Page 1: The New Departure Democrats in GeorgiaMay15th

NOTE: It helps a lot to diagram a connecting of the dots when it comes to understanding any part of the

political and historical tentacles of the Tea Party. Simply put, the Tea Party is a White Christian

Conservative movement that takes on many names and forms. But its ultimate goal is to be free to repress

and oppress for freedom. Any actions taken to stop that repression and oppression (formerly called

“readjustment”) is now called, amongst other things, government overreach, reverse racism, etc. Those

forceful claims, especially the latter one, are made while boldly not acknowledging that the only way to

reverse anything is to encounter a force and then send that force back in the opposite direction from which

it came. That aside, their values are apparent in the “Free Market.”

The “Free Market” (a modernized force with layered meanings that is often coupled with “state

rights”) was actually the political freedom to enslave other humans prior to the “New Departure.” The

force today is merely a continuum of that repression and oppression. The force, then and now, takes on as

many names as does the White Christian Conservative movement’s political values and the firm

statements made about those values. The outcomes of those values have consistently resulted in the loss of

freedoms for large swaths of the same social groups whose freedoms were challenged before by the forces

of the “Free Market”. It’s clearly a value statement.

In closing, those values were strengthened with the genocide of the Indians and perfected in the

slavery of the world’s ancestors: Africans. Those values have not eroded since talk of “succession,”

which means disruption (overthrow) of the standing government, are very much a part of the political

platforms of too many Presidential and other political candidates today.

Alan Johnson, May 6, 2014

The New Departure Democrats in Georgia

“…the phrase ‘New Departure’ will be used to describe the

conservative leadership that dominated the Democratic party. The

New Departure leaders were far too realistic to advocate a return to

the status quo ante bellum. They acquiesced in the defeat of the

right of sucession, in the abolition of the institution of slavery, and

in the legal enfranchisement of the Negro. They paid their most

eloquent tributes to the ‘lost cause’ and to the ‘heroes in gray.’

They were determined, however, to maintain white supremacy at

all costs. They were confirmed anew in their devotion to the

principle of state rights as opposed to the growing tendency toward

centralization in the national government, hoping to be permitted

to work out the readjustment with the Negro without federal



ESSAYS, edited by CHRISTOPHER C. MEYERS 2008 Page: 206
