
The Little Flock EDITED BY :-OIHS. A. H. " L()\\'EH


True \\'(' alway" dalL' tilt, hegin ning n£ ollr 'l'hallb~1\ IlIg I lay had;

to lhat joyous I'hanksgi\ inL! (estnal 111 Plymouth. \\hen the !~cd ~1\:1l

joil1t'd with thl' iaithlul r'ilg-l1ll1S in tlie i r publit' rn:ognirirlll of (;nd· ... f.!()f)dlll' .~ ... ;IIH! prol(:nlllll throug-h tlH.' long year of Iri.1i <lnti suffning just ('11 (\(>d.

nut tilere ,,;to;; a Thanksgi, ing feast farlll .. ·!" hal'k thall P1Yllloutil-1l\1\1dr('(J:..; of \t'ars ha(l, t!) 011<' (La\'

(I ll the ... !Jon.' ;Ji 1.;lk(' (.alike. \ L-trg ('I' I1l1l1lh('1" \\,{'rt' ,bnt' thall tile I'il grim.., had. li\(' thousand 111\'11 ht'­!' idc the win'!" and dliJdrl'll. \\ hl'rc..' W;l:-. the food tn (O!lh' frolll for surh a 1l1l111itn(k? :\(1 corn li('lds !lor woods lilktl \\ illl g',lllll' surrtlulHkd thCll!. 1'11(., ('OI11P<lI1Y h:1I1 Illt't in a (kse..'rt plat.'l' to hl'ar a wPlldl'rful preacher: ;lI1d Ill'. ~o t(,lIcil'r ;tnd 10\'­ing- W:\'i I I is he..'arl, ('nul!! l1/1t stlld thelll ;1\\'<1)' hungry. 'Ii" gt'llcral in ­\'itation 10 the pt..'oplc hrnl1ght CIIll

stefnatioll to Ilis disciples ' htar~, Philip ligun:rl from the financial standpoint, only to increase their pe r· plexity.

But what is a Thank ... gi\-ing f(·:\"t anyway. and wh ich i ... Iht' most iUl' jll)rt:lltI-lht, ft..'ast or the Thanksgi\'4 ing-? T !w h()st of this Calilt·;U\ ft'a-.t kllt\\': and, disn'g-ardin,!.! all their fcars, called for jl1:-;t what they had 011 b:\Ilt! .. \na what do YOll suppose it W.1s? Just a liule lad's IUllch. \\·c don't l'\'CIl knnw his na11le or how he happelled to be with thclll. _\11d his lu nch wa.-;n'\ so hig aftcr all ·five harlcy hUllS all{\ Iwo :-omall fishes . 1t would hardly satisfy hi" 0\\11 hUTl­ge r, anri here were thousands wa it· ing- tn he..' fed. gut wi th out a (jUt'S­

tion hc 11 lht'lfishly iI:\1lded U\ ('r hi~ IUl1rh haskct.

".\11<1 JCSlIS took the loa\'(:'s: <ltld wllt'll he had gin'lI thanks. ht· dis­trihutcf\ t() the di ... ciples, ;111(\ tht, dis· ('jplt's to thelll that we r e sal down; and lii.;t'\\'ist, I,f tilt..' li ... iH'."; as mudl as they WOl1ld," ,\ wonderful gi\'ing of thanks far 1110rc important than Ih<.: feast, for witliout tlh' thank:-g-i\'inJ,{ illere \\'oulrt ha\'e hcen no feast. Therc is a hC<lntiful \crse that says, " Th e hlessing of thc f.ord it makcth ricll. a nd lie addcth 110 sorrow to it." And this is thc scnet of th e w onda­f('ast. Much or little it i!i all the sam e if the heart heh ind is overnnw in g with praisc tn (;nd, and will e\'er ~a t­i"fy thr full IICCri.

And there is anothcr thing about this (t'ast. I t was ma<lc possihle th rough a rnlllpletc sanifit-e. The lit· ti c lad ga\c all he h ad. and that is wh y tIll' l_nrd coul d b less it so :1hun <ialltly. [\by we n o t withhold ou r little' part this Thanksgiving t imc that God Illay bless and multiply it to the sat i ~fy in g of others,

The Christian Evangel 7


... \uti It !' nnll' II' Illt"'''', "ht' T! , ' .. :ooIiIUt hutl "' llnk t' lI un.n til(' IlrUI.h·, thn •• ht· ,.c' , " 11 l,rI"", ,1'I ht'llrln", tht' """"11 Irul1l_ IH"'" "v rain .. ' II .. rnl'l 11 "1'1"'(',1 un ht,t .. r ,," th" T. rei. 111111 hl('" "lth fh" trum IH-'''' : 11 1111 Ih.' /Irk ut fh t, t'O"~III"'t .,t th,: 1."Ttl (H llu" (-II fllI ' Ill ,

:1 t\nrl th., 31'1l1i'd m,'n Wf'Tlt 111'(0)1'(' Ih (' prtl'~lS !IHI.I hlpw with tht' 1,'\lIn lH'lfol. and thpl,· rf'wf{r(i ('<{nJ(' nftt' I' th.> Hrk l h~ 1)l'ipliil!C J;(lin~ 011. and bh) w ill~ with Ihi' U'UlIlppts

II) . \IHI .)IO,.hu(I hnll l'n nllllltllllt',1 th l' 11I· ",.h'. "'1I,· ln,.: , ' t' "'hull lI(>t ",hullt. 1111 1" ,"uk., JI"~ 11"1",,, nUh .'"lIr ,olt·", lu· ltlll'r :- hllil 1I1I, "orll IlruI','(',1 n ul tlr ." l U" nH.ulh . uIl1l1 tht- dll~ I hili ,nil "'h o ut : tllI'lI I'4hllll )" ",h"nt.

II f'() thf' ;:Irk of lh(' ('lIlII Il":-;~w(1 I h i' d t y. Kolng about it tlIIC,', aud Iht'~ (';IUlI' 11110 till' ('Hlnp, HUei lod~Nl ill 111(' ('<Imp.

.4 \1111 ,hi' M','lInd ,lflY ,III' .' ,·'ltll _ 111I!Iol!lolI'" 'ht' " It.' 11111',',1111,1 rt'tnrll,',1 Inln 1111' "U IIlI': 1'\11 tJlt' ~ ,lid loll" lin, ,,,.

\:i .\111 1 I t ":11111' ttl pa-;~ (HI IiiI' ~~'\('l1th <I:IY. tll,lt Ill{'~- I'O!-lt' ('arl~ ahtlill IIH' ( i ll\\l1illg of t!i(' fln r. and {'I)llI· p,\!-Il"t'd Ihl' ('it~ ;,f ll l' th" !-lam.' InanJlI' ,· ~ " \t'lt (lnH'1"; oll l~ Oil t hnt dar tlJ('~ ('nIllPll1"~ . '( 1 ,h(' ('it~ R(' \ '{'II tim (,R.

The Fall of Jericho.

Lesson Text- J o's h. 6:8- 1 I, 1.J ·2tl. Ih'a d j os hua 5 and 6.

Golden Text-All things are I)( .. ~si­hlc to him lhOlt ocl icyc lh . ~ Ia rk ~:'?3,

Leading Thought-The Reward of Faith.

1. The obedience of faith. (V:-i. P 11, 14.) C;o<!'s lI.sing- jn.shua a s thc ;}gt'nt to Icad II i'i pCl)pl c through j ordan had g i\en him g re:lI fa\'{lr among !lit: p('ople and their faith ill hill1 as God's r ep rc!ic lltati\'c WilS acco rliingly strOllg'. This same (, ,'Cllt had hrought t e rro r and fca r to thc inh"hilallls oi Canaan. (]o~ll. 5:1.) j oshu 01 look ad­vantage of this confldencc to rcsto rc th c brokcn covenant hetween 15rae l alld J eho \·ah. (Ch. 5:2-9. Cell. 17 :10.) Theil came th e feast of Vassovcr un­ohscrved s incc t-.Il. Sina;. (XUtn. 9:5.) .\ t I a~t thcy have cn ter('d lhl' prom· isc(l la nd and God expect.;. "I Ihtm a wa lk worthy thereof. ( Eph. 4 : 1. ('01.

1 :1 0.) Th e lIlanna cease's and t ht'

Isracl ites taste the long <lmic ip3 t t'ci fruits of Canaan, So were tht' peop le prcpared fo r Jericho: anc! lik('wis(' Jos h ua in his \'i"ioll of tilt' captain of the Lord's hosts. (eh, 5:13-15.) ,\s­suring- it was w ithoul douht In 1'(':11· ize the hattie was nnt his hut tlt(' Lord's. Thcn came God's word . "5('('

r ha\'c g ive n in to thy hand Jcricho." (V. 2.) Th o ug'h all thcy coul d sec W;\,;

the cnemy e ntrenched, and the walls h igh and mass ive still fr o111 th at mo­ment God cou ntcd Jerich o theirs. They were to b c lie,'c and rcckflll. True th er e was ~OIllC wflitill $! a nd pr;lising to hc d liJ1c : hut suc h is our p os itio n today rcgarding God's prom· ises to us. Notc thc 1110dc of attack arr:1I1Rcd br God, The pr i cst~ had the important j) la('c, fo r thi s wa s to bc a figh t o f fait h not o f arm s, Recall the eng-agc11lent with the 1\Jl1lllonit cs. (2 eh ro n. 20:21. 22,) Very inOldequate and foo l is h to the eye o f natural rca· son, but the wis do m of G od is e\'er foolishness to the wo rld, This is

December 7, 19 13

IH \ lIti I{ ,·"m.' I" IH ..... "' Ih t: 1'\('\' -I'lIlh t l lllO . "h,' 11 th" I lrit'IOIM Ilk" "llh II", I rIlIlIjH"IO_ .1 ... hun I'IliI,1 IIl1tn th~ III-ulllo'. "'h, ·H t : fur .h(' I ,unt lI"th J(1\f'1.t ~'1I thl' dl~,

1-: \1101 t l , •• city ~h;ll l h" ;!c('un·p.i , {'\"'Il it. ;\1111 ,til an' 1111'1'1'111. II' th{. I "I'll nl,h Hah.d, th .. hltJ'I,,! ~hllll lin>. !"hl' alld ;111 th;\1 ' .... ' with h,'" In lh~ hOll!>;!' I .. ";tlll-it !:lp hid thp nll'!-IRt·''1, .. t~rR thai \\, 1""111

,.... \11,1 ."'. III ""~ ,,11'01' kf'I'I' .""lIr_ "'"I,.· .. If"m th.· 11.',' 11 ,. .. ",1 I hl"",. It' .. I ,. .. "'11 1.:,· ""r"" " " .. "",·ur""" I. "h.'n , .. '"h(' lit tll\' 1II,,'urM,' ,1 Ihl",,', nll,1 nlftk., IIH' "11 11'1' lit IIOru.' 1 II ... · nrM. -, ,u,d fro uldl' II.

I" Unt all I~f' SII\,',· and ~I>hl . IInfl \,"' ,'b of hl';'~ lind iron. life ,'OIHH'· (Tat, d UIII" th.· I,I>,-d th.'\- .. hall ~'U"I \' 'Ill" I\li' 11'\ ,,~ur~ I,f Ih,' I ,unl

:.ttl :--" jh,' '''''' I,h' Mh'I IIII' ,1 "hl'lI thl' Jlrh',. ,~ hh'\, "llh th., IfllI"IH'j~ : n".1 11,'1\111,' ,,, I'"''''' ' , \101'11 th .' ,11,,,,.1,, h ('n rd lit .. ,.""".1 , t Ih.' 1 1'11111 111'1 , 1111 11 'h,' 1.,' 0 -lIlt' ",h,,"t,',1 Hllh /I /0:·,' , '11 ' ,. h ., ,,,, Ihllt th,' '\I,ll t.'11 d" "" lint, .... lhn' Ib,' 1I""IIIt' ... · 111 1111 IlItll I h " ,·It ," r'.·r~ 1111 111 ",Irlli .&dll h., f ..... · hllll, utltl th.',' I, uk th,' d t ),

douhlY trut' III Iltlt' spirit\la! w ar LII"\.' for "I~ur Wt';qHIIlS art' IIPt l'arl1al. hut atl' mighty thro ugh God." (2 ellr lOA_) I II adhtril1g 10 lilt' "fool ish lIIt·t!Joc\" lay llit'ir h!lpt' of , ido l-Y· So it was with \:aalllan. (2 KinJ.;s 5 l:l.) T lw S{,HIIS. -.sCH·1I ]lrit'~ls. ~e\etl trumpt'ts. :->1,.'\'('11 days, ... t'\TII

t inlt's, (\'".4. 13. 1.i) arl' :-. ign ilic ant. "Ye skdl Iwl :-.I!IIUl • *' * until t he (by Ihal I 11i<l you shout." Xo douh t thi~ w:\s Iht' h;lflk~l Ic·.! of all SIX days of ah:-'(III1It' siil'o(', tIIarrh ing stt'-a<iil) OIl 111('11' W:IY, jlerhaps Ihe hutt of ridiruk frolll tllt'ir cllt'mi('s w:1tciJillg- frllnl tltt' \\;.11-.;. ,\ 1II0~t ~(..'. \ ere Il'st tnday-kt'cping' ~ik t H'(' lin· (kr nitir i-';Ill, n'bukc.:, mi ... ulldcrsl :lnd­illg, SOIll(,tiIllCS a Yl'rilahh.' hapli' lll (If si\('nre i'i IlC('<iNI. I,ouder than II is works, I I i'i words, II i..; ~''';}tnp\('. Ihc silence oj our Lnrd ha-.; <;1)(,kell to hearl". Dial!. 2(1:6,1 27.12. 14,) I:-.rac\'s ,il"lnn- \\'a..; 11/)1 in n il e dav, it tonk :t \H'ek' flf ('olltidcllt hcs i t'gi t1 ~. Chaft- nllt Iw(';}u-.;l' all r()IlH'~ lint If! p:\--S in tIl(' hrief pn ill<i of you r <\e­sirc. "Clld's purpnst's will riptll fast. unfolding- hour lIy honr." "Th en' shall ht' a H'ward and til\' ('''!l('('la l ioll ~h;:t11 nllt hl' nil off.' ( I'ro\'. 24 1·1. Jcr, 29-\1,) Thl')t mighl ha\'c dllll(' more, hut w('rt' ('nnlt'nt with t'<lt'h day'~ :11 10tl11(,111 of stryit'l', ()uly fa ith in God \\,0\,;;1 ellable thelll to 1I1('('t each day'" pn"sihlc Illisg-i\-in(!s with the all-sunil-irnt (In,,wcr, " This i-; what God said we should cio." (V. ~)

2. The victory of fait h , (\Is. 15-20.) " j\ncl it (,<lmc to pass at til(' s('v('!l lh tinH' ''-Cnd's ti1l1e' t'n'r th e pt' rf('(' t. UI Hlll('<;tionahlc tilllt'. \'otice "thcv r o,,(' earh" Cod 's husincss was their (' hief cOlll'l.:rn. :\0 :1pparcnt c hange in those fr own in g walls a s thcy cirdcd th elll for the sixth timc that la s t day. It was th e suprem e tr ial of thci r faith - it always come s ficrcest n n the eve of victory, Thcll the glad com­man (\. "S hout for J e ho va h hath g iven y o u the (' it)'." (V. lo. ) God accepts the shout that fonows obedience. No

(Concluded on Page 8)


8 The Christian Evangel

}~":;~~';;'7;;'~;~~'~~;N"~"-'1 1 i ~ From the Presence of the Lord. , , Testimonies. Requests for Prayer, Reports of Meetings and Cenera l Fdlo ..... ship. ,

• • ... ~ •• ~ •• ~ •• ~ •• ~ •• ~ •• ~ •• ~ •• ~ •• ~ •• ~ •• ~ •• ~.+


Deal Bro. in (, hri .... t I l'''l!~ -":\fJ'" thank~ hl" 1I11\e> (; lld fllr "Ii ... ull"l'l'ak able g i rL" (), I lh' Ill-ptll pf the rit:!trs hoth c.f the w;",dolll ;\Ilrl k!lfJ\\ kd~(' of God! Iinw Ull~l·; II· ... hahIL· ;'til: !Iis judgl1lcllts. and Iii ... \\:ly~ pa-,t lilld· ing ou!. II;:t1klujah! 1\.0111. 11 .13.

Am so glad 1 l'n.:r karllcd ((i klHI\\

God alld to follow II jill \\ hOI11 to kllow aright is life l'\crl asling.

)\ftCT leaving Indianapolis ell joyc<.\ a stop of 011(' \\"l'ck ill ("hlCagn ,>peaking ol1ly ill 1\\'0 lIIi .... :-.iOI1 ... , (l IKe in Ih(' SJ()l1(' Church. Th eil felt th:!! the Lord wanted me to mo\'e on. [ mct the Pcn\ccost:i1 Band in Kan­~ns C ity and :lis(l in Tplll'ka. "herc I cnjoyed hlessed fl'l1()w~hip "itll t!lt'llI in the 1101)' Spirit.

Last wcek 1 attcnded a Iloiint'';s meeting 1'0111(' S('\-l'Il\Ctn miles north of hert. whidl was <:onc\lIctcd hy thr(,e s lr (1\lg' I loiints'i prl';tchers. ),,fy! if thcy did lIot (,111ph(,\o..,il'(, the ~(·t'ol\f l hl('s~ing. I havc h('cl1 bllsy c\-cr since I left )OH. ("ithl'r prt:ll'h ing" or J,d\'ill~ lllissioll:"1ry addrcsses 11\1 South \fr i ­(3. :Xext Wl'l'k. we hope to go If)

Oklahoma. Please remcmher 111C to all the

saints, God hks.., YO\1 ;til forc\('r, ?-.hy w(' ;111 he trur till J<' SIIS come.." Amcll! 1 n Christian love,

r R, Eyst('1'.


Our livcs arc nol our o\\'n as we kn ow. for "ye are hl)ught with a price; therefore glorify Cod ill your hody and in )'1)\11' spirit which arc God's," 1 Cor. 6:20. "Know vc n ot that ),our hodics ;tre th!' 1l1!'IllI;t'r3 of Chr ist?" "nt ye therefore holy. as lie is holy" ill ":tl l manner of (on­\ (' r sal ion (or lif(')." "lie that h<lth this hope puri~t'lh himself. ('\'ell as li e is ptlrl~." 1 Jno, 3:3,

But there is anothc.:r <:;(,l1se ill which we arc n ot our own. "\"0 l1lall li\'t.:th unto himself, and 110 man dl('{11 \llll'>

hil1lself." \\le :U(' OHr hl'othn's keeper.." ,\re we li \-ing up to this privilcge? J)f) \\ e li\,(' ~o "that 111('\1

may sec our gooe! works and <!Iorify nur Fathn which i~ in hcaH'Il?" Arc we telling l1H':111 of Jesus a nd lIis love? Or clo we fail ill the trying moment to ha\'c paticllce? Do we fail to ha\'c compassion witC Il we "sec o ur hrother ill Ilccd ?, Arc wc tillli d about pointing- one 10 Christ? God help us to be Iruc and failhful.

Th is, too, is li\'ing lInto God. fot' "as ye ha ve dOl1e it Ullto the least of th ese, my hrethren, ye have done it unto me," J esus' own \\'01'<15,

Harriet Osborn.


P('ar Ht'lo\cd ~;Il1lt... (,nil hk:-. ... ~flU and your papcr. I \\\"11\' In 111t' panl\' of ,It''''lI<; grt'l'lillK tn 1('1 \'fI\1

know that I am <;a\ t'll and hlt' ... se.1 With Ihe Iloh· (;h(l<;,1 and alll lIut ;11101 PI:' for the' full ("ISI'c.:1. l.I(1I') 1'1 Ill!' n(1.lllt·,

alll I{lnkiug afk]" snlllC IIf Ihe (I t'ar sain\<. ~cattt'rt'rt throughnut the (oulllry aftN ltoldlllj,'{ lll~'dinJ..:s Ihr(lugh tht' ~1111lll1t'r. and thl' (kal' 1,1)1'(1 ha~ hlc~s('d thl' \\-ork tp II is glory and thl' si\hatlnl1 pf pOP!' ... nub <lnd thl' hc;dill~ nf lilt sick and <If Ilirt('d,

.\1 Clarl'lta. Okla.. w(' allnillied Sislt'f BaskrH's hahy. w!tose ('\'es wcre rro<;,M'd alld the dear L;)f(1 healed and strai~htcllcd it ... ('YC'i 311<1 th('y arr as straIght as allybody'::; . l'l'ai ... c II is name forc\cr.

The i .onl is doing a gnod work hert', pnuring ou t II is holy spirit on the saints, I am at Sist<'r B1aylock'~ pbcc now. She i'i rejnil'ing- bc<:ause of Ihe hapti~1l1 in thc Iioly (;ltot>t. ",hidl she has jusl re cciH'(\. Then' arc olhel's hcrc seeking, Pka ... c pray for thcm and for Ihe w()rk here fill'

we Ilcf'd help. for the c'lming- of the 1.01'(1 is 50011 at h'1I1d. 0 belo\ed. be ellcouragcd,

I am walking- throng-It the rnugh country ialking to the pcople abollt this great sahatiol1,

Your brother in Christ.

J. W. Howard.


Xov. 14. 1913. De:lr Brother Flower-\\'e are now

h<1\'ing special seeking mcctings this wcek and a lin e of teaching 011 the bapt ism in the Sp irit. <ll1d la",t night du ri ng the rain. the people camc and Ilearly filled the place, and three re" C'ci\'ed the haptislll anel one on Tues" d~y night. There arc twenty more s('eking, Pray for these mcctillg"~. for i feel that it i", going" to he the he­g inning- of 3not !Jn rC\'i\'al. :lIld pos­s ibly the tim(' whcn we will make a r ­rallg'Cl11ents for a ncw hu ild in g- to worship ill, " 'c arc Ilf'ing- crowded out every night and need a ncw place bad ly.

Pastor L. Y. i{ohnts,


\ V ill COJlllnence 1\"Q", 30. 1913 an(l continl1e over three Sunday.-; or long­er. at the FULL GOSPEL MISSION, FIND­

LAY, OHIO. 106 Sout h Main St.


F"r In f"rl11!,II"1I IIlltlrt· .... H,·\. D, \\ , \1 .llfllIll 1'llIlnlil' hl l Ull.

SUNDAY SCHOOL. LESSON. (luI1IIIlIH:d \'Illll 1';1 ~' ,)

\\ lI11tkr "htl! jt ~',lI''l' t I \\ \! dtl\\11 ILlI" lhtTt' \\;,,, ~t .Ild \1 I (11 ergy ill it. \\ r IIn'l! Ihat k (It III l" (·I'ei ... i"l-! Itl (;nd's (ulh''"! t:.lnr~ thl' p(l\q'r I il' pours IIp1ln u .... \\"1 al ;111

ullparalklnl l',allll'k till II", i:l \,.1 tll'\1('(,. ill minute 'lht'dil'lIn' II" IIlilt!'

purpose:' nor :llllhllitlll t,·,t " f\lllt! (;{)d's \\·(lrd. Tht· ~h"ul "f 1;t;t'l i~ what COUIlt...; alllt it was Iht' \WI'>!\' tltat O\"l'rC:lIll\' .It'ril'hl', (Illh. 11.311,.1 Jnn. 5:4.) {;o(\\ part \\":\ ... ~lI't"l\l1f' iishcd. it rl'lllaillt',J IIII' t'ad1 llI:!n III di\·idually to tini..,h till' dt'SI!"lItti"n 1'( thl' dnoll1('d c ity, "J<:\"l'\y 10;111 strail:/lI hefore:' hilll," (\ .. 5,20\ ,I.'" t11t.y 11:1.1 het'l1 COIllIll<1l1dt·d. I~l'ill)..' tru~' in­dividually ~tn'll~th~'Ill'd tlh' fllr~'\' t,f the pcopit..' collectively. \" nIl{' "':1\ l'

I~ar;'\h and ht'r hll\l .... l·htdd to t"l';tIH' (.\CIS 16:31), and she. Sil111l:r titpug\t Shl' was. beCl.llU-' an (l 1 11: l· ... t I"l'Sj "j Christ. ()' Iatt. I'':;.) .\ wlIlllkrful (''\. ample of God's bounc1I('~s Illtrl').'. (lilt

stretl'hed to ~dl who \\ ill h\'lil'H'. "Ih g-ran' al"l: yt.' 5(1\"1,.'(\ thrllugll iai!ll~' Jnicho is a tYllt' of tht· w"r1d a1ld (;od commands liis pt'opk \.1 kf'l'p thel1lo;,('h-es Ullspoltt·d tlh'rl'frllll1. (\ .... 17, ]anu' s 1 :27L

\, l~ 1'.


\'0\', In. 1913 Dear Brother in Jl-SlIS Th;,:oll;.:h

111)' 3nnuunCt'llll'nt in thl' ('hnst:all E\-ange l a fcw wCt'ks a~() a frit'nd wrote wanting me 10 ("(IIlH' hl'H' I fc.:1t till' Lord W;tS ill it alld (I I C.Ul\('

A few hay!! ht't'll ~a\t'd :111"(:\11\· ;tl~'1 One hapti7.cci in tht· 1101), Ch()~t and a few h<.'alcd, God i::; working Il'i!;ht itly and the de\·il is awful mad

"'c arc in a }'ll'I1I1(1nltt' and Punk· lard Ilcighhnrl1oo(1. \\"it·h alll1o-.\ ('\"t'n olhel' denominati on li\·ill!.{ ar'lun<l. The Lord pl1i it in thl' h .... "rh of IIH' people to huild a uninn ch;qlt'l ;tilt! Ihuc is wht're I am at prt'-(·Ilt. with h ca \"(~I1's dynamit e hOlllhardill,l! tht· f>l1eIllY's fllrtiticl1 j')I1S. Ilallt·ll1.iah 1 Some' arc g"elling- tn Cod and Ih(' Lord is working".

"\'ext Sunday \\-ill he Ihe third ~\lI1' day. j\·! ay close, hut juq as lhl' leads, r am frt'e tn goo an)'wht'rt thai thc Lord shall karl.

Y our hrother ill J eslls. Ned Ucrk.
