
 The Lion's Tale

Volume 17 Issue 15 December 13, 2017

REMINDERS: * TONIGHT, Advent Service - 4th - 8th Grades December 13th at 7:00 PM * Monday, December 18th, Last day to order Candy Cane Grams * No Hot Lunch on Friday, December 15th * Christmas Bus Caroling on Sunday, December 17th (see details below) * Friday, December 22nd, 11:45 am dismissal * NO SCHOOL - Christmas VacationDecember 25, 2017 - January 5, 2018School Resumes January 8, 2017


NO Hot LunchFriday, December 15th Pizza Hut Pizza SlicesPizza Lunch on Thursdays for only $2.00 a slice!We are now able to accept pre-orders monthly for Pizza. Pre-orders will be billed on Facts . If you are interested in paying foryour child's Pizza Hut Slice Pizza monthly, complete the orderform below. Pizza orders will still be available to be paid in theclassroom on Thursdays weekly. Hot Lunch

December Hot Lunch orders are due on or before the 20th toavoid a $5.00 Late Fee. January Pizza/Hot Lunch Order Form Snacks

IMPORTANTDATES Wednesday,December13th4th - 8thAdventService7:00 PM Thursday,December14thDistribution ofFood Boxes

Hot Lunch& Treats Monday Tuesday WednesdayDonuts $1.00sold at 1strecess Thursday Pizza $2.00a Slice FridayIce Cream$1.00 NO HOTLUNCHFriday,December15th

4th Grade Selling donuts $1.00 to students Kindergarten - 8th grade onWednesdays at 1st recess . Proceeds will go toward the 4thgrade Sacramento Trip. 1st GradeSelling Ice Cream on Fridays for $1.00, at lunch recess.


Zion Lutheran Church and Schools

would like to invite you to Worship with us...


Wednesday, December 13, 2017at 7:00 PM

4th - 8th GradesAdvent Program in the Sanctuary

"Christmas in Reverse"


December 24, 2017Christmas Eve

Traditional Worship Service

8:30 AM

Contemporary Worship Service10:00 AM

ParticipationForm SCRIP

SchoolContacts Clickon a name tosend an emailor call (714)535-3600 andthe extension.


YvonneMcLellanext. 100

FACTS BillingCathy Carterext. 109 RegistrarAlora Nadeauext. 102 Bookkeeper Cathy Simmons

ext. 101

Principal Julie Kangas

ext. 103

SACAmy Jacobson ext. 136

Spanish Worship Service12:00 PM

Classical Candlelight Worship

7:00 PM

Contemporary Candlelight Worship10:00 PM

December 25, 2017Christmas Day

Worship Service

10:00 AM with Holy Communion in Santcuary



It's Time to order your Candy Cane Gram!Send a Candy Cane Gram with amessage to someone special! The7th grade class will be selling CandyCane Grams with a note and aspecial message from you. Saleswill start on Monday, December 4ththrough Monday, December 18th,

and delivered on Thursday, December 21st. The Candy CaneGrams will be sold at lunch to students or to parents in theschool/SAC and ECEC offices before or after school.

Host Families Needed for the following dates:

Group 1January 23-28, 2018

Arrive at 6:00pm and depart at 8:15am

Group 2January 28-31, 2018

Arrive at 6:00pm and depart at 8:15am

Group 3February 3 -8, 2018

arrive at 5:00pm and depart at 7:30am


Zion Families and Friends, Zion's Mission is Sharing Christ, Changing Lives! One of the waysZion can further its ministry is to extend this to internationalstudents. Zion has an opportunity to host students fromChina who will attend our School to experience American Culture. Families will need to host 2 students, have a bed for students,provide breakfast & dinner and transportation to and fromZion during the week. SAC is provided at no cost to host familieswho work. Families will receive $35.00 per night per student to bepaid at the end of the visits. Hosting an international exchange student is an enrichingexperience for you and your entire family. By opening your homeand heart to a student from overseas, you and your family will gaina new global perspective, many memories, and - quite possibly - anew family member for life!

If you and your family are willing to open yourselves to a newexperience and share your home please complete and return thehost family registration form below to Yvonne McLellan in theschool office. If you have questions about hosting, please feel free to contactYvonne McLellan at 715-535-3600 ext. 100 [email protected].

Why is Zion Great?!!Help us share this information! As part of our on going mission to promotewhat a great place Zion is we will bedropping off post cards to localneighborhoods with Zion Church, Schoolsand Thrift shop information. Parents,

Friends and Congregation members are encouraged to join us onSaturday, January 6th, at 9:00-12:00pm to pass out thepostcards. We will meet in the Antoich room and group up todistribute postcards throughout the community. "Teamwork divides the task and multiplies the success. " Zion school families will receive parent participation hours.

Pictures Needed We are looking for pictures taken at any Zion eventthis year for our website. Please email them [email protected]. Thanks

Spanish Ministry Tamale Sale

$20 a Dozen Proceeds go to support Zion's Spanish Ministry! Drop

off the order form with cash or check to the churchoffice now through December 20th.

Tamales will be available to pick up at the Kitchen onSunday, December 24th from 8:00 am - 11:30 am

Order Form

Have you Downloaded the Zion App?? Download the app today at: Zion Lutheran School

Use the Zion App submit your parent participation hours!

8th Grade Parents Open Enrollment - Fullerton Joint Union High SchoolDistrict The Fullerton Joint Union High School District (FJUHSD) offers anopen enrollment option if you want your student to attend a highschool in the FJUHSD other than the high school he or she wouldnormally attend based upon residence. Open enrollment applications for the 2018/2019 school year maybe obtained at the school of residence between Monday, January 8 and Friday, January 26, 2018, and the completedapplication must be returned to the school of residence no laterthat 3:00pm on January 26, 2018 (there are no exceptions).

SCRIP NEWS It is not too late to sign up for Scrip Now,Christmas is coming and you can do your

ordering right from home. If you have any questions please callme. Linda Stewart, 714-315-1738. Remember place your orderbefore 10:15 on Sunday and you will receive it by Thursday of thatweek. Boxes in ECEC, SAC, Church and the School for yourorders must be received by Friday to have your scrip by Thursdayof the next week. Scrip is also available in the Church office after9:00AM and before 3:00PM Monday thru Friday. Smalldenominations of Scrip are available in time for Christmas, mustplace an order for the low denominations so plan ahead. Announcing that Macaroni Grill is no longer available for purchaseHappy shopping!!! Zion Lutheran Church and SchoolEnrollment Code: 4B1BE5F912L3L

Scrip Form

Zion Thrift Shop Volunteer Hours!

Shop, Volunteer, and Donate to the Zion Thrift Shop! Located at:1109 E. Commonwealth Ave.Fullerton, CA 92831

Only 2 short miles from Zion THRIFT SHOP HOURS: Tuesday - Friday 10:00-4:00 PMSaturday 10:00-3:00 PMPlease contact Michele Brown at 714-879-1147/[email protected] to schedule your volunteer hours. See You At The Thrift ShopThe Thrift Shop is unable to take computers, monitors, printers,fax machines, or T.V's.

Clip and Return Box Tops and Earn a Free Dress Coupons!

Did you know? When you clip and return Box Tops to our schoolwe receive money! Yes, now you can earn freedress day passes every time you complete and return a box topscollection sheet.(both sides must be completed) Clip off the Box Tops coupon on your favorite General Millsproducts and tape them on the collection sheet, return completedsheets to the school office. Zion receives $10.00 for everycompleted sheet (both sides must be completed) Ask yourfamily and friends to clip and save too!. Every coupon helps

cents turn to $$ for our school. So clip, clip, clip, those Box Tops! Collection Sheet Form


Pray for the Hanson Family (Tessa ((4th), Delilah (Kinder)and Sorrell), who are mourning the loss of their father andHusbandPray for a wonderful School YearPray for the Zion Students, Families, and Staff

SAC Paw Prints

School Age Care News


December 22, 2018

11:45 Dismissal/ SAC Hourly

December 25 - January 5, 2018 Christmas Vacation

Junior High Wednesday Youth Night - If you would like your child to be signed out by a SAC staff memberand walked to Youth Group at 6:00 PM on Wednesday nights whenYouth Group is in session, then the release form below needs to besigned and returned to Amy Jacobson in the SAC office. Youth Group Release Form Official Permission Slip for 2017-2018 School Year

Church News

Join Us For Worship Traditional: 8:30am Contemporary Praise: 10:00am Green Room: Sundays 10:00am ervicio en Español: 12:00pmChildren's Worship Hour 10:00am

Sunday School

Every Sunday at 9:45amAges 2 -Pre-K meet in the preschool.Grades K - 5th meet in the Jubal Room.