
From the beginning we’ve liked to explore,

ask questions…

Ooh, I can see right up my nose!

find things out.

Some of us liked to keep a low profile.

No-one will spot me here!

We’ve experimented with looks…

Some looks were more successful...

There were times we were cute and angelic…

There were times we weren’t sure…

I thought the others were here somewhere…

I think I’m going to sneeze…


Look at me!...not sure at all!

…and we grinned through our nerves!

And as we grew we became more self-assured…

…and new friends joined the team.

We worked together…

…and took things in our


We worked hard – in and out…

Wonder if I could use this for the leavers disco?

Fashion took another turn…

…and allegiances fell. OH NO! How could


…all hail Stevie G
