
The Montgomery Presbyterian Church Newsletter



What good is it, my brothers, if a man claims to have faith

but has not deeds? Can such faith save him? Suppose a

broth-er or sister is without clothes and daily food. If one of

you says to him, “Go, I wish you well; keep warm and well

fed,” but does nothing about his physical needs, what good

is it? In the same way, faith by itself, if it is not

accompanied by action, is dead. James 2:14-17

Beloved Members of Montgomery Presbyterian Church, God calls each of us to be servants while being good stewards of the gift of the

Gospel, the gift of creation and the individual gifts God so graciously bestows on us –

we are called to imitate the humility of Jesus. God expects us to nurture our gifts for

the care of all creation and the sharing of the Gospel – not just individually, but as a

congregation. Abba God sent Jesus to teach us how to love one another as God

loves us. Through God’s grace, Jesus’ teachings and the guidance of the Holy Spirit,

we are restored into re-lationship with our Triune God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Next week, you will receive the 2020 pledge card. As always, we ask each of you to

exam-ine the blessings God has sent into your lives and prayerfully consider the gifts you

can share with our congregation and our community. Your pledges allow us - Deacons,

Build-ings & Grounds, Worship, Mission, Fellowship, Personnel, Christian Education and

Ad-ministration – to plan and budget for the coming year. There are so many gifts each of

us can share – gifts of time and treasure. If you have any suggestions for improvements

or changes, this is the best time to share them with the appropriate committee. Please return your pledge cards on September 22, Evangelism Sunday. As a church, we try to be good stewards of all the blessings bestowed on us. Your commitment to using the gifts showered upon you by God allows MPC to serve the congregation and the commu-nity, sharing God’s message of love. Joyfully, Beth Doebereiner

Elder for Stewardship Your attitude should be the same as that of Christ Jesus: Who, being in very nature

God, did not consider equality with God something to be grasped, but made himself

nothing, taking the very nature of a servant, being made in human likeness. And being

found in appearance as a man, he humbled himself and became obedient to death –

even death on a cross! Therefore God exalted him to the highest place and gave him

the name that is above every name, that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow,

in heaven and on earth and under the earth, and every tongue confess that Jesus

Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.



Adult Christian Education 8:45 am

***On Summer Break***

Coffee & Fellow-

ship: 10am-10:25am


10:30am-11:30 am


S u n d a y M o n d a y T u e s d a y W e d n e s d a y T h u r s d a y F r i d a y S a t u r d a y


1 2 3 4 5 6


Worship Service Ladies Circle, noon

With Communion 6:30 Choir rehearsal

7:30 Bells rehearsal

8 9 10 11 12 13 14

Lunch Bunch, meet at 9:00

10:30a-11:30a: Worship am at Blue Ash Presbyterian HFH Work Day

Service “We Thrive!” Montgomery

Festival of Faiths, 12:30-5pm 6:30-8:30pm

6:30 Choir rehearsal

“Made It” Day

Greater Cincinnati Japanese

7:30 Bells rehearsal

Worship Group begins

15 16 17 18 19 20 21

Boy Scout Troop 258

10:30a-11:30a: Worship 7pm Caregivers

6:30 Choir rehearsal

Fundraiser Dinner, 5-7pm


7pm Deacons

7:30 Bells rehearsal


22 23 24 25 26 27 28

10:30a-11:30a: Worship

Service 6:30 Choir rehearsal

Evangelism Sunday 7:30 Bells rehearsal

29 30

10:30a-11:30a: Worship


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Updates from Session

The Chimes

Highlights of the Session meeting July 25, August 18 and 22 2019

Session took these actions:

Called Session Meeting July 25,2019

Approved Dave Hartman to proceed with his sign design and layout for our front signage with the City of


Regular Session Meeting August 18,2019

Approved to remove from the Rolls, due to death Betty Nein, Joe Prior, Charles Crase, and Betty Ricketts. Approved to remove from the Rolls, due to change of Church, Daniel Frank. Approved Elder Susie Lewis to fill the pulpit on September 29, 2019.

Called Session Meeting August 22, 2019

Approved Elder Beth Doebereiner to fill the pulpit on September 8, 2019

New Renters at MPC Recently, a church called Greater Cincinnati Japanese Worship approached us about using our building on certain Sundays of each month. Session has approved a rental agreement with them, and they will begin use of our facilities on September 8. They will begin their setup around 12:30 and will be out of the building by 5pm. We are excited about this new partnership and hope you will be, too. If you have any questions please speak with Pastor Hailey, Cathy, or with a session member. Also, when planning future events, be sure to coordinate with Cathy to make sure the spaces you want are available.

Ladies Circle will resume their regular

schedule with Lesson 9, on Thursday,

September 5 at noon in the library.

Caregivers will meet Monday, September 16 at 7pm, at the home of Sue Poulos (7858 Trailwind Dr.)

For the September Lunch Bunch

we will join with Blue Ash Pres-

byterian Church for a field trip to

the Rumpke Recycling sta-tion.

We will meet at BAPC (4309

Cooper Rd.) at 9:00 on

Wednesday, September 11

to carpool down to the tour.

Following the tour we will go

out for lunch at a restaurant to

be determined. Please sign up

in the Gathering Room.

If you would like to purchase a hymnal in honor or memory of a loved one, you may send your information by mail or email Cathy at [email protected] . Hymnals are $18 each and checks should be made out to MPC. You may also leave payment in an envelope on Cathy’s desk or the mailbox on the back of the office door, or by dropping it in the collection

plate in a separate envelope marked “hymnal.” Spell out the name as

you wish it to appear, and specify if it is in honor or memory. Payments will be accepted through September 8.

NEW DOOR CODES As we enter the fall season and return back to activi-ties that took a hiatus over the summer, please be aware that for security purposes, we will be updating several of the door codes used by groups to access the building. New codes have been programmed into the office door and the fellowship hall door. Your group leader will give you your new code and the old one will not be deleted for a couple of weeks, so that you can get used to it. If you have an individual code, it will not be changing at this time. If you have questions, contact Cathy in the office.



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Update on the Bacons Dave and Sandra Bowen visited Michelle and Todd Bacon on their recent trip to Colorado. Michelle sends this update:

Dear Friends, A year after ending my call at Montgomery Presby-

terian Church I have accepted a call to the United Presbyterian

Church of Laramie, Wyoming! (Start date was August 12.)

Last June we sold our home, put our furniture and belongings in

storage, and headed west in a 13-foot camper trailer for a sabbati-

cal as we relocated to be near our three children in Colorado. In October, a new call had not yet been found so, we traded the camper for a one-bedroom cabin outside

Durango, CO where Aaron was finishing his last year at Fort Lewis College. Over the winter Todd was a ski

instructor and worked on various outdoor certifications. I read a lot, took some online classes with the Shalem

Institute, and worked with our yel-low Labrador retriever, Tucker, to earn his certification as a therapy dog. We

have loved being closer to our kids and the time of rest, renewal, and re-evaluation has been a gracious gift.

Laramie is a town of 30,000, 2 ½ hours northwest of Denver, and the location of the University of Wyoming. We are so excited about our new opportunity at UPC Laramie, whose mission is “Christ’s love in action.” It is a multi-generational, vital congregation with an active college ministry and mid-week children’s program, as well as being outwardly focused on the community.

Choir resumed rehearsals Wednesday, August 28 at 6:30pm. Please note With love and gratitude, Michelle this is a new start time for choir, and bell choir will practice after choir.

Shower for Hailey & David Dear MPC, David and I cannot thank you enough for the beau-tiful shower

you gave us. We are overwhelmed by your generosity and

your hospitality. Your heartfelt gifts are already helping shape

the home we are cre-ating. Your church is a wonderful place to

serve and I thank you for supporting David and me as we

begin this new part of life together.

Peace and blessings, Pastor Hailey

The MPC Book Club will be reading Just Mercy by Bryan Stevenson. Bryan Stevenson founded the Equal Justice

Initiative, a legal practice dedicated to defending those in need: the poor, the wrongly condemned, and women and

children. One of his first cases was that of Walter McMillian, a young man who was sentenced to die for a notorious

murder he insisted he didn’t commit. The case drew Bryan into a tangle of conspiracy, political machination, and le- gal brinksmanship—and transformed his understanding of mercy and justice. We will discuss this book on Monday, October 14, at 7pm at the home of Susie Lewis.


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September’s Mission Collection

In September we will collect paper products (tissues, paper towels, toilet paper, napkins) to be donated to Our Daily Bread Ministries.

Please leave donations in the Gath- ering Room.

Habitat for Humanity The last Habitat for Humanity work

date for the 2019 season will be

Saturday, September 14. Thank you to all who have supported this important mission, from

working on homes to providing lunch for work crews.

Look for new sign up sheets in the Gathering Room for the Muffin Ministry and Coffee Hour Hosting.


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Join fellow neighbors and community leaders for a presentation and community discussion led by Hamilton County Public Health WeTHRIVE! Initiative to paint a picture of environmental, economic and social factors that impact the health, safety and vitality of the City of Montgomery.


VOLUNTEERS NEEDED FOR SYCAMORE FLIGHT FEST In what has become a yearly tra- dition, Sycamore Junior High’s Aviator Flight Fest race course will again pass by MPC. Race date this year is Saturday, October 19. As with years past, Sycamore asks for volunteers to man a water station in the MPC parking lot. They provide/set up everything —- the water, cups, tables, trash can. Volunteers just

need to hand out water! The race will start at 8am. and the course will close at approxi-mately 9:30am. Please contact Cathy in the office if you are interested in being a volunteer for this fun even in the community. (Because this is a weekend event, we will need a contact person for the event coordinator. Please specify if you would be willing to fill that role.)

News from the Scholarship Committee

DanAzia Monroe is attending Wilmington College,

pur-suing a degree in education, after spending

her high school years tutoring 2nd graders at

Operation Give Back. You may remember

DanAzia, as she spoke to our congregation two

years ago during Stewardship month.

The Michelle Bacon Skyward Scholarship

was also awarded this year, allowing another child to attend Skyward — getting

that attention needed for academic

Fundraiser Dinner for Troop 258

Troop 258 will once again hold a dinner as a fundraiser. All members of MPC —- and friends and neighbors — are invited to attend.

Saturday, September 21st 5pm - 7pm in the Fellowship Hall

$9/adult and $6/child - cash only; Includes: salad, bread, spaghetti and

(optional) meatballs, dessert and drink.

Spread the word, invite your friends, and come enjoy dinner.

THE CHIMES Montgomery Presbyterian

Church Newsletter

Office Hours: 8:00-3:30 Monday-

Thursday 513-891-8670


are due by NOON on the

15th day of each month.

Send articles to [email protected]

J O I N U S O N F A C E B O O K !


Looking Ahead...

Upcoming Dates of Note


Oct. 3 Ladies Circle

Oct. 6 World Communion Sunday

Oct. 9 Lunch Bunch

Oct. 14 Book Club

Oct. 19 Sycamore Flight Fest Race

Montgomery Presbyterian Church 9994 Zig Zag Road—Cincinnati, Ohio 45242

