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The Most Reverend Metropolitan JOSEPH, Primate Antiochian Orthodox Christian Archdiocese of North America

The Right Reverend Bishop ANTOUN, Auxiliary Bishop Diocese of Miami and the Southeast

The Very Reverend Father Fouad Saba, Cathedral Dean

“The disciples were first called Christians in Antioch.” Acts 11:26

g{x jxx~Äç UâÄÄxà|Çg{x jxx~Äç UâÄÄxà|Çg{x jxx~Äç UâÄÄxà|Çg{x jxx~Äç UâÄÄxà|Çg{x jxx~Äç UâÄÄxà|Çg{x jxx~Äç UâÄÄxà|Çg{x jxx~Äç UâÄÄxà|Çg{x jxx~Äç UâÄÄxà|Çg{x jxx~Äç UâÄÄxà|Çg{x jxx~Äç UâÄÄxà|Çg{x jxx~Äç UâÄÄxà|Çg{x jxx~Äç UâÄÄxà|Ç ة األس��ع�ة�� ال�The The The Weekly Bulletin Weekly Bulletin Weekly Bulletin is an official publication of Saint George Cathedral, Coral Gables, an official publication of Saint George Cathedral, Coral Gables, an official publication of Saint George Cathedral, Coral Gables, Florida.

Sunday, January 22, 2017Sunday, January 22, 2017Sunday, January 22, 2017Sunday, January 22, 2017Sunday, January 22, 2017Sunday, January 22, 2017Sunday, January 22, 2017Sunday, January 22, 2017Sunday, January 22, 2017Sunday, January 22, 2017Sunday, January 22, 2017Sunday, January 22, 2017 األح� ال*اني وال*الث�ن 'ع� الع�%�ة واألح� ال#ام� ع�� م! ل�قاThe Thirty-Second Sunday after Pentecost and

The Fifteenth Sunday of Luke

Weekly Schedule of Services

Saturday: Great Vespers Service (as announced in Calendar)

Sunday: 9:15 a.m. Orthros (Matins) - 10:30 a.m. Divine Liturgy

Confessions by Appointment

Welcome to Saint George Antiochian Orthodox Cathedral!Welcome to Saint George Antiochian Orthodox Cathedral!Welcome to Saint George Antiochian Orthodox Cathedral!Welcome to Saint George Antiochian Orthodox Cathedral! This Church is one community of many in the One, Holy, Catholic

(Universal), and Apostolic Church. The Antiochian Orthodox Christian

Church belongs to two thousand years of evangelization, teaching, history,

and tradition, which express the continued commitment of its members to the

Orthodox Christian faith in The Lord and Savior Jesus Christ!

Visitor(s), please feel at home in prayer and worship. Please submit your

name(s) to the Ushers and introduce yourself to Father Saba at the end of the

service so he may welcome you personally.

Welcome! Ahlan wa Sahlan! Bienvenidos!

320 Palermo Avenue, Coral Gables, Florida 33134 Phone: (305) 444-6541 Fax: (305) 445-6530

Email: [email protected] Website:

[email protected]

org.Miami2017AC.www: Convention Website 2017

Proper Church Etiquette may be found in the booklet in the pews or at the candle stand.

Brotherhood of the Noble Joseph: V. Rev. Fr. Fouad Saba, Dean

Rev. Fr. Gustavo Alfonso

Rev. Adn. David Nimer

Sdn. Majd Akkawi,

Pastoral Assistant / Youth Director

Sdn. Charles Khoury

Sdn. Elie Bardawil

Sdn. Sean Hatem

Acolytes (servers)

Jackson King,

Choir Director/Lead Chanter

Michel Husson, Chanter

Dr. Don Shalhub, Chanter

Yamil Zacur, Lead Usher

All Choir Members and Ushers

Cathedral Council: V. Rev. Fr. Fouad Saba, Presiding Officer

Sdn. Elie Bardawil, Chairman

Yamil Zacur, Vice-Chairman

Diana Nimer O’Brien, Secretary

Jamal Habib, Treasurer

Muazzi Hatem, Financial Secretary

Andrea Abu-Akel, Member

Abdallah Daiha, Member

Douglas Ede, Member

Said Elhaj, Member

Sdn. Charles Khoury, Member

Michel Nasr, Member

Shadi Omeish, Member

Dr. Don Shalhub, Member

Nasser Soufia, Member

Tony Zammar, Member

ex-officio Members: Rev. Adn. David Nimer, Clergy

Wafa Omeish, Sunday School

Tania Soufia, Antiochian Women

Naife Mounayyer, Young Adult Ministry

Louis Hatem, SOYO

Zena B. Farah, Order of Saint Ignatius

Council Committees: Yamil Zacur, Property Management

Yamil Zacur, Hall Usage and Rental

Sdn. Elie Bardawil, Finance

Rotating Chair, Fundraising

Douglas Ede, Legal

Justin Sayfie, Vision and Development

Salma Zacur, Stewardship

2017 Archdiocese Convention: Andrea Abu-Akel, Chairlady

SOYO Advisors: Hannan Mounayyer

Said Elhaj

Nisreen Jadon, Next Generation SOYO

Cathedral Office: Doris Martinez, Office Secretary

Kh. Diana Saba, Webmaster

Office Hours: Monday-Friday 9:30 a.m.—5:00 p.m.

Saturday By Appointment Only

Sunday Closed

Changes in the Liturgyتغ���ات في الق�اس

At the beginning of the Divine Liturgy at 10:30 a.m., please turn to

page 92 in the Red Service Book to follow along with the Liturgy.

Please use the inserts in this Weekly Bulletin

for this week’s changes in the Liturgy. ~ ~ ~

Troparion of the Resurrection (Tone Six)

When Mary stood at Thy grave, looking for Thy sacred body, angelic powers

shone above Thy revered tomb; and the soldiers who were to keep guard became

as dead men. Thou led Hades captive and wast not tempted thereby. Thou didst

meet the Virgin and didst give life to the world, O Thou, Who art risen from the

dead, O Lord, glory to Thee.

وم�,+ وقف( ع)' . وال&�اس صاروا "األم�ات . إن الق�ات الالئ��ة �ه�وا على ق��ك ال�ق� ف/��( ال:&�+ ول+ ت:�ب م)ها وصادف( ال��6ل 4ا مان&ا . الق�� 2ال�ة ج/'ك ال.اه�

.ف�ام? ق( م? ب�? األم�ات 4ارب ال:'ل= . ال&�اة

Entrance Hymn (Tone Two)

O Come, let us worship and fall down before Christ.

Save us, O Son of God, who art risen from the dead, who sing to Thee: Alleluia! هل+ ل)/:' ون�"ع لل/�ح مل�)ا واله)ا،

!خلH)ا 4ا اب? هللا 4ا م? قام م? ب�? االم�ات، ل)�تل ل= هلل�,اTroparion of the Resurrection (Tone Six)

When Mary stood at Thy grave, looking for Thy sacred body, angelic powers

shone above Thy revered tomb; and the soldiers who were to keep guard became

as dead men. Thou led Hades captive and wast not tempted thereby. Thou didst

meet the Virgin and didst give life to the world, O Thou, Who art risen from the

dead, O Lord, glory to Thee.

وم�,+ وقف( ع)' . وال&�اس صاروا "األم�ات . إن الق�ات الالئ��ة �ه�وا على ق��ك ال�ق� ف/��( ال:&�+ ول+ ت:�ب م)ها وصادف( ال��6ل 4ا مان&ا . الق�� 2ال�ة ج/'ك ال.اه�

.ف�ام? ق( م? ب�? األم�ات 4ارب ال:'ل= . ال&�اة

Changes in the Liturgyتغ���ات في الق�اس

Troparion of the Feast of Saint Timothy the Apostle (Tone Four) Since thou hadst been instructed in uprightness thoroughly and wast vigilant in all things,

thou wast clothed with a good conscience as befitteth one holy. Thou didst draw from the

Chosen Vessel ineffable mysteries; and having kept the Faith, thou didst finish the course, O

Hieromartyr and Apostle Timothy. Intercede with Christ God that our souls may be saved.

. لا تعل( الHال&ات، واس�6قP( في ج�ع األح�ال، الK/ا ال)�ة الHال&ة "ا یل�K Lال�ه)�تتلق)( م? اإلناء الH.فى األس�ار الغامXة ال�صف، وVذ أن= حفP( اإل4ان أت( ال/عي

.ف6\فع إلى ال/�ح اإلله أن 4^ل[ نف�س)ا. الق�,+، أیها ال\ه�' في ال�ه)ة ت��ثاوس

Troparion of the Feast of Saint Anastasios the Persian (Tone Four) Thy Martyr, O Lord, in his courageous contest for Thee received as the prize the crowns of

incorruption and life from Thee, our immortal God. For, since he possessed Thy strength, he

cast down the tyrants and wholly destroyed the demons’ strengthless presumption. O Christ

God, by his prayers, save our souls, since Thou art merciful.

،?��H6غت= ف&.+ ال شه�'ك 4ا رب K:هاده نال م)= اإلكل�ل غ�� ال�الي 4ا إله)ا، ألنه أح�ز ق� .وس&K Lأس ال\�ا�2? ال6ي ال ق�ة لها، ف��6سالته أیها ال/�ح اإلله خل[ نف�س)ا

Troparion of Patron—Saint George the Great Martyr (Tone Four) As deliverer of captives, and defender of the poor, healer of the infirm, champion of kings:

Victorious Great Martyr George, intercede with Christ our God for our souls’ salvation.

وع? Kا أن= للأس�ر,? م&�ر ومعL6، وللفق�اء وال/اك�? عاض' وناص� ولل�ضى j��2 وشاف الnم)�? م�افح وم&ارب أیها الع�P+ في ال\ه'اء جاورج��س الآلlK الPف� ت\فع إلى ال/�ح

.اإلله في خالص نف�س)اKontakion of the Feast of the Presentation of the Lord (Tone One)

Thou, O Christ God, Who by Thy Birth, didst sanctify the Virgin’s womb, and, as is meet,

didst bless Simeon’s arms, and didst also come to save us; preserve Thy fold in peace, and

confirm them whom Thou didst love, for Thou alone art the Lover of mankind.

ال/6�دع ال��6لي ق'س(، ول�'r سعان "ا الق Kار"(، ول)ا , أیها ال/�ح اإلله , 4ا م? K�ل'ك )Hلل�\�. اآلن أدر"( وخل j&ا أن= وح'ك مK ،+ی? أح6��هvالم وأی' ال/K =6رع� wإحف.

At this point, please turn to page 98 in the Red Service Book.

ال�سالة لألح� ال*اني وال*الث�ن 'ع� الع�%�ةEpistle for the Thirty-Second Sunday after Pentecost

The Lord will give strength to his people!

Bring to the Lord, O sons of God, bring to the Lord honor and glory!

The Reading is from the First Epistle of Saint Paul to Timothy (4:9-15)

Timothy, my son, the saying is sure and worthy of full accep-

tance. For to this end we toil and strive, because we have our

hope set on the living God, who is the Savior of all men, espe-

cially of those who believe. Command and teach these things.

Let no one despise your youth, but set the believers an example in

speech and conduct, in love, in faith, in purity. Till I come, attend

to the public reading of scripture, to preaching, to teaching. Do

not neglect the gift you have, which was given you by prophetic

utterance when the council of elders laid their hands upon you. Practice these du-

ties, devote yourself to them, so that all may see your progress.

م�ا لل�ب 4ا اب)اء هللا! ال�ب 4ع.ي ق�ة ل\ع�ه م�ا لل�ب م:'ا وعxyا, ق' !ق' )15-4:9( إلى ت��8ثاوس األولى ف%ل م! رسالة الق��� ب�ل� ال�س�ل

فـإنـا لـهـvا نـ6ـعـj ونـعـ�ـ� ألنـا ألـقـ�ـ)ـا * 4ا ول'r ت��ثاوس، صادقة هي ال�لة وج'یـ�ة Kـ}ـل قـ�ـ�ل ل[ ال)اس أجع�? وال س�ـا الــnمـ)ـ�ـ? فـ�ص بـهـvا وعـلـ+ * رجاءنا على هللا ال&ي الrv ه� م

تـ= بـل "ـ? مـ~ـاال لـلــnمـ)ـ�ـ? فـي الـ�ـالم والـ6ـHـ�ف والــ&ـ�ـة واإل4ـــان * Kـه ال 4/ـ6ـهـ? أحـ' Kـفـ6ـ�وال تـهــل الــ�هـ�ـة الـ6ـي * الق�اءة إلى ح�? ق'ومي وعلى ال�عw وال6ـعـلـ�ـ+ واj� على* والعفاف

مـ= * ف�= ال6ي أوت�6ها ب)ـ�ـ�ة بـ�ضـع أیـ'r الـ�ـهـ)ـة تـأمـل فـي ذلـ= و"ـ? عـلـ�ـه عـاكـفـا لـ�ـ}ـ�ن تـقـ' .�اه�ا في "ل شيء

After the Sermon, please turn to

page 104 in the Red Service Book.

ار(ع�� م! ل�قا اإلن�Bل لألح� ال#ام� �ا الع )أح� ز�

Gospel for the Fifteenth Sunday of Luke (Zacchaeus Sunday)

The Reading is from the Holy Gospel according to Saint Luke (19:1-10)

At that time, Jesus entered Jericho and was passing through. And there was a

man named Zacchaeus; he was a chief tax collector, and rich. And he sought to

see who Jesus was, but could not, on account of the crowd, because he was small

of stature. So he ran on ahead and climbed up into a sycamore tree to see Jesus,

for he was to pass that way. And when Jesus came to the place, he looked up and

said to him, “Zacchaeus, make haste and come down; for I must stay at your

house today.” So he made haste and came down, and received him joyfully. And

when they saw it they all murmured, “He has gone in to be the guest of a man

who is a sinner.” And Zacchaeus stood and said to the Lord, “Behold, Lord, the

half of my goods I give to the poor; and if I have defrauded any one of anything, I

restore it fourfold.” And Jesus said to him, “Today salvation has come to this

house, since he also is a son of Abraham. For the Son of man came to seek and to

save the lost.”

��� )10-19:1(الNلM�8 الLاه� , ف%ل ش�GH م! '�ارة الق��� ل�قا اإلن�Bلي ال�

في ذل= الyمان ف�ا 4/�ع م:6از في أر,&ا إذا ب�جل اسه زكا "ان رئ�/ا على الع\ار,? و"ان یل6l أن ی�� 4/�ع م? ه� فل+ 4}? 6/4.�ع م? ال:ع ألنه "ان ق�H� * و"ان غ)�ا

م م/�عا وصع' إلى جy�ة ل�)P�ه ألنه "ان مyمعا أن 6:4از بها* القامة فلا ان6هى * ف6ق'ا أس�ع انyل فال��م ی)�غي لي أن ام}� في 4/�ع إلى ال�ضع رفع 2�فه ف�آه فقال له 4ا ز"

فلا رأ� ال:�ع ذل= تvم�وا قائل�? إنه دخل ل�&ل ع)' رجل * فأس�ع ونyل وق�له ف�حا * ب�6= ا وقال ل�/�ع هاءنvا 4ا رب أع.ي ال/اك�? نHف أم�الي* خا2ئ وVن ")( ق' . ف�قف ز"

فقال له 4/�ع ال��م ق' حHل ال^الص لهvا ال��( * غ�)( أح'ا في شيء أرد أر�عة أضعاف ل[ ما ق' هل= * ألنه ه� أX4ا اب? إب�اه�+ .ألن اب? ال�\� إنا أتى ل�.لj و,

Epistl_ R_[^ing S]h_^ul_Epistl_ R_[^ing S]h_^ul_Epistl_ R_[^ing S]h_^ul_Epistl_ R_[^ing S]h_^ul_

TOD@YTOD@YTOD@YTOD@Y English: S^n. S_[n H[t_m @r[\i]: W[f[ Om_ish

J[nu[ry 29J[nu[ry 29J[nu[ry 29J[nu[ry 29 LiturgyLiturgyLiturgyLiturgy

English: J[nn_t S[lm[n

F_\ru[ry 2F_\ru[ry 2F_\ru[ry 2F_\ru[ry 2 Thurs^[y LiturgyThurs^[y LiturgyThurs^[y LiturgyThurs^[y Liturgy

English: H[nn[ Soufi[ @r[\i]: OPEN

F_\ru[ry 5F_\ru[ry 5F_\ru[ry 5F_\ru[ry 5 LiturgyLiturgyLiturgyLiturgy

English: OPEN @r[\i]: OPEN

The Epistle Reading Ministry is coordinated by

‘The Brotherhood of the Noble Joseph.’

Please contact Sdn. Majd Akkawi to inquire on scheduling.

Requirements to be an Epistle ReaderRequirements to be an Epistle ReaderRequirements to be an Epistle ReaderRequirements to be an Epistle Reader:::: • Must prepare spiritually to read the Word of God

• Must be a Cathedral Member in good standing spiritually

• Must arrive during Orthros (Matins) Service 15-20 minutes before Liturgy

• Reader attire is Church attire (respectful and formal—ladies attire below knee)

• Must practice the Epistle several times during the week (chanting is preferable)

• Must enunciate loud and clear—The Apostle is speaking, not the reader!

May the Holy Word of God be written on our hearts! God bless you!

TODAY: Third/Ninth Memorial Service for Samir Alsaed,

offered by Khaled and Wajiha Alsaed and family.

Memory Eternal!Memory Eternal!Memory Eternal!Memory Eternal!

TODAY: Forty Day Memorial Service for Salwa Dammous,

offered by John Dammous and family.

Memory Eternal!Memory Eternal!Memory Eternal!Memory Eternal!

Prayer List of the Living Prayer List of the +Departed

The abducted Metropolitan PAUL

The abducted Archbishop YOUHANNA

All our brothers and sisters afflicted by war, hunger,

poverty, oppression, persecution, and occupation in the

Middle East and Worldwide.

John Dammous and family

Khaled and Wajiha Alsaed and family

Shadi, Wafa, Jordan, and Jad Omeish

Mouna and Laura Dahlan and family

Guinevere Haddad

Marizilda Fonseca

Michel Husson, Fuad Stiban

George, Mary, and Linda Bikhazi

Eddie Mabardi, David Zitle

+All our brothers and sisters departed by war, hunger,

poverty, oppression, persecution, and occupation in

the Middle East and Worldwide.

+Samir Alsaed

+Salwa Dammous

+Raheel Sayegh

+Kenneth Eid

+Nuha Kawas

+Nahil Tadros

+Zahra Zacur

+Michael Dahlan

+Ibrahim Khoury

+Heidi Hernandez


J[nu[ryJ[nu[ryJ[nu[ryJ[nu[ry Moun[ D[hl[n [n^ f[mily

Sh[^i, W[f[, Jor^[n, [n^ J[^ Om_ish

F_\ru[ryF_\ru[ryF_\ru[ryF_\ru[ry G_org_ [n^ Wi^[[ Khoury [n^ f[mily

Moun[ D[hl[n [n^ f[mily

M[r]hM[r]hM[r]hM[r]h Moun[ D[hl[n [n^ f[mily

@pril@pril@pril@pril Moun[ D[hl[n [n^ f[mily

M[yM[yM[yM[y OPEN

Jun_Jun_Jun_Jun_ OPEN

@lt[r Vigil C[n^l_@lt[r Vigil C[n^l_@lt[r Vigil C[n^l_@lt[r Vigil C[n^l_ The Candle remains lit for an entire month on the Holy

Altar. There is no fee required to offer the Altar Vigil

Candle. The offering is by donation only. Please see

schedule below (in order of submission by month).

Holy Br_[^ Off_ringHoly Br_[^ Off_ringHoly Br_[^ Off_ringHoly Br_[^ Off_ring

TOD@YTOD@YTOD@YTOD@Y John D[mmous [n^ f[milyJohn D[mmous [n^ f[milyJohn D[mmous [n^ f[milyJohn D[mmous [n^ f[mily Kh[l_^ [n^ W[jih[ @ls[_^ [n^ f[milyKh[l_^ [n^ W[jih[ @ls[_^ [n^ f[milyKh[l_^ [n^ W[jih[ @ls[_^ [n^ f[milyKh[l_^ [n^ W[jih[ @ls[_^ [n^ f[mily

J[nu[ry 29J[nu[ry 29J[nu[ry 29J[nu[ry 29 M[j_^ [n^ M[ry B[rjou^ [n^ f[milyM[j_^ [n^ M[ry B[rjou^ [n^ f[milyM[j_^ [n^ M[ry B[rjou^ [n^ f[milyM[j_^ [n^ M[ry B[rjou^ [n^ f[mily

F_\ru[ry 2F_\ru[ry 2F_\ru[ry 2F_\ru[ry 2 Thurs^[yThurs^[yThurs^[yThurs^[y

G_org_ [n^ Wi^[[ Khoury [n^ f[milyG_org_ [n^ Wi^[[ Khoury [n^ f[milyG_org_ [n^ Wi^[[ Khoury [n^ f[milyG_org_ [n^ Wi^[[ Khoury [n^ f[mily

F_\ru[ry 5F_\ru[ry 5F_\ru[ry 5F_\ru[ry 5 G_org_ [n^ Wi^[[ Khoury [n^ F[milyG_org_ [n^ Wi^[[ Khoury [n^ F[milyG_org_ [n^ Wi^[[ Khoury [n^ F[milyG_org_ [n^ Wi^[[ Khoury [n^ F[mily

F_\ru[ry 12F_\ru[ry 12F_\ru[ry 12F_\ru[ry 12 Sh[^i [n^ W[f[ Om_ish [n^ f[milySh[^i [n^ W[f[ Om_ish [n^ f[milySh[^i [n^ W[f[ Om_ish [n^ f[milySh[^i [n^ W[f[ Om_ish [n^ f[mily Y[mil [n^ S[lm[ Z[]urY[mil [n^ S[lm[ Z[]urY[mil [n^ S[lm[ Z[]urY[mil [n^ S[lm[ Z[]ur

Coff__ Hour SponsorCoff__ Hour SponsorCoff__ Hour SponsorCoff__ Hour Sponsor

TOD@YTOD@YTOD@YTOD@Y John D[mmous [n^ f[milyJohn D[mmous [n^ f[milyJohn D[mmous [n^ f[milyJohn D[mmous [n^ f[mily Kh[l_^ [n^ W[jih[ @ls[_^ [n^ f[milyKh[l_^ [n^ W[jih[ @ls[_^ [n^ f[milyKh[l_^ [n^ W[jih[ @ls[_^ [n^ f[milyKh[l_^ [n^ W[jih[ @ls[_^ [n^ f[mily

J[nu[ry 29J[nu[ry 29J[nu[ry 29J[nu[ry 29 M[j_^ [n^ M[ry B[rjou^ [n^ f[milyM[j_^ [n^ M[ry B[rjou^ [n^ f[milyM[j_^ [n^ M[ry B[rjou^ [n^ f[milyM[j_^ [n^ M[ry B[rjou^ [n^ f[mily

F_\ru[ry 5F_\ru[ry 5F_\ru[ry 5F_\ru[ry 5 G_org_ [n^ Wi^[[ Khoury [n^ F[milyG_org_ [n^ Wi^[[ Khoury [n^ F[milyG_org_ [n^ Wi^[[ Khoury [n^ F[milyG_org_ [n^ Wi^[[ Khoury [n^ F[mily

F_\ru[ry 12F_\ru[ry 12F_\ru[ry 12F_\ru[ry 12 Sh[^i [n^ W[f[ Om_ish [n^ f[milySh[^i [n^ W[f[ Om_ish [n^ f[milySh[^i [n^ W[f[ Om_ish [n^ f[milySh[^i [n^ W[f[ Om_ish [n^ f[mily

The Holy Bread and Coffee Hour are ministries of the Antiochian Women.

Please see the Coordinator of these ministries, Mrs. Salma Zacur,

to inquire on scheduling and requirements.

F_\ru[ry 19F_\ru[ry 19F_\ru[ry 19F_\ru[ry 19 Fr. Fou[^ [n^ Kh. Di[n[ S[\[ [n^ f[milyFr. Fou[^ [n^ Kh. Di[n[ S[\[ [n^ f[milyFr. Fou[^ [n^ Kh. Di[n[ S[\[ [n^ f[milyFr. Fou[^ [n^ Kh. Di[n[ S[\[ [n^ f[mily

Saint Mary’s Orthodox Church West Palm Beach, Florida


Mediterranean Festival—February 3-5, 2017

For more information, call (561) 965-5007


Traditionally, at the feast of the Lord’s Epiphany (Baptism)

on January 6th, the Great Blessing of the waters takes place

and then is used to sanctify the homes of all the faithful. In

bringing the blessed water to the homes, and sprinkling it in

each room, we rid our house of any evil influence, and re-

dedicate it to God in a special way.

As we were once renewed by the waters of our own bap-

tism into Christ, so too our home, and our entire lives, are re-dedicated

and renewed unto Christ our God each year at this time.

- Please contact the Cathedral Office at 305-444-6541 to

schedule the Home Blessing by Father Saba.

- The following should be prepared for the

Home Blessing:

• All members of family must be present.

• Bible

• Icon

• Lit Candle

• Burning Incense (Optional)

• Small Table (or dining room table)

- The visit by Father Saba should be

approximately 45 minutes.

Several visits will be scheduled on a given

day in order to reach and bless all families

and homes this season.

Once the Home Blessing Season is mostly over, Fr. Saba will

continue the regular Pastoral Visits, during which Fr. Saba

will spend ample time with each family.

C[th_^r[l C[l_n^[rC[th_^r[l C[l_n^[rC[th_^r[l C[l_n^[rC[th_^r[l C[l_n^[r TODAYTODAYTODAYTODAY Orthros (Matins) Service 9:15 a.m.

TODAYTODAYTODAYTODAY Divine Liturgy 10:30 a.m.



TODAYTODAYTODAYTODAY Sunday School Classes After Communion

TODAYTODAYTODAYTODAY Annual General Assembly Meeting and Elections 12:30 p.m.

TODAYTODAYTODAYTODAY Election of Officers for Cathedral Council After Assembly

Saturday, Jan 28Saturday, Jan 28Saturday, Jan 28Saturday, Jan 28 Great Vespers Service 5:30 p.m.

Sunday, Jan 29Sunday, Jan 29Sunday, Jan 29Sunday, Jan 29 Orthros (Matins) Service 9:15 a.m.

Sunday, Jan 29Sunday, Jan 29Sunday, Jan 29Sunday, Jan 29 Divine Liturgy 10:30 a.m.

Sunday, Jan 29Sunday, Jan 29Sunday, Jan 29Sunday, Jan 29 Sunday School Classes After Communion

S[v_ th_ D[t_!S[v_ th_ D[t_!S[v_ th_ D[t_!S[v_ th_ D[t_! Feast of the Presentation of the Lord into the Temple Feb 2, 2017Feb 2, 2017Feb 2, 2017Feb 2, 2017

Annual Cathedral Festival (one-day only) Feb 19, 2017Feb 19, 2017Feb 19, 2017Feb 19, 2017

Clean Monday—First Day of Great Lent Feb 27, 2017Feb 27, 2017Feb 27, 2017Feb 27, 2017

First Confession Program and Reception Apr 8, 2017Apr 8, 2017Apr 8, 2017Apr 8, 2017

Great and Holy Feast of PASCHA (Easter) Apr 16, 2017Apr 16, 2017Apr 16, 2017Apr 16, 2017

Great Vespers and Artoklasia for Patronal Feast of Saint George Apr 22, 2017Apr 22, 2017Apr 22, 2017Apr 22, 2017

Patronal Feast of Saint George—Miami Picnic for Three Churches Apr 23, 2017Apr 23, 2017Apr 23, 2017Apr 23, 2017

Parish Life Conference for Diocese of Southeast in Atlanta, GA Jun 15Jun 15Jun 15Jun 15----17, 201717, 201717, 201717, 2017

53rd Biennial Archdiocese Convention hosted in Miami Jul 23Jul 23Jul 23Jul 23----30, 201730, 201730, 201730, 2017 TODAY:

Removal of Crowns for Elee and Jude (Aldaoud) Dammous.


What time do I

What time do I

What time do I

What time do I






hat part did I m


What part did I m


What part did I m


What part did I m


I have dep


myself of the opportunity to…

I have dep


myself of the opportunity to…

I have dep


myself of the opportunity to…

I have dep


myself of the opportunity to…


Orthros (M


An entire service (beg

inning at 9:15 AM).


r the hymns of the week & prepare for the Liturgy.


Great Doxology


in the week properly by giving G

lory to G

od and con-

cluding the final preparation for the Divine Liturgy



is the Kingdom


that God’s Kingdom is blessed

and to respond, “Amen



Litanies & Prayers

Pray for pea

ce, the Church, the sick

. Participate in the Entrance of the Holy G



Epistle, G

ospel, Serm



r the W


of God, and think of

how it applies to m

y daily life.


Cherubic H


Participate in the procession of the

Holy G

ifts among the peo



The Creed

& O



what “I believe”



nowledge the One W

ho is being offered



The Lord

’s Prayer

Prepare to receive the

Body & Blood of Christ.


The Euch


Receive the

Body & Blood of Christ.


Thanksgiving Prayers

Give praise and thanks to G

od for

the Gift we have received

from H



The Dismissal


orate Christ’s saving w

ork, and the

prayers and intercession of all the saints.




e D

o I



to C














