Page 1: The masks we wear   self-help article   life school pune

The masks we wear – Self-Help Article

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Dearest Darling Readers,

We all wear masks from time to time. In our gestures, in our

habits, and in our routines, we wear masks. We hide our

feelings, our desires. We hide from what motivates us. We

hide from who we might become.

We drink tea as a mask for how tired we are.

Lack of motivation is masked behind excuses.

Presence of excuse masks our laziness.

Tired of caring for a infant? Downhearted about the nagging

at home? Downcast by zero appreciation? Miserable about

your boss’s scathing remarks about you?

The anger we carry is masking frustrations of feeling


The alcohol that you drink at night masks the fear and the stress feel from not having control over life. It also

masks loneliness. Maybe, it helps you get through another night as some memories haunt you. Maybe, you

are masking your vulnerability in that glass of alcohol.

We mask our sadness with false smiles and booming laughters. We exaggerate to mask our fears, and to be

desirable. We wear high heels and sensual clothes to drive a point masking the need for attention. We drive

certain cars and visit certain social gatherings to show a sense of self, make a projection, and express an

idea. We use extroversion to collect affection. We ensure we are ‘busy’ to mask our fear of not leaving an


We cover up a lot of things. The scars we carry, the stories we hold in our bosom, the work we’re afraid of

doing, are so often masked.

By the way, it’s not awful to have masks. I too have carried masks at times. However, with pain and frustration I

have realized, they can’t be our only way of dealing with the world. The entire time we spend pretending, we

feel shallow about ourselves. By hiding from the world, we lose peace and a piece of our souls.

Many of us have lost touch with ourselves, with the tender, beautiful, sacred part of who we are.

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Here is the solution….

Releasing a mask requires facing a real, honest, scary, less-than-desirable feeling. Letting go of your mask

means you might need to accept…

I’m tired of this.

Or, no, I don’t want to do this any more.

Or, I’m scared. I’m scared of messing up. I’m scared of doing a bad job. I’m scared I won’t be liked. I’m scared

that if I try, I will end up failing. I am scared I will lose my friends. I am scared I will lose respect. I am scared I

will be left out. I am scared I will look unfashionable.

Putting the mask away requires Guts, Honesty, Softness and Tenderness.

These wretched feelings inside? They aren’t enemies. They are clues.

Feelings are like Google maps when we are lost in our travels. They are like the direction markers

that guide us back into the brilliance of ourselves, provided we allow it.

The only catch is that it will be agonizing and unpleasant. Feelings that are lurking for years might surface to

remind us of the internal work we still have to do.

Our masks were protection, once.

There is no need to carry shame about it. Be gentle about it. Our masks served us at some point. It

saved us at some point. It protected us in our weak moments. It is not necessary to disarm them


When we were abused, we hardened and deadened our senses and built masks in order to survive those

times. These mechanisms and masks were useful for they helped us to survive.

They got us here. They protected us.

The point is- Do we need them today?

Do you know what masks are you wearing nowadays?

Do you know what masks you carry?

Do you know behind those masks, what do you hide?

Can you lower the masks for some time? Or, with some people?

You deserve freedom. There is nothing more precious than freedom. You are YOU when you are free. Be


Start small. Make progress. Develop courage. Take another step. Lower the mask. See, how free you feel. I

know you are also a little scared. It’s ok to be scared here. Keep the mask low. Now, throw away any one

mask. Feel the lightness. Feel unburdened. Feel overwhelmed by your freedom.

Be free. You deserve it. Only through freedom you live your life. Otherwise, you are a caricature of

expectations. You will feel like an ox yanked to a cart. I know you want a better life.

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Go on. Deserve your freedom.

The wounds you have, will heal. Only the scars will remain. They will be your treasures. Enjoy the process of

creating your treasures. Abundance awaits you with open arms. Be strong. Be tender. You will look better

without the mask.

With love, prayers and best wishes,

Narendra Goidani

Important Note :

To read more such Inspirational Articles – Click Here

Do visit our page “Lets Explore” if you are looking for an Inspirational Course and not just a

Personality Development Course.

CLICK HERE to know the details of our Inspirational Training Course.

An Extra-Ordinary News for all of you!

Announcing an Open program (Inspirational Talk by Naren) on -

“Happiness is a habit”.

Date – 25th of Jan 2014

Time – 7 pm to 9 pm

Venue – Alpa Bachat Bhavan, Behind Council Hall, Near Residency Club, Pune.

For Details -

Call- 020 – 66013002/3

Email- [email protected]

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