
The Magic Box

“I can show you things. Things I know you

want to see very badly. Let me put it so

you'll understand. Picture a box. You know

something about boxes, don't you John?

What if I told you that somewhere on this

island there's a very large box . . . and

whatever you imagined . . . whatever

you wanted to be in it . . . when you

opened that box, there it would be. What

would you say about that, John?”

Ben Linus in “The Man from

Tallahassee” (Season 3)

The Magic Box:Lost’s Mysteries and Enigmas

The Magic Box



The Magic Box

“Science is the eradication of mystery.”--B. F. Skinner

Damon Lindelof (r) claims to be an admirer of BFS.

The Magic Box

“Paradoxically, the very serial elements that have been so long reviled in soaps, pulps, and other ‘low’ genres are now used to increase connotations of ‘quality’ . . . In television drama.”

“U. S. television has devoted increased attention in the past two decades to crafting and maintaining ever more complex narratives, a form of ‘world building’ that has allowed for wholly new modes of narration and that suggests new forms of audience engagement.”

From Jeff Sconce, “What If? Charting Television’s New Textual Boundaries”

The Magic Box

“Certainly, chief among Lost’s pleasures is the show’s ability to create sincere emotional connections to characters who are immersed in an outlandish situation that, as of this writing, is unclassifiable as science fiction, paranormal mystery, or religious allegory, all constructed by an elaborate narrational structure far more complex than anything seen before in American television.”

Jason Mittell, “Narrative Complexity”

The Magic Box

The Magic Box

Jason Mittell: a growing tendency to “push the operational aesthetic to the foreground, calling attention to the constructed nature of the narration and asking us to marvel at how the writers pulled it off; often these instances forgo realism in exchange for a formally aware baroque quality in which we watch the process of narration as a machine rather than engaging in its diegesis” (Mittell 35).

The Magic Box

John Millais,

“Pandora’s Box”

The Magic Box

HURLEY: So, dude? What do you think is inside of that hatch thing?

LOCKE: What do you think is inside it?HURLEY: Stacks of TV dinners from the 50's, or

something. And TVs, and cable, some cell phones, clean socks, soap, Twinkies -- you know, for dessert, after the TV dinners. Twinkies keep for, like, 8000 years, man.

LOCKE [laughing]: I like Twinkies, too.HURLEY: C'mon, really, what do you think is inside?LOCKE: Hope. I think hope is inside. (“Exodus,” 1.23)

The Magic Box

“Perfect Circles,” Six Feet Under (3.1)

The Magic Box

The Magic Box

Inside Schrödinger’s Box

The Magic Box

The Magic Box

The Magic Box

The Magic Box

The Magic Box

“[Lost fans are] like Talmudic scholars. They have created a body of scholarship about every episode.”

Javier Grillo-Marxuach (Lost writer, Seasons 1 and 2)

The Magic Box

The Magic Box

The Magic Box

The Magic Box

The Magic Box

The Oceanic Airlines Website

The Magic Box

The Hanso Foundation Website

The Magic Box

The Magic Box




The Magic Box

The Magic Box


Mysteries & Enigmas

The Magic Box

Lost Mysteries & Enigmas: The Dharma Initiative

The Magic Box

Lost Mysteries & Enigmas:

The Crash of Oceanic 815

The Magic Box

Lost Mysteries & Enigmas: Adam and Eve

The Magic Box

Lost Mysteries & Enigmas:

The Agelessness of Richard Alpert

The Magic Box

Lost Mysteries & Enigmas: Ben’s Secret Door

The Magic Box

Lost Mysteries & Enigmas: Ben’s Murder by Sayid

The Magic Box

Lost Mysteries & Enigmas:

The Black Rock

The Magic Box

Lost Mysteries & Enigmas: The Dharma Initiative

The Magic Box

Lost Mysteries & Enigmas:

The Blast Door Map

The Magic Box

The Owl Cave Petroglyph from Twin Peaks

The Magic Box

Lost Mysteries & Enigmas: The Fail Safe Key

The Magic Box

Lost Mysteries & Enigmas: The Four-Toed Statue

The Magic Box

Lost Mysteries & Enigmas: The Four-Toed Statue

The Magic Box

Lost Mysteries & Enigmas: The Frozen Donkey Wheel

The Magic Box

Lost Mysteries & Enigmas:

The Hatch Mural

The Magic Box

The Magic Box

Lost Mysteries & Enigmas:

Mrs. Hawking

The Magic Box

Lost Mysteries & Enigmas:

Mrs. Hawking

The Magic Box

Lost Mysteries & Enigmas:

The Island’s Healing Properties

The Magic Box

Lost Mysteries & Enigmas:

Hit by a Bus

The Magic Box

Lost Mysteries & Enigmas:

The Hurley Bird

The Magic Box

Lost Mysteries & Enigmas:

The Incident

The Magic Box

Lost Mysteries & Enigmas: Infant Mortality

The Magic Box

Lost Mysteries & Enigmas:


The Magic Box

Lost Mysteries & Enigmas: Jacob’s Cabin

The Magic Box

Lost Mysteries & Enigmas: Jughead

The Magic Box

Lost Mysteries & Enigmas:

Lost Crosses

The Magic Box

Lost Mysteries & Enigmas:

Lost Crosses

The Magic Box

Lost Mysteries & Enigmas:

Mysterious Arrivals on the Island

The Magic Box

Lost Mysteries & Enigmas:

The Numbers

The Magic Box

Lost Mysteries & Enigmas: The Numbers

The Magic Box

Lost Mysteries & Enigmas: The Numbers

The Magic Box

Lost Mysteries & Enigmas: The Orchid

The Magic Box

Lost Mysteries & Enigmas: The Orchid Lab

The Magic Box

Lost Mysteries & Enigmas: The Orchid’s Exotic Matter

The Magic Box

Lost Mysteries & Enigmas: Room 23

The Magic Box

Lost Mysteries & Enigmas: Brainwashing in Room 23

The Magic Box

Lost Mysteries & Enigmas: Christian Shephard

The Magic Box

Lost Mysteries & Enigmas: The Sickness

The Magic Box

Lost Mysteries & Enigmas: The Sickness

The Magic Box

Lost Mysteries & Enigmas:


The Magic Box

The Magic Box

The Magic Box

The Magic Box

The Magic Box

The Magic Box

The Magic Box

The Magic Box

Lost Mysteries & Enigmas: Time Travel

•Time Travel by Consciousness•Time Dislocation

The Magic Box

Lost Mysteries & Enigmas: The Temple

The Magic Box

Lost Mysteries & Enigmas: The Temple

The Magic Box

Lost Mysteries & Enigmas: The Temple

The Magic Box




The Magic Box

From LostpediaIn February 2007, Damon Lindelof opened a question on Yahoo! Answers about the nature of the Monster. The answer he and Carlton Cuse liked the best was given by user ar233. Out of over 8000 submitted answers, the winner was: “I think the Monster was originally a highly advanced security system designed to separate participants in the experimental DHARMA hatches. I think it was an effect that was designed to frighten people (smoke, noise) if they strayed too far from their experiment location. (A bit Wizard of Oz like) However, the electromagnetic force has mutated it - in the same sense as Desmond experienced time travel and can now see the future after exposure - and made it malevolent and able to physically grab things in its force (Eko, the Pilot, Locke). So in theory it may be able to be deactivated, if they can find the control room for it (which would be another hatch somewhere yet undetected).”

The Magic Box

The producers' explanation as to why they picked that answer was: 

“We were amazed at the imagination and prodigious creativity applied to answering the question, what is the Monster? We have chosen our favorite answer. Not that's it’s the right answer. Sorry, but we can't really give away the ultimate secrets of the Monster quite yet. The answer we selected might be somewhat right, totally right -- or completely off-base. But we liked it and found it very cool and intriguing. Thanks to everyone who took the time to write in. We loved reading your thoughts -- and thanks for watching!”--Carlton and Damon

The Magic Box

Lost Conspiracy Theories:

The Casimir Effect

Hendrik "Henk" Brugt Gerhard Casimir (1909-2000)

The Magic Box

“Exotic matter with negative energy density is required to stabilize a wormhole.[15] Morris, Thorne and Yurtsever[16] pointed out that the quantum mechanics of the Casimir effect can be used to produce a locally mass-negative region of space-time, and suggested that negative effect could be used to stabilize a wormhole to allow faster than light travel. This concept has been used extensively in Science Fiction.”—from Wikipedia

The Magic Box

Lost Conspiracy Theories:

String Theory Tessaracts

The Magic Box

Lost Conspiracy Theories:

The 2009 Theory

The Magic Box

Lost Conspiracy Theories:


The Magic Box

Lost Conspiracy Theories:

The Collective Consciousness Theory

The Magic Box

Lost Conspiracy Theories:


The Magic Box

The Magic Box

He sank so low that all means for his salvation were gone, except showing him the lost people.For this I visited the region of the dead . . .

– Dante, Purgatorio (quoted as an epigraph to Walker Percy’s Lancelot, a book Sawyer is reading in “Maternity Leave,” 2.15)

The Magic Box

G-a-r-y T-r-o-u-p


The Magic Box


and Fan Dissatisfaction

The Magic Box

On Twin Peaks, Cooper’s recall (and ours) of the Man from Another Place’s dream insistence in episode 3 (April 19, 1990) that “that gum you like is coming back in style” in episode 17 (December 1, 1990) allows him to identify Laura Palmer’s murderer. Most of Twin Peaks’ phenomenal original audience was long gone.

Lost expects/assumes our encyclopedic knowledge of its narrative (in present tense, via flashbacks, and, now, in flash forwards) over its six year run.

The Magic Box

The Magic Box

The Idiot Box

or The Magic Box

The Magic Box
