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The Malta Blockchain Regulatory Framework

Joseph F Borg, WH Partners

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Malta, the ‘blockchain island’On the 4th of July of 2018, the Maltese Parliament unanimously passed three bills that established the

foundations of the Maltese Blockchain Regulatory Framework:

- Virtual Financial Assets Act (VFA Act)

- Malta Digital Innovation Authority Act (MDIA Act)

- Innovative Technology Arrangements and Services Act (ITAS Act/ITASA)

Along with this regulatory framework, the Malta Gaming Authority (MGA) also published a set of guidelines

that create the parameters for the establishment of a sandbox in relation to the use of blockchain and

cryptocurrencies by Malta licensed gaming operators.

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What do the MDIA and the ITASA


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Malta Digital Innovation Authority (MDIA)

The MDIA is an independent authority which is regulated by the MDIA Act. The MDIA wasset up to support the development of Innovative Technology Arrangements (ITAs) andServices (ITSs) in Malta.

The MDIA aims also to encourage the development of regulatory processes in relation toITAs to support all National Competent Authorities (NCAs) regulating different sectors tobetter administer the laws entrusted to their administration for the public benefit.

Inter alia, the MDIA shall:

• regulate, monitor and supervise the provision of ITAs and ITSs in Malta;

• provide facilities for the recognition, certification, registration, or otherwise grant orissue of authorisation of ITAs;

• establish minimum quality, compliance and security standards for any ITAs and ITSs;

• provide information and issue guidelines.

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Malta Digital Innovation Authority (MDIA)

The MDIA’s Main Objectives (i)

Promoting governmental policies that favour the deployment, within the public administration, of ITAs

Fostering, promoting andfacilitating the advancementand utilisation of ITAs andtheir design and uses

Promoting education onethical standards andlegitimate exploitation ofITAs

Safeguarding, maintainingand protecting the Malta’sreputation in the use of ITAs

Protecting users of ITAs,including consumers and thegeneral public and ensuringstandards are set

Harmonising practices andfacilitating the adoption of ITAs inMalta, to be in line withinternational norms, standards,rules and/or laws particularlythose of the EU

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Malta Digital Innovation Authority (MDIA)

The MDIA’s Main Objectives (ii)

Promoting and enforcing ethicaland legitimate criteria in thedesign and use of ITAs andensuring quality of services andsecurity therein

Assisting the competent DPAs insafeguarding the data protectionrights of data subjects and assistingother CAs in the protection ofvulnerable persons and thepromotion of fair competition andconsumer choice

Promoting transparency andauditability in the use of ITAs,and any application, software, orderivative product from it orintrinsically part of or connectedto it

Supporting the prevention ofmoney laundering, terroristfinancing and the commission ofany other crime in or through theuse of ITAs

Promoting legal certainty in theapplication of laws, in a nationaland cross-border context, andthe development of appropriatelegal principles for the effectiveapplication of law to ITAs

Promoting ease of accessibility tothe facilities provided by publiclyavailable ITAs and the recognitionand implementation of the right ofexit, withdrawal or termination ofparticipation from any arrangementin the use of ITAs

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Innovative Technology Arrangements and Services


(i) Systems Auditor Guidelines;

(ii) Systems Auditor Report Guidelines;

(iii) Systems Auditor Control Objectives;

(iv) Enhanced Systems Audit/or Guidelines

(i) Innovative Technology Arrangements Guidelines;

(ii) ITA Blueprint Guidelines

(i) Technical Administrator Guidelines;

(ii) Resident Agent Guidelines

(i) Technology Stack Nomenclature Guidelines;

(ii) Forensic Node Guidelines;

(III) Guidelines on the definition of In or From Malta

Guidelines issued by the MDIA

ITA certification is voluntary in all cases except if

an IVFAO utilizes an ITA. The ITA must be carried

out in or from Malta.

Applicants wishing to have their ITA authorised,

are to provide the MDIA with any information,

documentation and assurances which may be

requested by the authority. Applicants and their

ITA must be deemed to be fit and proper by the

MDIA. Furthermore, applicants must comply with

the rules and regulations issued by the MDIA.

A Systems Auditor is required to provide the MDIA

with an opinion on whether the ITA meets

reasonable standards as set out by the said

authority. These shall include, amongst others, the

specific purposes, qualities, features, attributes,

behaviors or aspects of the ITA as specified in the


An ITA must also have a Technical Administrator

(TA) in place at all times; whereby, said TA shall,

inter alia, demonstrate to the MDIA that the ITA

satisfies all pre-requisites for the certification which

may be granted to it. Furthermore, the TA shall

also ensure that the ITA is able to meet the MDIA’s

standards on a continuing basis and should any

critical matters surface, the TA is to show how

such matters shall be addressed n the event of

their occurrence.

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Issuers of VFAs -

Initial VFA

Offerings and

Trading of VFAs

on the Exchanges

What does the VFA Act regulate?

VFA Service


VFA Agents

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Issuers of VFAs

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Issuers of VFAs

‘Issuer’ means a legal person duly formed under any law for the time

being in force in MALTA which issues or proposes to issue virtual

financial assets in or from within Malta.

Accordingly, it is necessary to incorporate a Maltese Company,

typically a private limited company (Ltd) or public limited company

(p.l.c). However, it is also possible to launch a token offering via a

Foundation, following amendments introduced to the Maltese Civil


The Issuer’s business shall be effectively directed or managed by at

least two individuals in satisfaction of the ‘dual control’ principle.

Such persons shall be capable of demonstrating to the satisfaction of

the Authority sufficient knowledge and understanding of the Issuer’s

business to enable them to discharge their duties.

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The Whitepaper

The whitepaper shall convey factual information about a business in words and figures, and shall serve as a source of information about the Issuer and its proposed activities. The whitepaper shall:

1. be dated;

2. contain all the information stipulated in the First Schedule to the Act;

3. be signed by the Issuer’s Board of Administration; and

4. include a statement by the Issuer’s Board of Administration that the whitepaper complies with the requirements under the Act, the relevant regulations and these Rules.

The Issuer shall commence the offering of its VFAs to the public or shall proceed with the admission of its VFAs to trading on DLT exchanges within six months from the date of registration of the whitepaper with the MFSA.

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An Issuer shall ensure

that an investor does

not invest more than

Euro 5,000 in its Initial

VFA Offering over a

12-month period.

Provided that its shall

not apply to an investor

who declares to the

Issuer that:

Board of


A. he is capable of

providing evidence that

he has already

participated in other

Initial VFA Offerings and

his initial investment

exceeded EUR 10,000 or

its equivalent;

B. he is aware of the risks

involved; and

C. the funds he is

contributing to the

specific Initial VFA

Offerings does not

exceed one per cent of

his net worth excluding

his main residential


Responsible for

ensuring that the

Issuer complies with

its obligation under the

VAF framework.



Cap on




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Initial VFA Offerings & Trading on DLT

exchangesApplications for registration are made through the submission of the Whitepaper

Registration Form, publicly available online on the Virtual Financial Assets Framework

page on the MFSA website. The Whitepaper registration form is divided in 2 stages:

The Issuer is to submit the following document to

the MFSA:

• M&A;

• Board Resolution or, in case where the

entity’s Legal Form is not a company, a

document indicating agreement to apply for

registration of the whitepaper;

• Financial Instrument test in excel format;

• Whitepaper in PDF in colour;

• Annex 1 of the Whitepaper registration form in

excel format;

• Details of payment of application fees;

• Annex 2 of the Whitepaper registration form

signed in blue ink and in PDF format;

• System Audit Report;

• Audited Annual Accounts for each of the

last three financial years.

Stage 1 Stage 2

The following is to be submitted in the

stage two:

• Organizational chart reflecting clearly

both the Qualifying Unitholding

structure and the Underlying Group


• P.Q.s and supporting documents;

• Letter of Engagement with VFA


• Letter of Engagement with Financial


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An Issuer shall appoint, and have at all times appointed, the following functionaries,

who are required to have sufficient knowledge and experience in the field of information

technology, DLT assets and their underlying technologies, and have a good understanding

of the Issuer’s business:

Systems Auditor VFA Agent

Responsible for reviewing and auditing

the Issuer’s Innovative Technology

Arrangement/s (ITA/s) (including cyber

security arrangements) and shall also

be charged with preparing an annual

systems audit report on its ITA in

compliance with guidelines issued

by the Malta Digital Innovation

Authority (MDIA).

Responsible for acting as an intermediary with the MFSA – all

communications, meetings, notifications and/or submissions to the MFSA are made through its VFA Agent, carrying out the fitness & properness assessment in respect of the Issuer,

ensuring that the whitepaper complies with the requirements of the VFA Act

and endorsing the Financial Instrument Test. If more the one VFA Agent is

appointed, the Issuer must establish how responsibility is to be allocated

and inform the MFSA in writing of the respective allocations made;

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Custodian Auditor

An independent third

party responsible for

the safekeeping of the

Issuer’s assets and

investor’s funds.

The Issuer shall appoint and have at all times in

place an Auditor approved by the MFSA. The Auditor

shall have adequate business organisation,

systems, experience and expertise to act as Auditor to an Issuer. The Issuer

shall obtain from its Auditor a signed letter of

engagement defining clearly the extent of the Auditor's responsibilities

and the terms of his appointment.

Responsible for ensuring

compliance with all

applicable Anti-Money

Laundering and

Prevention of Funding of

Terrorism laws and


Money Laundering

Reporting Officer

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Systems Auditor Report

The Issuer shall ensure that its Systems

Auditor, prior to the commencement of the

offering of the Virtual Financial Assets, has

prepared a report which covers all aspects of

its Innovative Technology Arrangement/s.

The Issuer shall also ensure that the Systems

Auditor, prior to the commencement of the

offering of the Virtual Financial Assets, checks

and certifies that nothing in the Innovative

Technology Arrangement/s used, including

any smart contract to be deployed, shall

contain any rights to unilaterally mutate,

amend and, or destroy without leaving

trace the Innovative Technology

Arrangement/s involved, in whole or in

part, including any smart contract thereof.

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An Issuer shall establish a ‘Cyber-Security

Framework’ which shall inter alia include:

1. Information and data security roles and


2. Access management policy;

3. Sensitive data management policy;

4. Threats management policy;

5. Business continuity plan;

6. Response and recovery plan; and

7. Security education and training.

The Cyber-Security Framework shall comply with

internationally recognized cyber security standards

and shall be in line with the provisions of the

GDPR. The MFSA has issued guidance Notes on

Cybersecurity in order to assist Issuers and VFA

Service Providers to comply with this requirement.

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The Issuer shall, on an annual

basis, engage an independent

auditor to draw up a report which

shall include:

1. a confirmation that the

AML/CFT/KYC systems the

Issuer purports to have in place

are indeed in place, and

2. a review of the operations of

the Issuer from an AML/CFT


Whitepaper must contain detailed description of the past and future milestones including any deliverable in any private placement and its effect of the public offering to the investors. The issuer must provide regular updates by means of public announcements.

In the event that the milestones are not met and these delays would potentially affect the risk parameters of the project, the Issuer shall also pursuant to his obligation at Law, update the Whitepaper accordingly and inform the investors of their right to opt out.

Disclosure to

the public

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Compliance Certificate To be drawn up by the Issuer on an annual basis. It is to be reviewed by the VFA

Agent, signed by all members of the Issuer’s Board of Administration and

subsequently submitted to the MFSA by the VFA Agent.

It shall include:

a confirmation that

all the local


requirements have

been satisfied and

that the Issuer has

adequate systems

in place to identify


transactions and to

draw up



reports, which


should be obtained

from its MLRO;

a confirmation that its

Innovative Technology

Arrangement complies with

any qualitative standards set

and guidelines issued by the

Malta Digital Innovation

Authority applicable to the

particular type of arrangement

(irrespective of whether the

said arrangement holds a

certification or a ruling of

eligibility under the Innovative

Technology Arrangements

and Services Act), which

confirmation should be

obtained from a Systems


a statement as

to whether the

Issuer is a fit

and proper

person, which

statement shall

be confirmed by

the VFA Agent

to the Issuer;


a statement as

to whether there

have been any

breaches of the

Act, the

Regulations or

these Rules,

which statement

should be made

by its Board of


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Record Keeping

An Issuer shall arrange for documents to be

kept for 5 years to enable MFSA to monitor

compliance with the requirements under the

VFA framework.

The Issuer shall ensure that Its I.T infrastructure is

located in Malta, and/or any EEA member state

and/or any other third country jurisdiction wherein

the Authority is satisfied that the date is stored in a

way that ensures integrity and security of the data,

availability, traceability and accessibility of data;

and privacy and confidentiality.

Provided that where the Issuer’s I.T. infrastructure

is not located in Malta, or is located in a cloud

environment, the Issuer shall ensure that data is

replicated real time by virtue of live replication

server located in Malta.

I.T. Infrastructure

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Transaction by Restricted Persons

and with Related Parties IVFAO issuer must require all Restricted Persons to comply with an internal code of

dealing in compliance with the Rulebook when it comes to dealing (trading) directly or

indirectly with any of the virtual financial assets of the issuer.

Restricted Persons have been defined as the following:

The Board of Administration of the IVFAO issuer;

The Board of Administration of the Subsidiary of the IVFAO issuer;

The Board of Administration of the Parent Undertaking;

Any of the IVFAO issuer’s officers or employees, or an officer or employee of its subsidiary or parent undertaking

who, because of his office or employment in the issuer or subsidiary or parent undertaking, is likely to be in

possession of unpublished price-sensitive information in relation to the

IVFAO issuer.

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Transaction by Restricted Persons

and with Related Parties Restricted Persons will be prevented from dealing directly or indirectly in the virtual financial assets of the IVFAO issuer at the following times:

• At any time when he is in possession of unpublished price-sensitive information in relation to those Virtual Financial Assets;

• Prior to the announcement of matters of an exceptional nature involving unpublished price-sensitive information in relation to the market price of the Virtual Financial Assets of the Issuer;

• Without giving advance written notice to one or more other Board of Administration designated for this purpose. In his own case, such designated Administrator shall not deal without giving advance notice to the board of administration of such Issuer or any other designated Administrator as appropriate; or

• During such other period as may be established by the MFSA from time to time;

• During the period of thirty (30) days immediately preceding any publication of the Issuer’s annual results. Provided that the Issuer may allow a Restricted Person to trade on its own account or for the account of a third party during a closed period, on a case-by case basis, due to the existence of exceptional circumstances, such as severe financial difficulty, which require the immediate sale of Virtual Financial Assets and the Issuer shall immediately notify the Authority accordingly.

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Transaction by Restricted Persons

and with Related Parties

These restrictions apply also to any ‘Connected Person’ who acts on behalf of a Restricted Person and it is the duty of the Restricted Persons to seek to prohibit any such dealing by any Connected Person at a time when he himself is not free to deal.

Connected Person is a person who is connected to an Administrator of the Issuer, such person shall be considered to be connected to an Administrator if that person is:

A member of the Administrator’s family, including without limitation, the Administrator’s spouse or a partner,

the Administrator’s child or step-child, the Administrator’s parents and any

other dependents of the Administrator; or

A legal person in which the Administrator, any of the persons

related to the Administrator holds or hold units in a nominal value equal to at least 20% of the capital of that legal

person; or (ii) is or are entitled to control 20% of the voting rights at any general meeting of that legal person;


Acting in capacity as a trustee of any trust, the beneficiaries of which

include: (i) the Administrator, the Administrator’s dependents, including without limitation, the Administrator’s spouse, children or step-children; or (ii) a legal person with which one is

associated as set out above; or

Acting in a capacity as a business partners of that Administrator or of any

person who, is connected with the Administrator.

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Cancellation of an IVFAO

If canceled for any reason the

Issuer shall ensure that any

funds collected from the investors

are duly returned thereto. The

process shall be monitored by

the VFA Agent.

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VFA Service Providers

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Introduction (1)Chapter 3 of the Virtual

Financial Assets Rulebook

Authorisation Requirements of VFA Service

Providersi. The Licensing Process of a VFA Service Provider

Ongoing Obligations for VFA Service Providers i. Organisational Requirements

ii. Supplementary Conditions

iii. Prudential Requirements

iv. Conduct of Business Obligations

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Class 1

Licence holders authorised to receive and transmit orders

and/ or provide investment advice in

relation to one or more virtual financial assets and / or the placing of virtual

financial assets but are not authorized to hold or control client’s


The Four Classes

Class 2

Licence holders authorised to provide any VFA service but not to operate a VFA exchange or deal for their own account. They may also hold

or control clients’ money in conjunction with the provision of a

VFA Service.

Class 3

Licence holders authorised to provide any VFA service but not to operate a VFA exchange. They may also hold or control

clients’ money in conjunction with the provision of a VFA


Class 4

Licence holders

authorised to provide

any VFA service and

hold or control clients’

money in conjunction

with the provision of a

VFA Service.

1 2 3 4

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The VFA Agent

Appointing a VFA

Agent registered

with the MFSA

Fitness and



Handles all MFSA



notifications and


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The Licensing Process

Preparatory Phase

Pre-Licensing Phase

Post-Licensing Requirements and

Pre-Commencement of Business

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The Licensing Process (2)

1. 2. 3.

Preparatory Phase

• Notification of Intent

to the MFSA

• Schedule of a

preliminary meeting

• Submission of

Application Form

Preparatory Phase

• Review of the application

and submitted documents.

• Completion of Fitness and

Properness Assessment

• Issuance of an ‘in principle


• Applicant shall: i. Finalise any outstanding


ii. Finalise any pre-licensing


iii. Submission of original

copies & final application


• Satisfy a number of

post-licensing matters

prior to the

commencement of


• Commencement of

VFA Services business

within twelve (12)

months from date of

issue of licence.

Post-Licensing & Pre-Commencement

of Business

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Organisational Requirements

• Governance Arrangements

• Establishment of a Board of Administration

• Responsibility of Senior Management

• Risk Consideration

• Risk Management

• Compliance & Compliance Certificate

• Financial Instrument Test


• Safeguarding of Clients’ Assets

• Internal Audit

• Insurance Requirements

• Business Continuity Process

• Outsourcing Requirements

• Procedure for Reporting a breach

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Supplementary Conditions

• System Auditor

• Supplementary Conditions applicable to

VFA exchanges:

i. Listing Criteria

ii. Custody

iii. Suspension and removal from trading

iv. Order Matching

v. Pre-trade and Post-trade Transparency

vi. Client Record Keeping

vii. Reporting of Suspicious Transactions

viii. System Resilience

ix. Settlement

x. Bye-Laws

xi. Inability to Discharge Function

xii. Disciplinary Action

xiii. Synchronization of Business Clocks

xiv. Compliance Certificate

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Prudential Requirements

Own Capital Requirements:

i. Initial Capital Requirements

ii. Capital Requirements – the Company shall at all times maintain,

at a minimum, own funds equal to their capital requirement,

which shall amount to the higher of the following:

i. Its permanent minimum requirement (initial capital)

ii. Its fixed overheads – at least one quarter of the fixed overheads of the

proceeding year.

iii. Internal Capital Adequacy Assessment Process

iv. Liquidity Requirements – minimum an amount of liquid assets

equivalent to at east one third of the fixed overhead


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Conduct of Business Obligations

• Conflict of Interest:

I. Remuneration Policy Rules

II. Inducement Rules – Investment advice and portfolio mangement

III. Personal Transaction Rules

• Sale Processes & Selling Practices:

I. Client Categorisation

II. Experienced Investors

III. Non-experienced Investors

• Advice and Non-Advice (Investment Advice)

• Assessment of Clients’ Suitability and Appropriateness

• Contractual Arrangements with Clients

• Complaints Handling by Licence Holders

• Execution of Clients’ Orders

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Record Keeping, Reporting and

Disclosure Requirements

• Record Keeping:

I. Customers’ Accounting records

II. Accounting Records

• Appointing an Auditor

• Reporting Requirements:

I. Audited Annual Reporting Requirements

II. Annual Financial Return

III. Interim Financial Returns

IV. Risk Management and the Internal

Capital Adequacy Assessment Report

• Disclosure Requirements:

I. Governance

II. Own Funds

III. Capital Requirements

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Blockchain and gambling

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and provable



Security and


Faster, Easier

and Cheaper


Greater Efficiency

and Automation

through Smart


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MGA Sandbox

Acceptance of payments Cryptocurrencies• VFAs and Virtual Tokens

• Limit of Eur 1000 per user per month

• Outsourcing

• Wallet Verification and AML

• Rate of Exchange

Use of DLT, Smart Contracts and Other ITAs• Hosting

• Smart Contracts

• Certification


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Joseph F. Borg

E: [email protected]
