
A WARM welcome to our visitors today. We are happy to have you join us for worship. Please take a moment to sign a visitor card, located on the back of the pews. Thank you for visiting Providence!

Kay Starnes; Diane Lowe; Tandy Graham’s friend, Karin Burrows; Jessica Jacks-Turkas, grandmother Bennie

Jacks; Kim Sumrell’s dad, Bob Blake; Jack Matthews cousin, Mary Valinda Smith; Elaine Crusan; Tom Moore;

Walt McCanless’s dad, Charles McCanless; Wally and Cathy French’s one-year old grandson, Nash

Murdock; Howard Murphy; Al Schwint’s brother, Geoff; Frances Davis; Susan Schwint; Rolly Chambers

brother, Brent Chambers; Lynette Sisson; Mike Padgett; Paulette Purgason; Stacy Robinson’s sister,

Carolyn Linebarger, Nancy Threatt’s son, Jordan; Dan Grier; Louis Good.

Covenant Class, Fellowship Hall #101

Facilitated by Beverly Howard

Aging Matters: Finding Your Calling for the Rest of Your

Life by R. Paul Stevens

Faith Foundations Class, AMC #402

Run With Horses by Eugene Peterson

Providence Class, FH Main Room

Sojourners Class, FH Main Room

led by Rod Chamberlain

A Christmas Carol at PPC(3 part series)

PRESENT-please bring a story about how you currently

celebrate Christmas

Advent Festival TODAY!

We invite our families with children 4 years

old through 5th grade to the CLC for the

annual ADVENT FESTIVAL at 10:15 am . We

have fun crafts to make and enjoy all through

this Advent season!

Kenneth Grano from the Hospice and Palliative Care Charlotte Region group will present on the dying

process to our Stephen Ministers on Monday, December 4th at 7:00 PM in the office building. Ken will

address spiritual needs at the end of life along with the dying process. All are welcome to hear Ken’s one-

hour presentation.

December 17th Christmas Brunch during the

Sunday School Hour.

Please bring a dish* (nut free) and

join your friends for a time of

Rejoicing and Fellowship in the

Christian Life Center.


It’s not too late!!

It’s quick and easy! Go to

Click on 2018 Annual Pledge Form Fill in First and Last name,

Pledge Amount, Phone

And Email.

Click Submit Pledge!

That’s it!! Now go and make your pledge!

The Charlotte Singers

“The Most Wonderful Time of the Year”

Helen McCorkle Finch, Director

Sunday, December 3rd, 7 pm

Providence Presbyterian Church

Lal and Alin are MARRIED! To hear

more about the wedding and see

some pictures go to the PPC website

( and click on

“Reflections” November 17.

Children & Youth MINISTRY Weekly Calendar

PLEASE have articles for the Communiqué to Tricia by Thursday NOON. Sunday, December 3 Advent & Lord’s Supper 9:00 am and 11:15 am Worship 10:15 am Shepherds 12:15 pm 1st Sunday Lunch-Youth 4:30 pm Christmas Pageant 5:30 pm Combined Youth 5:00 pm AA 7:00 pm Charlotte Singers Christmas Concert Monday, December 4 9:15 am Sisters 11:30 am Monday Bible Study 5:30 pm AA 7:00 pm Monday Night Book Club 7:00 pm St. Min Peer S&S Tuesday, December 5 10:00 am Prayer Group 10:00 am Women’s Serenity 5:30 pm AA 6:30 pm Outreach Meeting 7:00 pm Women’s Step Study 7:00 pm Youth Council Wednesday, December 6 5:30 pm AA 7:00 pm Bethel 7:00 pm Wednesday Night Group (AA) 7:00 pm Prayer Shawl Thursday, December 7 10:00 am Women’s Serenity 4:30 pm Yoga (206) 5:00 pm AA 6:00 pm Handbells 7:30 pm Adult Choir Friday, December 8 5:30 pm AA Saturday, December 9 5:30 pm AA Sunday, December 10 9:00 am and 11:15 am Worship 10:15 am Deacon Meeting 2:00 pm Combined Youth 5:00 pm AA

SAVE THE DATES December 17-All Church Christmas Brunch

during SS February 17th, 2018-Attic Sale

February 23-25, 2018-Women’s Retreat

Need inspiration for holiday

parties, dinner or a Christmas

gift? Stop by and pick up a PPC

250th Anniversary Cookbook

($35) for sale TODAY after the

9 am and 11:15 am services or

stop by the office during the week!

Children's Christmas Pageant this Afternoon! Sunday, December 3rd at 4:30 pm in the Sanctuary

Children are invited to participate in this Pageant and should come to the

dress rehearsal at 3:00 pm, an hour and half before the pageant, to get

dressed in costume, learn a few acting tips and practice just a bit.

After the pageant the now traditional cookie party will be held in the

Fellowship Hall. (You bring the cookies! Please remember no nuts or nut

products in the cookies.) We could sure use some parents (and youth) at

3:00 pm to get the children dressed!

January 19-21st, 2018 Winterplace, WV

$200 per person with the following included (price subject to change depending on numbers attending) Rental Van 2 nights lodging - 1 day lifts (Sat 8am-10pm) - 1 day ski or snowboard rental - 2 continental breakfasts at hotel - lunch voucher at slopes Contact Joanna Hipp 704.846.1079 ext14 or [email protected]

Advent Devotional booklets are ready. You may

pick up a copy in the Narthex today. Thank you.

to everyone who contributed to the book.


December 3-Combined Youth –CLC upstairs 5:30-7:30 pm

December 10-ice-skating! 2pm-4:45pm at Ice House in Pineville. Bring $10

to skate, plus extra for snacks/drinks.

December 17-Christmas Caroling and Party. We will meet around 4:30pm

at the church. If you are able and willing to drive for Christmas Caroling,

please let me know.

I am so glad that Jim and I chose to attend

Providence when we moved to Charlotte. We have

been grateful for the leadership, the programs and

the mission many times in the eight years we have

been here. But never so grateful as I have been in the

last month as I have experienced Jim’s death and my spine surgery. The

caring support of so many and the beauty of the Memorial Service led by

our clergy and musicians have supported me when my strength was at a

low ebb. ——Thank You-Elna Hanly

Join the Literary Group as we read Willa Cather’s Death Comes For the

Archbishop (1927) this month. We will be discussing the book in

mid-January. It concerns the attempts of a Catholic bishop and a priest to

establish a diocese in the New Mexico territory in mid-1850s. Cather

portrays the Hopi and Navajo sympathetically , and her characters express

the near futility of overlaying their religion on a millennial-old native
