Page 1: The native bush by dara,seamus and tauriaon



By Seamus,Taurian and Dara

Page 2: The native bush by dara,seamus and tauriaon


We predict that if we took away the sub canopy layer we would take away the younger trees and there will be less vines or ferns. In the future the emergent trees would be gone and the birds would have to nest lower in the dangerous places with predators.

Page 3: The native bush by dara,seamus and tauriaon

What food is available in the forest floor and understory layer and what animals will eat it?


Food Animals

Honeydew: Native

insects, tui, bellbirds, kakas

Insects : Grey Warbler

Caterpillars : White Head

Insects : Brown Creepers

Caterpillars, beetles, invertebrates : Riffleman

Caterpillars, beetles, invertebrates : pied tit

Grubs : yellow breasted tit

insects : Robin

Page 4: The native bush by dara,seamus and tauriaon

QUESTIONHow many years does It take a tree to reach the emergent layer?

It take 50-100 years for a tree to reach the emergent layer.

Page 5: The native bush by dara,seamus and tauriaon


The sub canopy is full of young, growing trees. Also woody and herbaceous vines live in beech and podocarp forests. Some shrubs even live in the 4th layer of the forest. Bushy leaves grow on the trees that live in the Sub Canopy as that is where only some of the sunlight reaches. The Sub canopy are home to flora and fauna not found in other layers of forests. Kakas are one of many birds living in the sub canopy. These are some of the birds that live in the sub canopy: North Island robin, grey warbler, North Island saddleback, fantail, pigeon , kereru. These are some of the plants that live in then sub canopy: Lancewood, rimu,rata ,tawa, tree ferns such as wheki, silver fern, nikaupalms.

Page 6: The native bush by dara,seamus and tauriaon


Page 7: The native bush by dara,seamus and tauriaon


•We were right as we predicted if the sub canopy was removed , the younger trees would be taken away. Most of the vines and ferns would be removed. We were correct as the birds will have to face predators and less berries would grow.