
The Life and Times of Andrew R. Juhl (Part II) 1TGTl] VI: Lick My Love Pump Written by Andrew R. Juhl and The University ofIowa Academic Quiz Club Edited by:

Theme: Things relating-in some way-to the packet's author (Pooky). No knowledge of the packet author is required beforehand, and too much knowledge of the author will be known afterwards. At this point, if Matt Larson is your moderator, he will tell you how much he hates self-referential packets.


1. Pooky wishes people used more of these. In linguistics, the process of this is a modification of a vowel which causes it to be pronounced more to the front of the mouth to accommodate a vowel in the following syllable, especially when that syllable is an inflectional suffix (*). As a diacritical mark, it used to simply be a tiny e, but confusion led to an eventual modification. In the names of bands like Blue Oyster Cult, MotOrhead, and MOtley Crile they have less than no significance whatsoever. FTP, identify this thing, represented in Germanic languages by two small dots over a vowel.

Answer: umlaut

2. Charlie is a well-to-do bachelor with a house at the beach, a Jaguar in the garage and an easy way with women. His casual Malibu lifestyle is interrupted when his tightly wound brother, Alan (*), who's facing a divorce, and Alan's son, Jake come to stay with him. Complicating matters are the brothers' self-obsessed, controlling mother, Evelyn, and Alan's possibly gay estranged wife, Judith. And don't forget Rose, a one night stand and current neighbor of Charlie's, who wants to be a part of his life and is willing to do anything to be around. FTP, identify this CBS sitcom that Pooky is forced to watch due to his lack of cable, starring Holland Taylor, Jon Cryer, and Charlie Sheen.

Answer: Two and a Half Men

3. This is Pooky's favorite book. It relates the sayings and doings of the title character in a style reminiscent of the Gospels and is laden with biblical allusions, but it also harshly condemns Christianity and mocks the idea of a holy scripture or holy person. Subtitled "A Book for None and All," (*) it, like many of the author's other works, uses the principle of the will to power as the fundamental drive of all things. Despite the fact that the title character sets out to teach the citizens of Motley Cow about the overman, the work ends in a cave with the title character laughing, surrounded by people who approximate but do not become overmen. FTP, identify this work of Friedrich Nietzsche, most of which is made up of individual lessons and sermons delivered by the title character.

Answer: Thus Spake Zarathustra ORA/so Spracht Zarathustra

4. For the sum of the numbers 1 through 10, this statistic is 3.027; for the sum of the numbers 1 through 100, this statistic is 29.011; and for the sum of the numbers 1 through 1000, this statistic is 288.819. Regarding the average height (*) of American males over 60, this statistic is 2.31 inches, and regarding the Binet-scaled IQ tests, this value is 15 points. FTP, name this statistic that Pooky has memorized for countless stats classes, defined as a parameter that indicates the way in which a probability function or a probability density function is centered around its mean and that is equal to the square root of the moment in which the deviation from the mean is squared.

Answer: standard deviation

5. Pooky once claimed that this person vomited at his local Perkins, which isn't true. The person in question's second choice was in Coleman, Florida; the first in Danbury, Connecticut. In the end Alderson, West Virginia (*), won the sweepstakes, and can now add one more celebrity to a list that already includes Billie Holiday, "Squeaky" Fromme, and Sara Jane Moore. She reported to "Camp Cupcake" at 6: 15 AM, Friday morning, and will serve a five-month sentence for her deals involving ImClone. FTP, name this Connecticut CEO who can now "spend her free time playing volleyball and tennis or even doing aerobics".

Answer: Martha Stewart

6. This is Pooky's other favorite book. The main character, while serving in WWII, was a POW who escaped; unfortunately, when he returned, he was charged with treason. Alyosha, the Baptist, (*) tries to instill some faith into Shukhov, but to no avail. However, Shukhov gives Alyosha one of the biscuits he received for aiding Tsezar. Before he falls asleep, we find out that Shukhov is serving "three thousand, six hundred and fifty-three days." FTP, name the novel in which these events take place, Alexander Solzhenitsyn's first, which details how people lived in Soviet labor camps.

Answer: One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovicll

7. Pooky will likely mispronounce this teams name. Its colors will be red with blue and gold trim, a far cry from the simple white with purple accents of their namesake. They will be coached by John Ellinger (*), who can do no worse than the recently fired coach of their namesake, Jose Camacho. They will play at the University of Utah's Rice-Eccles Stadium, which doesn't have the soccer history of its namesake's home pitch, El Santiago Bernabeu. No word on whether this new MLS franchise will try to sign any "Galacticos" like its Spanish namesake. FTP, name this new MLS franchise in the Mormon State.

Answer: Real Salt Lake

8. In the made-for-TV movie version of this short story, which Pooky still owns a VHS copy of, passengers on an airplane discover that they have passed through a time warp (*) and that if they are awake during the passage, they will vanish. Upon arriving at a time in the past, they then face the arrival of the titular beings whose purpose is to consume everything that has taken place in history. FTP name this short story by Stephen King on which the 1995 movie of the same name was based.

Answer: The Langoliers

9. Alcohol is yeast excretement. Psychotic individuals are just people full of bad chemicals. People and other living things are vertical bands of light. Mirrors are leaks. In this novel, you will also find that Wayne Hoobler is an ex-convict with the nicest set of teeth and that if you take a step into Sugar Creek, and your feet will be encased in plastic due to the chemicals dumped into the creek by the Barrytron plant. FTP, name this novel, Pooky's other other favorite book, whose seemingly random characters and events culminate in Midland City, where Dwayne Hoover injures 11 people believing they are all machines, as well as where Kilgore Trout meets and discovers he is at the mercy of his creator, Kurt Vonnegut.

Answer: Breakfast of Champions (prompt on Vonnegut before "this novel")

10. Pooky is in favor of the bill sponsored by Rep. Mary Bono (R-CA) passed the House on Oct. 5 that would counter-act this. It was close, but the bill snuck though at 399-1. Another bill, sponsored by Robert Goodlatte of Virginia (*) provides for criminal penalties to go along with the fines of Bono's bill for this online crime. Rep. Joe Barton (R-TX) acknowledged that experts had recently found more than 60 varieties of this installed on his committees own computers. FTP, name this plague of internet users that can be combated with Spybot.

Answer: Spvware

11. Pooky was interested in this until he found out it wasn't the name of a new diet. This emerged with the humanist evolution in the 15th century. Relying on this method, the Italian humanist Lorenzo Valla proved that the Donation of Constantine (*) was a forgery through intrinsic evidence of the text itself. Under the influence of Wilhelm Dilthey it sought to produce systematic and scientific interpretations by situating any text within the context of its production. FTP, name this branch of philosophy that is cheifly concerned with written texts.

Answer: Hermeneutics

12. Pooky once gazed in awe for thirty minutes at a 2-foot dildo made of this substance. Orthoclase, plagioclase quartz, hornblende, feldspar, biotite, muscovite and minor accessories such as magnetite, garnet, zircon and apatite minerals are the basic minerals out of which these intrusive felsic igneous rocks consist (*). Rarely a pyroxene is present. This form of rock that is widely distributed throughout the earth, is commonly used for upscale countertops and in the serving areas of bars, and has been intruded into the crust of the Earth during all geologic periods, except perhaps the most recent. FTP, name this type of stone, from which Mount Rushmore was carved.

Answer: granite (Author's note: I refuse to tell the dildo story without compensation.)

13. Pooky said that his girlfriend is prettier than this girl, and he's sticking to it. She played Laurie in Freaks and Geeks and has guest-starred on Judging Amy, Party of Five, ER and X-Files. She was 'Penny' in Hanson's video "Penny and Me" and (*) 'Kara' in Not Another Teen Movie. Originally contracted for 7 episodes of a certain FOX show, her contract was extended to 27 because of the hype her role received. Her character left, however, after episode 20 to fly back to Pittsburg. FTP, name this actress who played 'Anna', one third of the Seth, Summer, and Anna love triangle on FOX's The o.c.

Answer: Samaire (su-mee-uh) Armstrong

14. Pooky memorized this while in the Math Building'S bathroom after eating too much Chinese. The ratio of scales distributed in opposing spirals around a pinecone is found here. So is the ratio of bumps (*) around a pineapple and of seeds in the center of a sunflower, as well as the ratio behind the Golden Section. It was derived in 13th-century Pisa as an attempt to solve the problem of how many pairs of rabbits could be produced from a single pair. FTP, name this notable series, which begins 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13. Answer: Fibonacci series

15. Pooky expects to get a refunds for tickets he bought to see this entertainer whose Web site shows 11 dates in seven cities this month. The latest album, "Lucky," was released in February (*). This latest news comes a little over a year after a September 2003 commitment ceremony to Tammy Lynn Michaels. The 43-year old will undergo surgery for the cancer, and it is assumed that though the recovery she will continue to share custody with Julie Cypher of two children fathered by David Crosby. FTP, name this Leavenworth, KS rocker diagnosed with breast cancer.

Answer: Melissa Etheridge

16. Warning: 2 answers required. One is led by rookie guard Lindsey Whalen and Katie Douglas. The other is led by Sue Bird and Lauren Jackson. The teams (*) are coached by Anne Donovan and Mike Thibault. Game 1 between the two was played at the Mohegan Sun casino. Game 2 will shift to Seattle. FTP, name these two WNBA squaring off in the 2004 WNBA finals while Pooky watched and panted.

Seattle Storm and Connecticut Sun (either place name or mascot acceptable, except after you say "Seattle, " then that's not acceptable.)

17. Born in today's Ukraine in 1809 during the reign of Tsar Alexander I, this Russian author was depressed by the authoritarian regime of Tsar Nikolai I. While teaching history at St. Petersburg University he wrote the farce The Inspector General (*) that brought him in trouble and made him emigrate to Italy in 1836. After a homosexual affair he became increasingly religious and undertook a pilgrimage to Jerusalem in 1842. FTP, name this author whom Pooky thought was the programmer of a famous search engine, but who was actually an author that renounced literature in favour of religion and burned the 2nd part of his main work, The Dead Souls.

Answer: Nikolai Gogol

18. On a website for this movie showed, the first behind-the-scenes video was posted within 24 hours of the start of shooting on Sept. 6, Pooky is looking forward to its scheduled 2007 release (*). The video shows the director and crew members as they prepare to shoot a night scene with the research ship Venture behind them. The people responsible for the site are the same that maintained, a site following another of the director's projects. Another video shows Naomi Watts and Jack Black in their 1930s costumes; Watts wears a replica of Fay Wray's hat as a tribute to the actress. FTP, name this movie, the next project of Peter Jackson.

Answer: King Kong

19. It is at the center of a controversy where the FDA silenced one of its experts who raised safety concern about this drug. Weeks before Merck & Co., the manufacturer, yanked the drug (*) due to increased risks for heart attack and strokes, Dr. David Graham was subject to veiled threats, intimidation, and ostracism for bringing up issues regarding this anti-arthritic, also known as rofecoxib, triple risks of the mentioned side effects. FTP, name this drug that Pooky doesn't use because he already has plenty of Celebrex and Prozac.

Answer: Vioxx

20. "On a moonlight drive through the California mountains," Kary Mullis came up with this method, leading him to being awarded the Nobel Prize in 1993 and giving Pooky something to do at work. (*) Using enzymes from the bacteria Thermus aquaticus (or Taq), found in geysers, the denaturing step of the process becomes far more efficient. In the hybridization step, primers are used to bind to the complementary bases, and two new helical strands are born. FTP, name this method in molecular biology, which allows DNA to be amplified without the use of a living organism.

Answer: Polymerase Chain Reaction

21. This was Pooky's first favorite book. The sequel to this book was published in 1997, nearly 15 years after the first and entitled Pickles to Pittsburgh (*). Illustrated by Ron Barrett, it won the New York Times Best Illustrated Children's Book of the Year and had a plot that centered on the residents of Chewandswallow, told by Grandpa as a bedtime story. FTP, name this children's book written by Judi Barrett where one town has unusual weather that brings drops of soup and orange juice for rain and storms of hamburgers and mashed potatoes at mealtimes.

Answer: Cloudy With a Chance of Meatballs


1. Ever since Pooky was told that his oddness results from a glandular problem, he's been fascinated by the things. Match his knowledge of glands, FTPE: (10) Located above the superior colliculus and behind and beneath the stria medullaris, it is responsible for the production of melatonin.

Answer: pineal gland (10) Connected to the hypothalamus via the tuberoinfundibular pathway, it secretes a wide variety of bodily activities, including growth hormone, prolactin, luteinizing hormone, and endorphins.

Answer: pituitary gland (10) Situated on the front side of the neck, it produces hormones including tri-iod-thyronine and calcitonin. If iodine is lacking in the diet, it becomes enlarged, resulting in the swollen necks of endemic goiter.

Answer: thyroid gland

2. Ulysses S. Grant - our funnest, drunkest, least criminalest president, and also Pooky's favorite! Answer the following about scandals that plagued his administration, ten each. (10) James Fisk and Jay Gould set out to corner the gold market in 1869. Having duped Grant, they drove the price up $24 in four days before the administration sold off federal gold to steady the market.

Answer: Black Friday (10) Officers of this holding company had skimmed off huge profits in the federally subsidized construction of the Union Pacific Railroad. Shareholders included future V.P. Schuyler Colfax and future President James Garfield.

Answer: Credit Mobilier (10) Distillers and federal officials were suspected of diverting millions of dollars in liquor taxes into their own pockets in a conspiracy uncovered by Treasury Secretary Bristow in 1875. The scandal eventually reached Orville Babcock, Grant's personal secretary.

Answer: Whiskey Ring

3. It's true; Pooky's an ex-felon, yet some laws he can't help but abide by. Answer the following about laws from different fields associated with physics FTPE: (10) In thermodynamics, the principle that, for relatively low pressures, the pressure of an ideal gas kept at constant temperature varies inversely with the volume of the gas.

Answer: Boyle's Law (10) In optics, the law that the luminous intensity of a perfectly diffusing surface in any direction is proportional to the cosine of the angle between that direction and the surface, for which reason the surface will appear equally bright from all directions.

Answer: Lambert's Law OR Cosine Law (10) In Astronomy, a numerical scheme that gives the approximate distance from the sun of the seven inner planets but fails for Neptune and Pluto.

Answer: Bode's Law OR the Titius-Bode Law.

4. It's a long-standing fact that Pooky doesn't read enough. He can; he just doesn't. Given the condensation from Book-In-A-Minute, name the book FTPE. (10) Doctor released, Marquis deceased, Darnay acquitted, Monarchy submitted, Marriage announced, Darnay denounced, Places are switched, Blades are twitched, Seamstress cries, Carton dies. THE END

Answer: A Tale o/Two Cities (10) Holden Caulfield says, "Angst angst angst swear curse swear crazy crazy angst swear curse, society sucks, and I'm a stupid jerk." THE END

Answer: Catcher in the Rye (10) Hermia, Lysander, Demetrius, and Helena all say together, "We're all in love with each other the wrong way around!" (Everyone goes into the woods. They have wacky experiences, pair off correctly, and live happily ever after.) THE END

Answer: A Midsummer Night's Dream

5. Pooky's idol, the trickster god Loki, made a bet with a dwarven smith named Brock. Typically, Loki welshed on the deal, but he got some cool gifts out of it. FTSNOP: (5) Loki didn't want this hammer, because he thought its handle was too short, so he gave it to Thor.

Anser: Mjolnir (10) This god of light got a golden pig that could run on air and shine at night. I'm sure it was somehow useful to him.

Answer: Frey OR Frigg (5 for one, 15 for both) Name the gifts Loki kept for himself, a spear that would always hit its target and a giant ship that folded up to pocket size.

Answers: Gungnir & Skidbladnir

6. Answer these questions about anime series that Pooky will swear he doesn't watch FTPE: (10) This show centers on the inhabitants ofthe hidden ninja village of Konoha. The main characters are recent graduates of the Ninja Academy. Still in production in Japan, the show was acquired by Cartoon Network this summer.

Answer: Naruto (10) From Rumiko Takahashi, this series features Kagome (kah-goh-meh), who, after being pulled down a well, finds herself in feudal Japan. There, she is forced to team up with a half-demon to recover shards of a jewel.

Answer: Inu Yasha (10) In this series, the STN branch in Japan has assembled a group to curb the increase in supernatural activity. A 15-year-old girl, also a Craft user, is sent from Solomon headquarters to aid STNJ in their battle.

Answer: Witch Hunter Robin

7. Pooky has often been told that he lives in "his own little world". FTSNOP name the following fictional/imaginary places from their literary works: (5) Harry Potter uses the Marauder's map and his invisibility cloak to visit this place in Harry Potter and the Prizoner of Azkaban; this town features places such as Zonko's Joke Shop, Honeydukes, and the Shrieking Shack, as well as the tavern where butterbeer can be purchased.

Answer: Hogsmeade (10) In Norton Juster's The Phantom Tollbooth, these are inhabited by such creatures as The Everpresent Wordsnatcher, the Demon of Insincerity, and the Gelatinous Giant; a tall staircase leads to the Castle-In­The-Air, located on its highest peak.

Answer: The Mountains of Ignorance (15) The site ofa battle between Gondor and Eorl's men versus the Balchoth and the Misty Mountain orcs in Tolkien's The Two Towers and The Return of the King, this field is located South ofL6rien between the River Limlight and the Great River.

Answer: The Field of Celebrant

8. From a description, name the mega-sweet kid's show that ran on Nickelodeon in the '90s that Pooky misses because it was so much better than the crap kids watch now. (10) There's this duck, right? But he's a vampire duck. A vegetarian vampire duck. And his castle travels through time and space. Awesome.

Answer: Count Duckula (10) This remake of a '70s scifi program showed teens developing telepathic abilities and saving the world from spooky military-industrial types. Adam Newman was so cute, urn ... for a dude.

Answer: Tlte Tomorrow People (10) Don Herbert looks like your grandpa and shows you all kinds of cool experiments. It was on TV practically forever, but I'm pretty sure he's dead now.

Answer: Mr. Wizard

9. Once, Pooky took a women's studies course and was surprised to find out that he's a feminist, and he also thinks that Naomi Wolf chick is a real smart old broad. Given the subtitle of a Wolf work, name the proper title, FTPE: (10) "The Secret Struggle for Womanhood"

Answer: Promiscuities (10) "How Images of Beauty are Used Against Women"

Answer: The Beauty Myth (10) "Truth, Lies, and the Unexpected on the Journey to Motherhood"

Answer: Misconceptions

10. As any good cook will tell you, there are five Mother Sauces from which most other sauces are derived, and as any good cook will tell you, Pooky isn't a good cook. Name the following mother sauces, FTPE: (10) The classic definition of this sauce is a rich mixture of butter, egg yolks, and lemon juice or vinegar. It is often served over vegetables, fish, or Eggs Benedict.

Answer: hollandaise (10) This mother sauce is a white sauce made of chicken, veal, or fish stock and cream and thickened with butter and flour.

Answer: veloute (10) Similar to veloute, this is a rich white sauce made from milk and thickened with butter and flour. It is most often used to derive Mornay.

Answer: bechamel

11. Pooky works with amino acids, and has had to learn all their abbreviations. Have you? Given the three-letter standard abbreviation of an amino acid, name that amino acid FFPE; 30 points for all 5.

(5) Gly Answer: Glycine (5) Ala Answer: Alanine (5) Trp Answer: Tryptophan (5) Tyr Answer: Tyrosine (5) His Answer: Histidine

12. Ever since Pooky was a baby, he's been fascinated by tits. They're AWESOME! Well, then, here are some questions about tits. Answer them, FTPE. (10) A relative of the great tit, this small European bird, the Panurus biarmicus, can be found in reedy places. It is so named because of the tuft of black feathers on each side of its face.

Answer: bearded tit(mouse) (NOTE: The above description applies to only the males of the species; there are no female bearded tits ... with beards.)

(10) This is the common name given to a piece of cloth containing anything moist and sweet, wrapped to resemble a nipple, and used to pacify an infant.

Answer: sugar-tit (10) This phrase-which means "not getting one's fair share"-comes from the fact that many female mammals have multiple rows of breasts, with the rearmost pair less developed and less likely to function well during feeding.

Answer: sucking hind tit (accept approximations)

13. Given the disease, cause, or ailment, name the color ribbon officially associated with it, FFPE, 30 for all five. Pooky knows them all by heart because he wears them at work (don't laugh, it's not funny).

(S) AIDS/HIV Answer: red (S) POW/MIA Answer: yellow (S) brain cancer Answer: gray (S) colorectal cancer Answer: brown (S) prostate cancer Answer: (light) blue

14. Identify these composers whom Pooky might know about ifhe gave a darn about music, FTPE: A) He broke through with Variations on a Theme of Frank Bridge. Better known works include the operas Billy Budd, Death in Venice, and Peter Grimes.

Answer: Benjamin Britten B) A student of Arnold Schoenberg, his Imaginary Landscape No. 4 used twelve radios tuned to different stations, while his 4 '33" (Four minutes, 33 seconds) required a pianist to sit at the piano for that length of time and then close it without playing.

Answer: John Cage C) His operas, such as The Nose and Lady Macbeth of the Mtensk District were well received at first -until Stalin criticized his work, forcing him to compose the conciliatory Leningrad symphony.

Answer: Dmitri Shostakovich

IS. Pooky is a democrat, but he still liked Reagan. Reagan, the actor, anyhow. Identify the films of our recently departed 40th President, S-10-IS. S: Despite what seemed like several films, this 19S1 flick was the only film in which Reagan portrayed chimp-loving professor Peter Boyd.

Answer: Bedtime for Bonzo 10: This 1940 film saw Reagan giving us the now famous line - "Win just one for the Gipper." God bless Notre Dame!

Answer: Knute Rockne All American or A Modern Dav Hero IS: In Reagan's last film role, he, Lee Marvin, Angie Dickinson and even Norman Fell star in this remake of a film based on a Hemingway short story. It marked the only time that Reagan's character could be considered a bad guy.

Answer: The Killers or Ernest Hemingway's The Killers

16. If there's one Pooky hates, it's clowns. If there's two things Pooky hates, it's clowns and endangered historical sites. In late May of this year, the National Trust for Historic Preservation announced their list of endangered historical sites for 2004. Identify them, 5-10-15. 5: This entire state made the list this year, mainly due to Wal-Mart's plans to "saturate" the state with 7 new Super stores. Currently, only 4 small Wal-Mart's can be found here.

Answer: Vermont 10: Ridgewood Ranch, the home and final resting place of this most-famous racehorse never to win a Triple Crown race, was also on the list.

Answer: Seabiscuit 15: This canyon in Utah, called the "world's longest art gallery" for its 10,000 native American rock art images, made the list due to nearby oil and gas exploration.

Answer: Nine Mile Canyon

17. Pooky loves architecture. Who doesn't love architecture? Probably you. We'll see. Identify the architects with something in common, ten each. A) His works, almost exclusively found in Barcelona, include the Casa Mila and Casa Batllo apartments, along with the unfinished La Sagrada Familia church.

Asnwer: Antonio Gaudi y Cornet B) Winner ofthe 1989 Pritzker Prize, he is best-known today for such works as the Experience Music Project in Seattle, the Walt Disney Concert Hall in L.A., and the Guggenheim Museum in Bilbao.

Answer: Frank ilihrY C) He built the German Pavilion at the 1929 Barcelona International Exposition. Demolished in 1930, it was considered such an icon of the Modern movement that it was rebuilt in 1959 to the original design.

Answer: Ludwig Mies van der Rohe

18. Identify the person that Pooky wishes he had met, 30-20-10-l. 30: On learning his son had drawn a young Ohioan in the first round of the U.S. Amateur Golf tournament, he cancelled his trip, saying it wasn't worth the flight to see his kid play one round. 20: He starred in a series of short instructional films titled How I Play Golf, written by lifelong friend and sportswriter O.B. Keeler, but at age 28 he retired from competitive play. 10: Retirement came a month after he completed the first and only Grand Slam in the history of competitive golf - a feat he accomplished in 1930. 1: His life was recently the subject of the film Bobby Jones: Stroke o/Genius.

Answer: Robert Tyre "Bobby" Jones Jr.

19. Given a description, identify the phyla that Pooky doesn't belong to, 5-10-15. 5: This phylum is home to roughly 5000 species of sponges - 98% of which live in salt water!

Answer: Porifera 10: This phylum is home to roughly 15000 species of flatworms, all of which have bilateral body symmetry and lack a true body cavity.

Answer: Platyhelminthes 15: The most recently named phylum, its only known member is Symbion Pandora, a tiny invertebrate first identified in 1995 on the mouthparts of Norwegian lobster. It is believed to be closely related to the phy la Entoprocta and Ectoprocta.

Answer: Cycliophora

20. The 2001 Nobel Prize for Physics was awarded to scientists who made atoms "sing in unison." If atoms can do it, why can't Pooky and Michelle Branch do it? For the stated number of points, answer these questions. 5 for 1, 10 for 2,20 for 3, name the recipients of the prize, who cooled atoms near absolute zero, achieving a new state of matter.

Answers: Eric A. Cornell, Wolfgang Ketterle, Carl E. Wieman F or a final 10, identify this new state of matter, postulated over 75 years ago, which occurs as a result of atoms pairing up, making them able to defy the Pauli Exclusion Principle.

Answer: Bose-Einstein Condensate
