Page 1: The Naturopathic Approach To Peri-Menopause

The Naturopathic ApproachTo Peri-Menopause

Page 2: The Naturopathic Approach To Peri-Menopause

Principles of Naturopathic Medicine

1. First do no harm 2. The healing power of nature 3. Identify and treat the cause 4. Doctor as teacher 5. Treat the whole person 6. Health promotion is the best prevention

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Treatment Modalities

Clinical Nutrition Botanical Medicine Chinese Medicine and Acupuncture Homeopathy Hydrotherapy Lifestyle Counselling

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Women live 1/3 to 1/2 or more of their life in menopause

50% of North American women will be menopausal by 2015

Major life transition

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Definition The years prior to menopause that

encompass the change from normal cycles to cessation of menstrual cycle

Attitudes/Beliefs Rite of Passage/life transition Often associated with other life changes

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Associated Symptoms Community/cultural view of menopause Personal & social circumstances Lifestyle Nutritional Status Overall Health Status Family History

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Peri-menopausal Transition

Age 39-51 yearsDuration: 4-10 yearsTriggers:

Early LateSmokingMalnourishmentVegetarianismLow body weightHigh altitudesHysterectomyStress

AlcoholismIncreased parityStress

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The body is shifting to a new state of balance.

This affects every system in the body.

Peri-menopausal Transition

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Physiological Changes

Cessation of menstrual cycle Hormone changes

o Estrogeno Progesteroneo FSH / LHo DHEAo Testosterone

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None Hot flashes/night sweats Sleep disturbances/insomnia Anxiety, depression, irritability, mood swings Memory loss/difficulty concentrating Vaginal dryness or thinning Decreased sexual response/interest Hirsutism/hair loss or thinning Skin dehydration and breakdown in support Incontinence Osteoporosis Cardiovascular disorders


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Naturopathic Assessment

Thorough Intake / Historyo Mental, emotional, physical & spiritual

Physical Examo Blood pressure, temperature, heart rate, tongue &

pulse Recommended Blood Work

o CBCo Cholesterolo Homocysteineo Hormones

Saliva Testingo Estrogen/progesteroneo Adrenals

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Treatment Philosophy

Treat the root causes Support the healing ability of the body Understand the language of the body Expression versus suppression Treat the whole person Less is more

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Progression of Treatment Options

Feelings and thoughts about peri-menopause Lifestyle, stress management and breathing Nutrition Exercise (aerobic, weight bearing) Naturopathic remedies (nutritional supplements,

botanical therapy, homeopathy) Bodywork (acupuncture, massage, energetic

bodywork) Natural hormones Conventional hormone replacement therapy (HRT)

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