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The Middle EastAnd a bit more

InstructionsAll the questions and / or answers are loosely connected to the Middle East. Or at least in my mind they are.Ive taken a broad definition of the Middle East to cover the region from Iran & former Soviet republics up to Morocco.You dont need to have a deep knowledge of the region to guess the answers. Though it may help to have lived here.For Key word quizzers emphasis in bold in the questions is expected to guide you to the answers.Bounce, Pounce, and all other ounces in place.

Q1In December 1777 the Moroccan Sultan Muhammad III published a list of countries to which the countrys ports were open. This was followed by a treaty in 1786, which remains in effect to this date.The treaty, also known as the ship signals agreement largely dealt with piracy in the seas.The above 2 actions made Morocco & the Sultan the 1st country / ruler to do what?

A1Formally recognize the United StatesMoroccan American Treaty of FriendshipLongest unbroken treaty in US history.

QIn 1974 the United States Congress passed the National Maximum Speed Limit Law, prohibiting speed limits higher than 55 mph (90 kmph). Before this, and after the repeal of this law in 1995, the authority for setting speed limits lay with the states.Impact on pop culture: a pair of 5s in Texas Holdem Poker is called speed limit.I cant drive 55 by Sammy HagerDouble Nickels on the Dime by MinutemenImpact on Safety: UnclearWhat incident / event triggered this law?


A2Oil Embargo by the OAPEC protesting against American involvement in the Yom Kippur War.

Q3Deportivo ___ was founded in 1920 in Santiago and plays in Chiles Top League. Towards the end of 2013-14 they made some slight changes to their kit which became controversial.What change did they bring about? What was the controversy?


Deportivo Palestino setup by Palestinian immigrants in early 20th century.This kit showed the historical map of Palestine in lieu of #1.

Q4 - Biblical mythology All of humanity is descended from Noah through his 3 sons.1st son Japheth Fair & tall Ancestor of the Northern people (Europeans)3rd son Ham Dark Ancestor of the southern people (Africans)Who was the 2nd son, ancestor of the middle people? And what name, thus, is applied to his descendants?


Q5 - Connect

Hassanieh, Ur1937Nile, Cairo1938Petra1939Somewhere in Egypt 1944Shiraz1934


Q6Rai is a form of folk music that originated in Algeria, and is now quite popular in many parts of Europe, besides North Africa. The singers of Rai are usually given an honorific title that derives from a word meaning young in Arabic, as opposed Sheikh used for older people. Sometimes this musical genre is also referred to by the same name in non-Arab circles.What is this title?2 famous eg shown.

A6ChebFrom Shabab meaning youngFamous artists includeCheb Khaled DidiCheb Mami Desert RoseCheb BelalChaba Fadela


One of the main streets in Tehran named in 1981. Name was officially changed in 2001 to Intifada street in order to normalize relations with another country, though the old name is still very much in use. What is his claim to fame?

A7Assassinated Egyptian PM Anwar Sadat.Iran was upset with Egypt for its treaty with Israel and for giving asylum to the Shah.

Q8American Motivational speaker Jim Rohn famously said, We must all suffer one of 2 things. The pain of discipline or the pain of disappointment.Justin Langer paraphrased this in one of his interviews when he said, The pain of discipline is nothing like the pain of disappointment.This inspired a very recently retired (2015) player to quote his hero. Only it got a bit lost in translation, and became -

This roughly translates toThe pain of discipline is something like the pain of disappointment.This mistranslation has been seen occasionally over the last 8 years. Was prominently seen in full page photos in the newspapers towards the end of March. Unlikely well see much of it going forward. Where would one have seen these words?


Q9 Why are these called Lessepsian Migrants?

Bluespotted cornetfishFistularia commersoniiSpot-fin Porcupine fishMelibe Fimbriata

Shade fish / stone basseArgyrosomus regius

Zafra savignyi

Honeycomb stingray (Himantura uarnak)Nomad JellyfishRopilema Nomadica

A9Migration of species across the Suez Canal between the Red Sea & the Mediterranean.Now used to refer to any migration over man-made structures, that would not have been possible without it.

Q10The Parthian empire, which consisted of most of present day Iran, and lasted 500 years, was the main rival to the Romans, at their zenith. One of their most notable victories was in 52 B.C. when they crushed a much larger Roman army. A technique they employed later called The Parthian Shot was credited for their victory.What was The Parthian Shot?

A10While riding at full speed on horseback, they would turn their upper bodies around and shoot at the pursuers.

Q11The 2nd highest grossing non-English film worldwide is Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, which collected $130m in US, and $205m worldwide.3rd highest was Life is BeautifulWhich is the #1 non-English film, with nearly 3 times the revenue?And in which language?


The Passion of the ChristAramaicAlso Hebrew / Latin.

Q12In 1999, he was consulted by the British Foreign Office. One of the main problems reviewed was Israel Palestine, His solution to the problem was to ship them jars of Marmite..Reasoning Lack of zinc makes people irritable. Yeast has zinc. However the Middle East primarily consumes unleavened bread which lacks this. And thus the people here are always on a short fuse.Who was this wearer of multiple hats?


Q13Theyab Awana was a UAE national team footballer who died in a car accident in Abu Dhabi in Sep 2011. Was allegedly on his cell-phone at the time of the crash. Just a month before his death he was at the centre of a controversy for a goal he scored against Lebanon in a friendly, soon after coming on as a substitute. Though the goal was awarded he was given a yellow card, and also immediately substituted by his coach. What did he do (in the match)?


Q14The Trucial states or the Federation of Arab Emirates were nine. 7 of them eventually formed the United Arab Emirates, after the British ended their protectorate.In what insignia would you see a commemoration of the fact there were originally 9 Emirates?


Q15Microsoft uses what it terms as the Kuwaiti algorithm in its software for a particular purpose. They claim to have created this based statistical analysis of historical data from Kuwait.What do they use this algorithm for?

A15Conversion between Gregorian & Islamic calendar dates

Q16He was also an accomplished painter, having attended art school in Paris from 1908-10. He did a number of portraits of people he met, including Yeats, Carl Jung, and Rodin. He met Abdul Baha (of the Bahai movement) in 1911 in New York when he did a portrait.His most famous creation (in 1923) is believed to be based on Abdul Baha. Today this is what he is most known by.Who? Which work?


Q17Which classic movie?


Q18The Sykes-Picot agreement was a secret treaty between the British & the French in 1916 demarcating their spheres of influence. This agreement also resulted in laying out the border between 2 countries. This border has been almost completely obliterated in recent years. In a speech from 2014 titled End of Sykes-Picot, a spokesman is seen saying, This is not the [only] border well break, well break other borders. In another, . will not stop until we hit the last nail in the coffin of the SykesPicot conspiracyWhat (post WWII) was divided by the Sykes Picot line?

A18Border between Syria & Iraq

Q19Shes most known for leading a famous revolt against the Roman empire, and establishing her own short-lived empire (4 years) that covered parts of present day Turkey, Levant & the Nile Delta.The Romans knew her as Julia Aurelia ___, Greek writers referred to her as Septimia ___, Arabs as az-Zabba or Bat-Zabbai.Multiple claims on her ancestry. She herself claimed to be descended from both Dido of Carthage, and Cleopatra VII of Egypt. There are also claims that she is Aramaic, Jew, Arab amongst others.Who?

A19Zenobia. Queen of Palmyra

Q20Multiple stories exist on its destruction. The prominent ones are:Accidentally destroyed by Julius Caesars army in 48 B.C. when they were under siege.By emperor Aurelian circa 270 A.D, when he was suppressing a revolt by the Queen ZenobiaBy Christian mobs who set out to remove all traces of Pagan culture, under the orders of the Patriarch Theophilus or his nephew Cyril, acting on an edict of Emperor Theodosius I around 400 A.D.By the Muslim army in 642 A.D., on the orders of the Caliph Omar ibn al Khattab, who reputedly remarked, If they are in agreement with the Quran, we have no need for them. If these are opposed to the Quran, destroy them.What was thus lost?

A20Burning of the Library of Alexandria.

Q21One of the leaders in its industry, this company earlier had a practice of naming its locations of operations after water-birds. Which place, probably the most well-known to the lay-person, is named after this goose?The name is sometimes also used to refer to an amalgamation of 4 adjacent locations including itself, Forties, Oseberg & Ekofisk.


BrentBFOENamed after Brant (Brent) Goose

Q22Eratosthenes was a Greek polymath of the 3rd century BC in Alexandria. School kids might know him for the Sieve of Eratosthenes, a method for determining prime numbers.He was once told that a person looking down into a well in Aswan, at noon, on the summer solstice, would block the reflection of the sun. Using this knowledge, along with some measurements in Alexandra, and assuming that the distance from Alexandria to Aswan was 5000 stadia, he is believed to be the 1st person to calculate what?


The Circumference of the Earth.


Similar to the US Congress renaming French fries and French Toast as Freedom Fries and Freedom Toast, over Frances opposition to the 2003 Iraq invasion, what edible item was rebranded as Roses of the Prophet Muhammad by Iran in early 2006?

A23Danish PastriesIn Denmark theyre called Viennese breadFrom the Colbert Report:This sweet holds the title of having the longest name of any pastry in the world in spoken language: "Rose of the Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon his name".

Q24Border disputes between almost every country and its neighbour are a legacy of the colonial past of this region. Of this what is peculiar about the disputed region of Bir Tawil?Almost a unique situation. Some similar cases exist on the borders of Croatia.

A24Area unclaimed by either of the disputants Egypt & Sudan

Q25Which form of medicine as practiced today has its formal origins with the publication of this book in around 1025 CE?This book is still used as one of the standard text-books. Its named after the place/country most of the ideas originally came from (and built upon by Ibn Sina).

A25Unani MedicineMainly prevalent in India and other South Asian countries.Unani Ionian. Also used to refer to Greece.Physicians are called Hakims.Based on the texts of Galen, Aristotle, as well as Indian (Susruta & Charaka) & Chinese (Maijing) works.Currently India has 40 Unani Medical colleges offering BUMS. And 8 offering PG.

Q26The Qarmatians were a religious group, that originated in Iraq, came to prominence around 875 CE and held sway for around 200 years, mainly in Eastern Arabia and Bahrain. Among their claims to infamy:Created terror all over the Abbasid and Fatimid caliphates.Ran a society with a huge number of slaves from East Africa.Killed around 20,000 Muslims in a single instance, for having indulged in a superstitious practice.Stole an important relic, and took it back to their capital, where they held it for ~ 25 years. Dumped it in a mosque in Kufa, after the Abbasid Caliph paid a huge ransom.This artefact, when returned was broken into several pieces. It was put together using silver nails and ligaments, and taken back to its original location. What was this?


The Black Stone of KaabaThey massacred returning pilgrims. Claimed the Hajj was a superstitious practice.

Q27Once considered among the richest men in the world, and worth about $26 billion.What was his profession?i.e. How did he make his billions?


Q28The name of this tribe means Guardians of the Law in Hebrew. They follow a religion very similar and closely related to Judaism, but have been at loggerheads for over 2500 years. One of the differences is that they consider Mount Gerizim to be the chosen place of worship, as opposed to Jerusalem (by the Rabbincal Jews).Today they number less than 800 in all. Their name would be known from many stories of ancient times that are found in the scriptures. Most famous among them, one in which a tribesman becomes an unlikely saviour to the protagonist.Name the tribe.

A28SamaritansOf The Good Samaritan fame.

Q29What connects the 3 tunes exclusively?

Humat al HimaYa BiladiIshy Biladi


Mohammed Abdel Wahab composed the national anthem of 3 countriesTunisia Humat al HimaLibya Ya biladiUAE Ishy Bilady

Q30Sultan was used by those who wanted to show that they were not dependent on any higher ruler on earth. But at the same time did not openly challenge the Caliph.Who was the person to carry the title of Sultan?Hint: Indirectly connected to the 1st Bollywood movie to cross Rs 100 cr in collections.

A30Mahmud of Ghazni

Q31Which brand?This was established in 1974 in Lebanon by Nizar Choucair. Today it is the leading brand in its category in the Middle East with 140 outlets in 21 countries. This category, especially at the higher end, is traditionally dominated a few European countries.Today it has 5 factories Lebanon, KSA, UAE, Syria & Egypt.In addition to the 5 factories which make the core product, it has 4 other manufacturing divisionsPackaging / PrintingSilver LinePorcelain trying out new things that could go insideFlower Decoration / OrnamentationIn 2008 it collaborated with Harrods to bring out the most expensive set of its products.


Q32In the novel Phantom by Jo Nesbo, the drug kingpin is an elusive character who is referred to as Dubai. The reason for the moniker is the costume his street drug dealers are identified through, by potential buyers.What get-up is this?Easily identifiable by the junkiesDoes not stand out too conspicuously in the streets of OsloLeads to the mastermind being called Dubai

A32Arsenal jerseysWill give points for Football jerseys with Emirates written on it
