoward development goal

Many think Indaw is Indawgyi Lake located inMohnyin Township of Kachin State. I think that onlya few of them may know it is Indaw located in KathaDistrict of Sagaing Division. Although it is onMandalay-Myitkyina railroad, Indaw railway stationis less popular than Nabar railway station.

In February, we, the news crew of MyanmaAlin daily arrived in Katha to cover the news oninauguration of Katha-Motargyi railroad section. Wehad an opportunity to make a one-day trip to Indaw.

Although Katha has a distance of 20 miles

Article: Tin Htwe (MNA);Photos: Ko Htwe

Bookworms reading books at library of Indaw Township IPRD.

from Indaw, the bus took two hours because ofloading and unloading goods on the way. Katha-Indaw road was constructed through Phathsut forestreserve that shares 9,638 acres of its area inn KathaTownship and 26,626 acres in Indaw Township. (See page 9)

NAY PYI TAW, 16 June—A strong earth-quake of magnitude (7.0) Richter Scale with itsepicenter outside Myanmar (near the northerncoast of Papua, Indonesia) about (3000) milessoutheast of Kaba Aye seismological observa-tory was recorded at (9:00) hrs (47) min (30) secM.S.T today, according to the Department ofMeteorology and Hydrology.


Strong earthquake report

A visitor is trying out a personal computer

with 3D images at a booth of Gigabyte. The

Asian technology industry believes the future

is not only bright but it's in three dimensions,

as a string of manufacturers bring 3D

products onto the market.


17-6-2010 NL.pmd 6/17/2010, 2:39 AM16
