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The Neglected Path; Denied Reality; Retarded Progress and a Missing Link


ALACI, Davidson S. A. (PhD)[email protected] IBB University Lapai, Nigeria.;

Prof. MUNDI Rhoda (PhD) [email protected] University of Abuja, Nigeria


JIYA Solomon N. (PhD) [email protected] IBB University Lapai, Nigeria

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of Oklahoma International WaTer

Conference 22-25 Sept.


Page 2: The Neglected Path; Denied Reality; Retarded Progress and ... Center/documents/Conference2013/Presentations...water infrastructure in each school was examined Also the curriculum in

Introduction: Background to the Study • Access to Water= an inevitability for human survival

and socio-economic development.

• With other key infrastructure, it defines human

settlement functionality- - connoting serviceability

& liveability

MDGs No 7, target 10; address water & sanitation.

In 2005 Nigeria was ranked by the MDGs project task force on water & sanitation as moderate access & progress but even worse on sanitation

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of Oklahoma International WaTer

Conference 22-25 Sept.


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The water access in Nigeria

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of Oklahoma International WaTer

Conference 22-25 Sept.

Year National Urban

1990 50 80

2006 47 65

2010 58 n.a

2011 60 n.a


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An over-view of the Implications

Current status :Nigeria among countries not on track to meeting water MDG.

The Sanitation sector is worse.

So in the years to come, effort to meet targets could double, but is there a neglected path?

Because, Within this realm, how many children have access, especially in their domain;

The school system. Could they have been a denied reality?

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of Oklahoma International WaTer

Conference 22-25 Sept.


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But why

• The child spends more active time at school than at home

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The Reality: of population in Nigeria

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of Oklahoma International WaTer

Conference 22-25 Sept.

Total population is 170,123,740 of this


0-14 yrs = 74, 715,896 / 43.9%; while

15-24 yrs= 32,776,025/19.3%. Source: Nigeria Demographics Profile 2013

Assumed under 6yrs is 50% of age 0 -14yrs,

Then at least 37,357,948 are aged 6-14 yrs,

6yrs is entry ager into primary school in


School age children is thus = 70,133,973 /

41.% not meeting the water need of this group

can Retard Progress on the water MDG. 6

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Time Budget of a Schooling Child in Nigeria

• School starts time = 7.00am & close at 2.30pm.

• Trip to & from school = approx. 1hr.

• So 8.5hrs * 5days = 42.5 hrs.

• 3.30 -8.30 = 5hrs*5 =25hrs active time at home

• 8.30 – 6.00 = 9.5hrs * 5= 47.5hrs(not active/Sleep);

• Total no. of hours Monday –Friday 24*5= 120hrs

• Active school time=42.5/35.45%

• Active home time is =25hrs/20.83%

• None active (sleeping)= 47.5hrs/39.16%

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of Oklahoma International WaTer

Conference 22-25 Sept.


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Aim and Objectives • To identify the neglected part of

community water within the ambit of the school system.

• Objectives are: Review the place of school water supply in the policy document of Government.

• Access the level of water and sanitation facilities in selected schools

• Discuss the implications of the findings.

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of Oklahoma International WaTer

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Study area: Kogi and Niger states

• Niger state is traversed all through her length by river Niger. While the two major rivers in Nigeria passes through the length and breadth of Kogi State

• As riparian areas they are among the states worst hit by the 2012 flood episode in Nigeria.

• Niger state has over 56 water schemes on ground.

• All major towns in the 2 states have water schemes.

• The 2005 African Water Development Report scored the 2states low in water and sanitation access. The situation maybe worse with children

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methodology Data for this study are from primary & secondary

Secondary data source: Government documents.

Reviewed: National Water and sanitation Policy; Regulatory documents for establishing new schools

water infrastructure in each school was examined

Also the curriculum in respect of sanitation as a teaching item and

Purposive sampling used in school selection; Table 1

Simple random sampling used for sampled children at 4 child per class from Primary 4 –secondary 5 = 620 school children.

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International WaTer Conference 22-25 Sept.

Schools Kogi state Niger state

Primary 6 2rural 4urban: 2private 2public

6 2rural

4urban:2private 2public

Secondary 4 2 private

2 public 4 2 private

2 public

Total 10 10

Table1:Distribution of Schools across the two states


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Result and Discussion: a missing link

On the MDGs, efforts are on to achieve the Targets. This culminated in a new Water policy of 2004. The policy prescribed a cost sharing formula for the all

stakeholders, Federal, State, Local Govt & benefitting communities

The sharing formula is split along investment and maintenance & vary depending on the status of the settlement and the level of finance.

Policy is silent on reticulation, on modalities for individual funding.

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of Oklahoma International WaTer

Conference 22-25 Sept.


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A missing link cont… • This can be a problem where there is no financial


• For example several LGAs in Kogi State did not invest in the water sector from 2006-2009 (see Alaci

and Esubalew 2009)

• The regulatory document for establishing new schools is also silent on water supply.

• Hard infrastructure such as school building with several technical details, Library, Laboratory, Examination hall, sports field, number and category of teachers are the areas emphasized

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of Oklahoma International WaTer

Conference 22-25 Sept.


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Niger Kogi Total

Water Pipe 04 40% 03 30% 07 35%

Well 01 10% 02 20% 03 15%

No 05 50% 05 50% 10 50%

Toilet W.Sys 06 60% 05 50% 11 55%

pit 04 40% 04 70% 08 40%

No - - 01 10% 01 05%

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of Oklahoma International WaTer

Conference 22-25 Sept.

Denied reality

Table2: Facility survey across the schools


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Denied Reality cont.. • 35% schools had pipe borne water; & 55% had

water system(WC) type of toilet;

• Only WC in private schools were functional.

• 50% of the sampled had no water facility; I school uses well & 6 of the private schools had water & WC

• Some of the public schools had informal toilet and water supply arrangement.

• Access to water to water and safe toilet is less than 50%.

• Hygiene is taught at the lower primary, yet the children had good knowledge on personal hygiene.

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of Oklahoma International WaTer

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Fig.1: Frequency of Daily Hand wash

After toilet Before after food After Play Every time

19.37% 26.25% 20.31% 34.06%

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of Oklahoma International WaTer

Conference 22-25 Sept.


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of Oklahoma International WaTer

Conference 22-25 Sept.

Frequency of Hand Wash per day Class After

toilet Before /

after meal After

Play Every

time Pry 4 20 40 16 04 Pry 5 20 34 16 10 Pry 6 20 20 24 16 Sec.1 22 18 20 20 Sec 2 18 22 04 36 Sec.3 10 18 22 30 Sec.4 06 04 08 62 Sec.5 08 12 20 40 Total 124 168 130 218 % 19.37% 26.25% 20.31% 34.06%


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Implications: ISSUES

• Sanitation awareness correlates positively with class and age

• School system with out adequate water and sanitation facility.

• Children spend more active time in school or away from home.

• But the school water and sanitation supply system is a Neglected Path;

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of Oklahoma International WaTer

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Conclusion So we need to give policy attention to school

water and sanitation.

One way to do that is to integrate the school water and sanitation into the national water supply policy.

Make it a key regulation for Schools.

Not to do so would be to Deny a Reality capable of Retarding Progress.

This has been a Missing Link in the WaTER and sanitation sector.

Oral Presentation at the 2013 University

of Oklahoma International WaTer

Conference 22-25 Sept.